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TT tye | 2020' Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission Combined State Engineering Services Examination Assistant Engineer Mechanical Engineering Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines Well|llustrated Theory with Solved Examples and Practice Questions MADE EASY Publications Note: This book contains copyright subject mater MADE EASY Publications, New Deh. No part ofthis book may be reproduced, "More in avetrewlaitem or transnted in any fom or byanytneane. laters ae able tobe legally prosecuted Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines Contents UNIT TOPIC Fluid Properties — Fluid Statics — Fluid Kinematics — Fluid Dynamics FlowThrough Pipes FlowMeasurements LaminarFlow Turbulent Flow Boundary Layer Theory Dimensional Analysis ——-— Forces on Submerged Bodies Section-B Hydraulic Machi @5 =m TBS DTS Fluid Kinematics zmauSrmn 3.1 Introduction ‘+ Infiuid kinematics we study the fluid in motion without considering the forces causing motion hence in fluid kinematics we study about the velocity acceleration, angular velocity of flow. We also study about flow visualisation. ion can be described by two methods: () Lagrangian method (i) Eulerian method © The fluid mot 3.1.1, LagrangianMethod + In Lagrangian approach we concentrate on individual fluid particle LZ and study velocity, acceleration etc, ‘+ Though the approach is very accurate, itis very different to keep a track of even a single fluid particle so lagrangian approach to describe % the fluid flow is not generally used. Q Pm he 3.1.2 Eulerian Method in eulerian approach we concentrate on a finite volume through Which fluids flowing this fine volume is called control volume, we t concentrate on one point in the control volume and study the oe velocity, acceleration ele. of any particle occupying that pointhence \ o92) Venn f we can describe a velocity as Vix, y, z, 1) 3.2 Type of Fluid Flow Fluids flow may be classified as: st Uniform flow and non-uniform flow. ‘One, two and three dimensional flow. dy flow and unsteady flow. Rotational flow and irtotational tlow. Laminar flow and turbulent flow. Compressive flow and incompressible flow Steady flow and unsteady flows: ‘+ When the fluid properties such as velocity, density acceleration ete. do not change with time at any particular location (but can change from point to point) in a fluid flow, then the fluid flow is known as steady flow. 70 Mechanical Engineering UPPSC-AE MADE EASY Publications W 9a " ar at Example of steady flow: {@) Liquid attiux from a vessel in which constant level is maintained. (©) Flow of water ina pipeline due to centrifugal pump being run at a uniform rotational speed. Ione or more fluid properties or anyone changes with time, then the fluid flow will be called as unsteady flow. M 40% a0 Example of steady flow: (@)_ Liquid faling under gravy out an opening inthe bottom of a vessel (o) Liquid flow in the suction and pressure pipes of a reciprocating pump, (c) Wave motion and cyclic movement of large bodies of water in tidal flow. 2. Steady flow and non-uniform flow: When velocity of the fiuid does not change, both in magnitude and direction from poi at any given instant of time, the flow is said to be uniform flow. av ° (el. ~° Example: Fluid flow under pressure through long pipeline of constant diameter is uniform flow, If the velocity of fluid changes from point to point al any instant, the flow is said to be non- uniform. ) ee poi toa Types of combination of above flows: ‘Type offlow Exampl (i) Steady and uniform Flow through along pipe of constant iameter at constant rate {W) Steady and non-uniform flow | Flow through a tapering pipe at a constant rate (ii) Unsteady and uniform flow | Constant diameter at either increasing or decreasing rate (iv) Unsteady and non-uniform flow | Flow through a lapering pipe at either increasing or decreasing rate. 8. One, two and three dimensional flow: One dimensional flow: