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suuoY] 18 wWYD0A19 Gauce 6 mds in se stitch = 3* (7.5 cm) in diameter using size G/6 (¢ mn) hook Note: Stitches should not be loose, but tight enough to create a sturdy fabric that can be stuffed fimly. Notes Working in joined rounds. + At the end of each round, make 2 slip stitch to join each round, 1 first stitch of the next round will always be made into the same stitch ¢s tho one that the {pin was made into. Changing color + Make last yarn over of the previous round (this would be the yarn over inthe joining slip stiteh) withthe new color. Do ‘ot fasten off yam when chang ing colors, but corry it up inside ‘of kitty body. Pull up new color 450 that it crosses aver old color ‘on the inside of kitty body. Stuffing 4 The doorstop must be stuffed with something heavy enough ‘0 koep it stationary, Glass gems Were used which are available ‘at most craft stores inthe floral ‘or bridal department, Using pebbles or gravel is another ‘ption. Rice or dried beans is ‘not suggested if doorstop will bbe used in an area (such as your {itchen) that might get wat doorstop BODY AND TAIL, 4 Use a nyion stocking to keep your filing in place. Or, ifglass ‘gems are packaged inside ‘stretchy mesh beg lif you bbeught the gems in 23 lb bag), the mesh bag can be used ine stead of the nylon stocking. STITCH GUIDE, Scatog (single crochet two together) Insert hook in next stitch, yan ovor ‘andi pull up loop (2 loops on hook), Insert hook in next stitch, yam over ‘ond pull up loop (3 loops on hook), ‘yarn over and draw through all 3 loops an hook. ‘Satin Stiteh (embroidery) ‘See Techniques. With MC and larger hook, make an adjustable loop, NO 4: 6 Sc into ring, oin with sl stin first s, (pull yarn tall to close loop}—6 sts, do not turn. [RHO 2: Ch 1, (startin same st as the join, now and throughout body) 2sc into each st around, join with s! stn first se—12 sts, do not tur, RND 3: Ch 1, [1 5c in noxt st, 2 sc in next st] 6 times, join with sl st in first se—18 sts, co not turn. RUD 4: Ch 1, [1 sc in each of next2 sts, 2c in next sé times, join with sf stn first se—24 sts, do net turn, AND 5:Ch 1, [1 scin each of next 3 sts, 2 cin next st é times, join with sf st in first se—30 sts, do not tur. RND &:Ch 1, [1 scin each of next 4 sts, 2sc in next st} 6 times, join with sf st in first sc—36 sts, do not tur. AND Ch J, [1 scin each of next 6 sts, 2 sc n next st, 1 sc in each of rnoxt 5 sts] 3 times, join with sls in fist se—39 sts, do not tum, @s walbo.corn/handrmnacebyrn AND &:Ch 1, [1 scin each of next 12 sts, 2 scin next st] 3 times, join With sist in first se—42 sts, lo not turn, ANDY: Ch 1, 1 scin next 2sts, 2sc in nextst, 1 scin next 11 sts] 3 times, join with si stn frst sc—-A5 sts, do not tur, ND 10; Ch 1, [1 sc in each of next 10 sts, 2c in next st, 1 sc in each of ext 4 sts] 3 times, join with sl st in fist se—4B sts, do not tur, AND 44: Ch 9, [1 sc in each of next7 sts, 2 sc in next st, 1 sein each of next 8sts]3 times, join with st infest se—51 sts, do not tur. ND 12: Ch, [15 in each of next 13 sts, 2 5c in next st, 1 sein each of next 3sts]3 times, join wth ss in fst sc changing to CC-on last yo~S4 sts, do not turn. NDS 13-15 AND 24-23: Ch 1, 1scin each st, join with lst in rst se changing to MC on last yo of ind 15 (23), do not turn. NDS 16-20 AND 24-28: Ch 1, 1's in each st, join with st in fist se changing to CC on last yo of nd 20 (28), do not turn NDS 29-31: Ch 1, 1 sein each st, join with sl stin fist se changing to MC on last yo of find 31, do not tur, ND 32:Ch 1, [1's in each of next 13 sts, se2tog, 1 sc in each of next 3 sts] 3 times, join wth sl st in frst se—51 sts, de not tue. AND 33: Ch J, [1 sc in each of next 7 sts, se2tog, 1 scin each of next 8 sts] 3 times, join