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A Case Study on Burning of Garbage: Its Detrimental Effects to the Environment and to

the People and the Chemicals Produced by It

A Research Paper Presented to

the Faculty of De La Salle Lipa

Senior High School

In Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements in

Practical Research 1


Casao, Jan Ignatius

Cuna, John Lenard

Patal, Beverly

Rayos, Matia Angelica

Recinto, Audrey Danielle

Rodrigo, Michael Allen

February 2018
Chapter I

The Background of the Study


“Small fire means big trouble (Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, n.d.).”

Houses nowadays, may it be in rural or urban areas, are mostly using plastic

products; from plastic cups, plastic utensils (spoon and fork), and plastic bags, it

varies and comes in different size and shape. Plastics maybe conventional for

most people but is it conventional for the environment? This study focuses on

burning garbage, especially plastics. In a barangay in Dagatan, most of the

residents dispose of their garbage through burning. Even though it only produces

small fires, the amount of smoke and the released toxic substances is slowly

intoxicating the environment. “…even seemingly harmless materials like paper,

cardboard, yard waste… releases a hazardous mixture of cancer-causing

compounds and other toxic substances when open-burned (Government of

Canada, 2015).” Nothing is safe to be burned, thus it is really beneficial for the

people to practice proper waste segregation.

Polychlorinated dibenzo-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans or

commonly known as dioxins and furans, are the main reasons why burning of

garbage is dangerous to one’s health. These are extremely hazardous chemical

compounds which are part of the so-called “dirty-dozen”- group of chemicals

known as persistent organic/ environmental pollutants. Production of these

compounds can either be natural or industrial/ man-made. Natural phenomena like

volcanic eruptions and forest fires produce these compounds. The best known

man-made way of producing dioxins and furans is through burning of garbage.

People unconsciously produce these compounds by burning and they are not
conscious about how taking dioxins and furans in affects their health and how it

also affects the environment. Local burning/ or mass incineration of waste

materials contribute largely in intoxicating animals, plants, and especially the

people. Technology had developed a way to lower the production of dioxins when

burning of garbage but the local residents who practice burning doesn’t have this

technology and what is important is not about lowering the dioxin amounts when

burning but to decrease practice of burning garbage to lessen the number of

dioxins accumulated in the environment (WHO, 2016).

Burning of garbage emits harmful amounts of dioxins and furans in the air.

These toxins can cause damage to a) the people’s health (e.g. cancer, liver

problems, immune/reproductive/endocrine system impairments and

developmental effects); and b) the environment (the toxins produced settles in

lakes and crops, deposited and sticks to plants, taken in by fish and other animals

which intoxicates them, and it can accumulate in the air. So, the chemicals

produced by the trash you burned in Batangas City can accumulate in the

atmosphere and can travel to other countries.

There are safer alternatives to reduce waste other than burning of garbage.

These alternatives cannot only free you of being intoxicated by toxins but can also

be a source of income. The two known alternatives are the 3R’s (reduce, reuse

and recycle) and Composting (Government of Canada, 2015).

Statement of the Problem

This study determines the value and relevance of being responsible in terms

of taking good care of our environment and how we are to preserve it to be used
by the future generations. In this study, it will also help us realize how important it

is for us to have understanding about garbage disposal.

This study shall answer the following questions:

1. What is the importance of proper disposal of garbage?

2. What other possible problems might occur due to burning of garbage?

3. How does burning of garbage affect people’s health and our


Significance of the Study

This study will be undertaken to discuss the problem of improper garbage

disposal and burning of garbage and determine the most suitable solution for this

matter and will be of great benefit for the following:

To the students. The students will be able to develop their thinking skills and

enhance their abilities in coming up with a long lasting and feasible solution into

real life situation problems. “The capacity to innovate – the ability to solve

problems creatively or bring new possibilities to life – and skills like critical thinking,

communication and collaboration are far more important than academic

knowledge.” (Wagner, n.d.). This research will be a great help for the students in

making a significant change to other lives, society and our environment by taking

up an action in order to address or lessen both minor and major problems in our

society by having sufficient knowledge regarding this matter and understanding

the importance of addressing this social and environmental issue that is happening
right now. “The young generation can influence their elders and can make them

understand the environmental problems that are faced by us today. The youth can

make them see that our environment is deteriorating day by day.”(Lyons, n.d.).

The youth can do something by having the desire and commitment in doing their

best to lessen the problems that we are facing.

