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Hardata Hdx Video®

Movie Version
Video Automation
User Guide
Hardata Hdx Video Video Automation User Guide

1. Introduction

2. Models

3. Installation
3.1. Setup Wizard

4. Work Environment, buttons and menus.

4.1. User code

5. Setup
5.1. Global Preferences
5.1.1. Creating a Station
5.1.2. Deleting a Station
5.1.3. Editing a Station
5.2. Terminal Preferences
5.2.1. Setting up devices
5.2.2. Playout windows Devices GPI Events PlayOut Options
5.2.3. Programming window
5.2.4. Ingest window
5.2.5. IPlay window

6. Use
6.1. Ingest window
6.1.1. Buttons “Menu” Button Search Categories
6.1.2. Category creation
6.1.3. Selecting material
6.1.4. New material
6.1.5. Importing material
6.1.6. Exporting material
6.1.7. Backing up material
6.1.8. Restoring material
6.1.9. Playing back material
6.1.10. Markers
6.1.11. Search/ Find
6.1.12. Refresh
6.1.13. Reload Devices
6.2. Character Generator window
6.2.1. Creating Project
6.2.2. Properties
6.2.3. Loading Project
6.2.4. Deleting Project
6.3. Programming window
6.3.1. Programming tasks Creating Programming Opening Programming Deleting Programming Import Programming Export Programming Random Programming
6.3.2. Preview Actions

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6.3.3. Searching material

6.4. Playout windows
6.4.1. Opening Programming
6.4.2. Character Generator
6.4.3. Insert Project
6.4.4. Playing out Programming
6.4.5. Preview
6.4.6. Playout Menu
6.5. IPlay Window
6.5.1. Pages and Cells
6.5.2. Pages and Cells Use
6.5.3. Material Playout

7. Shortcuts index

8. Glossary

9. Technical support

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Hardata Hdx Video Video Automation User Guide

1. Introduction

Thank you very much for having chosen Hardata hdxVideo Video Automation, a tool that will
help you manage and play back videos comfortably and efficiently. Your videos will be aired
instantly just with a click!

Hardata hdxVideo is a complete audiovisual material management system. Based on Hardata

hdxServer technology, it supplies a safe and flexible platform that will allow you to manage your
content access and destination easily.

Hardata hdxVideo allows you to edit material, insert markers, record it and adapt it to meet your
needs, all these just using a mouse from a friendly-user control panel.

You will have the chance to manage the ingest, programming and play out station from a single
monitor. The play out window Works with time zones that drop down in a tree shape for a better
view of its content. The software also includes a powerful character generator, where you will be
able to create projects with text, flash animations, images, and more. You will be able to play
these projects in the air.


ƒ Easy to Use: It has a carefully designed user interface to make operative tasks and different
modules interaction easier.
ƒ Flexible: It allows you to play videos in many formats, such as Mpeg, DV, DivX, H.264 and
many others.
ƒ Open: It can be applied to networks and standard PCs.
ƒ Safe: It allows effective access control to material in your library.
ƒ Reliable: It is conceived to be reliable from its architecture to its execution.
ƒ Flash Animation Overlay: It allows you to include flash logos in your playout.
ƒ Character Generator included: This will give you the power of overlay any kind of text,
even dynamic text, hour, and images, over the emission programming.
ƒ Lower installation and operation cost: It includes an installation wizard, that will allow you
to configure the hole application in a quicker and easier way.


ƒ Ingest: It allows entering and classifying material.

ƒ Playout: It manages play-out according to previously status rules.
ƒ Explorer: It provides a simple interface for audio-visual library database management.
ƒ Users: It keeps the users’ list and their licenses.
ƒ Audit: It generates play-out reports and records on actions performed by users.
ƒ Character Generator: It allows overlapping images, text and Flash animation in the play-

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2. Models

PRO Version: Developed to manage administer the total automation of up to 4 TV stations,

controlling external peripherals such as video servers, VTRs, Matrices and logo generators, and
also internal playback video cards. Perfect for TV stations or cable or satellite signal heads,
Cable content insertions, advertising spaces.

Movie Version: Developed for small TV Stations and video studios, in a professional to home
way. It works with a standard PC with a secondary video card output. It supports many digital
video formats.

Both versions include a powerful character generator that will give you the power of overlay any
kind of text, even dynamic text, hour, flash logos, and images, over the emission programming.

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3. Installation

The InstallShield Wizard will assist you in the installation process that begins by selecting the

After selecting the language press the button Next to continue with the installation.

Then, a welcome message box comes up.

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You must read the contract displayed afterwards and accept its terms so as to continue the
installation process.

In the following step you will be asked about the installation type: hdxVideo with hdxServer or

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In the next step the wizard will show you the location where it will install the data base, the
Storages. These locations can be changed, if you want.

If the database already exists, it will show a message telling that they will not be modified.

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If there is no database at all, and no Microsoft SQL Server is installed either, Microsoft SQL
Server 2005 will be installed automatically.

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Then, the Storage location- where the files corresponding to Materials (Audio, Video, Text, etc.)
will be saved- is indicated

Once these settings have been modified or accepted, the installation process begins by
pressing the button Install.

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Before that, the wizard will search for components already installed, if there is any.

Immediately after that, you must read the following text so that the devices configuration is set.

