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• What is energy?

7- 2

• Look around us. What are examples of situation or

daily activities which requires energy?

7- 3

• Why is energy important in chemical processes?

7- 4
Energy Balances

• Principal task of an engineer designing a process:

o To account carefully for the energy that flows into and out of each
process unit
o To determine the overall energy requirement for the process

• Can be done by writing energy balances on the process

• Typical problems that may be solved using energy balances:

o How much energy is required to convert 200 kg of water at 30

0C to steam at 180 0C

o How much power (energy/time) is required to pump 1250 m3/h

of water from a storage vessel to a process unit 7- 5

• Energy - The ability to do work or generate heat

• The total energy of a system has 3 components:

•1) Kinetic energy, Ek – due to the translational motion of a

system as a whole relative to some frame of reference
•2) Potential energy, Ep – due to the position of the system
in a potential field (gravitational/electromagnetic field)
•3) Internal energy (U) – possessed by a system – due to the
motion of molecules and interactions of the atomic
/subatomic constituents of the molecules
1 2
E k = mu Ep = mgz Total Energy , E = Ek + Ep + U
2 7- 6
Change in kinetic energy:

 E k  E k 2  E k1  m ( u 22  u12 )
Change in potential energy

Ep  Ep 2  Ep1  mg ( z2  z1)

Change in internal energy

 U = U 2 - U1

Note: Δ means “change” and is always calculated as “final value minus initial value”
7- 7

How energy can be transferred between a

system and its surroundings?

• Heat – energy that flows as a result of temperature

difference between a system and its surrounding;
• heat is defined positive when it is transferred to the
system from the surroundings.
• Work – energy that flows in response to any driving
force other than a temperature difference;
• work is defined positive when it is done by the system on
the surroundings.
7- 8
Types of Work

• Flow work (Wfl) - energy carried across the boundaries

of a system with the mass flowing across the boundaries

• Shaft work (Ws) - energy in transition across the

boundaries of a system due to a driving force other than
temperature, and not associated with mass flow (an
example would be mechanical work due to a piston, pump
or compressor)

7- 9
Energy Conversion Units

1 newton (N) = 1 kg. m/s2

1 dyne = 1 g.cm/s2
1 lbf = 32.174 lbm.ft/s2

7- 10
Example 1

An automobile weighing 2500 lbm is traveling at

55 miles per hour when the brakes are suddenly
applied bringing the vehicle to a stop. After the
brakes have cooled to the ambient temperature,
how much heat (in Btu) has been transferred
from the brakes to the surroundings?

7- 11
Solution Example 1

Q = Ek2 – Ek1



7- 12
Example 2

Suppose you pour a gallon of water from a height

of 10 feet. How much potential energy (ft-Ibf)
does the water lose? How fast is the water
traveling (m/s) just before the impact to the

7- 13
Solution Example 2

Suppose you pour a gallon of water from a height of 10 feet. How much potential
energy (ft-Ibf) does the water lose?

How fast is the water traveling (m/s) just before the impact to the ground?

Ek = m(u22 - u12 )
= m(02 - u12 ) = -83.4ft.Ibf

m => 1 gallon => ? kg

∆Ek = 83.4 ft.Ibf = ? kg.m2/s2
7- 14
Example 3

Air at 300oC and 130 kPa flows through a horizontal 7 cm ID pipe at a

velocity of 42 cm/sec.

a) Calculate Ek (J/s), assuming ideal gas behaviour

b) If the air is heated to 400oC at constant pressure, what is the
rate of change of kinetic energy (J/s) ?

7- 15
Solution Example 3

a) Calculate Ek (W), assuming ideal gas behaviour

What method is used to calculate m?

What is an alternative method to calculate m ?

7- 16
Example 1 (Solution 3)

b) If the air is heated to 400oC at constant pressure what

is Ek (300oC  400oC)?

What method is used to calculate velocity?

What is an alternative method to calculate velocity ?