For the environment. This research focuses on addressing a problem in our

society specifically improper garbage disposal and burning of garbage. The

environment will gain a greater chance to sustain continuous development in

terms of cleanliness and can reduce pollution. “Environmental problems are really

social problems anyway. They begin with people as the cause and end with people

as the victims(Hillary,1984).” People are also the one who is responsible for the

environmental issues in our society that also brings great sufferings to others that

requires immediate action. This research will help the environment to achieve

sustainable development goals and restore as well as regenerate our environment.

To the future researchers. The future researchers will be able to gain

knowledge regarding this matter that they can use in the future. “To solve real-

world problems, you can’t depend on applications that are narrowly focused on

one content type; you need as many different sources of data as possible.” (Ptacek,

n.d.). In having an effective research, one must be able to gather and gain as many

information as he/she can in order to have a sufficient knowledge regarding the

content or topic that they are studying that is related to this research. “In life, you

will constantly face problems every day, sometimes problems that you can’t

possibly seem to overcome. With knowledge, you can improve your abilities of
thinking critically. The problems you face in class, you may face in real life.”

(Klazema, 2014). Knowledge can lead to something new and is guaranteed to

be applicable in addressing issues.

For the community. The community that we have chosen which is Barangay

Dagatan San Jose, Batangas can achieve a better environment. The people living

in the barangay will surely benefit from our prototype that will dispose their garbage

properly without needing to burn it. Aside from this, they will also gain knowledge

about the possible negative effects and health problems that could be the result of

burning garbage and improper garbage disposal. And lastly, this could benefit in

their livelihood, it will not only achieve a clean and sustainable environment or gain

knowledge regarding this matter but also improve their livelihood by the project

that we proposed.

Scope and Limitations

This study will focus on burning of garbage and its detrimental effects, may it

be to the health or the environment. It also includes the proper waste management

and alternative ways to dispose garbage. This study only covers what can help us,

the researchers, in defending the product of our CAPSTONE initiatives and its

benefactor. It does not include government actions and programs about the said

problem. It also seeks to inform and give new meaning to waste management,

protest to decrease burning of garbage but not to degrade the people who practice

garbage burning. It aims to show what are the effects of the main problem, also

this study aims to improve the surroundings of Barangay Dagatan by decreasing

the amount of pollution within the community, since this is one of the major
problems being faced in the community. This study will only be limited in topics

related to garbage disposal, air pollution, burning garbage and its health effects,

and the alternative ways so that burning of garbage will be lessen.

Theoretical Framework

Trash’s contains chemicals, Small fires result to big

coatings and ink. trouble

Burning of trash / garbage

Lung problems Liver problems Cancer Nitrogen oxide Biomass Air pollution

Health Problems Environmental Problem

Long term effects

The framework shown above is the summary on how a simple garbage and

burning can harm the environment and its people when its combined. Unregulated

trash burning around the globe is pumping far more pollution into the atmosphere

than shown by official records. A new study led by the National Center for

Atmospheric Research estimates that more than 40 percent of the world’s garbage

is burned in such fires, emitting gases and particles that can substantially affect

human health and climate change. This show that simply burning garbage can
bring long-term effects like health and environmental problem like global warming

which affects us all.

According to Cornell Waste Management Institute (2015) to lessen the

garbage that is being burned there are easy and cheap ways to avoid burn barrels

and the harmful chemicals that they produce. Reduce the trash that you create,

by reducing the number of disposable items you buy. Reuse the things you do buy,

and recycle when you can. Also, by having your trash hauled away and disposed

of properly and safely, you will be doing a favor to yourself, your family and your

neighbors. A monthly pick-up schedule may be offered by some haulers and could

save you money over weekly pickups.

Theory of Waste Generation: For the second reference the term encloses

the activities where waste is produced. Every day people identified a number of

materials as no longer valuable and throw them away or gather them for its

posterior disposal. Waste generation says Tchobanoglous et al. It is not easy to

control the activity involving an array of factors and different groups of actors

(1993). According to Bilitewski, the waste generation arena includes direct and

indirect actors. Those who are directly implicated in waste generation are

households and service sectors, retail, and product manufacturing and industry.

Indirect players are made up of local government, regulatory agencies,

responsible for the overall environmental strategies necessary when it comes to

waste generation.

According to Legislative Committee on Solid Waste Management, every single

waste item generated nowadays, produce some kind of pollution. Contamination

may occur either from raw material acquisition or during intermediate production.
Transportation, final production and marketing may also generate environmental

hazards as well as the final disposal of any good. Waste avoidance strategies look

to reduce or avoid as much as possible the production of waste at production and

consumption levels.

