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Subject-Schedule: Educ.8 (MWF)

DATE: August 8, 2020


Activity 1
Answer the questions:

1. Give 5 reasons why schools are important.

a. School play an important role in the development of individuals and societies.
b. School are the vital sources of knowledge and innovations, they are
contributors to economic development, they are agents of social and cultural
development, and they are warehouses of information.
c. Schools also develop the manpower needs of the society developing the
necessary skills, values, and knowledge needed in everyday life particularly in
the industry.
d. School are the national and regional symbols serving as respiratory of the
people’s history and culture.
e. School is a dynamic social organization that develops every learner for
various social roles.

2. Choose any 5 of the given social changes that educational institutions must
undergo and briefly explain/discuss each.
a. Digitalization and Technological Advances. Advances in digital technology
have opened up many avenues of learning. Technology has made
information accessible / transmittable from anywhere and by / to all groups of
people. Education must reach most parts of the world and ICT has become
an integral part of human life.
b. Demographic and Behavioral Changes. Teachers need to understand that
every student has been influenced by the demographic characteristics in
order to be effective. Demographic and behavioral changes are affecting
education and how better knowledge of the demographics and behaviors can
be utilized to benefit the student.
c. Global Talent and Skills Race. Teachers molds the students. Global talent
should never been more mobile, thanks to changes at the national, regional
and international levels which have eased their flow across borders.
d. Business Operating Model Pressures. The primary purpose of it must be to
enable the application of a corporate strategy or vision to a business or
operation. It is a high level representation of how a company or school can be
best organized to more efficiently and effectively deliver and execute on the
organization's strategy.
e. Regulatory Changes and Complexity. Education must aims to clarify what
implementing policies involve in complex education systems to support policy
work, building on the literature and country.

3. Describe the school as a social organization and reflect on how it is regarded as

an effective agent of social change.

A social organization is a pattern of relationships between and among

individuals and social groups. Characteristics of social organization can include
qualities such as sexual composition, spatiotemporal cohesion, leadership, structure,
division of labor, communication systems, and so on. In terms of schooling,
education plays a very important role in molding the character of an individual.
Social change refers to an alteration in the social order of a society. As a result of
rapid industrialization, growing urbanization and changes in the human intellect
society needs to change in order to cope with the gradual changes. Education can
initiate social change by bringing about changes in the outlook and attitude of
people. Present education system is totally mechanized. It develops the cramming
power of the students but curbs the individual thinking capability of the students
which mostly occurs due to the dependability of the most of the students on private
tuitions rather than self-learning. It also interrupts the free thinking of the students.
Education is the root cause of social and cultural changes that takes place within the
society. Education has been and is being played as an agent of socialization of the
younger generations so as to reach the expectations of the society. The present
paper focuses on the role of education and technology as an instrument of social
change ad development with the introduction of technology for the enhancement of
teaching-learning process. Education is the fundamental method of social progress
and reform. It guides the children towards new values and assists the development
of intelligence and increase the society potential for its own transformation.
Education is considered as the most powerful and effective instrument of social
change and social development in present time. Education has a great social
importance especially in the modern, complex industrialized societies. It is one of the
concrete sources from which one get information and knowledge. It affects the
society. The role of education as an instrument or agent of social change and social
development is widely accepted in the present society. Society needs to change
from time to time for its own prosperity and development. Social change may include
changes in nature, social institutions, social behaviors, or social relations. Change
means accepting new ideas leading to evolution and development. Social change
takes place as a result of many types of changes that takes place in the social and
nonsocial environment. Change is inevitable in a society.

Education in every sense is one of the fundamental factors of development.

No country can achieve sustainable economic development without substantial
investment in human capital. Education enriches people’s understanding of
themselves and world. It improves the quality of their lives and leads to broad social
benefits to individuals and society. Education is an instrument on social change and
development which constitutes an essential input into the development process
itself. The role of education in the development of human resources in particular,
requires hardly and emphasis. Education raises people’s productivity and creativity
and promotes entrepreneurship and technological advances. In addition, it plays a
very crucial role in securing economic and social progress and improving income
distribution. Education plays a major role in eradicating poverty by granting access
to different employment opportunities.
Education system needs to be upgraded time to time to incorporate desired
changes in order to cope with the present changes in the society. Education system
should be made more practical rather than providing mere theoretical knowledge.
Rather than learning only the theoretical aspects practical knowledge should be

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