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Notre Dame of Marbel University

1st Semester SY 2020-2021

Course Syllabus in Ethics

A. Course Outline

General Introduction
§   The Study of Ethics and Cultural Conceptions of the Good
§   What is Ethics
§   The Moral Act
Part I. The Academic Ethical Traditions
§   Ethics and Ethos
§   Plato’s Insight Into the Good
Chapter I: Virtue Ethics: Aristotle
§   Ethics as the Art of Living Well
§   Eudamonia
§   The Soul
Chapter II: The Natural Law: St. Thomas
§   Conscience and Natural Law
Chapter III: Deontological Ethics: Immanuel Kant
§   Autonomous Reason, Goodwill, and Duty
§   Obligation is Understood as “Man as an End in Himself/Herself”
Chapter IV: Utilitarianism: John Stuart Mill
§   The Greatest Happiness Principle
Chapter V: Asian Ethical Traditions
§   The Vedas & Upanishads
§   Buddhism
§   Chinese Philosophy
Chapter VI: Discourse Ethics
§   Competing Conceptions of the Good

Part II. Special Topics in Ethics

Chapter VII: Environmental Ethics
§   Climate Change and Sustainable Development
Chapter VIII: Business Ethics
§   Normative Theories of Business Ethics
Chapter IX: The Question of Women and their Emancipation
§   The Feminist Ethics
Chapter X: Biomedical Ethics
§   Personalist Biomedical Care

B. Grading System
Exam – 40%
Quizzes – 20%
Case Analysis/
Article and Journal review (Essay form)- 15%
Recitation/Reporting – 10%
Assignment- 10%
Attendance- 5%

C. Requirements
Exams (Midterm & Finals)
Quizzes (5 for midterm and 5 for finals)
Class Reporting
Essays (10pages)
1 page per topic
short bond paper
Type written

D. References:

Bulaong, O. Jr. & Calano, J. Ethics: Foundation of Moral Valuation, 1st Ed. Rex
Book Store, Inc., Manila, 2008.

Dickens, B. 2008. Euthanasia and assisted suicide. In The Cambridge textbook of

Bioethics. Edited by Peter Singer & A.M Viens. Cambridge: Cambridge

Maboloc, C. Ethics and Human Dignity, Rex Book Store, Inc., Recto, 2010.
Pasco, M. Ethics. C & E Publishing, Inc., Quezon City, 2018.

_______. 2020. Ethics in Contemporary Philippine Society. SMKC PrintShoppe, Davao


Wall, T. F. 2003. Thinking critically about moral Problems. Belmont CA: Wadsworth.

De George, Richard. 1981. Moral Responsibility and the corporation. Philosophic
Exchange (12) 1:41-52.

Jones, Judy. 1999. Cloning may cause health defects. British Medical Journal 318
(7193): 1230.

Mabaquiao, Napoleon. 2007. The place of ethics in business. Philosophia: An

International Journal of Philosophy 36 (1): 14-26.

________. 2012. Ethics of children advertising. Philosophia: An International Journal of

Philosophy 41 (1): 45-48.


Instructor: Aldrin F. Quintero, MA, MIE, PhD©

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