Conceptual Framework


Plastic Paper

Inks Coatings


Environmental problems

carbon monoxide benzopyrene

Health problems
Today’s trash contains a lot of plastics and paper treated with chemicals,

coatings, and inks, trash or garbage is known as a worthless thing that used to be

throw out, also they are being wasted not knowing what is worth. Small fires mean

big trouble. Typical home fires are small and inefficient. They produce a lot of

smoke, as well as a variety of toxic substances even burning seemingly harmless

materials like paper like burning this worthless thing results into worst

consequences that can affect health of the people in the community and it also

harms the environment. Pollutants from backyard burning of trash are released

primarily into the air, and close to ground level where they are easily inhale with

no pollution controls. Ash that remains contains concentrated amounts of these

toxic materials that can blow away or seep into the soil and groundwater. People

tend to burn trash to eliminate them immediately but this method of elimination

leads to problematic change and damages for a long time. Burning trash leads to

environmental problems like burning leaf can produce dangerous chemicals like

carbon monoxide and benzopyrene. Carbon monoxide binds with the hemoglobin

in our red blood cells, and reduces the amount of oxygen in our blood. When

exposed to large amounts of smoke, a person can collapse and die in a short span

of time.

A new study led by the National Center for Atmospheric Research estimates

that more than 40 percent of the world’s garbage is burned in such fires, emitting

gases and particles that can substantially affect human health and climate change.

Biomass is produce due of burning garbage is estimated to produce 40 percent of

the carbon dioxide, 32 percent of the carbon monoxide, and 50 percent of the

cancer-causing poly-aromatic hydrocarbons. The researchers also estimated

emissions of carbon dioxide, the most common greenhouse gas produced by

human activity. The amount of garbage burned in remote villages and crowded

mega cities is likely on the rise, as more people worldwide are consuming more

goods. The trash often contains discarded plastics and electronics as well as

traditional materials such as food scraps and wood.

Problems with the disposal of waste have been put forward throughout the

history of human kind. A number of old documents report the practice of throwing

garbage in roadways in former centuries. The lack of plan for the management of

waste in villages and communities in the world have had serious consequences

on human well-being. The plagues occurred at the time were consequences of the

lack of plan to control rats, flies and other vectors of diseases from improper

storage of waste (Tchobanoglous et al., 2016). Due to the aim of people to

eliminate easily this worthless thing leads to a long-term destruction of the

environment. Also leave a mark of being irresponsible of taking care of earth and

can cause the next generation to have a bigger problem due to irresponsibility.

This small fire leads to a bigger problem that remains a longer and dangerous

effect towards people

Definition of Terms

Detrimental means tending to cause harm.

Natural phenomena are not engineered events manufactured by humans,

although it may affect them. It occurs naturally. Common examples of natural

phenomena include sunrise, the weather, decomposition, free fall, and erosion.

Polychlorinated dibenzo-dioxins or simply dioxins, are a group of

polyhalogenated organic compounds that are significant environmental pollutants.

Polychlorinated dibenzofurans or simply furans, are a family of organic

compounds with one or several of the hydrogens in the dibenzofuran structure

replaced by chlorines. It is also a significant pollutant of the environment.

Radioactive are materials that emits or are related to the emission of ionizing

radiation or particles.

Waste is any substance which is discarded after primary use, or are worthless,

defective, and of no use. Examples include municipal solid waste (household

trash), hazardous waste, waste water (such as sewage which contains bodily

wastes or feces and urine), radioactive waste, and others.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter discusses the related literature that were reviewed about burning

of garbage, its effect on human beings and the environment, and some things

related to burning of garbage to clarify the recent study.

Review of Related Literature

Proper garbage disposal should be given attention and should be followed

by everyone in order to achieve a healthy and sustainable environment especially

because the negative effects which our environment is suffering from due to

improper garbage disposal is continuously rising and getting worse exclusively

here in the Philippines.

In a fact sheet reviewed by WECF or Women in Europe for a Common

Future, entitled ‘Dangerous Health Effects of Home Burning of Plastics and Waste,’

basic information about how burning of garbage affects people’s health and harms

the environment, dioxins emission from plastic burning, specific reasons why

people burn plastics and other waste and some helpful tips to avoid burning of

garbage. ‘Current research indicates that backyard-burning of waste is far more

harmful to our health than previously thought,’ as was stated in the fact sheet.

(WECF, p. 1) This indicates that burning of waste is harmful to human’s health

more than what we could imagine. ‘People burn plastics for various reasons

because it is the only way that many rural people have to get rid of their waste.’

(WECF, EPA – Backyard burning , p. 2) Burning of garbage become more and

more evident in most rural places because it is their only way of disposing their
trash either because it is easier than moving it to local disposal sites or to avoid

paying for regular waste collection service.

