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The earliest cellular dysfunction following hypoxia is:

A. apo ptosis
B. oxidate decom position
C. defective protein synthesis
D. release of hydrolytic enzymes

2. Movement of leukocytes towards the site of injury is:

A. opsonization
B. chemotaxis
C. diapedesis
D. transmigration

3. The central factor in the pathogenesis of irrevsible cell injury is:

A. mitochondrial dysfunction
B. membrane damage
C. cytoskeletal abnormalities
D. free radical formation

4. The type of necrosis where there is preservation of the basic

outline of the dead cells for a few days is noted in:
A. Caseation
B. Coagulation
C. Liquefaction
D. Gangrenous

5.The sequence of cellular events in inflammation is:

A. margination--diapedesis--chemotaxis--phagocytosis
B. diapedesis--margination--chemotaxis--phagocytosis
D. chemotaxis--deapedesis--margination--phagocytosis

6. The oxygen-derived free radicals are implicated in:

A. endothelial cell damage
B. release of histamine
C. tissue regeneration
D. prostaglandin release

7. The immediate transient phase of vascular permeability in most

types of tissue injury is mediated by:
A. histamine
B. prostaglandins
C. complement
D. bradykinin
8. The most important cause of delay in wound healing is:
A. infection
B. presence of foreign bodies
C. inadequate blood supply
D. mechanical factors

9. Keloid is due to excessive

A. granulation tissue
B. granuloma formation
C. amyloid deposition
D. collagen accumulation

10. A laceration in the right hand of a 22-year old male was sutured.
A week later, the sutures were removed and healing continued.
However, the site of the wound developed a raised, nodular scar
that developed over the following 2 months. What process
A. wound dehiscence
B. exuberant granulation
C. organization
D. keloid formation

11. A white infarct, in contrast to red infarct, is usually seen in organs

which are:
A. solid
B. with double blood supply
C. infected
D. previously congested

12. The substance that is responsibel for massive peripheral

vasodilatation and schock in sepsis is:
A. cytokines
B. oxygen-derived free radicals
C. fibrin degradation products
D. nitric oxide

13. Most important predisposing factor in the development of

thrombosis is:
A. stasis
B. turbulence
C. endothelial injury
D. hypercoagulability of blood

14. A 40-year old male with blood type of B+ receives a blood

transfusion. Unknowingly, blood from another patient with blood
type A+ was used for compatibility testing prior to the transfusion.
Within 30 minutes after starting the transfusion, the patient
becomes tachycardic and hypotensive and passes tea-colored-
urine. How is this reaction mediated?
A. mast cell degranulation
B. antigen-antibody complex deposition in glomeruli
C. complement-mediated lysis of red blood cells
D. antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity

15. Thymectomy in a new born infant will cause:

A. Impaired cell-mediated immune response
B. Impaired antibody response
C. Heavy chain disease
D. No discernible immune dysfunction

16. A 48-year-old man has chronic cough with fever that have
persited for several months. The chest radiograph reveals a diffuse
reticulonodular pattern. Microscopically on transbronchial biopsy
there are focal areas of inflammation containing epitheloid
macrophages, Langhan's giant cells, and lymphocytes. These
findings are most typical for which of the following immunologic
A. Type I
B. Type II
C. Type III
D. Type IV

17. A 53 y/o G10P10(10-0-0-10) female underwent transplantation

of the right kidney. The donor kidney was taken from her
husband. Fifteen minutes after transplantation, the transplanted
kidney become cyanotic, mottled and flaccid. What is the
mechanism of rejection?
A. direct cell mediated reaction
B. indirect cell mediated reaction
C. Ab-mediated reaction
D. there is no graft rejection

18. A 39-year-old man had an acute febrile illness with fever,

pharyngitis, lymphadenopathy, and malaise following a trip to a
city known for its commercial sex workers. Assuming a typical
course of the disease, in how many years would you predict that
his peripheral blood CD4 lymphocyte count will drop below
A. one
B. five
C. ten
D. fifteen
19. A male infant was born at term. No congenital anomalies were
noted at birth. A year later he now has failure to thrive and has
been getting one bacterial pneumonia after another with both
Homophilus influenzae and Sreptococcus pneumoniae cultured
from his sputum. You should most strongly supect that he has:
A. Di George Syndrome
B. Selective IgA deficiency
C. EBV infection
D. X-inked agammaglobulinemia

