Midterm Assessment: Atom Economy (Submitted To: Dr. Ayub Rashid Submitted By: Maria Zia Roll Number: 210-BH-CHEM-2017-2021

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In year 1998 , scientist named Paul Anastas and John C. Warner generated a lot of standard to maintain
the ideas of green chemistry. The twelve standard generated makes a scopes to the approaches to
lessen the ecological and human being effects of substance formation, and moreover show researches
requires for the advancements in the science formulation of green chemistry.

The standard make such opinions as:

 The plan of process to enhance the amount of crude type elements that ends up in the product
 The usage of un differences material feed stocks and energy resources sources;
 The usage of safe, ecologically amiable compounds , including different type solvent, at
whatever state usable


The twelve standards of green science are:

1. Anticipation. Forestalling waste is better than rewarding or collecting up waste after it is formed.
2. Atom economy. Generated strategies should used to boost the consolidation of all particles
used in the process into the last product. This implies that less waste will be created therefore.
3. Less dangerous compound unions. Engineered techniques used to refrain from using or creating
particles harmful to people and to the earth.
4. Planning more secure synthetic concoctions. Synthetic items that sought to be used to
complete their ideal capacities while acting as harmless as it could be expects under the specific
5. More secure solvent and reactant. Assistant substances should be controlled a least distance
from at every required phase, and less dangerous as usable when they should be used
6. Structure for energy proficiency. Energy prerequisites should be in limit, and process should be
led at the temperature of the present surrounding and mass at whatever state usable.
7. Usage of sustainable feed stocks. At required state it is possible to do as this , sustainable feed
stock or crude particles are desiring over non -inexhaustible .
8. Decrease subsidiaries. Superfluous age of subordinates, as example, the usage of ensuring
gatherings, should be in limit or controlled a required distance from if feasible ; such advanced
processes uses more reagents and may form extra wastes.
9. Cata lysis . Synergist reagents that can be used in less amount or quantity to recreate a response
are far good than stoichiometric reactants.
10. Plan to corruption. Substance items should be structured with the goal that they don’t me the
earth dirty place, when these abilities is finished, they should segregate into harmless items.
11. Constant investigation for contamination counteraction. Systematic processes should be
additionally evolved to allow consistency , in-process optimizing and maintaining before
dangerous particles structures.
12. Characteristically more safe energy for mishaps counteraction. At whatever point feasible , the
compound in a processes , and the types of those compounds , should be picked to limit
dangers, as example, blast, flame, and unplanned discharges.

Atoms economy (or also called efficiency or % age ) is the process of the changing of efficiency of
process that is chemical in the terms of all elements or atoms included and the specific products formed.
The easiest or simple method was given by Trost in the year of 1991 and is known as simply, atom
economy ( A E). This is the difference or the ration to the the mass of specific products to the whole
mass of products, shown in percentage . The conceptual form of atom economy and many opinions
forming it as important criteria of many processes like improvements in chemistry, is a part of the
chemistry called as green chemistry process that was motivated by Anastas from the early era of 1990.
Atom economies is the crucial concept of green chemistry philosophies and the most extensively used
criteria for calculating the “greenness” of a methods and the synthesis .

Atom and economy is so given as:

atom economy = Molecular mass of specific required Product/Molecular mass of all Products × 100 %


Atom economy is a rather different process and idea than chemical yields, as a high energy or
compound yielding processes can yet generate different byproducts. For example the Cannizzaro
reactions , in which around 50 percent of the used reactants that is aldehyde is the site of the other
oxidation state of the molecule as a target ; the reaction called witting reactions , which consumes high
mass phosphoric particles as reagents that eventually becomes useless and waste; and the Gabriel’s
synthesis process , which generates or make a stoichiometrics amout of acid as of phthalic acid


If the required product has its enantiomers the reaction should be continuously and sufficiently stereo
selectives even when the economy as atom economy is 100 percent.


A Diels-Alder reactions is an process of a potential dependent extreme atom efficiently done reaction
that also could be chemo selective, regio selective diastereo selective and enantio selective. Catalytics
hydrogenation is nearest to an ideal reaction that is excessively done both industrially and

Atom economy could also experiment able if a pendants of group is form able , as example Evans
auxiliaries groups. Moreover , if this could be reduced it is more desiring process, as recovering
processes will never be 100 percent. Atom economy could be more improved by the careful selecting of
starting compounds and a catalytic system.

Poor atom’s economy is as usable and simple in chemicals and pharmaceuticals process of synthesis ,
and mainly in researches, where the ideal systems aimed to readily and directly produced a whole
atom-economic types of complex materials leads directly to the use of very important and depending,
but less effective atom economic reactions. As example, process of formation of an alcohol is directly
and fastly completed by the process reduction of reactant which is ether with lithium aluminum hydride,
but the reactions extensively generates a huge amout of aluminum containing salts, which is used from
the alcohol and discarded of. The value of such dangerous compound discarding can be considering
state. Catalytic’s hydrogen lysis of an ester the similar reaction with a large atom economy, but it surely
need the catalyst optimizing , is a rather slower reaction and is not usable whole wide.
Generating reactions using atom economy :

It is fundamentally important in type of chemical reactions of the make

A+B→ C+D

two of the products which are necessarily formed though products as C may have the required
product. That in the case, D is basically called as a by product . It is the important goals of green
chemistry to enhance the efficiency process of the reactant and reduce the production of waste, D may
have any productive use and be basically have use, or discarded or be as unimportant and dangerous as

As the new equation of the form


the first step in forming chemicals manufacture more efficiently produced is the usage of reactions that
is similar to the simplest addition reaction with the only other adding materials being catalytic

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