According to (Lacurci, 2014) trash burning around the globe is worsening

air pollution, pumping more emissions into the atmosphere than previously thought,

according to a new study. More than 40 percent of the world's garbage is burned

in such fires, emitting gases and particles that can substantially affect human

health and climate change, estimates the National Center for Atmospheric

Research (NCAR), which led the study. With trash burning causing such harmful

health and environmental effects, you would think the practice would get more

attention. But reality is emissions from burning trash in open fires often go

unreported to environmental agencies and are left out of many national inventories

of air pollution. As a result, there are currently no policies regulating the act.

The study entitled ‘Health Effects of Burning Trash,’ in which provides the

effects of trash burning which lead to health complications because of the emission

of gases, dioxins and other chemicals that are harmful to human’s health. A recent

study about garbage burning states that ‘Toxicological studies on dioxin showed

the potential for health risks within 26 feet of the source of open burning from just

15 minutes of burning.’ (WECF, EPA – Backyard burning ) In this case, if the

burning of garbage continues to persist then, there is a bigger possibility that the

areas that’ll be affected will also grew wider. This may not harm not only those

places that practice garbage burning but also those areas near them. If expose to

too much smoke caused by garbage burning, a healthy person may suffer non-

specific reactions from burn boxes or barrels including burning eyes, headaches,

nausea, fatigue, dizziness and other symptoms.

According to (Harvey, 2018) pollution in the atmosphere is having an

unexpected consequence, scientists say it's helping to cool the climate, masking

some of the global warming that's occurred so far. The research also suggests

that removing aerosols could have striking regional consequences by causing

major changes in precipitation and other weather patterns in certain parts of the

world. Aerosols don't linger in the atmosphere for very long, meaning they don't

have time to spread around the world the way carbon dioxide and some other

greenhouse gases do.

Burning Garbage is a problem in the whole world which widely being

improperly used in the environment especially in the urban cities. Through burning

garbage, our environment is facing different hazardous effects like Global

Warming, Air Pollution and many more. According to an article that Thompson,

2014, wrote about is that “We have waste management. We have people who pick

up trash and take it away”. The quote says that we have waste management in

our homes and cities and there are people that are collecting and taking away our

garbage so that we will not experience the effect of people burning the garbage

on the other hand there are people who are not following or they are violating or

the are burning the garbage which is not applicable in our today’s time. As

the world’s population continues to grow, so does the amount of garbage that

people produce. On-the-go lifestyles require easily disposable products, such as

soda cans or bottles of water, but the accumulation of these products has led to

increasing amounts of plastic pollution around the world. As plastic is composed

of major toxic pollutants, it has the potential to cause great harm to the

environment in the form of air, water and land pollution.

According to (Mackenzie, 2016) air pollution refers to the release of

pollutants into the air that are detrimental to human health and the planet as a

whole. The Clean Air Act authorizes the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

(EPA) to protect public health by regulating the emissions of these harmful air

pollutants. The NRDC has been a leading authority on this law since it was

established in 1970. Most air pollution comes from energy use and production,”

says John Walke, director of the Clean Air Project, part of the Climate and Clean

Air program at NRDC. “Burning fossil fuels releases gases and chemicals into the

air. Air pollution in the form of carbon dioxide and methane raises the earth’s

temperature. Another type of air pollution is then worsened by that increased heat:

Smog forms when the weather is warmer and there’s more ultraviolet radiation.

Climate change also increases the production of allergenic air pollutants including


The main problem is that we people don’t know how to recycle things that can

be use over and over again we simply throw that material without thinking if that

can be still a big help for us or not. Since the population of the people are adding

more and more every year the possible outcome of the garbage can be more that

we can’t put the garbage in one place rather we have no choice to burn if, but if

each people can know how to remake thing or make fertilizers in such garbage it

can be an effective way to lessen the garbage in the world or their money can

come from it when they sell to other people. In our generation today we people

are fun in a project the is called “DIY” or “Do It Yourself” project the any materials

that comes from the garbage is being recycled and is built as new as possible that

it does not comes from the garbage anymore and that is how people today do
things so that the garbage will be lessen and our mother earth will not suffer from

the hazardous effect of burning garbage’s in the urban cities.

