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Bertha Dudde

Alphabetic Index of Keywords

To the new Revelations of Jesus Christ

An index to Revelations from God,

received through the ’Inner Word’
by Bertha Dudde
Alphabetic Index of Keywords

This booklet contains an index to a Divine Revelations, received

through the Inner Word by Bertha Dudde as promised by John 14.21:
“Whoever has My commands and obeys them, he is the one who
loves Me. He who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I too will
love him and show Myself to him.”


The revelations are non-denominational, they do not intend to

attract members of any Christian religious affiliation nor to recruit
members into any Christian religious affiliation.
The only purpose of these revelations is to make God’s Word
accessible to all people, as it is God’s Will.

Only complete and unaltered messages with references may be

copied and translated.

Published by friends of the New Revelation


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Index A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Index B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Index C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Index D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Index E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Index F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Index G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Index H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Index I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Index J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Index K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Index L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Index M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Index N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Index O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Index P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Index Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Index R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Index S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

Index T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Index U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Index V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Index W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Index X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Index Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Index Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213

Index A

A child’s prayer to the Father .... 7071 B.75

A forthcoming natural event .... 8033 B.84
A good farmer scatters good seeds .... 8792 B.92
A loving person will never be lost .... 4042 B.49
A mediator’s introspection .... 8783 B.92
A Natural Event .... Victims of Good and Bad People 3348 B.43
A renewal of earth must come .... 7865 B.82
A rock will be made to waver .... 5004 B.56
A teacher gets educated by Myself .... 8749 B.92
A teacher’s duty: to examine teaching material .... 6728 B.72
A Warning not to Change the Word of God .... 9030 B.94
Abilities .... Task .... Regression .... New earth .... 2515 B.33
Ability to believe presupposes will to believe .... 6925 B.74
About abstinence and asceticism .... 7736 B.81
About ‘Baptism’ .... 6611 B.71
About Baptism .... Baptism for adults .... 6769 B.72
About speaking in tongues .... 8835 B.93
About the doctrine of re-incarnation .... 8180 B.86
About the forerunner .... 7722 B.81
About the incarnation of light beings .... 7831 B.82
About the Last Judgement and the New Earth .... 7425 B.78
About the origin of evil .... 8913 B.93
About the UFO convention .... 7742 B.81
Abuse of power .... 0665 B.14-16
Accepting truth is a commitment .... Errors .... 8555 B.90
Accountability before God’s judgment seat .... 6236 B.67
Accountability on the Day of Judgment .... Redeemer Jesus Christ ....
4984 B.56
Accountability towards God .... Doing one’s duty is not enough ....
6952 B.74
Achieving beatitude - Free will .... Wolf amongst sheep .... 5041 B.57
Acknowledgment of Jesus .... Final decision of faith .... 8866 B.93

Acknowledgment or rejection .... Jesus Christ .... 5844 B.63
Acquiring Virtues .... 8608 B.90
1 Corinthians 15, 29 .... ‘Act of baptism on a dead person’ .... 8941 B.94
Act of creating the spiritual beings .... 7067 B.75
Activity in the beyond .... Effect on the uninformed .... 0239 B.05-09
Activity of demonic powers disguised as angels of light .... 8484 B.89
Activity of intellect and heart .... Truth .... 3719 B.47-48
Activity of love .... Duty .... Disguise of light .... 3156 B.41-42
Activity of love, Difficult days for patience - humility - meekness ....
Activity of love during the time of grace .... 0230 B.05-09
Activity, Eruptions .... Activity of unbound spirits .... 1851 B.28
Activity, Inner Earth activity .... Eruptions .... 2448 B.33
Acts 7, 55-56 .... 8836 B.93
Adam .... Original spirit .... Lucifer’s test .... Bursting the form .... 5802
Addition to Yogi - message .... 8825 B.93
Addressing the vineyard labourers .... Urgency of spreading the Word
.... 8821 B.93
Admonition regarding the end .... 7364 B.78
Admonition for all vineyard labourers .... 7599 B.80
Admonition to exercise self-control .... Gentleness - Peacefulness ....
1003 B.19-20
Admonition to Prepare for the End .... 5195 B.58
Admonition to unite .... Peacefulness... Love .... 0548 B.10-13
Admonition to work for God .... Catastrophe .... 3713 B.47-48
Admonition, Caution regarding doubts .... Loving admonition .... 0491
Admonition, Childship to God .... Father - Children .... Admonition -
Task .... 0246 B.05-09
Admonition, Directive to take action .... Final admonitions before the
end .... 4857 B.55
Admonition, Emissaries .... Prayer .... Admonition .... 0206 B.05-09
Admonition, End time prophesies and admonitions .... 6870 B.74
Admonition, Protection from error .... Admonition to pray .... 0189

Admonition, Reference to a natural disaster .... Urgent admonition to
prepare .... 3949 B.49
Admonition, Reference to great adversity .... Battle of faith .... Admo-
nition .... 4838 B.55
Admonition, Serious admonition and warning of transience .... 5594
Admonition, Serious admonition to consider the life after death ....
5180 B.58
Admonition, Serious admonition .... (Discord and unkindness ....) 0720
Admonition, Serious admonition .... Materialistic outlook .... 5705 B.62
Admonition, Serious Admonition .... The Final Phase of the Earth ....
5383 B.59
Admonition, Serious admonitions about Christian neighbourly love
.... 4096 B.50
Admonition, Serious admonitions .... 6194 B.67
Admonition, Serious Words of admonition regarding the end .... 7211
Admonition, The natural event is the last admonition before the end
.... 6770 B.72
Admonition, Urgent admonition to detach from matter .... 3821 B.47-
Advantage of contact from earth to the beyond .... 1094 B.19-20
Adversary, Deceptive works of the adversary .... (UFOs) 8623 B.90
Adversary, Destructive will of God’s adversary .... Bound spirits - Hu-
man being .... 4965 B.56
Adversary, Doubting divine revelations .... The adversary’s cunning
.... 5856 B.63
Adversary, God’s adversary in disguise as an angel of light .... 8788
Adversary, God’s or the adversary’s entitlement over the soul is deter-
mined by the person himself .... 7038 B.75
Adversary, God’s presence protects against the adversary .... 7329 B.78

Adversary, God’s protection from the adversary’s temptations .... 8520
Adversary, Harassing the bearers of truth through God’s adversary ....
God’s help .... 3996 B.49
Adversary, Indication of the adversary’s activity .... (Speaking in tongues)
8641 B.91
Adversary, New banishment inevitable for the adversary’s followers
.... 8430 B.89
Adversary, Only prayer protects from the adversary’s activity .... 8955
Adversary, Spiritual hardship greater than earthly .... The adversary’s
activity .... 5526 B.61
Adversary, Taking refuge in Jesus .... The adversary’s activity .... 8103
Adversary, Testing the spirits .... The adversary’s activity during the
last days .... 8220 B.87
Adversary, The adversary clothed in light .... Paradise on the new earth
.... 8253 B.87
Adversary, The adversary oversteps his authority .... 7778 B.81
Adversary, The adversary tries to prevent the recognition of the Deity
.... 6495 B.69
Adversary, The adversary’s activity behind a mask .... 8433 B.89
Adversary, The Adversary’s Activity in the Garment of an Angel of
Light .... 7044 B.75
Adversary, The adversary’s activity will not be prevented .... 8691 B.91
Adversary, The adversary’s attempts to slip in .... 6527 B.70
Adversary, The adversary’s disguise as a spirit of light .... Miracles? ....
7841 B.82
Adversary, The adversary’s increased activity against light bearers ....
8144 B.86
Adversary, The adversary’s influence of will .... Destructions .... 6080
Adversary, The adversary’s mask .... 3191 B.41-42
Adversary, The adversary’s onslaughts in the last days .... 8365 B.88

Adversary, The adversary’s works of deception .... Apparitions .... 7045a
B.75 7045b B.75
Adversary, The masses never support the truth .... Distribution - Ad-
versary .... 6493 B.69
Adversary, The spirit of love protects against temptations and God’s
adversary .... 6118 B.66
Adversary, The spirits’ and the adversary’s resistance .... 7691 B.81
Adversity, Teaching activity in times of adversity - Last days .... 3731
Afflictions and trials are means to attain perfection .... 3163 B.41-42
After reading a book about Indian religions .... 8944 B.94
Agonies of a renewed banishment in solid matter 4631 B.53
All circumstances of life offer opportunities to mature .... 8435 B.89
‘All power is given unto Me in heaven and on earth ....’ 7031 B.75
All willingness to help is blessed by God .... 5635 B.62
An hour of Christianity .... The way to God’s heart .... 6649 B.71
‘And the Word was made flesh ....’ 8141 B.86
Androgynous beings .... Beyond .... 6821 B.73
Angel of light, Activity of demonic powers disguised as angels of light
.... 8484 B.89
Angel of light, Expression of the Divine Spirit .... Satan as an Angel of
Light .... 5240 B.58
Angel of light, God’s adversary in disguise as an angel of light .... 8788
Angel of light, Satan’s work as an angel of light .... (Fatima) 7460 B.78
Angel of light, The Adversary’s Activity in the Garment of an Angel of
Light .... 7044 B.75
Announcement of a star .... 7405 B.78
Announcement of the approaching immense adversity .... 7053 B.75
Announcement of the Catastrophe .... 3776 B.47-48
Announcement of the end and signs of the time .... 8310 B.87
Announcement of the Judgment .... Doubts .... The approach of a star
.... 4661 B.53
Announcements through Seers and Prophets .... 4034 B.49

Announcing the forerunner of Jesus Christ .... 7062 B.75
Answer to questions about Immaculate Conception and advantages of
the souls of light .... 6673 B.72
Answer to Questions .... 7437 B.78
Answers to questions .... Serious examination of the origin .... 7311
Antichrist - A saviour? .... Anti-spiritual activism .... 4029 B.49
Antichrist .... Brutal Laws .... 4429 B.52
Antichrist .... End .... 3672 B.46
Antichrist .... The faith is in danger .... 4947 B.56
Antichrist, Battle of faith - Antichrist .... 6758 B.72
Antichrist, Battle of Faith .... Antichrist .... Public Confession .... 5621
Antichrist, Battle of faith .... Hostilities .... Antichrist .... 6538 B.70
Antichrist, Battle of faith, Catastrophe .... Antichrist .... Battle of faith
.... End .... 7970 B.83
Antichrist, Catastrophe .... Antichrist .... Battle of faith .... End ....
7970 B.83
Antichrist, Catastrophe, Battle of faith, Catastrophe .... Antichrist ....
Battle of faith .... End .... 7970 B.83
Antichrist, Emergence of the Antichrist .... 8734 B.92
Antichrist, Strength of faith .... Antichrist .... Counteraction 5719 B.62
Antichrist, The Antichrist’s Influens Before the End .... 5606 B.61
Antichrist, The Antichrist’s Scourge .... 4728 B.54
Antichrist, The last disciples’ ordeal at the time of the Antichrist ....
7068 B.75
Antichrist, The Spirit of the Antichrist .... 5223 B.58
Antichrist, World event .... Chaos .... Antichrist .... 6762 B.72
Apostasy of the beings .... Voluntary ascent .... 8266 B.87
Apparent calm .... Exceptional strength .... The coming of the Lord ....
5972 B.65
Apparitions of Mary .... 5806 B.63
Apparitions of Mary .... Signs and miracles .... Satan’s activity .... 6478

Appeal for inner enlightenment .... 3597 B.46
Appeals for a gift of strength for the souls of the deceased .... 9014
Approach of a star .... 6324 B.68
Approaching trouble .... 6067 B.65
Arbitrarily taking one’s own life .... 6005 B.65
Are dissolved particles capable of suffering? .... 8511 B.89
Are the creations of a spiritual or material kind .... Diversity of stars
.... 8838 B.93
Are the dead resting? .... 2553 B.33
Are you living in truth? .... 8074 B.85
As it was before the great Flood .... 8754 B.92
Ascension of Christ .... 8506 B.89
Ask, Recognition of truth not without prayer .... Ask and it will be
given to you .... 0248 B.05-09
Assessing religious dogma .... Divisions .... 3159a B.41-42 3159b B.41-
Assessment of duties according to degree of love .... 4574 B.53
Astrology .... Destiny in the stars .... 4748 B.54
Atheism .... Divine intervention .... 1066 B.19-20
Atonement of guilt through Jesus Christ .... 6513 B.70
Atonement of guilt without Christ’s act of Salvation .... 2929 B.37
Attaining freedom by the time of the end .... Jesus Christ .... 6700 B.72
Attainment of childship to God only on this earth .... 6955 B.74
Attitude of intellectuals regarding spiritual gifts .... 5754 B.62
Attribute of divine teaching: human manifestation problem .... 8694
Attribute of truth: Emanation of light .... 5424 B.60
Audible Word .... 4313 B.51
Awakened preachers .... 5965 B.65
Awakening from darkness .... Example .... References to activities ....
0208 B.05-09
Awakening spiritual hunger .... 5518 B.61
Awakening the dead through God’s Word .... 5605 B.61

Awakening the divine spiritual spark will guarantee a change in char-
acter .... 7984 B.83

Index B

Banishment, Agonies of a renewed banishment in solid matter 4631

Banishment, Beatitude or renewed banishment depends on free will
.... 6598 B.71
Banishment, Disintegration .... Work of destruction .... Renewed ban-
ishment .... 4353 B.51
Banishment, Gulf and Bridge .... Renewed Banishment .... Circuit of
Flow of Love .... 4807 B.55
Banishment, New banishment inevitable for the adversary’s followers
.... 8430 B.89
Banishment, New banishment of the spirits .... Salvation in one era
.... 4777 B.54
Banishment, Reason for the destruction and new creation .... Hell -
banishment .... 6828 B.73
Banishment, Reference to the end .... Renewed banishment .... 7493
Banishment, Renewed banishment is the reason for the unusual rev-
elations .... 7875 B.82
Banishment, Renewed Banishment is the Result of Spiritual Death ....
7591 B.80
Banishment, Spiritual death and renewed banishment .... 7644 B.80
Banishment, Spiritual turning point is not a reversal but renewed ban-
ishment .... 4875 B.55
Banishment, The concept of ‘hell’ .... Renewed banishment .... God’s
infinite love .... 6638 B.71
Battle .... Works of destruction .... Against God’s will .... 2535 B.33
Battle against Christ’s teachings .... Persecution of those who confess

Him .... 1762 B.27
Battle against error .... 8818 B.93
Battle for spiritual supremacy .... 2301 B.32
Battle of faith .... 5779 B.63
Battle of faith .... Adversity .... Rapture .... 8090 B.85
Battle of faith - Antichrist .... 6758 B.72
Battle of Faith .... Antichrist .... Public Confession .... 5621 B.62
Battle of faith .... Breakdown of human work .... Church of Christ ....
4167 B.50
Battle of faith .... Fighters for God .... 5840 B.63
Battle of faith .... Fulfilment of promises .... 5115 B.57
Battle of faith .... Hostilities .... Antichrist .... 6538 B.70
Battle of faith - Immense adversity - Professing Christ .... Saviour ....
5028 B.57
Battle of faith .... Publicly professing Christ .... ‘I will shorten the days
....’ 4635 B.53
Battle of faith .... The coming of the Lord .... 3569 B.45
Battle of faith .... The strength of Jesus’ name .... The coming of the
Lord .... 4643 B.53
Battle of faith .... Time of adversity .... Strength of faith .... 5285 B.58
Battle of faith, Brutal battle of faith .... Fortification of faith .... 5324
Battle of faith, Catastrophe .... Antichrist .... Battle of faith .... End ....
7970 B.83
Battle of faith, Fear and misery .... God’s intervention - Battle of faith
.... 8317 B.87
Battle of faith, Final phase .... Battle of faith .... 6452 B.69
Battle of faith, God permits the battle of faith .... 3184 B.41-42
Battle of faith, God’s protection in the battle of faith .... 7954 B.83
Battle of faith, Prevalence of sin .... Battle of faith .... End .... 5860
Battle of faith, Public confession during the battle of faith .... 8727
Battle of faith, Reason for the profound knowledge .... Battle of faith

.... 7023 B.75
Battle of faith, Reference to great adversity .... Battle of faith .... Ad-
monition .... 4838 B.55
Battle of faith, Reminder to inform people of the battle of faith ....
2880 B.37
Battle of faith, Signs of the last days .... Battle of faith .... Chaos ....
3209 B.41-42
Battle of faith, The angels’ protection in the battle of faith .... 7440
Battle of faith, Unbelief and devils during the last days .... Battle of
faith .... The coming of the Lord .... 4825 B.55
Battle of faith, Unification of different schools of thought during the
battle of faith .... 3947 B.49
Battle of faith, World event .... Natural disaster .... Battle of faith ....
6590 B.71
Battle of light against darkness at the end .... 3690 B.47-48
Battle of light with darkness .... 0198 B.05-09 0199 B.05-09 0200 B.05-
‘Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is per-
fect...’ 6877 B.74
Bear death in mind .... 0243 B.05-09
Bearers of light .... God’s protection .... 3725 B.47-48
Bearing suffering for fellow human beings .... 8508 B.89
Beatitude or renewed banishment depends on free will .... 6598 B.71
Beatitude, Achieving beatitude - Free will .... Wolf amongst sheep ....
5041 B.57
Beatitude, Banishment, Beatitude or renewed banishment depends on
free will .... 6598 B.71
Beatitude, Free will is fundamental eternal law .... Attaining beatitude
.... 5301 B.59
Beatitude, God’s help towards attaining beatitude .... Free will .... 6085
Beatitude, No beatitude without Salvation through Jesus Christ ....
8784 B.92

Beatitude, Spiritual creations .... Beatitude .... ‘Eye hath not seen ....’
3670 B.46
Beatitude, The Father’s house and beatitude .... 5617 B.62
Beatitude, Wealth or poverty is neither an advantage nor a hindrance
to attaining beatitude .... 7110 B.76
‘Become as little children ....’ 3624 B.46
Becoming God’s ‘children’ .... Childship to God .... 7907 B.82
‘Behold, I make all things new ....’ 5235 B.58
Beings from other worlds? .... 6364 B.68
Beings in the beyond .... Appeal for help .... 0238 B.05-09
Beings of light are people’s spiritual guardians .... 3981 B.49
Beings of light, Beings of light are people’s spiritual guardians .... 3981
Beings of light, Calling upon beings of light after prayer to God ....
7655 B.80
Beings of light, Calling upon the beings of light .... Prior connection
with the Father .... 5675 B.62
Beings of light, Embodied beings of light .... Jesus’ disciples during
His time on earth .... 7080 B.75
Beings of light, Embodied beings of light .... Lack of past memory ....
Forerunner .... 4970 B.56
Beings of light, Incarnated beings of light .... Mission of spiritual lead-
ers .... 3391 B.44
Beings of light, Incarnated beings of light .... The working of the spirit
- Channeled communications .... 8207 B.86
Beings of light, Incarnation of beings of light .... Forerunner .... 4899
Beings of light, Mental influence by beings of light .... 3354 B.43
Beings of light, Only beings of light are permitted to teach .... 7953
Beings of light, Phase of development unique during a period of sal-
vation .... Incarnation of beings of light .... Mission - Child of God ....
2875 B.37
Beings of light, Re-incarnation .... Beings of light - Mission .... 4758

Beings of light, Satanic activity .... Countermeasure by embodied be-
ings of light .... 7049 B.75
Beings of light, The souls’ state of darkness in the beyond and help by
beings of light .... 3952 B.49
Beings of light, Though Waves From Beings of Light... Spirit-Guides
.... 7880 B.82
Beings of light, Will to help and work of the beings of light .... 5536
Belief in a continuation of life .... Consequences of earthly life in the
beyond .... 2113 B.30
Belief in God in Jesus .... 8541 B.90
Belief in Jesus Christ .... Christ’s suffering .... 5847 B.63
Belief in Jesus Christ’s mission .... Truthful instruction .... 5747 B.62
Belief in the existence of Jesus .... 6485 B.69
Belief in the immortality of the soul .... Truth .... 3699 B.47-48
Belief in the soul’s continuation of life .... 8059 B.85
Belief in the soul’s life after death .... God’s mercy .... 2767 B.34-36
Belief, Love .... Pleasure of giving .... Reciprocated love .... Belief in
Christ’s act of Salvation .... 4986 B.56
Belief, Tests of faith to fortify belief .... 5377 B.59
Belief, The fulfilment of prayer in firm belief .... ‘Father, Your will be
done ....’ 3927 B.49
Beneficial activity .... 0222 B.05-09
Beneficial effect of God’s Word .... Awakening - Life .... 6768 B.72
Beyond, Activity in the beyond .... Effect on the uninformed .... 0239
Beyond, Beings in the beyond .... Appeal for help .... 0238 B.05-09
Beyond, Contact with the beyond .... Willingness to give .... (Spiritu-
alism) .... 2496 B.33
Beyond, No life without light .... Darkness in the beyond .... 0249 B.05-
Beyond, Task in the beyond .... Strength of love .... 0231 B.05-09
Bible message is teaching of love .... Jesus’ explanation .... Transcripts

.... 4000 B.49
‘Blessed are the merciful ....’ 3460 B.45
‘Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed ....’ 4310
Blessing of deformity .... 0839 B.17-18
Blessing of exchanging ideas .... 3160 B.41-42
Blessing of ill health and suffering .... 0687 B.14-16
Blessing of illness and suffering .... Maturing fully .... 5194 B.58
Blessing of mental communication with God .... 6859 B.73
Blessing of suffering .... 5904 B.64
Blessings of the last days .... Death before the event .... The beyond
.... 3135 B.41-42
Blessing, The fulfilment of prayer in firm belief .... ‘Father, Your will
be done ....’ 3927 B.49
Blessing, Easy reception .... Blessings of faith .... 0228 B.05-09
Blessing, Explanation of ‘blessing’ .... 8728 B.92
Blessing, Fatherly Words of blessing .... 5482 B.60
Blessing, God’s blessing and guidance of the spiritual work .... 8810
Blessing, God’s blessing for every action .... Marriages .... 6940 B.74
Blessing, God’s blessing should be requested .... 7603 B.80
Blessing, God’s blessing .... Plan of Salvation .... Change of will ....
7081 B.75
Blessing, Hallowed halls .... Blessing of the work for spiritual beings
.... 0187 B.05-09
Blessing, Predestination? .... Different amount of blessings? 6757 B.72
Blessing, Relinquishing the world .... Fulfilment of earthly duties and
the blessing of God .... 4436 B.52
Blessing, The blessing of doubting .... Truth .... 6874 B.74
Blessing, The blessing of spiritual knowledge in the beyond .... 5554
Blessing, The blessing of spiritual work .... 7327 B.77
Blind faith and dead Christianity .... 7292 B.77
Blind faith is worthless .... 7834 B.82

Bliss in the kingdom of light .... Pleasures and delights .... 5666 B.62
Bliss in the spiritual kingdom .... 4578 B.53
Blissful condition of mature souls and the state of imperfection in the
beyond .... 4801 B.54
Blissful spiritual beings require process of development on earth for
childship to God .... 3908 B.49
Bliss, Heavenly bliss .... 2233 B.31 7573 B.80
Bliss, Heavenly bliss .... Eternal glory .... 1792 B.27
Bliss, The bliss of return .... 7680 B.81
Body, soul and spirit .... Explanation .... 4757 B.54
Bond of love .... Unification with God .... 3636 B.46
Bond with God .... 7377 B.78
Bond with God, Purpose of harsh strokes of fate: Bond with God ....
8206 B.86
Bond with God, Scrutiny of spiritual knowledge presupposes bond with
God .... 8828 B.93
Bond with God, Spiritual knowledge proves awakening and bond with
God .... 8210 B.86
Bond with God, The bond with God .... Adversities and suffering ....
8737 B.92
Bond with God, The close bond with God .... 6724 B.72
Bond with God, Voluntary bond with God .... 6484 B.69
Book: Jesus’ childhood .... by J. Lorber 0245 B.05-09
Book of Books .... God’s Word .... 5710 B.62
Book of Books .... Lamp without oil .... 2203 B.31
Book of Books, Spiritual state before the crucifixion .... Book of Books
.... 8397 B.88
Bringing the Gospel to souls in the beyond .... Love .... 5901 B.64
Brutal battle of faith .... Fortification of faith .... 5324 B.59

Index C

Call daily upon the name of Jesus .... 7129 B.76

Call to work .... The mission of God’s servants .... 4174 B.50
Call upon God’s help is indispensable in the last days .... 3703 B.47-48
Call upon Me in times of need .... Depth of faith .... 3681 B.46
Calling .... Preparation .... Renunciation .... 3274 B.41-42
Calling, Constantly calling upon Jesus ensures His presence .... 7356
Calling upon beings of light after prayer to God .... 7655 B.80
Calling upon Jesus Christ from the darkness .... 6624 B.71
Calling upon the ‘Holy Spirit’ .... 8674 B.91
Calling upon the beings of light .... Prior connection with the Father
.... 5675 B.62
Calling upon the vineyard labourers .... 7677 B.81
Calm before the storm .... Forearmed fighters .... 6271 B.67
Calm before the storm .... Illusion of peace .... 6970 B.74
Calm before the storm .... Visible appearance of the Lord .... 4126 B.50
Can God’s existence be proven? .... 8265 B.87
Canonisation .... 0783 B.14-16
Carry My Gospel into the world .... 5725 B.62
Carrying the cross .... Following Jesus .... 7495 B.79
Catastrophe .... 2246 B.31
Catastrophe .... Antichrist .... Battle of faith .... End .... 7970 B.83
Catastrophe .... Fulfilment of the Scriptures .... God’s love for human-
ity .... 2033 B.30
Catastrophe .... Prediction .... 1398 B.23-24
Catastrophe, Admonition to work for God .... Catastrophe .... 3713
Catastrophe, Announcement of the Catastrophe .... 3776 B.47-48
Catastrophe, Battle of faith, Catastrophe .... Antichrist .... Battle of
faith .... End .... 7970 B.83
Catastrophe, Cosmos .... Changes .... Catastrophe .... 3630 B.46
Catastrophe, Luminous phenomenon before the catastrophe .... 4359

Catastrophe, Reason for the catastrophe .... 8104 B.85
Catastrophe, Signs before the catastrophe (Anxiety of people and an-
imals ....) 4371 B.51
Catastrophe, Signs of the world catastrophe .... 1795 B.27
Catastrophe, The Catastrophe and its Consequences .... Love for the
Neighbor 4724 B.54
Catastrophe, The Last Catastrophe .... 8122 B.86
Cause and origin of creation .... 7770 B.81
Cause for the Entire Creation .... Lucifer’s Fall .... 7399 B.78
Cause of Lucifer’s apostasy from God .... 8672 B.91
Cause, purpose and aim of suffering .... Awareness .... Transience ....
3610 B.46
Caution regarding doubts .... Loving admonition .... 0491 B.10-13 1377
Ceremonies .... Childship to God .... 1376 B.23-24
Ceremonies, Formalities, ceremonies .... True church service .... 5571a
B.61 2388b B.32
Certain destruction .... Prophesies are fulfilling themselves .... 6675
Certain sign of the end is the small flock of fighters for God .... 4027
Change of character into love .... God’s presence .... 7351 B.78
Change of nature into love with the help of Jesus Christ .... 8019 B.84
Change of nature only from within .... 6158 B.66
Change of the true Gospel .... Followers? .... 5982 B.65
Change of will in freedom .... Perfection .... 5741 B.62
Change of will through intercession .... 5313 B.59
Change of will .... Jesus Christ .... Mercy - Light - Strength .... 6450
Changed Living Conditions .... Worldly Minded People .... 3975 B.49
Changes in the constellations .... 6405 B.68
Chaos after the intervention .... 8619 B.90
Characteristic of the church of Christ .... 6445 B.69

Characteristic of the church of Christ: The working of the spirit ....
5174 B.58
Characteristic of the inner Word .... 5402 B.59
Characteristic of truth of the proclamations: Love, grace, mercy ....
5023 B.57
Characteristic of truth .... Meaning of the letter .... Scrutiny and abil-
ity .... 2849 B.37
Characteristic of truth: Jesus Christ .... Love .... 6486 B.69
Children, ‘Become as little children ....’ 3624 B.46
Children, Becoming God’s ‘children’ .... Childship to God .... 7907 B.82
Children, Deifying the beings into children .... 5233 B.58
Children, Does God punish the children for the sins of the fathers? ....
8296 B.87
Children, Living creations becoming children of God .... 6114 B.66
Children, Responsibility of parents and children .... 7149 B.76
Children, The early death of children .... 8772 B.92
Children, The Father speaks to His child .... 7613 B.80
Children, The Father speaks to His children .... 7898 B.82 4995 B.56
Children, The Father’s concern for His children .... Childship to God
.... 4994 B.56
Childship to God is the object of life on earth .... The Word of God ....
8367 B.88
Childship to God .... Conditions .... 5099 B.57
Childship to God .... Father - Children .... Admonition - Task .... 0246
Childship to God .... Severe trials .... 2882 B.37
Childship to God .... Tremendous suffering on Earth .... 3352 B.43
Childship, Attainment of childship to God only on this earth .... 6955
Childship, Becoming God’s ‘children’ .... Childship to God .... 7907
Childship, Blissful spiritual beings require process of development on
earth for childship to God .... 3908 B.49
Childship, Ceremonies .... Childship to God .... 1376 B.23-24

Childship, Do ‘non-fallen’ spirits attain childship to God? .... 8793a
B.92 8793b B.92
Childship, Knowledge about goal and purpose .... Childship to God ....
5222 B.58
Childship, Opportunities for attaining the childship to God .... 5575
Childship, Severe suffering can result in childship to God .... 8980 B.94
Childship, The Father’s concern for His children .... Childship to God
.... 4994 B.56 4995 B.56
Childship, The human being’s task on earth .... Childship to God ....
5490 B.60
Christian, Admonition, Serious admonitions about Christian neigh-
bourly love .... 4096 B.50
Christian, Extraordinary disposition .... Christian teaching changed
into secular teaching .... 0226 B.05-09
Christian, Measures against the Christian faith .... 1950 B.28
Christian, Message to the formal Christians .... 7690 B.81
Christian, Serious admonitions about Christian neighbourly love ....
4096 B.50
Christianity .... Formalities .... Fight against schools of thought per-
mitted .... 2292 B.32
Christianity, An hour of Christianity .... The way to God’s heart ....
6649 B.71
Christianity, Blind faith and dead Christianity .... 7292 B.77
Christianity, Three years test of faith .... Christianity .... 0754 B.14-16
Christianity, True Christianity .... Following Jesus .... 5547 B.61 5548
Christmas 1963 8707 B.91
Christmas message 1962 8362 B.88
Christmas .... 7485 B.79
Christmas, Light is life .... Influence of God’s messengers .... Christ-
mas Eve .... 0236 B.05-09
Christ’s descent to earth and reason .... 4802 B.54
Christ’s descent to earth once and now .... Act of Salvation .... 5027

Christ’s Forerunner .... 8231 B.87
Christ’s path to the cross .... 4876 B.55
Christ’s promises .... Conditions - Fulfilment .... 3744 B.47-48
Christ’s Second Coming .... 3768 B.47-48
Christ’s suffering .... 5092 B.57
Christ, Ascension of Christ .... 8506 B.89
Christ, Battle against Christ’s teachings .... Persecution of those who
confess Him .... 1762 B.27
Christ, Battle of faith - Immense adversity - Professing Christ .... Saviour
.... 5028 B.57
Christ, Battle of faith .... Publicly professing Christ .... ‘I will shorten
the days ....’ 4635 B.53
Christ, Belief in Jesus Christ .... Christ’s suffering .... 5847 B.63
Christ, Cloud formation in the sky .... Christ’s suffering and death ....
1081 B.19-20
Christ, Different schools of thought .... Christ’s teaching .... 4395 B.51
Christ, Fellow labourers in Christ’s work of Redemption .... ‘Go ye
therefore, and teach ....’ 5082 B.57
Christ, Final battle .... Frankly professing Christ before the world .....
4433 B.52
Christ, How long did Christ’s doctrine remain pure? .... 8890 B.93
Christ, Jesus Christ is the gate into the kingdom of light .... 7398 B.78
Christ, Love .... Pleasure of giving .... Reciprocated love .... Belief in
Christ’s act of Salvation .... 4986 B.56
Christ, Purification of Christ’s spoilt teaching .... 8676 B.91
Christ, Reason for Christ’s birth .... Act of mercy .... 6130 B.66
Christ, Retribution - Atonement .... Eternal Order .... Forgiveness through
Christ .... 4837 B.55
Christ, Significance of the era .... Christ’s embodiment on earth ....
4774 B.54
Christ, Spiritual coercion .... Human commandments .... Fighting the
teaching of Christ .... 2412 B.32
Christ, The Ascension of Christ .... Transfiguration .... 3622 B.46

Christ, The birth of Christ .... 7237 B.76 7238 B.76
Christ, The blood of Christ .... Guilt of sin .... 5478 B.60
Christ, The Christ-Problem .... Trinity .... 7001 B.75
Christ, The hour of Christ’s birth .... Spiritual rebirth .... 0227 B.05-09
Christ, The process of Christ’s return .... Ascension .... 4847 B.55
Christ, The prophets’ predictions .... The return of Christ .... 0963
Christ, The Word-recipient’s task: Purification of Christ’s (spoilt) teach-
ing .... 8726 B.92
Christ, Veneration of the virgin Mary .... The birth of Christ .... 0756
Church buildings? .... 6402 B.68
Clarification about intercession .... 8470 B.89
Clarification about UFOs .... 8698 B.91
Clarification regarding the working of the spirit .... 7637 B.80
Clarification, Spiritual debates are necessary for clarification .... 4315
Clarifying traditional doctrines .... 8371 B.88
Clock, World clock .... Final hours .... 5266 B.58
Cloud formation in the sky .... Christ’s suffering and death .... 1081
Collapse of ecclesiastical organisations .... True church .... 4768 B.54
Collision of Earth and Sun .... Researchers .... The Earth’s core .... 0945
Commandments, Ninth and tenth commandment .... 4983 B.56
Commandments, Seventh and eighth commandment .... 4982 B.56
Commandments, Ten Commandments .... First and second command-
ment .... 4978 B.56
Commandments, The commandment of love as life’s guiding princi-
ple .... 3755 B.47-48
Commandments, The most important commandment has to be ful-
filled: Love .... 8678 B.91
Commandments, Third, fourth, fifth and sixth commandment .... 4979

‘Come unto Me ....’ 5508 B.60
Comforting Fatherly Words .... 8865 B.93
Comforting Words .... 7543 B.79 1923 B.28
Coming in the clouds .... 7944 B.83
Coming in the clouds .... Last days .... 3707 B.47-48 3557 B.45 4531
Coming in the Clouds .... Rapture .... End .... 1827 B.27
Coming into being and passing away .... 2206 B.31
Commencement of receiving the Word 25 years ago (15.6.1937) 8192
Communal church service .... Tradition .... 1814 B.27 5384 B.59
Communion .... 4492 B.52
Communion, Feeding the soul is a priority .... Communion .... 8385
Communion, Last Supper - Communion - Love .... 7120 B.76
Communion, The Significance of Holy Communion .... 7909 B.82
Communion, The table of the Lord - Communion .... 7450 B.78
Communism .... 3995 B.49
Community of ‘Saints’ .... Intercession pointless .... 4328 B.51
Compassion .... 6017 B.65
Compassion .... Sick and weak people .... 1032 B.19-20
Complete devotion to God ensures paternal care .... 5545 B.61
Composition of the soul .... Miniature creation .... 4845 B.55
Concept of eternity .... Perfection .... 6019 B.65
Concept of Time and Space .... Bliss .... 8779 B.92
Concept, Banishment, The concept of ‘hell’ .... Renewed banishment
.... God’s infinite love .... 6638 B.71
Concept, The concept of ‘hell’ .... Renewed banishment .... God’s in-
finite love .... 6638 B.71
Concept, The right concept of God .... 7816 B.82
Concept, Time concept of earth’s evolution .... 8252 B.87
Concern, Faith - Hope - Love .... Concern for the weak and misguided
.... 0233 B.05-09
Concern for His Own .... 3726 B.47-48

Concern, I need you .... The Custodian’s concern for His servants ....
5085 B.57
Concerning end time revelations .... 6482 B.69
Concerning the ‘inner Word’ .... 7304 B.77
Concerning the question: Incarnation of Jesus .... 8264 B.87
Conclusion of earthly progress only with Jesus Christ .... 7959 B.83
Concord of spiritual results .... Truth .... 3328 B.43
Conditions for receiving the divine Word .... 2829 B.37
Conditions for the working of the spirit .... 3615 B.46
Conditions in the beyond .... 4820 B.55
Conditions, Blissful condition of mature souls and the state of imper-
fection in the beyond .... 4801 B.54
Conditions, Childship to God .... Conditions .... 5099 B.57
Conditions, Christ’s promises .... Conditions - Fulfilment .... 3744 B.47-
Conditions, Faith is the first condition for truth .... 1134 B.19-20
Conditions, Fulfilment of prayer .... Conditions .... 1082 B.19-20
Conditions, Gifts of the spirit .... Conditions .... 6241 B.67
Conditions, Paradisal condition on the new Earth. 6352 B.68
Conditions, Prayer, Fulfilment of prayer .... Conditions .... 1082 B.19-
Conditions, The ability to hear God’s voice .... Conditions .... 4462 B.52
Conditions, The audible Word and conditions .... 4448 B.52
Conditions, The condition to attain perfection on earth .... 8523 B.90
Confess Jesus Christ before the world .... Divine protection .... 1567
Confess, Battle against Christ’s teachings .... Persecution of those who
confess Him .... 1762 B.27
Confess, ‘Whosoever shall confess Me before men ....’ 7216 B.76
Confessing Jesus and the act of Salvation .... 3787 B.47-48
Confirmation of prophesies .... World events .... 1842 B.28
Confirmation of the Prophesies .... 8949 B.94
Confused thinking - Spiritual adversity .... Free will .... 5565 B.61
Confused thinking - Unbelief .... Faith - Grace .... 1894 B.28

Confusion during the last days .... Truth .... 5641 B.62
Connection, The souls’ adversity on earth .... Help by means of this
connection .... 0251 B.05-09
Connection with God guarantees truth .... 6075 B.65 7530 B.79
Conscious psychological work .... 6730 B.72
Consciously listening within .... The voice of the spirit .... 3612 B.46
Consciously turning to God is passed test of will .... 7783 B.81
Consciously working, God and nature .... Consciously working at at-
taining perfection .... 0240 B.05-09
Consequences of unkindness in the beyond .... 5322 B.59
Consider the end .... 6439 B.69
Consider the time after death .... 6625 B.71
Constant contact with God ensures success .... 5785 B.63
Constrained souls .... Act of Salvation .... 3718 B.47-48
Constantly calling upon Jesus ensures His presence .... 7356 B.78
Contact between stars .... (UFOs) 7208 B.76
Contact with God .... Influx of strength .... 3482 B.45
Contact with inhabitants of other worlds .... ‘In My Father’s house ....’
7601 B.80
Contact with Jesus Christ in every adversity .... 6363 B.68
Contact with the beyond .... Willingness to give .... (Spiritualism) ....
2496 B.33
Contact with the deceased .... Souls close to Earth .... 2401 B.32
Contact with the spiritual kingdom .... 6682 B.72
Contact with the world of light or the world of immature spirits ....
8292 B.87
Continuation of the act of Salvation .... Mission .... 3748 B.47-48
Controller of fate .... God of love .... 6289 B.68
Correct decision of will in the state of self-awareness .... 8378 B.88
Correct direction of will - total freedom .... 6281 B.67
Correct proclamation of the Word .... God’s presence .... 6559 B.70
Correct thinking .... God’s guidance .... Stars .... 0772 B.14-16
‘Correcting’ God’s Word .... Corruption of truth .... 8448 B.89
Correction of a big error .... (After reading: Lucifer’s Fall) (Lorber -

Lutz) 8858 B.93 8859 B.93 8860 B.93 8861 B.93
Correction of misguided teachings .... 8822 B.93
Correctly used mental activity .... Will .... 3137 B.41-42
Cosmic Changes .... 4521 B.52 8780 B.92 8781 B.92
Cosmic Phemomena .... 6313 B.68
Cosmos .... Changes .... Catastrophe .... 3630 B.46
Counteracting misguided views about Jesus’ incarnation .... 8751 B.92
Countless evidence of God .... 7624 B.80
Course of life predetermined depending on will .... 3176 B.41-42
Creation is God’s work .... 8613 B.90
Creation of the beings .... Wrong will .... 2100 B.30
Creation of the human being .... The fall of man .... 5800 B.63
Creation of the new earth in a moment of time .... 8440 B.89
Creation, Eruptions .... Work of Creation .... Researchers .... 0957 B.17-
Cremation .... Accelerated disintegration process .... 1899 B.28
Cup of suffering .... God’s love .... 3733 B.47-48
Custodian, I need you .... The Custodian’s concern for His servants ....
5085 B.57
Cycle .... Concluding a period of Salvation .... 7996 B.84

Index D

Danger of accepting established traditions .... Examination .... 2091

Danger of arrogance .... 8281 B.87
Danger of idleness .... 3716 B.47-48
Danger of selfishness .... Love for God and one’s neighbour .... 0343
Dangers of psychic communication .... 6468 B.69
Dangers of psychic reception .... 7720 B.81
Darkness .... Knowledge .... Truth .... Love .... Light .... 8031 B.84

Darkness, No life without light .... Darkness in the beyond .... 0249
Day of Salvation or Day of Judgment? .... 5654 B.62
Death of a worldly ruler .... Turn of events .... 4493 B.52
‘Death, where is your sting ....’ 7480 B.79
Death, Bear death in mind .... 0243 B.05-09
Deceased, Contact with the deceased .... Souls close to Earth .... 2401
Deceptive works of the adversary .... (UFOs) 8623 B.90
Decision by predestined guidance or experience .... 7972 B.83
Decline of vegetation .... Storms - Tempests .... 1888 B.28
Deed, Inner voice .... Thought .... Deed .... 2020 B.30
Deification of the created beings .... 6207 B.67
Deification .... Spiritual spark .... Whitsun May 25, 1955 6269 B.67
Deifying the beings into children .... 5233 B.58
Delight, Bliss in the kingdom of light .... Pleasures and delights ....
5666 B.62
‘Deliver us from evil ....’ 4985 B.56
Delusions .... Spiritual working group .... 2874 B.37
Demonic activity .... Necessity of divine intervention .... 1960 B.28
Demons are roaming the universe .... Prayer .... 0202 B.05-09
Demon, Jesus’ name defeats the demon .... 6169 B.66
Deposing the earthly power .... 1103 B.19-20
Depression .... Spiritual and physical apathy .... 0599 B.10-13
Descent into hell .... 6543 B.70 6315 B.68 7322 B.77
Descent into hell .... Lucifer’s opposition .... 6531 B.70
Descriptions of the beyond only illustrative and comparative .... 5441
Desire for God, Resistance to evil through desire for God .... Spirit of
light .... The Word of God as weapon .... 0382 B.05-09
Desire for light in the beyond .... Spiritual conversations .... 5487 B.60
Desire for truth .... Relinquishing existing knowledge .... 6729 B.72
Destiny according to human will .... 4573 B.53
Destiny according to will and resistance .... 5018 B.56

Destiny conducive to reach full maturity .... 7524 B.79
Destiny corresponds to free will .... 7051 B.75
Destiny of life is God’s will .... 3211 B.41-42
Destiny .... ‘Father, Your will be done ....’ 4296 B.51
Destiny .... Free will - God’s will .... 3259 B.41-42
Destiny .... Submission to God’s will .... 3819 B.47-48
Destiny, Astrology .... Destiny in the stars .... 4748 B.54
Destiny, Earthly destiny corresponds to will .... 5648 B.62
Destiny, Explanation and reason for an arduous destiny .... 5048 B.57
Destiny, Free will .... Destiny .... 4365 B.51
Destiny, God’s love determines people’s destiny .... 3317 B.43
Destiny, Predetermined earthly life .... Whims of destiny .... God’s love
.... 4756 B.54
Destiny, Pre-ordained course of life - Destiny corresponding to will
.... 4065 B.50
Destiny, The human being’s destiny .... Desire for truth .... 6100 B.66
Destiny, The light beings’ intervention in destiny .... 4306 B.51
Destruction of earth is the result of experiments .... 8624 B.90
Destruction of Earth .... 8304 B.87
Destruction of works of creation and its consequences .... 3300 B.43
Destruction, Banishment, Disintegration .... Work of destruction ....
Renewed banishment .... 4353 B.51
Destruction, Banishment, Reason for the destruction and new cre-
ation .... Hell - banishment .... 6828 B.73
Destruction, Battle .... Works of destruction .... Against God’s will ....
2535 B.33
Destruction, Certain destruction .... Prophesies are fulfilling them-
selves .... 6675 B.72
Destruction, Disintegration .... Work of destruction .... Renewed ban-
ishment .... 4353 B.51
Destruction, Experiments .... Work of destruction .... 7372a B.78
Destruction, Irresponsible experiments are the reason for the destruc-
tion of earth .... 4708 B.54
Destruction, Prayer, Prediction .... Destruction of God’s Word and Scrip-

tures .... Prayer .... 0641 B.14-16
Destruction, Prediction .... Destruction of God’s Word and Scriptures
.... Prayer .... 0641 B.14-16
Destruction, Reason for the destruction and new creation .... Hell -
banishment .... 6828 B.73
Destruction, The adversary’s influence of will .... Destructions .... 6080
Destruction, The destruction of the old earth .... Experience in the
flesh .... Warning .... 4116 B.50
Destruction, The final powerful work of destruction .... 8684 B.91
Destruction, The final work of destruction .... 7630 B.80
Destruction, The Magnitude of the Work of Destruction .... 4441 B.52
Destructive will of God’s adversary .... Bound spirits - Human being
.... 4965 B.56
Detachment from earthly possessions .... 3723 B.47-48
Determining the time of the end - False prophets .... 5162 B.58
Developing the ability to hear God’s voice .... 7104 B.76
Development is a matter of free will and not God’s arbitrary use of
power .... 5144 B.58
Development of earth and human being .... 6295 B.68
Development of the soul .... Original spirit .... 7571 B.80
Development, Blissful spiritual beings require process of development
on earth for childship to God .... 3908 B.49
Development, Childship, Blissful spiritual beings require process of
development on earth for childship to God .... 3908 B.49
Development, Freedom of will .... Abandonment of development ....
3794 B.47-48
Development, Has the infinitely long path of development been in
vain? .... 5230 B.58
Development, Knowledge about the process of pre-development ....
6591 B.71
Development, Particles of the Soul .... Process of Development on Earth
and in the Beyond .... 5198 B.58
Development, Phase of development unique during a period of salva-

tion .... Incarnation of beings of light .... Mission - Child of God ....
2875 B.37
Development, Process of development on earth .... 7800 B.82
Development, Process of development .... Law of compulsion .... Stage
of free will .... 5125 B.57
Development, The beings’ gradual higher development in Creation ....
8702 B.91
Development, The soul’s process of development before embodiment
.... 6930 B.74
Development, The soul’s process of pre-development .... 7259 B.77
Development, The spirits’ process of development .... 7699 B.81
Dialogue with the Father .... His Word from above .... 7441 B.78
Dialogue .... Forerunner .... 7339 B.78
Did God cause the apostasy? .... 7932 B.83
Did Jesus Christ redeem all people, or are all people redeemed? ....
3277 B.43
Did the human being evolve or was he a new creation? .... 8235 B.87
‘Did you not know, that I must be in My Father’s house ....’ 3634 B.46
Difference between the ‘working of the spirit’ and ‘psychic’ receptions
.... 8416 B.88
Different kinds of creations correspond to the beings’ fall .... 8405 B.88
Different schools of thought .... Christ’s teaching .... 4395 B.51
Different schools of thought .... Where is truth? .... 6627 B.71
Different spheres in the spiritual kingdom .... 3316 B.43
Different status of the created beings .... 8868 B.93
Difficult days for patience - humility - meekness .... Activity of love
during the time of grace .... 0230 B.05-09
Difficult Living Conditions .... God’s Guidance and Help .... 4058 B.50
Disciples, Light beings embodied as human beings .... Disciples of the
last days .... 5002 B.56
Disciples, Spreading the Gospel .... End time disciples .... 5226 B.58
Disciples, The end time disciples’ faith without proof .... 5951 B.64
Directing the souls in the beyond to Jesus Christ .... 7839 B.82
Direction of will determines the influence of spiritual powers .... 3801