7- 17
Open and Closed Systems

7- 18
Open and Closed Systems

7- 19
General Balance Equation

• A balance on conserved quantity (i.e. mass, energy, momentum) in a

process system may be written as:

Input + generation - output - consumption

= accumulation

7- 20
Energy Balance on Closed Systems

• How do you describe a closed system control

• What effect does this have on the mass and energy
7- 21
Closed Systems

• There is no mass transfer into a closed system

• The only way energy can get into or out of a closed system
is by heat transfer or work

a. Heat transfer (Q):
b. Work (W):
Note: * Work is any boundary interaction that is not heat
(mechanical, electrical, magnetic, etc.)
7- 22
First Law of Thermodynamics

• Energy can neither be created nor destroyed ; It can only

change forms

Input + generation - output - consumption

0 0
= accumulation

 Input - output = accumulation

7- 23
Closed Systems

• no mass crosses the boundary, hence the input and output

terms are eliminated for mass balance
• energy can be transferred across the boundary as heat &
work, hence the accumulation term may be defined as the
change in total energy in the system, i.e.

 Final total Energy   Initial Total Energy   Change in the total 

 - = 
 in the System   in the System   system energy 

Ef - Ei Q-W

7- 24
Closed Systems

Q = heat transferred to the system

E = EK + EP + U W = work done by the system
Δ E = Ef - Ei
Δ E= Q - W
E  Ek  Ep  U
Ek  Ep  U  Q  W
Basic form of the 1st law of thermodynamics for a closed system

7- 25
Closed Systems

E  U + Ep + Ek = Q – W

Note: Q = Qi (Summation of all heat

i transfer across system

W   Wi (Summation of all work

i across system boundary)

7- 26
For a Closed System What is E Equal to?

E  Ek  Ep  U  Q  W

• Is it adiabatic? (if yes, Q = 0)

• Are there moving parts, e.g. do the walls move? (if no, W = 0)
• Is the system moving? (if no, ∆Ek = 0)
• Is there a change in elevation of the system? (if no, ∆Ep = 0 )
• Are there any temperature, phase, chemical composition
change, and is the pressure change is more than a few
atmospheres ? (if no to all, ∆U = 0)

7- 27
Example 4

A closed system of mass 5 kg undergoes a process in which there is work of

magnitude 9 kJ to the system from the surroundings. The elevation of the
system increases by 700 m during the process. The specific internal energy
of the system decreases by 6 kJ/kg and there is no change in kinetic energy
of the system. The acceleration of gravity is constant at g = 9.6 m/s2.
Determine the heat transfer, in kJ.

General energy balance : U + Ep + Ek = Q – W

W = - 9 kJ
Ep = mgz = (5kg)(9.6 m/s2)(+700m)(N/1 kg.m/s2)
= 33600 N/m = 33600 J = 33.6 kJ
U = mÛ = (- 6 kJ/kg)(5kg) = - 30 kJ
Ek = 0
thus, …….. Q = - 5.4 kJ 7- 28
Example 5

5 kg of steam contained within a piston-cylinder assembly undergoes an

expansion from state 1, where the specific internal energy is u1=2709.9
kJ/kg, to state 2, where u2=2659.6 kJ/kg. During the process, there is heat
transfer to the steam with a magnitude of 80 kJ. Also, a paddle wheel
transfers energy to the steam by work in the amount of 18.5 kJ. There is
no significant change in the kinetic or potential energy of the steam.
Determine the energy transfer by work from the steam to the piston
during the process, in kJ.
1 2
Wpw = -18.5 kJ
m = 5 kg

Q = 80 kJ 7- 29
Solution Example 5

Given : u1 = 2709.9 kJ/kg, u2 = 2659.6 kJ/kg, ∆Ep = 0, ∆Ek = 0

Find : Wpiston

General energy balance for closed system

U + Ep + Ek = Q – W
W = Wpw + Wpiston
U = Q – (Wpw + Wpiston)

5 kg (2659.6 -2709.9 k) J/kg = 80kJ – (-18.5 + Wpiston) kJ

Wpiston= 350 kJ ; outgoing work ! - from steam to

the piston
7- 30
Working Session 1

A cylinder with a movable piston contains 4.00 liters of a

gas at 30°C and 5.00 bar. The piston is slowly moved to
compress the gas to 8.00 bar.
2 1


State 1 : V = 4 L, T = 30 oC, P = 5 bar

State 2 : V = ? L, T = ? oC, P = 8 bar

7- 31
Working Session 1

(a) Considering the system to be the gas in the cylinder and

neglecting Ep, write and simplify the closed-system energy
balance. Do not assume that the process is isothermal in this part.