While solving the problem of plastic pollution it may seem as easy as just

implementing recycling or cleaning up empty bottles, the truth is that the plastic

causing the pollution can range in size from big to microscopic. The major

contributors to this problem today include: Plain old trash, it is overused, fishing

nets and disposing of plastic and garbage. Plain old trash, Plastic is everywhere,

even on those items you may not expect it to be. Milk cartons are lined with plastic,

water bottles are handed out everywhere, and some products may even contain

tiny plastic beads. Trash dumps and landfills are unfortunate major problems, as

they allow pollutants to enter the ground and affect wildlife and groundwater for

years to come. It is overused, as plastic is less expensive, it is one of the most

widely available and overused items in the world today, when disposed, it does

not decompose easily and pollutes the land or air nearby when burned in the open

air. Fishing Nets, this industry has helped contribute to the problem of plastics

pollution in the oceans in several ways. The nets used for certain large-scale

trolling operations are usually made of plastic. First, these spend long times

submerged in water, leaking toxins at will, but they also often get broken up or lost,

left to remain wherever they fall. This not only kills and harms local wildlife, but

also ensures that pollutants enter the water and fish of the area. Disposing of

Plastic and Garbage, even recycling doesn’t cut down on plastic, as it essentially

uses the existing plastic, albeit in a new form. The process of recycling plastic can

also lead to plastic irritants being released in a number of ways.

Open Garbage
Open burning refers to burning garbage in barrels, open pits, outdoor furnaces,

woodstoves, or fireplaces. Open burning of garbage is much more harmful to your

health and the environment. Open burning of garbage even seemingly harmless

materials like paper, cardboard, yard waste, and construction debris releases a

hazardous mixture of cancer-causing compounds and other toxic substances

when open-burned.

According to San Vibol, lecturer of environmental studies of the Royal

University of Phnom Penh, the smoke from the waste burning activity has a serious

effect on our environment. The smoke can spread around the atmosphere, and

once it gathers up in the air, it will precipitate in the form of acid rain, polluting

water systems and damaging trees. “Every time there is a waste burning activity,

whether it is caused by humans or is a natural occurrence, it puts pollutants like

carbon dioxide, mercury and acid into the atmosphere. These chemicals damage

the environment and can cause a lot of different respiratory diseases,” Sothun

says. According to San Vibol, even though the waste burning is happening far

away from the school, the wind will still blow the smoke around a wider area.

Smoke from any fire can affect your health, your family's health and your

neighbor's health. The smoke from backyard burning is released close to the

ground where people can easily breathe it. The smoke from the fire can deposit

chemicals on garden vegetables and garden soil. People can be exposed to those

chemicals by eating fruits and vegetables grown near the trash-fire or in garden

soil tilled with the ashes. Young children may be at greater risk than adults

because of their playing behaviors, their small size and their developing bodies.
The chances of developing health effects from contact (exposure) with smoke

from burn barrel fires depends on how much smoke a person contacts, how a

person is exposed (e.g., breathing the smoke or eating vegetables affected by the

smoke) and how long and often the person is exposed. Some people may be more

or less sensitive than others to chemicals in smoke. People exposed to smoke

could experience burning eyes and nose, coughing, nausea, headaches, or

dizziness. Some people find the odors produced by burn barrels disagreeable, and

they may experience discomfort, headaches, and nausea. Smoke can trigger

asthma attacks. People with heart and lung conditions are at greater risk for health

effects. Repeated exposures to pollutants in burn barrel smoke may occur when

people burn trash on a regular basis, and this may increase the risk of chronic

health problems. Also, unattended burn barrels or backyard burning can cause

accidental fires.

Information from the US Environmental Protection Agency, the NYS

Department of Health and the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

study showed that smoke from burning trash in a barrel contains particulate matter,

carbon monoxide, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen cyanide, benzene, styrene,

formaldehyde, arsenic, lead, chromium, benzo(a)pyrene, dioxins, furans and

PCBs. Some of these chemicals are found in smoke from any fire. Although

substances such as particulate matter, carbon monoxide and formaldehyde can

cause immediate health effects with enough exposure, some chemicals such as

dioxin can build up in foods and in your body. Some of these chemicals can remain

in the environment for a long time and can remain on your property (for example,

soil outside and dust inside your home).

According to Health Organization (2013), dioxins are environmental pollutants.

They belong to the so-called “dirty dozen” - a group of dangerous chemicals known

as persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Dioxins are of concern because of their

highly toxic potential. Experiments have shown they affect a number of organs and

systems. Once dioxins enter the body, they last a long time because of their

chemical stability and their ability to be absorbed by fat tissue, where they are then

stored in the body. Their half-life in the body is estimated to be 7 to 11 years. In

the environment, dioxins tend to accumulate in the food chain. The higher an

animal is in the food chain, the higher the concentration of dioxins. Dioxin is formed

by burning chlorine-based chemical compounds with hydrocarbons. The major

source of dioxin in the environment comes from waste-burning incinerators of

various sorts and also from backyard burn-barrels. Dioxin pollution is also affiliated

with paper mills which use chlorine bleaching in their process and with the

production of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) plastics and with the production of certain

chlorinated chemicals (like many pesticides).

