Project - POM

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Project details on Production and Operations Management Sem V

Course code: BBA 502

Batch 2018-2021
Number of students per group 1-3
Objective: To prepare a study of operations of a firm providing a service or manufacturing a

To do:
Identity as many relevant operations that incur in making of the product/service. Incorporate
as many details as possible. You can also add a broad purchase-procurement /production/
packaging / sales-distribution flow chart.

Topics to be included
area of business industry-firm
its vision-mission
where is it located? factors affecting its location
its core competency
its competitive advantage
competitive strategies
value addition stages (cost break-up if possible)
product and service design
capacity (long range)-process selection-layout-design of work systems-location

quality-quality control-total quality management-
aggregate planning- -materials requirements planning-
scheduling-project management-waiting lines:
inventory management

Demand Forecasting – Need, Types, Objectives and Steps. Overview of Qualitative

and Quantitative methods. Capacity Planning – Long range, Types, Rough cut plan,
Capacity Requirements Planning (CRP),

Developing capacity alternatives. Aggregate Planning – Approaches, costs,

relationship to Master Production schedule. Overview of MRP, MRP II and ERP

Product Design –Influencing factors, Approaches, Legal, Ethical and Environmental

issues. Process – Planning, Selection, Strategy, Major Decisions. Service
Operations – Types, Strategies, Scheduling (Multiple resources and cyclical
scheduling). Work Study – Objectives, Procedure. Method Study and Motion Study.
Work Measurement and Productivity – Measuring Productivity and Methods to
improve productivity.

Materials Management – Objectives, Planning, Budgeting and Control. Overview of

Materials Management Information Systems (MMIS). Purchasing – Objectives,
Functions, Policies, Vendor rating and Value Analysis. Stores Management –
Nature, Layout, Classification and Coding. Inventory – Objectives, Costs and control
techniques. Overview of JIT.

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