In one dimensional flow, the fluid parameters (velocity, pressure, temperature, density, viscosity etc.) remain constant throughout any cross-section normal to flow direction but very along longitudinal direction Flow field is represented by stream lines which are essentially straight and parallel MADE EASY Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines Fluid Kinematics 71 Example: Incompressiola flowin a duct Flow between parael plates Compressible gas flow in a nozzle ‘Two dimensional flow: ‘+ Intwo dimensional flow, the flow velocity and other fluid parameters very along two directions (longitudinal and vertical) + Examples of 2-dimensional flow. Flow between parallel plates Viscous flow between converging plates Three dimensional flow: ‘+ Flow properties very in all the three directions, Example: Flow in a river, flow within fluid machines, tlow at inlet to a nozzle. S-cimensional fow 4. Rotational flow and irrotational flow: Rotational flow is that type of flow of which fluid particle while moving in the direction of flow rotate about their centre of mass. Otherwise irrotational flow. Streamine Irrotational Flow Rotational Fiow NOTE: Flow inside the boundary layer is rotational while outside it is irrotational 72 3.3 Mechanical Engineering UPPSC-AE MADE EASY Publieatone Fluid partctes not rotating 88 rotational outer low region Velocity profie Wal Fluid parictes rotating Flow Inside and outside Boundary Layer 5. Laminar flow and turbulent flow: Laminar flow: + Itis characterized by a smooth flow of one lamina of fluid over another. + Fluid elements move in a well defined paths and they retain the same relative positions at successive cross-sections of the flow passage. * Laminar flow is also called stream line or viscous flow. ‘+ tocours generally in smooth pipes when the velocity of flow is low and in liquids having a high viscosity. Turbulent flow: ‘+ Inturbulent flow, the fluid element move in erratic and unpredictable paths ‘+ Individual fluid particles are subjected to fluctuating transverse velocities so that the motion is ‘eddying and sinuous rather then rectilinear. The random eddying motion is called turbulence, ‘+ Turbulent flow is an example of unsteady flow, but vice-versa may not always be true 6. Compressive flow and incompressible flow: Compressive flow: ‘+ When the density changes in flowing fluid are appreciable, the flow is called compressible flow. + Gases are readily compressible fluids. ‘+ Mach number (ratio of ocal flow velocity to the sonic velocity in the fluid) is generally taken as a measure of the relative importance of compressibility. + Generally formach number < 0.3, the compressibility effect are ignored Incompressible flow: ‘+ Flowis incompressible ifthe density changes due to pressure variations are insignificant in the flow field, ‘+ Practically, liquids are incompressible. Flow Visualisation For visualisation of flow certain lines are drawn in the flow space, these lines are . Stream line . Path line . Streak line MADE EASY Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines Fluid Kinematics 73 Publiestions 3.3.1 StreamLine Asstream line is an imaginary curve drawn through a flowing fluid in such a way that the tangent to it at any point gives the direction of the instantaneous velocity (V) of flow at that point. tan@ = =2.¥ ( Above equation (a) is known as equation of stream line in 2-D. for different constant, we get different stream lines, ae We ®) uovow u, vand ware the component of velocity in x, y and z direction + Since, velocity is always tangential to stream line there Is no component of velocity perpendicular to the stream ine hence, flow can never cross the stream line thus any discharge getting trap between two stream lines remains same trapped there, thus as the gap between stream line increases, velocity decreases and as the gap decreases velocity increases, + Converging ofthe stream lines indicates acceleration flow in that direction Stream tube: tis a bundle of stream lines and flow within the stream tube remains constant at every section ie. the mass flow rate at every section remain constant Stagnation point In a fluid tlow system where the velocity of flow becomes zero, known as staganation point, 74 Mechanical Engineering UPPSC-AE MADE EASY Publications mus [7 Example - 3.1A steady, two dimensional, incompressible field is represented by usx+3y43andv=2x-y-8 In this flow field, the stagnation point is (a) (3, 2) (b) 3,2) (c) (-3,-2) (d) (3-2) Ans.