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Experiment No: 1

Title:Basic Operations on images

Aim: To perform basic opeerations on images.

In image arithmetic, different arithmetic operations like image addition, image
subtraction, image multiplication and image division are considered. Image addition and
subtraction can place objects into and remove objects from images.

1. Image Addition:

Image addition is used to create double exposure. Iff (m ,n)and g(m , n) represents two
images then the addition of these two images to get the resultant image is given by

c ( m, n ) =f ( m , n )+ g (m ,n)

If multiple images of a given region are available for approximately the same date and if
a part of one of the images has some noise, then that part can be compensated from other images
available through image addition.

2. Image Subtraction:

Image subtraction is used to find the changes between two images of a same scene. The
mathematical representation of image subtraction is given by

c ( m, n ) =f ( m , n )−g(m, n)

To assess the degree of change in an area, two dates of co-registered images can be used
with the subtraction operation. Image subtraction can be used to remove certain features in the

3. Image Multiplication:

Image multiplication is basically used for masking. If the analyst is interested in a part of
an image then extracting that area can be done by multiplying the area by one and the rest by

The multiplication operation is used to extract specific information from the image.
4. Image Division:

Dividing the pixels in one image by the corresponding pixels in a second image is
commonly used in transformation.

The result of image division is just opposite to that of image multiplication.


1. Image addition is used to create double exposure or placing an object into an image.
2. Image addition can be used to increase brightness.
3. Image subtraction is used to find changes between two images.
4. Image subtraction can be used for background elimination, brightness reduction.
5. Image multiplication is used for masking i.e. highlighting the area of interest.
6. Image multiplication increases contrast.
7. Image division is used for hiding the area of interest.
8. Image division can be used for separation of luminous & reflectance componence.



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