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Study on the Influencing Factors of

Online Shopping
Na Wang 1,2, Dongchang Liu 1, Jun Cheng 2
1Department of business, Jilin University
2Changchun University of Science and Technology

Abstract competitiveness. Among ranked the

world's top 500 companies, 95 percent
companies established their own website,
With the rapid development of network 30 percent companies conducted online
technology, electronic commerce and commercial activities through their
e-marketing had been formed and website. According<20th China Internet
developed gradually. The number of Development Report> of China Internet
Internet users was increasing and wound Network Information Center (CNNIC),
soon overtake the United States as the up to June 30,2007, the number of
world's second-largest national Internet Chinese Internet user had reached 1.62
users. however the Chinese Internet users billion which after the United States’ 2.11
who were rarely engaged in online billion as the world's second-largest
shopping which made the online retail national Internet users. According past
was far from attaining its rightful amount. the CNNIC report there were about 30
This study based on the research result of percent people who had the experience of
influencing factors of consumer behavior online shopping, now a sudden increase
made by domestic and foreign scholars , of 10 percent points to 40.7 percent
analyzed and comprised consumer which meant the users of online shopping
behavior under the condition of tradition was more than 6500 million people. This
and Internet, then putted forward the was a good foundation for the masses
influencing factors and restrictive factors base to develop online shopping in China.
of online shopping in china. But online retail was far from attaining its
rightful amount. Comprised with
traditional retail, online retail was also
Keywords: online shopping very small proportion of the total sales,
consumer behavior influencing factor Internet users were prefers browsing than
shopping in Internet stores, maximum
colony (23% among the total) who took
1 Introduction part in online shopping were adopted the
way of browsing online and shopping
With the rapid development of network underline. Although there were many
technology, electronic commerce and people who had experience of online
e-marketing had been formed and shopping, the frequency of shopping was
developed gradually, thereby forming small, 60 percent online shopper had one
new business model and business chance or two online shopping experience in one
which exerted an important influence on year of china.
the country's economic future This paper hopes to help relevant
development and international enterprises to develop Internet marketing,

Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Information Sciences (2008)

Published by Atlantis Press
© the authors
effective analyze of consumer behavior, shopping
and design targeted marketing
programmers. And gives academia field The research on consumer behavior in
another thought for the research of online traditional shopping condition was on the
shopping research. base of consumers going to shop to buy,
which influencing factors included social,
cultural, personal, psychology etc.
2 Related literature
Likewise, consumers online were restrict
In traditional shopping condition, with social cultural environment and
marketing theory thought the influencing psychological factors. Online shopping as
factors of consumer behavior included the development and supplement of
culture factors(culture, subculture , traditional shopping had its own
social stratum), social factors(reference characters. The details were shown on
group, family, role and status), personal table 3-1 “Influencing factors of online
factors(age, career, economic status, life shopping and traditional shopping”:
style, self-concept), psychological factors
Influence traditional online
(motivation, sensory, learning, belief, factors shopping shopping
attitude) and such as. Consumer Place, traffic
purchasing decisions were web site
comprehensive action of cultural, social, visibility
personal and psychological factors. retailer shops online shops
Although many of these factors could not credibility credibility
be changed by the marketing staff, they promotion
were useful for develop potential comparison
customer. From a psychological point of payment
service service quality
view, researchers thought the conduct of security,
factor service mode
consumers' identity was restricted by
environment shopping Web site
social group especially nation, class, al factors environment interface
groups and family. Consumer purchasing convenient
psychological activities and purchasing experience
motivation time
conduct were completed independently. shopping education
Although external factors affected the personal preferences, level, the
personal conduct to some extent, the factors experience experience
purchase would ultimately depend on the background of network
individual. The conduct might be Table 3-1 Influencing factors of online
changed with external and internal factors shopping and traditional shopping
in the process of purchasing. With the
effect of external and internal factors 4 Influencing factors of online
formed self-image and way of life which shopping
induce corresponding needs and desires.
These needs and desires must be satisfied In online shopping condition, culture,
by consume. Once consumers faced the social, personal, psychological etc factors
appropriate context, consumer still had influencing role. However,
decision-making process would be online shopping features made the
initiated. relevant factors show the characteristics
different from the past.
3 Comparison of consumer behavior First, since the opening of the network,
in tradition shopping with online online transactions between consumers

Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Information Sciences (2008)

Published by Atlantis Press
© the authors
and retailers faced various risks. The actual products and businesses which
more risk consumers should face, the less made Internet transactions lacked of
conduct of online shopping they would public trust. Thus, the risk perception of
attend. At present, immature medium of consumer was greater through online
payment and credit means of online shopping than traditional shopping. The
shopping made safety were the major risk perception of consume had became
influencing factors of online shopping. the main restrictive factors of online
Second, preserving privacy of online shopping. Compared with the pace of
shopping was other important factors. development of networks, online
Online transmission of consumer shopping still lagged behind. Most of
individual information was easily Internet users had not became a member
intercepted and illegal utilized. Out of of online shopping consumer, they still
personal privacy considerations, a great were web browser. The development of
portion of the consumers had a wait online shopping was relatively lagging
and see attitude towards online related to the imperfect legal system and
support environment in china. The main
reason why the inexperienced people do
Third, consumer cognition was
not attempt to buy online was that they
another important factor. As deep-rooted
distrust the website or afraid of being
traditional shopping habits-consumers’
deceived. Commodity quality, timely
seeing are believing, after personally see,
distribution, information description,
hear, touch, taste, try, and other sensory
means of payment, site integrity were the
judgment and choice of goods, consumer
factors which needed to be improved.
made purchasing decisions, Online
shopping could only provide visual Comprehensive quality of Internet
effects which influenced consumer online users was other restrict factors of
shopping. online shopping
According<20th China Internet
Last, consumer computer and the
Development Report> of China Internet
Internet experience were also influenced
Network Information Center (CNNIC),
online shopping. As the shopping website
Chinese Internet users who rarely
had licensing, landing, operating and
engaged in the business, over 2/3 of
ordering procedures generally, consumers
Internet users were indulging in online
who took apart in online shopping should
entertainment. China's Internet
have basic knowledge of computer and
applications focused on entertainment.
Internet usage of online music was more
than 2/3 of the total population, playing
5 The restrictive factors of online Internet game of Internet users has nearly
shopping in China half. There were obvious differences with
the United States of American whose
Risk perception of consumer became
Internet applications focused on business.
the shackles for the development of
Even if China's population of Internet
online shopping
users more than the United States in next
Although online shopping had many
year, if its applications still stayed in
advantages, meanwhile there was a lot of
entertainment, the Internet's largest
uncertainty. Previous studies had shown
commercial value can not be reflected in
that the risk perception of consumer was
China. Improving the online shopping
greater in non-store sales than store sales.
site characteristics, enhancing the quality
Website as a new model of non-store
of Internet users and attracting more
sales unable consumer contact with the

Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Information Sciences (2008)

Published by Atlantis Press
© the authors
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Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Information Sciences (2008)

Published by Atlantis Press
© the authors

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