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Journal cf Affectire Disorders, 26 (1992) 21 l-222 211

0 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved 01650327/92/$05.00

J AD 00946

o-controlled trial of light treatment

r winter depression *

Charmzwe I. Eastman ‘, Hem-y W. Lahmeyer b, Lucie 6. Watell b, Glenn D. Good c

and Michael A. Young d
UBiological Rhythms Research Laboratory, Psychology Department, * Psychiatry and Psycho,logyDepartments,
Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center, Chicago, ’ Psychiatry Department, Unit-e&y of lilinois Medica/ Center, Chicago and
(‘Biostatistics Department, College of American Pathologists, Northfield, I&%ois~USA
(Received 30 March 1992)
(Revision received 23 July 1992)
(Accepted 7 August 1992)

We studied 32 patients with winter seasonal affective disorder (SAD) in a counterbalanced crossover
design comparing 1 h of morning light treatment (about 7000 lux) to 1 h of morning placebo treatment
(deactivated negative ion generator). Both treatments significantly reduced depression ratings, but there
was no difference between the antidepressant response to light and to placebo. Several possible
explanations for this result were discussed including an inadequate ‘dose’ of light (e.g., ineffective
duration or intensity), an unusual sample of patients, and a placebo mechanism.

Key words: Bright light; Seasonal affective disorder; Winter depression; Phototherapy; Placebo

Introduction tion in the northern half of the United States

(Rosen et al., 1990). Many researchers have come
Winter seasonal affective disorder {SAD) is to the conclusion that high intensity light is an
estimated to affect about 510% of the popula- effective treatment for this disorder (e.g., Rosen-
thai et al., 19881, whereas others remain skeptical
Correspondence to: Charmane Eastman, Biological Rhythms
(e.g., Brown, 1990). In general, treatments are
Research Laboratory, Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical colrsidered effective if they produce improve-
Center, 1653 West Congress Parkway, Chicago, IL 60612- ments beyond that attributable to placebo eff-zts.
3864, USA. Improvements in depression ratings, regardless of
* Presented in part at the 1st Annual Meeting of the Society magnitude, are not sufficient to prove efficacy,
for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms, Washington,
since placebos can also reduce depression (Critelli
DC., June, 1989 and the 2nd Annual Meeting of the
Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms, New and Neumann, 1984; Eastman, 1990b; Stewart,
York, May, 1990. 1990). The problem with demonstrating efficacy
for light treatment lies in the diffi-uity of finding such as the passage of time and attention from
an appropriate placebo control. the research staff. In addition the placebo should
Early light therapy studies used low intensity be plausible to the patient, ideally producing the
light as the placebo control. There are several same expectations for improvement as the active
reasons why low intensity illumination is not a treatment. Finally, the placebo should be inert.
satisfactory placebo for high intensity light. Sub- We have developed a placebo control treatment
jects find low intensity light to be obviously differ- that satisfies these requirements. The purpose of
ent from high intensity light. Even in the first this study was to test the efficacy ot morning high
light therapy study the majority of patients pre- intensity light treatment for winter SAD using an
dicted that high intensity light would be more appropriate placebo control treatment.
helpful (Rosenthal et al., 1984). This raises the
possibility that the superiority of high intensity Method
light was due to its placebo effect. In addition,
several SAD studies have not shown the expected Subjects
differences between high and low intensity light Subjects were recruited through advertise-
(Grota et al., 1989; Issacs et al., 1988; Lam et al., ments, the media, and were referred by mental
1991; Levitt et al., 1991; Moui et al., 1990; Tei- health professionals. Incllusion criteria were: 13 a
cher et al., 1992; Wirz-Justice ct al., 1986), lead- diagnosis of current major depression by DSM-
ing to the suggestion that low intensity light might III-R criteria (American Psychiatric Association,
actually be an active treatment (Greta et al., 19871, 2) a diagnosis of seasonal affective disor-
1989; Moui et al., 1990; Wirz-Justice et al., 1986). der by the criteria of Rosenthal et al. (19841,
The hypothesis that light’s antidepressant effect except that subjects meeting full DSM-III-R cri-
is due to a placebo mechanism is rarely presented teria for mania in the spring or summer were
as a likely explanation for the results. In any case, excluded, 31 loss of energy, increased appetite or
low intensity light is not a satisfactory placebo weight, and increased sleep, and 4) a score of 21
control treatment (c.f., Brown, 1990). or more on the 24-item composite scale com-
It has been suggested that light therapy pre- posed of the original 17-item Hamilton Depres-
sented in the evening is not a specific antidepres- sion Rating Scale (HDRSI (Hamilton, 1960) and
sant, and is therefore an acceptable placebo con- 7 ‘atypical’ supplementary items (Rosenthal and
trol for morning exposure (Lcwy et al., 1987; Heffernan, 1986). These and other items were
1989). However, others have found no differences administered using the SIGH-SAD structured in-
between morning and evening treatments (Hei- terview (Williams et al., 1988). The study was
iekson et al., 1986; Wirz-Justice et al., 1989) or conducted during two consecutive winters, 1988-
have shown that morning-evening differences are 1989 and 1989-1990. One subject entered the
a function of crossover design (Rafferty et al., treatment protocol in November, two entered in
le30; Terman et al., 1990b). In addition, morning December, and the rest entered in January or
and evening treatments are not equally disruptive February. None of the subjects were taking psy-
of most patient’s daily occupational, family, and chotropic medications during the fail/winter that
personal routines. This differential personal ‘cost’ they participated in the study, but a few had
of treatment is another reason why evening light taken such medications during the previous win-
is not the best placebo control for morning light. ter. None of the subjects had previously received
The ideal placebo control for light sh.:uid share bright light treatment.
as many procedural similarities to light treatment
as possible (Stewart, 1990). Lignt treatment usu- Experirneritul promol
ally involves a considerable investment in time The study compared two treatments which
and a period of relative inactivity. It usually re- consisted of sitting in front of an electrical device,
quires an earlier wake-up time and some sleep either a light box or a ncga,rve ion generator.
deprivation. A placebo should control for these Both treatments were 1 h in duration beginning
factors as well as the usual non-specific effects immediately upon waking in the morning. The