According to Dr. Kim of Health Organization (2016), developing fetus is most

sensitive to dioxin exposure. Newborn, with rapidly developing organ systems,

may also be more vulnerable to certain effects. Some people or groups of people

may be exposed to higher levels of dioxins because of their diet (such as high

consumers of fish in certain parts of the world) or their occupation (such as workers

in the pulp and paper industry, in incineration plants, and at hazardous waste sites).

In addition, Dr. Kim said dioxin also can cause cancer, exposure to dioxin can

also cause severe reproductive and developmental problems (at levels 100 times

lower than those associated with its cancer-causing effects). Dioxin is well-known

for its ability to damage the immune system and interfere with hormonal systems.
Dioxin exposure has been linked to birth defects, inability to maintain pregnancy,

decreased fertility, reduced sperm counts, endometriosis, diabetes, learning

disabilities, immune system suppression, lung problems, skin disorders, lowered

testosterone levels and much more. For an detailed list of health problems related

to dioxin


According to William Andrew (2015), contact to furans can irritate and burn the

skin and eyes. Vapors can irritate the respiratory tract and are a central nervous

system depressant. Higher exposures can cause pulmonary edema, a medical

emergency that can be delayed for several hours. This can cause death. Exposure

can cause headache, dizziness, shortness of breath; unconsciousness and

suffocation are among the symptoms. The vapors are (CNS depressant). Acute

exposure to furan by inhalation may involve both reversible and irreversible

changes. Acute exposure by ingestion or skin absorption, as well as chronic

exposure, are associated with high toxicity. Long Term Exposure: Furan may be

a carcinogen since it has been shown to cause cancer of the liver and white blood

cells in animals. May cause skin allergy. May damage the liver and kidneys.

Dioxins and Furans

Since open burning of garbage is more common in rural and agricultural areas,

there is particular concern for high levels of dioxins and furans settling on crops,

in our streams, and in our lakes. Dioxins and furans produced by the open burning

of garbage are deposited on plants, which are eaten by animals. The dioxins and

furans are absorbed by these animals and stay in the food chain until they
ultimately end up in our meat and dairy products. In fact, over 90 percent of our

intake of dioxins and furans is from our diet.

According to Marta Mesias (2015), dioxins and furans are important air

pollutants. Dioxin formation is illustrative of the complex set of combustion

reactions that can generate toxic air pollutants. Chlorinated dioxins have 75

different forms and there are 135 different chlorinated furans, simply by the

number and arrangement of chlorine atoms on the molecules. The compounds

can be separated into groups that have the same number of chlorine atoms

attached to the furan or dioxin ring. Each form varies in its chemical, physical, and

toxicological characteristics.

Furan is a clear, colorless, flammable liquid cyclic ether with an ethereal odor.

Furan is used as an intermediate in the production of tetrahydrofuran, pyrrole and

thiophene. Inhalation exposure to this substance causes eye and skin irritation

and central nervous system depression. Furan is mutagenic in animals and is

reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen based on evidence of

carcinogenicity in experimental animals. Furan is a colorless, flammable, highly

volatile liquid with a boiling point close to room temperature. It is soluble in

common organic solvents, including alcohol, ether and acetone, but is insoluble in

water. It is toxic and may be carcinogenic.

According to Francisco Morales (2015), dioxins are highly toxic compounds

that are created unintentionally during combustion processes. The most toxic form

is the 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) isomer. Other isomers with the

2,3,7,8 configuration are also considered to have higher toxicity than the dioxins

and furans with different chlorine atom arrangements. The U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) has said that it is likely to be a cancer-causing substance

to humans. In addition, people exposed to dioxins and furans have experienced

changes in hormone levels. High doses of dioxin have caused a skin disease

called chloracne. Animal studies show that animals exposed to dioxins and furans

experienced changes in their hormone systems, changes in the development of

the fetus, decreased ability to reproduce and suppressed immune system.

Currently known about the conditions needed to form these compounds has

been derived from studying full-scale municipal solid waste incinerators, and the

experimental combustion of fuels and feeds in the laboratory. Most of the chemical

and physical mechanisms identified by these studies can relate to combustion

systems in which organic substances combusted in the presence of chlorine (Cl).

Incinerators of chlorinated wastes are the most common environmental sources

of dioxins, accounting for about 95% of the volume.


According to scientist America (2011), that some 1.1 billion tons of waste,

more than 40 percent of the world’s garbage, is burned in open piles, contributing

more emissions than is shown in regional and global inventories.

