Laurie Baker's Centre For Development Studies (CDS), Trivandrum PDF

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The campus for the research institute,
Centre for Development Studies, is one of
Laurie Baker’s best campus designs,
located in a residential area on the
northern outskirts of Thiruvananthapuram.
The 10 acre campus stretching across a
heavily wooded site houses the Library,
Computer centre, Auditorium, hostels,
guesthouses and residential units for the
● The design is a response to the sloping contoured site
and seems to grow out of it.
● There is hardly a straight line with each structure curling
in waves, semicircles and arcs.
● Baker pays careful attention to the contours on the site
and also the location of trees.
● The forms of the buildings also follow the site with
curved walls and building forms along the contour. Often,
when trees are obstructing the building
● Baker simply moulds his walls around the trees so as not
to disturb it. There are little courtyards in between
buildings, often acting as an extension of the building
itself and also pools of water which help in microclimatic
control through evaporative cooling.
● The roofs had often interesting shapes with funny
openings at certain location. These openings were
Baker’s interpretation of the gables which were tilted into
the wind direction funnelling it into the space.
● The staircase winds around a
● The main administrative building is circular shaft which runs from the
the focus of the campus, with the 6 bottom level all the way till the top.
storey circular library tower behind. ● Baker has used this shaft to
● The main entrance is majestic, provide forced ventilation inside the
sloping up towards the sky with the spaces. There are small openings
side walls welcomingly sloping in this shaft at each floor level.
outwards towards a wide set of ● The air is forced through these
steps. Baker has symbolically not openings and escapes through the
provided a front door. open top of the shaft, maintaining a
● The building is totally open, good flow all around. This shaft is
symbolic of an institution whose based on the simple principle of
aim is to promote research into Stack effect.
helping the poor. ● The perforated jaali wall on the
● The library tower is a circular tower external side allows plenty of
with an external jaali wall which diffused natural light inside and
encloses a circular staircase in the creates a beautiful ambience for
centre. reading.
● The staircase winds around a circular
shaft which runs from the bottom level all
the way till the top. Baker has used this
shaft to provide forced ventilation inside
the spaces.
● There are small openings in this shaft at
each floor level. The air is forced through
these openings and escapes through the
open top of the shaft, maintaining a good
flow all around.
● This shaft is based on the simple
principle of Stack effect. The perforated
jaali wall on the external side allows
plenty of diffused natural light inside and
creates a beautiful ambience for reading.
● Baker has used lime mortar for his walls,
making the lime in the site itself by burning sea
shells (from the beach a few miles away) and
grinding it.
● The flooring is in red oxide which imparts a cool
comfortable base to walk on while
complementing the earthy materials of the walls
and the roof.
● There are external pavements in concrete, inset
with granite aggregates in the shape of flowers
and leafs. Baker often gave freedom to the
masons and the workers to experiment and play
and bring out their creativity.
● To keep the interiors of the
computer building cool, Baker
has devised the imaginative use
of a false external jaali screen
wall which acts as a skin.
● The air trapped in between acts
as insulation and keeps the
interiors cool.
● All the buildings in the campus
are climatically so efficient that
even fans are not required. The
interiors are cool and
Baker’s architecture is
more than just the
materials and cost
effectiveness. He plays
with spaces, light and
shadows, creating
comfortable spaces.

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