Directive to take action .... Final admonitions before the end .... 4857
Disbelief in an end .... 7549 B.80
Disbelief regarding the announcements .... 5798 B.63
Disbelief, Lack of knowledge and disbelief in God’s address .... 8722
Disclosure of attitude .... 3736 B.47-48
Diseases and cure .... 8653 B.91
Disintegration .... Work of destruction .... Renewed banishment ....
4353 B.51
Dispensations of providence are divine will .... Guarantee for highest
maturity .... 1386 B.23-24
Disposition .... Instincts of preliminary stages .... 2321 B.32
Disposition, Extraordinary disposition .... Christian teaching changed
into secular teaching .... 0226 B.05-09
Disposition, Instincts of preliminary stages determine character ....
Heredity .... Disposition .... Parents .... 1933a B.28 1933b B.28
Disputed question about God’s human manifestation .... 6794 B.72
Distance from God is a wretched state .... No separation .... 5123 B.57
Distortion of truth .... 8480 B.89
Distributing the divine Word .... 7531 B.79
Distribution, Duty of distribution .... Warning of unfamiliar knowl-
edge .... 5808 B.63
Distribution, Giving account .... Urgency of distribution .... 8843 B.93
Distribution, Reply to Habermann (Time of printing) (Print and dis-
tribution of the messages) 8899 B.93
Distribution, Selfless distribution of the Word .... 7744 B.81
Distribution, The masses never support the truth .... Distribution -
Adversary .... 6493 B.69
Distribution, The predetermined day of the end will be kept .... Time
indication .... Distribution .... 8500 B.89 8501 B.89 8502 B.89
Distribution, Unselfish distribution of the Word .... 7734 B.81
Diversity, Eruptions .... Diversity of stars .... 1823 B.27

Diversity of earthly existence .... You would pray for suffering .... 0579
Divine guidance through the spirit .... 6261 B.67
Divine guidance .... 5862 B.64
Divine guidance and direction .... Spiritualism .... Truth .... 0793 B.14-
Divine intervention .... Prediction .... 1418 B.23-24
Divine justice .... Intervention .... Disaster .... 2340 B.32
Divine love, These proclamations are a sign of divine love .... 0234
Divine Order, Eruptions .... Natural forces .... Divine Order .... 3380
Divine providence .... Misguided will .... 2117 B.30
Divine revelation is the greatest source of grace .... 4015 B.49
Divine revelations can be accepted without scrutiny .... Love .... 4169
Divine spark .... Correct relationship with God .... 6090 B.66
Divine truth .... Science .... 0242 B.05-09
Divine Word .... Psychic messages .... Disguise .... Mark .... 5182 B.58
Divine Working of the spirit .... Speaking in tongues .... 7855 B.82 7856
Divine, Angel of light, Expression of the Divine Spirit .... Satan as an
Angel of Light .... 5240 B.58
Divine, Atheism .... Divine intervention .... 1066 B.19-20
Divine, Attribute of divine teaching: human manifestation problem
.... 8694 B.91
Divine, Awakening the divine spiritual spark will guarantee a change
in character .... 7984 B.83
Divine, Conditions for receiving the divine Word .... 2829 B.37
Divine, Confess Jesus Christ before the world .... Divine protection ....
1567 B.25
Divine, Demonic activity .... Necessity of divine intervention .... 1960
Divine, Dispensations of providence are divine will .... Guarantee for

highest maturity .... 1386 B.23-24
Divine, Distributing the divine Word .... 7531 B.79
Divine, Doubting divine revelations .... 8251 B.87
Divine, Doubting divine revelations .... The adversary’s cunning ....
5856 B.63
Divine, Duty of distributing the divine revelations .... 1797 B.27
Divine, End of the world conflagration .... Establishing divine order
.... 2803 B.37
Divine, Expression of the Divine Spirit .... Satan as an Angel of Light
.... 5240 B.58
Divine, Extent of divine love .... 3751 B.47-48
Divine, Falsification of the divine Word .... 8009 B.84
Divine, Free will .... God’s will .... Divine order .... 5751 B.62
Divine, Freedom of will .... Divine order .... State of compulsion ....
6166 B.66
Divine, Fulfilment of divine promises .... Truth .... 7767 B.81
Divine, Hearing the divine Word .... Thoughts .... 4700 B.54
Divine, Interpretation of the divine Word .... 8845 B.93
Divine, Irrevocable end .... Divine order and infringement .... 3749
Divine, Last Judgment is an act of divine love .... 5983 B.65
Divine, Life .... Awakening the divine spark in the person .... 3240
Divine, Listening within .... Gifts from above .... Everything that is
good is divine .... 2787 B.37
Divine, Living in divine order is fundamental law .... 7642 B.80
Divine, Misuse of divine gifts (Talents) .... 8660 B.91
Divine, Omnipotence of divine love .... World events .... 1456 B.23-24
Divine, Passing on the divine Word to the new earth .... 4054 B.50
Divine, Passing on the divine Word .... 4561 B.53
Divine, Perfection means conformity to divine will .... 7893 B.82
Divine, Period of grace until the divine intervention .... 3396 B.44
Divine, Power of the divine Word .... Antidote to suffering .... 4468

Divine, Process of imparting the divine Word .... Spirit - Soul - Body
.... 4143 B.50
Divine, Promises relating to divine revelations .... 8284 B.87
Divine, Purifying the divine plant nursery .... 6790 B.72
Divine, Reason for divine revelations .... 8120 B.86
Divine, Receiving the divine Word is an act of utmost will of strength
.... 3419 B.44
Divine, Rejection of the divine Word in spiritual arrogance .... 7203
Divine, Remorse of souls who rejected divine gifts of grace .... 4887
Divine, Scrutiny of spiritual values for divine origin .... 7255 B.77
Divine, Strength of the divine Word .... Prophet .... The Lord’s return
.... 2797 B.37
Divine, Sun .... Divine radiance .... Light and love .... 0237 B.05-09
Divine, The ability to receive divine wisdom through the heart .... 4498
Divine, The spirit of heartlessness .... Divine intervention .... 1464
Divine, ‘The table of the Lord’ .... Divine Host .... 6862 B.73
Divine, The vineyard labourers trust in divine guidance .... 8645 B.91
Divine, Three ways of imparting the divine Word .... 2510 B.33
Divine, Tiny spark of divine spirit in the heart .... 7726 B.81
Divine, Touchstone of divine revelations: Jesus’ act of Salvation ....
8479 B.89
Divine, True neighbourly love: Passing on the divine Word .... 7708
Divine, Two worlds .... Divine law of love .... 3647 B.46
Divine, Unmistakable sign of spiritual low level: Rejection of the di-
vine Word .... 4520 B.52
Divine, Vineyard work according to divine will .... 8442 B.89
Divine, Warning against rejecting the divine Word .... ‘Test all things
and ....’ 4587 B.53
Divine, What can be regarded as divine revelation? .... 8862 B.93

Do ‘non-fallen’ spirits attain childship to God? .... 8793a B.92 8793b
Do not forfeit your eternal life .... 7096 B.75
Do the Gospels correspond to truth? .... 8963 B.94
‘Do this in remembrance of Me ....’ Last Supper .... 3740 B.47-48
Doctrine of damnation is misguided teaching .... 7910 B.82
Doctrine of re-incarnation .... Misguided teaching .... Celestial bodies
.... 4590 B.53
Doctrine, About the doctrine of re-incarnation .... 8180 B.86
Doctrine, Clarifying traditional doctrines .... 8371 B.88
Doctrine, How long did Christ’s doctrine remain pure? .... 8890 B.93
Doctrine, Immortality of soul .... Wrong doctrine .... 4723 B.54
Doctrine, Intercession for souls in the beyond .... II. Reply to the doc-
trine that only ‘qualified’ praying men are entitled to pray for souls
.... 8616 B.90
Doctrine, Racial questions .... Doctrine of re-incarnation .... 8844 B.93
Doctrine, Spiritual compulsion .... Doctrines .... Truth .... 5446 B.60
5546 B.61
Doctrine, The doctrine of re-incarnation .... (Tantra-message) 4559
Doctrine, The doctrine of the soul’s sleep .... 8991 B.94
Doctrine, The doctrine of the Trinity of God .... 4484 B.52
Does God punish the children for the sins of the fathers? .... 8296 B.87
Does the human being possess free will? .... 7271 B.77
Dogma .... 4294 B.51
Dogma: Mary’s ascension .... 4980 B.56
Dogma, Assessing religious dogma .... Divisions .... 3159a B.41-42 3159b
Dogma, Personal responsibility .... Dogma .... 3329 B.43
Dogma, Spiritual coercion .... Dogma .... 4993 B.56
Don’t Fear Those Who Kill the Body, but Are Not Able to Kill the Soul
.... 4566 B.53
Don’t let the sacrifice on the cross be in vain .... 6938 B.74
Doubting divine revelations .... 8251 B.87

Doubting divine revelations .... The adversary’s cunning .... 5856 B.63
Doubting, Faith in Jesus Christ .... Doubting Thomas .... 5941 B.64
Doubting God’s existence in the end time .... 4069 B.50
Doubting the transfer of pure truth .... 8050 B.85
Doubting, The blessing of doubting .... Truth .... 6874 B.74
Doubts Abiout God’s Revelations .... The Elements of Nature .... 4020
Doubt, Admonition, Caution regarding doubts .... Loving admonition
.... 0491 B.10-13
Doubt, Announcement of the Judgment .... Doubts .... The approach
of a star .... 4661 B.53
Doubt, Caution regarding doubts .... Loving admonition .... 0491 B.10-
13 1377 B.23-24
Doubt, Test the spirits .... Satan’s great power before the end .... Doubts
.... 4968 B.56
Doubt, The disciples’ doubts after Jesus’ arrest .... 7328 B.78
‘Draw strength from My Word ....’ Prediction .... 1511 B.23-24
Dulling the inner voice by rejecting the spirit .... 5760 B.63
Duration of shaping the new Earth .... Paradise .... 3595 B.46
Duration of returning to God .... 7529 B.79
Duty of distributing the divine revelations .... 1797 B.27
Duty of distribution .... Warning of unfamiliar knowledge .... 5808
Duty, A teacher’s duty: to examine teaching material .... 6728 B.72
Duty, Accountability towards God .... Doing one’s duty is not enough
.... 6952 B.74
Duty, Activity of love .... Duty .... Disguise of light .... 3156 B.41-42
Duty, Fulfilment of duty .... 1829 B.27
Duty, People’s duty is to draw attention to error .... 8553 B.90
Duty, Recognising the truth is a duty to advocate it .... 2247 B.31
Duty, The human being’s duty is to scrutinise spiritual information ....
8364 B.88
Duty, The vineyard labourers’ duty is to take action against error ....
8915 B.93

Index E

Early death .... God’s mercy .... Old age .... 3260 B.41-42
Earth - School for the spirit .... Means to an end .... An end in itself ....
5750 B.62
Earth is a place of perdition .... Devils .... 6864 B.73
Earth Rotation .... Earthly Tremors .... 4348 B.51 4355 B.51
Earth, A renewal of earth must come .... 7865 B.82
Earth, Abilities .... Task .... Regression .... New earth .... 2515 B.33
Earth, About the Last Judgement and the New Earth .... 7425 B.78
Earth, Advantage of contact from earth to the beyond .... 1094 B.19-
Earth, ‘All power is given unto Me in heaven and on earth ....’ 7031
Earth, Attainment of childship to God only on this earth .... 6955 B.74
Earth, Belief in a continuation of life .... Consequences of earthly life
in the beyond .... 2113 B.30
Earth, Blissful spiritual beings require process of development on earth
for childship to God .... 3908 B.49
Earth, Childship to God is the object of life on earth .... The Word of
God .... 8367 B.88
Earth, Childship to God .... Tremendous suffering on Earth .... 3352
Earth, Christ’s descent to earth and reason .... 4802 B.54
Earth, Christ’s descent to earth once and now .... Act of Salvation ....
5027 B.57
Earth, Collision of Earth and Sun .... Researchers .... The Earth’s core
.... 0945 B.17-18
Earth, Creation of the new earth in a moment of time .... 8440 B.89
Earth, Destruction of earth is the result of experiments .... 8624 B.90
Earth, Destruction of Earth .... 8304 B.87

Earth, Development of earth and human being .... 6295 B.68
Earth, Embodied beings of light .... Jesus’ disciples during His time on
earth .... 7080 B.75
Earth, Emergence of the Work of Creation ‘Earth’ .... 7924 B.83
Earth, End and Rapture .... Paradise of the new earth .... 7687 B.81
Earth, Establishing spiritual contacts on earth .... Help from the be-
ings in the beyond .... 1750 B.27
Earth, Evidence of Jesus’ existence on earth .... 7250 B.77
Earth, Experiments towards the end of the earth .... Activating forces
.... 4731 B.54
Earth, Fate in the beyond corresponds to thoughts and wishes on earth
.... 6054 B.65
Earth, Fatherly Words to His servants on Earth .... 4055 B.50
Earth, Fighting against oneself on earth .... 5224 B.58
Earth, Free will .... Knowledge of good and evil .... The new earth ....
3359 B.44
Earth, Gathering spiritual treasures on earth .... Regret in the beyond
.... 4455 B.52
Earth, ‘God sent His Son to Earth ....’ 8537 B.90
Earth, God-inclined will is the passed test on earth .... 5460 B.60
Earth, Guests on earth .... Right custodians .... 6454 B.69
Earth, Harmonious life on the new earth .... 8429 B.89
Earth, Indications of natural event .... Jesus’ reference on earth ....
2437 B.33
Earth, Irresponsible experiments are the reason for the destruction of
earth .... 4708 B.54
Earth, Is knowledge necessary on Earth? .... Commandments of love
.... 7507 B.79
Earth, Is life on earth an end in itself or the means to an end .... 7100
Earth, Jesus’ activity on Earth .... 8308 B.87
Earth, Jesus taught love on Earth .... 8454 B.89
Earth, Last Judgment .... Spiritualisation of earth .... 4125 B.50
Earth, Life on earth is but a passageway back home .... 6325 B.68

Earth, Life on earth is just a moment in eternity .... Suffering and plea-
sures .... 3379 B.44
Earth, Messages concerning the continuation of Earth are more likely
to be believed .... 7040 B.75
Earth, Natural event, Indications of natural event .... Jesus’ reference
on earth .... 2437 B.33
Earth, New earth .... Romans 8 .... 7520 B.79
Earth, New wonders of creation on the new earth .... Brittle matter ....
3264 B.41-42
Earth, Origin of the creation work ‘earth’ .... 7942 B.83
Earth, Paradisal condition on the new Earth. 6352 B.68
Earth, Particles of the Soul .... Process of Development on Earth and
in the Beyond .... 5198 B.58
Earth, Passing on the divine Word to the new earth .... 4054 B.50
Earth, Prayers for souls in the beyond which had not acquired love on
earth .... 2165 B.31
Earth, Process of development on earth .... 7800 B.82
Earth, Purification of earth .... 7179 B.76 8112 B.86
Earth, Reason and forces of earth’s disintegration .... (Nuclear energy)
3950 B.49
Earth, Rebirth .... Futile life on earth .... 6117 B.66
Earth, Right assessment of life on earth .... 6652 B.71
Earth, Satan bound .... The new earth .... 5769 B.63
Earth, Satan’s disguise where light is conveyed to Earth .... 5427 B.60
Earth, Serious Admonition .... The Final Phase of the Earth .... 5383
Earth, Significance of the era .... Christ’s embodiment on earth ....
4774 B.54
Earth, Souls of the deceased close to earth .... 2075 B.30
Earth, Spiritual low level necessitates upheaval of earth .... 7581 B.80
Earth, Spiritual turning point .... Alteration of this earth .... 5630 B.62
Earth, Spiritual turning-point .... Total transformation of earth .... 4533
Earth, State of paradise on the new earth .... 8352 B.88

Earth’s state of peace depends on spiritual attitude .... 0703 B.14-16
Earth, Success at the end of an earth-period .... Scientists .... 6081 B.66
Earth, The ‘redeemed’ at the end .... Inhabitants of the new earth ....
6227 B.67
Earth, The adversary clothed in light .... Paradise on the new earth ....
8253 B.87
Earth, The condition to attain perfection on earth .... 8523 B.90
Earth, The correct use of time on earth .... 6185 B.66
Earth, The destruction of the old earth .... Experience in the flesh ....
Warning .... 4116 B.50
Earth, The earth’s last hour .... 8071 B.85
Earth, The Eternal Light descended to Earth .... 8068 B.85
Earth, The human being’s task on earth .... Childship to God .... 5490
Earth, The light descended to Earth .... 7780 B.81
Earth, The Lord’s return .... Present time .... Witnesses of the new
earth .... 5077 B.57
Earth, The reason for the earth’s restoration .... 8258 B.87
Earth, The servants’ mission on earth after the natural disaster ....
3709 B.47-48
Earth, The significance of life on earth as a human being .... 8414 B.88
Earth, The transformation work of Earth .... 7754 B.81
Earth, Time concept of earth’s evolution .... 8252 B.87
Earth, Total Disintegration of the Earth .... Spiritualization .... 5655
Earth, Transformation of earth .... 7297 B.77
Earth, Transformation of earth .... Change .... Disintegration .... 4368
Earth, What is the purpose of life on earth? .... 7797 B.81
Earth, Witnesses to the end on the new earth for descendants .... 5743
Earthly adversity should result in contacting God .... 5491 B.60
Earthly and spiritual issues .... Inhabitants of other planets (flying
saucers) 6065 B.65

Earthly destiny corresponds to will .... 5648 B.62
Earthly flourishing .... Swift decline .... 8542 B.90
Earthly improvement .... Worldly progress .... 6837 B.73
Earthly knowledge in the beyond? .... 5331 B.59
Earthly knowledge is not ‘wisdom’ .... 6931 B.74
Earthly knowledge is worthless in the beyond .... Wisdom .... 7415 B.78
Earthly life - illusive life .... 5172 B.58
Earthly life is the path but not the goal .... 5897 B.64
Earthly limitations can be exceeded by spiritual means .... 6633 B.71
Earthly or spiritual thought currents .... 7222 B.76
Earthly precautions against the disaster are futile .... 3692 B.47-48
Earthly task: Fulfilment of the commandments of love .... 6086 B.66
Earthly task: Volition .... Wrong endeavour .... 5557 B.61
Earthly, Conclusion of earthly progress only with Jesus Christ .... 7959
Earthly, Deposing the earthly power .... 1103 B.19-20
Earthly, Detachment from earthly possessions .... 3723 B.47-48
Earthly, Diversity of earthly existence .... You would pray for suffering
.... 0579 B.10-13
Earthly, Every soul starts its earthly progress consciously .... 7146 B.76
Earthly, Evil forces .... Earthly possessions .... Treasures for the be-
yond .... 0207 B.05-09
Earthly, God’s ceaseless help on the earthly path .... 8328 B.88
Earthly, God’s creative will .... Spiritual and earthly creations .... 3943
Earthly, Help in earthly and spiritual adversity .... Reciprocated love
.... 5823 B.63
Earthly, Information relating to purpose and reason of earthly life ....
8020 B.84
Earthly, Informing the soul about earthly life .... 8243 B.87
Earthly, Loss of earthly possessions can result in spiritual treasures
.... 5503 B.60
Earthly, Matter .... Loss of earthly possessions .... Free will .... 5100

Earthly, Predetermined earthly life .... Whims of destiny .... God’s love
.... 4756 B.54
Earthly, Purpose of earthly existence as a human being .... 8571 B.90
Earthly, Purpose of earthly existence .... 7871 B.82
Earthly, Purpose of earthly life: Change of will and character .... 5303
Earthly, Relinquishing the world .... Fulfilment of earthly duties and
the blessing of God .... 4436 B.52
Earthly, Responsibility in earthly life .... 7486 B.79
Earthly, Separation of the spirits .... The end of an earthly period ....
7611 B.80
Earthly, Spiritual and earthly change close at hand .... 6529 B.70
Earthly, Spiritual hardship greater than earthly .... The adversary’s ac-
tivity .... 5526 B.61
Earthly, Standstill of earthly life .... 7533 B.79
Earthly, Temptation in form of earthly amusements .... 2778 B.37
Earthly, The earthly path of angel-beings .... 6858 B.73
Earthly, The meaning of earthly life .... Kind-hearted activity .... 8576
Earthly, The short phase of earthly life decides the fate in the beyond
.... 5877 B.64
Earthly, The soul consciously starts earthly life .... Past memory ....
7265 B.77
Earthly, Togetherness in love .... Easy earthly path .... 1021 B.19-20
Earthly, Total change earthly and spiritually .... 3204 B.41-42
Earthly, What was the human being and what is his earthly task? ....
8582 B.90
Earthly, Worthlessness and transience of earthly possessions .... 0671
Earthly, Worthlessness of earthly knowledge in the beyond .... 5801
Easter .... 7319 B.77 7579 B.80
Easy reception .... Blessings of faith .... 0228 B.05-09
Ecclesiastical commandments .... 4840 B.55

Ecclesiastical organisation .... 8238 B.87
Ecclesiastical, Collapse of ecclesiastical organisations .... True church
.... 4768 B.54
Ecclesiastical, Infallibility .... Ecclesiastical commandments .... 1514
Ecclesiastical, Peter’s successors. .. Ecclesiastical-secular power .... 2221
Ecclesiastical, Unification of ecclesiastical organisations? .... Spoilt
teachings .... 8687 B.91
Ecclesiastical, Unity of ecclesiastical denominations? .... 8212 B.86
Effect of atheism in the beyond .... 5353 B.59
Effect of free will .... Sudden death .... 8683 B.91
Effect of misguided teachings in the beyond .... 6462 B.69 8693 B.91
Effect of the strength of love .... 7355 B.78
Effect on uninformed spiritual beings .... 0190 B.05-09
Effect, Beneficial effect of God’s Word .... Awakening - Life .... 6768
Effect, Forgiveness .... Atonement .... Justice .... (Law of cause and ef-
fect) 5243 B.58
Effect, Path of life predetermined by God .... Free will .... Deed and
effect .... 2441 B.33
Effect, The effects of God’s Word .... 0215 B.05-09
Effect, Tradition .... Sacraments .... Sacramental effect .... 6732 B.72
Embodied beings of light .... Jesus’ disciples during His time on earth
.... 7080 B.75
Embodied beings of light .... Lack of past memory .... Forerunner ....
4970 B.56
Embodied beings of light, Satanic activity .... Countermeasure by em-
bodied beings of light .... 7049 B.75
Emergence of the Antichrist .... 8734 B.92
Emergence of the Work of Creation ‘Earth’ .... 7924 B.83
Emissaries .... Prayer .... Admonition .... 0206 B.05-09
Emotional and intellectual thinking .... Truth .... 2302 B.32
Encouragement for diligent vineyard work .... 8529 B.90

End and Rapture .... Paradise of the new earth .... 7687 B.81
End of a Period of Salvation and Start of a New One .... 7756 B.81
End of the period of Salvation .... God’s plan of Salvation .... 5278 B.58
End of the world conflagration .... Establishing divine order .... 2803
End of the world .... Judgment Day .... 3519 B.45
End Prophecies .... Are you My Own? .... 6882 B.74
End time prophesies and admonitions .... 6870 B.74
End time, Spreading the Gospel .... End time disciples .... 5226 B.58
End time, The end time disciples’ faith without proof .... 5951 B.64
End, Announcement of the end and signs of the time .... 8310 B.87
End, Certain sign of the end is the small flock of fighters for God ....
4027 B.49
End, Concerning end time revelations .... 6482 B.69
End, Determining the time of the end - False prophets .... 5162 B.58
End, Doubting God’s existence in the end time .... 4069 B.50
End, Earth - School for the spirit .... Means to an end .... An end in
itself .... 5750 B.62
End, Experiments towards the end of the earth .... Activating forces
.... 4731 B.54
End, Faithless humanity .... The end is near .... 5173 B.58
End, God’s intervention .... The end of the struggle .... 3143 B.41-42
End, ‘I Am with you always, even unto the end of the world ....’ 7681
End, ‘I will remain with you ....’ ‘I will send you the Comforter ....’ 4850
End, ‘I will send you the Comforter ....’ (Explanation of apparent con-
tradictions) 4580 B.53
End, Indicating the end of an era .... 6812 B.73
End, Is life on earth an end in itself or the means to an end .... 7100
End, Separation of the spirits .... The end of an earthly period .... 7611
End, Spiritual low level .... The end of a salvation period .... 3805 B.47-

End, Success at the end of an earth-period .... Scientists .... 6081 B.66
End, Sudden end amid the ecstasy of worldly pleasure .... 5589 B.61
End, Sudden end even for the believers .... 5712 B.62
End, The day of the end is decided for eternity .... 8729 B.92
End, The day of the end will be adhered to .... 8892 B.93
End, The end is determined by people themselves .... Low level ....
3625 B.46
End, The end of a period of Salvation is assured to you .... 8748 B.92
End, The end time justifies the gifts of grace .... 7908 B.82
End, The end will come for certain .... 9008 B.94
End, The end will come unexpectedly .... 7609 B.80
End, The end will come without fail .... 5797 B.63
End, The near end demands increased vineyard work .... 8072 B.85
End, The near end should be mentioned time and again .... 6689 B.72
End, The powerful Voice of God .... The End of the Battle .... 3318 B.43
End, The predetermined day of the end will be kept .... Time indica-
tion .... Distribution .... 8500 B.89 8501 B.89 8502 B.89
End, The time of the end is imminent .... 6059 B.65
End, Witnesses to the end on the new earth for descendants .... 5743
Ending the struggle between the nations .... 2361 B.32
Enemies of the human race .... Battle .... ‘Victory is yours ....’ 0193
Enforced actions are worthless for eternity .... 6621 B.71
Enforced teachings .... 0194 B.05-09
‘Enter into thy closet ....’ 6050 B.65
Errors .... The Lord Himself walks amongst people .... Proclamation of
a wise disciple .... 0247 B.05-09
Eruptions .... Activity of unbound spirits .... 1851 B.28
Eruptions are an Act of Liberation for the Spiritual Substances Bound
in the Solid Form .... 2175 B.31
Eruptions .... Diversity of stars .... 1823 B.27
Eruptions .... Natural forces .... Divine Order .... 3380 B.44

Eruptions .... Work of Creation .... Researchers .... 0957 B.17-18
Eruptions, Fulfilment of the Scripture .... Eruptions .... Ocean and main-
land .... 0704 B.14-16
Eruptions, Inner Earth activity .... Eruptions .... 2448 B.33
Eruptions, Spiritual explanation for the eruptions .... Service in the
light .... 1826 B.27
Eruptions, Sun systems .... Fire-spewing mountain .... Eruptions ....
0495 B.10-13
Establishing spiritual contacts on earth .... Help from the beings in
the beyond .... 1750 B.27
Eternal damnation .... 4602 B.53
Eternal order is love .... Satan’s activity .... 6385 B.68
Eternal, Do not forfeit your eternal life .... 7096 B.75
Eternal, Free will is fundamental eternal law .... Attaining beatitude
.... 5301 B.59
Eternal, God’s Word will be heard eternally .... 8522 B.90
Eternal, Good and evil .... Eternal law .... 8910 B.93
Eternal, It concerns eternal life .... 5000 B.56
Eternal, Jesus Christ opens the gate to eternal life .... 6850 B.73
Eternal, Knowledge of the eternal plan of Salvation .... 8088 B.85
Eternal, Living water .... Source of eternal life .... 3757 B.47-48
Eternal, Retribution - Atonement .... Eternal Order .... Forgiveness
through Christ .... 4837 B.55
Eternal, The Eternal Light descended to Earth .... 8068 B.85
Eternal, The eternal Trinity .... 0662 B.14-16
Eternal, The path to the eternal home .... 6549 B.70
Eternal, Violation of eternal law .... Temptations .... 3696 B.47-48
Even suffering is grace .... ‘Father, Your will be done ....’ 0659 B.14-16
Everlasting battle against the world .... 7344 B.78
Every being fell and ascends voluntarily .... 8075 B.85
Every day is a gift .... 5507 B.60
Every person has to accept the consequences of his knowledge .... 8796
Every person is addressed by God .... 6200 B.67

Every soul is an original spirit .... 8008a B.84 8008b B.84
Every soul starts its earthly progress consciously .... 7146 B.76
Everyone can hear God’s speech .... in form of thoughts .... 5469 B.60
Everyone would be able to hear God speaking .... 8654 B.91
Everything has meaning and purpose .... Pests .... Weeds .... 7098 B.75
Everything serves to attain perfection .... 6015 B.65
Everything that happens serves to perfect the soul .... 7162 B.76
Evidence of Jesus’ existence on earth .... 7250 B.77
Evidence, Countless evidence of God .... 7624 B.80
Evidence, Freedom of will excludes evidence of faith .... 6976 B.74
Evidence, Healing the sick .... Signs and miracles .... Evidence of faith
.... 5966 B.65
Evidence, Historic evidence of Jesus and His act of Salvation does not
exist .... 8634 B.91
Evidence, Moods .... Depressions .... Evidence of love .... 1602 B.25
Evidence, The human being may not be compelled into believing by
way of evidence .... 8598 B.90
Evidence, The working of the spirit in the wakeful state .... Evidence:
reasons .... 4620 B.53
Evil forces .... Earthly possessions .... Treasures for the beyond ....
0207 B.05-09
Evil forces .... Good spiritual beings .... Reason and miracle of the
proclamations .... 0255 B.05-09
Evil, About the origin of evil .... 8913 B.93
Evil, ‘Deliver us from evil ....’ 4985 B.56
Evil, Free will .... Knowledge of good and evil .... The new earth ....
3359 B.44
Evil, Good and evil .... Eternal law .... 8910 B.93
Evil, Good and evil .... Law of eternity .... 3901 B.49
Evil, How did Evil Arise? .... 8863 B.93
Evil, Regarding the question of the origin of evil .... 8882 B.93 8883
B.93 8884 B.93
Evil, Thinking apparatus .... Influx of good or evil strength .... 2363

Evil, Unbelief and devils during the last days .... Battle of faith .... The
coming of the Lord .... 4825 B.55
Evil, Unjustified objection, being destined to be evil .... 5141 B.58
Evil, Warning .... The Saviour’s love .... Warning against evil forces ....
0211 B.05-09 0212 B.05-09
Evil, Where did evil come from? .... 7618 B.80 7618a B.80
Examination of spiritual ‘receptions’ .... 8337 B.88
Examination, Answers to questions .... Serious examination of the ori-
gin .... 7311 B.77
Examination, Danger of accepting established traditions .... Examina-
tion .... 2091 B.30
Examination, Serious examination of spiritual knowledge with God’s
support .... 7584 B.80
Examining deviating spiritual information .... (Spiritualism?) 4971 B.56
Examining Spiritual Information .... 8407 B.88
Exceptional help at the time of misery .... 8202 B.86
Exceptional, Apparent calm .... Exceptional strength .... The coming
of the Lord .... 5972 B.65
Exceptional, God’s exceptional help after the natural disaster .... 7331
Exceptional, Knowledge of the spirit’s work in a person .... Exceptional
opportunity for God to reveal Himself .... 2878 B.37
Exercise to hear the voice of the spirit .... 3732 B.47-48
Existence of God .... Worldly scholars .... Heart and intellect .... 4541
Existence, Belief in the existence of Jesus .... 6485 B.69
Existence, Can God’s existence be proven? .... 8265 B.87
Existence, Diversity of earthly existence .... You would pray for suffer-
ing .... 0579 B.10-13
Existence, Doubting God’s existence in the end time .... 4069 B.50
Existence, Evidence of Jesus’ existence on earth .... 7250 B.77
Existence, Explanation about the ‘existence as a human being’ .... 8945
Existence, Purpose of earthly existence as a human being .... 8571 B.90

Existence, Purpose of earthly existence .... 7871 B.82
Existence, Struggle for existence is essential .... 6738 B.72
Existence, Who believes in the long path before human existence ....
8819 B.93
Expediency of creations .... God’s will .... 3739 B.47-48
Experiments towards the end of the earth .... Activating forces .... 4731
Experiments .... Work of destruction .... 7372a B.78 7372b B.78
Experiments, Destruction of earth is the result of experiments .... 8624
Experiments, Irresponsible experiments are the reason for the destruc-
tion of earth .... 4708 B.54
Explaining the process of transcription .... Truth .... 3547 B.45
Explaining the various characters of the Word-recipients .... 5061 B.57
Explanation about baptism with water .... 8643 B.91
Explanation about different Word-reception .... 7787 B.81
Explanation about re-incarnation .... Jesus and Salvation .... 8495 B.89
Explanation about ‘spiritual spark’ and ‘soul’ .... 6210 B.67
Explanation about strokes of fate .... 6330 B.68
Explanation about the coming of the Lord .... 8743 B.92
Explanation about the ‘existence as a human being’ .... 8945 B.94
Explanation and reason for an arduous destiny .... 5048 B.57
Explanation for the unusual knowledge .... 7916 B.83
Explanation of ‘blessing’ .... 8728 B.92
Explanation of matter and its task .... 8575 B.90
Explanation of the many cases of death: Closing the gates to the be-
yond .... 7170 B.76
Explanation of this remarkable gift of grace .... 6592 B.71
Explanation regarding free will .... 8740 B.92
Explanation regarding original spirit and apostasy .... 8459 B.89
Explanation, Bible message is teaching of love .... Jesus’ explanation
.... Transcripts .... 4000 B.49
Explanation, Body, soul and spirit .... Explanation .... 4757 B.54
Explanation, Further explanation regarding the soul .... 8012 B.84

Explanation, Hour of death .... Explanation of suffering .... 4033 B.49
Explanation, ‘I will send you the Comforter ....’ (Explanation of appar-
ent contradictions) 4580 B.53
Explanation, Spiritual explanation for the eruptions .... Service in the
light .... 1826 B.27
Exposure of misguided teachings is God’s will .... 8814 B.93
Expression of the Divine Spirit .... Satan as an Angel of Light .... 5240
Extent of divine love .... 3751 B.47-48
Extraordinary disposition .... Christian teaching changed into secular
teaching .... 0226 B.05-09
Extraordinary events are signs of the approaching end .... 4928 B.56
‘Eye has not seen ....’ 2415 B.32 7963 B.83

Index F

Faith and love lead to unification with God .... 8973 B.94
Faith comes alive through love .... 8816 B.93
Faith in Jesus Christ .... Doubting Thomas .... 5941 B.64
Faith in God in free will .... 7665 B.80
Faith in God’s presence .... 8128 B.86
Faith is the first condition for truth .... 1134 B.19-20
Faith - Hope - Love .... Concern for the weak and misguided .... 0233
Faith without love is dead .... 5234 B.58 6876 B.74
Faith .... 7951 B.83
Faith, Acknowledgment of Jesus .... Final decision of faith .... 8866
Faith, Antichrist .... The faith is in danger .... 4947 B.56
Faith, Blind faith and dead Christianity .... 7292 B.77
Faith, Blind faith is worthless .... 7834 B.82
Faith, Brutal battle of faith .... Fortification of faith .... 5324 B.59

Faith, Call upon Me in times of need .... Depth of faith .... 3681 B.46
Faith, Confused thinking - Unbelief .... Faith - Grace .... 1894 B.28
Faith, Easy reception .... Blessings of faith .... 0228 B.05-09
Faith, Fatherly Words .... Faithful prayer and intercession .... 1862
Faith, Fear is insufficient faith .... 7462 B.79
Faith, Freedom of will excludes evidence of faith .... 6976 B.74
Faith, Fully maturing the soul .... Miracle healing - Compulsory faith
.... 8161 B.86
Faith, God demands faith in His immense love .... 8289 B.87
Faith, God requires a living faith .... 8503 B.89
Faith, God’s promise of help .... Strength of faith .... 6704 B.72
Faith, Granting prayers .... Faith .... 6569 B.70
Faith, Healing the sick .... Signs and miracles .... Evidence of faith ....
5966 B.65
Faith, Living faith and its strength .... 3717 B.47-48
Faith, Living faith .... Awakening of life .... 7597 B.80
Faith, Low spiritual level .... Test of faith .... Battle .... Rapture .... 8017
Faith, Measures against the Christian faith .... 1950 B.28
Faith, Painful means can lead to faith .... 8594 B.90
Faith, People lack love and faith .... 8626 B.91
Faith, Prediction of a swiftly approaching end .... Weak faith therein
.... 3964 B.49
Faith, Reassuring advice to have faith .... 3802 B.47-48
Faith, Satan’s raging during the last days .... Apostasy from faith ....
3958 B.49
Faith, Shield of faith .... Trust .... God’s protection .... 4720 B.54
Faith, Sincerity of prayer strengthens faith .... 3778 B.47-48
Faith, Strength of faith of a living but wrong belief .... 4936 B.56
Faith, Strength of faith .... Antichrist .... Counteraction 5719 B.62 5723
Faith, Strength of faith .... Healing the sick .... Miracles .... 5843 B.63
Faith, Strength of faith .... Help in every need .... 3660 B.46

Faith, Strength of faith .... Nourishing the believers .... 8848 B.93
Faith, Strong faith .... Following Jesus .... 5726 B.62
Faith, Strong faith .... Success .... Love .... 6110 B.66
Faith, Struggle for faith not in vain .... 3752 B.47-48
Faith, Tests of faith to fortify belief .... 5377 B.59
Faith, The church of Christ .... Faith - Rock .... 3729 B.47-48
Faith, The church of Christ .... Living faith .... 5923 B.64
Faith, The end time disciples’ faith without proof .... 5951 B.64
Faith, The faith in Jesus Christ is in danger .... 6969 B.74
Faith, The path of love and faith .... Acknowledging God .... 6033 B.65
Faith, The work of changing into love and faith .... 8096 B.85
Faith, ‘Thou art Peter, the rock ....’ Living faith - the church of Christ
.... 4525 B.52
Faith, Three years test of faith .... Christianity .... 0754 B.14-16
Faith, Traditional faith .... Conventional faith .... Misguided teachings
.... 4707 B.54
Faith, Weak faith or unbelief .... 8197 B.86
Faith, What is faith? .... 4017 B.49
Faithless humanity .... The end is near .... 5173 B.58
Fall of the spirits .... Faculty of thought .... Lucifer’s fall .... 7082 B.75
False Christs and Prophets .... 5778 B.63 5861 B.64 8290 B.87 8487
False Christs and prophets .... Apparitions of Mary .... 7389 B.78
False Christs and prophets .... Characteristic: Salvation .... 8521 B.89
False Christs and prophets .... Satan’s mask .... 5677 B.62
False Christs and Prophets, ‘Test the spirits ....’ False Christs and prophets
.... 5701 B.62
False Christs .... Signs and miracles .... 2353 B.32
False prophets .... 7705 B.81
False prophets .... Test the spirits .... 2566 B.33
False prophets, Determining the time of the end - False prophets ....
5162 B.58
False prophets, Miracles .... False prophets .... 3580 B.46
False prophets, ‘That day and hour knoweth no man ....’ False prophets

of the last days .... 4675 B.53
False prophets, True and false prophets .... 6782 B.72
False Spirits .... False Prophets .... 7714 B.81
Falsification of the divine Word .... 8009 B.84
Fate in eternity corresponds to will .... Love of matter is wrong .... 3969
Fate in the beyond corresponds to thoughts and wishes on earth ....
6054 B.65
Father-child relationship with God .... 6800 B.73
Father, Childship to God .... Father - Children .... Admonition - Task
.... 0246 B.05-09
Father, The Father’s house and beatitude .... 5617 B.62
Fatherly Words of blessing .... 5482 B.60
Fatherly Words to His servants on Earth .... 4055 B.50
Fatherly Words .... Faithful prayer and intercession .... 1862 B.28
Fatherly Words .... My name .... 0763 B.14-16
Fatherly Words, Comforting Fatherly Words .... 8865 B.93
Fear and misery .... God’s intervention - Battle of faith .... 8317 B.87
Fear is insufficient faith .... 7462 B.79
‘Fear not ....’ 6111 B.66
Fear of death .... 6616 B.71
Fear of dying .... Beholding the spiritual kingdom before death ....
6637 B.71
Fear, Don’t Fear Those Who Kill the Body, but Are Not Able to Kill the
Soul .... 4566 B.53
Fear, God wants to be Loved and not Feared .... 8348 B.88
Fear, Grasping and discarding thoughts according to God’s will ....
Fear of death .... 0722 B.14-16
Fear, Harshest measures .... Fearless speaking .... Strong will .... 2193
Fear, Hour of death without fear .... Readiness .... 6042 B.65
Fear, People’s fear .... Natural disaster and its consequences .... 4633
Fear, The will to live .... Fear of death 2776 B.34-36

Feeding the soul is a priority .... Communion .... 8385 B.88
Fellow labourers in Christ’s work of Redemption .... ‘Go ye therefore,
and teach ....’ 5082 B.57
Fight against longings and passions .... 6286 B.68
Fight with the sword of the tongue .... Truth .... 5627 B.62
Fight, Christianity .... Formalities .... Fight against schools of thought
permitted .... 2292 B.32
Fight, The Termination of the Fight .... Spatial Separation .... 3371
Fighters for truth .... Misguided teachings .... 5205 B.58
Fighter, Calm before the storm .... Forearmed fighters .... 6271 B.67
Fighter, Certain sign of the end is the small flock of fighters for God
.... 4027 B.49
Fighting against oneself on earth .... 5224 B.58
Fighting or helping .... 5913 B.64
Fighting selfish love .... 7294 B.77
Fighting with the sword of the tongue .... 6089 B.66
Fighting, Helping or fighting .... Different purposes for suffering ....
3230 B.41-42
Fighting, Special mission: Fighting for truth .... 5335 B.59
Fighting, Spiritual coercion .... Human commandments .... Fighting
the teaching of Christ .... 2412 B.32
Fighting, The task of fighting misguided teachings .... 8832 B.93
Final battle .... Frankly professing Christ before the world ..... 4433
Final hours, World clock .... Final hours .... 5266 B.58
Final phase .... Battle of faith .... 6452 B.69
Final rescue attempts .... People’s low level .... 6629 B.71
Final rescue work .... Callers and admonishers .... 5810 B.63
Final separation .... The coming of the Lord .... 6979 B.74
Final, Acknowledgment of Jesus .... Final decision of faith .... 8866
Final, Directive to take action .... Final admonitions before the end ....
4857 B.55

Final, God’s decision is final .... 8370 B.88
Final, Serious Admonition .... The Final Phase of the Earth .... 5383
Final, The final powerful work of destruction .... 8684 B.91 8685 B.91
Final, The final work of destruction .... 7630 B.80
Fire-spewing mountain, Sun systems .... Fire-spewing mountain ....
Eruptions .... 0495 B.10-13
Firmament .... 0205 B.05-09
First created being .... Light bearer .... Apostasy from God .... 5612
‘Follow Me ....’ 4544 B.52
Following Jesus .... A life of love and self-denial .... 3920 B.49
Following Jesus .... Living a life of love .... 5927 B.64
Following Jesus .... Patiently bearing the cross .... 7622 B.80
Following Jesus: Bearing the cross .... 8680 B.91
Following Jesus, Carrying the cross .... Following Jesus .... 7495 B.79
Following Jesus, Strong faith .... Following Jesus .... 5726 B.62
Following Jesus, True Christianity .... Following Jesus .... 5547 B.61
5548 B.61
Font of love .... Dangers .... Power of love .... 0210 B.05-09 0211 B.05-
Forerunner of the Lord .... 4048 B.49
Forerunner .... 8815 B.93
Forerunner .... Knowledge about previous incarnation .... 7604 B.80
Forerunner .... Proclaiming Jesus .... 5830 B.63
Forerunner .... Visible appearance .... The time is fulfilled .... 8081
Forerunner, About the forerunner .... 7722 B.81
Forerunner, Announcing the forerunner of Jesus Christ .... 7062 B.75
Forerunner, Christ’s Forerunner .... 8231 B.87
Forerunner, Dialogue .... Forerunner .... 7339 B.78
Forerunner, Embodied beings of light .... Lack of past memory .... Fore-
runner .... 4970 B.56
Forerunner, Incarnation of beings of light .... Forerunner .... 4899 B.55

Forerunner, Jesus’ forerunner at the end .... 4878 B.55 6554 B.70 9007
Forerunner, Spiritual chaos .... World conflagration .... Messiah ....
The forerunner of the Lord .... 0801 B.17-18
Forerunner, The forerunner of Jesus Christ .... 7295 B.77
Forerunner, Time of grace .... Speaker - Forerunner of the Lord ....
3276 B.43
Forerunner, Wolf in sheep’s clothing .... Forerunner of the Lord before
His return .... 0685 B.14-16
‘Forgive us our trespasses ....’ 5428 B.60
Forgiveness of sins .... 0444 B.10-13 0445 B.10-13
Forgiveness of sin through Jesus Christ .... 7442 B.78
Forgiveness of sins .... Infallibility .... Routine actions .... 1482 B.23-
Forgiveness .... Atonement .... Justice .... (Law of cause and effect)
5243 B.58
Forgiveness, Retribution - Atonement .... Eternal Order .... Forgive-
ness through Christ .... 4837 B.55
Forgiveness, The burden of sin in the beyond .... Atonement or for-
giveness .... 3909 B.49
Formalities, ceremonies .... True church service .... 5571a B.61 5571b
Formailties, Christianity .... Formalities .... Fight against schools of
thought permitted .... 2292 B.32
Forthcoming event .... God’s intervention .... Time of adversity ....
2388a B.32 2388b B.32
Forthcoming, A forthcoming natural event .... 8033 B.84
Free decision of will .... 8143 B.86
Free will and self-awareness .... 7370 B.78
Free will caused the apostasy .... Deification .... 6991 B.74
Free will is fundamental eternal law .... Attaining beatitude .... 5301
Free will must accept spiritual knowledge .... 8753 B.92
Free will must accept the light .... 7936 B.83

Free will must accept the truth .... 8850 B.93
Free will .... 7837 B.82
Free will .... Destiny .... 4365 B.51
Free will .... God’s will .... Divine order .... 5751 B.62
Free will .... Knowledge of good and evil .... The new earth .... 3359
Free Will .... Opportunity for Ascent .... 7348 B.78
Free will, Achieving beatitude - Free will .... Wolf amongst sheep ....
5041 B.57
Free will, Beatitude or renewed banishment depends on free will ....
6598 B.71
Free will, Confused thinking - Spiritual adversity .... Free will .... 5565
Free will, Destiny corresponds to free will .... 7051 B.75
Free will, Destiny .... Free will - God’s will .... 3259 B.41-42
Free will, Development is a matter of free will and not God’s arbitrary
use of power .... 5144 B.58
Free will, Does the human being possess free will? .... 7271 B.77
Free will, Effect of free will .... Sudden death .... 8683 B.91
Free will, Explanation regarding free will .... 8740 B.92
Free will, Faith in God in free will .... 7665 B.80
Free will, God’s help towards attaining beatitude .... Free will .... 6085
Free will, God’s permission .... Human free will .... 2044 B.30
Free will, God’s plan of Salvation is based on the human being’s free
will .... 7277 B.77
Free will, God’s will or permission .... Free will .... 3756 B.47-48
Free will, Healing process .... Free will .... 5345 B.59
Free will, Jesus’ free will as a human being .... 7992 B.84
Free will, Living beings .... Activity .... State of compulsion .... Free
will .... Being of service with love .... 3378 B.44
Free will, Matter .... Loss of earthly possessions .... Free will .... 5100
Free will, Path of life predetermined by God .... Free will .... Deed and

effect .... 2441 B.33
Free will, Process of development .... Law of compulsion .... Stage of
free will .... 5125 B.57
Free will, Reason for the human being’s free will .... 8771 B.92
Free will, Redemption requires free will .... 7369 B.78
Free will, Spiritual darkness .... Denial of free will .... 8776 B.92
Free will, The right Father-child relationship .... Free will .... 5155 B.58
Free will, Violation of free will by fellow human beings .... 2110 B.30
Freedom of will excludes evidence of faith .... 6976 B.74
Freedom of will .... Abandonment of development .... 3794 B.47-48
Freedom of will .... Divine order .... State of compulsion .... 6166 B.66
Frequent introspection is necessary .... 7307 B.77
Frequent Question: Why did the God Of Love Let a Human Beeing Suf-
fer so? .... 8715 B.91
Frugality .... 7401 B.78
Fulfilling the commandments of love .... 5873 B.64
Fulfilment of divine promises .... Truth .... 7767 B.81
Fulfilment of duty .... 1829 B.27
Fulfilment of humanly decreed commandments will not replace ac-
tions of love .... 6813 B.73
Fulfilment of prayer .... Conditions .... 1082 B.19-20
Fulfilment of predictions made by seers and prophets .... 4879 B.55
Fulfilment of Predictions .... Preceding Disaster .... 5678a B.62 5678b
Fulfilment of the Scripture .... Eruptions .... Ocean and mainland ....
0704 B.14-16
Fulfilment, Battle of faith .... Fulfilment of promises .... 5115 B.57
Fulfilment, Catastrophe .... Fulfilment of the Scriptures .... God’s love
for humanity .... 2033 B.30
Fulfilment, Christ’s promises .... Conditions - Fulfilment .... 3744 B.47-
Fulfilment, Earthly task: Fulfilment of the commandments of love ....
6086 B.66
Fulfilment, God’s will: Fulfilment of the commandments of love ....

