Anova How To Statistica

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Ho= No significant difference among the treatment means; factor has no significant effect.
Ha= otherwise

((reject hnull  tukey’s test))

Statistics> ANOVA > one way > variables ((categorical yung factor)) > OK (2) > summary > cell
statistics for p-value

>all effects graphs> Ok > graph

>univariate results for the anova table

>more results > effect > homo groups > unequal n-hsd/ tukey based on if balanced/unbalanced

>Assumptions > homogeneity> Bartlett’s .173 levene’s .192 variance is high which means that
variance does not have a significant difference (indixate hnull= equal/homoscedastic all higher
than .05 yung so they are homoschedatic)

>normal pp > all groups >

>basic statistics > descriptive > normality > shapiro wilk > babaan yung columns > histogram >
check p values


Factors are the independent variables (just like one way, factors are categorical); can analyze
interaction effect

3 effects: analyze first interaction effect before main effects

Ho: ignoring factor b, the treatment means are the same under a. the treatment means of
factor a are all equal

Ho = Factor b has no significant effect on the response variable, ignoring factor a

Ho = there is no significant interaction effect between factor a and factor b

Statistics> ANOVA > Factorial anova > variables ((dependent yung numerical; categorical yung
factorS kasi dalawa)) > OK (2) > summary > cell statistics for p-value
>all effects graphs> Ok > graph
Summary>univariate results for the anova table
>more results > effect > homo groups > choose the right EFFECT > unequal n-hsd/ tukey based
on if balanced/unbalanced design. ((ULITIN FOR THE OTHER FACTOR IF MAIN EFFECTS YUNG


Statistics > ANOVA > Main Effects ANOVA > OK > Specify variables > OK > OK > All Effects/
Graphs > Choose yung design factor > OK

ANOVA Results > Summary > Cell Statistics (get data to compute CV) > TAKE NOTE OF

MAIN ANOVA TABLE : ANOVA Results > Univariate Results for anova table

>more results > effect > homo groups > choose the right EFFECT > unequal n-hsd/ tukey based
on if balanced/unbalanced design. ((ULITIN FOR THE OTHER FACTOR IF MAIN EFFECTS YUNG

Furthermore, --- was found to be a significant blocking variable given by the p-value (p =

SS here is iaadd yung sa factor and nuisance factor

If furnace were ignored as a blocking variable, then a one-factor ANOVA will be applied

Ho = there is no significant stirring rate effect (factor) on the mean grain size using furnace as a
blocking variable.
Ha: otherwise

Covariate is numerical na may correlation sa y pero wala sa factor

Statistics > Advanced Models > General Linear > Analysis of covariance > OK > Specify variables
(yung factor yung categorical, X yung continuous) > OK > OK
Summary > cell statistics
Univariate results for anova table

1) Graphs > Scatter plots > X and Y > advanced check all stats > OK > INTERPRET R AND P
((co-variate has a significant correlation with Y))
2) ((co-variate dapat wala kinalaman sa factor)) Statistics > ANOVA > One way > OK >
Dependent yung X, factor yung categorical > OK > Summary > Univariate results > no sig
difference @ baseline

1. X must be correlated with Y

a. R = 0.7893
b. P = 0.0000 (sig)
2. One factor anova bet x and drug
a. Ho: There is no significant difference among the three treatment drugs at
b. P = 0.2092 (NS)

MAIN OBJECTIVE : Drug effect on Y

Ho: there is no sig drug effect on mean post-treatment score (y) using pre-treatment (baseline)
as a covariate

P= ysfyuqt348 There is no sig drug effect chuchuchuchu using chuchuchuchuc

In addition, the covariate c is significant (p= 0.00002) ie. There is a significant correlation bet X
(baseline score) and y (post-treatment score).

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