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hi everyone every minute some kind of

competition is held in the world and

although only one is destined to become
the winner healthy competition makes all
participants a little better you have to
admit that sometimes we all want to be
faster stronger or smarter than the rest
however there are competitions that take
human abilities to a whole new level
they test not only physical strength but
also endurance and the drive to win some
consider them cruel some crazy or
meaningless but one thing is certain
they are very spectacular and impressive
and today we'll talk about these
contests and see where the will to win
might take a person let's get it on
monkey bridge to see the first unusual
competition for today let's go to
Vietnam but not to a large city but away
from cars and glass skyscrapers into the
well let's start with what this monkey
bridge is all about Vietnam is a humid
country with many streams ponds and
rivers to cross them people build narrow
wooden or bamboo bridges they look
flimsy but they withstand human weight
just fine there's only one drawback no
handrails so sometimes it's easier to
walk across the river and then try to
maintain balance while on the bridge
such bridges have become a kind of
symbol of Vietnam in the rest of the
world they are known as monkey bridges
walking on them is very difficult and
just imagine how difficult it would be
to drive on it in a vehicle so we got to
the essence of the very first
competition for today the goal seems to
be easy enough to ride a bicycle on the
bridge from the beginning to the very
end but it's easier said than done
only a few people can pull it off the
winner gets joyful cheers of the crowd
and a feeling of satisfaction
the loser gets cold water sand in his
underwear and a lot of laundry to do
toe wrestling thoughts that come to mind
of drunk people can surprise shock scare
or in our case give birth to perhaps the
weirdest competitions in the world the
regulars of a small pub in Staffordshire
England once decided to test the
strength of their toes
it happened in 1976 and here right in
the pub the very first contest was
hosted despite the apparent absurdity of
the idea the competition became popular
and 44 years later it spread across the
entire world
the phrase toe wrestling will surprise
most people or make them smile however
the participants of this unusual contest
take it very seriously if they prepare
for each fight train their toes and feet
all this in order to win 9 seconds of
yep you heard right each wrestling match
lasts only nine seconds three for each
round the first match always starts with
the right foot followed by the left foot
if after two rounds the winner is still
not identified the third round is the
decisive one and if you still don't take
this sport seriously you should know
that toe wrestling is very traumatic
participants try so hard that they often
go to the hospital with sprains and even
fractures wild animals race horse racing
is popular entertainment which dates
back to the ancient times of ancient
Rome in Babylonia and although every
year these competitions attract an
incredible amount of spectators the guys
from Canterbury Park decided that they
want to step it up a notch vs horses are
still competing on this racetrack in
Chicopee Minnesota however in addition
to race horses
they also stage wild animals racing
featuring camels ostriches and zebras
and if you think these races are no
different from the rest
no this ostriches and zebras are non
domestic animals that are not used to
having a rider on their backs and this
is why these competitions are on our
list today according to the participants
riding a zebra or an ostrich is like
riding an uncontrolled car there are
only two speeds zero and maximum almost
nothing depends on the skill of the
rider the luck determines the winner few
riders can hold on the back of the
obstinate animal to the very end
got it holy cow bird bird bird bird is
the word for those concerned about
animal cruelty
we shall mention that the animals on the
track are completely safe riders do not
use spurs or whips and animals are not
harmed death race the name alone is
enough to understand that we are talking
about a really serious and exhausting
competition only the most desperate and
brave people participate in the death
race held in Pittsfield Vermont when the
participants enter the competition and
get to the starting point they have no
idea what lies ahead
literally the details of each race are
kept secret so each stage of it ends up
being a surprise and unpleasant one the
allotted time is also undisclosed the
only thing that everyone knows is that
the death race means 36 to 70 hours of
brutal trials that follow one another
without brakes the Daredevils don't even
have any time to rest let alone sleep
carrying 10 to 15 kilograms of stones
and a backpack weeding grass and
chopping wood for hours walking for 12
hours in the mountains at night are all
just a small part of what the
participants might face
they can also be forced to aimlessly
move huge boulders hold their breath
underwater crawl in the mud or under
barbed wire climb over heavy obstacles
or crouched 3,000 times if you think
that the organizers are doing all they
can just to break the participants well
you're right
bog snorkeling and here's another
competition that squeamish people won't
like much however such people are not
allowed there anyway it's the world
championship of snorkeling in a bog just
in case let's clarify that snorkeling is
a type of swimming the person equipped
with swim fins a diving mask and a
breathing tube goes underwater usually
this type of entertainment is chosen
when a person wants to enjoy the
picturesque view of the seafloor however
there is no view in this case at all all
around is mud grass and muddy water so
basically you can't see a thing the task
of the participants is as simple as
possible to go down into the bog and
then swim the designated distance as
quickly as possible people do it to test
themselves and get new unusual
experiences the event has a humorous
undertone so the participants often wear
funny costumes our personal favorite is
the crocodile man
fireball soccer it's no secret that fire
is the worst choice for games and
entertainment but the Indonesian youth
who invented this dangerous sport
apparently did not get the memo the
participants gather soca coconut which
serves as a ball with kerosene set it on
fire and play the most ordinary soccer
surprisingly they don't wear any
protection the guys touch the burning
ball with their bare feet but they say
they do not feel any pain turns out that
fireball soccer is an actual tradition
that is closely related to Indonesia and
martial art before the game begins all
their participants go through a kind of
initiation ritual and that is why they
seem to feel neither fear danger the
game lasts for a total of about an hour
until the coconut has completely burned
pea shooting to be honest we already
want to give England an honorary
championship award for inventing the
weirdest and most absurd competitions
because it is here in the village of
which him Kenbridge sure that the world
championship in shooting peas from
homemade guns has been held for almost
50 years the history of this unusual
sport is no less comical than what it
entails it all happened in 1971 a local
teacher mr. Tyson took away the tubes
that students were using for pinging
their classmates with peas from the back
of the class a little later the
inventive man came up with the idea of
the competition well today half a
century later the championship attracts
people from all over the world from the
United States and Spain to New Zealand
they say that the most important thing
you need to win is to choose the right
peas and how hard to puff participants
shoot at the targets from a distance of
3.5 meters bamboo drifting if you
thought the previous contest was strange
then wait until you see this one
standing on a thin bamboo trunk instead
of a boat arming yourself with the stick
and showing the real wonders of
balancing to sum this idea will not seem
too tempting but not to these people
from the Chinese guangzhou city they do
this regularly and even managed to turn
the hobby into an exotic sport
it looks quite graceful but not when a
novice does it the bamboo trunk is
narrow slippery and very unstable
however the athletes are not masochists
the explanation is much simpler
the thing is in ancient times before the
bridges and boats were invented bamboo
trunks were an affordable and popular
way to cross rivers in this area well
and these bamboo drifters are just
upholding the traditions of their
ancestors self-transcendence marathon we
have reached the last amazing
competition for today the participants
do not ride Tigers drive on the bottom
of the ocean or compete at rolling
watermelons however they deserve to be
on our list because this is the longest
certified race in the world this is
where people really get a chance to test
what their worth it's amazing how in
this marathon runners cross 5,000
kilometers you will not believe that it
takes them only 52 days for some however
that's not enough sometimes people spend
over 60 days covering this distance the
race starts every morning at 6 o'clock
and continues until midnight the highway
runs through the city and circles a
block in Queens New York during the
whole competition people run almost
6,000 laps and it's also part of the
competition because it is
psychologically difficult to run for so
long in the same place

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