light isloxwas 65 cm wide and 43.5 cm tall (Apollo these treatments. It was pointed out that several
Light Systems, Orem, UT). It contained six, two- environmental factors vary seasonally, and that
foot (61 cm) cool-white fluorescent lamps. Sub- people are exposed to more negative ions in the
jects sat at a table or desk with the light box summer as well as to more fight. At this meeting
directly in front of them. They were instructed to potential subjects were given a packet of informa-
prop the light box up on books if their head was tion from the scientific and lay literature about
above the middle of the light box. They used a negative ions and light treatment. They were told
one-foot ruler to measure exactly 12” (30.5 cm) that some people respond better to ions than
from their nose to the middle of the plexiglass light, some respond better to lights than ions,
screen of the light box. They were given written some respond to both, and some to neither. The
instructions with diagrams and a one-foot ruler to attitude that the research staff displayed to pa-
ta!:e home. Subjects usually read or ate during tients with regard to both treatments was gener-
the 1 h exposure time. They were told that it was ally neutral and cautious rather than enthusiastic.
not necessary to stare at or glance up at the ‘Written informed consent was obtained from all
lights, but at that distance it is difficult not to participants.
occasionally look into the light. The study used a 5-week counterbalanced
Illuminance was measured with an Extech In- crossover design with a baseline (B) week, two
struments Lux Meter (R401025) which has a flat consecutive weeks of light treatment (Ll and L2)
photosensor. With the photosensor pointed di- and two consecutive weeks of placebo treatment
rectly at the light box at a distance of 12” read- (Pl and P2). Each subject was required to select
ings were initially slightly greater than 10,000 lux, and then adhere to a fixed wake-up time for the
but diminished to about 9000 lux after about entire S-week study, including weekends. The lat-
lo-20 min as the lamps warmed up. With the est wake-up time permitted was 8:00 am. Subjects
photosensor in the position of a subject’s eyes chose a wake time that would permit them to
pointing down at reading material on the table, sleep as late as possible, but still allow time for
readings were between about 3000 and 9000 lux, the morning treatment and their usual morning
depending on head angle and position and time preparations. Wake-up times for different indi-
elapsed since the light box was turned on. The viduals ranged from 4:20 am to 8:00 am with a
most natural position for reading resulted in an mean of 6:26 am. Compliance was assisted and
illuminance of about 7000 lux for most of the checked by periodic morning phone calls at wake-
hour. up time. Subjects were required to go to bed at
The negative ion generator was placed on the least 7 h before their scheduled wake-up time.
same table or desk as the light box. It was placed They were permitted to go to bed earlier, but not
two feet (61 cm) away from the subject at a 45’ Later than this time. Naps were permitted as long
angle, positioned so that the negative ions were as they started at least 2 h after the scheduled
blown across the table in front of the subject. wake-up time. These rules were intended to limit
Some subjects were given generators that were the amount of sleep deprivation caused by the
deactivated by changing a circuit within the gen- early wake-up times. Alcoholic beverages were
erator. However, the signal light indicating ion prohibited during the experiment, and caf-
generation and the fan remained on. Subjects feinated beverages were only permitted before
were informed that they might receive an active noon.
or a deactivated generator, but that they would Subjects completed several daily and weekly
not be able to tell which type they had received. questionnaires. In addition to providing data,
This report only includes subjects who received these questionnaires helped monitor and encour-
deactivated generators. The deactivated genera- age compliance to the rules of the protocol. The
tors provided the placebo treatment. Daily Sleep Log provided estimates of sleep on-
Before subjects agreed to participate, one of set, nocturnal awakenings greater than 5 min,
us (CIE) showed them a light box and negative wake times, and naps. Before the experiment
ion generator and explained the rationale for began subjects kept a simpler sleep chart indicat-

