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    Churning of the Milk Ocean and Visvamohini pursued by Siva

    The Suras and Asuras (gods and demons) cast herbs and churned the milk ocean to
obtain Amrta (nectar of immortality). Danvantri with a vessel of Amrta emerged from the ocean. 
Madhava assumed several forms, one form on the side of Suras and another form on the side of
Asuras and helped churn the ocean. He assumed the form of tortoise and supported the churning
pin (Mount Mandara); in another form (Narayana) he was boosting the morale of the Suras; in
the form of Janardhana, he revived the serpent used as the churning rope. To the joy of
all, Surabhi, the divine cow appeared in the churning milk ocean. Next to appear was Varuni, the
wine goddess with timorous eyes from inebriation. The Asuras, (demons) did not accept her and
so she joined the Suras, the gods; the demons are teetotalers and gods are imbibers of wine.
Since the Asuras shun alcoholic beverages, they were very disciplined and were a cause for fear.
Sura is wine and those who don't drink wine is an Asura. Next to appear was Parijata, the great
tree, exuding a sweet smell all around. Then came the most luscious beautiful celestial damsels,
the cynosure of all people. The cool rays of the moon came up and Mahesvara snatched it up in a
trice and wore it on his locks. Many kinds of poison appeared in the frothing milk ocean and the
Nagas (snakes) accepted them. Now you know why the snakes are poisonous. A glitter appeared
on the ocean surface accompanied by the emerging Kaustibaha gem, which Janardhana wore
over his heart in a chain. Hemp appeared floating on the ocean surface, whose smoke was
capable of altering the moods of the mind; soon it was taken by Bhairava.  Danvantari rose up
with a pot of nectar of immortality in his hand; Daityas, Aditayas (demons and gods) and sages
rejoiced at seeing it. From the great ocean of Milk there rose the goddess Sri of fortune and
bestower of boons holding a lotus and sitting on a full blown lotus. The sages and Gandharvas
recited Sri Sukta (hymns of praise to Sri or Lakshmi). Visvaci leading a group of celestial
damsels danced and the sacred rivers like Ganges came to Sri offering her a bath. The eight
elephants of the quarters emerged from the ocean and took the water from the sacred vessel and
showered the lotus-seated Sri-Lakshmi. The embodied form of ocean of milk donned Lakshmi
with a garland of lotus flowers. Tulasi plant appeared next and went to the side of
Hari.  Visvakarma, the divine architect presented Lakshmi with various divine ornaments.
Ramah (Sri Lakshmi) went towards Vishnu and took residence on his chest; ever since she has
resided on his chest. The Great Goddess looked at the Devas with compassionate eyes; she did
not shower her graceful glances on Daityas (demons, Asuras).  A powerful demon, the arch
enemy of Devas and the Daityas showed displeasure with Vishnu and at the slight of not
receiving the gracious glance from Lakshmi, which meant loss of wealth and prosperity.

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