withs st in frst se—48 sts, do not tum. AND 34: Ch J, [1 scin each of naxt 10 sts, sc2tog, 1 scin each of next 4 sts] 3 times, join wth s st in frst sc—45 sts, do not tum, RND36:Ch J, [1 sc in each of next 2sts, se2t0g, 1 sein each of next 411 sts] 3 times, join with s st in First so—42 sts, do not turn, AND 26: Ch 5, [1 sc in wach of next 12 sts, se2tog] 3 times, jim with slstin fist se—39 sts, do not turn ND 37; Ch 1, [1 scin each of next 6 sts, se2t0g, 1 sc in each of next 5 sts] 3 times, join with sl st in rst se—36 sts, do not tum, do not feston off, Set aside, Fill the toe of stocking with as much heavy filing as wil fi inside the body (leaving a litle room for a bit of fiberfil around all sides), Cut the stocking with enough extra length to tie into a knot. Either use 8 twist te or loosely knot the end of the nylon stocking, 2 that you can reopen the stocking to adjust the amount of fling as your work progresses, Place some fiberfil in the end of body and then place the filled stocking into the body. Using fiberfil, pad around all sides of the stocking, making it as smooth as possible, Continue constructing Kitty's body, adjusting the filing as needed. ND 38: Ch 1, [1 sc in each of next 2 sts, se2t0g, 1 sein each of next 2 ss] 6 times, join wth a st in rst se—30 sts, do not tun. AND 39: Ch 1, [1 sc in each of next 3 sts, se2t09] 6 times, join with sl st in first se—24 sts, do not turn, do not fasten off. Permanently tie the end of stocking, Stuff the body ancl tal fiery with fiberfil as work progressos. @ welbo.corn/hanernac sleapy kitty doorstop sila ebyrniail RND 40: Ch 4, [1 se in next st, sc2tog, 1 sc in next st] 6 times, join with sl stin first 16 sts, do not turn, RNDS 41-50: Ch 1, 1 scin each st, join with sl stn frst sc changing to (Com lest yo of Rnd $0, do not tum. AND 51:Ch 1, 1scin each of next 16 sts, se2t0g, join with sist in first sc—17 sts, donot turn, NDS $2 AND 53: Ch 1, 1 scin each st, join with s!st in first se changing to MG on last yo of Rnd 53, do not turn, NDS $4=54: Ch J, 15c in each st, join with s st in first sc changing to CCon last yo of Rnd 56, do not tum, RND 57: Ch 1, 1 sein each of next 15 sts, se2tog, join with s st in first sc—16 sts, do not tur, ANDS $8 AND 59: Ch 1,1 sin each st, join to MC.on last yo of Rnd 59, do not tum. NDS 40-42: Ch 1, 1 sein each st, join with sl st in first s¢ changing to CCom last yo of Rnd 62, do not turn ths st in first se changing RND 63: Ch 1,1 sein each of noxt 14 sts, se2tog, jon with th frst so=15 sts, do not tun, ANDS 64 AND 4S: Ch 1, Tse in each st, join with lst in fist se ehang- ing to MC on last yo of Rnd 65, do not turn ANDS 46-68: Ch 1, 1 scin each st, join with! stin frst se changing to CCon lst yo of Rnd 68. waibo.corn/handrmaclebyrnal ND 67; Ch 1,1 scin each of next 13 sts, sc2tog, join with sIstin first s¢—14 sts, do not turn, NDS 70 AND74:Ch 1, 1 scin each st, join with sls in Fist se changing 10 MC on last yo of Rnd 71, do not tun, ANDS 72-74: Ch 1, 1 sein each st, join with lst in frst se changing to CC on last yo of Rnd 74, co not turn, AND 75: Ch 1,1 sn ech of next 12 sts, se2tog, join with s stn first se—13 sts, do not turn, NDS 76-77: Ch }, 1 sc in each st, join with a st in first sc changing to MC on last yo of find 77, do not turn. NDS 78-80; Ch 1, 1 scin each st, join with sls in first sc changing to Con last yo of Rnd 80, do not turn, AND Bt: Ch 1, 1 scin each of next 11 sts, se2t0g, join with stn first s¢—12 sts, do not turn. fawDs 82-92: Ch 1, 1 scin each st, join with s st in first sc, do not turn, AND 93: Ch J, sc2tog 6 times, join with s stn first se—6 sts Faston off, leaving 12° (30.5 cr) til. Thread yar tail through front loop of 6 rom sts and pull tight to close hole. Weave in ends and set HEAD (WORKED