20. This is NOT a clinical indication of karyotyping

A. recurring pregnancy loss
B. single malformation in the newborn
C. mental retardation of unkown cause
D. offspring with chromosomal rearrangements

21. How many Barr bodies does a patient with 48 XXXY karyotype
A. none
B. one
C. two
D. three

22. A 24-year old male has a workup for infertility and is found to
have oligospermia. Physical examination finding include bilateral
gynecomastia, reduced testicular size, and reduced body hair.
Karyotypic analysis will most likely reveal which of the following
A. 47,XXY
B. 47,XYY
C. 46,XY, del(22q11)
D. 46XX/47XX,+21

23. Which would be a preneoplastic lesion?

A. Cirrhosis
B. Hepatoma
C. pancreatic chrorista
D. Lymphoma

24. A biopsy of the stomach reveals an area of malignant change

characterized by vansized, compactly arranged neoplastic glands
lined by moderately differentiated cells. Which of the following
terms refer to malignant tumor or glandular apethelium?
A. Sarcoma
B. Choristoma
C. Teratoma
D. Adenocarcinoma

25. A 70-year old asymptomatic man is found to have bilateral

inguinal hernias. At operation for herpia repair, an enlarged lymph
node is removed. Pathologic evaluation disclosed a metastatic
adenocarcinoma. The primary site of such a tumor can be best
determined by:
A. Barium enema
B. Exploratory laparotomy
C. Immunoperoxidase localization of specific tumor markers
D. Computed tomograpy of the pelvis

26. A 12 year old boy from Kalinga was admitted at a local hospital
due to fever and chills. What is the infective stage of malaria to
A. gametocyte
B. trophozoite
C. sporozoite
D. schizont

27. An elderly woman was diagnosed with military tuberculosis.

Which organ will Mycobacterium tuberculosis LEAST likely infect?
A. adrenal
B. bone marrow
C. kidney
D. thyroid

28. Secondary pulmonary TB does NOT relate to

A. Ghon complex
B. nutiary spread
C. caseation necrosis
D. apical lesions

29. A pigeon raise suddenly developed stiff neck and deteriorating

sensorium. CSF was obtained and should be stained with:
A. Acid fast stain
B. methylene blue
C. India ink stain
D. gram stain

30. Exposure to radiation is most damaging to human tissue?

A. Alpha
B. Beta
C. Gamma
D. X-ray
31. What is the term given to a group of disease that results from the
chronic inhalation of particulate or gaseous agents as a result of
occupational exposure?
A. Granulomatous dissease
B. Pneumoconiosis
C. Mycobacteriosis
D. Bronchiectasis

32. Fatty change is found in chronic alcoholism due to:

A. Increased fat delivery to the liver
B. Decreased oxidation of fatty acids
C. Decreased transport of lipoproteins from the liver
D. Decreased serum lipid

33. A raving parent drags her child to the doctor, complaining about
the recent deterioration in the child's performance at school. The
doctor observes that the child appears somewhat pale. Peering
at the child's medical record, the doctor notes a change in the
patient's address. A brief interview reveals that the family had only
recently moved to a new neighborhood, an urban community that
first grew around an old battery factory famed for having been
enclosed down after a series of well-documented industrial
Given this information, and assuming that the parent is not merely
hysterical, the doctor suspects that the deterioration in the child's
performance may be the result of exposure to the following
A. asbestos
B. cigarette smoke
C. lead
D. organophosphates

34. Hypervitamininosis D in adults carries a risk of:

A. Papilledema
B. renal calculi
C. growth retardation
D. Xeropthalmia

35. A 2-year boy was examined and noted to have generalized

edema, variedly pigmental hair and chubby appearance. The
diagnosis of kwashiorkor will be supported by:
A. serum albumin and liver biopsy
B. CBC and hair follicle examination
C. renal biopsy
D. urinalysi and culture of the urine
36. A blood specimen is drawn for lipoprotein phenotyping. The test
results obtained are:
1. Triglycorides-235 mg/dl (NV 40-164 mg/d)
2. Total cholesterol- 190 mg/dl (NV less than 200 mg/dl)
3. Prebeta- lipoprotein fraction normal
4. Beta- lipoprotein fraction normal
5. Chylomicrons present
6. Serum appearnce milky
The best explanation for these results would be that the individual
exhibited characteristics of:
A. A normal individual
B. A non-fasting serum protein
C. Type II hyperlipoproteinemia
D. Type IV hyperlipoproteinemia