U + Ep + Ek = Q – W
Ep = 0, Ek = 0
U = Q – W

(b) Suppose now that the process is carried out isothermally, and the
compression work done on the gas equals 7.65 L-bar. If the gas is
ideal so that U is a function only of T, how much heat (in joules) is
transferred to or from (state which) the surroundings? (Use the
gas-constant table in the back of the book to determine the factor
needed to convert L-bar to joules.)
7- 32
Working Session 1

Isothermal compression,

T = constant, U = f (T), & hence U = 0

thus, Q = W

Given : W = - 7.65 L-bar (negative due to work done on the


mol.K 8.314 J
W = - 7.65 L.bar x x
0.08314 L.bar mol.K
= - 765 J

Heat transfer to surrounding = 765 J

7- 33
Working Session 1

(c) Suppose instead that the process is adiabatic and that U increases
as T increases. Is the final system temperature greater than, equal
to, or less than 30°C? (Briefly state your reasoning.)

U = Q – W

Adiabatic compression,

Q = 0 and U = - W

since W has a negative value (work done on the system), U > 0,

hence the final temperature should be greater than 30 °C
7- 34
Energy Balances on Open Systems

• How are open systems control volumes different from

closed systems?
• What effect does this have on the energy balance?

7- 35
Some Common Open System Steady
Flow Devices

7- 36
Work for Open Systems

Total work done by an open system on its surroundings,

W = Wfl + Ws

• Flow work (Wfl) – work done by the fluid at the system

outlet minus the work done on the fluid at the system

• Shaft work (Ws) – work done by the process fluid on a

moving part within the system (ie. a pump motor)

7- 37
Flow Work

Consider pipe full of flowing fluid (flow due to ΔP where ΔP = P1 – P2):

 
V1 V2

 
where P1V1 is work done on system while P 2 V 2 is work done by
system on surroundings

   2 3
Wfl = P2 V2 - P1V1.....(N / m )(m / s)
7- 38
Specific Properties and Enthalpy

Properties of process material:

• Extensive (proportional to the quantity of material)
• Intensive (independent of quantity)

• Mass, number of moles, volume, kinetic energy, potential energy and internal
• Temperature, pressure, density

Specific properties – an intensive property obtained by dividing an extensive

property by the total amount of process material
Example: Specific internal energy, U ( J / k g )  U ( J ) / m ( k g )
^ ^ ^
Specific enthalpy, H  U  P V
7- 39
Example 6

a. Oxygen at 150 K and 41.64 atm has a tabulated specific volume of 4.684
cm3/g and a specific internal energy of 1706 J/mol. Calculate the specific
enthalpy of oxygen this state.

ˆ =U
H ˆ + PVˆ
Û = 1706
 cm 3
L 32g  mol.K 8.314 J
PV =  41.64atm  x  4.684
ˆ x 3 3x x x
 g 10 cm mol  0.08206 L.atm mol.K
= 632
Ĥ = 2338

7- 40
Example 6

b. Superheated steam at 5 bar and 200 oC has a tabulated specific

internal energy of 2643 kJ/kg. Calculate the specific enthalpy of steam
this state assuming ideal gas behaviour.

ˆ =U
ˆ + PVˆ ˆ =U
H ˆ + PVˆ
V̂ = ? ..... assuming ideal gas Û = 2643
PV = nRT  m3 10 3 L 
PV =  5bar  x  0.438
ˆ x 3 
0.08314 x  200+273 K  kg m 
V RT mol.K
= = mol.K 8.314 J kJ
n P 5bar x x x
0.08314 L.bar mol.K 1000J
= 7.865 kJ
mol = 219
V  1  V  mol L m3 m3 kg
V̂ = =    = x7.865 x = 0.436 kJ
m  M  n  0.018kg mol 1000L kg Ĥ = 2862
Compare the specific volume & enthalpy with the values in Table B.5 7- 41
Working Session 2

A horizontal cylinder equipped with a frictionless piston

contains 785 cm3 of steam at 400 K and 125 kPa. A total of
83.8 joules of heat is transferred to the steam, causing the
steam temperature to rise and the cylinder volume to increase.
A constant restraining force is maintained on the piston
throughout the expansion, so that the pressure exerted by the
piston on the steam remains constant at 125 kPa. The final
steam temperature is 480 K. Assuming ideal gas behaviour,

a. the expansion work done (Joule) by the steam

b. the change in internal energy (Joule) of the steam
7- 42
Working Session 2 (Solution)