IN SPIRAL) ‘With MC and larger hook, ch 7. ND 1: In 2nd ch from hook, 1 scin bottom bump in each of next & chs—65«, place marker to indicate beg of mds moving marker up ‘each md. (Note: The frst ch from hook isa t-ch—de not work this st on the next md) ND 2; Cont around to other side of foundation chain, rotate work clockwise 180 degrees, 2 sc in first st, 1scin each af next 4st, 2 sc in next st, rotating work clockwise 180 dagrees, skip teh from Rnd 1, 2scin next st, 1 5c in each of nent 4 sts, 2c in last —T6 sts. ND 3: [2 se in noxt st, 1 sein each of noxt 6 sts, 2se in noxt st} ‘wice—20 sts, sc in next st, move marker after this st to mark new beg ‘of next ind, ‘RND 4: [2 sc in nextst, 1 scin each of next 8 sts, 2 se in neat st] twice 24 sts, AND 5: 2. in nextst, 1 scin each of next 10 sts, 2s in next st] twice 28 sts, ND 6: [2 sc in next st, 1 scin each of next 12 sts, 2c in next st} twice —32 sts, sc in next st, mave marker after this t to mark new beg ‘of next rd AND7;[2s¢ innext st, 1 scin each of nent 14 sts,2 sc in next si] ‘twice —36 sts. NDS 8-15: 1 sc in each st around, scin each of next 2 sts, move marker after these 2sts to mark new beg of next rnd. ND ¥6:[SeZI0g, 1 scin each of next 4 sts, sc2tog]twice—32 sts waibo.corn/h sleepy kitty doorstop £ z z 5 = {2-4 ‘RND 17: [Sc2tog, 1 scin each of next 12 sts, sc2tog] twico—28 sts, AND 18; [Sc2t0g, 1 sc in each of next 10 sts, scztog] twice—24 sts, Fasten off, jaaving 12* (30.5 cm) tal. Stuff head with fiberfil Sew ‘pening at top of head closed through front loops only, Weave in ends and set aside. EARS (worked in spiral With MC ond larger hook, make en adjustable loop. [RND 1: 6Scin loop, pull yarn tal to close loop—6 sts, place marker to indicate beg of nds moving marker up each rnd. RNO 2: (1 s¢ in next st, 2c in next st] 3 times—9 sts, RND2: [1 3¢ in each of next2 sts, 2 s¢ in next st] times—12 sts. RND 4: [1 scin next st, 2c in nextst, 1 sc in each of noxt 2 sts] 3 times—19 sts, NDS: [2 scinnextst, 15c in each of next 4 sts] 3 times—18 sts, AND 4: [1 sein each of next’ sts, 2sc in nextsst, 1 se in each of next 2 ste} 3 times—21 sts. RD 7. [1 sein Gach of next 2 sts, 2 sein next st, 1 se in each of next 4 sts] 3 timos—24 sts. Fosten off leaving 12" (30.5 em) tal. Fold ear fat and stitch the two layers together at bottom edge. Pin ears to top of head using photo as guide. The bottom edge ‘of each ear should be shaped into a C where it meets the head. Stitch ears to head using MC. Set aside. EYES (EMBROIDERY) (Make 2) Using stee! hook and blue embroidery floss, ch 1. ROW *: Working in bottom of chs, s 1 stin 2nd ch from hook, and in ‘each ch across—10 sts Fasten off, leaving 6" (15 cm) tal. Using embroidery needle and tail ends, stitch each eye to face using photo 08 guide, MOUTH (EMBROIDERY) steel hook and blue embroidery floss, ch 15. ROW t: Working in bottom of chs, 1st in 2nd ch from hook and in next ch, ch 12 Fasten off leaving 6° (15 cm) ta. Using embroidery needio and tail nds, stitch mouth to face using photo as guide. The slipstitch section of the mouth should point ‘pward tothe bottom of the nose. : @siat, Mal weibo.corm/handrnacdebyrnal NOSE (EMBROIDERY) Using embroidery needle and apricot embroidery floss, satin stitch (with vertical stitches) a triangular nose in place just above the mouth, Add a few horizontal satin stitches across the top of nose. Using blue embroidery floss, embroider a. couple of straight stitches ‘along the sides of the nose to give the nose extra definition. FINISHING. Pin tall by wrapping round side towar place. Pin head in place just above the tal and stitch in place. Weave in ends ‘of body, and stitch in lightly (see photo), fsivlial byrnai bo.corm/handrmacl

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