37. A child came in at the out-patient department because of

generalized edema accompanied by easily pluckable hair,
listlessness and loss of appetite. The child is most likely
suffering from:
A. Anorexia
B. Marasmus
C. Kwashiorkor
D. Bulimia

38. The leading cause of death in children between 5-14 years of age
A. malignant neoplasm
B. congenital anomalies
C. injuries
D. cardiac disease

39. Hirshsprung's disease is usually caused by the congenital

absence of ganglion cells in the myenteric plexus of which
segment of the large intestine?
A. Cecum
B. Ascending colon
C. Descending colon
D. Rectum

40. A 16-year old boy presents with a right-sided abdominal mass,

which examination discloses to be associated with the liver.
X-rays shows partially calcified tumor accupying most ot the right
abdomen. The correct diagnosis is:
A. Wilms' tumor
B. Hepatoblastoma
C. Pancreatoblastoma
D. Neuroblastoma

41. The most important feared complication of atheroma is:

A. calcification
B. rupture
C. superimposed thrombosis
D. ulceration

42. Emboli of major veins of the legs eventually plug small vessels
of the:
A. pulmonary circulation
B. coronary circulation
C. cerebral circulation
D. systematic circulation

43. A 35 year old female was admitted because of blurring of vision,

numbness of the fingers, and dizziness. Pertinent P.E. findings:
BP, upper extremity = 30/0 mm Hg; BP, lower extremity =
160/100 mm Hg; thready to absent pulse, upper extremity;
bouncing pulse, lower extremity. The most probable histologic
finding of vascular lesions in this patient is:
A. nonspecific transmural inflammation of arterial wall
B. collagenous fibrosis involving all layers of vessel wall
C. granulomatous vasculitis and necrotizing granulomas
D. fibrous encasement of artery, vein, and nerve

44. When a person dies suddenly from a "heart attack" the most
likely event causing it will be a/an:
A. aortic aneurysm
B. coronary artery embolism
C. congestive heart failure
D. arrhythmia

45. Histopathology examination of the heart of a patient who died of

AMI showed coagulative necrosis, edema, hemorrhage and
neutrophilic intilirates. How old is the infarct?
A. 30 minutes
B. 12 hours
C. 1 day
D. 1 week

46. A 25 year old female consulted a physician for gradual

enlargement of the abdomen and both legs.
The condition started about 3 weeks ago as dyspnea with ankle
swelling, followed by abdominal heaviness. She later noticed
abdominal enlargement, which shifted when she lies in bed on her
side. Past history showed that she had RHD and was hospitalized
twice in the last 4 years but was sent home improved.

If you could visualize the heart, what change(s) would be

expected to give rise to the complication described?
A. fusion of the tricuspid commissures
B. thick and short mitral chord tendinae
C. verrocae on the valve leaflets
D. occluded cronary arteries

47. An 8-yr old boy has venticular septal defect. 40 yrs later, he
developed increasing dyspnea, hypoxia, and cyanosis. The reason
for this is the development of
A. acute myo.infarction
B. left atrial thrombosis
C. pulmonary hypertension
D. endocardial fibroelastosis

48.The mechanism of clotting is affected by:

A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin K
C. Thiamine
D. Vitamin E

49. A 21-year old man has lifelong hemorrhagic diathesis. The PT

and bleeding time are normal, but the aPTT is prolonged. The
most likely cause of the bleeding disorder is:
A. factor VIII deficiency
B. factor IX deficiency
C. factor VII deficiency
D. von Willebrand's disease

50. A 29 year old female underwent cardiac surgery for valve

replacement. After a week, blood picture showed anemia with
numerous fragmented red cells, helmet cells and burr cells. The
most likely diagnosis is:
A. idiophatic thrombocytopenia
B. thalassemia
C. immunohemolytic anemia
D. microangiopathic hemolytic anemia

51. Which of the following is a T-cell lymhoid malignancy?

A. Burkitt's lymphoma
B. Mycosis fungoides
C. Hairy cell leukemia
D. Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma

52. The most important difference between a benign reactive lymp

node and lymphoma is:
A. interstitial fibrosis
B. follicular hyperplasia
C. effacement of normal architecture
D. precence of plasma cells