State 1 :
V1 = 785 cm3 , T1 = 400K, 1 2
P1 = 125 KPa

State 2 :
V2 = ? cm3, T2 = 480K,
P2 = 125 kPa Q = 83.8 J Wpiston = ? J

a. the expansion work done (Joule) by the steam

Wpiston = P2V2 – P1V1 = P(V2-V1)

P1V1 T1
and V2 = nRT2/P2 or =
P2 V2 T2 7- 43
Working Session 2 (Solution)

Thus, V2 = 942 cm3, and

Wpiston = P(V2-V1)

 m3  mol.K 8.314 J
= 125,000Pa  157cm x 6 3  x
x = 19.5 J
 10 cm  8.314 m .Pa mol.K

b. the change in internal energy (Joule) of the steam

General energy balance for closed system

U + Ep + Ek = Q – Wpiston

Assumption : Ep = 0, Ek = 0

U = Q – Wpiston = 83.6 – 19.5 = 64.1 J

7- 44
Energy Balance on An Open System at
Steady State

Total energy of a flowing fluid (open system)

U  Ek  Ep  Q  W Shaft work

U  Ek  Ep  Q  (W W
 )

  P V  P V   PV
Wfl out out in in  
The fluid possesses an additional form of energy –
the flow energy (flow work)

 
U   PV  Ek  Ep  Q  W


 
H  U   PV ....... Enthalpy (Joule, cal ..)
Hˆ  Uˆ  PVˆ ...... Specific Enthalpy ( J / kg , cal / kg ...)
H  E  E  Q  W
k p

7- 45
Energy Balance on An Open System at
Steady State

Input - Output = Accumulation

   
• 

u in   

u out   E cv
Q   m in  H in 
ˆ  gz in   W s   m out  H out 
ˆ  gz out  
 2   2  t
   

The flow work is

This work represents everything but the
included in the
flow work
enthalpy term

7- 46
Energy Balance on Open Systems at
Steady State
 •

m in
  mout
  2    2 

 uin  
 uout 
Q  min  Hin  2  gzin   Ws  mout  Hout  2  gzout   0
ˆ ˆ
   
   

 2   2   

 uout  
 uin 
 out  out 2
m ˆ
H   gz out 
  in  in 2 in  Q  Ws
m ˆ
H   gz
   
   
7- 47
For An Open System What is ∆E
Equal to?

     
Δ E  Δ H  Δ Ek  Δ Ep  Q  W s

• Is it adiabatic? (if yes, Q = 0)

• Are there moving parts, e.g. pump, compressor, turbine ? (if no, Ws =
• Does the average velocity of the fluid change between the input and
the output? (if no, ∆Ek = 0)
• Is there a change in elevation of the system between the input and the
output? ? (if no, ∆ Ep = 0 )
• Does temperature, phase, chemical composition or pressure change?
(if no to all, ∆ H = 0)

7- 48
Single Stream Steady Flow System

• Nozzles
 
• Diffusers
  
 uout  uin
2 2

ˆ ˆ
Q Ws  m Hout  Hin   g  zout  zin 
 2 
• Turbines  
• Compressors
• Throttling Valve Often the change in kinetic energy of the fluid
is small, and the change in potential energy of
the fluid is small

7- 49
Nozzles and Diffusers

A nozzle is a device that

increases the velocity of a fluid
nozzle at the expense of pressure

A diffuser is a device that slows

diffuser a fluid down

7- 50
Nozzles and Diffusers:
Energy Balance
 
 

u out  u in
2 2
ˆ ˆ
Q  W s  m  H out  H in   g  z out  z in  
 

Is there work in this system? No

Is there heat transfer? Usually it can be ignored

Does the fluid change No

 2 2 
uout  uin 
ˆ  ˆ  
0  Hout  Hin  
2 
enthalpy is converted into kinetic energy
 
  7- 51
Turbines and Compressors

High P High P

W 
s s

Low P Low P

turbine compressor

A turbine is a device that A compressor is a device that

produces work at the expense increases the pressure of a fluid
of temperature and pressure by adding work to the system

7- 52
Turbines and Compressors:
Energy Balance

 
 

uout  uin
2 2
ˆ ˆ
Q  Ws  m Hout  Hin   g  zout  zin  
 2 
 

Is there work in this system? Yes !