(d) For stagnation point x+3y+3=0 x4 3y=0 (1) 2x-y-8=0 ae-y=8 (2) Operate eq. (1) +3 x eq. (2) Tx = 21 =3 Put this value in ea. (1) x+gy=-3 gy=-3-3= ys-2 Staganation point ~ (3, ~ 2) 3.3.2 PathLine Actual path travelled by any individual tluid particle cover some time period is called path line and path line is a lagrangian concept. © These are the actual lines not imaginary, © These lines may cut one another, 3.3.3 StreakLine itis the locus of al fuid particles at an instant, which have crossed through the same point. Streak ines © Paride1 © Parice2 © Pardes ‘+ Introduction of dye or smoke from a point in a flow will from streak line. MADE EASY Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines Fluid Kinematics 75 cea + Inphysical, all the three lines are different but mathematically they may be same for steady flow. ‘+ Streamline: Direction of motion (velocity) ‘*Pathline: Motion of a particular fluid particle. + Streakline: Identitication of location of aifferent fluid particle, mus [7 Example - 3.2 The equation of the stream line, passing through the origin, in a flow field u= cos a, v= sin a for a constant ‘a’ is determined as: (a) y= (b) y=xcot a, (c) y=x- tana (d) y=a-sinx Ans.) Stream line equation, dx _ oy uy ar oy integrating both sides x-sina=y-cosate AL x=0,y=0 = c=0 xsina = ycos a yex-tana Equation of stream line. 3.4 Rate of Flow or Discharge (Q) itis defined as the quantity of fluid flowing per second through a section of the conduit where, A = Cross-sectional area V = Mean or average velocity Units: (m/sec or cumec) and itres/sec (Ips) 3.4.1 Mass Flow Rate (1a) fh =pQ 3.5 Continuity Equation 1 is based on the principal of conversation of mass. According to this mass inflow in a fixed region should be equal to mass out flow from that fixed region in a particular time, 1-D flow: pA) , AAV) at as ° 76 Mechanical Engineering UPPSC-AE MADE EASY 2Dand3-D: Au) , Alov) , alow) _ a ay az (2) For 1-D steady flow, pAV = constant PYAM, = Pade For steady and incompressible flow. AV, = Ay For 2-D and 3-D For steady and incompressible flow av oy aw 2D fiow =0 3D flow (u, vand w) are the velocity components in x, y and z direction respectively, toa ‘+ For flow to be possible continuity equation must be satisfied Vn 742k ae ay’ az Veui+vj+wk ¥-V = Divergence of velocity From equation (2) we can say that, 2 +p-(¥-=0 mus [7 Example - 3.3 n a flow field at any point and at any time, density is 2 kg/m? and rate of change of density is 0.5 kg/m/sec. Find the divergence of velocity at that point and at that instant. Solution: Since, flow is taking place. Hence continuity equation is valid sa Pio.) =0 ae we) v= “2 =-0.25 sect mus [7 Example - 3.4 For a flow, the velocity field and variation in density is given as V (10x + By + 2z)7 + (12 + 4y + 5z)j + (8x + 7y + Az)kK and p = pe respectively. What is the value of A if the mass is conserved? (a) -11 {b) -10 (c) 10 @ 14 MADE EASY Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines Fluid Kinematics 77 ‘Ans.(a) Since, mass is conserved continuity equation must be satisfied. ap , Apu) , Av) at ae ay 3 pye+p (104442) = 0 3pyer*"+ pye*t(14 +2) = 0 341444=0 a NOTE: From the given velocity profile comparing with V=ui +vj +wk, we get u, vand w. 3.6 Acceleration of Fluid Particle Vi sumyztisven nz d+ wey 208 W statue WC atvajvay ‘dt ax! ‘yd =u at ay (dk), au (oy “ax (at J ay (at a ay a ae a a ay at Similar ! TAL Ey Bay Oey | Wa ap ae | By A gy AM yO | a a a ae | ‘ Local or Convective or temporal advecive acceleration ‘acceleration Total acceleration = (Convective ‘or’ Advective acceleration) + (Local or temporal acceleration) ‘+ For steady flow: Total acceleratio ‘onvective acceleration * For uniform flow: Total acceleration = Temporal acceleration * For steady-uniform flow, (total acceleration = 0). 