53. Lito 27-year-old has a total WBC count of 4x10/L. The

differential count is as follows:
Neutrophils- .28 (NV .56)
Lymphocytes -.65 (NV .34)
Band - .02 (NV .2)
Monocytes - .5 (NV .4)
Which of the following statement is true?
A. The percentage of lympocytes is normal
B. The absolute number of lymphocytes is low
C. there is an absolute lymphocytosis
D. There is a relative lymphocytosis

54. The histologic hallmark of chronic bronchitis is

A. inflamation and fibrosis
B. hyperplasio of goblet cells
C.hypertrophy of submucosal glands
D. marked narrowing of bronchial lumen

55. Patchy consolidation of the lungs & the presence of suppurative

exudate filling up the bronchi, bronchioles, & adjacent alveolar
spaces are characteristics seen in:
A. tuberculosis
B. lobar pneumonia
C. primary atypical pneumonia
D. bronchopneumonia

56. The pathogenesis of acute respiratory distress syndrome is

associated with
B. Multiple pulmonary emboli
C. Endothelial and epithelial injury
D. Antedent pulmonary hypertension

57. A 76-year old female developed Staphyloccoccal pneunomia for

which she was given a course of antibiotic therapy. Ten days later,
she no longer had productive cough but fever persisted. Chest
x-ray showed a 3-cm, rounded density in the right lower lobe
whose liquefied contents form a central air-fluid level. Which of the
following outcomes of her pneumonia occurred?
A. abscess formation
B. regeneration
C. progression to chronic inflammation
D. fibrosis

58. Mang Juanito, 60-year-old man has been smoking for many years
no nausea and vomiting. He had one bout of hemoptysis and went
to the ER for consultation. X-ray shows a 6 cm mass on the
bronchus. Which of the following cytologic findings is likely to be
found in this patient?
A. Presence of acid fast organism on sputum exam
B. Presence of malignant squamous cells in sputum
C. Presence of numerous necrotic debris and inflammatory cell
in sputum
D. Presence of reactive mesothelial cells in pleural fluid exam

59. Mang Juan, 65-year-old male with a history if smoking with

productive cough for many years came in to the emergency room
with difficulty of breathing. Chest X-ray shows prominent blood
vessels and large heart. Patient went into cardiorespiratory arrest.
Resuscitation done but to no avail. Histologic section taken from
the lung at bronchi. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Emphysema
B. Bronchial asthma
C. Chronic bronchitis
D. Broncchlectasis

60. The most characteristic microscopic finding of Retinoblastoma is:

A. Homer Wright rosette
B. Flexner Wintersteiner rosette
C. Blastema cells
D. Rosenthal fibers

61. True statements concerning sialolithiasis include:

A. It ccurs most often in the parotid gland
B. It presents clinically with painless swelling
C. It is treated successfully with antibiotics
D. It occurs most often in the submandibular gland

62. A 42 year old male patient comes in with a chief complaint of

"mouth sore." Patient has been a smoker since 17 years old
This lesion is most likely:
A. Hairy leukoplakia
B. Erythroplakia
C. Aphtous ulcer
D. Leukoplakia

63. A 46 year old female has keratoconjunctivitis. She also has oral
mucosal atrophy with buccal mucosal ulceration. A biopsy of her
lip reveals marked lymphocytic and plasma cell infiltrates in minor
salivary glands. Which of the following antibodies is most likely to
be found for this patient?
A. anti-centromre antibody
C. Scl-70
D. anti-ds DNA

64. Which organism is associated with traveller's dearrhea?

A. Salmonella typhi
B. Campylobacter jejuni
C. escherichia coli
D. Shigella

65. Which is the definitive finding in acute appendicitis:

A. obstruction of the lumen by a fecalith
B. mucus inspissation in the lumen
C. neutrophils in the muscularis
D. serosal congestion and margination of polys

66. A 6-year-old boy develps abdominal pain and vomiting preceded

by a 3-day period without bowel movements. A diagnosis of
intestinal obstruction is made. Of the following, the most likely
reason for the obstruction is a bolus of:
A. Taenia saginata
B. Ascaris lumbricoides
C. Strongngyloides tercoralis
D. Onchocerca volvulus

67. Which of the following accumulates in the cytoplasm of liver cells

in steatosis:
A. sphingolipids
B. phosholipids
C. cholesterol/cholesterol esters
D. triglycerides