4932 B.56
Fulfilment, Relinquishing the world .... Fulfilment of earthly duties
and the blessing of God .... 4436 B.52
Fulfilment, Speedy end .... Fulfilment of the predictions .... 6106 B.66
Fulfilment, The fulfilment of prayer in firm belief .... ‘Father, Your will
be done ....’ 3927 B.49
Fulfilment, The right prayer and its fulfilment .... 7814 B.82
Fully maturing the soul .... Miracle healing - Compulsory faith .... 8161
Further explanation regarding the soul .... 8012 B.84
Further indication of disasters and war .... 8717 B.91

Index G

Gathering spiritual treasures on earth .... Regret in the beyond ....

4455 B.52
Gathering strength ahead of the chaos .... 8549 B.90
Genuine prophecy .... 7392 B.78
Genuine, Scrutiny of genuine revelations .... 5320 B.59
Gift of grace before the end .... Jesus Christ .... 8494 B.89
Gift of teaching .... Teaching ministry .... 3730 B.47-48
Gift, Appeals for a gift of strength for the souls of the deceased ....
9014 B.94
Gift, Every day is a gift .... 5507 B.60
Gift, God’s gift of love and grace .... Attaining the original state ....
7109 B.76
Gift, God’s gift: the spark of love, a part of Himself .... 6941 B.74
Gift, Prophetic gift .... A spiritual gift which demands action .... 6587
Gift, The gift of healing the sick .... 7032 B.75
Gift, The working of the spirit .... Scrutiny .... Proof: Oratorical gift ....
Truth - Error .... God’s messengers .... 4588 B.53

Gifts of the spirit .... 7703 B.81
Gifts of the spirit .... Conditions .... 6241 B.67
Gifts, Attitude of intellectuals regarding spiritual gifts .... 5754 B.62
Gifts, Listening within .... Gifts from above .... Everything that is good
is divine .... 2787 B.37
Gifts, Misuse of divine gifts (Talents) .... 8660 B.91
Gifts, Misuse of the gifts which distinguish the human being from the
animal .... 2083 B.30
Gifts, Remorse of souls who rejected divine gifts of grace .... 4887 B.55
Gifts, Striving for spiritual gifts .... Characteristic of the church of
Christ .... 6551 B.70
Gifts, Suitability for scrutinising spiritual gifts .... 2894 B.37
Gifts, The end time justifies the gifts of grace .... 7908 B.82
Gifts, Various gifts of the spirit .... 6013a B.65
Giving account .... Urgency of distribution .... 8843 B.93
Globe .... Voice of thunder .... 0197 B.05-09
Glory, Heavenly bliss .... Eternal glory .... 1792 B.27
Glory, Heavenly glory .... Spiritual vision .... 2284 B.32
‘Go and teach all nations ....’ 1517 B.23-24
God and Jesus are one .... Human manifestation of God .... 8250 B.87
God and nature .... Consciously working at attaining perfection ....
0240 B.05-09
God answers every question through the heart .... 7858 B.82 7859 B.82
God as a loving Father .... 7648 B.80
God as Mentor .... He allows Himself to be found .... 3987 B.49
God became visible in Jesus Christ .... 7147 B.76
‘God breathed a living soul into him ....’ 6599 B.71
God Cannot ‘Excuse’ the Sins .... 8864 B.93
God carries out his plan of Salvation .... 8656 B.91
God corrects a big error .... 8923 B.93
God corrects misguided teachings .... 8572 B.90
God Demands Deliberation .... 7448 B.78
God demands faith in His immense love .... 8289 B.87
God does not condemn but wants to redeem .... 5593 B.61

God does not condemn, people condemn themselves .... 5950 B.64
God Himself conveys the truth to people .... 8599 B.90
God Himself is the source of the revelations .... 8733 B.92
God Himself substantiates the revelations with the near end .... 8925
God is a spirit Who has manifested Himself in Jesus .... 7828 B.82
God is aware of the human will .... Natural disaster .... Protection of
the servants .... 9000 B.94
God is good and righteous .... 5212 B.58
God is inscrutable .... 8275 B.87
God is love .... 8082 B.85
God is the Word .... God’s Presence .... Different Conveyance of the
Word .... 3596 B.46
God needs His servants, who offer to serve Him .... 8809 B.92
God only created beings of equal perfection .... 8797 B.92 8798 B.92
God permits the battle of faith .... 3184 B.41-42
God requires a living faith .... 8503 B.89
God Requires Many Labourers in the Time Before the End .... 5259
God reveals Himself in the Word .... 6573 B.70
God reveals Himself in times of spiritual hardship .... 8098 B.85
‘God sent His Son to Earth ....’ 8537 B.90
God speaks as a Father to His child .... 6615 B.71
God wants His Word understood differently .... 8830 B.93
God wants to answer questions .... Error .... 8536 B.90
God wants to be Loved and not Feared .... 8348 B.88
God Wants to be the Subject of Our Thoughts .... 7376 B.78
God wants to reveal Himself .... 7193 B.76
God will implement His act of Salvation .... 8338 B.88
God .... Father .... 5481 B.60
God-inclined will assures His guidance .... 7119 B.76
God-inclined will is the passed test on earth .... 5460 B.60
God, A Warning not to Change the Word of God .... 9030 B.94
God, Accountability towards God .... Doing one’s duty is not enough

.... 6952 B.74
God, Admonition to work for God .... Catastrophe .... 3713 B.47-48
God, All willingness to help is blessed by God .... 5635 B.62
God, Attainment of childship to God only on this earth .... 6955 B.74
God, Battle of faith .... Fighters for God .... 5840 B.63
God, Belief in God in Jesus .... 8541 B.90
God, Blessing of mental communication with God .... 6859 B.73
God, Blissful spiritual beings require process of development on earth
for childship to God .... 3908 B.49
God, Bond of love .... Unification with God .... 3636 B.46
God, Bond with God .... 7377 B.78 7573 B.80
God, Calling upon beings of light after prayer to God .... 7655 B.80
God, Cause of Lucifer’s apostasy from God .... 8672 B.91
God, Ceremonies .... Childship to God .... 1376 B.23-24
God, Certain sign of the end is the small flock of fighters for God ....
4027 B.49
God, Childship to God is the object of life on earth .... The Word of
God .... 8367 B.88
God, Childship to God .... Conditions .... 5099 B.57
God, Childship to God .... Severe trials .... 2882 B.37
God, Childship to God .... Tremendous suffering on Earth .... 3352 B.43
God, Complete devotion to God ensures paternal care .... 5545 B.61
God, Connection with God guarantees truth .... 6075 B.65 7530 B.79
God, Consciously turning to God is passed test of will .... 7783 B.81
God, Constant contact with God ensures success .... 5785 B.63
God, Contact with God .... Influx of strength .... 3482 B.45
God, Controller of fate .... God of love .... 6289 B.68
God, Countless evidence of God .... 7624 B.80
God, Danger of selfishness .... Love for God and one’s neighbour ....
0343 B.05-09
God, Did God cause the apostasy? .... 7932 B.83
God, Distance from God is a wretched state .... No separation .... 5123
God, Divine spark .... Correct relationship with God .... 6090 B.66

God, Do ‘non-fallen’ spirits attain childship to God? .... 8793a B.92
8793b B.92
God, Does God punish the children for the sins of the fathers? .... 8296
God, Duration of returning to God .... 7529 B.79
God, Earthly adversity should result in contacting God .... 5491 B.60
God, Every person is addressed by God .... 6200 B.67
God, Everyone would be able to hear God speaking .... 8654 B.91
God, Existence of God .... Worldly scholars .... Heart and intellect ....
4541 B.52
God, Faith and love lead to unification with God .... 8973 B.94
God, Faith in God in free will .... 7665 B.80
God, Father-child relationship with God .... 6800 B.73
God, First created being .... Light bearer .... Apostasy from God ....
5612 B.62
God, Frequent Question: Why did the God Of Love Let a Human Bee-
ing Suffer so? .... 8715 B.91
God, Heartfelt contact with God .... Inner voice .... 6421 B.68
God, Indirect and direct Word of God .... 8160 B.86
God, Instruction by God Himself .... Audible Word .... Jesus’ disciples
.... 3955 B.49
God, Instruction for teaching ministry by God Himself .... Mission ....
5374 B.59
God, Intellectual thought .... Truth from God .... 5199 B.58
God, Intercession for people distanced from God .... 2172 B.31
God, Jesus Christ was dedicated to God body and soul .... 2345 B.32
God, Jesus heard the Word of God .... Mediator between God and peo-
ple .... 6145 B.66
God, Jesus is God .... 8422 B.88
God, Knowledge about goal and purpose .... Childship to God .... 5222
God, Knowledge of the spirit’s work in a person .... Exceptional oppor-
tunity for God to reveal Himself .... 2878 B.37
God, Light from above .... The Word of God .... 6434 B.69

God, Love for God and one’s neighbour .... 4961 B.56
God, Love for God is demonstrated through neighbourly love .... 8584
God, Love of the world - Satan’s followers .... Love of God - Overcom-
ing matter .... 5039 B.57
God, Marriage .... In the presence of God and before the world .... 4357
God, Means of grace .... Walking with God .... 6340 B.68
God, Mentally directing the will towards God .... 7981 B.83
God, Misguided teachings are barriers for the seeker of God .... 2372
God, My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me? 8201 B.86
God, Only God can convey the truth to a person .... 8757 B.92
God, Only God is Ruler of the universe .... 8457 B.89
God, Only God is the Lord of Creation .... Star .... 7423 B.78
God, Only love recognises the Deity .... Seekers of God .... 0721 B.14-
God, Opportunities for attaining the childship to God .... 5575 B.61
God, Path of life predetermined by God .... Free will .... Deed and ef-
fect .... 2441 B.33
God, Personification of God .... 3443 B.44
God, Phase of development unique during a period of salvation .... In-
carnation of beings of light .... Mission - Child of God .... 2875 B.37
God, Purpose of harsh strokes of fate: Bond with God .... 8206 B.86
God, Recognising and acknowledging God .... Atheists .... 6481 B.69
God, Relinquishing the world .... Fulfilment of earthly duties and the
blessing of God .... 4436 B.52
God, Reminder to work diligently for the kingdom of God .... 4742 B.54
God, Return to God necessitates sincerity of will .... 6823 B.73
God, Right prayer is the bridge to God .... Jesus Christ .... The bridge
to Me is the prayer .... 5686 B.62
God, Salvation-plan of God .... Primordial-sin .... Adam’s fall .... Work
of redemption 6973 B.74
God, Scrutiny of spiritual knowledge presupposes bond with God ....

8828 B.93
God, ‘Seek ye first the kingdom of God ....’ 6968 B.74
God, Severe suffering can result in childship to God .... 8980 B.94
God, Sincere longing for unification with God .... 7303 B.77
God, Spiritual knowledge proves awakening and bond with God ....
8210 B.86
God, Surrendering the will to God .... 5632 B.62
God, ‘Test the spirits whether they are of God ....’ 1 John 4:1-3 .... 8962
God, The bond with God .... Adversities and suffering .... 8737 B.92
God, The close bond with God .... 6724 B.72
God, The doctrine of the Trinity of God .... 4484 B.52
God, The Father’s concern for His children .... Childship to God ....
4994 B.56 4995 B.56
God, The human being’s task on earth .... Childship to God .... 5490
God, The Intervention of God .... 3151 B.41-42
God, The path of love and faith .... Acknowledging God .... 6033 B.65
God, The path of return to God .... 7257 B.77
God, The powerful Voice of God .... The End of the Battle .... 3318 B.43
God, The right concept of God .... 7816 B.82
God, The right, lawful marriage before God .... 4834 B.55
God, The spirit of God works where He wants .... 5864 B.64
God, The task to spread the truth presupposes receipt of truth from
God .... 6252 B.67
God, The will’s decision in favour of God .... 6885 B.74
God, The Word of God ought to be listened to .... 8544 B.90
God, The Word of God .... Ray of light .... The door of your heart ....
Guest .... 5715 B.62
God, The Word of God: Unadulterated truth .... 7152 B.76
God, True servants of God .... Instituted words .... Working of the spirit
.... 8325 B.88
God, Trust in God .... The blessing of prayer .... 0235 B.05-09
God, Truth emanates from God himself .... 8700 B.91

God, Ultimate goal is union with God .... 8093 B.85
God, Unattainability of God .... Recognising His fundamental nature
.... 4877 B.55
God, Unification .... Blissfulness of the images of God .... 7627 B.80
God, Union with God - The human being’s goal .... 4871 B.55
God, Unity with God .... School of suffering .... 4352 B.51
God, Vast distance from God .... End .... 7672 B.80
God, Voluntarily turning to God .... Bond of love .... 6381 B.68
God, Voluntary bond with God .... 6484 B.69
God, Was Adam the only human being created by God? .... 8236 B.87
8237 B.87
God, ‘Whoever is loved by God ....’ 5647 B.62
God, Whoever is taught by God requires no further external knowl-
edge .... 5150 B.58
God, ‘Whoever remains in love ....’ Strange gods .... 6796 B.73
God, Why is God speaking to people? .... 8568 B.90
God, ‘With God nothing is impossible ....’ 4082 B.50
God, Words of comfort .... Suffering - Illness .... Connection with God
.... 6124 B.66
God, Working for God and His kingdom .... 4171 B.50
God, Working for the kingdom of God .... Mission .... 3284 B.43
God, Worshipping the mother of God .... 4752 B.54
God, Wrong image of God .... Misguided teachings .... 8035 B.84
God, Wrong portrayal of God .... Error .... 8615 B.90
God’s Act of Creation and Goal .... 7556 B.80
God’s address to souls in the beyond .... 8900 B.93
God’s adversary in disguise as an angel of light .... 8788 B.92
God’s appointed servants .... Truth .... 3785 B.47-48
God’s blessing and guidance of the spiritual work .... 8810 B.92
God’s blessing for every action .... Marriages .... 6940 B.74
God’s blessing gained, all is obtained. 0241 B.05-09
God’s blessing should be requested .... 7603 B.80
God’s blessing .... Plan of Salvation .... Change of will .... 7081 B.75
God’s bond of love .... 5961 B.64

God’s call to service .... Inner voice .... 2099 B.30
God’s call within your heart .... 4170 B.50
God’s care for the human being .... 7540 B.79
God’s care for the vineyard labourers .... 8356 B.88
God’s ceaseless help on the earthly path .... 8328 B.88
God’s constant care for the human being .... 6338 B.68
God’s creative will .... Spiritual and earthly creations .... 3943 B.49
God’s decision is final .... 8370 B.88
God’s end-time revelation .... 6023 B.65
God’s exceptional help after the natural disaster .... 7331 B.78
God’s gift of love and grace .... Attaining the original state .... 7109
God’s gift: the spark of love, a part of Himself .... 6941 B.74
God’s help towards attaining beatitude .... Free will .... 6085 B.66
God’s human manifestation in Jesus .... 7731 B.81
God’s human manifestation .... 8445 B.89
God’s Infinite Love for his Living Creations .... 8248 B.87
God’s infinite love wants to give itself away .... 7867 B.82
God’s instruction to educate fellow human beings about Jesus .... 8464
God’s intervention .... 3773 B.47-48
God’s intervention .... The end of the struggle .... 3143 B.41-42
God’s justice demands atonement .... 7625 B.80
God’s Language Through Nature’s Elements .... 8002 B.84
God’s love and justice .... 7482 B.79
God’s love can also be found in suffering .... 5920 B.64
God’s love determines people’s destiny .... 3317 B.43
God’s love .... Last days .... 7709 B.81
God’s love .... Suffering or happiness .... Granting of prayer .... 3382
God’s merciful guidance of the vineyard labourers .... 8928 B.93
God’s message to rationalists .... Deniers of God .... 5744 B.62
God’s messengers and their work .... 0480 B.10-13
God’s messengers’ task before the end .... 3942 B.49

God’s nature is a mystery .... 8006 B.84
God’s or the adversary’s entitlement over the soul is determined by
the person himself .... 7038 B.75
God’s perfection knows no limits of time and space .... 8777 B.92
God’s permission .... Human free will .... 2044 B.30
God’s plan of Salvation is based on the human being’s free will ....
7277 B.77
God’s presence during spiritual conversations .... 3983 B.49
God’s presence protects against the adversary .... 7329 B.78
God’s promise of help .... Strength of faith .... 6704 B.72
God’s protection from the adversary’s temptations .... 8520 B.89
God’s protection in the battle of faith .... 7954 B.83
God’s reply to thoughts .... Presence .... 6116 B.66
God’s revelation .... 4866 B.55
God’s special care for His labourers .... 8547 B.90
God’s Spirit does not Contradict Itself .... 8077 B.85
God’s spiritual and physical care for His Own .... 3701 B.47-48
God’s strength can also grant physical recovery .... 7980 B.83
God’s true representatives are appointed by God Himself .... 8716 B.91
God’s voice can be heard everywhere .... The gravity of the time ....
4861 B.55
God’s ways are not always people’s ways .... 6993 B.74
God’s will - voice of the heart .... Inner urging .... 4104 B.50
God’s will or permission .... Free will .... 3756 B.47-48
God’s will to help is greater than the adversity .... 3936 B.49
God’s will: Fulfilment of the commandments of love .... 4932 B.56
God’s will, Battle .... Works of destruction .... Against God’s will ....
2535 B.33
God’s Word intends to attract people’s love .... 8917 B.93
God’s Word is felt as a flow of strength by the souls in the beyond ....
5745 B.62
God’s Word provides comfort and strength in greatest need .... 3448
God’s Word reflects the spirit of love .... 3698 B.47-48

God’s Word will be heard eternally .... 8522 B.90
God’s Word, an inconceivable grace in the last days .... 5367 B.59
God’s, Accountability before God’s judgment seat .... 6236 B.67
God’s, An hour of Christianity .... The way to God’s heart .... 6649 B.71
God’s, Awakening the dead through God’s Word .... 5605 B.61
God’s, Bearers of light .... God’s protection .... 3725 B.47-48
God’s, Becoming God’s ‘children’ .... Childship to God .... 7907 B.82
God’s, Belief in the soul’s life after death .... God’s mercy .... 2767 B.34-
God’s, Beneficial effect of God’s Word .... Awakening - Life .... 6768
God’s, Book of Books .... God’s Word .... 5710 B.62
God’s, Call to work .... The mission of God’s servants .... 4174 B.50
God’s, Call upon God’s help is indispensable in the last days .... 3703
God’s, Can God’s existence be proven? .... 8265 B.87
God’s, Catastrophe .... Fulfilment of the Scriptures .... God’s love for
humanity .... 2033 B.30
God’s, Change of character into love .... God’s presence .... 7351 B.78
God’s, Correct proclamation of the Word .... God’s presence .... 6559
God’s, Correct thinking .... God’s guidance .... Stars .... 0772 B.14-16
God’s, ‘Correcting’ God’s Word .... Corruption of truth .... 8448 B.89
God’s, Creation is God’s work .... 8613 B.90
God’s, Cup of suffering .... God’s love .... 3733 B.47-48
God’s, Destiny of life is God’s will .... 3211 B.41-42
God’s, Destiny .... Free will - God’s will .... 3259 B.41-42
God’s, Destiny .... Submission to God’s will .... 3819 B.47-48
God’s, Destructive will of God’s adversary .... Bound spirits - Human
being .... 4965 B.56
God’s, Developing the ability to hear God’s voice .... 7104 B.76
God’s, Development is a matter of free will and not God’s arbitrary use
of power .... 5144 B.58
God’s, Difficult Living Conditions .... God’s Guidance and Help .... 4058

God’s, Disputed question about God’s human manifestation .... 6794
God’s, Doubting God’s existence in the end time .... 4069 B.50
God’s, Doubts Abiout God’s Revelations .... The Elements of Nature
.... 4020 B.49
God’s, Early death .... God’s mercy .... Old age .... 3260 B.41-42
God’s, End of the period of Salvation .... God’s plan of Salvation ....
5278 B.58
God’s, Everyone can hear God’s speech .... in form of thoughts .... 5469
God’s, Expediency of creations .... God’s will .... 3739 B.47-48
God’s, Exposure of misguided teachings is God’s will .... 8814 B.93
God’s, Faith in God’s presence .... 8128 B.86
God’s, Fear and misery .... God’s intervention - Battle of faith .... 8317
God’s, Forthcoming event .... God’s intervention .... Time of adversity
.... 2388a B.32 2388b B.32
God’s, Free will .... God’s will .... Divine order .... 5751 B.62
God’s, Grasping and discarding thoughts according to God’s will ....
Fear of death .... 0722 B.14-16
God’s, Harassing the bearers of truth through God’s adversary .... God’s
help .... 3996 B.49
God’s, Heartfelt desire guarantees God’s Word .... 7002 B.75
God’s, Human commandments .... Neighbourly love .... God’s com-
mandment .... 3697 B.47-48
God’s, Human contention that God’s Word is completed .... 1857 B.28
God’s, Information about God’s plan of Salvation .... 8760 B.92
God’s, Inner prompting is God’s instruction .... Subordination of will
.... 3308 B.43
God’s, Jesus’ body was also solidified substance in accordance with
God’s will .... 8756 B.92
God’s, Jesus has satisfied God’s justice .... 8222 B.87
God’s, Justice towards fellow human beings .... God’s order .... 3906

God’s, Knowledge of God’s will .... Responsibility .... 7923 B.83
God’s, Labourers for God’s kingdom .... Jesus Christ .... 6736 B.72
God’s, Lack of knowledge and disbelief in God’s address .... 8722 B.92
God’s, Light is life .... Influence of God’s messengers .... Christmas Eve
.... 0236 B.05-09
God’s, Light of realisation through God’s address .... 7813 B.82
God’s, Listening to God’s voice .... 5753 B.62
God’s, Living conditions, Difficult Living Conditions .... God’s Guid-
ance and Help .... 4058 B.50
God’s, Predetermined earthly life .... Whims of destiny .... God’s love
.... 4756 B.54
God’s, Predetermined fate .... God’s love and help .... 5845 B.63
God’s, Prediction .... Destruction of God’s Word and Scriptures .... Prayer
.... 0641 B.14-16
God’s, Prerequisite for hearing God’s voice: Detachment from the world
.... 7258 B.77
God’s, Prerequisites for hearing God’s Word .... 8530 B.90
God’s, Redeeming work for souls in the beyond in God’s will .... 5964
God’s, Renewed Prediction by God’s Word .... 7830 B.82
God’s, Revelations are God’s help towards ascent .... 8268 B.87
God’s, Seeming contradictions in God’s Word .... 4172 B.50
God’s, Selfishness .... God’s intervention is the last resort .... 2223 B.31
God’s, Serious examination of spiritual knowledge with God’s support
.... 7584 B.80
God’s, Serious warning about God’s intervention and consequences
.... 7052 B.75
God’s, Shield of faith .... Trust .... God’s protection .... 4720 B.54
God’s, Space exploration is not God’s will .... 7886 B.82
God’s, Spreading the Gospel on God’s behalf .... 5746 B.62
God’s, Striving towards the goal .... God’s help .... 6329 B.68
God’s, Suffering proves God’s love .... Fire of purification .... 4959 B.56
God’s, Taking notice of God’s plan of Salvation .... 7881 B.82

God’s, The ability to hear God’s voice .... Conditions .... 4462 B.52
God’s, The concept of ‘hell’ .... Renewed banishment .... God’s infinite
love .... 6638 B.71
God’s, The effects of God’s Word .... 0215 B.05-09
God’s, The mystery of God’s human manifestation .... 8282 B.87
God’s, The purpose of God’s revelations .... 3377 B.44
God’s, The reason for God’s remarkable action .... (12th anniversary
of receiving the Word) 4670 B.53
God’s, The soul matures through suffering .... God’s care .... World and
God .... 4672 B.53
God’s, The spirit of love protects against temptations and God’s ad-
versary .... 6118 B.66
God’s, The truth reveals God’s perfection .... 6467 B.69
God’s, The work of God’s servants concerning formal believers .... The
church of Christ .... 4061 B.50
God’s, The work of God’s servants in the last days .... 4848 B.55
God’s, The working of the spirit .... Scrutiny .... Proof: Oratorical gift
.... Truth - Error .... God’s messengers .... 4588 B.53
God’s, Treasures .... God’s means to gain realisation .... 0223 B.05-09
0224 B.05-09 0225 B.05-09
God’s, Vineyard work according to God’s will .... 8635 B.91
God’s, Was Jesus’ soul already incarnated before God’s human mani-
festation? .... 8750 B.92
God’s, Where God’s Word is recognised, that is where He is present ....
8514 B.89
Good and evil .... Eternal law .... 8910 B.93
Good and evil .... Law of eternity .... 3901 B.49
Good Friday .... 7083 B.75 8964 B.94
Good Friday .... The path to Golgotha .... 5643 B.62
Good, A good farmer scatters good seeds .... 8792 B.92
Good, A Natural Event .... Victims of Good and Bad People 3348 B.43
Good, Free will .... Knowledge of good and evil .... The new earth ....
3359 B.44
Good, God is good and righteous .... 5212 B.58

Good, Jesus, the good shepherd .... 7455 B.78
Good, Listening within .... Gifts from above .... Everything that is good
is divine .... 2787 B.37
Good, Parable of the good shepherd .... 4360 B.51
Good, Peace to all men of good will .... 6144 B.66
Good, ‘Test all things and keep what is good ....’ 6676 B.72 8037 B.84
Good, Thinking apparatus .... Influx of good or evil strength .... 2363
Gospel, Carry My Gospel into the world .... 5725 B.62
Gospel, Spreading the Gospel .... End time disciples .... 5226 B.58
Grace of the act of Salvation: fortified will .... 8418 B.88
Grace, Characteristic of truth of the proclamations: Love, grace, mercy
.... 5023 B.57
Grace, Confused thinking - Unbelief .... Faith - Grace .... 1894 B.28
Grace, Divine revelation is the greatest source of grace .... 4015 B.49
Grace, Even suffering is grace .... ‘Father, Your will be done ....’ 0659
Grace, Explanation of this remarkable gift of grace .... 6592 B.71
Grace, Gift of grace before the end .... Jesus Christ .... 8494 B.89
Grace, God’s gift of love and grace .... Attaining the original state ....
7109 B.76
Grace, God’s Word, an inconceivable grace in the last days .... 5367
Grace, ‘I bestow My grace upon the humble ....’ 7057 B.75
Grace, Means of grace .... Prayer .... 6321 B.68
Grace, Means of grace .... Walking with God .... 6340 B.68
Grace, Much suffering - Much grace .... 4117 B.50
Grace, Only a short time of grace left .... 7207 B.76
Grace, Period of grace until the divine intervention .... 3396 B.44
Grace, Prayer for grace and strength .... 3714 B.47-48
Grace, Prayer for strength and grace .... Pride .... Humility .... 8589
Grace, Remorse of souls who rejected divine gifts of grace .... 4887

Grace, Self-knowledge .... Psychological work .... Grace .... Humility
.... 3244 B.41-42
Grace, Strength and grace in the last days .... 3750 B.47-48
Grace, The end time justifies the gifts of grace .... 7908 B.82
Grace, The grace of receiving the Word is a commitment .... 7878 B.82
Grace, The Word (grace) recipients’ advantage compared to the athe-
ists .... 5394 B.59
Grace, Time of grace .... Speaker - Forerunner of the Lord .... 3276 B.43
Grace, Utilizing the time of grace before the end .... 5729 B.62
Grace, What are -means of grace- ? .... 6831 B.73
Grace, Will and grace .... (Which comes first? ....) 2468 B.33
Grace, Will - Grace .... (Objection Philippians 2 - 13) 1937 B.28
Granting prayers .... Faith .... 6569 B.70
Granting prayers .... The right relationship of a child with its Father
.... 8073 B.85
Grasping and discarding thoughts according to God’s will .... Fear of
death .... 0722 B.14-16
Gratitude .... 5019 B.56
Gratitude, Happiness and gratitude of redeemed souls .... 6423 B.69
Great affliction before the end .... 4883 B.55
Great work of redemption in the beyond .... Jesus Christ .... 7386 B.78
Guarantee for receiving the truth .... 8546 B.90
Guarantee, Awakening the divine spiritual spark will guarantee a change
in character .... 7984 B.83
Guarantee, Connection with God guarantees truth .... 6075 B.65 7530
Guarantee, Dispensations of providence are divine will .... Guarantee
for highest maturity .... 1386 B.23-24
Guarantee, Guarantee for receiving the truth .... 8546 B.90
Guarantee, Heartfelt desire guarantees God’s Word .... 7002 B.75
Guarantee, In the state of compulsion progress is guaranteed .... but
as human being? .... 8936 B.94
Guarantee, Sincere desire for truth guarantees truth .... 7629 B.80
Guarantee, Study does not guarantee spiritual knowledge .... 8842 B.93

Guarantee, The will for truth guarantees its receipt .... 6841 B.73
Guarantee, The working of the spirit .... Guarantee for pure truth ....
2877 B.37
Guarantee, When is pure truth guaranteed through the working of the
spirit? .... 5569 B.61
Guarantee, Which messages guarantee the truth .... 9013 B.94
Guardian spirit .... Spiritual guides .... 6636 B.71
Guardian, Beings of light are people’s spiritual guardians .... 3981 B.49
Guests at the table of the Lord .... 5771 B.63
Guests on earth .... Right custodians .... 6454 B.69
Gulf and Bridge .... Renewed Banishment .... Circuit of Flow of Love
.... 4807 B.55

Index H

Hallowed halls .... Blessing of the work for spiritual beings .... 0187
‘Hallowed be Thy name ....’ 1849 B.28
Happiness and gratitude of redeemed souls .... 6423 B.69
Harassing the bearers of truth through God’s adversary .... God’s help
.... 3996 B.49
Hardship of unbelievers on entry into the beyond .... 5076 B.57
Hardship, God reveals Himself in times of spiritual hardship .... 8098
Hardship, Most difficult time of hardship before the end .... 3753 B.47-
Hardship, People don’t know about their immense spiritual hardship
.... 8633 B.91
Hardship, Severe hardship before the last rescue mission .... 3620 B.46
Hardship, Spiritual hardship can only remedied by spreading the pure
Gospel .... 5465 B.60
Hardship, Spiritual hardship greater than earthly .... The adversary’s

activity .... 5526 B.61
Hardship, The souls’ great hardship in the beyond .... 5767 B.63
Hardship, The souls’ hardship in the beyond .... Intercession .... Change
of will .... 5318 B.59
Hardship, The soul’s hardship necessitates suffering .... ‘Father, Your
will be done ....’ 1749 B.27
Hardship, What is Spiritual Hardship? .... 7209 B.76
Harmful consequences of misguided teachings .... 7368 B.78
Harmonious life on the new earth .... 8429 B.89
Harmony of body and soul .... 4326 B.51
Harshest measures .... Fearless speaking .... Strong will .... 2193 B.31
Harsh, Purpose of harsh strokes of fate: Bond with God .... 8206 B.86
Has the infinitely long path of development been in vain? .... 5230
Hatred and its consequences .... 2810 B.37
He Knows that He has not Much Time Left .... 5572 B.61
‘He that keepeth My commandments .... to him I will come and man-
ifest Myself ....’ 4107 B.50
‘He that shall endure unto the end ....’ 8164 B.86
‘He who remains in love remains in Me and I in him .... 2147 B.31
Head of church, Infallibility of the head of church .... 2383a B.32 2383b
Healing process .... Free will .... 5345 B.59
Healing the sick in the name of Jesus .... 5889 B.64
Healing the sick .... Proclaiming Jesus Christ .... 7042 B.75
Healing the sick .... Signs and miracles .... Evidence of faith .... 5966
Healing, Fully maturing the soul .... Miracle healing - Compulsory
faith .... 8161 B.86
Healing, Strength of faith .... Healing the sick .... Miracles .... 5843
Healing, Strength of love .... Healing the sick .... Performing miracles
.... 5358 B.59
Healing, The gift of healing the sick .... 7032 B.75

Hearing the divine Word .... Thoughts .... 4700 B.54
Hearing, Prerequisite for hearing God’s voice: Detachment from the
world .... 7258 B.77
Hearing, Prerequisites for hearing God’s Word .... 8530 B.90
Heartfelt contact with God .... Inner voice .... 6421 B.68
Heartfelt desire guarantees God’s Word .... 7002 B.75
Heaven and hell .... 4488 B.52
Heaven, ‘All power is given unto Me in heaven and on earth ....’ 7031
Heaven, ‘Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven
is perfect...’ 6877 B.74
Heaven, The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence ....’ 7359 B.78 7361
Heaven, ‘The powers of heaven shall be shaken ....’ 8379 B.88
Heaven, ‘The Powers of the Heaven Shall Be Shaken ....’ Reversal of
Natural Law .... Rapture .... 5029 B.57
Heavenly bliss .... 2233 B.31
Heavenly bliss .... Eternal glory .... 1792 B.27
Heavenly glory .... Spiritual vision .... 2284 B.32
Help for poor souls .... Love redeems .... 5203 B.58
Help from the universe .... 7043 B.75
Help in earthly and spiritual adversity .... Reciprocated love .... 5823
Help, All willingness to help is blessed by God .... 5635 B.62
Help, Beings in the beyond .... Appeal for help .... 0238 B.05-09
Help, Call upon God’s help is indispensable in the last days .... 3703
Help, Change of nature into love with the help of Jesus Christ .... 8019
Help, Difficult Living Conditions .... God’s Guidance and Help .... 4058
Help, Establishing spiritual contacts on earth .... Help from the beings
in the beyond .... 1750 B.27
Help, Exceptional help at the time of misery .... 8202 B.86

Help, God’s ceaseless help on the earthly path .... 8328 B.88
Help, God’s exceptional help after the natural disaster .... 7331 B.78
Help, God’s help towards attaining beatitude .... Free will .... 6085 B.66
Help, God’s promise of help .... Strength of faith .... 6704 B.72
Help, God’s will to help is greater than the adversity .... 3936 B.49
Help, Harassing the bearers of truth through God’s adversary .... God’s
help .... 3996 B.49
Help, Loving help for fellow human beings in distress .... 6763 B.72
Help, Mutual help from beings in the beyond for the care of misguided
souls .... Suffering as aid .... 1400 B.23-24 1401 B.23-24
Help, My commission .... Help the needy .... 1742 B.27
Help, Needy souls .... Remorse .... Loving help .... 3256 B.41-42
Help, Predetermined fate .... God’s love and help .... 5845 B.63
Help, Redeeming help for souls in the beyond through people .... 5178
Help, Revelations are God’s help towards ascent .... 8268 B.87
Help, Strength of faith .... Help in every need .... 3660 B.46
Help, Striving towards the goal .... God’s help .... 6329 B.68
Help, The embodied light beings’ willingness to help .... 8664 B.91
Help, The Lord’s messenger before His coming .... Help desperately
needed .... 4136 B.50
Help, The souls’ state of darkness in the beyond and help by beings of
light .... 3952 B.49
Help, Will to help and work of the beings of light .... 5536 B.61
Helping or fighting .... Different purposes for suffering .... 3230 B.41-
Helping, Fighting or helping .... 5913 B.64
Helping, Task in life: Helping with love .... 6202 B.67
Helping, The helping hand of Jesus Christ .... Deliverance from the
abyss .... 5277 B.58
Helplessness in the beyond .... Law .... 3206 B.41-42
Hereditary sin .... 5967 B.65
High value of correct prayer .... 6622 B.71
Historic evidence of Jesus and His act of Salvation does not exist ....