According to the study an estimated 40 to 50 percent of the garbage is made

up of carbon by mass, which means that carbon dioxide is the major gas emitted

by trash burning. Those emissions are dwarfed by others sources on the global

scale, such as cars and power plants, amounting to just 5 percent of total global

carbon dioxide emissions. But the carbon dioxide that comes from trash burning

can be a significant source in some countries and regions, and it is one not

reflected in the official greenhouse gas inventories for those places.

According to Wiedinmyer (2012) the other pollutants, which accounted for far

bigger percentages of global emissions. For example, as much as 29 percent of

global anthropogenic emissions of small particulate matter (tiny solid particles and

liquid droplets from dust to metals that can penetrate deep into the lungs) come

from trash fires, she estimates. About 10 percent of mercury emissions come from

open burning, as well as 40 percent of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).

Such pollution can cause lung and neurological diseases and have been linked to

heart attacks and some cancers.

Based on the article entitled “Metro Manila landfills full, unusable in 20

years – MMDA” the amount of trash is rapidly rising resulting to cost tax payers

P1.84 billion in tipping fees. ” Metro Manila is generating too much trash, the waste

generated by the National Capital Region increased by about 450,000 cubic

meters, equivalent to some 75,000 truckloads of trash.” (Rey, 2017). This shows

evidence on how the number of trash in our surroundings is extremely and rapidly

spreading. “Improper garbage disposal isn’t just an eyesore; it poses a serious

threat to nature.” (Boehlke, 2017). The problem that we are addressing is not just

a threat to our nature alone but also to humans and all living things which is one

of the biggest problems that is being suffered by the community that we have

chosen. This matter should be taken seriously by everyone for it needs desperate

help in order to be solved or lessened but despite of the negative things due to

this matter, there are things that the government agencies and officials have been

doing such as “Less waste in the Senate” where in the "No Waste Segregation,

No Waste Collection" policy was imposed which reduced residual wastes in half.

Another program that was imposed is “Marrying romance and environment”

where in hundreds of couples are receiving free wedding from Mayor Ed Hagedorn
every Valentine’s Day if and only if the newlyweds will plant a tree specifically

mangroves after being married. But despite of the great things that the government

is doing, environmental problems is still rising for the reason that not everyone is

doing an action in order to help our environment and many people is still practicing

improper garbage disposal which serves as an eye opener that being responsible

and concerned for our environment is highly recommended in order to reduce

environmental problems not only in our chosen community but also everywhere

for the reason that nature offers us a good and healthy life but if it will be

continuously abused and damaged then many people will suffer from the



This related literature stated has its relationship with each other because it is

related with the word burning garbage. The first related literature is about burning

garbage it discusses the definition and just overview on what we get on burning

garbage and this is the furans and Dioxin. Which is the second and third in the

related literature that discusses deeply on what is the furans and dioxin that we

inhale in our daily lives and how can this affect the environment and its people.

Lastly, the emissions which discusses about the entire garbage burning in the

world and how many percent this affects us. All of this related literature is reliable

for which is from the sites of scientists of America and Philippine Research

company that is focusing on this topic.


Thompson, A. (2014, September 2). Burning Trash Bad for Humans and Global

Warming. Retrieved from


Environment and Climate Change Canada. (2015, September 10). Open

burning of garbage: health and environmental risks. Retrieved from



Kim, K. (2012, April 18). Side effects of burning waste. Retrieved from

Media centre. (2016, October). Dioxins and their effects on human health.

Retrieved from

Energy Justice Network. (n.d.). Dioxins & Furans: The Most Toxic

Chemicals Known to Science. Retrieved from

Pubchem. (n.d.). Furan. Retrieved from

Vallero, D. A. (2008). Characterizing Air Pollution - Fundamentals of Air

Pollution (Fourth Edition). Retrieved from

Furan - National Library of Medicine HSDB Database. (2013). Retrieved from

Lacurci, J. (2014, August 26). Trash Burning Worsens Air Pollution.

Retrieved from


Harvey, C. (2018, January 22). Cleaning Up Air Pollution May Strengthen

Global Warming. Retrieved from


Mackenzie, J. (2016, November 1). Air Pollution: Everything You Need to

Know. Retrieved from


Thompson, A. (2014, September 2). Burning Trash Bad for Humans and

Global Warming. Retrieved from


Environment and Climate Change Canada. (2015, September 10). Open

burning of garbage: health and environmental risks. Retrieved from



Kim, K. (2012, April 18). Side effects of burning waste. Retrieved from
Media centre. (2016, October). Dioxins and their effects on human health.