3.7 Tangential and Normal Acceleration Unlike velocity vector, the acceleration vector has no specific orientation with respect to stream line ie. it need not always be tangential to stream line. Therefore at any point it may have acceleration components tangential and normal ‘* Tangential acceleration is developed when the magnitude of velocity changes w.rt. time and space. 78 Mechanical Engineering UPPSC-AE MADE EASY Publications ‘+ Normal acceleration is developed when a fluid particle moves in a curved path i.e. simply due to change in direction of velocity of fluid particle regardless of whether the magnitude of the velocity is changing not, for steady flow local acceleration = 0. Tangenialtotal acceleration a ee () as ve Normaltotalasceleration a, = 2vn.4| ME at r where, 1 = Radius of curvature o stream ine V, = Tangential component of velocity V V, = Normal component of velocity V, generated due to change in direction Local tangential acceleration = Local normal acceleration Tangential convective acceleration Normal convective acceleration toa If stream lines are: () Equidistant, tangential convective acceleration is zero. (il) Straight (not curved), normal convective acceleration is zero. ‘+ Ifthe stream lines are straight and parallel to each other, there is no acceleration. + Ifthe stream lines are curved and equidistant there will be only normal convective acceleration, * Ifthe stream lines are curved and converging, then both normal and tangential convective accelerations exist 3.8 Angular Velocity (Q) 20,7 +0,J40,% Let two intially perpendicular lines at 0, OA and OB. Average rotation rate of these de ‘wo perpendicular slines is SP where MADE EASY Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines Fluid Kinematics 79 Publiestions Let the velocity at joint O be u and vand length of OA and OB be dyand dx respectively. Letvelocityin y-direction at B, be (sae) and velocity inx-direction at A be (Zo) Intime dt, point B goes to B’ and A goes to AV. Henes, a a op at s oe at | = @, = Similarly, a nla + Ifangular velocity is zero, flow will be itrotational and for 2-D flow in x-y plane, if flow is irrotational (w,=0) Also, @ = Lexi) 3.9 Vorticity Vorticity is defined as twice of angular velocity B= 28 ny point is zero, the flow is irrotational xv © Ifvorticity at 3.10 Circulation Circulation Fis defined as line integral of tangential component of velocity vector along a closed curve i > + Steamtnes Tt Closed curve in flow space 80 Mechanical Engineering UPPSC-AE MADE EASY Publleaons . T= $V. * circulation around a closed curve is zero, flow in that region is rotational * Consider a two dimensional flow and take a closed curve as shown: wv au P= ude+ [v4 de dy (uray | devel a vere telo (esa (aa) pe (2) dec ar ay y Circulation = ity x Area v vitae irculation = Vorticity x Area ( ar) Circulation * Sreuaton = Vorticity = 20, a ‘Area ms (7 Example - 3.5 Velocity components w= (Axy* - xy), v= (xy?—3/4- ), then the value of 1 for possible flow field involving steady incompressible flow is Solution: Given, u= (Axp—x?y) v= (F-3/4-*) For possible flow, steady and incompressible, continuity equation must be satistied au av + mu vg Gay -20y)+ (ev 3.11 Velocity Potential Function (6) Velocity potential (6) is defined as a scalar function of space and time such that its negative derivative Wd. any direction gives velocity of flow in that direction, oH y20) ou * Velocity potential function exists only for ideal flow and irrotational flow. * Velocity potential concept helps in integration of Euler's equation to find out Bernoull’s equation. * If is constant in a particular direction, velocity will not exist in that direction. + Flow always occurs in the direction of decreasing flow potential * If velocity potential function satisfies Laplace's equation continuity equation will be satisfied and flow 's possible. 