8634 B.91
Home, The true home .... 7634 B.80
Holding on to misguided spiritual knowledge .... Desire for truth ....
8534 B.90
Hostilities .... Working in secret .... Greater activity .... 5143 B.58
Hostilities, Battle of faith .... Hostilities .... Antichrist .... 6538 B.70
Hour of death without fear .... Readiness .... 6042 B.65
Hour of death .... 1798 B.27 2348 B.32
Hour of death .... Explanation of suffering .... 4033 B.49
Hour of reckoning - Judgment .... Retribution .... 6103 B.66
Hour, An hour of Christianity .... The way to God’s heart .... 6649 B.71
Hour, Inner reflection .... Hours of rest - Introspection .... 1590 B.25
Hour, ‘That day and hour knoweth no man ....’ False prophets of the
last days .... 4675 B.53
Hour, The earth’s last hour .... 8071 B.85
Hour, The hour of Christ’s birth .... Spiritual rebirth .... 0227 B.05-09
Hour, Think often about the hour of death .... 7458 B.78
How did Evil Arise? .... 8863 B.93
How long did Christ’s doctrine remain pure? .... 8890 B.93
How to Follow Jesus .... 7874 B.82
Human additions .... Attendance at church .... 1375 B.23-24
Human commandments .... Neighbourly love .... God’s commandment
.... 3697 B.47-48
Human contention that God’s Word is completed .... 1857 B.28
Human corrections of the messages from above .... 1811 B.27
Human manifestation .... 0216 B.05-09
Human manifestation in Jesus .... 8091 B.85
Human, Attribute of divine teaching: human manifestation problem
.... 8694 B.91
Human, Battle of faith .... Breakdown of human work .... Church of
Christ .... 4167 B.50
Human, Catastrophe .... Fulfilment of the Scriptures .... God’s love for
humanity .... 2033 B.30
Human, Destiny according to human will .... 4573 B.53

Human, Disputed question about God’s human manifestation .... 6794
Human, Enemies of the human race .... Battle .... ‘Victory is yours ....’
0193 B.05-09
Human, Faithless humanity .... The end is near .... 5173 B.58
Human, Frequent Question: Why did the God Of Love Let a Human
Beeing Suffer so? .... 8715 B.91
Human, Fulfilment of humanly decreed commandments will not re-
place actions of love .... 6813 B.73
Human, God and Jesus are one .... Human manifestation of God ....
8250 B.87
Human, God is aware of the human will .... Natural disaster .... Pro-
tection of the servants .... 9000 B.94
Human, God’s human manifestation in Jesus .... 7731 B.81
Human, God’s human manifestation .... 8445 B.89
Human, God’s permission .... Human free will .... 2044 B.30
Human, New school of thought .... Human work .... 3366 B.44
Human, New spiritual kingdom .... Prophet .... New human race ....
1107 B.19-20
Human, Spiritual coercion .... Human commandments .... Fighting the
teaching of Christ .... 2412 B.32
Human, The mystery of God’s human manifestation .... 8282 B.87
Human, Was Jesus’ soul already incarnated before God’s human man-
ifestation? .... 8750 B.92
Human, Who believes in the long path before human existence ....
8819 B.93
Human, You Humans are Heading Towards the End .... 7935 B.83
Human, You humans should strive for perfection .... 7997 B.84
Human being, Bearing suffering for fellow human beings .... 8508 B.89
Human being, Creation of the human being .... The fall of man .... 5800
Human being, Destructive will of God’s adversary .... Bound spirits -
Human being .... 4965 B.56
Human being, Development of earth and human being .... 6295 B.68

Human being, Did the human being evolve or was he a new creation?
.... 8235 B.87
Human being, Does the human being possess free will? .... 7271 B.77
Human being, Explanation about the ‘existence as a human being’ ....
8945 B.94
Human being, God’s care for the human being .... 7540 B.79
Human being, God’s constant care for the human being .... 6338 B.68
Human being, God’s instruction to educate fellow human beings about
Jesus .... 8464 B.89
Human being, God’s plan of Salvation is based on the human being’s
free will .... 7277 B.77
Human being, In the state of compulsion progress is guaranteed ....
but as human being? .... 8936 B.94
Human being, Intercession for fellow human beings .... 6582 B.70
Human being, Jesus as a human being knew of His mission .... 8667
Human being, Jesus’ battle as a ‘human being’ .... 7872 B.82
Human being, Jesus’ free will as a human being .... 7992 B.84
Human being, Justice towards fellow human beings .... God’s order ....
3906 B.49
Human being, Light beings embodied as human beings .... Disciples
of the last days .... 5002 B.56
Human being, Loving help for fellow human beings in distress .... 6763
Human being, Misuse of the gifts which distinguish the human being
from the animal .... 2083 B.30
Human being, Pre-historic human beings .... Responsibility .... 2513
Human being, Present-day human being .... Abilities .... 2514 B.33
Human being, Purpose of earthly existence as a human being .... 8571
Human being, Reason for the human being’s free will .... 8771 B.92
Human being, Sense of justice .... Judging one’s fellow human being
.... 1869 B.28

Human being, The agonies of the human being without the awareness
of self .... Rom. 8, 19-22 .... 6988 B.74
Human being, The human being is close to the goal .... 6256 B.67
Human being, The human being is not a product of coincidence by a
Creative Power .... 8943 B.94
Human being, The human being may not be compelled into believing
by way of evidence .... 8598 B.90
Human being, The human being’s destiny .... Desire for truth .... 6100
Human being, The human being’s duty is to scrutinise spiritual infor-
mation .... 8364 B.88
Human being, The human being’s imperfect state corresponds to his
will .... 4553 B.53
Human being, The human being’s right attitude concerning Jesus’ act
of Salvation .... 7024 B.75
Human being, The human being’s task on earth .... Childship to God
.... 5490 B.60
Human being, The human being’s true home .... 9009 B.94
Human being, The significance of life on earth as a human being ....
8414 B.88
Human being, The soul .... The spiritual spark in the human being ....
1618 B.25
Human being, The vineyard labourers’ service for fellow human be-
ings .... 7990 B.84
Human being, The ‘working of the spirit’ in the human being .... 7798
Human being, Union with God - The human being’s goal .... 4871 B.55
Human being, Violation of free will by fellow human beings .... 2110
Human being, Was Adam the only human being created by God? ....
8236 B.87 8237 B.87
Human being, What was the human being and what is his earthly task?
.... 8582 B.90
Humbly enduring fate .... 4518 B.52

Humility - Arrogance .... Danger .... 4919 B.56

Index I

‘I Am the beginning of all things ....’ 0750 B.14-16

‘I Am the way, the truth, and the life ....’ 3767 B.47-48
‘I Am with you always, even unto the end of the world ....’ 7681 B.81
‘I bestow My grace upon the humble ....’ 7057 B.75
‘I came into the world ....’ 6719 B.72
‘I came to My Own and they did not accept Me ....’ 5114 B.57
‘I need you ....’ 0209 B.05-09
‘I Will Come Like a Thief in the Night ....’ 2534 B.33
‘I will destroy the wisdom of the wise ....’ 4744 B.54
‘I will guide you into truth ....’ 8872 B.93
‘I will pour out My spirit upon all flesh ....’ 7501 B.79
‘I will remain with you ....’ ‘I will send you the Comforter ....’ 4850 B.55
‘I will send you the Comforter ....’ (Explanation of apparent contradic-
tions) 4580 B.53
‘I will shorten your days ....’ 7225 B.76
I will, Battle of faith .... Publicly professing Christ .... ‘I will shorten
the days ....’ 4635 B.53
I will, ‘He that keepeth My commandments .... to him I will come and
manifest Myself ....’ 4107 B.50
I will, John 14 .... ‘I will not leave you comfortless ....’ 7702 B.81
I will, Teaching ministry .... ‘I will destroy the wisdom of the wise ....’
8069 B.85
I will, ‘Thou art Peter, the rock, and upon this rock I will build My
church ....’ 4942 B.56
Ignorant and misguided people’s attitude regarding truth .... 5764 B.63
Illness and suffering are necessary to purify the soul .... 7028 B.75
Illness, Blessing of illness and suffering .... Maturing fully .... 5194

Illness, Words of comfort .... Suffering - Illness .... Connection with
God .... 6124 B.66
Immorality .... Unwritten laws .... 2461 B.33
Immortality of soul .... Wrong doctrine .... 4723 B.54
Immortality of the soul .... 1874a B.28 1874b B.28
Immortality .... 8790 B.92
Immortality .... Eternity .... Suicide .... 0974a B.17-18 0974b B.17-18
Immortality, Belief in the immortality of the soul .... Truth .... 3699
Impending turning point .... 5567 B.61
Implementation of the plan of Salvation .... 7728 B.81
Importance of the missionary work .... Making use of the knowledge
.... 8855 B.93
Importance, Knowledge about Jesus Christ is of utmost importance ....
8696 B.91
Important mission .... Spreading the Gospel .... 5977 B.65
Important, The most important commandment has to be fulfilled: Love
.... 8678 B.91
Important, Unchanged Word .... Important missionary work .... 7938
Improvement, Life on earth for improvement .... Sorrow of spiritual
friends .... 0229 B.05-09
‘In My Father’s house are many mansions ....’ 5449 B.60
‘In the beginning was the Word ....’ 6852 B.73 8739 B.92
In the Father’s house are many mansions .... 6022 B.65
In my Father’s house, Contact with inhabitants of other worlds .... ‘In
My Father’s house ....’ 7601 B.80
In my Father’s house, ‘Did you not know, that I must be in My Father’s
house ....’ 3634 B.46
In the state of compulsion progress is guaranteed .... but as human
being? .... 8936 B.94
Incarnated beings of light .... Mission of spiritual leaders .... 3391 B.44
Incarnated beings of light .... The working of the spirit - Channeled
communications .... 8207 B.86

Incarnation of beings of light .... Forerunner .... 4899 B.55
Incarnation of many light beings in the last days .... 8245 B.87
Incarnation of many light souls during the last days .... 4803 B.54
Incarnation .... Instincts .... Preliminary stages .... 2775 B.34-36
Incarnation, About the incarnation of light beings .... 7831 B.82
Incarnation, Concerning the question: Incarnation of Jesus .... 8264
Incarnation, Counteracting misguided views about Jesus’ incarnation
.... 8751 B.92
Incarnation, Forerunner .... Knowledge about previous incarnation ....
7604 B.80
Incarnation, Phase of development unique during a period of salva-
tion .... Incarnation of beings of light .... Mission - Child of God ....
2875 B.37
Incarnation, Was Jesus’ soul already incarnated before God’s human
manifestation? .... 8750 B.92
Indicating the end of an era .... 6812 B.73
Indication of natural events .... 6388 B.68
Indication of the adversary’s activity .... (Speaking in tongues) 8641
Indication of the many adversities before the end .... 8387 B.88
Indications of disasters .... 7475 B.79
Indications of natural event .... Jesus’ reference on earth .... 2437 B.33
Indication, Adversary, Indication of the adversary’s activity .... (Speak-
ing in tongues) 8641 B.91
Indication, Further indication of disasters and war .... 8717 B.91
Indication, Scholars .... Rich and poor .... Pound .... Indications ....
0191 B.05-09 0192 B.05-09
Indication, Signs and indications pointing to the end .... 6501 B.69
Indication, The predetermined day of the end will be kept .... Time
indication .... Distribution .... 8500 B.89 8501 B.89 8502 B.89
Indirect and direct Word of God .... 8160 B.86
Individuality of each soul .... 5063 B.57
Infallibility of the head of church .... 2383a B.32 2383b B.32

Individuality, The soul’s individuality .... 8117 B.86
Infallibility .... Ecclesiastical commandments .... 1514 B.23-24
Infallibility, Forgiveness of sins .... Infallibility .... Routine actions ....
1482 B.23-24
Infinitely long fall into the abyss .... Path of return .... 7469 B.79
Infinitely, Has the infinitely long path of development been in vain?
.... 5230 B.58
Influence by the prince of lies on people’s thinking .... 1580 B.25
Influence, Reception of one’s own strength .... Without outside influ-
ence .... 0244 B.05-09
Information about God’s plan of Salvation .... 8760 B.92
Information about the end .... 6487 B.69
Information relating to purpose and reason of earthly life .... 8020
Information, Spiritual information without material gain .... 6391 B.68
Information, Why is the information about the process of return not
known? .... 8465 B.89
Informing the soul about earthly life .... 8243 B.87
Inner Earth activity .... Eruptions .... 2448 B.33
Inner life... Withdrawing into seclusion .... 4343 B.51
Inner prompting is God’s instruction .... Subordination of will .... 3308
Inner reflection .... Hours of rest - Introspection .... 1590 B.25
Inner voice difficult to hear .... Turmoil - silence .... 4378 B.51
Inner voice .... Thought .... Deed .... 2020 B.30
Inner voice, God’s will - voice of the heart .... Inner urging .... 4104
Inner voice, Heartfelt contact with God .... Inner voice .... 6421 B.68
Inner voice, The inner voice .... 3199 B.41-42
Inner voice, Voice of the spirit is truth .... Jesus Christ’s teaching ....
Inner voice .... 4775 B.54
Inner word, The inner Word during the time of affliction .... 3408 B.44
Inner word, The inner Word .... Light .... Truth .... 5461a B.60 5461b

Innermost feeling guiding principle for way of life .... 2104 B.30
Inscrutability of the Deity .... 8622 B.90
Insight into all beings’ activity .... 0217 B.05-09
Instincts of preliminary stages determine character .... Heredity ....
Disposition .... Parents .... 1933a B.28 1933b B.28
‘Instituted words’ for the Last Supper .... 6717 B.72
Instituted Words .... 7666 B.80
Instituted words, True servants of God .... Instituted words .... Work-
ing of the spirit .... 8325 B.88
Instruction by God Himself .... Audible Word .... Jesus’ disciples ....
3955 B.49
Instruction for teaching ministry by God Himself .... Mission .... 5374
Instruction to work for spiritual possessions .... Realisation .... 0218
Instruction, Belief in Jesus Christ’s mission .... Truthful instruction ....
5747 B.62
Instruction, God’s instruction to educate fellow human beings about
Jesus .... 8464 B.89
Instruction, Inner prompting is God’s instruction .... Subordination of
will .... 3308 B.43
Intellectual knowledge .... Study .... Revelations .... 6488 B.69
Intellectual thought .... Truth from God .... 5199 B.58
Intellectual, Attitude of intellectuals regarding spiritual gifts .... 5754
Intellectual, Emotional and intellectual thinking .... Truth .... 2302
Intercession for fellow human beings .... 6582 B.70
Intercession for people distanced from God .... 2172 B.31
Intercession for souls in the beyond .... I. 8611 B.90
Intercession for souls in the beyond .... II. Reply to the doctrine that
only ‘qualified’ praying men are entitled to pray for souls .... 8616 B.90
Intercession, Change of will through intercession .... 5313 B.59
Intercession, Clarification about intercession .... 8470 B.89

Intercession, Community of ‘Saints’ .... Intercession pointless .... 4328
Intercession, Fatherly Words .... Faithful prayer and intercession ....
1862 B.28
Intercession, Love recognises the error in the beyond .... Intercession
.... 8960 B.94
Intercession, Strength of intercession .... 5161 B.58
Intercession, The souls’ hardship in the beyond .... Intercession ....
Change of will .... 5318 B.59
Interpretation of the divine Word .... 8845 B.93
Interpretation, Wrong interpretation of Jesus’ Words .... 8688 B.91
Interpretation, Wrong interpretation of the Holy Scriptures .... Mis-
guided teachings .... 2524 B.33
Interpretation, Wrong interpretation of the Scriptures .... The work-
ing of the spirit .... 7103 B.76
Introduction to spiritual knowledge .... 8341 B.88
Introspection .... 8064 B.85
Introspection, A mediator’s introspection .... 8783 B.92
Introspection, Frequent introspection is necessary .... 7307 B.77
Introspection, Inner reflection .... Hours of rest - Introspection ....
1590 B.25
Involuntarily premature deceased people .... Beyond .... 1589 B.25
Irresponsible experiments are the reason for the destruction of earth
.... 4708 B.54
Irrevocable end .... Divine order and infringement .... 3749 B.47-48
Is knowledge necessary on Earth? .... Commandments of love .... 7507
Is life on earth an end in itself or the means to an end .... 7100 B.75
Is the Bible completed .... 8054 B.85
Israel .... (meaning of the name) 8857 B.93
It concerns eternal life .... 5000 B.56
‘It is finished ....’ 7668 B.80

Index J

Jakob Böhme lecture .... Answer?’ 0773 B.14-16

Jesus’ act of Salvation was the beginning of a new phase in the work
of return .... 8600 B.90
Jesus’ activity on Earth .... 8308 B.87
Jesus as a human being knew of His mission .... 8667 B.91
Jesus as leader .... 7496 B.79
Jesus’ Ascension .... 7358 B.78
Jesus’ battle against temptations .... 7056 B.75
Jesus’ battle as a ‘human being’ .... 7872 B.82
Jesus’ birth .... Sacrificial death .... 6433 B.69
Jesus’ body was also solidified substance in accordance with God’s will
.... 8756 B.92
Jesus came as Saviour .... 6951 B.74
Jesus came to the weak, sick and needy .... 5282 B.58
Jesus Christ is the gate into the kingdom of light .... 7398 B.78
Jesus descended into the abyss after His crucifixion .... 8999 B.94
Jesus’ forerunner at the end .... 4878 B.55 6554 B.70 9007 B.94
Jesus’ free will as a human being .... 7992 B.84
Jesus had prior knowledge of His act .... 6088 B.66
Jesus has satisfied God’s justice .... 8222 B.87
Jesus heard the Word of God .... Mediator between God and people ....
6145 B.66
Jesus is God .... 8422 B.88
‘Jesus, my Redeemer lives ....’ 7085 B.75
Jesus’ last words on the cross .... 7764 B.81
Jesus’ life before His teaching ministry .... 8486 B.89
Jesus’ name defeats the demon .... 6169 B.66
Jesus’ resurrection and spiritualisation .... 7693 B.81
Jesus’ resurrection took the sting out of death 7086 B.75
Jesus’ soul .... 6642 B.71
Jesus’ spiritual mission .... 6985 B.74
Jesus suffered immeasurably .... 8463 B.89

Jesus taught love on Earth .... 8454 B.89
Jesus took all suffering upon Himself .... Why suffering? .... 6240 B.67
Jesus’ transfiguration .... ‘My Father and I are One ....’ 1739 B.27
Jesus’ Words on the cross: ‘I Am thirsty ....’ 7758 B.81
Jesus, the good shepherd .... 7455 B.78
Jesus, Acknowledgment of Jesus .... Final decision of faith .... 8866
Jesus, Battle of faith .... The strength of Jesus’ name .... The coming
of the Lord .... 4643 B.53
Jesus, Belief in God in Jesus .... 8541 B.90
Jesus, Belief in the existence of Jesus .... 6485 B.69
Jesus, Bible message is teaching of love .... Jesus’ explanation .... Tran-
scripts .... 4000 B.49
Jesus, Book: Jesus’ childhood .... by J. Lorber 0245 B.05-09
Jesus, Call daily upon the name of Jesus .... 7129 B.76
Jesus, Carrying the cross .... Following Jesus .... 7495 B.79
Jesus, Concerning the question: Incarnation of Jesus .... 8264 B.87
Jesus, Confessing Jesus and the act of Salvation .... 3787 B.47-48
Jesus, Constantly calling upon Jesus ensures His presence .... 7356
Jesus, Counteracting misguided views about Jesus’ incarnation .... 8751
Jesus, Embodied beings of light .... Jesus’ disciples during His time on
earth .... 7080 B.75
Jesus, Evidence of Jesus’ existence on earth .... 7250 B.77
Jesus, Explanation about re-incarnation .... Jesus and Salvation ....
8495 B.89
Jesus, Following Jesus .... A life of love and self-denial .... 3920 B.49
Jesus, Following Jesus .... Living a life of love .... 5927 B.64
Jesus, Following Jesus .... Patiently bearing the cross .... 7622 B.80
Jesus, Following Jesus: Bearing the cross .... 8680 B.91
Jesus, Forerunner .... Proclaiming Jesus .... 5830 B.63
Jesus, God and Jesus are one .... Human manifestation of God .... 8250

Jesus, God is a spirit Who has manifested Himself in Jesus .... 7828
Jesus, God’s human manifestation in Jesus .... 7731 B.81
Jesus, God’s instruction to educate fellow human beings about Jesus
.... 8464 B.89
Jesus, Healing the sick in the name of Jesus .... 5889 B.64
Jesus, Historic evidence of Jesus and His act of Salvation does not ex-
ist .... 8634 B.91
Jesus, How to Follow Jesus .... 7874 B.82
Jesus, Human manifestation in Jesus .... 8091 B.85
Jesus, Indications of natural event .... Jesus’ reference on earth ....
2437 B.33
Jesus, Instruction by God Himself .... Audible Word .... Jesus’ disciples
.... 3955 B.49
Jesus, Miracle-work of the child Jesus .... 5551 B.61
Jesus, People’s attitude towards Mary, the mother of Jesus .... 8324
Jesus, Proclaiming Jesus’ teaching of love is urgently needed .... 6610
Jesus, Professing Jesus before the world .... Voicing the name of Jesus
.... 4831 B.55
Jesus, Redeeming strength of Jesus’ name .... 7066 B.75
Jesus, Re-incarnation, Explanation about re-incarnation .... Jesus and
Salvation .... 8495 B.89
Jesus, Remitting or retaining sins .... Jesus’ disciples .... 3297 B.43
Jesus, Resurrection of Jesus .... Easter .... 8158 B.86
Jesus, Significance of Jesus’ crucifixion and consequences of rejection
.... 2768 B.34-36
Jesus, Sincerely pursue the thought of redemption through Jesus ....
9017 B.94
Jesus, Spiritualisation of Jesus’ body .... 8574 B.90
Jesus, Strengthening of will and supply of strength through Jesus ....
7762 B.81
Jesus, Strong faith .... Following Jesus .... 5726 B.62

Jesus, Surrender to Jesus .... Saviour and Physician .... Redeemer ....
6508 B.70
Jesus, Taking refuge in Jesus .... The adversary’s activity .... 8103 B.85
Jesus, Taking refuge in Jesus .... 7195 B.76
Jesus, The bridge into the spiritual kingdom .... Jesus .... 5640 B.62
Jesus, The disciples’ doubts after Jesus’ arrest .... 7328 B.78
Jesus, The disciple’s enlightenment only happened after Jesus’ cruci-
fixion .... 7148 B.76
Jesus, The human being’s right attitude concerning Jesus’ act of Sal-
vation .... 7024 B.75
Jesus, The infant Jesus .... 5835 B.63
Jesus, The strength of Jesus’ name .... 6663 B.71 7191 B.76
Jesus, Time of trials .... Jesus, the bearer of the cross .... 3573 B.45
Jesus, Touchstone of divine revelations: Jesus’ act of Salvation .... 8479
Jesus, Tribulations and trepidations of Jesus, the man .... 7278 B.77
Jesus, True Christianity .... Following Jesus .... 5547 B.61 5548 B.61
Jesus, Union of the spiritual spark with the Father-Spirit .... Jesus ....
6575 B.70
Jesus, Was Jesus’ soul already incarnated before God’s human mani-
festation? .... 8750 B.92
Jesus, What did Jesus’ body consist of? .... 8586 B.90 8620 B.90
Jesus, Wrong interpretation of Jesus’ Words .... 8688 B.91
Jesus Christ means everything .... 6333 B.68
Jesus Christ opened the gate into the kingdom of light .... 7925 B.83
Jesus Christ opens the gate to eternal life .... 6850 B.73
Jesus Christ was dedicated to God body and soul .... 2345 B.32
Jesus Christ, leader on the right path .... 5733 B.62
Jesus Christ’s act of Salvation .... 7781 B.81
Jesus Christ, Accountability on the Day of Judgment .... Redeemer Je-
sus Christ .... 4984 B.56
Jesus Christ, Acknowledgment or rejection .... Jesus Christ .... 5844
Jesus Christ, Announcing the forerunner of Jesus Christ .... 7062 B.75

Jesus Christ, Atonement of guilt through Jesus Christ .... 6513 B.70
Jesus Christ, Attaining freedom by the time of the end .... Jesus Christ
.... 6700 B.72
Jesus Christ, Belief in Jesus Christ .... Christ’s suffering .... 5847 B.63
Jesus Christ, Belief in Jesus Christ’s mission .... Truthful instruction
.... 5747 B.62
Jesus Christ, Calling upon Jesus Christ from the darkness .... 6624 B.71
Jesus Christ, Change of nature into love with the help of Jesus Christ
.... 8019 B.84
Jesus Christ, Change of will .... Jesus Christ .... Mercy - Light - Strength
.... 6450 B.69
Jesus Christ, Characteristic of truth: Jesus Christ .... Love .... 6486 B.69
Jesus Christ, Conclusion of earthly progress only with Jesus Christ ....
7959 B.83
Jesus Christ, Confess Jesus Christ before the world .... Divine protec-
tion .... 1567 B.25
Jesus Christ, Contact with Jesus Christ in every adversity .... 6363 B.68
Jesus Christ, Did Jesus Christ redeem all people, or are all people re-
deemed? .... 3277 B.43
Jesus Christ, Directing the souls in the beyond to Jesus Christ .... 7839
Jesus Christ, Forgiveness of sin through Jesus Christ .... 7442 B.78
Jesus Christ, Gift of grace before the end .... Jesus Christ .... 8494 B.89
Jesus Christ, God became visible in Jesus Christ .... 7147 B.76
Jesus Christ, Great work of redemption in the beyond .... Jesus Christ
.... 7386 B.78
Jesus Christ, Healing the sick .... Proclaiming Jesus Christ .... 7042
Jesus Christ, Kingdom of Light .... Jesus Christ .... 7404 B.78
Jesus Christ, Knowledge about Jesus Christ is of utmost importance
.... 8696 B.91
Jesus Christ, Knowledge of the original sin is necessary in order to un-
derstand the act of Salvation .... In order to acknowledge Jesus Christ
as the ‘Redeemer’ .... 8806 B.92

Jesus Christ, Labourers for God’s kingdom .... Jesus Christ .... 6736
Jesus Christ, Luminous appearance in the sky .... The cross of Jesus
Christ .... 4073 B.50 5861 B.64
Jesus Christ, No beatitude without Salvation through Jesus Christ ....
8784 B.92
Jesus Christ, No liberation without Jesus Christ .... 6860 B.73
Jesus Christ, Other religions’ attitude towards Jesus Christ .... 8824
Jesus Christ, Overcoming the gulf in the beyond: Jesus Christ .... 7290
Jesus Christ, Philosophy of life with Jesus Christ .... 2304 B.32
Jesus Christ, Primordial-sin .... Love-beam .... Jesus Christ .... 6087
Jesus Christ, Redemption only through Jesus Christ .... Self-Redemption
is not possible .... 7950 B.83
Jesus Christ, Right prayer is the bridge to God .... Jesus Christ .... The
bridge to Me is the prayer .... 5686 B.62
Jesus Christ, Salvation only through Jesus Christ .... 7034 B.75
Jesus Christ, Salvation through Jesus Christ .... 5724 B.62
Jesus Christ, Spiritual change .... Professing Jesus Christ... 1748 B.27
Jesus Christ, Spiritual Messages Must Profess Jesus Christ as Redeemer
of the World .... 8826 B.93
Jesus Christ, Spreading the Gospel .... Jesus Christ .... 7528 B.79
Jesus Christ, Strengthening of will through Jesus Christ .... Assess-
ment of will .... 7035 B.75
Jesus Christ, Test the spirits .... Act of Salvation .... Criterion Jesus
Christ .... 4601 B.53
Jesus Christ, The Ascension of Jesus Christ .... 8189 B.86
Jesus Christ, The congregation of Jesus Christ .... 6301 B.68
Jesus Christ, The faith in Jesus Christ is in danger .... 6969 B.74
Jesus Christ, The forerunner of Jesus Christ .... 7295 B.77
Jesus Christ, The helping hand of Jesus Christ .... Deliverance from the
abyss .... 5277 B.58

Jesus Christ, The magnitude of the original sin necessitates Salvation
through Jesus Christ .... 8652 B.91
Jesus Christ, The souls’ redemption from the abyss through Jesus Christ
.... Beyond .... 5153 B.58
Jesus Christ, Voice of the spirit is truth .... Jesus Christ’s teaching ....
Inner voice .... 4775 B.54
John 14, 15-26 8710 B.91
John 14, 21 ‘He that hath My commandments ....’ 7375 B.78
John 14 .... ‘I will not leave you comfortless ....’ 7702 B.81
John, St. John 21, 25 .... 7647 B.80
John, ‘Test the spirits whether they are of God ....’ 1 John 4:1-3 ....
8962 B.94
John, The Revelation of John .... 8535 B.90
‘Judging’ the souls at the end .... 8219 B.86
Judgment .... Time of peace .... The opponent’s broken power .... 1622
‘Judgment’ .... The Word Itself will pass judgment .... 6799 B.73
Just retribution in the beyond .... 7422 B.78
Justice towards fellow human beings .... God’s order .... 3906 B.49
Justice .... Equal rights .... Mutual love .... 4131 B.50
Justice .... Recompense in the beyond .... 5323 B.59
Justice, Sense of justice .... Judging one’s fellow human being .... 1869
Justification before a court .... Public testimony .... 6619 B.71

Index K

Keen intellect is an obstacle to correct realisation .... 8959 B.94

Keep death in mind .... 2912 B.37
King of kings .... 3665 B.46
Kingdom of God, Seriously striving for the kingdom of God .... 6376

Kingdom of Light .... Jesus Christ .... 7404 B.78
Kingdom of Light, Bliss in the kingdom of light .... Pleasures and de-
lights .... 5666 B.62
Kingdom of Light, Jesus Christ is the gate into the kingdom of light
.... 7398 B.78
Kingdom, Bliss in the spiritual kingdom .... 4578 B.53
Kingdom, Contact with the spiritual kingdom .... 6682 B.72
Kingdom, Different spheres in the spiritual kingdom .... 3316 B.43
Kingdom, Fear of dying .... Beholding the spiritual kingdom before
death .... 6637 B.71
Kingdom, Jesus Christ opened the gate into the kingdom of light ....
7925 B.83
Kingdom, Kingdom of Light .... Jesus Christ .... 7404 B.78
Kingdom, Labourers for God’s kingdom .... Jesus Christ .... 6736 B.72
Kingdom, Love is the key to the spiritual kingdom .... 5314 B.59
Kingdom, ‘My kingdom is not of this world ....’ 5336 B.59
Kingdom, New spiritual kingdom .... Prophet .... New human race ....
1107 B.19-20
Kingdom, No one will enter the kingdom of heaven who pays homage
to the world .... 5825 B.63
Kingdom, Overcoming matter .... Spiritual kingdom .... 5796 B.63
Kingdom, Reminder to work diligently for the kingdom of God .... 4742
Kingdom, Reunion in the beyond in the kingdom of light .... 5365 B.59
Kingdom, ‘Seek ye first the kingdom of God ....’ 6968 B.74
Kingdom, The bridge into the spiritual kingdom .... Jesus .... 5640 B.62
Kingdom, The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence ....’ 7359 B.78
7361 B.78
Kingdom, The soul’s entry into the kingdom of light .... 8400 B.88
Kingdom, Thought transmission from the spiritual kingdom .... 3700
Kingdom, Thoughts from the spiritual kingdom .... 3628 B.46
Kingdom, Working for God and His kingdom .... 4171 B.50
Kingdom, Working for the kingdom of God .... Mission .... 3284 B.43

Knowing the Time of the End .... 3560 B.45
Knowledge about goal and purpose .... Childship to God .... 5222 B.58
Knowledge about Jesus Christ is of utmost importance .... 8696 B.91
Knowledge about the process of pre-development .... 6591 B.71
Knowledge is given according to the soul’s maturity .... 8474 B.89
Knowledge of God’s will .... Responsibility .... 7923 B.83
Knowledge of the blissful as well as the wretched state .... 7126 B.76
Knowledge of the eternal plan of Salvation .... 8088 B.85
Knowledge of the original sin is necessary in order to understand the
act of Salvation .... In order to acknowledge Jesus Christ as the ‘Re-
deemer’ .... 8806 B.92
Knowledge of the spirit’s work in a person .... Exceptional opportunity
for God to reveal Himself .... 2878 B.37
Knowledge through study or through the spirit .... 7428 B.78
Knowledge, Darkness .... Knowledge .... Truth .... Love .... Light ....
8031 B.84
Knowledge, Desire for truth .... Relinquishing existing knowledge ....
6729 B.72
Knowledge, Duty of distribution .... Warning of unfamiliar knowledge
.... 5808 B.63
Knowledge, Earthly knowledge in the beyond? .... 5331 B.59
Knowledge, Earthly knowledge is not ‘wisdom’ .... 6931 B.74
Knowledge, Earthly knowledge is worthless in the beyond .... Wisdom
.... 7415 B.78
Knowledge, Every person has to accept the consequences of his knowl-
edge .... 8796 B.92
Knowledge, Explanation for the unusual knowledge .... 7916 B.83
Knowledge, Forerunner .... Knowledge about previous incarnation ....
7604 B.80
Knowledge, Free will .... Knowledge of good and evil .... The new earth
.... 3359 B.44
Knowledge, Importance of the missionary work .... Making use of the
knowledge .... 8855 B.93
Knowledge, Intellectual knowledge .... Study .... Revelations .... 6488

Knowledge, Is knowledge necessary on Earth? .... Commandments of
love .... 7507 B.79
Knowledge, Jesus had prior knowledge of His act .... 6088 B.66
Knowledge, Lack of knowledge and disbelief in God’s address .... 8722
Knowledge, Limitation of knowledge .... 7590 B.80
Knowledge, Mental knowledge of worldly origin .... Truth - Error ....
4560 B.53
Knowledge, Professional missionaries .... Academic knowledge .... 2800
Knowledge, Reason for the profound knowledge .... Battle of faith ....
7023 B.75
Knowledge, Redeeming the souls .... Bearers of light .... Knowledge -
Light .... 1947 B.28
Knowledge, Self-knowledge .... Psychological work .... Grace .... Hu-
mility .... 3244 B.41-42
Knowledge, The difference between ‘knowledge’ and ‘realisation’ ....
8025 B.84
Knowledge, The working of the spirit exceeds a scholar’s knowledge
.... 8846 B.93
Knowledge, Thirst for knowledge .... Unlimited knowledge .... 4705
Knowledge, Truthful knowledge can lessen resistance .... 8562 B.90
Knowledge, Which knowledge is ‘patchwork’? .... 8769 B.92
Knowledge, Whoever is taught by God requires no further external
knowledge .... 5150 B.58
Knowledge, Worthlessness of earthly knowledge in the beyond .... 5801

Index L

Labourers for God’s kingdom .... Jesus Christ .... 6736 B.72
Labourers, Admonition for all vineyard labourers .... 7599 B.80
Labourers, Addressing the vineyard labourers .... Urgency of spread-
ing the Word .... 8821 B.93
Labourers, Calling upon the vineyard labourers .... 7677 B.81
Labourers, Fellow labourers in Christ’s work of Redemption .... ‘Go ye
therefore, and teach ....’ 5082 B.57
Labourers, God’s care for the vineyard labourers .... 8356 B.88
Labourers, God’s merciful guidance of the vineyard labourers .... 8928
Labourers, God’s special care for His labourers .... 8547 B.90
Labourers, God Requires Many Labourers in the Time Before the End
.... 5259 B.58
Labourers, Pillars of the church .... Vineyard work .... Labourers - in-
struments .... 5131 B.57
Labourers, Recalling the vineyard labourers .... Continuing diligent
activity .... 9028 B.94
Labourers, The vineyard labourers’ duty is to take action against error
.... 8915 B.93
Labourers, The vineyard labourers’ service for fellow human beings
.... 7990 B.84
Labourers, The vineyard labourers trust in divine guidance .... 8645
Lack of knowledge and disbelief in God’s address .... 8722 B.92
Lack of understanding for the prophecies .... Necessity .... 2555 B.33
Lack of, Embodied beings of light .... Lack of past memory .... Fore-
runner .... 4970 B.56
Lack of, The creations’ lack of self-awareness .... 6344 B.68
Land of peace .... Gabriel .... 0204 B.05-09
Language of creation .... Essence - Creative power .... 3648 B.46
Language of nature - Creation and Creator .... 2834 B.37
Language, God’s Language Through Nature’s Elements .... 8002 B.84

Large Numbers of Deaths .... Recalling the Weak .... Decision .... 5271
Last days .... Future - Present .... 3579 B.46
Last days, Blessings of the last days .... Death before the event .... The
beyond .... 3135 B.41-42
Last days, Call upon God’s help is indispensable in the last days ....
3703 B.47-48
Last days, Coming in the clouds .... Last days .... 3707 B.47-48 3557
B.45 4531 B.52
Last days, Confusion during the last days .... Truth .... 5641 B.62
Last days, God’s love .... Last days .... 7709 B.81
Last days, God’s Word, an inconceivable grace in the last days .... 5367
Last days, Incarnation of many light beings in the last days .... 8245
Last days, Incarnation of many light souls during the last days .... 4803
Last days, Light beings embodied as human beings .... Disciples of the
last days .... 5002 B.56
Last days, Persecution of the disciples of the last days .... 5528 B.61
Last days, Satan rages with increased power .... Last days .... 5467 B.60
Last days, Satan’s and the demons’ activity during the last days ....
6801 B.73
Last days, Satan’s raging during the last days .... Apostasy from faith
.... 3958 B.49
Last days, Signs of the last days .... 7737 B.81 8277 B.87
Last days, Signs of the last days .... Battle of faith .... Chaos .... 3209
Last days, Strength and grace in the last days .... 3750 B.47-48
Last days, Teaching activity in times of adversity - Last days .... 3731
Last days, Testing the spirits .... The adversary’s activity during the
last days .... 8220 B.87
Last days, ‘That day and hour knoweth no man ....’ False prophets of

the last days .... 4675 B.53
Last days, The adversary’s onslaughts in the last days .... 8365 B.88
Last days, The Flood .... Last days .... Worldly progress .... 4374 B.51
Last days, The work of God’s servants in the last days .... 4848 B.55
Last days, Unbelief and devils during the last days .... Battle of faith
.... The coming of the Lord .... 4825 B.55
Last days, Wave of awakenings during the last days .... 5457 B.60
Last Judgment is an act of divine love .... 5983 B.65
Last Judgment .... 5398 B.59
Last Judgment .... Act of love and righteousness .... 6052 B.65
Last judgment .... Prior wake-up call .... 5291 B.58
Last Judgment .... Rapture .... 2211 B.31
Last Judgment .... Spiritualisation of earth .... 4125 B.50
Last Judgment, Stormy times before the Last Judgment .... Paradise
.... 3606 B.46
Last Supper - Communion - Love .... 7120 B.76
Last Supper .... 0764 B.14-16
Last Supper .... Spiritual meaning .... Flesh - blood .... 4379 B.51
Last Supper, ‘Do this in remembrance of Me ....’ Last Supper .... 3740
Last Supper, ‘Instituted words’ for the Last Supper .... 6717 B.72
Last Supper, Redemption .... Last Supper .... 6721 B.72
Law - Justice - Races .... Nations .... 3227a B.41-42 3227b B.41-42
Leaders’ and teachers’ way of life is decisive for truth .... 4794 B.54
Leader, Incarnated beings of light .... Mission of spiritual leaders ....
3391 B.44
Leader, Jesus as leader .... 7496 B.79
Leader, Jesus Christ, leader on the right path .... 5733 B.62
Leaving the mother church .... 0400 B.05-09
Let there be light .... 5563 B.61
Life energy - Spiritual energy .... 5269 B.58
Life of love protects from error .... 7947 B.83
Life on earth for improvement .... Sorrow of spiritual friends .... 0229

Life on earth is but a passageway back home .... 6325 B.68
Life on earth is just a moment in eternity .... Suffering and pleasures
.... 3379 B.44
Life .... Awakening the divine spark in the person .... 3240 B.41-42
Life, All circumstances of life offer opportunities to mature .... 8435
Life, Arbitrarily taking one’s own life .... 6005 B.65
Life, Belief in a continuation of life .... Consequences of earthly life in
the beyond .... 2113 B.30
Life, Belief in the soul’s continuation of life .... 8059 B.85
Life, Belief in the soul’s life after death .... God’s mercy .... 2767 B.34-
Life, Beneficial effect of God’s Word .... Awakening - Life .... 6768 B.72
Life, Childship to God is the object of life on earth .... The Word of God
.... 8367 B.88
Life, Course of life predetermined depending on will .... 3176 B.41-42
Life, Destiny of life is God’s will .... 3211 B.41-42
Life, Do not forfeit your eternal life .... 7096 B.75
Life, Earthly life - illusive life .... 5172 B.58
Life, Following Jesus .... Living a life of love .... 5927 B.64
Life, Harmonious life on the new earth .... 8429 B.89
Life, ‘I Am the way, the truth, and the life ....’ 3767 B.47-48
Life, Information relating to purpose and reason of earthly life ....
8020 B.84
Life, Informing the soul about earthly life .... 8243 B.87
Life, Inner life... Withdrawing into seclusion .... 4343 B.51
Life, Innermost feeling guiding principle for way of life .... 2104 B.30
Life, Is life on earth an end in itself or the means to an end .... 7100
Life, It concerns eternal life .... 5000 B.56
Life, Jesus Christ opens the gate to eternal life .... 6850 B.73
Life, Leaders’ and teachers’ way of life is decisive for truth .... 4794
Life, Light is life .... Influence of God’s messengers .... Christmas Eve

.... 0236 B.05-09
Life, Living faith .... Awakening of life .... 7597 B.80
Life, Living water .... Source of eternal life .... 3757 B.47-48
Life, Love is life itself .... 7494 B.79
Life, Monastic life? .... (Concerning a previous conversation) 1027 B.19-
20 1028 B.19-20
Life, Most basic way of life in the coming time .... The individual per-
son’s fate .... 2454 B.33
Life, Most difficult conditions of life after the disaster .... 3737 B.47-48
Life, Path of life predetermined by God .... Free will .... Deed and effect
.... 2441 B.33
Life, Philosophy of life with Jesus Christ .... 2304 B.32
Life, Predetermined earthly life .... Whims of destiny .... God’s love ....
4756 B.54
Life, Pre-ordained course of life - Destiny corresponding to will ....
4065 B.50
Life, Purpose of earthly life: Change of will and character .... 5303 B.59
Life, Rebirth .... Futile life on earth .... 6117 B.66
Life, Responsibility in earthly life .... 7486 B.79
Life, Resurrection into life .... 6514 B.70
Life, Resurrection of the dead into life .... 6811 B.73
Life, Right assessment of life on earth .... 6652 B.71
Life, Selfless service in every walk of life .... Poverty .... Willingness to
give .... 3918 B.49
Life, Serious admonition to consider the life after death .... 5180 B.58
Life, Short or long lifetime .... 7538 B.79
Life, Standstill of earthly life .... 7533 B.79
Life, Task in life: Helping with love .... 6202 B.67
Life, The commandment of love as life’s guiding principle .... 3755
Life, The correct way of life is not enough to mature fully .... 8436
Life, The Letter Kills .... Lifeless Proclamation of the Word .... 7884

Life, The meaning of earthly life .... Kind-hearted activity .... 8576
Life, The reward of a life of love, blissful fate in the beyond .... 4890
Life, The short phase of earthly life decides the fate in the beyond ....
5877 B.64
Life, The significance of life on earth as a human being .... 8414 B.88
Life, The soul consciously starts earthly life .... Past memory .... 7265
Life, The soul’s continuation of life after death .... 7343 B.78
Life, Transformation from death into life .... 7911 B.82
Life, Utilization of the Short Life Time .... 7435 B.78
Life, What is the purpose of life on earth? .... 7797 B.81
Life, ‘Whoever loves his life shall lose it ....’ 5024 B.57
Light beings embodied as human beings .... Disciples of the last days
.... 5002 B.56
Light from above .... The Word of God .... 6434 B.69
Light is life .... Influence of God’s messengers .... Christmas Eve ....
0236 B.05-09
Light of realisation through God’s address .... 7813 B.82
Light of truth .... Lamps without oil .... Used garment .... 5824 B.63
Light .... Radiance .... Wisdom .... 7900 B.82
Light, Activity of love .... Duty .... Disguise of light .... 3156 B.41-42
Light, Answer to questions about Immaculate Conception and advan-
tages of the souls of light .... 6673 B.72
Light, Appeal for inner enlightenment .... 3597 B.46
Light, Attribute of truth: Emanation of light .... 5424 B.60
Light, Battle of light against darkness at the end .... 3690 B.47-48
Light, Battle of light with darkness .... 0198 B.05-09 0199 B.05-09 0200
Light, Bearers of light .... God’s protection .... 3725 B.47-48
Light, Change of will .... Jesus Christ .... Mercy - Light - Strength ....
6450 B.69
Light, Contact with the world of light or the world of immature spirits

.... 8292 B.87
Light, Darkness .... Knowledge .... Truth .... Love .... Light .... 8031
Light, Desire for light in the beyond .... Spiritual conversations ....
5487 B.60
Light, First created being .... Light bearer .... Apostasy from God ....
5612 B.62
Light, Free will must accept the light .... 7936 B.83
Light, Let there be light .... 5563 B.61
Light, No life without light .... Darkness in the beyond .... 0249 B.05-
Light, Phase of development unique during a period of salvation ....
Incarnation of beings of light .... Mission - Child of God .... 2875 B.37
Light, Redeeming the souls .... Bearers of light .... Knowledge - Light
.... 1947 B.28
Light, Reunion in the beyond in the kingdom of light .... 5365 B.59
Light, Satan’s disguise where light is conveyed to Earth .... 5427 B.60
Light, Satan’s disguise .... Figure of light .... 4037 B.49
Light, Soft light .... Deceptive light .... (Sensationalism ....) 6639 B.71
Light, Stars .... Dwelling place for souls .... Sun-light .... 0258 B.05-09
Light, State of light .... 0977 B.17-18
Light, Straying souls in the expanse of ether .... Light and darkness ....
Beyond .... Light .... 0203 B.05-09
Light, Sun .... Divine radiance .... Light and love .... 0237 B.05-09
Light, The adversary clothed in light .... Paradise on the new earth ....
8253 B.87
Light, The Eternal Light descended to Earth .... 8068 B.85
Light, The inner Word .... Light .... Truth .... 5461a B.60 5461b B.60
Light, The light descended to Earth .... 7780 B.81
Light, The soul’s entry into the kingdom of light .... 8400 B.88
Light, The Word of God .... Ray of light .... The door of your heart ....
Guest .... 5715 B.62
Light, There shall be light among people .... 8658 B.91
Light, Transference of light in the beyond .... 6735 B.72

Light, Transmission of truth from the realm of light .... 3702 B.47-48
Light, True bearers of light .... Deceptive lights .... 7888 B.82
Light, Truth is light .... Darkness the result of heartlessness .... 8519
Light, Wisdom, light and strength are as one .... 2194 B.31
Limitation of knowledge .... 7590 B.80
Limitation, Earthly limitations can be exceeded by spiritual means ....
6633 B.71
Listening to God’s voice .... 5753 B.62
Listening within .... Gifts from above .... Everything that is good is di-
vine .... 2787 B.37
Listening, Consciously listening within .... The voice of the spirit ....
3612 B.46
Living beings .... Activity .... State of compulsion .... Free will .... Be-
ing of service with love .... 3378 B.44
Living creations becoming children of God .... 6114 B.66
Living creations, God’s Infinite Love for his Living Creations .... 8248
Living conditions, Changed Living Conditions .... Worldly Minded Peo-
ple .... 3975 B.49
Living conditions, Difficult Living Conditions .... God’s Guidance and
Help .... 4058 B.50
Living conditions, Most difficult conditions of life after the disaster
.... 3737 B.47-48
Living conditions, The raging of natural forces .... Total changes of
living conditions .... 2811 B.37
Living conditions, The cause of hard living conditions .... 3334 B.43
Living faith and its strength .... 3717 B.47-48
Living faith .... Awakening of life .... 7597 B.80
Living faith, God requires a living faith .... 8503 B.89
Living faith, The church of Christ .... Living faith .... 5923 B.64
Living faith, ‘Thou art Peter, the rock ....’ Living faith - the church of
Christ .... 4525 B.52
Living in divine order is fundamental law .... 7642 B.80

Living water .... Source of eternal life .... 3757 B.47-48
Living, Following Jesus .... Living a life of love .... 5927 B.64
Living, ‘God breathed a living soul into him ....’ 6599 B.71
Living, Strength of faith of a living but wrong belief .... 4936 B.56
Living, Willingness to transcribe .... Receiving the living Word .... Au-
thenticity .... 0718 B.14-16
Logical reasons for world events .... 6588 B.70
Lorber .... 8909 B.93
Lorber, Book: Jesus’ childhood .... by J. Lorber 0245 B.05-09
Lorber, Correction of a big error .... (After reading: Lucifer’s Fall) (Lor-
ber - Lutz) 8858 B.93 8859 B.93 8860 B.93 8861 B.93
Loss of earthly possessions can result in spiritual treasures .... 5503
Loss, Matter .... Loss of earthly possessions .... Free will .... 5100 B.57
Love - Wisdom .... Selfish love - Error - Darkness .... 3649 B.46
Love ‘He who remains in love remains in Me ....’ 5963 B.65
Love and suffering purify the soul .... 7732 B.81 8113 B.86
Love between one person and another .... 1459 B.23-24
Love for God and one’s neighbour .... 4961 B.56
Love for God is demonstrated through neighbourly love .... 8584 B.90
Love for the world - disease .... No-one can serve two masters .... 4957
Love imparts realisation .... 8134 B.86
Love is life itself .... 7494 B.79
Love is the key to the spiritual kingdom .... 5314 B.59
Love is the key to truth .... 2218 B.31
Love is the key to wisdom .... 7251 B.77
Love of the world - Satan’s followers .... Love of God - Overcoming
matter .... 5039 B.57
Love one another .... 7811 B.82
Love recognises the error in the beyond .... Intercession .... 8960 B.94
Love .... Hate .... 0765 B.14-16
Love .... Pleasure of giving .... Reciprocated love .... Belief in Christ’s
act of Salvation .... 4986 B.56