Is there heat transfer? Usually it can be ignored

Does the fluid change elevation? Usually it can be ignored

Does the kinetic energy change? Usually it can be ignored

Ws  m ˆ H
 Hout 
in  enthalpy is converted into work
7- 53
Throttling Valve

A throttling valve reduces the

fluid pressure

For example, the water that

comes into your house goes
through a throttling valve, so it
doesn’t have excessive pressure
in your home.

7- 54
Throttling Valve: Energy Balance

 
  
 u2
 u2

ˆ ˆ
Q Ws  m Hout  Hin  out in
 g  zout  zin 
 2 
 

Is there work in this system? No

Is there heat transfer? Usually it can be ignored

Does the fluid change elevation? No

Does the fluid change velocity? Usually it can be ignored

Throttling Valve: Energy Balance

ˆ ˆ
0 =Hout -Hin
• Hin = Hout
• Pin > Pout
• For gases that are not ideal, the temperature goes down
in a throttling valve
• For ideal gases
 H = Cp T
– But H = 0
– So… T = 0
– The inlet and outlet temperatures are the same !

7- 56
Mixing Chamber

Mixing two or more fluids is a

common engineering process


7- 57
Mixing Chamber: Energy Balance

 2   2   

 uout  
 uin 
 mout  Hout  2  gzout    min  Hin  2  gzin   Q  Ws
ˆ ˆ
   
   
We no longer have only one inlet and one exit stream

Is there any work done? No

0  m
 outHˆ out  minHˆ in
Is there any heat transferred? No
 
Is there a velocity change?
m out
  min
Is there an elevation change? No
7- 58
Heat Exchanger

A heat exchanger is a
device where two moving
fluids exchange heat
without mixing.

7- 59
Heat Exchanger

• Energy balance is the same as a mixing

chamber, but…
– Two inlets
– Two outlets

• Material Balance
– Divide into two separate streams with equal inlet
and outlet flow rates

7- 60
Tables of Thermodynamic Data

7- 61
Tables of Thermodynamic Data

7- 62
Reference States and State Properties

• State property – a property of a system component whose value

depends only on the state of the system (i.e. temperature, pressure, phase
and composition)… e.g. internal energy (U) and hence, enthalpy (H)

• It is impossible to measure the absolute value of state property … but can

estimate the change in specific value of U (i.e Û) or H (i.e Ĥ)
corresponding to a specified change of state (i.e. temperature, pressure,
phase and composition)

• Reference state - specified state (i.e. temperature, pressure or state of

aggregation) assigned to measure relative changes in Û or Ĥ… thus, the
value of Û or Ĥ of a certain material at a specified state (T,P or phase) is relative
to the value of Û or Ĥ of the same material at other specified state (T,P or

7- 63
Reference States and State Properties

• Change in specific value of U (i.e Û) or H (i.e Ĥ) for the transition from
one tabulated state to other, i.e state 1  state 2

State 2

State 1

As internal energy & enthalpy are state property, reference state is

not required…. Just determine the specific value at state 1 and state
2, and calculate the difference, i.e.

Û = Û2 – Û1
Ĥ = Ĥ2 – Ĥ1
7- 64
Reference States and State Properties

7- 65
Reference States and State Properties

1. E is always measured relative to reference point !
• Reference plane for Ep
• Reference frame for Ek
• Reference state for Û or Ĥ (i.e. usually, but not necessarily
Û or Ĥ = 0)
1. Changes in E are important, not total values of E
2. E depends only on beginning and end states
3. Q and W depend on process path (could get to the same end
state with different combinations of Q and W)
7- 66
Example 5

Values of the specific internal energy of Bromine at three conditions are

listed here

State T(K) P (bar) V (L/mol) Û(kJ/mol)

Liquid 300 0.310 0.0516 0.000
Vapor 300 0.310 79.94 28.24
vapor 340 1.33 20.92 29.62

a. What reference state was used to generate the listed internal energies?
b. Calculate Û (kJ/mol) for a process in which Bromine vapor at 300K is
condensed at constant pressure. Calculate also Ĥ (kJ/mol) for the
same process.
c. Bromine vapor in a 5 liter-container at 300 K and 0.205 bar is to be
heated to 340 K. Calculate the heat (kJ) that must be transferred to the
gas to achieve the desired temperature increase, assuming that Û is
independent of pressure. 7- 67
Example 5 (Solution)

Values of the specific internal energy of Bromine at three conditions are

listed here

State T(K) P (bar) V (L/mol) Û(kJ/mol)

Liquid 300 0.310 0.0516 0.000
Vapor 300 0.310 79.94 28.24
Vapor 340 1.33 20.92 29.62

a. What reference state was used to generate the listed internal energies?