ing sleep and nap times. Another Daily Log in- factor was order (light first, light last) and the
cluded sections for caffeine and alcohol intake. within-subjects factor was treatment (baseline,
The Daily Ion and Light Log was for recording end of light treatment (L21, end of placebo treat-
the times of treatment as well as all times the ment (P2)). Significant MA QVA effects were
subjects went outside during daylight. Some of followed up with the univariate ANOVAs for the
the data on Baylight exposure have been pub- three scales. Other analyses will be described in
lished (Eastman, 1990a). At the end of each week the appropriate places in the results section. In
subjects completed a ‘comaosite Beck scale’ corn. all statistical test we used a significance level of
posed of the 214tem Beck Depression Inventory 0.05, two-tailed, except whcrc noted.
(BDI) (Beck et al., 1961) and three ‘atypical’
items which we added to assess increased sleep, es&s
increased appetite, and weight gain.
Subjects visited the University of Illinois Medi- Thirty-nine subjects start4 the 5-week proto-
cal Center once a week where a rater ‘blind’ to col and 32 completed it (5 m ies ar?d 27 females).
treatment condition administered the SIGH-SAD. The mean 4 &SD) age of -Ike completers was
The pre-baseline (PRE-B) rating was made be- 36.1 f 8.6 years.
fore the 5-week protocol began. After the inter-
views the subjects walked a few blocks to Rush- Depression ratings
Presbyterian-St Luke’s Medical Center where Fig. 1 shows that the composite HDRS scores
their daily and weekly questionnaires were declined over the course of the study in both
checked by research assistants and where they
received or exchanged their equipment. We be.. Hamilton Depression Ratings
lieve that this division of functions between the Light First. N=18
two medical centers helped to maintain the blind.
For convenience, subjects did not use the equip-
ment on the day they visited the medical centers.
Therefore, treatments were actually six days/
week. At the end of the baseline week subjects
completed an Expectation Questionnaire contain-
ing four 100 mm visual analog scales, 1 for each
of the upcoming four treatment weeks. Thus, all
ratings were performed before treatment began.
The 100 mm lines were anchored with ‘will r’eei PRE-B B Ll i2 Pl P2
much better’ (0 mm) and ‘will feel much worse’
Light Las”; X=14
(100 mm). The phrase ‘no change’ appeared at 50 -I
mms. The treatment planned for each of the four r- 0