25 9%) 92 oo , ax? ay? az? MADE EASY Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines Fluid Kinematics 81 Publiestions + Along equipetential ine, flow will not occur, because 2 94 _ 8 _ 9 oquipotential line ax ay az 3.12 Stream Function (w) * Stream function is a sealer function of space and ime such that its partial derivative w.rt, any direction gives the velocity component at right angles (in anticlockwise direction) to this direction. v y Sz ole ar? ay? { stream function satisfies Laplace's equation the flow wil be irrotational ‘© Property of stream function is that difference of stream function between two points is equal to flow across the line joining these two points. Flow = (vq~ Ws) A 8 * Existence of yimplies that flow may be rotational or irotational uipotential line willbe orthogonal tothe stream ne. Equipotential tine: “ ‘vo! do =0 8 44 2%, ano ay -udz-vdy =0 dy iu dV (m) = -2 (a) ‘Stream line: -vdx-udy = ay ° v dx u (2) uy vu Hence, equipotential ine and stream line are orthogonal to each other, 82 ma (7 Mechanical Engineering UPPSC-AE Example - 3.6 If the fluid velocity for a potential flow is given by V(xy)=u(xy)i +v(xy)/ with usual notations, then the slope of the potential lines at (x, y) is (a) ¢ (> Ans. (6) mu [7 Example - 3.8 Match List-| (Type of flows) with List-II (Basic ideal flows) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: Qt az List- A. Flow over a stationary cylinder. B. Flow over a half rankine body. . Flow over a rotating body. D. Flow over a Rankine oval. Codes: A (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 1 (a) 2 Ans.(d) eorao hROwo anang Student's Assignments Normal acceleration in fluid flow sit only when {@) the stream lines are straight and paral! (0) the low is two-dimensional (6) the stream lines are curved (i the flow is unsteady ation exists Aflownetis a graphical representation of stream ines and equipotential lines such that (@) these lines indicate the direction and magnitude of velocity vector. Pena as List-I1 Source + sink + uniform flow Doublet + Uniform flow Source + Uniform flow Doublet + Free vortex + Uniform flow (b) these lines intersect each other orthogonally forming curve linear squares. (©) these lines intersect each other at various different angles forming irregular shaped nets. (d) the velocity potential increases in the direction of flow, Stream line, streak lines and path lines are all identical in case of (@) unsteady flow (©) uniform flow (b) steady flow (d) non-uniform flow MADE EASY aa as as a7 ae as Q.10 Publications In irrotational flow of an ideal fluid (a) a velocity potential exists (b) all particles must move in a straight line {c) the motion must be uniform (@) the velocity must be zero at a boundary Atwo dimensional flow is described by velocity component u = 2x and v = ~2y. The discharge between points (1, 1) and (2, 2) is equal to (a) 9units (b) 8 units (c) 7 units (d) 6 units ‘An imaginary tangent at a point which shows the direction of velocity of a liquid particle at tr point is (@) path line (c) streak line (b) stream line (d) vortex line ‘A two dimensional flow field is given by stream function y= x?—y?, The magnitude of absolute volocity ata point (1, 1) is @e (o) 4 ws () v2 In a converging steady flow there is (a) noacceleration (b) no temporal acceleration (c) only convective acceleration (d) convective and temporal acceleration The concept of stream function which is based on the principle of continuity is applicable to (a) three dimensional fiow (b) two dimensional flow (©) unitorm flow cases only (4) irrotational flow only In @ two dimensional flow, the equation of a stream line is given as dy_dx dx ay ( YAS ) a4 dx uy oe) oy HA « at @ dx ov The Toricelli theorem gives velocity of jot as (a) gh (e) J2gh a [ean Bar () (a) Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines a1 13 a14 15 a16 a7 a8 Fluid Kinematics 83 The basic principles of fluid flow are 1. Conservation of mass 2. Conservation of energy 3. Conservation of momentum Which of these statements are correct? (@) Both 1and2 —(b) Both 2and3 (6) Both 1and3 (a) 1,2and3 The mean velocities at two ends of a streams tube 10 cm apart are 2.5 m/sec and 8 misec. The convectional tangential acceleration midway is (@) Zero (6) 18.75 mis? (b) 0.5 mis? (d) Not determinable Ifthe flow velocity inx and ydirections are given by u = 2x + y and v = ~2y. The circulation around the circle of radius 2 unit will be (a) -8n (b) ~10n, (@) 128 (d) ~14n In a two dimensional flow of fluid, if a velocity potential function ¢ exists. Which satisfies the ee ax? ay! He $. relation 0, then the flow is (@) steady incompressible (b) steady laminar and incompressible (6) irotational and incompressible (d) turbulent and incompressible Equation of continuity is based on the principle of conservation of (@) Mass (©) Momentum (b) Energy (d) None of these ‘Aone dimensional flow is one which (@) is uniform (b) is steady uniform (©) takes place in straight lines (@) involves zero transverse component of ow For a flow, the velocity components are given by (u= day? x8) and (v=22y8—3y4) whats the value off. for the possible flow field which includes steady incompressible flow @s (0) 5 7 @e Mechanical Engineering 84 Q.19 What is the value of angle (degree) between stream lines and equipotential ines at the point of intersection in the flow net? (a) 0 (b) 45 (c) 60 (a) 90 Q.20 When the water drawn from the central hole made 's wash hand basin, the type of flow of water is (@) forced vortex (6) tangential flow (0) free vortex (@) transitional flow Q.21 Which of the following is calculated with the help of Moddy's equation (@) discharge (b) friction factor (c) pressure (d) velocity of flow .22 Ifat the particular instant of time, the velocity of flow does not change with location over specific with location over specific region, the flow is called as (@) steady flow (6) uniform fiow (0) unsteady flow (@) non-uniform flow annot be Q.23 Inwhich of the following case flow net: drawn? {a) irrotational flow (b) steady flow (6) when flow is governed by gravity (d) when flow is not governed by gravity Q.24 The value obtained from dividing limiting value of circulation by area of closed contour is known as {@) Potential function (©) Stream function (6) Vorticiy (@) None of these .25 Which of the following expressions represents the continuity equation in case of steady incompressible tow? (a) 44 ax ay au, ap (b) ax ay au_av Oey (d) None of these UPPSC-AE 0.26 27 28 a.29 2.30 31 Publications A path line describes, (@) The velocity direction at all points on the line (0) The path followed by particles ina flow (c) The path over a period of times of a single particle that has based out at a point (d) The instantaneous position ofall particles that have passed a point It uand vare the component of velocity in the ‘x and 'y’ directions of a flow given by u= ax + bj v= ex + dythen the flow condition to be satisfied is (@ate=0 () b+ d=0 ()at+b+e=0 (d) a+d=0 Fora fluid with V=2x?+ yj the acceleration at Gis units @s (9 7 (@) V7 In a three dimensional motion of a fluid, the component of rot (ay _aw ) o {-3) tion about the x-axis (w,) is (a) © It flow conditions satisfy “Laplace equation” then {@) flow is rotational (0) flow does not satisty continuity equation (6) flow is irrotational but does not satisty continuity equation (4) flow is rotational and flow satisty continuity equation A flow variable like V=V(x,y,z,t) are used to define in (a) Langrangian approach (b)Rankine vortex motion (c) Eulerian approach (d)None of these MADE EASY Q.32 The velocity potential function in a two dimensional flow field is given by 6 = x2— 2, The magnitude of velocity at point P(t, 1) is (a) (c) 22 Q.33 The convective acceleration of fluid in the x-direction is given by (b) 2 (d) 8 (o) fo) u! (9s) Q.34A stream function is given by (x - ¥”). The potential function of the flow will be (@) 2xy + fle) (b) 2xy + constant (c) 2(x?