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GeoHelp Basic Training

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Tripping #1
For DP 5”: internal capacity 8.93 l/m and steel capacity 4.23 l/m.
The average length of a joint is 9.2 m.
Tripping, POOH 4 stands. In TTk, the decreasing of mud was 0.20 mc.
The system works “open”.
How evaluate this tripping and why.

Tripping #2
For DP 5”: internal capacity 8.93 l/m and steel capacity 4.23 l/m.
The average length of a joint is 9.0 m.
Rig status is RIH and the system works “close”.
TTk capacity is 8 mc. TTk was empty 1 time; the total increase of mud in TTk was around
12.43 mc. The trip is normal, no losses and no gain.
How many stands were RIH?

Tripping #3
Well Profile from top to bottom:
1. Intermediate casing: shoe @ 2600 m OD = 9 5/8 in IC=38.85 l/m
2. Open hole TD = 3200m Bit size = 8.5 in IC=36.61 l/m

Drill string composition from bottom to top:

1. Drill Collars: 300m OD = 61/4 in ID = 2 3/4 in IC=3.83 l/m SC=15.96 l/m
2. HWDP: 250m OD = 5 in ID = 3 in IC=4.56 l/m SC= 9.48 l/m
3. Drill pipes: OD = 5 in ID = 4 /4 in IC=9.06 l/m SC= 4.06 l/m

Flow rate 2638 l/min

How much is the caliper (average diameter) of the open hole if the real lag time is with 5
minutes more than the theoretical one.

Test #1 23 March 2008 Page 1 of 2

GeoHelp Basic Training

Test #1 23 March 2008 Page 2 of 2

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