Love, Activity of love .... Duty .... Disguise of light .... 3156 B.41-42
Love, Admonition to unite .... Peacefulness... Love .... 0548 B.10-13
Love, Bible message is teaching of love .... Jesus’ explanation .... Tran-
scripts .... 4000 B.49
Love, Bond of love .... Unification with God .... 3636 B.46
Love, Bringing the Gospel to souls in the beyond .... Love .... 5901 B.64
Love, Catastrophe .... Fulfilment of the Scriptures .... God’s love for
humanity .... 2033 B.30
Love, Change of character into love .... God’s presence .... 7351 B.78
Love, Change of nature into love with the help of Jesus Christ .... 8019
Love, Characteristic of truth of the proclamations: Love, grace, mercy
.... 5023 B.57
Love, Characteristic of truth: Jesus Christ .... Love .... 6486 B.69
Love, Controller of fate .... God of love .... 6289 B.68
Love, Cup of suffering .... God’s love .... 3733 B.47-48
Love, Danger of selfishness .... Love for God and one’s neighbour ....
0343 B.05-09
Love, Darkness .... Knowledge .... Truth .... Love .... Light .... 8031 B.84
Love, Divine revelations can be accepted without scrutiny .... Love ....
4169 B.50
Love, Effect of the strength of love .... 7355 B.78
Love, Eternal order is love .... Satan’s activity .... 6385 B.68
Love, Extent of divine love .... 3751 B.47-48
Love, Faith and love lead to unification with God .... 8973 B.94
Love, Faith comes alive through love .... 8816 B.93
Love, Faith without love is dead .... 5234 B.58 6876 B.74
Love, Fate in eternity corresponds to will .... Love of matter is wrong
.... 3969 B.49
Love, Fighting selfish love .... 7294 B.77
Love, Following Jesus .... A life of love and self-denial .... 3920 B.49
Love, Following Jesus .... Living a life of love .... 5927 B.64
Love, Font of love .... Dangers .... Power of love .... 0210 B.05-09 0211

Love, Frequent Question: Why did the God Of Love Let a Human Bee-
ing Suffer so? .... 8715 B.91
Love, Fulfilling the commandments of love .... 5873 B.64
Love, Fulfilment of humanly decreed commandments will not replace
actions of love .... 6813 B.73
Love, God demands faith in His immense love .... 8289 B.87
Love, God is love .... 8082 B.85
Love, God wants to be Loved and not Feared .... 8348 B.88
Love, God’s bond of love .... 5961 B.64
Love, God’s gift of love and grace .... Attaining the original state ....
7109 B.76
Love, God’s gift: the spark of love, a part of Himself .... 6941 B.74
Love, God’s Infinite Love for his Living Creations .... 8248 B.87
Love, God’s infinite love wants to give itself away .... 7867 B.82
Love, God’s love and justice .... 7482 B.79
Love, God’s love can also be found in suffering .... 5920 B.64
Love, God’s love determines people’s destiny .... 3317 B.43
Love, God’s love .... Last days .... 7709 B.81
Love, God’s love .... Suffering or happiness .... Granting of prayer ....
3382 B.44
Love, God’s will: Fulfilment of the commandments of love .... 4932
Love, God’s Word intends to attract people’s love .... 8917 B.93
Love, God’s Word reflects the spirit of love .... 3698 B.47-48
Love, Gulf and Bridge .... Renewed Banishment .... Circuit of Flow of
Love .... 4807 B.55
Love, ‘He who remains in love remains in Me and I in him .... 2147
Love, Help for poor souls .... Love redeems .... 5203 B.58
Love, Help in earthly and spiritual adversity .... Reciprocated love ....
5823 B.63
Love, Is knowledge necessary on Earth? .... Commandments of love
.... 7507 B.79
Love, Jesus taught love on Earth .... 8454 B.89

Love, Justice .... Equal rights .... Mutual love .... 4131 B.50
Love, Last Judgment is an act of divine love .... 5983 B.65
Love, Last Judgment .... Act of love and righteousness .... 6052 B.65
Love, Last Supper - Communion - Love .... 7120 B.76
Love, Life of love protects from error .... 7947 B.83
Love, Living beings .... Activity .... State of compulsion .... Free will ....
Being of service with love .... 3378 B.44
Love, Merciful Fatherly love for the fallen beings .... 5379 B.59
Love, Moods .... Depressions .... Evidence of love .... 1602 B.25
Love, Neighbourly love .... 4868 B.55 7563 B.80
Love, Not inclination but love determines the will .... 5257 B.58
Love, Omnipotence of divine love .... World events .... 1456 B.23-24
Love, ‘Only he who remains in love remains in Me, and I in him ....’
4128 B.50
Love, Only love recognises the Deity .... Seekers of God .... 0721 B.14-
Love, Only love will achieve the return .... 7847 B.82
Love, People lack love and faith .... 8626 B.91
Love, People without suffering .... Suffering is love .... 0646 B.14-16
Love, Poverty does not prevent activity of love .... 6365 B.68
Love, Prayer and deeds of love are weapons against temptations ....
3285 B.43
Love, Prayers for souls in the beyond which had not acquired love on
earth .... 2165 B.31
Love, Predetermined earthly life .... Whims of destiny .... God’s love
.... 4756 B.54
Love, Predetermined fate .... God’s love and help .... 5845 B.63
Love, Primordial-sin .... Love-beam .... Jesus Christ .... 6087 B.66
Love, Proclaiming Jesus’ teaching of love is urgently needed .... 6610
Love, Rejecting the strength of love was the ‘sin’ .... 8880 B.93
Love, ‘Remain active in love ....’ 0219 B.05-09
Love, Re-transformation into love .... Spiritual spark .... Outpouring
of the spirit .... 8510 B.89

Love, Sensual love .... 0873 B.17-18
Love, Serious admonitions about Christian neighbourly love .... 4096
Love, Spiritual low level .... Lovelessness .... Selfish love .... 8712 B.91
Love, Strength of love .... Healing the sick .... Performing miracles ....
5358 B.59
Love, Strokes of fate .... The Father’s love .... 6277 B.67
Love, Strong faith .... Success .... Love .... 6110 B.66
Love, Suffering as means of purifying the soul or love .... 7157 B.76
Love, Suffering proves God’s love .... Fire of purification .... 4959 B.56
Love, Sun .... Divine radiance .... Light and love .... 0237 B.05-09
Love, Task in life: Helping with love .... 6202 B.67
Love, The bond of love shall connect everyone without distinction ....
8711 B.91
Love, The Catastrophe and its Consequences .... Love for the Neighbor
4724 B.54
Love, The commandment of love as life’s guiding principle .... 3755
Love, The concept of ‘hell’ .... Renewed banishment .... God’s infinite
love .... 6638 B.71
Love, The infinite Love accomplished the act of Salvation .... 9001 B.94
Love, The law of order is love .... 6357 B.68
Love, The most important commandment has to be fulfilled: Love ....
8678 B.91
Love, The path of love and faith .... Acknowledging God .... 6033 B.65
Love, The reward of a life of love, blissful fate in the beyond .... 4890
Love, The right amount of selfish love .... ‘As yourself ....’ 6121 B.66
Love, The Saviour’s love .... Spiritual vision .... 0195 B.05-09
Love, The Saviour’s visible presence .... Degree of love .... 1077 B.19-
Love, The spirit of love protects against temptations and God’s adver-
sary .... 6118 B.66
Love, The state of souls in the beyond .... Misguided belief - unbelief

- love .... 5332 B.59
Love, The work of changing into love and faith .... 8096 B.85
Love, Thinking and acting righteously .... Love your enemy .... 5432
Love, Togetherness in love .... Easy earthly path .... 1021 B.19-20
Love, Trials in old age .... Love and patience .... 7217 B.76
Love, True neighbourly love: Passing on the divine Word .... 7708 B.81
Love, Two worlds .... Divine law of love .... 3647 B.46
Love, Voluntarily being of service .... Selfish love .... 6320 B.68
Love, Voluntarily turning to God .... Bond of love .... 6381 B.68
Love, Warning .... The Saviour’s love .... Warning against evil forces
.... 0211 B.05-09 0212 B.05-09
Love, What is love? .... Changing selfish love into neighbourly love ....
8032 B.84
Love, ‘Whoever is loved by God ....’ 5647 B.62
Love, ‘Whoever loves his life shall lose it ....’ 5024 B.57
Love, ‘Whoever remains in love ....’ Strange gods .... 6796 B.73
Love, Words of love .... Words of wisdom .... Teaching ministry .... Crit-
icism on publishing .... 4963 B.56
Love, Work of love for misguided souls .... 3483 B.45
Loving help for fellow human beings in distress .... 6763 B.72
Loving, A loving person will never be lost .... 4042 B.49
Loving, Caution regarding doubts .... Loving admonition .... 0491 B.10-
13 1377 B.23-24
Loving, Loving help for fellow human beings in distress .... 6763 B.72
Loving, Needy souls .... Remorse .... Loving help .... 3256 B.41-42
Low spiritual level .... 7810 B.82
Low spiritual level .... Test of faith .... Battle .... Rapture .... 8017 B.84
Lucifer, Adam .... Original spirit .... Lucifer’s test .... Bursting the form
.... 5802 B.63
Lucifer, Cause for the Entire Creation .... Lucifer’s Fall .... 7399 B.78
Lucifer, Cause of Lucifer’s apostasy from God .... 8672 B.91
Lucifer, Correction of a big error .... (After reading: Lucifer’s Fall) (Lor-
ber - Lutz) 8858 B.93

Lucifer, Descent into hell .... Lucifer’s opposition .... 6531 B.70
Lucifer, Fall of the spirits .... Faculty of thought .... Lucifer’s fall ....
7082 B.75
Ludendorff’s death .... 0232 B.05-09
Luminous appearance in the sky .... The cross of Jesus Christ .... 4073
B.50 5861 B.64
Luminous phenomenon before the catastrophe .... 4359 B.51

Index M

Man’s conscious work of improving his soul .... 7153 B.76

Many paths - One goal .... True members of the church .... 5049 B.57
Marriage .... In the presence of God and before the world .... 4357 B.51
Marriage, God’s blessing for every action .... Marriages .... 6940 B.74
Marriage, The right, lawful marriage before God .... 4834 B.55
Matter and Spirit .... 2494 B.33
Matter is consolidated spiritual strength .... 7802 B.82
Matter .... Loss of earthly possessions .... Free will .... 5100 B.57
Matter, Agonies of a renewed banishment in solid matter 4631 B.53
Matter, Development is a matter of free will and not God’s arbitrary
use of power .... 5144 B.58
Matter, Explanation of matter and its task .... 8575 B.90
Matter, Fate in eternity corresponds to will .... Love of matter is wrong
.... 3969 B.49
Matter, Love of the world - Satan’s followers .... Love of God - Over-
coming matter .... 5039 B.57
Matter, New wonders of creation on the new earth .... Brittle matter
.... 3264 B.41-42
Matter, Overcoming matter .... Awakening of the spirit .... 5072 B.57
Matter, Overcoming matter .... Spiritual kingdom .... 5796 B.63
Matter, Satan’s work of deception .... Mask .... Matter .... 2204 B.31

Matter, Turning inwards .... Detachment from the world and its mat-
ter .... Achievement of truth .... 3968 B.49
Matter, Urgent admonition to detach from matter .... 3821 B.47-48
Means of grace .... Prayer .... 6321 B.68
Means of grace .... Walking with God .... 6340 B.68
Means of grace, What are -means of grace- ? .... 6831 B.73
Measures against the Christian faith .... 1950 B.28
Mental activity .... 2039a B.30 2039b B.30 6375 B.68
Mental activity .... Heart .... Brain .... 0962 B.17-18
Mental activity .... Mind .... Images .... 1417 B.23-24
Mental influence by beings of light .... 3354 B.43
Mental knowledge of worldly origin .... Truth - Error .... 4560 B.53
Mentally directing the will towards God .... 7981 B.83
Mental, Blessing of mental communication with God .... 6859 B.73
Mental, Correctly used mental activity .... Will .... 3137 B.41-42
Mental, Spiritual reception or mental work? .... Serious scrutiny ....
5135 B.57
Merciful Fatherly love for the fallen beings .... 5379 B.59
Merciful, ‘Blessed are the merciful ....’ 3460 B.45
Merciful, God’s merciful guidance of the vineyard labourers .... 8928
Mere conformists will be unsuccessful .... 6547 B.70
Message to the formal Christians .... 7690 B.81
Messages concerning the continuation of Earth are more likely to be
believed .... 7040 B.75
Message, Bible message is teaching of love .... Jesus’ explanation ....
Transcripts .... 4000 B.49
Message, Divine Word .... Psychic messages .... Disguise .... Mark ....
5182 B.58
Message, God’s message to rationalists .... Deniers of God .... 5744
Message, Human corrections of the messages from above .... 1811 B.27
Message, Reply to Habermann (Time of printing) (Print and distribu-
tion of the messages) 8899 B.93

Message, Reply to unpleasant messages from Bietigheim .... 5228 B.58
Message, Spiritual Messages Must Profess Jesus Christ as Redeemer of
the World .... 8826 B.93
Message, The messages are given in a specified order .... Teaching ....
1047 B.19-20
Message, Which messages guarantee the truth .... 9013 B.94
Messiah, Saviour of humankind .... 8353 B.88
Messiah, Spiritual chaos .... World conflagration .... Messiah .... The
forerunner of the Lord .... 0801 B.17-18
Ministry, Jesus’ life before His teaching ministry .... 8486 B.89
Miracles .... False prophets .... 3580 B.46
Miracle-work of the child Jesus .... 5551 B.61
Miracles, Apparitions of Mary .... Signs and miracles .... Satan’s activ-
ity .... 6478 B.69
Miracle, Evil forces .... Good spiritual beings .... Reason and miracle
of the proclamations .... 0255 B.05-09
Miracles, False Christs .... Signs and miracles .... 2353 B.32
Miracles, Fully maturing the soul .... Miracle healing - Compulsory
faith .... 8161 B.86
Miracles, Healing the sick .... Signs and miracles .... Evidence of faith
.... 5966 B.65
Miracles, Strength of faith .... Healing the sick .... Miracles .... 5843
Miracles, Strength of love .... Healing the sick .... Performing miracles
.... 5358 B.59
Miracles, The adversary’s disguise as a spirit of light .... Miracles? ....
7841 B.82
Miracles, The world wants to see miracles and does not see the great-
est miracle of all .... 4665 B.53
Misguided attitude, Ignorant and misguided people’s attitude regard-
ing truth .... 5764 B.63
Misguided knowledge, Holding on to misguided spiritual knowledge
.... Desire for truth .... 8534 B.90
Misguided overzealousness .... 6783 B.72

Misguided, Faith - Hope - Love .... Concern for the weak and mis-
guided .... 0233 B.05-09
Misguided souls, Mutual help from beings in the beyond for the care
of misguided souls .... Suffering as aid .... 1400 B.23-24 1401 B.23-24
Misguided souls, Work of love for misguided souls .... 3483 B.45
Misguided teaching about the Trinity .... 5389 B.59
Misguided teachings are barriers for the seeker of God .... 2372 B.32
Misguided teachings, Correction of misguided teachings .... 8822 B.93
Misguided teachings, Divine providence .... Misguided will .... 2117
Misguided teachings, Doctrine of damnation is misguided teaching ....
7910 B.82
Misguided teachings, Doctrine of re-incarnation .... Misguided teach-
ing .... Celestial bodies .... 4590 B.53
Misguided teachings, Effect of misguided teachings in the beyond ....
6462 B.69 8693 B.91
Misguided teachings, Exposure of misguided teachings is God’s will
.... 8814 B.93
Misguided teachings, Fighters for truth .... Misguided teachings ....
5205 B.58
Misguided teachings, God corrects misguided teachings .... 8572 B.90
Misguided teachings, Harmful consequences of misguided teachings
.... 7368 B.78
Misguided teachings, Negative results of misguided teachings .... 6710
Misguided teachings, Responsibility for accepting misguided teach-
ings .... 4740 B.54
Misguided teachings, Teaching of re-incarnation is misguided .... Law
.... 2873 B.37
Misguided teachings, The sleep of the soul .... Misguided teaching ....
6541 B.70
Misguided teachings, The state of souls in the beyond .... Misguided
belief - unbelief - love .... 5332 B.59
Misguided teachings, The task of fighting misguided teachings .... 8832

Misguided teachings, Traditional faith .... Conventional faith .... Mis-
guided teachings .... 4707 B.54
Misguided teachings, True disciples .... Working of the spirit .... ‘Why’
misguided teachings .... 4842 B.55
Misguided teachings, Wrong image of God .... Misguided teachings ....
8035 B.84
Misguided teachings, Wrong interpretation of the Holy Scriptures ....
Misguided teachings .... 2524 B.33
Misguided view, Counteracting misguided views about Jesus’ incarna-
tion .... 8751 B.92
Misuse of divine gifts (Talents) .... 8660 B.91
Misuse of the gifts which distinguish the human being from the ani-
mal .... 2083 B.30
Monastic life? .... (Concerning a previous conversation) 1027 B.19-20
1028 B.19-20
Moods .... Depressions .... Evidence of love .... 1602 B.25
Most basic way of life in the coming time .... The individual person’s
fate .... 2454 B.33
Most difficult conditions of life after the disaster .... 3737 B.47-48
Most difficult time of hardship before the end .... 3753 B.47-48
Much suffering - Much grace .... 4117 B.50
Mutual help from beings in the beyond for the care of misguided souls
.... Suffering as aid .... 1400 B.23-24 1401 B.23-24
My commission .... Help the needy .... 1742 B.27
My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me? 8201 B.86
‘My kingdom is not of this world ....’ 5336 B.59
‘My Sheep Know My Voice ....’ Resistance .... 4726 B.54
‘My sheep recognise My voice ....’ 6570 B.70
‘My voice will resound from above ....’ 3571 B.45
Mysterious appearances .... (Flying disks) 6674 B.72

Index N

Natural disaster before the end .... 6601 B.71 7151 B.76
Natural disaster, Purpose of natural disasters .... 2086 B.30
Natural disaster, Reference to a natural disaster .... Urgent admoni-
tion to prepare .... 3949 B.49
Natural disaster, The Extent of the Natural Disaster Before the End ....
8982 B.94
Natural disaster, The servants’ mission on earth after the natural dis-
aster .... 3709 B.47-48
Natural disaster, Which forces trigger natural disasters? .... 6875 B.74
Natural disaster, World conflagration .... Natural disaster .... Decision
.... 9025 B.94
Natural disaster, World event .... Natural disaster .... Battle of faith ....
6590 B.71
Natural event and chaos .... 7643 B.80
Natural event, A forthcoming natural event .... 8033 B.84
Natural event, A Natural Event .... Victims of Good and Bad People
3348 B.43
Natural event, Indication of natural events .... 6388 B.68
Natural event, Indications of natural event .... Jesus’ reference on earth
.... 2437 B.33
Natural event, Renewed reference to the natural event .... 8014 B.84
Natural event, The natural event is the last admonition before the end
.... 6770 B.72
Natural forces, Eruptions .... Natural forces .... Divine Order .... 3380
Natural forces, The raging of natural forces .... Total changes of living
conditions .... 2811 B.37
Natural law, Stars .... Natural law .... Research to no avail .... 0254
Natural phenomena .... Temperature .... Star .... Predictions .... 1153
Need of reapers at the time of harvest .... 4828 B.55

Needy souls beg for prayers .... 2381 B.32
Needy souls .... Remorse .... Loving help .... 3256 B.41-42
Negative results of misguided teachings .... 6710 B.72
Neighbourly love .... 4868 B.55 7563 B.80
Neighbourly love, Human commandments .... Neighbourly love ....
God’s commandment .... 3697 B.47-48
Neighbourly love, Love for God is demonstrated through neighbourly
love .... 8584 B.90
Neighbourly love, Serious admonitions about Christian neighbourly
love .... 4096 B.50
Neighbourly love, True neighbourly love: Passing on the divine Word
.... 7708 B.81
Neighbourly love, What is love? .... Changing selfish love into neigh-
bourly love .... 8032 B.84
New banishment inevitable for the adversary’s followers .... 8430 B.89
New banishment of the spirits .... Salvation in one era .... 4777 B.54
New earth .... Romans 8 .... 7520 B.79
New earth, Abilities .... Task .... Regression .... New earth .... 2515 B.33
New earth, About the Last Judgement and the New Earth .... 7425 B.78
New earth, Creation of the new earth in a moment of time .... 8440
New earth, End and Rapture .... Paradise of the new earth .... 7687
New earth, Free will .... Knowledge of good and evil .... The new earth
.... 3359 B.44
New earth, Harmonious life on the new earth .... 8429 B.89
New earth, New wonders of creation on the new earth .... Brittle mat-
ter .... 3264 B.41-42
New earth, Paradisal condition on the new Earth. 6352 B.68
New earth, Passing on the divine Word to the new earth .... 4054 B.50
New earth, Satan bound .... The new earth .... 5769 B.63
New earth, State of paradise on the new earth .... 8352 B.88
New earth, The ‘redeemed’ at the end .... Inhabitants of the new earth
.... 6227 B.67

New earth, The adversary clothed in light .... Paradise on the new
earth .... 8253 B.87
New earth, The Lord’s return .... Present time .... Witnesses of the new
earth .... 5077 B.57
New earth, Witnesses to the end on the new earth for descendants ....
5743 B.62
New redemption period .... 8345 B.88
New Revelations .... Reason .... Bible .... 6038 B.65
New Revelation, Why constantly New Revelations? .... 9002 B.94
New school of thought .... Human work .... 3366 B.44
New spiritual kingdom .... Prophet .... New human race .... 1107 B.19-
New Testament and Appendix .... 5307 B.59
New wonders of creation on the new earth .... Brittle matter .... 3264
Ninth and tenth commandment .... 4983 B.56
No beatitude without Salvation through Jesus Christ .... 8784 B.92
No liberation without Jesus Christ .... 6860 B.73
No life without light .... Darkness in the beyond .... 0249 B.05-09
‘No one comes to the Father ....’ 6579 B.70
No one will enter the kingdom of heaven who pays homage to the
world .... 5825 B.63
‘No-one can serve two masters ....’ 4408 B.51
Not inclination but love determines the will .... 5257 B.58
Nothing can cease to exist .... Gate of death .... True home .... 7161
Nothing will remain unredeemed forever .... 8443 B.89
Nothing, There is no coincidence .... Nothing happens arbitrarily ....
8477 B.89
Nothing, ‘With God nothing is impossible ....’ 4082 B.50
Notice of an event .... Spiritual transformation .... (Rome?) 2521 B.33
Notice, Taking notice of God’s plan of Salvation .... 7881 B.82

Index O

Obligation to pass on spiritual knowledge .... 3390 B.44

Obtain all, God’s blessing gained, all is obtained. 0241 B.05-09
Ocean and mainland, Fulfilment of the Scripture .... Eruptions .... Ocean
and mainland .... 0704 B.14-16
Old Testament .... 0185 B.05-09
Omnipotence of divine love .... World events .... 1456 B.23-24
One shall serve the other .... Bargaining products, occupation .... 6703
Only a short time of grace left .... 7207 B.76
Only beings of light are permitted to teach .... 7953 B.83
Only God can convey the truth to a person .... 8757 B.92
Only God is Ruler of the universe .... 8457 B.89
Only God is the Lord of Creation .... Star .... 7423 B.78
‘Only he who remains in love remains in Me, and I in him ....’ 4128
Only love recognises the Deity .... Seekers of God .... 0721 B.14-16
Only love will achieve the return .... 7847 B.82
Only prayer protects from the adversary’s activity .... 8955 B.94
Only truth leads to the goal .... 9029 B.94
Only, Attainment of childship to God only on this earth .... 6955 B.74
Only, Change of nature only from within .... 6158 B.66
Only, Conclusion of earthly progress only with Jesus Christ .... 7959
Only, Descriptions of the beyond only illustrative and comparative ....
5441 B.60
Only, God only created beings of equal perfection .... 8797 B.92 8798
Only, Intercession for souls in the beyond .... II. Reply to the doctrine
that only ‘qualified’ praying men are entitled to pray for souls .... 8616
"Only, Proclamation of the End .... ""You only Have But a Little Time
Left .... "" " 4457 B.52

Only, Redemption only through Jesus Christ .... Self-Redemption is
not possible .... 7950 B.83
Only, Salvation only through Jesus Christ .... 7034 B.75
Only, Spiritual hardship can only remedied by spreading the pure Gospel
.... 5465 B.60
Only, Spiritual redemption is the only purpose .... 3743 B.47-48
Only, The disciple’s enlightenment only happened after Jesus’ cruci-
fixion .... 7148 B.76
Only, The only beatifying church .... 5456 B.60
Only, There is only one truth .... Feeling of heart .... 4786 B.54
Only, Various schools of thought .... There is only one truth .... 8990
Only, Was Adam the only human being created by God? .... 8236 B.87
8237 B.87
Opponent, Judgment .... Time of peace .... The opponent’s broken power
.... 1622 B.25
Opportunities for attaining the childship to God .... 5575 B.61
Opportunities, All circumstances of life offer opportunities to mature
.... 8435 B.89
Opportunities, Free Will .... Opportunity for Ascent .... 7348 B.78
Opportunities, Knowledge of the spirit’s work in a person .... Excep-
tional opportunity for God to reveal Himself .... 2878 B.37
Origin of the creation work ‘earth’ .... 7942 B.83
Origin of thought .... 3706 B.47-48
Origin, About the origin of evil .... 8913 B.93
Origin, Cause and origin of creation .... 7770 B.81
Origin, Mental knowledge of worldly origin .... Truth - Error .... 4560
Origin, Regarding the question of the origin of evil .... 8882 B.93 8883
B.93 8884 B.93
Origin, Scrutinising the origin of a revelation .... 8724 B.92
Origin, Scrutiny of spiritual values for divine origin .... 7255 B.77
Origin, The Cause and Origin of the Creation .... 7158 B.76
Original sin and significance of the act of Salvation .... 7136 B.76

Original, Adam .... Original spirit .... Lucifer’s test .... Bursting the
form .... 5802 B.63
Original, Development of the soul .... Original spirit .... 7571 B.80
Original, Every soul is an original spirit .... 8008a B.84 8008b B.84
Original, Explanation regarding original spirit and apostasy .... 8459
Original, God’s gift of love and grace .... Attaining the original state
.... 7109 B.76
Original, Knowledge of the original sin is necessary in order to under-
stand the act of Salvation .... In order to acknowledge Jesus Christ as
the ‘Redeemer’ .... 8806 B.92
Original, Self-awareness of the original spirit .... 7569 B.80
Original, The magnitude of the original sin necessitates Salvation through
Jesus Christ .... 8652 B.91
Original, The transformation of the original spirit into creations ....
8216 B.86
Other religions’ attitude towards Jesus Christ .... 8824 B.93
Our Father .... 5280 B.58
Overcoming matter .... Awakening of the spirit .... 5072 B.57
Overcoming matter .... Spiritual kingdom .... 5796 B.63
Overcoming the gulf in the beyond: Jesus Christ .... 7290 B.77
Overcoming matter, Love of the world - Satan’s followers .... Love of
God - Overcoming matter .... 5039 B.57

Index P

Painful means can lead to faith .... 8594 B.90

Painful teaching methods .... 7184 B.76
Painful, Reason for painful strokes of fate .... 7928 B.83
Parable of the good shepherd .... 4360 B.51
Paradise, Duration of shaping the new Earth .... Paradise .... 3595 B.46
Paradisiacal condition on the new Earth. 6352 B.68

Particles of the Soul .... Process of Development on Earth and in the
Beyond .... 5198 B.58
Particles, Are dissolved particles capable of suffering? .... 8511 B.89
Passing on the divine Word to the new earth .... 4054 B.50
Passing on the divine Word .... 4561 B.53
Passing through each form is necessary .... (Microcosm?) 0716 B.14-
Passing on, True neighbourly love: Passing on the divine Word ....
7708 B.81
Path of life predetermined by God .... Free will .... Deed and effect ....
2441 B.33
Patience, Difficult days for patience - humility - meekness .... Activity
of love during the time of grace .... 0230 B.05-09
Patiently bearing the cross .... 6149 B.66
Patiently, Following Jesus .... Patiently bearing the cross .... 7622 B.80
Peace to all men of good will .... 6144 B.66
Pease, Calm before the storm .... Illusion of peace .... 6970 B.74
Peace, Judgment .... Time of peace .... The opponent’s broken power
.... 1622 B.25
Pease, Land of peace .... Gabriel .... 0204 B.05-09
Pease, Sign of the near end: spiritual decline .... Apparent state of
peace .... 4747 B.54
People don’t know about their immense spiritual hardship .... 8633
People lack love and faith .... 8626 B.91
People without suffering .... Suffering is love .... 0646 B.14-16
People’s attitude towards Mary, the mother of Jesus .... 8324 B.87
People’s duty is to draw attention to error .... 8553 B.90
People’s fear .... Natural disaster and its consequences .... 4633 B.53
People’s low spiritual state necessitates an end .... 8427 B.89
People, A Natural Event .... Victims of Good and Bad People 3348 B.43
People, Beings of light are people’s spiritual guardians .... 3981 B.49
People, Changed Living Conditions .... Worldly Minded People .... 3975

People, Compassion .... Sick and weak people .... 1032 B.19-20
People, Did Jesus Christ redeem all people, or are all people redeemed?
.... 3277 B.43
People, Final rescue attempts .... People’s low level .... 6629 B.71
People, God does not condemn, people condemn themselves .... 5950
People, God Himself conveys the truth to people .... 8599 B.90
People, Good, A Natural Event .... Victims of Good and Bad People
3348 B.43
People, Ignorant and misguided people’s attitude regarding truth ....
5764 B.63
People, Influence by the prince of lies on people’s thinking .... 1580
People, Intercession for people distanced from God .... 2172 B.31
People, Involuntarily premature deceased people .... Beyond .... 1589
People, Jesus heard the Word of God .... Mediator between God and
people .... 6145 B.66
People, Physical and psychological conflicts .... Deluded people ....
0183 B.05-09
People, Prehistoric people? .... 9022 B.94 9023 B.94
People, Redeeming help for souls in the beyond through people ....
5178 B.58
People, Reminder to inform people of the battle of faith .... 2880 B.37
People, Signs before the catastrophe (Anxiety of people and animals
....) 4371 B.51
People, The end is determined by people themselves .... Low level ....
3625 B.46
People, The path under the cross must be taken by all people .... 8983
People, The right path will be shown to people .... 6958 B.74
People, There shall be light among people .... 8658 B.91
People, Time estimation not possible for people .... 9016 B.94
People, Why do People so Easily Fall Prey to Error? .... Truth .... 8644

People, Why is God speaking to people? .... 8568 B.90
Perfect spiritual order .... Disorder .... 1469 B.23-24
Perfect, ‘Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven
is perfect...’ 6877 B.74
Perfection means conformity to divine will .... 7893 B.82
Perfection, Afflictions and trials are means to attain perfection ....
3163 B.41-42
Perfection, Blissful condition of mature souls and the state of imper-
fection in the beyond .... 4801 B.54
Perfection, Change of will in freedom .... Perfection .... 5741 B.62
Perfection, Concept of eternity .... Perfection .... 6019 B.65
Perfection, Everything serves to attain perfection .... 6015 B.65
Perfection, Everything that happens serves to perfect the soul .... 7162
Perfection, God and nature .... Consciously working at attaining per-
fection .... 0240 B.05-09
Perfection, God only created beings of equal perfection .... 8797 B.92
8798 B.92
Perfection, God’s perfection knows no limits of time and space ....
8777 B.92
Perfection, Perfection means conformity to divine will .... 7893 B.82
Perfection, The condition to attain perfection on earth .... 8523 B.90
Perfection, The truth reveals God’s perfection .... 6467 B.69
Perfection, When and why did the perfect beings become imperfect?
.... 8887 B.93
Perfection, You humans should strive for perfection .... 7997 B.84
Period of grace until the divine intervention .... 3396 B.44
Persecution of the disciples of the last days .... 5528 B.61
Persecution, Battle against Christ’s teachings .... Persecution of those
who confess Him .... 1762 B.27
Personal responsibility .... Dogma .... 3329 B.43
Personal Words .... 4387 B.51
Personification of God .... 3443 B.44

Peter’s successors .... Ecclesiastical-secular power .... 2221 B.31
Peter, The church of Christ .... Peter, the rock .... Worldly organisa-
tions .... 4028 B.49
2 Peter 3:10 .... The Day of The Lord will Come as a Thief in the Night
8066 B.85
Peter, The true church of Christ .... Peter, the rock .... 7850 B.82
Peter, ‘Thou art Peter, the rock, and upon this rock I will build My
church ....’ 4942 B.56
Peter, ‘Thou art Peter, the rock ....’ Living faith - the church of Christ
.... 4525 B.52
Peter, ‘You are Peter, the rock ....’ 1516 B.23-24
Phase of development unique during a period of salvation .... Incar-
nation of beings of light .... Mission - Child of God .... 2875 B.37
(Philippians) .... Predestination .... 7006 B.75
Philippians, Will - Grace .... (Objection Philippians 2 - 13) 1937 B.28
Philosophy of life with Jesus Christ .... 2304 B.32
Physical and psychological conflicts .... Deluded people .... 0183 B.05-
Pillars of the church .... Vineyard work .... Labourers - instruments ....
5131 B.57
Places of worship .... 1083 B.19-20
Pleasure, Bliss in the kingdom of light .... Pleasures and delights ....
5666 B.62
Pollution of air - water - food .... 6855 B.73
Possession .... 6419 B.68
Possessions, Detachment from earthly possessions .... 3723 B.47-48
Possessions, Evil forces .... Earthly possessions .... Treasures for the
beyond .... 0207 B.05-09
Possessions, Instruction to work for spiritual possessions .... Realisa-
tion .... 0218 B.05-09
Possessions, Loss of earthly possessions can result in spiritual trea-
sures .... 5503 B.60
Possessions, Matter .... Loss of earthly possessions .... Free will ....
5100 B.57

Possessions, Re-incarnation or possession? .... 8291 B.87
Possessions, Worthlessness and transience of earthly possessions ....
0671 B.14-16
Poverty does not prevent activity of love .... 6365 B.68
Poverty, Selfless service in every walk of life .... Poverty .... Willing-
ness to give .... 3918 B.49
Poverty, Wealth or poverty is neither an advantage nor a hindrance to
attaining beatitude .... 7110 B.76
Power of the divine Word .... Antidote to suffering .... 4468 B.52
Power, Abuse of power .... 0665 B.14-16
Power, Activity of demonic powers disguised as angels of light .... 8484
Power, ‘All power is given unto Me in heaven and on earth ....’ 7031
Power, Deposing the earthly power .... 1103 B.19-20
Power, Development is a matter of free will and not God’s arbitrary
use of power .... 5144 B.58
Power, Direction of will determines the influence of spiritual powers
.... 3801 B.47-48
Power, Font of love .... Dangers .... Power of love .... 0210 B.05-09 0211
Power, Language of creation .... Essence - Creative power .... 3648 B.46
Power, Satan rages with increased power .... Last days .... 5467 B.60
Power, Satan’s power .... 5136 B.58
Power, Test the spirits .... Satan’s great power before the end .... Doubts
.... 4968 B.56
Power, The final powerful work of destruction .... 8684 B.91 8685 B.91
Power, The human being is not a product of coincidence by a Creative
Power .... 8943 B.94
Power, The powerful Voice of God .... The End of the Battle .... 3318
Power, ‘The powers of heaven shall be shaken ....’ 8379 B.88
Power, ‘The Powers of the Heaven Shall Be Shaken ....’ Reversal of Nat-
ural Law .... Rapture .... 5029 B.57

Pray with trust in the Lord .... Spiritual protection .... 0220 B.05-09
Prayer and deeds of love are weapons against temptations .... 3285
Prayer for grace and strength .... 3714 B.47-48
Prayer for poor souls .... 4305 B.51
Prayer for strength and grace .... Pride .... Humility .... 8589 B.90
Prayer in spirit and in truth .... 3515 B.45 4746 B.54 4872 B.55
Prayer in spirit and in truth .... Pious gestures .... 5069 B.57
Prayer .... 0188 B.05-09
Prayers for souls in the beyond which had not acquired love on earth
.... 2165 B.31
Prayer, A child’s prayer to the Father .... 7071 B.75
Prayer, Calling upon beings of light after prayer to God .... 7655 B.80
Prayer, Demons are roaming the universe .... Prayer .... 0202 B.05-09
Prayer, Emissaries .... Prayer .... Admonition .... 0206 B.05-09
Prayer, Fatherly Words .... Faithful prayer and intercession .... 1862
Prayer, Fulfilment of prayer .... Conditions .... 1082 B.19-20
Prayer, God’s love .... Suffering or happiness .... Granting of prayer ....
3382 B.44
Prayer, Granting prayers .... Faith .... 6569 B.70
Prayer, Granting prayers .... The right relationship of a child with its
Father .... 8073 B.85
Prayer, High value of correct prayer .... 6622 B.71
Prayer, Means of grace .... Prayer .... 6321 B.68
Prayer, Needy souls beg for prayers .... 2381 B.32
Prayer, Only prayer protects from the adversary’s activity .... 8955 B.94
Prayer, Prediction .... Destruction of God’s Word and Scriptures ....
Prayer .... 0641 B.14-16
Prayer, Preventing the Judgment through prayer? .... 5339 B.59
Prayer, Recognition of truth not without prayer .... Ask and it will be
given to you .... 0248 B.05-09
Prayer, Right prayer is the bridge to God .... Jesus Christ .... The bridge
to Me is the prayer .... 5686 B.62

Prayer, Satan’s work .... Heartfelt prayer for protection .... 5175 B.58
Prayer, Silent prayer .... Public confession .... 6012 B.65
Prayer, Simple form of prayer .... 3734 B.47-48
Prayer, Sincerity of prayer strengthens faith .... 3778 B.47-48
Prayer, Struggle for truth .... Help through prayer .... 0253 B.05-09
Prayer, The fulfilment of prayer in firm belief .... ‘Father, Your will be
done ....’ 3927 B.49
Prayer, The right kind of prayer .... Relationship of a child with the
Father .... 5720 B.62
Prayer, The right prayer and its fulfilment .... 7814 B.82
Prayer, The right prayer .... ‘Father, Your will be done ....’ 4372 B.51
Prayer, True prayer and church service .... 6280 B.67
Prayer, Trust in God .... The blessing of prayer .... 0235 B.05-09
Prayer, What is a right prayer? .... 7274 B.77
Prayer, What kind of prayer will be granted .... 8738 B.92
Prayer, Why prayer is necessary .... 2409 B.32
Praying with humility .... 3682 B.46
Pre-Adamites .... 9015 B.94
Predestination? .... Different amount of blessings? 6757 B.72
Predestination, (Philippians) .... Predestination .... 7006 B.75
Predestination, Teaching of predestination .... 2034 B.30
Predetermined earthly life .... Whims of destiny .... God’s love .... 4756
Predetermined fate .... God’s love and help .... 5845 B.63
Predetermined intervals of time as periods of Salvation .... 8085 B.85
Predetermined, Course of life predetermined depending on will ....
3176 B.41-42
Predetermined, Path of life predetermined by God .... Free will ....
Deed and effect .... 2441 B.33
Predetermined, The predetermined day of the end will be kept ....
Time indication .... Distribution .... 8500 B.89 8501 B.89 8502 B.89
Prediction of a devastating event .... 0694 B.14-16
Prediction of a Natural Disaster .... Dead Sections .... 4940 B.56
Prediction of a swiftly approaching end .... Weak faith therein .... 3964

Prediction .... Apparent burying of the hatchet .... Last phase .... 4001
Prediction .... Destruction of God’s Word and Scriptures .... Prayer ....
0641 B.14-16
Prediction, Catastrophe .... Prediction .... 1398 B.23-24
Prediction, Divine intervention .... Prediction .... 1418 B.23-24
Prediction, ‘Draw strength from My Word ....’ Prediction .... 1511 B.23-
Prediction, Fulfilment of predictions made by seers and prophets ....
4879 B.55
Prediction, Fulfilment of Predictions .... Preceding Disaster .... 5678a
B.62 5678b B.62
Prediction, Natural phenomena .... Temperature .... Star .... Predic-
tions .... 1153 B.19-20
Prediction, Purpose of the Work .... Numerical Prediction .... Trans-
mission of Inconceivable Significance .... 1086 B.19-20
Prediction, Renewed Prediction by God’s Word .... 7830 B.82
Prediction, Speedy end .... Fulfilment of the predictions .... 6106 B.66
Prediction, The Fulfilling of the Predictions .... Proof for Unbelievers
.... 3741 B.47-48
Prediction, The prophets’ predictions .... The return of Christ .... 0963
Prehistoric human beings .... Responsibility .... 2513 B.33
Prehistoric people? .... 9022 B.94 9023 B.94
Premature departure from the world .... Purpose .... 3258 B.41-42
Pre-ordained course of life - Destiny corresponding to will .... 4065
Preparation, Calling .... Preparation .... Renunciation .... 3274 B.41-
Prerequisite for hearing God’s voice: Detachment from the world ....
7258 B.77
Prerequisite for the ‘outpouring of the spirit’ .... 7822 B.82
Prerequisites for hearing God’s Word .... 8530 B.90

Prerequisite, Thought currents .... Prerequisites for easy acceptance
of spiritual knowledge .... 0888 B.17-18
Present-day human being .... Abilities .... 2514 B.33
Pretended worship .... 8829 B.93
Pretended worship, Various schools of thought .... Pretended worship
.... 8686 B.91
Prevalence of sin .... Battle of faith .... End .... 5860 B.64
Preventing the Judgment through prayer? .... 5339 B.59
Primordial-sin .... Love-beam .... Jesus Christ .... 6087 B.66
Primordial-sin, Salvation-plan of God .... Primordial-sin .... Adam’s
fall .... Work of redemption 6973 B.74
Process of conveying the Word from above .... 4907 B.55
Process of creation and apostasy of the beings .... 8566 B.90
Process of development on earth .... 7800 B.82
Process of development .... Law of compulsion .... Stage of free will ....
5125 B.57
Process of imparting the divine Word .... Spirit - Soul - Body .... 4143
Process of purification through strokes of fate .... 6987 B.74
Process of return .... 8564 B.90
Process of the Word-reception .... 8482 B.89
Process of transmission is an act of spiritual emanation of strength
.... 2105 B.30
Process of, Blissful spiritual beings require process of development on
earth for childship to God .... 3908 B.49
Process of, Cremation .... Accelerated disintegration process .... 1899
Process of, Explaining the process of transcription .... Truth .... 3547
Process of, Knowledge about the process of pre-development .... 6591
Process of, Particles of the Soul .... Process of Development on Earth
and in the Beyond .... 5198 B.58
Process of, Purpose for creation .... Process of evolution .... 5703 B.62

Process of, The process of Christ’s return .... Ascension .... 4847 B.55
Process of, The process of creation has taken eternities .... 8770 B.92
Process of, The soul’s process of development before embodiment ....
6930 B.74
Process of, The soul’s process of pre-development .... 7259 B.77
Process of, The souls’ purification process in the beyond .... 3627 B.46
Process of, The spirits’ process of development .... 7699 B.81
Process of, Why is the information about the process of return not
known? .... 8465 B.89
Proclaim My Word to the world .... (17th anniversary of receiving the
Word) 5976 B.65
Proclaiming Jesus’ teaching of love is urgently needed .... 6610 B.71
Proclaiming the Gospel .... 7697 B.81
Proclaiming, Forerunner .... Proclaiming Jesus .... 5830 B.63
Proclaiming, Healing the sick .... Proclaiming Jesus Christ .... 7042
"Proclamation of the End .... ""You only Have But a Little Time Left ....
"" " 4457 B.52
Proclamation, Characteristic of truth of the proclamations: Love, grace,
mercy .... 5023 B.57
Proclamation, Correct proclamation of the Word .... God’s presence
.... 6559 B.70
Proclamation, Errors .... The Lord Himself walks amongst people ....
Proclamation of a wise disciple .... 0247 B.05-09
Proclamation, Evil forces .... Good spiritual beings .... Reason and mir-
acle of the proclamations .... 0255 B.05-09
Proclamation, The Letter Kills .... Lifeless Proclamation of the Word
.... 7884 B.82
Proclamation, These proclamations are a sign of divine love .... 0234
Professing Jesus before the world .... Voicing the name of Jesus ....
4831 B.55
Professing Christ, Battle of faith - Immense adversity - Professing
Christ .... Saviour .... 5028 B.57

Professing Christ, Final battle .... Frankly professing Christ before the
world ..... 4433 B.52
Professing Christ, Spiritual change .... Professing Jesus Christ... 1748
Professional missionaries .... Academic knowledge .... 2800 B.37
Promise: ‘The outpouring of the spirit ....’ 8060 B.85
Promise, God’s promise of help .... Strength of faith .... 6704 B.72
Promises relating to divine revelations .... 8284 B.87
Promises, Battle of faith .... Fulfilment of promises .... 5115 B.57
Promises, Christ’s promises .... Conditions - Fulfilment .... 3744 B.47-
Promises, Fulfilment of divine promises .... Truth .... 7767 B.81
Prophetic gift .... A spiritual gift which demands action .... 6587 B.70
Protection from error .... Admonition to pray .... 0189 B.05-09
Protection, Bearers of light .... God’s protection .... 3725 B.47-48
Protection, Confess Jesus Christ before the world .... Divine protec-
tion .... 1567 B.25
Protection, God is aware of the human will .... Natural disaster .... Pro-
tection of the servants .... 9000 B.94
Protection, God’s protection from the adversary’s temptations .... 8520
Protection, God’s protection in the battle of faith .... 7954 B.83
Protection, Satan’s work .... Heartfelt prayer for protection .... 5175
Protection, Shield of faith .... Trust .... God’s protection .... 4720 B.54
Protection, Spiritual protection .... Warning .... 0213 B.05-09
Protection, The angels’ protection in the battle of faith .... 7440 B.78
Prudence and gentleness .... 3712 B.47-48
Psychic receptions - Credibility .... 8695 B.91
Psychic reception, Dangers of psychic communication .... 6468 B.69
Psychic reception, Dangers of psychic reception .... 7720 B.81
Psychic reception, Difference between the ‘working of the spirit’ and
‘psychic’ receptions .... 8416 B.88
Psychic reception, Divine Word .... Psychic messages .... Disguise ....