68. Nelia, 38-year-old, female, complains of fatigue and pruritus. She

is found to have hig serum alkaline phosphatase and slightly
elavated serum bilirubin levels, and serum antimitochondrial
autobodies are present. A liver biopsy reveals a marked
Lymphocytic infiltrate in the portal tracts. Occaional granioumas
are also seen. The most likely diagnosis is:
A Primary Sclerosing cholangitis
B. Primary biliary cirrhosis
C. Viral hepatitis B infection
D. Impacted galistoric

69. Imelda, 6-years-old, girl, had a blocky, reddish brown rash and
was treated with aspirin, she developed fatty change of the liver.
The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Subacute Sclerosing panencephalitis
B. Varicella-Zoster infection
C. Reye's syndrome
D. Poliomyelitis

70. Carcinoma of the pancreas:

A. arises from pancreatic acinar cells
B. occurs most often in the tail of the pancreas
C. is associated with spontaneous venous thrombosis
D. is usually cured by total pancreatectomy

71. Which is seen in the pancreas of infancts of diabetic mothers?

A. multiple adenomas
B. solitary adenoma
C. diffuse hyperplasia
D. carcinoma

72. The most characteristic histologic lesion of acute pancreatitis is:

A. Neutrophilic infiltration
B. Hemorrhage
C. Fat necrosis
D. Necrosis of parenchyma

73. Diffuse effacement of foot processes is characteristic of:

A. idiopathic rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis
B. lipoid nephrosis
C. IgA nephropathy
D. lupus nephritis

74. Membranous glomerulopathy and poststreptococcal

glomerulonephritis are similar in that they both:
A. are self-limiting and transient renal disease
B. are commonly associated with nephrotic syndrome
C. are most commonly seen in children
D. have glomerular immune complex deposits

75. A 28 year old primigravida had hypotensive shock because of

postpartum hemorrhage. Her urine output ranged from 80-200 ml/
24 hours. The basic kidney lesion to explain this decreased urine
output is:
A. Hemolytic-uremic syndrome
B. Obstructive uropathy
C. Acute tubular necrosis
D. Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis

76.Which of the following agents is thought to be the cause of cancer

of the urinary bladder?
A. Cyclasmates
B. Dietary tat
C. Vinyl chloride
D. Asbestos

77. A 62-year old male who presented with hematuria was recently
diagnosed with a grade IV transitional cell carcinoma that has
infiltrated through the bladder wall. Which of the following
statements regarding the findings is TRUE?
A. He has pooly differentiated tumor
B. The neoplasm is metastatic
C. The stage of this tumor is low
D. A paraneoplastic syndrome is apparent

78. A 30 year old man had an orchietomy for testicular cancer. Which
biologic marker is NOT valuable in the diagnosis management?
D. Estrogen

79. A 30 year old male present with a testicular mass that is

suspected to be a malignant tumor. Abdominal computed
tomography reveals enlargement of para aortic lymph nodes and
multiple lung nodules are seen on chest x ray. Serum levels of
HCG and AFP are markedly increased. Which of the following
features is not consistent with the diagnosis of a classic
A. age
B. presence of lung metastasis
C. enlargement of para aortic lymph nodes
D. elevations in hcg and afp

80. Characteristic histopathologic change associated with HPV

uterine cervix infection is:
A. thickening of stratum corneum with production of qualitative
abnormal keratin
B. retention of the nuclei in the cell of the stratum corneum
C. kollocytic atypia
D. epidermal thickening

81. The nonpregnant uterus of a 23-year old female measured 8 x 5x4

cm. Which of the following changes explains the increase in the
size of the uterus?
A myometrial smooth muscle hypertrophy
B. endometrial stromal hypertrophy
C. endometrial glandular hyperplasia
D. vascular endothelial hyperplasia

82. A 56 year old postmenopausal female, G3P3, consulted because

of abdominal pain. She also complained of vaginal spotting.
Speculum examination showed whitish, mucoid discharged. On IE
uterus was not enlarged but a right adnexal mass was felt. Which
of the following ovarian tumors is LEAST likely in this
postmenopausal patient?
A. Dermoid cyst
B. Immature teratoma
C. Granulosa cell tumor
D. Mucinous cystadenoma

83. The most important prognostic feature in invasive breast cancer is

A. the grade of the tumor
B. the histologic type of the tumor
C. the size of the tumor
D. the status of the draining lymph nodes