- y*) (A) 2xy + 1) .35 1 for a flow, a stream function y exists and satisfies the Laplace equation, then which one of the following is the correct statement? (a) The continuity equation is satisfied and the tow is irrotational (b) The continuity equation is satisfied and the flow is rotational (c) The flow is irrotational but does not satisfy the continuity equation (d) The flow is rotational Q.36 Irrotalional flow is characterized as the one in which the {@) fluid flows along a straight line (b) fluid does not rotate as it moves along {c) not rotation of fluid particles about their mass centres remains zero (d) streamlines of flow are curved and closely spaced Q.37 The components of velocity in a two dimensional frictionless incompressible flow are u = + 8y and v= 31+ 3x. Whatis the approximate resultant total acceleration at the point (3, 2) and t= 2? Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines Fluid Kinematics 85 (@ 5 (0) 49 © 8 (a) 4 Q.88A steady, incompressible flow is given by: u= 24 ¥ and v=~ dry What is the convective acceleration along direction at point (1, 2)? (@) a= 6unit (b) a (© a=-Bunit (a) a Q.39 Consider the following remarks pertaining to the inrotational flow 4. The Laplace equation of stream function 2. TheLaplace equation for the velocity potential 4, Fo must bo satistiod to fl tho ae oy’ criterion of mass conservation ie. continuity equation Which of the above statements is/are correct? (@ tonly (b) Both 1 and 2 (©) Zonly (a) Neither 1 nor 2 > ANSWER KEY / STUDENTS. 1d) 2 tb) Bb) 4. (a) 5. (d) 6) 2 8 96) Wo) M1. (b) 12. (d) 13. (1A) 1S. 16. (a) 17. (d) 18. (d) 19. (d)— 20, (b) 21. (b) 22 (c) 23. (c) 24 (ce) 2S. a) 26. (c) 27. (d) 28. (d) 29. (a) 30. (a) 31. (ce) 32 (c) 33. (d) 34 (b) 35. (a) 36. (c)_ 37. (0) 38. (c)_—_39. (b) HINTS & SOLUTIONS / ,SIUDENTS « | 5. Given us (1) (2) Integrating equation (1) 86 Mechanical Engineering y= ery +) Differentiating equation (3) want y HE = aaron Equating equation (2) and equation (4) ry) = 0 * Integrating f(y) = constant ya zy+ vill. 1) = 240 vie?) = 846 IWaeWal = 1-2 +6)-(-8 42) = 6units (a) Vo = ayi+2x7 A(t.) = 2427 |\v| - ar +a? = V8 = 2B units Be Convectional tangential acceleration is given by wv _ AV ve 7 aS (vorticity) , Gireulation _ Area Circulation = -8 x mx (2)? =~12n UPPSC-AE (3) (4) Be For steady incompressible flow aw au av ty 7° (ay? - ax?y?) + (3x?y? — 992) = 0 n=0 u = axt by vz cetay For flow to be salistied au av ty 7° (a+) =0 Be AU 1) (@ = Vi6+1= 17 units Ee neulerian method, we take a finite volume called control volume through which fluid flows in and out. The flow variable at a particular location, at a particular time, is the value of variable for whichever fluid particle happens to occupy that, location at that time, Be A Pa P29 Mxyzo Viz Vout a= alunzt) o= y= ~Baex ax MADE EASY Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines Fluid Kinematics 87 Ee v Stream function always satisfies continuity v= equations since in this case it satisfies Laplace wc) equation therefore itis a case of irrotational flow. 7 42) Ele v 1+? Mathematically, fluid flow in which the curl of 7 = oro ve velocity function i.e, vorticity is zero everywhere, 0 that the circulation ofthe velocity about any = 2N2 units closed curve vanishes. Irotational motionis also B known as acyclic motion Fy) Ba au, ye ea dey wilt, oe a ot (Bt +3x)3+2t= 49 Units du Where < = Local or temporal acceleration dt Remaining terms are called “convective =(P +3y)8+8=28 units acceleration re - [ape a= yar +a = (49) +(33)° = 59 units Ea Fog = (a9 (3) ov Ede de Convective acceleration along xslrcion at point dy (1.2) ana ¥ au, au Soy = (20° + ¥) (4x) + (- Ary) (29) (2+ 4) (4) + (—4)(1)(2)(2(2) = 24-32 =-8 unit Now, 2 ~ex —2ey + f(x) Differentiating w. r to x f(x) = constant = -2xy + constant

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