Mark .... 5182 B.58
Psychic reception, Serious warning against psychic receptions .... 7977
Psychological work .... 3661 B.46
Psychological work, Conscious psychological work .... 6730 B.72
Psychological work, Self-knowledge .... Psychological work .... Grace
.... Humility .... 3244 B.41-42
Public confession during the battle of faith .... 8727 B.92
Public confession, Battle of Faith .... Antichrist .... Public Confession
.... 5621 B.62
Public confession, Silent prayer .... Public confession .... 6012 B.65
Punishment for sin? Self-inflicted fate .... 6242 B.67
Pure truth .... Signs .... Wonders .... 0186 B.05-09
Pure truth .... The Word from above .... 7521 B.79
Pure truth, Doubting the transfer of pure truth .... 8050 B.85
Pure truth, The working of the spirit .... Guarantee for pure truth ....
2877 B.37
Pure truth, When is pure truth guaranteed through the working of the
spirit? .... 5569 B.61
Purification of Christ’s spoilt teaching .... 8676 B.91
Purification of earth .... 7179 B.76 8112 B.86
Purification, Process of purification through strokes of fate .... 6987
Purification, Suffering proves God’s love .... Fire of purification ....
4959 B.56
Purification, The souls’ purification process in the beyond .... 3627
Purification, The Word-recipient’s task: Purification of Christ’s (spoilt)
teaching .... 8726 B.92
Purifying the divine plant nursery .... 6790 B.72
Purifying the heart .... 7367 B.78
Purifying, Suffering as means of purifying the soul or love .... 7157
Purpose for creation .... Process of evolution .... 5703 B.62

Purpose of earthly existence as a human being .... 8571 B.90
Purpose of earthly existence .... 7871 B.82
Purpose of earthly life: Change of will and character .... 5303 B.59
Purpose of harsh strokes of fate: Bond with God .... 8206 B.86
Purpose of natural disasters .... 2086 B.30
Purpose of suffering - Trials .... Lethargy of the spirit .... 0373 B.05-09
Purpose of the Work .... Numerical Prediction .... Transmission of In-
conceivable Significance .... 1086 B.19-20
Purpose, Cause, purpose and aim of suffering .... Awareness .... Tran-
sience .... 3610 B.46
Purpose, Everything has meaning and purpose .... Pests .... Weeds ....
7098 B.75
Purpose, Helping or fighting .... Different purposes for suffering ....
3230 B.41-42
Purpose, Information relating to purpose and reason of earthly life ....
8020 B.84
Purpose, Knowledge about goal and purpose .... Childship to God ....
5222 B.58
Purpose, Premature departure from the world .... Purpose .... 3258
Purpose, Spiritual redemption is the only purpose .... 3743 B.47-48
Purpose, The purpose of God’s revelations .... 3377 B.44
Purpose, What is the purpose of life on earth? .... 7797 B.81

Index Q

Question ‘Why’ .... (Anthroposophist Cologne) .... Fall of the angels

.... Sin .... 4551 B.53
Question: What would have happened had Adam not failed? .... 8675
Questioning thoughts are the first step towards ascent .... 6109 B.66

Question, Answer to questions about Immaculate Conception and ad-
vantages of the souls of light .... 6673 B.72
Question, Answer to Questions .... 7437 B.78
Question, Answers to questions .... Serious examination of the origin
.... 7311 B.77
Question, Concerning the question: Incarnation of Jesus .... 8264 B.87
Question, Disputed question about God’s human manifestation ....
6794 B.72
Question, Frequent Question: Why did the God Of Love Let a Human
Beeing Suffer so? .... 8715 B.91
Question, God answers every question through the heart .... 7858 B.82
7859 B.82
Question, God wants to answer questions .... Error .... 8536 B.90
Question, Racial questions .... Doctrine of re-incarnation .... 8844 B.93
Question, Regarding the question of the origin of evil .... 8882 B.93
8883 B.93 8884 B.93
Question, Reply to a question about ‘Yogis’ .... 8800 B.92
Question, Spiritual influences, questions - truth .... 5026 B.57

Index R

Racial questions .... Doctrine of re-incarnation .... 8844 B.93

Radiance, Light .... Radiance .... Wisdom .... 7900 B.82
Rapture .... 5607 B.61
Rapture .... And the graves will still release many .... 6681 B.72
Rapture .... From All Directions .... Gospel .... 3791 B.47-48
Rapture, Battle of faith .... Adversity .... Rapture .... 8090 B.85
Rapture, Coming in the Clouds .... Rapture .... End .... 1827 B.27
Rapture, End and Rapture .... Paradise of the new earth .... 7687 B.81
Rapture, Last Judgment .... Rapture .... 2211 B.31
Rapture, Low spiritual level .... Test of faith .... Battle .... Rapture ....
8017 B.84

Rapture, The coming of the Lord .... Rapture .... 5799 B.63
Rapture, ‘The Powers of the Heaven Shall Be Shaken ....’ Reversal of
Natural Law .... Rapture .... 5029 B.57
Reason and forces of earth’s disintegration .... (Nuclear energy) 3950
Reason for Christ’s birth .... Act of mercy .... 6130 B.66
Reason for deformed births .... 8273 B.87
Reason for divine revelations .... 8120 B.86
Reason for painful strokes of fate .... 7928 B.83
Reason for the catastrophe .... 8104 B.85
Reason for the destruction and new creation .... Hell - banishment ....
6828 B.73
Reason for the human being’s free will .... 8771 B.92
Reason for the profound knowledge .... Battle of faith .... 7023 B.75
Reason for the revelations .... 6848 B.73
Reason for the work of transformation .... 8609 B.90
Reason, Christ’s descent to earth and reason .... 4802 B.54
Reason, Explanation and reason for an arduous destiny .... 5048 B.57
Reason, Information relating to purpose and reason of earthly life ....
8020 B.84
Reason, Irresponsible experiments are the reason for the destruction
of earth .... 4708 B.54
Reason, Logical reasons for world events .... 6588 B.70
Reason, New Revelations .... Reason .... Bible .... 6038 B.65
Reason, Re-incarnation for special reasons .... 8000 B.84
Reason, Renewed banishment is the reason for the unusual revela-
tions .... 7875 B.82
Reason, Spiritual low level is the reason for the disintegration .... 8026
Reason, The reason for God’s remarkable action .... (12th anniversary
of receiving the Word) 4670 B.53
Reason, The reason for the earth’s restoration .... 8258 B.87
Reason, The working of the spirit in the wakeful state .... Evidence:
reasons .... 4620 B.53

Reassuring advice to have faith .... 3802 B.47-48
Rebirth .... Futile life on earth .... 6117 B.66
Rebirth, Spiritual rebirth .... 2360 B.32 3704 B.47-48 4641 B.53 4893
B.55 5650 B.62
Rebirth, The hour of Christ’s birth .... Spiritual rebirth .... 0227 B.05-
Rebirth, The working of the spirit .... Spiritual rebirth .... 4869 B.55
Rebirth, Unification of spirit and soul .... Rebirth .... 3205 B.41-42
Recalling the vineyard labourers .... Continuing diligent activity ....
9028 B.94
Recalling, Large Numbers of Deaths .... Recalling the Weak .... Deci-
sion .... 5271 B.58
Receiving the divine Word is an act of utmost will of strength .... 3419
Receiving, Commencement of receiving the Word 25 years ago (15.6.1937)
8192 B.86
Receiving, Conditions for receiving the divine Word .... 2829 B.37
Receiving, Guarantee for receiving the truth .... 8546 B.90
Receiving, Proclaim My Word to the world .... (17th anniversary of re-
ceiving the Word) 5976 B.65
Receiving, Receiving the divine Word is an act of utmost will of strength
.... 3419 B.44
Receiving, The grace of receiving the Word is a commitment .... 7878
Receiving, The reason for God’s remarkable action .... (12th anniver-
sary of receiving the Word) 4670 B.53
Receiving, Willingness to transcribe .... Receiving the living Word ....
Authenticity .... 0718 B.14-16
Reception of one’s own strength .... Without outside influence .... 0244
Recognising and acknowledging God .... Atheists .... 6481 B.69
Recognising the true messengers .... 8272 B.87
Recognising the truth is a duty to advocate it .... 2247 B.31
Recognising, Unattainability of God .... Recognising His fundamental

nature .... 4877 B.55
Recognition and admission of guilt .... 9010 B.94
Recognition of truth not without prayer .... Ask and it will be given to
you .... 0248 B.05-09
Recognition, The adversary tries to prevent the recognition of the De-
ity .... 6495 B.69
Redeemer, Accountability on the Day of Judgment .... Redeemer Jesus
Christ .... 4984 B.56
Redeemer, ‘Jesus, my Redeemer lives ....’ 7085 B.75
Redeemer, Knowledge of the original sin is necessary in order to un-
derstand the act of Salvation .... In order to acknowledge Jesus Christ
as the ‘Redeemer’ .... 8806 B.92
Redeemer, Spiritual Messages Must Profess Jesus Christ as Redeemer
of the World .... 8826 B.93
Redeemer, Surrender to Jesus .... Saviour and Physician .... Redeemer
.... 6508 B.70
Redeeming help for souls in the beyond through people .... 5178 B.58
Redeeming strength of Jesus’ name .... 7066 B.75
Redeeming the souls .... Bearers of light .... Knowledge - Light .... 1947
Redeeming work for souls in the beyond in God’s will .... 5964 B.65
Redeeming work in the beyond .... 6662 B.71
Redemption only through Jesus Christ .... Self-Redemption is not pos-
sible .... 7950 B.83
Redemption requires free will .... 7369 B.78
Redemption .... Last Supper .... 6721 B.72
Redemption, Fellow labourers in Christ’s work of Redemption .... ‘Go
ye therefore, and teach ....’ 5082 B.57
Redemption, Great work of redemption in the beyond .... Jesus Christ
.... 7386 B.78
Redemption, New redemption period .... 8345 B.88
Redemption, Salvation-plan of God .... Primordial-sin .... Adam’s fall
.... Work of redemption 6973 B.74
Redemption, Satan’s nature .... Fall and redemption .... 5610 B.62

Redemption, Sincerely pursue the thought of redemption through Je-
sus .... 9017 B.94
Redemption, Spiritual redemption is the only purpose .... 3743 B.47-
Redemption, The Ending of a Redemption Period .... 7390 B.78
Redemption, The Redemption Work and its Spiritual Motive .... 8303
Redemption, The souls’ redemption from the abyss through Jesus Christ
.... Beyond .... 5153 B.58
Redemption work, Suffering .... Participation in the Redemption work
.... Sorrow and joy are short-lived .... 0250 B.05-09
Reference to a natural disaster .... Urgent admonition to prepare ....
3949 B.49
Reference to events .... Chaos .... Speedy arrival .... 4108 B.50
Reference to great adversity .... Battle of faith .... Admonition .... 4838
Reference to the approaching time of adversity .... 4846 B.55
Reference to the end .... 4889 B.55
Reference to the end .... Renewed banishment .... 7493 B.79
Reference, Awakening from darkness .... Example .... References to ac-
tivities .... 0208 B.05-09
Reference, Indications of natural event .... Jesus’ reference on earth
.... 2437 B.33
Reference, Renewed reference to the end .... 8876 B.93
Reference, Renewed reference to the natural event .... 8014 B.84
Reference, Serious reference to the end .... 5219 B.58
Reformers .... 4773 B.54
Regarding the question of the origin of evil .... 8882 B.93 8883 B.93
8884 B.93
Re-incarnation for special reasons .... 8000 B.84
Re-incarnation or possession? .... 8291 B.87
Re-incarnation .... 5062 B.57 7312 B.77
Re-incarnation .... Beings of light - Mission .... 4758 B.54
Re-incarnation, About the doctrine of re-incarnation .... 8180 B.86

Re-incarnation, Doctrine of re-incarnation .... Misguided teaching ....
Celestial bodies .... 4590 B.53
Re-incarnation, Explanation about re-incarnation .... Jesus and Sal-
vation .... 8495 B.89
Re-incarnation, Racial questions .... Doctrine of re-incarnation .... 8844
Re-incarnation, Teaching of re-incarnation is misguided .... Law ....
2873 B.37
Re-incarnation, The doctrine of re-incarnation .... (Tantra-message)
4559 B.53
Rejecting the strength of love was the ‘sin’ .... 8880 B.93
Rejection of the divine Word in spiritual arrogance .... 7203 B.76
Rejection, Acknowledgment or rejection .... Jesus Christ .... 5844 B.63
Rejection, Dulling the inner voice by rejecting the spirit .... 5760 B.63
Rejection, Remorse of souls who rejected divine gifts of grace .... 4887
Rejection, Significance of Jesus’ crucifixion and consequences of re-
jection .... 2768 B.34-36
Rejection, Unmistakable sign of spiritual low level: Rejection of the
divine Word .... 4520 B.52
Rejection, Warning against rejecting the divine Word .... ‘Test all things
and ....’ 4587 B.53
Relationship of similar souls .... 8585 B.90
Relationship, Divine spark .... Correct relationship with God .... 6090
Relationship, Father-child relationship with God .... 6800 B.73
Relationship, Granting prayers .... The right relationship of a child
with its Father .... 8073 B.85
Relationship, The right Father-child relationship .... 7165 B.76
Relationship, The right Father-child relationship .... Free will .... 5155
Relationship, The right kind of prayer .... Relationship of a child with
the Father .... 5720 B.62
Relationship, True church service requires a Father-child relationship

.... 8673 B.91
Relationship, ‘You truly have a Father’ .... Father and child relation-
ship .... 5699 B.62
Relinquishing the world .... Fulfilment of earthly duties and the bless-
ing of God .... 4436 B.52
Relinquishing, Desire for truth .... Relinquishing existing knowledge
.... 6729 B.72
‘Remain active in love ....’ 0219 B.05-09
Reminder to endure .... Spiritual knowledge .... 0182 B.05-09
Reminder to inform people of the battle of faith .... 2880 B.37
Reminder to work diligently for the kingdom of God .... 4742 B.54
Remitting or retaining sins .... Jesus’ disciples .... 3297 B.43
Remorse in the beyond .... Ascent .... 7199 B.76
Remorse of souls who rejected divine gifts of grace .... 4887 B.55
Remorse, Needy souls .... Remorse .... Loving help .... 3256 B.41-42
Renewed banishment is the reason for the unusual revelations .... 7875
Renewed Banishment is the Result of Spiritual Death .... 7591 B.80
Renewed banishment, Agonies of a renewed banishment in solid mat-
ter 4631 B.53
Renewed banishment, Beatitude or renewed banishment depends on
free will .... 6598 B.71
Renewed banishment, Disintegration .... Work of destruction .... Re-
newed banishment .... 4353 B.51
Renewed banishment, Gulf and Bridge .... Renewed Banishment ....
Circuit of Flow of Love .... 4807 B.55
Renewed banishment, Reference to the end .... Renewed banishment
.... 7493 B.79
Renewed banishment, Spiritual death and renewed banishment ....
7644 B.80
Renewed banishment, Spiritual turning point is not a reversal but re-
newed banishment .... 4875 B.55
Renewed banishment, The concept of ‘hell’ .... Renewed banishment
.... God’s infinite love .... 6638 B.71

Renewed captivity .... 6317 B.68
Renewed Prediction by God’s Word .... 7830 B.82
Renewed reference to the end .... 8876 B.93
Renewed reference to the natural event .... 8014 B.84
Renunciation, Calling .... Preparation .... Renunciation .... 3274 B.41-
Reply to a question about ‘Yogis’ .... 8800 B.92
Reply to Habermann (Time of printing) (Print and distribution of the
messages) 8899 B.93
Reply to unpleasant messages from Bietigheim .... 5228 B.58
Reply to, God’s reply to thoughts .... Presence .... 6116 B.66
Reply to, Intercession for souls in the beyond .... II. Reply to the doc-
trine that only ‘qualified’ praying men are entitled to pray for souls
.... 8616 B.90
Requested clarification regarding food .... 8041 B.85
Request, God’s blessing should be requested .... 7603 B.80
Requesting strength for the approaching time .... 7641 B.80
Resistance, Truthful knowledge can lessen resistance .... 8562 B.90
Responsibility for accepting misguided teachings .... 4740 B.54
Responsibility in earthly life .... 7486 B.79
Responsibility of parents and children .... 7149 B.76
Responsibility, Knowledge of God’s will .... Responsibility .... 7923 B.83
Responsibility, Personal responsibility .... Dogma .... 3329 B.43
Responsibility, Prehistoric human beings .... Responsibility .... 2513
Responsibility, State of responsibility .... Receptive hearts .... 7213
Responsibility, The office of Judge .... Responsibility .... 7095 B.75
Responsibility, Will and deed .... Responsibility .... 2489 B.33
Research, Stars .... Natural law .... Research to no avail .... 0254 B.05-
Researcher, Collision of Earth and Sun .... Researchers .... The Earth’s
core .... 0945 B.17-18
Researchers, Eruptions .... Work of Creation .... Researchers .... 0957

Resistance to evil through desire for God .... Spirit of light .... The
Word of God as weapon .... 0382 B.05-09
Resurrection into life .... 6514 B.70
Resurrection of Jesus .... Easter .... 8158 B.86
Resurrection of the dead into life .... 6811 B.73
Resurrection of the flesh .... 6000 B.65
Resurrection on the third day .... 6810 B.73 7320 B.77
Resurrection .... 5934 B.64
Resurrection .... Decomposition of the flesh .... 7262 B.77
Resurrection, Jesus’ resurrection and spiritualisation .... 7693 B.81
Resurrection, Jesus’ resurrection took the sting out of death 7086 B.75
Re-transformation into love .... Spiritual spark .... Outpouring of the
spirit .... 8510 B.89
Re-transformation, The being’s re-transformation .... 7380 B.78
Retribution - Atonement .... Eternal Order .... Forgiveness through
Christ .... 4837 B.55
Retribution .... Sin and atonement .... 4547 B.52
Retribution, Hour of reckoning - Judgment .... Retribution .... 6103
Retribution, Just retribution in the beyond .... 7422 B.78
Return to God necessitates sincerity of will .... 6823 B.73
Return to God, The path of return to God .... 7257 B.77
Reunion and associations in the beyond .... 6851 B.73
Reunion in the beyond in a mature state .... 4781 B.54
Reunion in the beyond in the kingdom of light .... 5365 B.59
Reunion in the beyond .... 6312 B.68
Revelation 16, 18 .... A Star .... 7421 B.78
Revelations are God’s help towards ascent .... 8268 B.87
Revelations, Divine revelation is the greatest source of grace .... 4015
Revelations, Divine revelations can be accepted without scrutiny ....
Love .... 4169 B.50
Revelations, Doubting divine revelations .... 8251 B.87

Revelations, Doubting divine revelations .... The adversary’s cunning
.... 5856 B.63
Revelations, Doubts Abiout God’s Revelations .... The Elements of Na-
ture .... 4020 B.49
Revelations, Duty of distributing the divine revelations .... 1797 B.27
Revelations, God Himself is the source of the revelations .... 8733 B.92
Revelations, God Himself substantiates the revelations with the near
end .... 8925 B.93
Revelations, God’s end-time revelation .... 6023 B.65
Revelations, Intellectual knowledge .... Study .... Revelations .... 6488
Revelations, New Revelations .... Reason .... Bible .... 6038 B.65
Revelations, Promises relating to divine revelations .... 8284 B.87
Revelations, Reason for divine revelations .... 8120 B.86
Revelations, Reason for the revelations .... 6848 B.73
Revelations, Renewed banishment is the reason for the unusual reve-
lations .... 7875 B.82
Revelations, Scrutinising the origin of a revelation .... 8724 B.92
Revelations, Scrutiny of genuine revelations .... 5320 B.59
Revelations, The purpose of God’s revelations .... 3377 B.44
Revelations, The Revelation of John .... 8535 B.90
Revelations, Touchstone of divine revelations: Jesus’ act of Salvation
.... 8479 B.89
Revelations, Two different kinds of revelations cannot be true .... 8460
Revelations, What can be regarded as divine revelation? .... 8862 B.93
Revelations, Why constantly New Revelations? .... 9002 B.94
Reward, The souls’ wretchedness .... Being of service and willing to
help .... Reward .... 0252 B.05-09
Right assessment of life on earth .... 6652 B.71
Right prayer is the bridge to God .... Jesus Christ .... The bridge to Me
is the prayer .... 5686 B.62
Right, Granting prayers .... The right relationship of a child with its
Father .... 8073 B.85

Right, Guests on earth .... Right custodians .... 6454 B.69
Right, Jesus Christ, leader on the right path .... 5733 B.62
Right, The human being’s right attitude concerning Jesus’ act of Sal-
vation .... 7024 B.75
Right, Voice of conscience .... Feeling .... Right path .... 6262 B.67
Right, What is a right prayer? .... 7274 B.77
Right, Who has the right to ‘teach’? .... 8758 B.92

Index S

Sacraments .... (Ordination to the priesthood - Anointing the sick)

8692 B.91
Sacraments, Tradition .... Sacraments .... Sacramental effect .... 6732
Salvation only through Jesus Christ .... 7034 B.75
Salvation through Jesus Christ .... 5724 B.62
Salvation-plan of God .... Primordial-sin .... Adam’s fall .... Work of
redemption 6973 B.74
Salvation, Atonement of guilt without Christ’s act of Salvation .... 2929
Salvation, Christ’s descent to earth once and now .... Act of Salvation
.... 5027 B.57
Salvation, Confessing Jesus and the act of Salvation .... 3787 B.47-48
Salvation, Constrained souls .... Act of Salvation .... 3718 B.47-48
Salvation, Continuation of the act of Salvation .... Mission .... 3748
Salvation, Cycle .... Concluding a period of Salvation .... 7996 B.84
Salvation, Day of Salvation or Day of Judgment? .... 5654 B.62
Salvation, End of a Period of Salvation and Start of a New One .... 7756
Salvation, End of the period of Salvation .... God’s plan of Salvation
.... 5278 B.58

Salvation, Explanation about re-incarnation .... Jesus and Salvation
.... 8495 B.89
Salvation, False Christs and prophets .... Characteristic: Salvation ....
8521 B.89
Salvation, God carries out his plan of Salvation .... 8656 B.91
Salvation, God will implement His act of Salvation .... 8338 B.88
Salvation, God, Phase of development unique during a period of sal-
vation .... Incarnation of beings of light .... Mission - Child of God ....
2875 B.37
Salvation, God’s blessing .... Plan of Salvation .... Change of will ....
7081 B.75
Salvation, God’s plan of Salvation is based on the human being’s free
will .... 7277 B.77
Salvation, Grace of the act of Salvation: fortified will .... 8418 B.88
Salvation, Historic evidence of Jesus and His act of Salvation does not
exist .... 8634 B.91
Salvation, Implementation of the plan of Salvation .... 7728 B.81
Salvation, Information about God’s plan of Salvation .... 8760 B.92
Salvation, Jesus’ act of Salvation was the beginning of a new phase in
the work of return .... 8600 B.90
Salvation, Jesus Christ’s act of Salvation .... 7781 B.81
Salvation, Knowledge of the eternal plan of Salvation .... 8088 B.85
Salvation, Knowledge of the original sin is necessary in order to un-
derstand the act of Salvation .... In order to acknowledge Jesus Christ
as the ‘Redeemer’ .... 8806 B.92
Salvation, Love .... Pleasure of giving .... Reciprocated love .... Belief
in Christ’s act of Salvation .... 4986 B.56
Salvation, New banishment of the spirits .... Salvation in one era ....
4777 B.54
Salvation, No beatitude without Salvation through Jesus Christ ....
8784 B.92
Salvation, Original sin and significance of the act of Salvation .... 7136
Salvation, Phase of development unique during a period of salvation

.... Incarnation of beings of light .... Mission - Child of God .... 2875
Salvation, Predetermined intervals of time as periods of Salvation ....
8085 B.85
Salvation, Significance of the act of Salvation .... 3635 B.46
Salvation, Spiritual low level .... The end of a salvation period .... 3805
Salvation, Taking notice of God’s plan of Salvation .... 7881 B.82
Salvation, Test the spirits .... Act of Salvation .... Criterion Jesus Christ
.... 4601 B.53
Salvation, The crucifixion started a period of Salvation .... 6600 B.71
Salvation, The end of a period of Salvation is assured to you .... 8748
Salvation, The human being’s right attitude concerning Jesus’ act of
Salvation .... 7024 B.75
Salvation, The infinite Love accomplished the act of Salvation .... 9001
Salvation, The magnitude of the original sin necessitates Salvation
through Jesus Christ .... 8652 B.91
Salvation, The true description of the act of Salvation .... 8731 B.92
Salvation, Touchstone of divine revelations: Jesus’ act of Salvation ....
8479 B.89
Satan bound .... The new earth .... 5769 B.63
Satan Prowl Around Like a Roaring Lion ....’ ‘Watch and Pray ....’ 4607
Satan rages with increased power .... Last days .... 5467 B.60
Satanic activity .... Countermeasure by embodied beings of light ....
7049 B.75
Satan’s activity .... 5535 B.61
Satan’s and the demons’ activity during the last days .... 6801 B.73
Satan’s bondage .... 3799 B.47-48
Satan’s disguise where light is conveyed to Earth .... 5427 B.60
Satan’s disguise .... Figure of light .... 4037 B.49
Satan’s nature .... Fall and redemption .... 5610 B.62

Satan’s power .... 5136 B.58
Satan’s raging during the last days .... Apostasy from faith .... 3958
Satan’s work as an angel of light .... (Fatima) 7460 B.78
Satan’s work of deception .... Mask .... Matter .... 2204 B.31
Satan’s work .... Heartfelt prayer for protection .... 5175 B.58
Satan, Apparitions of Mary .... Signs and miracles .... Satan’s activity
.... 6478 B.69
Satan, Eternal order is love .... Satan’s activity .... 6385 B.68
Satan, Expression of the Divine Spirit .... Satan as an Angel of Light
.... 5240 B.58
Satan, False Christs and prophets .... Satan’s mask .... 5677 B.62
Satan, Love of the world - Satan’s followers .... Love of God - Over-
coming matter .... 5039 B.57
Satan, Test the spirits .... Satan’s great power before the end .... Doubts
.... 4968 B.56
Satan, The guise of piety .... Satan’s activity .... 6102 B.66
Satan, The path through Satan’s world .... 8869 B.93
Satan, Unbelief before the end .... Satan’s activity .... 7074 B.75
Satan, Who admires the world also honors Satan 5776 B.63
Saturn .... 1008 B.19-20
Saviour and Physician .... 5279 B.58
Saviour of body and soul .... 4626 B.53
Saviour, Antichrist - A saviour? .... Anti-spiritual activism .... 4029
Saviour, Battle of faith - Immense adversity - Professing Christ ....
Saviour .... 5028 B.57
Saviour, Jesus came as Saviour .... 6951 B.74
Saviour, Messiah, Saviour of humankind .... 8353 B.88
Saviour, Surrender to Jesus .... Saviour and Physician .... Redeemer ....
6508 B.70
Saviour, The Dying Saviour’s Last Words on the Cross .... Audible Word
.... Appearance .... 4630 B.53
Saviour, The Saviour’s love .... Spiritual vision .... 0195 B.05-09

Saviour, The Saviour’s visible presence .... Degree of love .... 1077 B.19-
Saviour, The Saviour’s Word .... Guiding star in the darkness of night
.... 0221 B.05-09
Saviour, The Saviour’s Words .... Storm clouds .... 0201 B.05-09
Saviour, Warning .... The Saviour’s love .... Warning against evil forces
.... 0211 B.05-09 0212 B.05-09
Scholars .... Rich and poor .... Pound .... Indications .... 0191 B.05-09
0192 B.05-09
School of the spirit .... 5102 B.57
School, Christianity .... Formalities .... Fight against schools of thought
permitted .... 2292 B.32
School, Different schools of thought .... Christ’s teaching .... 4395 B.51
School, Different schools of thought .... Where is truth? .... 6627 B.71
School, Earth - School for the spirit .... Means to an end .... An end in
itself .... 5750 B.62
School, New school of thought .... Human work .... 3366 B.44
School, Unification of different schools of thought during the battle
of faith .... 3947 B.49
School, Unity with God .... School of suffering .... 4352 B.51
School, Various schools of thought .... Pretended worship .... 8686
School, Various schools of thought .... There is only one truth .... 8990
Science, Divine truth .... Science .... 0242 B.05-09
Scrutinising spiritual knowledge .... 7675 B.81
Scrutinising the origin of a revelation .... 8724 B.92
Scrutinising the source of spiritual knowledge .... 3544 B.45
Scrutinising, Suitability for scrutinising spiritual gifts .... 2894 B.37
Scrutinising, The human being’s duty is to scrutinise spiritual infor-
mation .... 8364 B.88
Scrutiny of genuine revelations .... 5320 B.59
Scrutiny of spiritual knowledge advisable .... 6287 B.68
Scrutiny of spiritual knowledge presupposes bond with God .... 8828

Scrutiny of spiritual knowledge .... 7918 B.83
Scrutiny of spiritual knowledge .... Calling upon the spirit .... 7499
Scrutiny of spiritual results by worldly researchers .... 3192 B.41-42
Scrutiny of spiritual values for divine origin .... 7255 B.77
Scrutiny, Characteristic of truth .... Meaning of the letter .... Scrutiny
and ability .... 2849 B.37
Scrutiny, Divine revelations can be accepted without scrutiny .... Love
.... 4169 B.50
Scrutiny, Serious scrutiny and will for truth .... 3686 B.46
Scrutiny, Spiritual reception or mental work? .... Serious scrutiny ....
5135 B.57
Scrutiny, The working of the spirit .... Scrutiny .... Proof: Oratorical
gift .... Truth - Error .... God’s messengers .... 4588 B.53
Seclusion from the world .... Monastery? .... 0391 B.05-09
Seclusion, Inner life... Withdrawing into seclusion .... 4343 B.51
‘Seek ye first the kingdom of God ....’ 6968 B.74
Seeming contradictions in God’s Word .... 4172 B.50
Self-awareness of the original spirit .... 7569 B.80
Self-awareness, Correct decision of will in the state of self-awareness
.... 8378 B.88
Self-awareness, Free will and self-awareness .... 7370 B.78
Self-awareness, Stage of Self-Awareness .... 7413 B.78
Self-awareness, Strength and self-awareness .... Thinking ability - Will
.... 8637 B.91
Self-awareness, The creations’ lack of self-awareness .... 6344 B.68
Selfishness .... God’s intervention is the last resort .... 2223 B.31
Selfishness, Danger of selfishness .... Love for God and one’s neigh-
bour .... 0343 B.05-09
Self-knowledge .... Psychological work .... Grace .... Humility .... 3244
Selfless distribution of the Word .... 7744 B.81
Selfless service in every walk of life .... Poverty .... Willingness to give

.... 3918 B.49
Selfless vineyard work .... 7809 B.82
Sense of Justice .... 1621 B.25
Sense of justice .... Judging one’s fellow human being .... 1869 B.28
Sensual love .... 0873 B.17-18
Separation of the planets .... 6323 B.68
Separation of the spirits .... The end of an earthly period .... 7611 B.80
Separation, Distance from God is a wretched state .... No separation
.... 5123 B.57
Separation, Final separation .... The coming of the Lord .... 6979 B.74
Separation, The Termination of the Fight .... Spatial Separation ....
3371 B.44
Sequence of the catastrophic event .... 1538 B.25
Serious admonition and warning of transience .... 5594 B.61
Serious admonition to consider the life after death .... 5180 B.58
Serious admonition .... (Discord and unkindness ....) 0720 B.14-16
Serious admonition .... Materialistic outlook .... 5705 B.62
Serious Admonition .... The Final Phase of the Earth .... 5383 B.59
Serious admonitions about Christian neighbourly love .... 4096 B.50
Serious admonitions .... 6194 B.67
Serious examination of spiritual knowledge with God’s support ....
7584 B.80
Serious reference to the end .... 5219 B.58
Serious scrutiny and will for truth .... 3686 B.46
Serious wake-up call .... 5397 B.59
Serious warning about God’s intervention and consequences .... 7052
Serious warning about the end .... 7596 B.80
Serious warning against psychic receptions .... 7977 B.83
Serious Words from the heavenly Father .... Physician .... Medicine ....
6084 B.66
Serious Words of admonition regarding the end .... 7211 B.76
Serious, Answers to questions .... Serious examination of the origin
.... 7311 B.77

Serious, Spiritual reception or mental work? .... Serious scrutiny ....
5135 B.57
Seriously striving for the kingdom of God .... 6376 B.68
Servant, I need you .... The Custodian’s concern for His servants ....
5085 B.57
Service, Spiritual explanation for the eruptions .... Service in the light
.... 1826 B.27
Seventh and eighth commandment .... 4982 B.56
Severe hardship before the last rescue mission .... 3620 B.46
Severe suffering can result in childship to God .... 8980 B.94
Severe, Childship to God .... Severe trials .... 2882 B.37
Shaping of new Earth, Duration of shaping the new Earth .... Paradise
.... 3595 B.46
Shepherd, The good Shepherd .... ‘My Own recognise My voice ....’
4295 B.51 6845 B.73
Shield of faith .... Trust .... God’s protection .... 4720 B.54
Short or long lifetime .... 7538 B.79
Sign of the near end: spiritual decline .... Apparent state of peace ....
4747 B.54
Sign, Certain sign of the end is the small flock of fighters for God ....
4027 B.49
Sign, Unmistakable sign of spiritual low level: Rejection of the divine
Word .... 4520 B.52
Significance of Jesus’ crucifixion and consequences of rejection ....
2768 B.34-36
Significance of the act of Salvation .... 3635 B.46
Significance of the era .... Christ’s embodiment on earth .... 4774 B.54
Significance of the spirit’s voice .... Close to the goal .... 4325 B.51
Significance, Original sin and significance of the act of Salvation ....
7136 B.76
Significance, Purpose of the Work .... Numerical Prediction .... Trans-
mission of Inconceivable Significance .... 1086 B.19-20
Significance, The Significance of Holy Communion .... 7909 B.82
Significance, The significance of life on earth as a human being ....

8414 B.88
Significance, The significance of realisation .... 8034 B.84
Signs and indications pointing to the end .... 6501 B.69
Signs before the catastrophe (Anxiety of people and animals ....) 4371
Signs of the end .... 4523 B.52
Signs of the last days .... 7737 B.81 8277 B.87
Signs of the last days .... Battle of faith .... Chaos .... 3209 B.41-42
Signs of the world catastrophe .... 1795 B.27
Signs, Announcement of the end and signs of the time .... 8310 B.87
Signs, Apparitions of Mary .... Signs and miracles .... Satan’s activity
.... 6478 B.69
Signs, Extraordinary events are signs of the approaching end .... 4928
Signs, False Christs .... Signs and miracles .... 2353 B.32
Signs, Healing the sick .... Signs and miracles .... Evidence of faith ....
5966 B.65
Signs, Pure truth .... Signs .... Wonders .... 0186 B.05-09
Signs, Spiritual Reverse Pace .... Signs of the End .... 4390 B.51
Silent prayer .... Public confession .... 6012 B.65
Simple form of prayer .... 3734 B.47-48
Sincere desire for truth guarantees truth .... 7629 B.80
Sincere longing for unification with God .... 7303 B.77
Sincerely pursue the thought of redemption through Jesus .... 9017
Sincerity of prayer strengthens faith .... 3778 B.47-48
Sincerity, Return to God necessitates sincerity of will .... 6823 B.73
Sluggish thinking .... 6296 B.68
Social contributions .... 6360 B.68
Soft light .... Deceptive light .... (Sensationalism ....) 6639 B.71
Sorrow and joy, Suffering .... Participation in the Redemption work ....
Sorrow and joy are short-lived .... 0250 B.05-09
Sorrow, Life on earth for improvement .... Sorrow of spiritual friends
.... 0229 B.05-09

Soul, The souls’ adversity on earth .... Help by means of this connec-
tion .... 0251 B.05-09
Soul, The souls’ wretchedness .... Being of service and willing to help
.... Reward .... 0252 B.05-09
Souls in the beyond participate in teachings .... 8942 B.94
Souls of the deceased close to earth .... 2075 B.30
Souls, Answer to questions about Immaculate Conception and advan-
tages of the souls of light .... 6673 B.72
Souls, Appeals for a gift of strength for the souls of the deceased ....
9014 B.94
Souls, Blissful condition of mature souls and the state of imperfection
in the beyond .... 4801 B.54
Souls, Bringing the Gospel to souls in the beyond .... Love .... 5901
Souls, Constrained souls .... Act of Salvation .... 3718 B.47-48
Souls, Contact with the deceased .... Souls close to Earth .... 2401 B.32
Souls, Directing the souls in the beyond to Jesus Christ .... 7839 B.82
Souls, God’s address to souls in the beyond .... 8900 B.93
Souls, God’s Word is felt as a flow of strength by the souls in the be-
yond .... 5745 B.62
Souls, Happiness and gratitude of redeemed souls .... 6423 B.69
Souls, Help for poor souls .... Love redeems .... 5203 B.58
Souls, Incarnation of many light souls during the last days .... 4803
Souls, Intercession for souls in the beyond .... I. 8611 B.90
Souls, Intercession for souls in the beyond .... II. Reply to the doctrine
that only ‘qualified’ praying men are entitled to pray for souls .... 8616
Souls, ‘Judging’ the souls at the end .... 8219 B.86
Souls, Mutual help from beings in the beyond for the care of misguided
souls .... Suffering as aid .... 1400 B.23-24 1401 B.23-24
Souls, Needy souls beg for prayers .... 2381 B.32
Souls, Needy souls .... Remorse .... Loving help .... 3256 B.41-42
Souls, Prayer for poor souls .... 4305 B.51

Souls, Prayers for souls in the beyond which had not acquired love on
earth .... 2165 B.31
Souls, Redeeming help for souls in the beyond through people .... 5178
Souls, Redeeming the souls .... Bearers of light .... Knowledge - Light
.... 1947 B.28
Souls, Redeeming work for souls in the beyond in God’s will .... 5964
Souls, Relationship of similar souls .... 8585 B.90
Souls, Remorse of souls who rejected divine gifts of grace .... 4887 B.55
Souls, Souls in the beyond participate in teachings .... 8942 B.94
Souls, Souls of the deceased close to earth .... 2075 B.30
Souls, Stars .... Dwelling place for souls .... Sun-light .... 0258 B.05-09
Souls, Straying souls in the expanse of ether .... Light and darkness ....
Beyond .... Light .... 0203 B.05-09
Souls, The souls’ agonising fate in the beyond .... 8224 B.87
Souls, The souls’ fate after death varies .... 8745 B.92
Souls, The souls’ fate in the beyond .... 6920 B.74
Souls, The souls’ great hardship in the beyond .... 5767 B.63
Souls, The souls’ hardship in the beyond .... Intercession .... Change
of will .... 5318 B.59
Souls, The souls’ purification process in the beyond .... 3627 B.46
Souls, The souls’ redemption from the abyss through Jesus Christ ....
Beyond .... 5153 B.58
Souls, The souls’ state of darkness in the beyond and help by beings
of light .... 3952 B.49
Souls, The state of souls in the beyond .... Misguided belief - unbelief
- love .... 5332 B.59
Souls, Will for descendants .... Waiting souls .... 2795 B.37
Souls, Work of love for misguided souls .... 3483 B.45
Space exploration is not God’s will .... 7886 B.82
Speaking in tongues .... Warning against wrong spirit .... 6013b B.65
Speaking in tongues, About speaking in tongues .... 8835 B.93
Speaking in tongues, Divine Working of the spirit .... Speaking in tongues

.... 7855 B.82 7856 B.82
Speaking in tongues, Indication of the adversary’s activity .... (Speak-
ing in tongues) 8641 B.91
Special mission: Fighting for truth .... 5335 B.59
Speedy end .... Fulfilment of the predictions .... 6106 B.66
Spirit of light, Resistance to evil through desire for God .... Spirit of
light .... The Word of God as weapon .... 0382 B.05-09
Spirit, Prayer in spirit and in truth .... 3515 B.45
Spirit, The working of the spirit exceeds a scholar’s knowledge .... 8846
Spiritual action .... 5015 B.56
Spiritual adversity, Confused thinking - Spiritual adversity .... Free
will .... 5565 B.61
Spiritual adversity, Help in earthly and spiritual adversity .... Recip-
rocated love .... 5823 B.63
Spiritual and earthly change close at hand .... 6529 B.70
Spiritual apathy, Depression .... Spiritual and physical apathy .... 0599
Spiritual attitude, Earth’s state of peace depends on spiritual attitude
.... 0703 B.14-16
Spiritual arrogance, Rejection of the divine Word in spiritual arro-
gance .... 7203 B.76
Spiritual beings, Act of creating the spiritual beings .... 7067 B.75
Spiritual beings, Blissful spiritual beings require process of develop-
ment on earth for childship to God .... 3908 B.49
Spiritual beings, Effect on uninformed spiritual beings .... 0190 B.05-
Spiritual beings, Evil forces .... Good spiritual beings .... Reason and
miracle of the proclamations .... 0255 B.05-09
Spiritual beings, Hallowed halls .... Blessing of the work for spiritual
beings .... 0187 B.05-09
Spiritual care, God’s spiritual and physical care for His Own .... 3701
Spiritual change .... Professing Jesus Christ... 1748 B.27

Spiritual chaos .... World conflagration .... Messiah .... The forerunner
of the Lord .... 0801 B.17-18
Spiritual coercion .... 6967 B.74
Spiritual coercion .... Dogma .... 4993 B.56
Spiritual coercion .... Human commandments .... Fighting the teach-
ing of Christ .... 2412 B.32
Spiritual community .... Working together .... 5091 B.57
Spiritual compulsion .... Doctrines .... Truth .... 5446 B.60 5546 B.61
Spiritual concentration before acceptance .... Strict self-criticism ....
4624 B.53
Spiritual contacts, Establishing spiritual contacts on earth .... Help
from the beings in the beyond .... 1750 B.27
Spiritual conversations, Desire for light in the beyond .... Spiritual
conversations .... 5487 B.60
Spiritual conversations, God’s presence during spiritual conversations
.... 3983 B.49
Spiritual creations .... Beatitude .... ‘Eye hath not seen ....’ 3670 B.46
Spiritual creations, God’s creative will .... Spiritual and earthly cre-
ations .... 3943 B.49
Spiritual darkness .... Denial of free will .... 8776 B.92
Spiritual death and renewed banishment .... 7644 B.80
Spiritual death, Renewed Banishment is the Result of Spiritual Death
.... 7591 B.80
Spiritual death, Strokes of fate .... Spiritual death .... 7853 B.82
Spiritual debates are necessary for clarification .... 4315 B.51
Spiritual decline due to error and falsehood .... 6476 B.69
Spiritual decline, Sign of the near end: spiritual decline .... Apparent
state of peace .... 4747 B.54
Spiritual disintegration .... Raging of the elements .... Fertile ground
.... 1095 B.19-20
Spiritual emanation, Process of transmission is an act of spiritual em-
anation of strength .... 2105 B.30
Spiritual energy, Life energy - Spiritual energy .... 5269 B.58
Spiritual exchange of thoughts .... 4710 B.54