weeks, ‘lights’ or ‘ions,’ was written onto each I+

t 8 E 00
individual’s Expectation Questionnaire. A subset
of subjects had their core body temperature mon-
itored throughout the study. These results will be
1 20
presented elsewhere. .d
3 10
Data analysis r- 8 0
6 0
Statistical analyses were performed on the 0
PRE-B B Pl P2 Ll L2
composite HDRS, the original 17-item HDRS
and the composite Beck scale. Since these scales Fig. 1. Composite Hamilton Depression Ratings Scale scores
over the course of the study for the light first and light last
are intercorrelated measures of depression, we
order groups. 0: individual subjsc? scores. : means. The
conducted a multivariate analysis of variance horizontal lines at 16 show one of t’~~:criteria for antidepres-
(MANOVA) (Wirier, 1971). The between-subjects sant respon’:

TABLE 1 Examination of the univariate ANOVAS indi-

Clinical ratings cated that these findings were consistent across
all three scales. The main effects of treatment
Hamilton depression rating scale were significant: composite HDRS (F = 21.02, df
PRE-B B Ll L2 PI P2 = X29, P < O.OfKIl), the original 17-item HDRS
Light first (N = 18) (F = 19.98, df = 2,29, P < 0.0001) the composite
17 Original items 14.8 14.4 12.4 11.2 11.3 9.7 Beck (F = 11.41, df = 2,29, P < 0.0001). For all
(4.7) (3.8) (5.9) (6.0) (6.1) (4.9) three scales, Neuman-Keuls post-hoc tests found
7 Atypical items 16.8 14.9 13.0 11.4 13.4 11.8
that light and placebo were not significantly dif-
(3.2) (5.6) (4.5) (4.3) (3.3)
ferent from each other.
Light last ( N = 14)
Fig. 1 suggests the possibility of an interaction
17 Original items 16.8 16.4 9.6 8.4 12.4 12.3
such that in the second half of the experiment
(5.6) (4.7) (5.0) (6.4) (5.9)
7 Atypical items 15.4 13.9 10.3 8.6 11.2 11.4 light produced greater improvement than placebo.
(3.7) (3.5) (4.1) (3.1) (3.2) (3.9) While the MANOVA did not find this effect
statistically significant, in order to fully under-
Beck depression inventory stand the data, we examined the first half (base-
PRE-B B Ll L2 Pl P2 line to first treatment) and second half (first
Light first (N = 18) treatment to second treatment) of the study sepa-
21 Original items 17.6 iii.4 11.5 12.3 11.8 11.2 rately (Armitage and Barry, 1987). These analyses
(8.5) (8.6) (8.0) (8.2) (7.0) (6.8)
3 Atypical items (t1, 3.1 2.8 2.9 3.3 3.1
suggested that scores declined over time, regard-
less of treatment. This is consistent with the
(2.5) (2.0) (1.8) (2.2) (1.7)
original MANOVA results that there was no dif-
Light last (IV = 14) ference between the antidepressant effects of light
21 Original items 19.8 16.2 8.6 7.9 12.7 11.9
and placebo treatment conditions.
(8.0) (6.7) (5.2) (4.8) (5.2) (5.8)
3 Atypical items $1 2.8 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.5 We also analyzed the data by categorizing sub-
(1.9) (1.9) (1.5) (1.7) (1.6) jects as responders or non-responders by criteria
similar to those used by Terman et al. (1989). A
Means with SD in parentheses.
responder was defined as a subject whose com-
posite HDRS score after treatment was at least
50% less than baseline and less than 16. Using
order groups (light first and light last). The com- these criteria, 18.8% (6/32) of the subjects re-
posite Beck scale produced a similar pattern of sponded to light but not placebo, 6.3% (2/32)
results. Table 1 shows the scores broken down responded to placebo but not light, 12.5% (4/32)
into the original and the atypical scales. responded to both treatments, and 62.5% (20/32)
The MANOVA indicated a significant main resporided to neither. Thus, 31.3% (10/32) were
effect of treatment (Wilk’s lambda = 0.342, F = light responders and 18.8% (6/32) were placebo
8.01, df = 6,25, P < 0.001). There was no signifi- responders. Using a l-tailed exact probability test
cant main effect for order groups (Wilk’s lambda (Bishop et al., 1975, p. 258), this difference in
= 0.870, F = 3,28, P = @.264), and no significant proportions was not significant.
order by treatment interaction (Wilk’s lambda = Altering the response criteria, such as requir-
0.764, F = 1.29. df = 6,25, P= 0.298). Planned ing only the 50% reduction in scores or applying
comparisons in the MANOVA indicated that light Terman’s criteria to the 21-item HDRS, did not
and placebo scores were not significantly differ- alter the results. We also examined the response
ent. Pooled scores of light and placebo were rates separately for the light first and light last
significantly different from those at baseline (P < groups and for the first half of the experiment
0.0001). Thus, results indicate that depression and the second half of the experiment (both
diminished with both light and placebo treat- compared to baseline). In none of these addi-
ments, but there was no difference between them tional analyses was there a significant difference
in their antidepressant effects. in response between light and placebo.