Reference state, Û = 0, (Liquid, P = 0.31bar, T = 300 K)

b. Calculate Û (kJ/mol) for a process in which Bromine vapor at 300 K is

condensed at constant pressure. Calculate also Ĥ (kJ/mol) for the
same process. 7- 68
Example 5 (Solution)

Û (kJ/mol) = Û2 - Û1 = 0 - 28.24 = - 28.24 kJ/mol

Ĥ (kJ/mol) = Û + (PV) = Û + PV

kJ  L  mol.K 0.008314 kJ
= -28.24 +  0.31bar   -79.89 x
 0.08314 L.bar x
mol  mol  mol.K
= - 30.7

c. Bromine vapor in a 5 liter-container at 300 K and 0.205 bar is

to be heated to 340 K. Calculate the heat (kJ) that must be
transferred to the gas to achieve the desired temperature
increase, assuming that Û is independent of pressure.
7- 69
Example 5 (Solution)

state 1 : V = 5 L, T1= 300 K, P1 = 0.205 bar

state 2 : V = 5 L, T2= 340 K, P2 = ? bar
and Û = f (T)
General energy balance for closed system

U + Ep + Ek = Q – Ws ….. Ep, Ek, Ws = 0

Q  U = nÛ
Û = 29.62 - 28.24 = 1.38 kJ/mol

PV = nRT ˆ  0.0567 kJ
Q  nΔ U
Assuming ideal gas
 0.205 bar  5L  = 0.0411mol
0.08314 x 300K
7- 70
Working Session 3

a. Steam at 25oC and 0.0317 bar has a tabulated specific

internal energy of 2409.9 kJ/kg. Calculate the specific
enthalpy of steam this state

b. The specific enthalpy of steam at 125 kPa varies with

temperature approximately as

Ĥ(J / mol) = 34,980 + 35.5T(K)

i) Estimate the internal energy of the steam at 480 K
ii) Derive a formula for Ĥ (Btu/Ibm) as a function of T(R)

7- 71
Steam Properties

Water P-T phase diagram

7- 72
Property of Steam Tables

See Tables B.5, B.6 and B.7

P – pressure
T - temperature
V – specific volume
U – specific internal energy
H – specific enthalpy

7- 73
Property of Steam Tables

7- 74
Property of Steam Tables

7- 75
Property of Steam Tables

Superheated Properties

7- 76
Energy Balance Calculation Procedures

Considerations when performing energy balance:

1. Select a suitable control volume for analysis, and sketch

the system, indicating appropriate boundaries
2. Determining what energy interaction are important, and
recognize the sign conventions on such terms
3. Start with the basic 1st law (energy balance) for the
chosen system
4. Obtain physical state for the substance under study. Is
an equation of state applicable, or must graphical
and/or tabular data be employed? What are other
property relations for the substance?
7- 77
Energy Balance Calculation Procedures

5. Determine the path of the process between the initial

and final states and indicate it in a diagram. Is the
process isothermal, isobaric, quasi-static, adiabatic, etc.?
6. What other idealizations or assumptions are necessary
to complete the solution? Are kinetic and potential
energies negligible, etc.?
7. Draw a suitable diagram for the process, as an aid in
picturing the overall problem. Label – specific enthalpy,
temperature, pressure, state of aggregation.
8. Complete the solution for the required item(s) on the
basis of the information supplied

Note: * check the units in each equation used !