Spiritual explanation for the eruptions .... Service in the light .... 1826
Spiritual friends, Life on earth for improvement .... Sorrow of spiritual
friends .... 0229 B.05-09
Spiritual gift, Attitude of intellectuals regarding spiritual gifts .... 5754
Spiritual gift, Striving for spiritual gifts .... Characteristic of the church
of Christ .... 6551 B.70
Spiritual gift, Suitability for scrutinising spiritual gifts .... 2894 B.37
Spiritual guardians, Beings of light are people’s spiritual guardians ....
3981 B.49
Spiritual guides, Guardian spirit .... Spiritual guides .... 6636 B.71
Spiritual hardship can only remedied by spreading the pure Gospel ....
5465 B.60
Spiritual hardship greater than earthly .... The adversary’s activity ....
5526 B.61
Spiritual hardship, God reveals Himself in times of spiritual hardship
.... 8098 B.85
Spiritual hardship, People don’t know about their immense spiritual
hardship .... 8633 B.91
Spiritual hardship, What is Spiritual Hardship? .... 7209 B.76
Spiritual hunger, Awakening spiritual hunger .... 5518 B.61
Spiritual influences, questions - truth .... 5026 B.57
Spiritual information without material gain .... 6391 B.68
Spiritual information, Examining deviating spiritual information ....
(Spiritualism?) 4971 B.56
Spiritual information, Examining Spiritual Information .... 8407 B.88
Spiritual information, The human being’s duty is to scrutinise spiri-
tual information .... 8364 B.88
Spiritual kingdom, Bliss in the spiritual kingdom .... 4578 B.53
Spiritual kingdom, Contact with the spiritual kingdom .... 6682 B.72
Spiritual kingdom, Different spheres in the spiritual kingdom .... 3316
Spiritual kingdom, Fear of dying .... Beholding the spiritual kingdom

before death .... 6637 B.71
Spiritual kingdom, Love is the key to the spiritual kingdom .... 5314
Spiritual kingdom, New spiritual kingdom .... Prophet .... New human
race .... 1107 B.19-20
Spiritual kingdom, Overcoming matter .... Spiritual kingdom .... 5796
Spiritual kingdom, The bridge into the spiritual kingdom .... Jesus ....
5640 B.62
Spiritual kingdom, Thought transmission from the spiritual kingdom
.... 3700 B.47-48
Spiritual kingdom, Thoughts from the spiritual kingdom .... 3628 B.46
Spiritual knowledge must concur with the transmitted Word from above
.... 9003 B.94 9004 B.94
Spiritual knowledge proves awakening and bond with God .... 8210
Spiritual knowledge, Free will must accept spiritual knowledge .... 8753
Spiritual knowledge, Holding on to misguided spiritual knowledge ....
Desire for truth .... 8534 B.90
Spiritual knowledge, Introduction to spiritual knowledge .... 8341 B.88
Spiritual knowledge, Obligation to pass on spiritual knowledge .... 3390
Spiritual knowledge, Reminder to endure .... Spiritual knowledge ....
0182 B.05-09
Spiritual knowledge, Scrutinising spiritual knowledge .... 7675 B.81
Spiritual knowledge, Scrutinising the source of spiritual knowledge
.... 3544 B.45
Spiritual knowledge, Scrutiny of spiritual knowledge advisable .... 6287
Spiritual knowledge, Scrutiny of spiritual knowledge presupposes bond
with God .... 8828 B.93
Spiritual knowledge, Scrutiny of spiritual knowledge .... 7918 B.83
Spiritual knowledge, Scrutiny of spiritual knowledge .... Calling upon

the spirit .... 7499 B.79
Spiritual knowledge, Serious examination of spiritual knowledge with
God’s support .... 7584 B.80
Spiritual knowledge, Spiritual knowledge must concur with the trans-
mitted Word from above .... 9003 B.94 9004 B.94
Spiritual knowledge, Spiritual knowledge proves awakening and bond
with God .... 8210 B.86
Spiritual knowledge, Spoilt spiritual knowledge has to be corrected ....
8877 B.93
Spiritual knowledge, Study does not guarantee spiritual knowledge ....
8842 B.93
Spiritual knowledge, The blessing of spiritual knowledge in the be-
yond .... 5554 B.61
Spiritual knowledge, Thought currents .... Prerequisites for easy ac-
ceptance of spiritual knowledge .... 0888 B.17-18
Spiritual leaders, Incarnated beings of light .... Mission of spiritual
leaders .... 3391 B.44
Spiritual level, Low spiritual level .... 7810 B.82
Spiritual level, Low spiritual level .... Test of faith .... Battle .... Rap-
ture .... 8017 B.84
Spiritual low level is the reason for the disintegration .... 8026 B.84
Spiritual low level necessitates upheaval of earth .... 7581 B.80
Spiritual low level .... Lovelessness .... Selfish love .... 8712 B.91 5650
Spiritual low level .... The end of a salvation period .... 3805 B.47-48
Spiritual low level, The spiritual low level has been reached .... 6417
Spiritual low level, Unmistakable sign of spiritual low level: Rejection
of the divine Word .... 4520 B.52
Spiritual low state, People’s low spiritual state necessitates an end ....
8427 B.89
Spiritual meaning of the Word .... 3735 B.47-48
Spiritual meaning, Last Supper .... Spiritual meaning .... Flesh - blood
.... 4379 B.51

Spiritual means, Earthly limitations can be exceeded by spiritual means
.... 6633 B.71
Spiritual Messages Must Profess Jesus Christ as Redeemer of the World
.... 8826 B.93
Spiritual mission, Jesus’ spiritual mission .... 6985 B.74
Spiritual motive, The Redemption Work and its Spiritual Motive ....
8303 B.87
Spiritual order, Perfect spiritual order .... Disorder .... 1469 B.23-24
Spiritual possessions, Instruction to work for spiritual possessions ....
Realisation .... 0218 B.05-09
Spiritual powers, Direction of will determines the influence of spiri-
tual powers .... 3801 B.47-48
Spiritual pride and its danger .... 7803 B.82
Spiritual progress through self-denial .... 5738 B.62
Spiritual protection .... Warning .... 0213 B.05-09
Spiritual protection, Pray with trust in the Lord .... Spiritual protec-
tion .... 0220 B.05-09
Spiritual realm, Taking stock of oneself and contact with the spiritual
realm .... 7470 B.79
Spiritual realm, Thoughts are emanations from the spiritual realm ....
6843 B.73
Spiritual rebirth .... 2360 B.32 3704 B.47-48 4641 B.53 4893 B.55 5650
Spiritual rebirth, The hour of Christ’s birth .... Spiritual rebirth ....
0227 B.05-09
Spiritual rebirth, The working of the spirit .... Spiritual rebirth .... 4869
Spiritual reception or mental work? .... Serious scrutiny .... 5135 B.57
Spiritual receptions, Examination of spiritual ‘receptions’ .... 8337 B.88
Spiritual redemption is the only purpose .... 3743 B.47-48
Spiritual results should not be underestimated .... Spirit is superior to
intellect .... 8617 B.90
Spiritual results, Concord of spiritual results .... Truth .... 3328 B.43
Spiritual results, Scrutiny of spiritual results by worldly researchers

.... 3192 B.41-42
Spiritual Reverse Pace .... Signs of the End .... 4390 B.51
Spiritual spark, Awakening the divine spiritual spark will guarantee a
change in character .... 7984 B.83
Spiritual spark, Deification .... Spiritual spark .... Whitsun May 25,
1955 6269 B.67
Spiritual spark, Explanation about ‘spiritual spark’ and ‘soul’ .... 6210
Spiritual spark, Re-transformation into love .... Spiritual spark .... Out-
pouring of the spirit .... 8510 B.89
Spiritual spark, The soul .... The spiritual spark in the human being
.... 1618 B.25
Spiritual spark, Union of the spiritual spark with the Father-Spirit ....
Jesus .... 6575 B.70
Spiritual state before the crucifixion .... Book of Books .... 8397 B.88
Spiritual strength, Matter is consolidated spiritual strength .... 7802
Spiritual strength, Thoughts are spiritual strength .... 1757 B.27
Spiritual substances, Eruptions are an Act of Liberation for the Spiri-
tual Substances Bound in the Solid Form .... 2175 B.31
Spiritual superiority is not spiritual arrogance .... 7730 B.81
Spiritual supremacy, Battle for spiritual supremacy .... 2301 B.32
Spiritual thoughts, Earthly or spiritual thought currents .... 7222 B.76
Spiritual transformation, Notice of an event .... Spiritual transforma-
tion .... (Rome?) 2521 B.33
Spiritual treasures, Gathering spiritual treasures on earth .... Regret
in the beyond .... 4455 B.52
Spiritual treasures, Loss of earthly possessions can result in spiritual
treasures .... 5503 B.60
Spiritual turning point is not a reversal but renewed banishment ....
4875 B.55
Spiritual turning point .... Alteration of this earth .... 5630 B.62
Spiritual turning point .... The approach of night .... 6250 B.67
Spiritual turning-point .... Total transformation of earth .... 4533 B.52

Spiritual values, Scrutiny of spiritual values for divine origin .... 7255
Spiritual vision, Heavenly glory .... Spiritual vision .... 2284 B.32
Spiritual vision, The Saviour’s love .... Spiritual vision .... 0195 B.05-
Spiritual work, Delusions .... Spiritual working group .... 2874 B.37
Spiritual work, God’s blessing and guidance of the spiritual work ....
8810 B.92
Spiritual work, The blessing of spiritual work .... 7327 B.77
Spiritual world, The spiritual and material world oppose each other
.... 3593 B.46
Spiritual, Antichrist - A saviour? .... Anti-spiritual activism .... 4029
Spiritual, Are the creations of a spiritual or material kind .... Diversity
of stars .... 8838 B.93
Spiritual, issues Earthly and spiritual issues .... Inhabitants of other
planets (flying saucers) 6065 B.65
Spiritualisation of Jesus’ body .... 8574 B.90
Spiritualisation of soul and body .... What is the physical body? ....
8573 B.90
Spiritualisation, Jesus’ resurrection and spiritualisation .... 7693 B.81
Spiritualisation, Last Judgment .... Spiritualisation of earth .... 4125
Spiritualisation, Suffering spiritualises soul and body .... 8593 B.90
Spiritualisation, Total Disintegration of the Earth .... Spiritualisation
.... 5655 B.62
Spiritualism, Contact with the beyond .... Willingness to give .... (Spir-
itualism) .... 2496 B.33
Spiritualism, Divine guidance and direction .... Spiritualism .... Truth
.... 0793 B.14-16
Spiritually, Total change earthly and spiritually .... 3204 B.41-42
Spiritually, Transformation of the external shape after physical death
.... Being spiritually dead .... Activity - Inactivity .... 2144 B.31
Spoilt spiritual knowledge has to be corrected .... 8877 B.93

Spreading the Gospel on God’s behalf .... 5746 B.62
Spreading the Gospel throughout the whole world .... 7055 B.75
Spreading the Gospel .... End time disciples .... 5226 B.58
Spreading the Gospel .... Jesus Christ .... 7528 B.79
Spreading the Gospel, Important mission .... Spreading the Gospel ....
5977 B.65
St. John 21, 25 .... 7647 B.80
Stage of Self-Awareness .... 7413 B.78
Standstill of earthly life .... 7533 B.79
Stars .... Dwelling place for souls .... Sun-light .... 0258 B.05-09
Stars .... Natural law .... Research to no avail .... 0254 B.05-09
Stars, Are the creations of a spiritual or material kind .... Diversity of
stars .... 8838 B.93
Stars, Astrology .... Destiny in the stars .... 4748 B.54
Stars, Contact between stars .... (UFOs) 7208 B.76
Stars, Correct thinking .... God’s guidance .... Stars .... 0772 B.14-16
Stars, Eruptions .... Diversity of stars .... 1823 B.27
State of compulsion, Freedom of will .... Divine order .... State of com-
pulsion .... 6166 B.66
State of compulsion, In the state of compulsion progress is guaran-
teed .... but as human being? .... 8936 B.94
State of compulsion, Living beings .... Activity .... State of compulsion
.... Free will .... Being of service with love .... 3378 B.44
State of darkness, The souls’ state of darkness in the beyond and help
by beings of light .... 3952 B.49
State of imperfection, Blissful condition of mature souls and the state
of imperfection in the beyond .... 4801 B.54
State of light .... 0977 B.17-18
State of paradise on the new earth .... 8352 B.88
State of pease, Earth’s state of peace depends on spiritual attitude ....
0703 B.14-16
State of pease, Sign of the near end: spiritual decline .... Apparent
state of peace .... 4747 B.54
State of responsibility .... Receptive hearts .... 7213 B.76

State of self-awareness, Correct decision of will in the state of self-
awareness .... 8378 B.88
State of souls, The state of souls in the beyond .... Misguided belief -
unbelief - love .... 5332 B.59
State of Twilight in the Beyond .... 7418 B.78
Statements by seers and prophets .... 6936 B.74
Stormy times before the Last Judgment .... Paradise .... 3606 B.46
Straying souls in the expanse of ether .... Light and darkness .... Be-
yond .... Light .... 0203 B.05-09
Strength and grace in the last days .... 3750 B.47-48
Strength and self-awareness .... Thinking ability - Will .... 8637 B.91
Strength of faith of a living but wrong belief .... 4936 B.56
Strength of faith .... Antichrist .... Counteraction 5719 B.62 5723 B.62
Strength of faith .... Healing the sick .... Miracles .... 5843 B.63
Strength of faith .... Help in every need .... 3660 B.46
Strength of faith .... Nourishing the believers .... 8848 B.93
Strength of intercession .... 5161 B.58
Strength of love .... Healing the sick .... Performing miracles .... 5358
Strength of love, Task in the beyond .... Strength of love .... 0231 B.05-
Strength of the divine Word .... Prophet .... The Lord’s return .... 2797
Strength, Apparent calm .... Exceptional strength .... The coming of
the Lord .... 5972 B.65
Strength, Appeals for a gift of strength for the souls of the deceased
.... 9014 B.94
Strength, Battle of faith .... The strength of Jesus’ name .... The com-
ing of the Lord .... 4643 B.53
Strength, Battle of faith .... Time of adversity .... Strength of faith ....
5285 B.58
Strength, Change of will .... Jesus Christ .... Mercy - Light - Strength
.... 6450 B.69
Strength, Contact with God .... Influx of strength .... 3482 B.45

Strength, ‘Draw strength from My Word ....’ Prediction .... 1511 B.23-
Strength, Effect of the strength of love .... 7355 B.78
Strength, Gathering strength ahead of the chaos .... 8549 B.90
Strength, God’s promise of help .... Strength of faith .... 6704 B.72
Strength, God’s strength can also grant physical recovery .... 7980 B.83
Strength, God’s Word is felt as a flow of strength by the souls in the
beyond .... 5745 B.62
Strength, God’s Word provides comfort and strength in greatest need
.... 3448 B.44
Strength, Living faith and its strength .... 3717 B.47-48
Strength, Matter is consolidated spiritual strength .... 7802 B.82
Strength, Prayer for grace and strength .... 3714 B.47-48
Strength, Prayer for strength and grace .... Pride .... Humility .... 8589
Strength, Process of transmission is an act of spiritual emanation of
strength .... 2105 B.30
Strength, Receiving the divine Word is an act of utmost will of strength
.... 3419 B.44
Strength, Reception of one’s own strength .... Without outside influ-
ence .... 0244 B.05-09
Strength, Redeeming strength of Jesus’ name .... 7066 B.75
Strength, Rejecting the strength of love was the ‘sin’ .... 8880 B.93
Strength, Requesting strength for the approaching time .... 7641 B.80
Strength, Sincerity of prayer strengthens faith .... 3778 B.47-48
Strength, The strength of Jesus’ name .... 6663 B.71
Strength, The strength of the Word .... Daily work of improving the
soul .... 7514a B.79 7514b B.79
Strength, Thinking apparatus .... Influx of good or evil strength ....
2363 B.32
Strength, Thoughts are spiritual strength .... 1757 B.27
Strength, Willpower .... Strength and might .... 3724 B.47-48
Strength, Wisdom, light and strength are as one .... 2194 B.31
Strengthening of will and supply of strength through Jesus .... 7762

Strengthening of will through Jesus Christ .... Assessment of will ....
7035 B.75
Striving for spiritual gifts .... Characteristic of the church of Christ ....
6551 B.70
Striving towards the goal .... God’s help .... 6329 B.68
Strokes of fate .... Remedies .... 6290 B.68
Strokes of fate .... Spiritual death .... 7853 B.82
Strokes of fate .... The Father’s love .... 6277 B.67
Strokes of fate, Explanation about strokes of fate .... 6330 B.68
Strokes of fate, Process of purification through strokes of fate .... 6987
Strokes of fate, Purpose of harsh strokes of fate: Bond with God ....
8206 B.86
Strokes of fate, Reason for painful strokes of fate .... 7928 B.83
Strong faith .... Following Jesus .... 5726 B.62
Strong faith .... Success .... Love .... 6110 B.66
Struggle for existence is essential .... 6738 B.72
Struggle for faith not in vain .... 3752 B.47-48
Struggle for truth .... Help through prayer .... 0253 B.05-09
Struggle, Ending the struggle between the nations .... 2361 B.32
Struggle, God’s intervention .... The end of the struggle .... 3143 B.41-
Study does not guarantee spiritual knowledge .... 8842 B.93
Submitting to the will of the Most High .... 0214 B.05-09
Success at the end of an earth-period .... Scientists .... 6081 B.66
Success, Constant contact with God ensures success .... 5785 B.63
Success, Strong faith .... Success .... Love .... 6110 B.66
Sudden end amid the ecstasy of worldly pleasure .... 5589 B.61
Sudden end even for the believers .... 5712 B.62
Suffering .... Participation in the Redemption work .... Sorrow and joy
are short-lived .... 0250 B.05-09
Suffering and dying .... 6233 B.67
Suffering as means of purifying the soul or love .... 7157 B.76

Suffering proves God’s love .... Fire of purification .... 4959 B.56
Suffering purifies the soul .... 7248 B.77
Suffering spiritualises soul and body .... 8593 B.90
Suffering, Are dissolved particles capable of suffering? .... 8511 B.89
Suffering, Bearing suffering for fellow human beings .... 8508 B.89
Suffering, Belief in Jesus Christ .... Christ’s suffering .... 5847 B.63
Suffering, Blessing of ill health and suffering .... 0687 B.14-16
Suffering, Blessing of illness and suffering .... Maturing fully .... 5194
Suffering, Blessing of suffering .... 5904 B.64
Suffering, Cause, purpose and aim of suffering .... Awareness .... Tran-
sience .... 3610 B.46
Suffering, Childship to God .... Tremendous suffering on Earth .... 3352
Suffering, Christ’s suffering .... 5092 B.57
Suffering, Cloud formation in the sky .... Christ’s suffering and death
.... 1081 B.19-20
Suffering, Cup of suffering .... God’s love .... 3733 B.47-48
Suffering, Diversity of earthly existence .... You would pray for suffer-
ing .... 0579 B.10-13
Suffering, Even suffering is grace .... ‘Father, Your will be done ....’
0659 B.14-16
Suffering, God’s love can also be found in suffering .... 5920 B.64
Suffering, God’s love .... Suffering or happiness .... Granting of prayer
.... 3382 B.44
Suffering, Helping or fighting .... Different purposes for suffering ....
3230 B.41-42
Suffering, Hour of death .... Explanation of suffering .... 4033 B.49
Suffering, Human being, Bearing suffering for fellow human beings
.... 8508 B.89
Suffering, Illness and suffering are necessary to purify the soul ....
7028 B.75
Suffering, Jesus took all suffering upon Himself .... Why suffering? ....
6240 B.67

Suffering, Life on earth is just a moment in eternity .... Suffering and
pleasures .... 3379 B.44
Suffering, Love and suffering purify the soul .... 7732 B.81 8113 B.86
Suffering, Much suffering - Much grace .... 4117 B.50
Suffering, Mutual help from beings in the beyond for the care of mis-
guided souls .... Suffering as aid .... 1400 B.23-24 1401 B.23-24
Suffering, People without suffering .... Suffering is love .... 0646 B.14-
Suffering, Power of the divine Word .... Antidote to suffering .... 4468
Suffering, Purpose of suffering - Trials .... Lethargy of the spirit ....
0373 B.05-09
Suffering, Severe suffering can result in childship to God .... 8980 B.94
Suffering, The bond with God .... Adversities and suffering .... 8737
Suffering, The soul matures through suffering .... God’s care .... World
and God .... 4672 B.53
Suffering, The soul’s hardship necessitates suffering .... ‘Father, Your
will be done ....’ 1749 B.27
Suffering, Unity with God .... School of suffering .... 4352 B.51
Suffering, Words of comfort .... Suffering - Illness .... Connection with
God .... 6124 B.66
Suicide .... Fate in the beyond .... 1951 B.28
Suicide, Immortality .... Eternity .... Suicide .... 0974a B.17-18 0974b
Suitability for scrutinising spiritual gifts .... 2894 B.37
Sun .... Divine radiance .... Light and love .... 0237 B.05-09
Sun systems .... Fire-spewing mountain .... Eruptions .... 0495 B.10-
Sun, Collision of Earth and Sun .... Researchers .... The Earth’s core
.... 0945 B.17-18
Supper .... 4465 B.52
Surrender to Jesus .... Saviour and Physician .... Redeemer .... 6508

Surrendering the will to God .... 5632 B.62
Sympathy and antipathy .... 8306 B.87

Index T

Tabernacle .... 4519 B.52

‘Take this and eat ....’ 6135 B.66
‘Take this and eat .... this is My flesh and My blood ....’ 4115 B.50
Taking notice of God’s plan of Salvation .... 7881 B.82
Taking refuge in Jesus .... 7195 B.76
Taking refuge in Jesus .... The adversary’s activity .... 8103 B.85
Taking refuge in the Father .... 5804 B.63
Taking stock of oneself and contact with the spiritual realm .... 7470
Task in life: Helping with love .... 6202 B.67
Task in the beyond .... Strength of love .... 0231 B.05-09
Task to spread the truth .... 8663 B.91
Task to spread the Word .... 8333 B.88
Task .... 8908 B.93
Task, Abilities .... Task .... Regression .... New earth .... 2515 B.33
Task, Explanation of matter and its task .... 8575 B.90
Task, God’s messengers’ task before the end .... 3942 B.49
Task, The end time disciples’ task .... 8881 B.93
Task, The task of fighting misguided teachings .... 8832 B.93
Task, The task to spread the truth presupposes receipt of truth from
God .... 6252 B.67
Task, The Word-recipient’s task: Purification of Christ’s (spoilt) teach-
ing .... 8726 B.92
Task, What was the human being and what is his earthly task? .... 8582
Teach, Fellow labourers in Christ’s work of Redemption .... ‘Go ye there-
fore, and teach ....’ 5082 B.57

Teaching activity in times of adversity - Last days .... 3731 B.47-48
Teaching ministry .... ‘I will destroy the wisdom of the wise ....’ 8069
Teaching of predestination .... 2034 B.30
Teaching of re-incarnation is misguided .... Law .... 2873 B.37
Teaching, A teacher’s duty: to examine teaching material .... 6728
Teaching, Attribute of divine teaching: human manifestation problem
.... 8694 B.91
Teaching, Battle against Christ’s teachings .... Persecution of those
who confess Him .... 1762 B.27
Teaching, Bible message is teaching of love .... Jesus’ explanation ....
Transcripts .... 4000 B.49
Teaching, Different schools of thought .... Christ’s teaching .... 4395
Teaching, Enforced teachings .... 0194 B.05-09
Teaching, Extraordinary disposition .... Christian teaching changed
into secular teaching .... 0226 B.05-09
Teaching, Gift of teaching .... Teaching ministry .... 3730 B.47-48
Teaching, Instruction for teaching ministry by God Himself .... Mis-
sion .... 5374 B.59
Teaching, Jesus’ life before His teaching ministry .... 8486 B.89
Teaching, Painful teaching methods .... 7184 B.76
Teaching, Proclaiming Jesus’ teaching of love is urgently needed ....
6610 B.71
Teaching, Purification of Christ’s spoilt teaching .... 8676 B.91
Teaching, Souls in the beyond participate in teachings .... 8942 B.94
Teaching, Spiritual coercion .... Human commandments .... Fighting
the teaching of Christ .... 2412 B.32
Teaching, The disciple’s teaching ministry before the end .... 3705
Teaching, The messages are given in a specified order .... Teaching ....
1047 B.19-20
Teaching, The Word-recipient’s task: Purification of Christ’s (spoilt)

teaching .... 8726 B.92
Teaching, Unification of ecclesiastical organisations? .... Spoilt teach-
ings .... 8687 B.91
Teaching, Voice of the spirit is truth .... Jesus Christ’s teaching .... In-
ner voice .... 4775 B.54
Teaching, Words of love .... Words of wisdom .... Teaching ministry ....
Criticism on publishing .... 4963 B.56
Temptation in form of earthly amusements .... 2778 B.37
Temptation, God’s protection from the adversary’s temptations ....
8520 B.89
Temptation, Jesus’ battle against temptations .... 7056 B.75
Temptation, Prayer and deeds of love are weapons against tempta-
tions .... 3285 B.43
Temptation, The spirit of love protects against temptations and God’s
adversary .... 6118 B.66
Temptation, Violation of eternal law .... Temptations .... 3696 B.47-48
Temptation, ‘Watch and pray, lest ye enter into temptation ....’ 4662
Ten Commandments .... First and second commandment .... 4978 B.56
Testament, New Testament and Appendix .... 5307 B.59
Testament, Old Testament .... 0185 B.05-09
‘Test all things and keep what is good ....’ 6676 B.72 8037 B.84
‘Test the spirits whether they are of God ....’ 1 John 4:1-3 .... 8962 B.94
Test the spirits .... 8228 B.87
Test the spirits .... Act of Salvation .... Criterion Jesus Christ .... 4601
‘Test the spirits ....’ False Christs and prophets .... 5701 B.62
Test the spirits .... Satan’s great power before the end .... Doubts ....
4968 B.56
Testing the spirits .... The adversary’s activity during the last days ....
8220 B.87
Tests of faith to fortify belief .... 5377 B.59
Test, Adam .... Original spirit .... Lucifer’s test .... Bursting the form
.... 5802 B.63

Test, Consciously turning to God is passed test of will .... 7783 B.81
Test, False prophets .... Test the spirits .... 2566 B.33
Test, God-inclined will is the passed test on earth .... 5460 B.60
Test, Low spiritual level .... Test of faith .... Battle .... Rapture .... 8017
Test, Three years test of faith .... Christianity .... 0754 B.14-16
Test, Warning against rejecting the divine Word .... ‘Test all things and
....’ 4587 B.53
‘That day and hour knoweth no man ....’ False prophets of the last days
.... 4675 B.53
The ‘redeemed’ at the end .... Inhabitants of the new earth .... 6227
The ability to hear God’s voice .... Conditions .... 4462 B.52
The ability to receive divine wisdom through the heart .... 4498 B.52
The ability to think is a commitment .... 6679 B.72
The ability, Developing the ability to hear God’s voice .... 7104 B.76
The adversary clothed in light .... Paradise on the new earth .... 8253
The adversary oversteps his authority .... 7778 B.81
The adversary tries to prevent the recognition of the Deity .... 6495
The adversary’s activity behind a mask .... 8433 B.89
The Adversary’s Activity in the Garment of an Angel of Light .... 7044
The adversary’s activity will not be prevented .... 8691 B.91
The adversary’s attempts to slip in .... 6527 B.70
The adversary’s disguise as a spirit of light .... Miracles? .... 7841 B.82
The adversary’s increased activity against light bearers .... 8144 B.86
The adversary’s influence of will .... Destructions .... 6080 B.66
The adversary’s mask .... 3191 B.41-42
The adversary’s onslaughts in the last days .... 8365 B.88
The adversary’s works of deception .... Apparitions .... 7045a B.75 7045b
The adversary, Deceptive works of the adversary .... (UFOs) 8623 B.90

The adversary, Doubting divine revelations .... The adversary’s cun-
ning .... 5856 B.63
The adversary, God’s or the adversary’s entitlement over the soul is
determined by the person himself .... 7038 B.75
The adversary, God’s presence protects against the adversary .... 7329
The adversary, God’s protection from the adversary’s temptations ....
8520 B.89
The adversary, Indication of the adversary’s activity .... (Speaking in
tongues) 8641 B.91
The adversary, New banishment inevitable for the adversary’s follow-
ers .... 8430 B.89
The adversary, Only prayer protects from the adversary’s activity ....
8955 B.94
The adversary, Spiritual hardship greater than earthly .... The adver-
sary’s activity .... 5526 B.61
The adversary, Taking refuge in Jesus .... The adversary’s activity ....
8103 B.85
The adversary, Testing the spirits .... The adversary’s activity during
the last days .... 8220 B.87
The adversary, The spirits’ and the adversary’s resistance .... 7691 B.81
The agonies of the human being without the awareness of self ....
Rom. 8, 19-22 .... 6988 B.74
The angels’ protection in the battle of faith .... 7440 B.78
The Antichrist’s Influens Before the End .... 5606 B.61
The Antichrist’s Scourge .... 4728 B.54
The Ascension of Christ .... Transfiguration .... 3622 B.46
The Ascension of Jesus Christ .... 8189 B.86
The atheist’s fate .... 8603 B.90
The audible Word and conditions .... 4448 B.52
The audible Word requires a high degree of maturity .... 8499 B.89
The audible Word .... 3381 B.44
The beings’ gradual higher development in Creation .... 8702 B.91
The being’s re-transformation .... 7380 B.78

The beings, Apostasy of the beings .... Voluntary ascent .... 8266 B.87
The beings, Calling upon the beings of light .... Prior connection with
the Father .... 5675 B.62
The beings, Creation of the beings .... Wrong will .... 2100 B.30
The beings, Deifying the beings into children .... 5233 B.58
The beings, Different kinds of creations correspond to the beings’ fall
.... 8405 B.88
The beings, Establishing spiritual contacts on earth .... Help from the
beings in the beyond .... 1750 B.27
The beings, Process of creation and apostasy of the beings .... 8566
The beings, The plan of deifying the beings .... 6336 B.68
The beings, Will to help and work of the beings of light .... 5536 B.61
The birth of Christ .... 7237 B.76 7238 B.76
The birth of Christ, Veneration of the virgin Mary .... The birth of
Christ .... 0756 B.14-16
The blessing of doubting .... Truth .... 6874 B.74
The blessing of spiritual knowledge in the beyond .... 5554 B.61
The blessing of spiritual work .... 7327 B.77
The blessing, Relinquishing the world .... Fulfilment of earthly duties
and the blessing of God .... 4436 B.52
The bliss of return .... 7680 B.81
The blood of Christ .... Guilt of sin .... 5478 B.60
The bond of love shall connect everyone without distinction .... 8711
The bond with God .... Adversities and suffering .... 8737 B.92
The bridge into the spiritual kingdom .... Jesus .... 5640 B.62
The bridge, Right prayer is the bridge to God .... Jesus Christ .... The
bridge to Me is the prayer .... 5686 B.62
The broad and the narrow path .... 8591 B.90
The burden of sin in the beyond .... Atonement or forgiveness .... 3909
The Catastrophe and its Consequences .... Love for the Neighbor 4724

The catastrophe, Announcement of the Catastrophe .... 3776 B.47-48
The catastrophe, Luminous phenomenon before the catastrophe ....
4359 B.51
The catastrophe, Reason for the catastrophe .... 8104 B.85
The catastrophe, Signs before the catastrophe (Anxiety of people and
animals ....) 4371 B.51
The Cause and Origin of the Creation .... 7158 B.76
The cause of hard living conditions .... 3334 B.43
The Christ-Problem .... Trinity .... 7001 B.75
The church of Christ in its beginnings .... 8375 B.88
The church of Christ .... 5772 B.63 5788 B.63 6010 B.65
The church of Christ .... Faith - Rock .... 3729 B.47-48
The church of Christ .... Living faith .... 5923 B.64
The church of Christ .... Peter, the rock .... Worldly organisations ....
4028 B.49
The church, Characteristic of the church of Christ .... 6445 B.69
The church, Characteristic of the church of Christ: The working of the
spirit .... 5174 B.58
The church, Many paths - One goal .... True members of the church
.... 5049 B.57
The church, Pillars of the church .... Vineyard work .... Labourers - in-
struments .... 5131 B.57
The church, Striving for spiritual gifts .... Characteristic of the church
of Christ .... 6551 B.70
The close bond with God .... 6724 B.72
The Coming of the Lord (to be understood literally) .... 6037 B.65
The coming of the Lord .... Rapture .... 5799 B.63
The coming, Apparent calm .... Exceptional strength .... The coming
of the Lord .... 5972 B.65
The coming, Battle of faith .... The coming of the Lord .... 3569 B.45
The coming, Battle of faith .... The strength of Jesus’ name .... The
coming of the Lord .... 4643 B.53
The coming, Explanation about the coming of the Lord .... 8743 B.92
The coming, Final separation .... The coming of the Lord .... 6979 B.74

The coming, Most basic way of life in the coming time .... The indi-
vidual person’s fate .... 2454 B.33
The coming, Unbelief and devils during the last days .... Battle of faith
.... The coming of the Lord .... 4825 B.55
The commandment of love as life’s guiding principle .... 3755 B.47-48
The commandments, Earthly task: Fulfilment of the commandments
of love .... 6086 B.66
The commandments, Fulfilling the commandments of love .... 5873
The commandments, God’s will: Fulfilment of the commandments of
love .... 4932 B.56
The concept of ‘hell’ .... Renewed banishment .... God’s infinite love
.... 6638 B.71
The condition to attain perfection on earth .... 8523 B.90
The congregation of Jesus Christ .... 6301 B.68
The correct use of time on earth .... 6185 B.66
The correct way of life is not enough to mature fully .... 8436 B.89
The creations’ lack of self-awareness .... 6344 B.68
The crucifixion started a period of Salvation .... 6600 B.71
The darkness thickens .... 8889 B.93
The darkness, Calling upon Jesus Christ from the darkness .... 6624
The darkness, The Saviour’s Word .... Guiding star in the darkness of
night .... 0221 B.05-09
The day of the end is decided for eternity .... 8729 B.92
The day of the end will be adhered to .... 8892 B.93
The day, 2 Peter 3:10 .... The Day of The Lord will Come as a Thief in
the Night 8066 B.85
The destruction of the old earth .... Experience in the flesh .... Warn-
ing .... 4116 B.50
The destruction, Irresponsible experiments are the reason for the de-
struction of earth .... 4708 B.54
The destruction, Reason for the destruction and new creation .... Hell
- banishment .... 6828 B.73

The difference between ‘knowledge’ and ‘realisation’ .... 8025 B.84
The disciples’ doubts after Jesus’ arrest .... 7328 B.78
The disciple’s enlightenment only happened after Jesus’ crucifixion
.... 7148 B.76
The disciple’s teaching ministry before the end .... 3705 B.47-48
The disciples, Persecution of the disciples of the last days .... 5528
The disciples, The outpouring of the spirit upon the disciples then and
now .... 8803 B.92
The doctrine of re-incarnation .... (Tantra-message) 4559 B.53
The doctrine of the soul’s sleep .... 8991 B.94
The doctrine of the Trinity of God .... 4484 B.52
The doctrine, About the doctrine of re-incarnation .... 8180 B.86
The doctrine, Intercession for souls in the beyond .... II. Reply to the
doctrine that only ‘qualified’ praying men are entitled to pray for souls
.... 8616 B.90
The Dying Saviour’s Last Words on the Cross .... Audible Word .... Ap-
pearance .... 4630 B.53
The early death of children .... 8772 B.92
The earthly path of angel-beings .... 6858 B.73
The earth’s last hour .... 8071 B.85
The earth, Experiments towards the end of the earth .... Activating
forces .... 4731 B.54
The earth, Serious Admonition .... The Final Phase of the Earth ....
5383 B.59
The earth, The reason for the earth’s restoration .... 8258 B.87
The earth, Total Disintegration of the Earth .... Spiritualisation ....
5655 B.62
The effects of God’s Word .... 0215 B.05-09
The embodied light beings’ willingness to help .... 8664 B.91
The end is determined by people themselves .... Low level .... 3625
The end of a period of Salvation is assured to you .... 8748 B.92
The end time disciples’ faith without proof .... 5951 B.64

The end time justifies the gifts of grace .... 7908 B.82
The end will come for certain .... 9008 B.94
The end will come unexpectedly .... 7609 B.80
The end will come without fail .... 5797 B.63
The end .... Transformation and new creation .... 6230 B.67
The end, Admonition regarding the end .... 7364 B.78
The end, Admonition to Prepare for the End .... 5195 B.58
The end, Announcement of the end and signs of the time .... 8310 B.87
The end, Attaining freedom by the time of the end .... Jesus Christ ....
6700 B.72
The end, Battle of light against darkness at the end .... 3690 B.47-48
The end, Certain sign of the end is the small flock of fighters for God
.... 4027 B.49
The end, Consider the end .... 6439 B.69
The end, Determining the time of the end - False prophets .... 5162
The end, Directive to take action .... Final admonitions before the end
.... 4857 B.55
The end, Doubting God’s existence in the end time .... 4069 B.50
The end, Experiments towards the end of the earth .... Activating forces
.... 4731 B.54
The end, Faithless humanity .... The end is near .... 5173 B.58
The end, Gift of grace before the end .... Jesus Christ .... 8494 B.89
The end, God Requires Many Labourers in the Time Before the End ....
5259 B.58
The end, God’s intervention .... The end of the struggle .... 3143 B.41-
The end, God’s messengers’ task before the end .... 3942 B.49
The end, Great affliction before the end .... 4883 B.55
The end, ‘He that shall endure unto the end ....’ 8164 B.86
The end, ‘I Am with you always, even unto the end of the world ....’
7681 B.81
The end, Indicating the end of an era .... 6812 B.73
The end, Indication of the many adversities before the end .... 8387

The end, Information about the end .... 6487 B.69
The end, Jesus’ forerunner at the end .... 4878 B.55 6554 B.70 9007
The end, ‘Judging’ the souls at the end .... 8219 B.86
The end, Knowing the Time of the End .... 3560 B.45
The end, Most difficult time of hardship before the end .... 3753 B.47-
The end, Natural disaster before the end .... 6601 B.71 7151 B.76
The end, Proclamation of the End .... ‘You only Have But a Little Time
Left ....’ 4457 B.52
The end, Reference to the end .... 4889 B.55
The end, Reference to the end .... Renewed banishment .... 7493 B.79
The end, Renewed reference to the end .... 8876 B.93
The end, Separation of the spirits .... The end of an earthly period ....
7611 B.80
The end, Serious reference to the end .... 5219 B.58
The end, Serious warning about the end .... 7596 B.80
The end, Serious Words of admonition regarding the end .... 7211 B.76
The end, Signs and indications pointing to the end .... 6501 B.69
The end, Signs of the end .... 4523 B.52
The end, Spiritual low level .... The end of a salvation period .... 3805
The end, Spiritual Reverse Pace .... Signs of the End .... 4390 B.51
The end, Success at the end of an earth-period .... Scientists .... 6081
The end, Test the spirits .... Satan’s great power before the end ....
Doubts .... 4968 B.56
The end, The ‘redeemed’ at the end .... Inhabitants of the new earth
.... 6227 B.67
The end, The Antichrist’s Influens Before the End .... 5606 B.61
The end, The day of the end is decided for eternity .... 8729 B.92
The end, The day of the end will be adhered to .... 8892 B.93
The end, The disciple’s teaching ministry before the end .... 3705 B.47-

The end, The Extent of the Natural Disaster Before the End .... 8982
The end, The natural event is the last admonition before the end ....
6770 B.72
The end, The powerful Voice of God .... The End of the Battle .... 3318
The end, The predetermined day of the end will be kept .... Time in-
dication .... Distribution .... 8500 B.89 8501 B.89 8502 B.89
The end, The Present Time Will Lead to the End .... 4320 B.51
The end, The time of the end is imminent .... 6059 B.65
The end, The weak will not experience the end .... 4613 B.53
The end, Unbelief before the end .... Satan’s activity .... 7074 B.75
The end, Utilizing the time of grace before the end .... 5729 B.62
The end, Witnesses to the end on the new earth for descendants ....
5743 B.62
The end, You Humans are Heading Towards the End .... 7935 B.83
The Ending of a Redemption Period .... 7390 B.78
The end time disciples’ task .... 8881 B.93
The Eternal Light descended to Earth .... 8068 B.85
The eternal Trinity .... 0662 B.14-16
The eternal, Knowledge of the eternal plan of Salvation .... 8088 B.85
The eternal, The path to the eternal home .... 6549 B.70
The Extent of the Natural Disaster Before the End .... 8982 B.94
The faith in Jesus Christ is in danger .... 6969 B.74
The faith, Antichrist .... The faith is in danger .... 4947 B.56
The Father speaks to His child .... 7613 B.80
The Father speaks to His children .... 7898 B.82
The Father’s concern for His children .... Childship to God .... 4994
B.56 4995 B.56
The Father’s house and beatitude .... 5617 B.62
The Father’s voice . . . . 5564 B.61
The father, A child’s prayer to the Father .... 7071 B.75
The father, Calling upon the beings of light .... Prior connection with

the Father .... 5675 B.62
The father, Dialogue with the Father .... His Word from above .... 7441
The father, In the Father’s house are many mansions .... 6022 B.65
The father, ‘No one comes to the Father ....’ 6579 B.70
The father, Strokes of fate .... The Father’s love .... 6277 B.67
The father, Taking refuge in the Father .... 5804 B.63
The father, The right kind of prayer .... Relationship of a child with
the Father .... 5720 B.62
The final powerful work of destruction .... 8684 B.91 8685 B.91
The final work of destruction .... 7630 B.80
The final phase, Serious Admonition .... The Final Phase of the Earth
.... 5383 B.59
The Flood .... Last days .... Worldly progress .... 4374 B.51
The flood, ‘They ate and drank ....’ just as it was before the Flood ....
4575 B.53
The forerunner of Jesus Christ .... 7295 B.77
The forerunner, About the forerunner .... 7722 B.81
The forerunner, Announcing the forerunner of Jesus Christ .... 7062
The forerunner, Spiritual chaos .... World conflagration .... Messiah ....
The forerunner of the Lord .... 0801 B.17-18
The Fulfilling of the Predictions .... Proof for Unbelievers .... 3741
The fulfilment of prayer in firm belief .... ‘Father, Your will be done
....’ 3927 B.49
‘The gates of hell shall not prevail against it ....’ 5186 B.58
The gates of hell ....’ Church of Christ .... 3589 B.46
The gift of healing the sick .... 7032 B.75
The good Shepherd .... ‘My Own recognise My voice ....’ 4295 B.51
6845 B.73
The grace of receiving the Word is a commitment .... 7878 B.82
The guise of piety .... Satan’s activity .... 6102 B.66
The helping hand of Jesus Christ .... Deliverance from the abyss ....

5277 B.58
The hour of Christ’s birth .... Spiritual rebirth .... 0227 B.05-09
The human being is close to the goal .... 6256 B.67
The human being is not a product of coincidence by a Creative Power
.... 8943 B.94
The human being may not be compelled into believing by way of evi-
dence .... 8598 B.90
The human being’s destiny .... Desire for truth .... 6100 B.66
The human being’s duty is to scrutinise spiritual information .... 8364
The human being’s imperfect state corresponds to his will .... 4553
The human being’s right attitude concerning Jesus’ act of Salvation
.... 7024 B.75
The human being’s task on earth .... Childship to God .... 5490 B.60
The human being’s true home .... 9009 B.94
The human being, Creation of the human being .... The fall of man ....
5800 B.63
The human being, Did the human being evolve or was he a new cre-
ation? .... 8235 B.87
The human being, Does the human being possess free will? .... 7271
The human being, God’s care for the human being .... 7540 B.79
The human being, God’s constant care for the human being .... 6338
The human being, God’s plan of Salvation is based on the human be-
ing’s free will .... 7277 B.77
The human being, Misuse of the gifts which distinguish the human
being from the animal .... 2083 B.30
The human being, Reason for the human being’s free will .... 8771 B.92
The human being, The agonies of the human being without the aware-
ness of self .... Rom. 8, 19-22 .... 6988 B.74
The human being, The soul .... The spiritual spark in the human being
.... 1618 B.25

The human being, The ‘working of the spirit’ in the human being ....
7798 B.82
The human being, Union with God - The human being’s goal .... 4871
The human being, What was the human being and what is his earthly
task? .... 8582 B.90
The infant Jesus .... 5835 B.63
The infinite Love accomplished the act of Salvation .... 9001 B.94
The inner voice .... 3199 B.41-42
The inner voice, Dulling the inner voice by rejecting the spirit .... 5760
The inner Word during the time of affliction .... 3408 B.44
The inner Word .... Light .... Truth .... 5461a B.60 5461b B.60
The inner word, Characteristic of the inner Word .... 5402 B.59
The Intervention of God .... 3151 B.41-42
The intervention, Chaos after the intervention .... 8619 B.90
The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence ....’ 7359 B.78 7361 B.78
The kingdom, Jesus Christ opened the gate into the kingdom of light
.... 7925 B.83
The kingdom, No one will enter the kingdom of heaven who pays homage
to the world .... 5825 B.63
The kingdom, Reminder to work diligently for the kingdom of God ....
4742 B.54
The kingdom, Reunion in the beyond in the kingdom of light .... 5365
The kingdom, ‘Seek ye first the kingdom of God ....’ 6968 B.74
The kingdom, The soul’s entry into the kingdom of light .... 8400 B.88
The kingdom, Working for the kingdom of God .... Mission .... 3284
The last catastrophe .... 8122 B.86
The last day will come suddenly and unexpected .... 5305 B.59
The last days, Blessings of the last days .... Death before the event ....
The beyond .... 3135 B.41-42
The last days, Call upon God’s help is indispensable in the last days

.... 3703 B.47-48
The last days, Confusion during the last days .... Truth .... 5641 B.62
The last days, God’s Word, an inconceivable grace in the last days ....
5367 B.59
The last days, Incarnation of many light beings in the last days ....
8245 B.87
The last days, Incarnation of many light souls during the last days ....
4803 B.54
The last days, Persecution of the disciples of the last days .... 5528
The last days, Satan’s and the demons’ activity during the last days
.... 6801 B.73
The last days, Satan’s raging during the last days .... Apostasy from
faith .... 3958 B.49
The last days, Signs of the last days .... 7737 B.81 8277 B.87
The last days, Signs of the last days .... Battle of faith .... Chaos ....
3209 B.41-42
The last days, Strength and grace in the last days .... 3750 B.47-48
The last days, Testing the spirits .... The adversary’s activity during
the last days .... 8220 B.87
The last days, ‘That day and hour knoweth no man ....’ False prophets
of the last days .... 4675 B.53
The last days, The adversary’s onslaughts in the last days .... 8365 B.88
The last days, The last day will come suddenly and unexpected ....
5305 B.59
The last days, The work of God’s servants in the last days .... 4848
The last days, Unbelief and devils during the last days .... Battle of
faith .... The coming of the Lord .... 4825 B.55
The last days, Wave of awakenings during the last days .... 5457 B.60
The last disciples’ ordeal at the time of the Antichrist .... 7068 B.75
The latter-day Saints .... 8849 B.93
The law of order is love .... 6357 B.68
The Letter Kills .... Lifeless Proclamation of the Word .... 7884 B.82

The letter, Characteristic of truth .... Meaning of the letter .... Scrutiny
and ability .... 2849 B.37
The light beings’ intervention in destiny .... 4306 B.51
The light beings’ methods of rescue .... 6737 B.72
The light descended to Earth .... 7780 B.81
The Lord looks after his servants .... 8540 B.90
The Lord will come at a time of greatest adversity .... 4319 B.51
The Lord’s messenger before His coming .... Help desperately needed
.... 4136 B.50
The Lord’s return .... Present time .... Witnesses of the new earth ....
5077 B.57
The Lord’s visible appearance .... 4783 B.54
The Lord, Apparent calm .... Exceptional strength .... The coming of
the Lord .... 5972 B.65
The Lord, Battle of faith .... The coming of the Lord .... 3569 B.45
The Lord, Battle of faith .... The strength of Jesus’ name .... The com-
ing of the Lord .... 4643 B.53
The Lord, Calm before the storm .... Visible appearance of the Lord ....
4126 B.50
The Lord, Errors .... The Lord Himself walks amongst people .... Procla-
mation of a wise disciple .... 0247 B.05-09
The Lord, Explanation about the coming of the Lord .... 8743 B.92
The Lord, Final separation .... The coming of the Lord .... 6979 B.74
The Lord, Forerunner of the Lord .... 4048 B.49
The Lord, Guests at the table of the Lord .... 5771 B.63
The Lord, Only God is the Lord of Creation .... Star .... 7423 B.78
The Lord, Pray with trust in the Lord .... Spiritual protection .... 0220
The Lord, Spiritual chaos .... World conflagration .... Messiah .... The
forerunner of the Lord .... 0801 B.17-18
The Lord, Strength of the divine Word .... Prophet .... The Lord’s re-
turn .... 2797 B.37
The Lord, The Coming of the Lord (to be understood literally) .... 6037

The Lord, The coming of the Lord .... Rapture .... 5799 B.63
The Lord, The table of the Lord - Communion .... 7450 B.78
The Lord, ‘The table of the Lord’ .... Divine Host .... 6862 B.73
The Lord, Time of grace .... Speaker - Forerunner of the Lord .... 3276
The Lord, Unbelief and devils during the last days .... Battle of faith
.... The coming of the Lord .... 4825 B.55
The Lord, With the Lord a thousand years are as one day .... 6479 B.69
The Lord, Wolf in sheep’s clothing .... Forerunner of the Lord before
His return .... 0685 B.14-16
The magnitude of the original sin necessitates Salvation through Je-
sus Christ .... 8652 B.91
The Magnitude of the Work of Destruction .... 4441 B.52
The masses never support the truth .... Distribution - Adversary ....
6493 B.69
The meaning of earthly life .... Kind-hearted activity .... 8576 B.90
‘The measure you give will be the measure you receive ....’ 7249 B.77
7638 B.80
‘The measure you give ....’ 5905 B.64
‘The measure you use will be the measure you receive ....’ 0196 B.05-
09 8786 B.92
The messages are given in a specified order .... Teaching .... 1047 B.19-
The messages, Human corrections of the messages from above .... 1811
The messages, Reply to Habermann (Time of printing) (Print and dis-
tribution of the messages) 8899 B.93
The messengers along the path of ascent .... 8316 B.87
The most important commandment has to be fulfilled: Love .... 8678
The mystery of God’s human manifestation .... 8282 B.87
The narrow and the broad path .... 6359 B.68
The narrow path .... 5405 B.60
The narrow, The broad and the narrow path .... 8591 B.90

The natural event is the last admonition before the end .... 6770 B.72
The natural event, Renewed reference to the natural event .... 8014
The near end demands increased vineyard work .... 8072 B.85
The near end should be mentioned time and again .... 6689 B.72
The near end, God Himself substantiates the revelations with the near
end .... 8925 B.93
The near end, Sign of the near end: spiritual decline .... Apparent state
of peace .... 4747 B.54
The office of Judge .... Responsibility .... 7095 B.75
The only beatifying church .... 5456 B.60
The opponent’s intentions to portray everything of a mystical nature
as error .... 1815 B.27
The opponent’s mask .... ‘By their fruits ye shall know them ....’ 2904
The outpouring of the spirit upon the disciples then and now .... 8803
The outpouring of the spirit .... 7365 B.78
The outpouring of the spirit .... Whitsun .... 8516 B.89
The outpouring, Promise: ‘The outpouring of the spirit ....’ 8060 B.85
The path of love and faith .... Acknowledging God .... 6033 B.65
The path of return to God .... 7257 B.77
The path through Satan’s world .... 8869 B.93
The path to the eternal home .... 6549 B.70
The path under the cross must be taken by all people .... 8983 B.94
The path, Earthly life is the path but not the goal .... 5897 B.64
The path, Good Friday .... The path to Golgotha .... 5643 B.62
The path, The messengers along the path of ascent .... 8316 B.87
The plan of deifying the beings .... 6336 B.68
The powerful Voice of God .... The End of the Battle .... 3318 B.43
‘The powers of heaven shall be shaken ....’ 8379 B.88
‘The Powers of the Heaven Shall Be Shaken ....’ Reversal of Natural
Law .... Rapture .... 5029 B.57
The predetermined day of the end will be kept .... Time indication ....