TABLE 2 Sleep
Self-reported sleep parameters for 32 SAD subjects: weekly During the week before the study (pre-B) sub-
means (SD) in hours past midnight jects woke up later on weekends (or days off)
than weekdays. The average wake-up time on
PRE-B B Ll L2 Pt P2 weekends (or the average of the two latest days)
Wake-up 7.8 6.3 4.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 was 9.0 + 1.5 h, and on weekdays (or the average
(1.4) (0.9) (0.9) (1.0) (0.9) (0.9) of the 5 earliest days) it was 7.2 + 1.4 h. During
Sleep onset 23.i 23.0 22.8 22.9 22.9 23.0
(1.0) (0.9) (0.9) (0.9) (0.9)
the study subjects were required to adhere to a
Totai sleep time 8.9 7.5 7.7 7.6 7.6 7.5 fixed wake-up time, even on weekends. This
(inciuding naps) (1.1) (0.7) (0.7) (0.6) (0.7) (0.6) scheduled wake-up time was earlier than usual in
order to accommodate the 1 h morning treat-
ments. The average scheduled wake-up time was
Expectations 6.4 & 0.9 h. Thus, subjects were required to wake
The mean (+ SD> expectation scores were 18.8 up on average 0.8 h earlier than usual on week-
(&-10.9) for the end of light treatment (L2) and days and 2.6 h earlier on weekends. Table 2
25.8 (+ 13.4) for the end of deactivated ion gen- shows that subjects’ actual wake up time, sleep
erator treatment (P2) (P < 0.01, by a paired t- onset and total sleep time remained relatively
test). Thus, subjects expected to improve with stable during the 5week protocol, with the only
both treatments, and they expected to feel slightly marked change occurring between the pre-B and
better after light treatment (which they knew B weeks. Although subjects woke up earlier, they
would be ‘bright’ light) than after generator treat- did not fall asleep earlier, and thus total sleep
ment (which they knew might be a placebo). time decreased. Although subjects were allowed
However, given our findings the expectation to nap, apparently naps did not compensate for
scores shed no additional light on the results. If the earlier wake-up times. Sleep parameters did
expectations are taken as a partial indicator of not differ between light treatment and placebo
placebo effects, they might be used to explain treatment. Since the placebo produced the same
why one treatment did better than another for changes in sleep schedule as light treatment, it
reasons other than active treatment factors. While fulfilled an important requirement for an accept-
our subjects expected to do somewhat better with able placebo condition.
light than with placebo, in fact, there was no There was a significant correlation between
significant difference in their treatment re- the scheduled wake-up time during the study and
sponses. the change in wake-up time from before the study