7- 78
Energy Balance Calculation Procedures

1. Perform all required material balance calculations.

2. Write the appropriate form of the energy balance
(closed or open system) and delete any of the terms
that are either zero or negligible for the given process
3. Choose a reference state (phase, temperature and
pressure) for each species involved in the process.
4. For a closed constant-volume system, construct a table
with columns for initial and final amounts of each
species and specific internal energies relative to the
chosen reference state.
7- 79
Energy Balance Calculation Procedures

5. For an open system, construct a table with columns for

inlet and outlet stream component flow rates and
specific enthalpies relative to the chosen reference
6. Calculate the required values of the specific internal
energies and enthalpies and insert the values in the
appropriate places in the table .
7. Calculate the internal energy and enthalpy change.
8. Calculate any work, kinetic energy, or potential energy
terms that you have not dropped from the energy
9. Solve the energy balance.
7- 80
Example 4

Air is heated from 25°C to 150°C prior to entering a

combustion furnace. The change in specific enthalpy associated
with this transition is 3640 J/mol. The flow rate of air at the
heater outlet is 1.25 m3/min and the air pressure at this point
is 122 kPa absolute.

∆Ĥ=3640 J/mol V=1.25 m3/min

Heater T=150°C
25°C P=122 kPa

7- 81
Example 4 (Solution)

a. Calculate the heat requirement in kW, assuming ideal gas

behaviour and that kinetic and potential energy changes from
the heater inlet to the outlet are negligible.

General energy balance for open system

H + Ep + Ek = Q – Ws

and Ep = 0, Ek = 0 and W = 0 (why ?)

Hence, H = Q and H = 3640 J/mol

Q = 3640 J/mol but the unit required is kW (kJ/s)

Q = 3640 J/mol x nair mol/s x kJ/1000J …… (kJ/s)

7- 82
Example 4 (Solution)

For ideal gas,

PV = nRT or use standard ideal gas conversion

 m3 min 
122000 Pa 1.25 min 60s 
PV   mol
n= = = 0.723
RT  m .Pa 
 8.314   423K
 mol.K 

thus, Q = 2.631 kW

7- 83
Example 5 : Mixing Chamber

Given: shower
inlet 1: T1 = 15 oC (cold water)
inlet 2: T2 = 60 oC (hot water)

What is the ratio of mass flow rates
(hot/cold) in order to get a shower T3
temperature of T3 = 38 oC

(1) steady state steady flow (SSSF)
(2) no work, (3) Ep= 0, Ek = 0, T1

(4) adiabatic, (5) incompressible water T2

7- 84
Example 5 : Mixing Chamber

Basic equations:
(open system)
= m
 in

 m
ˆ = m
out out
 ˆ
in in

 1 +m
2 =m
3  1ˆ1 + m
mH ˆ =m
 2H2
 ˆ
3 3

m ˆ +m
 1H ˆ = (m
 2H 1+m ˆ
 2 )H
Then 1 2 3

ˆ m
2 ˆ m2 ˆ
H1 + H 2 = (1+ )H 3
1 m1
m2 Hˆ -H ˆ
= 3 1

m1 H ˆ -H ˆ
2 3 7- 85
Example 5 : Mixing Chamber (Solution)

ˆ ˆ o kJ
H1 = Hf (T1 =15 C) = 62.95
ˆ ˆ o kJ
H2 = Hf (T2 = 60 C) = 251.1
ˆ ˆ o kJ
H3 = Hf (T3 = 38 C) =159.1
2 kg
  1.05
1 kJ
2 m
m 1
7- 86
Working Session 4 : Heat Exchanger

Saturated steam at 2.00 barg is to be used to heat a stream of ethane

(gas) at constant pressure. The ethane enters the heat exchanger at
16°C and 1.5 barg at a rate of 795 m3/min and is heated at constant
pressure to 93°C. The steam condenses and leaves the exchanger as a
liquid at 27°C. The specific enthalpy of ethane at the given pressure is
941 kJ/kg at 16°C and 1073 kJ/kg at 93°C

a. How much heat (kW) must be provided to heat the ethane

from 16°C to 93°C?
b. Assuming that all the energy transferred from the steam goes
to heat ethane, at what rate in m3/min must steam be
supplied to the heat exchanger? T1

7- 87
Example 6

Two hundred kg/min of steam enters a perfectly - insulated steam

turbine at 350°C and 40 bar through a 7.5-cm diameter line and exits at
75°C and 5 bar through a 5-cm line. How much energy is transferred to
or from the turbine?