Distribution .... 8500 B.89 8501 B.89 8502 B.89
The Present Time Will Lead to the End .... 4320 B.51
The problem of the Trinity .... 7117 B.76
The process of Christ’s return .... Ascension .... 4847 B.55
The process of creation has taken eternities .... 8770 B.92
The process, Explaining the process of transcription .... Truth .... 3547
The process, Knowledge about the process of pre-development .... 6591
The process, Why is the information about the process of return not
known? .... 8465 B.89
The prophets’ predictions .... The return of Christ .... 0963 B.17-18
The purpose of God’s revelations .... 3377 B.44
The prupose, What is the purpose of life on earth? .... 7797 B.81
The raging elements of nature .... 1473 B.23-24
The raging of natural forces .... 5879 B.64
The raging of natural forces .... Total changes of living conditions ....
2811 B.37
The reason for God’s remarkable action .... (12th anniversary of re-
ceiving the Word) 4670 B.53
The reason for the earth’s restoration .... 8258 B.87
The reason, Irresponsible experiments are the reason for the destruc-
tion of earth .... 4708 B.54
The reason, Renewed banishment is the reason for the unusual reve-
lations .... 7875 B.82
The reason, Spiritual low level is the reason for the disintegration ....
8026 B.84
The Redemption Work and its Spiritual Motive .... 8303 B.87
The Revelation of John .... 8535 B.90
The reward of a life of love, blissful fate in the beyond .... 4890 B.55
The right amount of selfish love .... ‘As yourself ....’ 6121 B.66
The right concept of God .... 7816 B.82
The right Father-child relationship .... 7165 B.76
The right Father-child relationship .... Free will .... 5155 B.58

The right kind of prayer .... Relationship of a child with the Father ....
5720 B.62
The right kind of teacher .... Truth - Error .... 4534 B.52
The right path will be shown to people .... 6958 B.74
The right physician and the right medicine .... 6844 B.73
The right prayer and its fulfilment .... 7814 B.82
The right prayer .... ‘Father, Your will be done ....’ 4372 B.51
The right, lawful marriage before God .... 4834 B.55
The right, Granting prayers .... The right relationship of a child with
its Father .... 8073 B.85
The right, Jesus Christ, leader on the right path .... 5733 B.62
The right, Who has the right to ‘teach’? .... 8758 B.92
The sacrifice on the cross was offered for time and eternity .... 7019
The Saviour’s love .... Spiritual vision .... 0195 B.05-09
The Saviour’s visible presence .... Degree of love .... 1077 B.19-20
The Saviour’s Word .... Guiding star in the darkness of night .... 0221
The Saviour’s Words .... Storm clouds .... 0201 B.05-09
The saviour, Warning .... The Saviour’s love .... Warning against evil
forces .... 0211 B.05-09 0212 B.05-09
The servants’ mission on earth after the natural disaster .... 3709 B.47-
The servants’ mission who receive the Word directly .... 3241 B.41-42
The short phase of earthly life decides the fate in the beyond .... 5877
The Significance of Holy Communion .... 7909 B.82
The significance of life on earth as a human being .... 8414 B.88
The significance of realisation .... 8034 B.84
The sleep of the soul .... Misguided teaching .... 6541 B.70
The soul - Carrier of all works of creation .... 2344 B.32
The soul consciously enters its embodiment .... 7669 B.80
The soul consciously starts earthly life .... Past memory .... 7265 B.77
The soul matures through suffering .... God’s care .... World and God

.... 4672 B.53
The soul will reap what it has sown .... 7656 B.80
The soul, a miniature creation .... Retrospection .... 6509 B.70
The soul .... The spiritual spark in the human being .... 1618 B.25
The souls’ adversity on earth .... Help by means of this connection ....
0251 B.05-09
The souls’ agonising fate in the beyond .... 8224 B.87
The soul’s change of abode .... Death of the body .... 6817 B.73
The soul’s continuation of life after death .... 7343 B.78
The soul’s entry into the kingdom of light .... 8400 B.88
The souls’ fate after death varies .... 8745 B.92
The soul’s fate after physical death .... 7490 B.79
The souls’ fate in the beyond .... 6920 B.74
The soul’s future fate corresponds to its desires .... 3694 B.47-48
The souls’ great hardship in the beyond .... 5767 B.63
The souls’ hardship in the beyond .... Intercession .... Change of will
.... 5318 B.59
The soul’s hardship necessitates suffering .... ‘Father, Your will be done
....’ 1749 B.27
The soul’s individuality .... 8117 B.86
The soul’s process of development before embodiment .... 6930 B.74
The soul’s process of pre-development .... 7259 B.77
The souls’ purification process in the beyond .... 3627 B.46
The souls’ realisation what it once had been .... 8401 B.88
The souls’ redemption from the abyss through Jesus Christ .... Beyond
.... 5153 B.58
The souls’ state of darkness in the beyond and help by beings of light
.... 3952 B.49
The souls’ union with its spirit .... 8327 B.88
The souls’ wretchedness .... Being of service and willing to help ....
Reward .... 0252 B.05-09
The soul, Answer to questions about Immaculate Conception and ad-
vantages of the souls of light .... 6673 B.72
The soul, Appeals for a gift of strength for the souls of the deceased

.... 9014 B.94
The soul, Belief in the immortality of the soul .... Truth .... 3699 B.47-
The soul, Belief in the soul’s continuation of life .... 8059 B.85
The soul, Belief in the soul’s life after death .... God’s mercy .... 2767
The soul, Composition of the soul .... Miniature creation .... 4845 B.55
The soul, Development of the soul .... Original spirit .... 7571 B.80
The soul, Directing the souls in the beyond to Jesus Christ .... 7839
The soul, Don’t fear those who kill the body, but are not able to kill
the soul .... 4566 B.53
The soul, Everything that happens serves to perfect the soul .... 7162
The soul, Feeding the soul is a priority .... Communion .... 8385 B.88
The soul, Fully maturing the soul .... Miracle healing - Compulsory
faith .... 8161 B.86
The soul, Further explanation regarding the soul .... 8012 B.84
The soul, God’s or the adversary’s entitlement over the soul is deter-
mined by the person himself .... 7038 B.75
The soul, God’s Word is felt as a flow of strength by the souls in the
beyond .... 5745 B.62
The soul, Illness and suffering are necessary to purify the soul .... 7028
The soul, Immortality of the soul .... 1874a B.28 1874b B.28
The soul, Informing the soul about earthly life .... 8243 B.87
The soul, ‘Judging’ the souls at the end .... 8219 B.86
The soul, Knowledge is given according to the soul’s maturity .... 8474
The soul, Love and suffering purify the soul .... 7732 B.81 8113 B.86
The soul, Particles of the Soul .... Process of Development on Earth
and in the Beyond .... 5198 B.58
The soul, Suffering as means of purifying the soul or love .... 7157 B.76
The soul, Suffering purifies the soul .... 7248 B.77

The soul, The doctrine of the soul’s sleep .... 8991 B.94
The soul, The strength of the Word .... Daily work of improving the
soul .... 7514a B.79 7514b B.79
The soul, What is the soul .... 6647 B.71
The spirit of God works where He wants .... 5864 B.64
The spirit of heartlessness .... Divine intervention .... 1464 B.23-24
The spirit of lies and its instruments .... 2231 B.31
The spirit of love protects against temptations and God’s adversary ....
6118 B.66
The Spirit of the Antichrist .... 5223 B.58
The spirit of truth .... 3745 B.47-48
The spirits’ and the adversary’s resistance .... 7691 B.81
The spirits’ process of development .... 7699 B.81
The spirit, Characteristic of the church of Christ: The working of the
spirit .... 5174 B.58
The spirit, Clarification regarding the working of the spirit .... 7637
The spirit, Conditions for the working of the spirit .... 3615 B.46
The spirit, Consciously listening within .... The voice of the spirit ....
3612 B.46
The spirit, Difference between the ‘working of the spirit’ and ‘psychic’
receptions .... 8416 B.88
The spirit, Divine guidance through the spirit .... 6261 B.67
The spirit, Divine Working of the spirit .... Speaking in tongues ....
7855 B.82 7856 B.82
The spirit, Dulling the inner voice by rejecting the spirit .... 5760 B.63
The spirit, Earth - School for the spirit .... Means to an end .... An end
in itself .... 5750 B.62
The spirit, Exercise to hear the voice of the spirit .... 3732 B.47-48
The spirit, Fall of the spirits .... Faculty of thought .... Lucifer’s fall ....
7082 B.75
The spirit, Gifts of the spirit .... 7703 B.81
The spirit, Gifts of the spirit .... Conditions .... 6241 B.67
The spirit, Incarnated beings of light .... The working of the spirit -

Channeled communications .... 8207 B.86
The spirit, Knowledge of the spirit’s work in a person .... Exceptional
opportunity for God to reveal Himself .... 2878 B.37
The spirit, Knowledge through study or through the spirit .... 7428
The spirit, New banishment of the spirits .... Salvation in one era ....
4777 B.54
The spirit, Overcoming matter .... Awakening of the spirit .... 5072
The spirit, Prerequisite for the ‘outpouring of the spirit’ .... 7822 B.82
The spirit, Promise: ‘The outpouring of the spirit ....’ 8060 B.85
The spirit, Purpose of suffering - Trials .... Lethargy of the spirit ....
0373 B.05-09
The spirit, Re-transformation into love .... Spiritual spark .... Outpour-
ing of the spirit .... 8510 B.89
The spirit, School of the spirit .... 5102 B.57
The spirit, Scrutiny of spiritual knowledge .... Calling upon the spirit
.... 7499 B.79
The spirit, Separation of the spirits .... The end of an earthly period
.... 7611 B.80
The spirit, Significance of the spirit’s voice .... Close to the goal ....
4325 B.51
The spirit, ‘Test the spirits whether they are of God ....’ 1 John 4:1-3
.... 8962 B.94
The spirit, Test the spirits .... 8228 B.87
The spirit, Test the spirits .... Act of Salvation .... Criterion Jesus Christ
.... 4601 B.53
The spirit, ‘Test the spirits ....’ False Christs and prophets .... 5701 B.62
The spirit, Test the spirits .... Satan’s great power before the end ....
Doubts .... 4968 B.56
The spirit, Testing the spirits .... The adversary’s activity during the
last days .... 8220 B.87
The spirit, The outpouring of the spirit upon the disciples then and
now .... 8803 B.92

The spirit, The outpouring of the spirit .... 7365 B.78
The spirit, The outpouring of the spirit .... Whitsun .... 8516 B.89
The spirit, The true church .... Sects .... Working of the spirit .... 7072
The spirit, The urging of the spirit .... Discontentment .... 5766 B.63
The spirit, The Word from above .... Outpouring of the spirit .... 5922
The spirit, The ‘working of the spirit’ in the human being .... 7798 B.82
The spirit, The working of the spirit in the wakeful state .... Evidence:
reasons .... 4620 B.53
The spirit, The Working of the Spirit .... 5132 B.57
The spirit, The working of the spirit .... Guarantee for pure truth ....
2877 B.37
The spirit, The working of the spirit .... Scrutiny .... Proof: Oratorical
gift .... Truth - Error .... God’s messengers .... 4588 B.53
The spirit, The working of the spirit .... Spiritual rebirth .... 4869 B.55
The spirit, True disciples .... Working of the spirit .... ‘Why’ misguided
teachings .... 4842 B.55
The spirit, True servants of God .... Instituted words .... Working of
the spirit .... 8325 B.88
The spirit, Understanding the working of the spirit .... 8254 B.87
The spirit, Various gifts of the spirit .... 6013a B.65
The spirit, Voice of the spirit is truth .... Jesus Christ’s teaching .... In-
ner voice .... 4775 B.54
The spirit, ‘Work of the spirit’ and the work of the spirit world .... 7829
The spirit, Wrong interpretation of the Scriptures .... The working of
the spirit .... 7103 B.76
The spiritual and material world oppose each other .... 3593 B.46
The spiritual low level has been reached .... 6417 B.68
The spiritual, Act of creating the spiritual beings .... 7067 B.75
The spiritual, Contact with the spiritual kingdom .... 6682 B.72
The spiritual, Different spheres in the spiritual kingdom .... 3316 B.43
The spiritual, Eruptions are an Act of Liberation for the Spiritual Sub-

stances Bound in the Solid Form .... 2175 B.31
The spiritual, Fear of dying .... Beholding the spiritual kingdom before
death .... 6637 B.71
The spiritual, God’s blessing and guidance of the spiritual work ....
8810 B.92
The spiritual, Love is the key to the spiritual kingdom .... 5314 B.59
The spiritual, Taking stock of oneself and contact with the spiritual
realm .... 7470 B.79
The spiritual, The bridge into the spiritual kingdom .... Jesus .... 5640
The spiritual, The soul .... The spiritual spark in the human being ....
1618 B.25
The spiritual, Thought transmission from the spiritual kingdom ....
3700 B.47-48
The spiritual, Thoughts are emanations from the spiritual realm ....
6843 B.73
The spiritual, Thoughts from the spiritual kingdom .... 3628 B.46
The spiritual, Union of the spiritual spark with the Father-Spirit ....
Jesus .... 6575 B.70
The state of souls in the beyond .... Misguided belief - unbelief - love
.... 5332 B.59
The strength of Jesus’ name .... 6663 B.71 7191 B.76
The strength of the Word .... Daily work of improving the soul ....
7514a B.79 7514b B.79
The strenght, Battle of faith .... The strength of Jesus’ name .... The
coming of the Lord .... 4643 B.53
The strenght, Effect of the strength of love .... 7355 B.78
The strenght, Rejecting the strength of love was the ‘sin’ .... 8880 B.93
The table of the Lord - Communion .... 7450 B.78
‘The table of the Lord’ .... Divine Host .... 6862 B.73
The table, Guests at the table of the Lord .... 5771 B.63
The task of fighting misguided teachings .... 8832 B.93
The task to spread the truth presupposes receipt of truth from God ....
6252 B.67

The Termination of the Fight .... Spatial Separation .... 3371 B.44
The time of the end is imminent .... 6059 B.65
The time, Attaining freedom by the time of the end .... Jesus Christ ....
6700 B.72
The time, Determining the time of the end - False prophets .... 5162
The time, Knowing the Time of the End .... 3560 B.45
The transformation of the original spirit into creations .... 8216 B.86
The transformation work of Earth .... 7754 B.81
The true church of Christ .... 8651 B.91
The true church of Christ .... Peter, the rock .... 7850 B.82
The true church .... Sects .... Working of the spirit .... 7072 B.75
The true description of the act of Salvation .... 8731 B.92
The true gospel, Change of the true Gospel .... Followers? .... 5982 B.65
The true home .... 7634 B.80
The true messenger, Recognising the true messengers .... 8272 B.87
The truth reveals God’s perfection .... 6467 B.69
The truth, Free will must accept the truth .... 8850 B.93
The truth, God Himself conveys the truth to people .... 8599 B.90
The truth, Guarantee for receiving the truth .... 8546 B.90
The truth, ‘I Am the way, the truth, and the life ....’ 3767 B.47-48
The truth, Only God can convey the truth to a person .... 8757 B.92
The truth, Recognising the truth is a duty to advocate it .... 2247 B.31
The truth, Task to spread the truth .... 8663 B.91
The truth, The masses never support the truth .... Distribution - Ad-
versary .... 6493 B.69
The truth, The task to spread the truth presupposes receipt of truth
from God .... 6252 B.67
The truth, Which messages guarantee the truth .... 9013 B.94
The urging of the spirit .... Discontentment .... 5766 B.63
The vineyard labourers’ duty is to take action against error .... 8915
The vineyard labourers’ service for fellow human beings .... 7990 B.84
The vineyard labourers’ task .... 6731 B.72

The vineyard labourers trust in divine guidance .... 8645 B.91
The vineyard labourer, Addressing the vineyard labourers .... Urgency
of spreading the Word .... 8821 B.93
The vineyard labourer, Calling upon the vineyard labourers .... 7677
The vineyard labourer, God’s care for the vineyard labourers .... 8356
The vineyard labourer, God’s merciful guidance of the vineyard labour-
ers .... 8928 B.93
The vineyard labourer, Recalling the vineyard labourers .... Continu-
ing diligent activity .... 9028 B.94
The voice of conscience .... 1565 B.25 7698 B.81
The weak will not experience the end .... 4613 B.53
The weak, Jesus came to the weak, sick and needy .... 5282 B.58
The weak, Large Numbers of Deaths .... Recalling the Weak .... Deci-
sion .... 5271 B.58
The will for truth guarantees its receipt .... 6841 B.73
The will is judged even if the deed cannot be accomplished .... 5378
The will to live .... Fear of death 2776 B.34-36
The will’s decision in favour of God .... 6885 B.74
The will, Mentally directing the will towards God .... 7981 B.83
The will, Not inclination but love determines the will .... 5257 B.58
The will, Submitting to the will of the Most High .... 0214 B.05-09
The will, Surrendering the will to God .... 5632 B.62
‘The wisdom of the wise will be destroyed ....’ 2375 B.32
The wisdom, ‘I will destroy the wisdom of the wise ....’ 4744 B.54
The wisdom, Teaching ministry .... ‘I will destroy the wisdom of the
wise ....’ 8069 B.85
The Word (grace) recipients’ advantage compared to the atheists ....
5394 B.59
The Word from above .... Outpouring of the spirit .... 5922 B.64
The Word of God ought to be listened to .... 8544 B.90
The Word of God .... Ray of light .... The door of your heart .... Guest

.... 5715 B.62
The Word of God: Unadulterated truth .... 7152 B.76
The Word-reception is an act of freewill .... 8121 B.86
The Word-recipient’s task: Purification of Christ’s (spoilt) teaching ....
8726 B.92
The word, A Warning not to Change the Word of God .... 9030 B.94
The word, Addressing the vineyard labourers .... Urgency of spreading
the Word .... 8821 B.93
The word, ‘And the Word was made flesh ....’ 8141 B.86
The word, Childship to God is the object of life on earth .... The Word
of God .... 8367 B.88
The word, Commencement of receiving the Word 25 years ago (15.6.1937)
8192 B.86
The word, Correct proclamation of the Word .... God’s presence ....
6559 B.70
The word, Explaining the various characters of the Word-recipients
.... 5061 B.57
The word, God is the Word .... God’s Presence .... Different Conveyance
of the Word .... 3596 B.46
The word, God reveals Himself in the Word .... 6573 B.70
The word, ‘In the beginning was the Word ....’ 6852 B.73 8739 B.92
The word, Jesus heard the Word of God .... Mediator between God and
people .... 6145 B.66
The word, ‘Judgment’ .... The Word Itself will pass judgment .... 6799
The word, Light from above .... The Word of God .... 6434 B.69
The word, Process of conveying the Word from above .... 4907 B.55
The word, Process of the Word-reception .... 8482 B.89
The word, Proclaim My Word to the world .... (17th anniversary of re-
ceiving the Word) 5976 B.65
The word, Pure truth .... The Word from above .... 7521 B.79
The word, Selfless distribution of the Word .... 7744 B.81
The word, Spiritual meaning of the Word .... 3735 B.47-48
The word, Task to spread the Word .... 8333 B.88

The word, The grace of receiving the Word is a commitment .... 7878
The word, The Letter Kills .... Lifeless Proclamation of the Word ....
7884 B.82
The word, The reason for God’s remarkable action .... (12th anniver-
sary of receiving the Word) 4670 B.53
The word, The servants’ mission who receive the Word directly ....
3241 B.41-42
The word, The strength of the Word .... Daily work of improving the
soul .... 7514a B.79 7514b B.79
The word, Unselfish distribution of the Word .... 7734 B.81
The work of changing into love and faith .... 8096 B.85
The work of God’s servants concerning formal believers .... The church
of Christ .... 4061 B.50
The work of God’s servants in the last days .... 4848 B.55
The working of the spirit exceeds a scholar’s knowledge .... 8846 B.93
The ‘working of the spirit’ in the human being .... 7798 B.82
The working of the spirit in the wakeful state .... Evidence: reasons ....
4620 B.53
The Working of the Spirit .... 5132 B.57
The working of the spirit .... Guarantee for pure truth .... 2877 B.37
The working of the spirit .... Scrutiny .... Proof: Oratorical gift .... Truth
- Error .... God’s messengers .... 4588 B.53
The working of the spirit .... Spiritual rebirth .... 4869 B.55
The works of the flesh will be revealed .... Beyond .... 5670 B.62
The world poses great dangers .... 6556 B.70
The world wants to see miracles and does not see the greatest miracle
of all .... 4665 B.53
There is no coincidence .... Nothing happens arbitrarily .... 8477 B.89
There is only one truth .... Feeling of heart .... 4786 B.54
There shall be light among people .... 8658 B.91
‘There shall not be left one stone upon another ....’ Great adversity ....
4639 B.53
These proclamations are a sign of divine love .... 0234 B.05-09

‘They ate and drank ....’ just as it was before the Flood .... 4575 B.53
Think often about the hour of death .... 7458 B.78
Thinking ability does not mean generating thoughts .... 6963 B.74
Thinking and acting righteously .... Love your enemy .... 5432 B.60
Thinking apparatus .... Influx of good or evil strength .... 2363 B.32
Third, fourth, fifth and sixth commandment .... 4979 B.56
Thirst for knowledge .... Unlimited knowledge .... 4705 B.54
‘Thou art Peter, the rock, and upon this rock I will build My church ....’
4942 B.56
‘Thou art Peter, the rock ....’ Living faith - the church of Christ .... 4525
Though Waves From Beings of Light... Spirit-Guides .... 7880 B.82
Thought currents correspond to will .... 5717 B.62
Thought currents .... Prerequisites for easy acceptance of spiritual knowl-
edge .... 0888 B.17-18
Thought transmission from the spiritual kingdom .... 3700 B.47-48
Thought, Inner voice .... Thought .... Deed .... 2020 B.30
Thoughts are emanations from the spiritual realm .... 6843 B.73
Thoughts are spiritual strength .... 1757 B.27
Thoughts from the spiritual kingdom .... 3628 B.46
Three ways of imparting the divine Word .... 2510 B.33
Three years test of faith .... Christianity .... 0754 B.14-16
Time concept of earth’s evolution .... 8252 B.87
Time estimation not possible for people .... 9016 B.94
Time of grace .... Speaker - Forerunner of the Lord .... 3276 B.43
Time of grace, Difficult days for patience - humility - meekness .... Ac-
tivity of love during the time of grace .... 0230 B.05-09
Time of trials .... Jesus, the bearer of the cross .... 3573 B.45
Time of trouble .... 3810 B.47-48
Tiny spark of divine spirit in the heart .... 7726 B.81
Togetherness in love .... Easy earthly path .... 1021 B.19-20
Tolerance .... 4733 B.54
Total change earthly and spiritually .... 3204 B.41-42
Total dedication and complete submission of will .... 9026 B.94

Total Disintegration of the Earth .... Spiritualisation .... 5655 B.62
Touchstone of divine revelations: Jesus’ act of Salvation .... 8479 B.89
Tradition .... Sacraments .... Sacramental effect .... 6732 B.72
Traditional faith .... Conventional faith .... Misguided teachings ....
4707 B.54
Transference of light in the beyond .... 6735 B.72
Transformation from death into life .... 7911 B.82
Transformation of earth .... 7297 B.77
Transformation of earth .... Change .... Disintegration .... 4368 B.51
Transformation of nature .... Deification .... 5264 B.58
Transformation of the external shape after physical death .... Being
spiritually dead .... Activity - Inactivity .... 2144 B.31
Transmission of truth from the realm of light .... 3702 B.47-48
Treasures .... God’s means to gain realisation .... 0223 B.05-09 0224
B.05-09 0225 B.05-09
Trials in old age .... Love and patience .... 7217 B.76
Trials .... 0184 B.05-09
Tribulations and trepidations of Jesus, the man .... 7278 B.77
Triumphant church .... One flock and one shepherd .... 4304 B.51
True and false prophets .... 6782 B.72
True bearers of light .... Deceptive lights .... 7888 B.82
True Christianity .... Following Jesus .... 5547 B.61 5548 B.61
True church service requires a Father-child relationship .... 8673 B.91
True disciples .... Working of the spirit .... ‘Why’ misguided teachings
.... 4842 B.55
True neighbourly love: Passing on the divine Word .... 7708 B.81
True prayer and church service .... 6280 B.67
True servants of God .... Instituted words .... Working of the spirit ....
8325 B.88
Trust in God .... The blessing of prayer .... 0235 B.05-09
Truth emanates from God himself .... 8700 B.91
Truth is light .... Darkness the result of heartlessness .... 8519 B.89
Truth, Divine guidance and direction .... Spiritualism .... Truth .... 0793

Truth, Divine truth .... Science .... 0242 B.05-09
Truth, Prayer in spirit and in truth .... 3515 B.45
Truth, Struggle for truth .... Help through prayer .... 0253 B.05-09
Truth, Recognition of truth not without prayer .... Ask and it will be
given to you .... 0248 B.05-09
Truthful knowledge can lessen resistance .... 8562 B.90
Turning inwards .... Detachment from the world and its matter ....
Achievement of truth .... 3968 B.49
Turning point, Impending turning point .... 5567 B.61
Two different kinds of revelations cannot be true .... 8460 B.89
Two worlds .... Divine law of love .... 3647 B.46

Index U

Ultimate goal is union with God .... 8093 B.85

Unattainability of God .... Recognising His fundamental nature .... 4877
Unbelief and devils during the last days .... Battle of faith .... The com-
ing of the Lord .... 4825 B.55
Unbelief before the end .... Satan’s activity .... 7074 B.75
Unbelief, Confused thinking - Unbelief .... Faith - Grace .... 1894 B.28
Unbelief, The state of souls in the beyond .... Misguided belief - un-
belief - love .... 5332 B.59
Unbelief, Weak faith or unbelief .... 8197 B.86
Unbound spirits, Eruptions .... Activity of unbound spirits .... 1851
Unchanged Word .... Important missionary work .... 7938 B.83
Understanding the working of the spirit .... 8254 B.87
Understanding, Lack of understanding for the prophecies .... Neces-
sity .... 2555 B.33
Uninformed, Activity in the beyond .... Effect on the uninformed ....
0239 B.05-09

Unidentified flying objects .... 8840 B.93
UFO, About the UFO convention .... 7742 B.81
UFO, Clarification about UFOs .... 8698 B.91
UFO, Contact between stars .... (UFOs) 7208 B.76
UFO, Deceptive works of the adversary .... (UFOs) 8623 B.90
UFO, Unusual phenomena .... (UFOs) 7205 B.76 7206 B.76
UFO, Mysterious appearances .... (Flying disks) 6674 B.72
Unification of different schools of thought during the battle of faith
.... 3947 B.49
Unification of ecclesiastical organisations? .... Spoilt teachings .... 8687
Unification of spirit and soul .... Rebirth .... 3205 B.41-42
Unification .... Blissfulness of the images of God .... 7627 B.80
Unification, Bond of love .... Unification with God .... 3636 B.46
Unification, Faith and love lead to unification with God .... 8973 B.94
Unification, Sincere longing for unification with God .... 7303 B.77
Union of the spiritual spark with the Father-Spirit .... Jesus .... 6575
Union with God - The human being’s goal .... 4871 B.55
Union, The soul’s union with its spirit .... 8327 B.88
Union, Ultimate goal is union with God .... 8093 B.85
Unity of ecclesiastical denominations? .... 8212 B.86
Unity with God .... School of suffering .... 4352 B.51
Unjustified objection, being destined to be evil .... 5141 B.58
Unleashed elements of nature .... 8311 B.87
Unmistakable sign of spiritual low level: Rejection of the divine Word
.... 4520 B.52
Unselfish distribution of the Word .... 7734 B.81
Unusual phenomena .... (UFO’s) 7205 B.76 7206 B.76
Urgent admonition to detach from matter .... 3821 B.47-48
Urgent admonition, Reference to a natural disaster .... Urgent admo-
nition to prepare .... 3949 B.49
Utilization of the Short Life Time .... 7435 B.78
Utilizing the time of grace before the end .... 5729 B.62

Index V

Various gifts of the spirit .... 6013a B.65

Various schools of thought .... Pretended worship .... 8686 B.91
Various schools of thought .... There is only one truth .... 8990 B.94
Various, Explaining the various characters of the Word-recipients ....
5061 B.57
Vast distance from God .... End .... 7672 B.80
Veneration of the virgin Mary .... The birth of Christ .... 0756 B.14-16
‘Vengeance is Mine ....’ 1753 B.27
‘Vengeance is Mine ....’ Revenge .... 1029 B.19-20
Vineyard work according to divine will .... 8442 B.89
Vineyard work according to God’s will .... 8635 B.91
Vineyard, Addressing the vineyard labourers .... Urgency of spreading
the Word .... 8821 B.93
Vineyard, Admonition for all vineyard labourers .... 7599 B.80
Vineyard, Calling upon the vineyard labourers .... 7677 B.81
Vineyard, Encouragement for diligent vineyard work .... 8529 B.90
Vineyard, God’s care for the vineyard labourers .... 8356 B.88
Vineyard, God’s merciful guidance of the vineyard labourers .... 8928
Vineyard, Pillars of the church .... Vineyard work .... Labourers - in-
struments .... 5131 B.57
Vineyard, Recalling the vineyard labourers .... Continuing diligent ac-
tivity .... 9028 B.94
Vineyard, Selfless vineyard work .... 7809 B.82
Vineyard, The near end demands increased vineyard work .... 8072
Vineyard, The vineyard labourers’ duty is to take action against error
.... 8915 B.93
Vineyard, The vineyard labourers’ service for fellow human beings ....

7990 B.84
Vineyard labourer, The vineyard labourers’ task .... 6731 B.72
Vineyard, The vineyard labourers trust in divine guidance .... 8645
Violation of eternal law .... Temptations .... 3696 B.47-48
Violation of free will by fellow human beings .... 2110 B.30
Voice, The good Shepherd .... ‘My Own recognise My voice ....’ 4295
B.51 6845 B.73
Voice of conscience .... 6585 B.70
Voice of conscience .... Feeling .... Right path .... 6262 B.67
Voice of the spirit is truth .... Jesus Christ’s teaching .... Inner voice ....
4775 B.54
Voice of, Consciously listening within .... The voice of the spirit ....
3612 B.46
Voice of, Exercise to hear the voice of the spirit .... 3732 B.47-48
Voice of, Globe .... Voice of thunder .... 0197 B.05-09
Voice of, God’s will - voice of the heart .... Inner urging .... 4104 B.50
Voice of, The powerful Voice of God .... The End of the Battle .... 3318
Voice of, The voice of conscience .... 1565 B.25 7698 B.81
Voluntarily being of service .... Selfish love .... 6320 B.68
Voluntarily turning to God .... Bond of love .... 6381 B.68
Voluntarily, Every being fell and ascends voluntarily .... 8075 B.85
Voluntary bond with God .... 6484 B.69
Voluntary, Apostasy of the beings .... Voluntary ascent .... 8266 B.87

Index W

Warning about communicating with the beyond .... 7673 B.81

Warning against amendments .... 8802 B.92 8805 B.92
Warning against rejecting the divine Word .... ‘Test all things and ....’
4587 B.53

Warning .... The Saviour’s love .... Warning against evil forces .... 0211
B.05-09 0212 B.05-09
Warning, A Warning not to Change the Word of God .... 9030 B.94
Warning, Duty of distribution .... Warning of unfamiliar knowledge ....
5808 B.63
Warning, Serious admonition and warning of transience .... 5594 B.61
Warning, Serious warning about God’s intervention and consequences
.... 7052 B.75
Warning, Serious warning about the end .... 7596 B.80
Warning, Serious warning against psychic receptions .... 7977 B.83
Warning, Speaking in tongues .... Warning against wrong spirit ....
6013b B.65
Warning, Spiritual protection .... Warning .... 0213 B.05-09
Warning, The destruction of the old earth .... Experience in the flesh
.... Warning .... 4116 B.50
Was Adam the only human being created by God? .... 8236 B.87 8237
Was Jesus’ soul already incarnated before God’s human manifesta-
tion? .... 8750 B.92
‘Watch and pray, lest ye enter into temptation ....’ 4662 B.53
Wave of awakenings during the last days .... 5457 B.60
Weak faith or unbelief .... 8197 B.86
Weak faith, Prediction of a swiftly approaching end .... Weak faith
therein .... 3964 B.49
Wealth or poverty is neither an advantage nor a hindrance to attain-
ing beatitude .... 7110 B.76
What are -means of grace- ? .... 6831 B.73
What can be regarded as divine revelation? .... 8862 B.93
What did Jesus’ body consist of? .... 8586 B.90 8620 B.90
What fate is the world heading towards .... 9020 B.94
What is a right prayer? .... 7274 B.77
What is faith? .... 4017 B.49
What is love? .... Changing selfish love into neighbourly love .... 8032

What is Spiritual Hardship? .... 7209 B.76
What is the purpose of life on earth? .... 7797 B.81
What is the soul .... 6647 B.71
What is the world? .... 8919 B.93
What is truth? .... Where can it be found? .... 5700 B.62
What is, Spiritualisation of soul and body .... What is the physical
body? .... 8573 B.90
What kind of prayer will be granted .... 8738 B.92
What was the human being and what is his earthly task? .... 8582 B.90
What would have happened if Adam had not failed? .... 9005 B.94
‘Whatever you ask the Father in My name ....’ 6374 B.68
When and why did the perfect beings become imperfect? .... 8887 B.93
When is pure truth guaranteed through the working of the spirit? ....
5569 B.61
Where did evil come from? .... 7618 B.80 7618a B.80
Where God’s Word is recognised, that is where He is present .... 8514
‘Where two or three are gathered together in My name ....’ 2107 B.30
4507 B.52 7075 B.75
Which forces trigger natural disasters? .... 6875 B.74
Which knowledge is ‘patchwork’? .... 8769 B.92
Which messages guarantee the truth .... 9013 B.94
Whitsun experience .... 7897 B.82
Whitsun, Deification .... Spiritual spark .... Whitsun May 25, 1955 6269
Whitsun, The outpouring of the spirit .... Whitsun .... 8516 B.89
Who admires the world also honors Satan 5776 B.63
Who believes in the long path before human existence .... 8819 B.93
Who has the right to ‘teach’? .... 8758 B.92
Who was embodied in Adam? .... 7463 B.79 7465 B.79
‘Whoever is loved by God ....’ 5647 B.62
Whoever is taught by God requires no further external knowledge ....
5150 B.58
‘Whoever loves his life shall lose it ....’ 5024 B.57

‘Whoever remains in love ....’ Strange gods .... 6796 B.73
‘Whoever sees Me sees the Father ....’ 3621 B.46
‘Whose soever sins ye remit ....’ 6709 B.72 8373 B.88
‘Whoso eateth My flesh ....’ 3728 B.47-48
‘Whosoever shall confess Me before men ....’ 7216 B.76
Why constantly New Revelations? .... 9002 B.94
Why do People so Easily Fall Prey to Error? .... Truth .... 8644 B.91
Why do we have to do penance for Adam’s sin? .... 9006 B.94
Why is God speaking to people? .... 8568 B.90
Why is our past memory taken from us .... 7127 B.76
Why is the information about the process of return not known? ....
8465 B.89
Why prayer is necessary .... 2409 B.32
Will and deed .... Responsibility .... 2489 B.33
Will and grace .... (Which comes first? ....) 2468 B.33
Will for descendants .... Waiting souls .... 2795 B.37
Will - Grace .... (Objection Philippians 2 - 13) 1937 B.28
Will of resistance to truth (Bible) .... 6125 B.66
Will to help and work of the beings of light .... 5536 B.61
Willing to help, The souls’ wretchedness .... Being of service and will-
ing to help .... Reward .... 0252 B.05-09
Willingness to give, Contact with the beyond .... Willingness to give
.... (Spiritualism) .... 2496 B.33
Willingness to transcribe .... Receiving the living Word .... Authentic-
ity .... 0718 B.14-16
Willingness, All willingness to help is blessed by God .... 5635 B.62
Willingness, Selfless service in every walk of life .... Poverty .... Will-
ingness to give .... 3918 B.49
Willingness, The embodied light beings’ willingness to help .... 8664
Willpower .... Strength and might .... 3724 B.47-48
Wise disciple, Errors .... The Lord Himself walks amongst people ....
Proclamation of a wise disciple .... 0247 B.05-09
Wisdom, light and strength are as one .... 2194 B.31

Wisdom, Earthly knowledge is not ‘wisdom’ .... 6931 B.74
Wisdom, Earthly knowledge is worthless in the beyond .... Wisdom ....
7415 B.78
Wisdom, ‘I will destroy the wisdom of the wise ....’ 4744 B.54
Wisdom, Light .... Radiance .... Wisdom .... 7900 B.82
Wisdom, Love - Wisdom .... Selfish love - Error - Darkness .... 3649
Wisdom, Love is the key to wisdom .... 7251 B.77
Wisdom, Teaching ministry .... ‘I will destroy the wisdom of the wise
....’ 8069 B.85
Wisdom, The ability to receive divine wisdom through the heart ....
4498 B.52
Wisdom, ‘The wisdom of the wise will be destroyed ....’ 2375 B.32
Wisdom, Words of love .... Words of wisdom .... Teaching ministry ....
Criticism on publishing .... 4963 B.56
‘With God nothing is impossible ....’ 4082 B.50
With the Lord a thousand years are as one day .... 6479 B.69
Witnesses to the end on the new earth for descendants .... 5743 B.62
Witnesses, The Lord’s return .... Present time .... Witnesses of the new
earth .... 5077 B.57
Wolf in sheep’s clothing .... Forerunner of the Lord before His return
.... 0685 B.14-16
Wolf, Achieving beatitude - Free will .... Wolf amongst sheep .... 5041
Word of God, Resistance to evil through desire for God .... Spirit of
light .... The Word of God as weapon .... 0382 B.05-09
Words of comfort .... Suffering - Illness .... Connection with God ....
6124 B.66
Words of love .... Words of wisdom .... Teaching ministry .... Criticism
on publishing .... 4963 B.56
Words of, Fatherly Words of blessing .... 5482 B.60
Words of, Serious Words of admonition regarding the end .... 7211
Words, Comforting Words .... 1923 B.28

Work and be active for the eternity 6305 B.68
Work of love for misguided souls .... 3483 B.45
‘Work of the spirit’ and the work of the spirit world .... 7829 B.82
Work, Emergence of the Work of Creation ‘Earth’ .... 7924 B.83
Work, Hallowed halls .... Blessing of the work for spiritual beings ....
0187 B.05-09
Work, Jesus’ act of Salvation was the beginning of a new phase in the
work of return .... 8600 B.90
Work, Purpose of the Work .... Numerical Prediction .... Transmission
of Inconceivable Significance .... 1086 B.19-20
Work, Reason for the work of transformation .... 8609 B.90
Work, The Magnitude of the Work of Destruction .... 4441 B.52
Work, ‘Work of the spirit’ and the work of the spirit world .... 7829 B.82
Working for God and His kingdom .... 4171 B.50
Working for the kingdom of God .... Mission .... 3284 B.43
Working, Incarnated beings of light .... The working of the spirit -
Channeled communications .... 8207 B.86
Working, Understanding the working of the spirit .... 8254 B.87
Working, When is pure truth guaranteed through the working of the
spirit? .... 5569 B.61
Working, Wrong interpretation of the Scriptures .... The working of
the spirit .... 7103 B.76
Working, Characteristic of the church of Christ: The working of the
spirit .... 5174 B.58
Working, Clarification regarding the working of the spirit .... 7637 B.80
Working, Conditions for the working of the spirit .... 3615 B.46
World clock .... Final hours .... 5266 B.58
World conflagration .... Natural disaster .... Decision .... 9025 B.94
World conflagration, End of the world conflagration .... Establishing
divine order .... 2803 B.37
World conflagration, Spiritual chaos .... World conflagration .... Mes-
siah .... The forerunner of the Lord .... 0801 B.17-18
World event .... Chaos .... Antichrist .... 6762 B.72
World event .... Natural disaster .... Battle of faith .... 6590 B.71

World events, Confirmation of prophesies .... World events .... 1842
World events, Logical reasons for world events .... 6588 B.70
World events, Omnipotence of divine love .... World events .... 1456
Worshipping the mother of God .... 4752 B.54
Worthlessness and transience of earthly possessions .... 0671 B.14-16
Worthlessness of earthly knowledge in the beyond .... 5801 B.63
Wrong image of God .... Misguided teachings .... 8035 B.84
Wrong interpretation of Jesus’ Words .... 8688 B.91
Wrong interpretation of the Holy Scriptures .... Misguided teachings
.... 2524 B.33
Wrong interpretation of the Scriptures .... The working of the spirit
.... 7103 B.76
Wrong portrayal of God .... Error .... 8615 B.90
Wrong, Creation of the beings .... Wrong will .... 2100 B.30
Wrong, Fate in eternity corresponds to will .... Love of matter is wrong
.... 3969 B.49
Wrong, Immortality of soul .... Wrong doctrine .... 4723 B.54
Wrong, Speaking in tongues .... Warning against wrong spirit .... 6013b
Wrong, Strength of faith of a living but wrong belief .... 4936 B.56

Index X

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Index Y

Yogi, Reply to a question about ‘Yogis’ .... 8800 B.92

Yogi, Addition to Yogi - message .... 8825 B.93
‘You are Peter, the rock ....’ 1516 B.23-24
You Humans are Heading Towards the End .... 7935 B.83
You humans should strive for perfection .... 7997 B.84
‘You truly have a Father’ .... Father and child relationship .... 5699 B.62
You will live forever .... 7974 B.83

Index Z

This list does not contain entries!


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