Mean sleep parameters and correlations with clinical response

Mean (SD) Correlations with clinical improvement a

iin hot.&
Ll L2 Pl P2
Light first subjects
Scheduled wake-up time 6.4 (1.0) - 0.36 - 0.42 - 0.08 + 0.06
Wake-up time advance b 0.9 (1.0) -0.65 * -0.58 * -0.14 -t-0.08
Sleep loss c 1.4 (0.9) - 0.35 -0.11 -0.11 -0.04
Light last subjects
Scheduled wake-up time 6.5 (0.9) - 0.09 + 0.23 + 0.00 + 0.03
Wake-up time advance b 0 6 (0.5) + 0.04 + 0.06 +0.38 + 0.27
Sleep loss c 1.3 (1.0) + 0.05 +0.15 +0.27 + 0.39

a Difference between composite HDRS scores (17~item HDRS+7 atypical items) for the indicated week and the baseline week;
b Difference between scheduled wake-up time during the study and average weekday wake-up time in the pre-baseline week;
’ Difference between total sleep time in baseline week and pre-baseline week. * P < 0.05.
to during the study for the light first subjects col as a parallel (between groups) design. In that
(r = +0.52, P < 0.051, but not for the light last case, the difference between light and placebo
subjects. This means that there was a tendency was so small that even if a very large sample size
for the light first subjects with the latest sched- produced statistical significance it would be clini-
uled wake-up times to have the largest advances ca!ly meaningless.
in wake-up time. There was a significant negative Any difference between an active treatment
correlation between wake-up time advance and and placebo can theoretically be diminished by a
clinical improvement during light treatment for high response rate to the placebo or by a low
the light first group (see Table 3). In other words, response rate to the treatment. Placebo response
the more these subjects had to advance their rates in antidepressant drug studies range from
wake-up time, the poorer their antidepressant 0% to 91% (Greenberg and Fisher, 1989). Our
re>ponse to light. There was no relationship be- placebo response rate, using the criterion of most
tween wake-up advance and clinical respclse in drug studies (a 50% drop in depression ratings),
the subjects who received light last. Neither was 22%. Response rates to low intensity light in
scheduled wake-up time nor sleep loss was signif- a cross-center analysis of SAD studies ranged
icantly correlated with antidepressant response. from 0% to 22% (Terman et al., 1989). Our
placebo response rate, using the same joint crite-
iscusshn ria, was 25%. Thus, our placebo response rate
was not extremely high. Our study did produce a
In this study, both light and placebo produced relatively low response rate to Iight treatment. In
significant reductions in depression ratings, but the cross-center analysis (Terman et al., 1989) the
light was not superior to placebo. Placebo mecha- response rate to morning Iight treatment ranged
nisms are poorly understood, but factors that from 0% to 83%, with an average of 53%. In our
contribute to the placebo effect could be atten- study only 28% of the patients met the same joint
ticn from the research staff and spontaneous response criteria.
remission. The gradual improvement in depres- Possible reasons for our low response rate to
sion ratings over the course of the 5-week study light treatment include inadequate ‘dose’ of light
could be due to both of these factors. Sponta- (e.g., duration, intensity, timing), unusual sample
neous remission is possible since the natural pho- of SAD patients, and the inclusion of a placebo
toperiod was gradually lengthening, as in most control group in the study.
winter depression studies. However, the experi-
ment was designed to detect any bersfit of light Parameters of hight treatment
treatment beyond the gradual improvement due The most common ‘dose’ of light for therapy
to placebo effects. Another factor that can con- has been about 2500 lux for 2 h. We used a
tribute to placebo effects is the expectations of shorter treatment duration (1 h) to minimize sleep
the patients (Brown, 1990; Ross and Olson, 1981). schedule changes and sleep deprivation, and tried
In this study, the expectation ratings were slightly to compensate by using a higher intensity (about
better for the light treatment than for the ion 7000 lux), since there is evidence that duration
generator treatment, but this difference was not and intensity might interact reciprocally (Terman
enough to produce a differential antidepressant et al., 1990a). Nevertheless, 1 h might be too
response. short for that particular intensity. However, there
When there is a difference between a putative are studies that used l-h morning light at lower
active treatment and placebo that does not reach illuminance than we did which produced better
statistical significance, it is important to ask response rates (Szadoczky et al., 1989; 1991;
whether the sample size was large enough to Wirz-Justice and Anderson, 1990; Wirz-Justice et
