In Times of Pandemic, Core Should Be Applied: Name: John Cedric A. Buban Course/Section: Bsit-1H Teacher: Sr. Danny Canon

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In Times of Pandemic,


Should be applied





"In Times of Pandemic, CORE should be Applied" Raymond Poincare once said, "You hold in
your hands the future of the world". A pleasant day, everyone! I am John Cedric Arevalo Buban,
and today please allow me to share my thoughts and concerns regarding the spread of COVID19.
Gentlemen, I know that all of you are aware about this pandemic since this is the biggest
dilemma we are facing today. We've been pent for almost two months now, and still, the virus is
roaming around and has not vanish. This dilemma won't be solve unless our pharmaceutical
scientists and chemists would successfully make drugs or vaccines that might cure and prevent
the spread of COVID19. And if, we, not just us Filipinos but also the all people worldwide be
will apply the so called CORE apply the so called CORE so that the number of infected will
lessen. So what does CORE means? Recently, I've been thinking about a word where in each
letter is equivalent to a word that might remind people the right things to do and to wake their
mind. After a long-time of thinking, I finally came up with the word CORE. Everyone, I know
all of you are curious of what it means. So yeah, here we go... The "C" for CORE stands for
CAUTIOUS. Why cautious? If we, people, would be cautious enough especially in all the
actions we make, the spread of virus will be atleast prevented. We all know that a cautious
personal is far from tragedy, right? For he or she know how to handle herself or himself not to
get hurt. Next is the "O" which stands for OBEDIENCE. Those in higher position set a rules and
regulations that we need to follow in order to be safe and to get infected by the virus. Some of its
example is to sanitize ourselves, always wear a mask everytime we go out outside our house and
the social distancing. If we are going to obey the given rules, rest assured that we will remain
safe and sound. So let's move to the next letter which is the letter "R" that stands for
"RESPONSIBLE". Be responsible. "Accept responsibility”.

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