Energy balance for open system State 1

∆H + ∆Ep + ∆Ek = Q – Ws 40 bar
Assumptions :

∆Ep = 0, Q = 0 (adiabatic) State 2

Hence, ∆H + ∆Ek = – Ws 75°C

5 bar
ID= 5-cm
7- 88
Example 6 (Solution)

Hence, Ẃs = 13,460 kW (work produced by turbine)

7- 89
Working Session 5

A turbine discharges 200 kg/h of saturated steam at 10.0 bar

absolute. It is desired to generate steam at 250°C and 10.0 bar by
mixing the turbine discharge with a second stream of superheated
steam of 300°C and 10.0 bar.

a. If 300 kg/h of the product steam is to be generated, how much heat

must be added to the mixer?
b. If instead the mixing is carried out adiabatically, at what rate is the
product steam generated

Saturated steam
200 kg/h, 10 bar Steam
250oC, 10 bar
Superheated steam
300oC, 10 bar
7- 90
Working Session 5 (Solution)

Mass balance
Energy balance for open system
m = m
in out
........ 200+n 2 = n3
∆H + ∆Ep + ∆Ek = Q – Ws in out
Energy balance
Assumptions :
 m
ˆ - m
out out
 ˆ =Q
in in

∆Ek, ∆Ep, Ws = 0
Hence, ∆H = Q ˆ - nH
n 3H3 
1 ˆ 1 + n 2H
ˆ =Q
  7- 91
Example 7

Atmospheric air at 38°C and 97% relative humidity is to be

cooled to 18°C and fed to a plant area at the rate of 510 m3/min.
Assuming the atmospheric pressure is 760 mm Hg,

(a) calculate the rate (kg/min) at which water condenses

(b) calculate the cooling requirement in tons (1 ton of cooling
= 12,000 Btu/h), assuming the enthalpy of water vapor is
that of saturated steam at the same temperature and the
enthalpy of dry air is given by the equation

Ĥ (kJ/mol) = 0.0291 [ T(oC) – 25 ]

7- 92
Example 7 (Solution)


510 m3/min
n1 kmol/min Cooler 18oC
38oC n3 kmol/min
RH=97% yw,3 = ? kmol H2O/mol
yw,1 = ? mol H2O/mol yair,3 = ? kmol air/mol
yair,1 = ? mol air/mol

n2 kmol water/min condensed


7- 93
Example 7 (Solution)

7- 94
Example 7 (Solution)

7- 95
Working Session 6

A 10.0-m3 tank contains steam at 275°C and 15.0 bar. The

tank and its contents are cooled until the pressure drops to
1.2 bar. Some of the steam condenses in the process.

(a) What is the final temperature of the tank contents?

(b) How much steam condensed (kg)?
(c) How much heat was transferred from the tank?

7- 96
Concept Question 1

 Which is from these statements is not true

about a closed system?

 A) both mass and energy can be transferred

across the system boundary
 B) mass can be transferred across the
system boundary but not energy
 C) energy can be transferred across the
system boundary but not mass
Concept Question 2

 Energy can be transferred between system and

surroundings in these ways:

 A) as heat and work

 B) as heat, work, kinetic and potential energy
 C) as kinetic, potential and internal energy

Concept Question 3

 The statement below is true or false?

 The amount of heat possessed by the system in

270 kJ

Concept Question 4

 The statement below is true or false?

 For an open system, no work is involved as long

as there are no moving mechanical parts in the
system. Meaning that, this work can be neglected
from the energy balance calculations

Concept Question 5

 Which is from the statements below is false

about state property ?

 A) 2 different process paths provide the same values of

the change in the state property between 2 similar
state condition
 B) 2 different process paths provide different values of the
change in the state property between 2 similar state
 C) 2 similar process paths provide different values of the
change in the state property between 2 similar state
Concept Question 6

 Which is from the statements below is true

about reference state ?

 A) The change in the state properties between 2 states will

be different, if different sets of reference states are used
(for 1 set the same reference states were used)
 B) The value of the change of state property will always be
zero for a reference state
 C) A table which contain the values of the change of the
state property may be based on different reference

Revision on Chapter 7 (Felder)

 Look back at the contents of Chapter 7

 Write in a piece of paper the part where you
still don’t understand or confused
 Submit the paper to me so that we can discuss
it in class


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