detect such a difference should it exist, i.e., was al., 1989). On the other hand, it is possible that
there enough statistical power. Such calculations our ‘dose’ was too high. In any case, our particu-
are complicated by crossover designs. However, lar light treatment (the specific light box, patient
we can regard the first three weeks of our proto- distance from the box, instructions that it is not
necessary to glance at the lights, duration of SAD patients. Unlike most other investigatcrs,
treatment, etc.) has not previously been formally we specifically selected those who had the ‘atypi-
tested. Therefore, it is possible that our particu- cal’ symptoms of increased appetite and sleep in
lar treatment configuration was not adequate. order to study a more homogeneous popu!ation.
Another possible reason for our low response The prevalence of the various atypical symptoms
rate to light treatment could be the timing of the varies among research centers (Winton and
treatment. According to the phase-shift hypothe- Checkiey, 1989). Our findings need to be repli-
sis (Lewy et al., 1987, 19881, morning light is cated using a broader sample of patients.
antidepressant because it produces a phase ad- We may have selected patients resistant to
vance of c+cadian rhythms relative to sleep. light treatment because our subject; had to meet
Morning light administered at the same local criteria for current major depression by DSM-
time, e.g. 6 am, should produce different amounts IIIR. Thus, Lhe qualifying symptoms had to be
of phase advance in different individuals, depend- present ‘nearly every day’ for two weeks. Both
ing on the phase of their circadian rhythms. In winters during our study contained stretches of
the case of individuals with extremely delayed unseasonably warm and sunny days. Patients who
phases, it could even produce a phase delay. We were screened during this type of weather and
chose TV minimize this confound by scheduling whose s;.mptoms completely remitted during such
the time of morning treatment relative to the days did not qualify for our study. Thus, we may
individual’s habitual sleep schedule, so that phase have screened out some cf the most light sensi-
shifts might be more consistent among individu- tive patients. Geographical locations where the
als. Nevertheless, it is possible that our procedure winter cloud cover is more constant, such as the
produced a range of circadian phase shifts ac- northwestern states, have been considered better
companied by a range of sleep time shifts resuit- natural ‘laboratories’ for light studies (Avery et
ing in the ‘wrong’ phase angle between circadian al., lY90). Extremely light sensitive patients could
rhythms and sleep for many subjects. enter research studies in these locations.
It is also conceivable that the local time of
light treatment is more important than the circa- Placebo controls reduce response rates to actiw
dian time. The mcst common wake-up and treat- treatments
ment time for morning light treatment has been The low response rate to light treatment in our
600 am (Terman et al., 19891, and several proto- study could be a function of the inciusion of a
cols required even earlier treatment times such as placebo control. The inclusion of a placebo con-
5:00 am or a few hours before dawn (Issacs et a;., trol lowers the response rate for drugs (Green-
osenthal et al., 1984, 1985). A few treat- berg and Fisher, 1989; Ross and Olson, 1981;
ment studies were structured iikc ours in which Shapiro, 1971; Shapiro and Morris, 1978; Smith
the wake-up time varied somewhat among pa- et al., 196Y; Wechsier et al., 1965). For example, a
tients &Ieiiekson et al., 1986; Terman et al., review of 1t!3 antidepressant drug studies
1990a). In our study wake-up times ranged from (Wechsler et al., 1965) categorized studies into
4:15 to Y:OOam with the majority (78%) failing those with no control treatment, those that com-
between 5:00 and 7:00 am. Thus our design was pared two or more different antidepressants and
not extremely unusual in terms of wake-up time perhaps a placebo, and those that compared the
and the start of morning light treatment. Never- drug to a placebo. The percent of studies showing
theless, it is conceivable that there is a w!ndow of good improvement rates to the drug decreased
ideal wake-up times that a substantial portion of when placebo controls were used. Drug response
our subjects missed, which could have lowered rates in the three categories were 57%, 49%, and
our light treatment response. 23%, respectively. The difference in response
rates has been related to the outcomes that the
Sample of SAD patients patients and staff expected. For further explana-
Another possible reason for our modest light tion see Eastman (1990b). Another review of an-
treatment response could relate to our sample of tidepressant drug studies showed that the more