84. The usual presentation of bloody nipple discharge is found in:

A. Intraductal papilloma
B. Fibroadenoma
C. Fibrocystic change
D. Phylloides tumor

85 A 44 year old female was diagnosed with breast carcinoma. The

affected left breast is covered by thickened, pitted overlying skin
and is slightly larger than the uninvolved right breast. How is the
gross appearance of the left breast best explained?
A. chronic passive congestion
B. chronic inflammation
C. lymphatic obstruction
D. venous thrombosis

86. A 5 cm well-encapsulated mass was excised from the breast of a

21-year-old woman. Histologically, the mass was composed of
elongated, ductlike structures surrounded by loose, fibrous
connective tissue. What is the diagnosis?
A. fibroadenoma
B. intraductal papilloma
C. Pagets disease
D. Phyllodes tumor

87. A 30 year old woman presented with a chief complaint of an

primary consideration amont the following disease entities?
A. Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma
B. Medullary thyroid carcinoma
C. Papillary thyroid carcinoma
D. Follicular thryroid carcinoma

88. A 30 year old female complained of loss of conciousness.

at less than 50mg/dl. This is usually associated with
A. Gastrinoma
B. Insulinoma
C. Glucagonoma
D. Somatostatinoma

89. A 20-year-old female died suddenly and unexpectedly after

complaining only of a mild sore throat the day before. At autopsy,
her adrenal glands are enlarged and have massive bilateral cortical
hemorrhage. Infection with which of the following organisms best
accounts for these findings?
A. Cytomegalovirus
B. Histoplasma capsulatum
C. Neisseria meningitides
D. Streptococcus pneumonia

90. The most commonly accepted cause of squamous cell

carcinoma of the skin is:
A. Exposure to ultraviolet light
B. Exposure to arsenic
C. Cutaneous scars

91. Healing by 2nd intention resulting in exuberant granulation tissue

formation that blocks reepithelialization is characteristic of
A. scab
B. keloid
C. repair
D. proud flesh
92. Tuberculosis osteomyelitis usually arises:
A. spontaneoulsy
B. from a focus on the pelvis
C. from a focus in the spinal cord
D. From hematogenous dissemination from a focus of active
visceral disease

93. The most likely malignant bone tumor in a 65 y/o man is:
A. Giant cell tumor
B. Osteosarcoma
C. Metastatic prostatic cancer
D. Multiple myeloma

94. An 8 year old female can bend her thumb back to touch her
forearm. She can pull her skin out from her abdomen about 8 cm
and a cut to her skin gapes open and is difficult to repair. Her
underlying disease process results from an inherited defect in
A. LDL receptor
B. factor VIII
C. alpha 1-antitrypsin
D. collagen

95. Involvement of the dorsal root ganglia is characteristic of

A. rabies
B. H. simplex
C. Poliomyelitis
D. Subacute panencephalitis

96. Ocular muscle weakness and general fatigability were found in a

38 year old woman who also had antibodies to acetylcholine
receptors. What is the diagnosis?
A. Grave disease
B. Polymyositis
C. Myasthenia gravis
D. Wiscott-Adrich syndrome

97. A 17 year old female college student has 14 scattered 2- to 5-cm

flat, hyperpigmented skin lesion with irregular borders on her
extremities and torso. She had decreased vision year ago, and an
optic nerve glioma was excised. She now presents with a mass
involving the left wrist. The histopathologic exam of the mass is
most likely to show
A. Fibrosarcoma
B. Angiomyolipoma
C. Meningioma
D. Schwannoma
98. Which is found in the hippocampus and purkinje cells of the cerebellum
of patients with Alziemer's Disease
A. Cowdry bodies
B. Negri bodies
C. Lewy bodies
D. Hirano bodies

99. Brain infact associated with TB meningitis is a consequence of

A. arteris
B. brain edema
C. sinus thrombosis
D. caseous necrosis

100. A 6-cm mass beneath the dura that compresses the underlying
left lateral parietal lobe is found incidentally on head CT scan done
surgically removed and sent for histopath. Morphologically, the
mass consist of elongated cell with pale oblong nuclie and pink
cytoplasm with occasional psammoma bodies. The most likely
diagnosis is:
A. Ependymoma
B. Medulloblastoma
C. Meningioma
D. Schwannoma

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