Retrieved from

Energy Justice Network. (n.d.). Dioxins & Furans: The Most Toxic

Chemicals Known to Science. Retrieved from

Pubchem. (n.d.). Furan. Retrieved from

Vallero, D. A. (2008). Characterizing Air Pollution - Fundamentals of Air

Pollution (Fourth Edition). Retrieved from

Furan - National Library of Medicine HSDB Database. (n.d.). Retrieved



MMDA suspends enforcers who assaulted coconut vendor. (2018, March

5). Retrieved from



10 awesome things gov't agencies are doing. (2013, March 12). Retrieved from
Chapter III

Research Methodology

Data Gathering Procedure

Once we are told to devise a project in our beneficiary barangay, we are then

tasked to gather information about the place and the problems that need solutions.

We were given questionnaires to accumulate the needed information (see picture

below). There were about 30 questions pertaining to their livelihood, income, and

surroundings. We also did a survey asking them about the current problems or

hindrances that they are facing today. Out of 10 families, 3 families told us that

they cannot identify any problem in their community. The remaining 7 families

identified 2 main problems, lack of garbage collectors and lack of income source.

But this problem is not the only problem of the barangay because once we have

analyzed the results of the interview, we had identified another problem evident to

the 10 families. This is the burning of garbage either with segregation or not. The

10 families practiced burning as a way to dispose of their garbage. This is how we

came up on a project that focuses on lessening the practice of burning of garbage

by the citizens, also the data that we’ve gathered in the survey was also

considered in making the design and the project itself.

In gathering data, we first observed the place and its surroundings. We did a

research after we gathered up our ideas about the possible project, we got most

of the information from the internet. After finalizing the product, we canvased

different kinds of materials that we will be using in the product, we did trial and

error by analyzing if this material will be fit for our product and if the project will be

a success. All, the methods we used in gathering data are: direct observation in
the community where we went to, experiments in the materials that we will be

using, and the personal interview of 10 families in the community.

The Respondents

The respondents of the study will be some residents of Barangay Dagatan,

San Jose Batangas age raging 30 – 70 years old. The researchers asked several

questions to some residents of the barangay regarding the most common issue

evident in their barangay, actions taken by the barangay to help address the

problem, and other information needed for the study. Respondents generally

answer or respond to the questions asked by the researcher. Moreover,

respondents of the study mostly answered improper disposal of garbage. In

addition to this, it is also stated that lack of knowledge on proper disposal of

garbage cause them to burn their waste which is not an effective solution to their


Sampling Design

A sample design is the framework, or road map, that serves as the basis for

the selection of a survey sample and affects many other important aspects of a

survey as well (Lavrakas, 2008). In this research, in order to meet the standards

of a quality research, the researchers assured that they have sufficient knowledge

regarding waste management and burning of garbage which contributed a lot to

have an effective sampling method. Since the most evident problem that is present

in their community are waste management and burning of garbage which is also

common in other places the respondents of the survey have knowledge regarding

this matter which helped the researchers to gain more information as well as its

possible effects in their health and their environment. The researchers used

snowball sampling where the researchers started with one person and uses that

person to identify others once he/she met the criteria. This sampling worked well

for the researchers very specific criteria/objective. For snowball sampling, the

researchers talked to the residents with a specific survey which was used for every

respondent. The researchers were also introduced by the respondents to other

individuals who have prior knowledge regarding waste management and burning

of garbage and who can participate in the interview and survey.

The Instruments
The tool that was used in gathering the data was an interview, where the

researchers identified the problem being faced in the community.

An open-ended interview was used in interviewing the residents in the

community, questions that were focused on how they would resolve in disposing

their wastes or by means of segregating their trash.

With the approval of the resident, the interviewer asked questions to find out

what the problem was being faced. Both positive and negative responses were

acknowledged for the interview focuses on how the interviewee felt about the

problem and hoe they would like to solve that problem.

Ethical Considerations

The researchers conducted a courtesy call in the Barangay asking for

permission to interview their residents for the study. The researches did not require

or force anyone to participate in the interview for the interview is voluntary or for

the ones who are willing to answer and participate. In entering the abode of the

residences, the researchers waited for the owner to tell them to sit before sitting

as a sign of courtesy and respect. The researchers also asked the respondent if it

is okay to film and record them before doing so. The researchers also ensured the

privacy of the respondents. They reassured that the information of each

respondent (name, age, family members) will not be released and is confidential,

thus if names are needed for some parts of the research proposal or paper, they

will be named “Anonymous”. The researchers left the community clean and did

not forget to thank the respondents for the information given.

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