stringently controlled the study, the lower the time to adjust to their advanced sleep sehedule in
response rate for the drug (Smith et al., 1969). order for morning light to be effective fc.f. Lewy
The 423 studies were divided into three cate- et a:., 1988). However, another &t&t study of
gories, those that did not use control groups or sleep logs did not find a relationship between the
blind techniques, those that used control groups amount of wake-up tir,le advance ~CXmorning
but no blind techniques, and those that used light and response rates (Wirz-Justice and Ander-
control groups and blind techr,iques. The percent son, 1990). More work needs to be done to deter-
of studies reporting good improvement from the mine whether there is a relationship between
drug decreased from 58% to 46% to 33% as wake-up advance and the antidepressant re-
design sophistica:ion increased. sponse to light treatment.
A recent review (Terman and Terman, 1991)
provides evidence that a similar principle may Final remarks
apply to SAD light treatment studies. Studies
were clas+fied, by percent decrease in depression In conclusicn, the results show that the mom-
ratings, into categories ranging from low to strong ing light treatment in our study was no mere
response. Only three out of the 8 studies that effective than a placebo. Possible explanations
included a placebo control (either low illumi- inch! ’ 1 :hz use of a sub-optimal ‘dose’ of light
nznce light or placebo beverage) met the strong (e.g., i:lcffecrlve intensity or timing), the ssreen-
response criterion. On the other hand, seven out ing out of light sensitive patients due to unusual
of the 10 studies without a placebo condition weather, the testing of onlv patients with the
Cwl+h compared two or more different high illu- atypical symptoms, and the inclusion of an inert
minance light treatments) produced a strong re- and plausible placebo control. More work will
sponse. Thus, in these SAD light studies, the have to be done to determine the relative contri-
inclusion of a placebo control reduced the re- butions, if any, of these various factors.
sponse rate to the high intensity light treatment.
It is possible that our relatively low response Acknowledgements
to light treatment was partially due to the fact
that tie included a placebo control in our design. We thank Larry D. Chait, Ph.D. for suggesting
Both the patients and staff knew that the patients the placebo control treatment. Louie Fogg, Ph.D.
might be on a placebo for some of the weeks of of Rush-Presb:yterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center
the study. This could lower the overall expecta- served as a statistical consultant. Some SIGH-
tions of patients and staff, compared to studies in SAD ratings were performed by Jamie K. Lilie,
which patients are given light treatment for all Ph.D., Cynthia Westegard, M.A., Michael Eas-
weeks of the study. We predict that if our light ton, M.D. and Paul Sakkas, M.D. Technical assis-
treatment (same light box, timing, distance, etc.) tance was provided by Joy Dunbar, Linda Gallo,
were used in an uncontrolled open trial, then the Barbie VcC!uskey, Charles Splete and Alexis
response rates would be much higher. Walker. We thank Karen Stewart, Ph.D. for a
critical reading of this manuscript.
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