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At this point, a short “readme” showing simply and quickly how to continue with the first
configuration steps and start-up window of the product comes out.

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3.1 Setup Wizard

When you first run hdxVideo Movie, you will see a new winwos called Setup Wizard. This
wizard will help you to set up the workstation configuration in an easy way.

If you want to run the wizard later, you can find it in the Setup Menu, Setup Wizard.

Fists of all, the wizard will let you choose a language. It will be automatically set in the language
you chose in the installation.

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After selecting the language you want, hit next. The following step will configure the resolution
that workstations will use. This is a global parameter, and will affect all the workstation that are
connected to this server.

Next, you must choose an environment. This will set the Video Output to Fullscreen + Preview
to the window you select. All the other windows will be set to Preview automatically. It is
important to know that only one window will have the Fullscreen attribute on. This is
recommended to prevent and avoid emission mistakes. However, you can manually add this
attribute to the other windows if you want.

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Finally, you will set the audio and video devices you want to control. The list will be filled with
the devices previously installed on the system.

When the wizard is over, the application will be ready to be used.

In case you don’t have an additional video or audio device to use in Full screen mode, you will
be notified by the following message:

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4. Work Environment buttons and menus.

In this section we are going to enter in touch with the first steps of hdxVideo. As being, starting
the application, you can connect to the hdxServer and learn how to access, to each of the
windows of hdxVideo, which will allow you to do each of the tasks of automation in your video

Running the application:

To run the program, you go to Start->Programs->Hardata hdxVideo->hdxVideo-> hdxVideo, or

from the desktop across the hdxVideo shortcut. When you executed it, this will present the
following window, which indicates that the system is detecting the presence of the protection
dongle of the software.

As soon as the program executes, the User Name and Password is requested for login into the
hdxServer, which can be in your PC or in a specific terminal in your network (If you do not know
this information consult with the responsible person from the area or with your network

If it is the first time that you run the system, this one has a user created of the following way:
Username: Administrator
Password: Supervisor
This user is a super administrator, who cannot be eliminated, but if it is allowed to change the
password. With this user, using the hdx User Manager, you can create other administrator users
or general users.

Once time the hdxVideo is running, will appear a main window which shows the following

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Date and Time User Name Version of


This button organizes and re-positions automatically the opened windows.

This button shows a menu that gives us the possibility of open a window of Ingest of
the following way:

This button shows a menu that gives us the possibility of open a Broadcast Window

This button shows a menu that gives us the possibility of open a window of
Programming for every station. Example:

This button shows a menu that gives us the possibility of open the IPlay Window,
which contains multiple pages with materials that can be emitted as a live assistant
of a Program of studio. This menu appears of the following way:

This button allows us to change the user of the system without need to close the
program and to return to open it.

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Logo of the program: This one informs us the version of the product (pro, xp, iplay, office,
exchange). In addition if you do click on the logo, it will open a window, which allows you to
change the user's code to the hdxVideo.

4.1. User’s Code.

The user's codes are foreseen to offer safety and represent the license of the product.

With the purchase of the product, you obtain a user's code that interacts with the security
dongle (hardlock) that uses the application. The customer agrees with Hardata and expiration
date, measured in hours of use of the license: ten days, thirty days, etc. By which a new code
will be requested to the company for the next period. Once the time has expired, hdxVideo will
block the use of the product.

One week before the code expires hdxVideo will send a warning by opening a dialog box, which
will request you to enter a new code. In this moment you will have to communicate with Hardata
to request the new code. Hardata will request you, your previous code and will provide the new
one. When you obtain the new code, you will place it in the dialog box, or will do click in the logo
of hdxVideo which finds in the upper right of the main window of controls to enter it.

The customer can also ask for a definitive code, which will not request for a constant code
change, but will decline the security and safety level.

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5. Setup

The first step to be able to start working with hdxVideo is to set up the existing devices and to
create the stations; to do so press the button Setup that drops down the following menu in
which you must select one of the options to set up.


5.1. Global Preferences

In the option General, the video standard with which you will work can be set up. PAL or NTSC.

ƒ Allow repeating codes: If enable, this option will let you use repeated material codes.

5.1.1. Creating a Station

To create a new station press the mouse right button while pointing at the option Stations and
then select Add New Window.

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It is also possible to add a station by placing the cursor on the option Stations and pressing the
button Add.

In the new window you must assign a name to the created station and then accept or cancel if
you change your mind.

Note: In Movie Version, you will only be able to play one station.

5.1.2. Deleting a Station

To delete a station proceed similarly to the way to create it, but select Delete Window instead.

5.1.3. Editing a Station

This option allows you to modify the name of a station.

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5.2. Terminal Preferences

After creating a station, you must set up the devices it will use; while placed on General, press
Edit and the button Configure Devices will be enabled.

Then, a window where all the controllers installed on your equipment are displayed will come

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For each driver you can create one or more devices (as in the case of Windows Media Video
HDX Device Driver–(v1.0.1.6), there is Def_WM, Def_WM-preview); to do so proceed as

Select the driver, press Add or else, while pointing at the option click on the mouse right button
and click on Add.

Likewise, there are the options to Delete or to see the installed device properties pressing
Properties…, or double-clicking on it.

5.2.1. Setting up devices

Video Engine HDX Device Driver [version]

General Settiings

ƒ Fullscreen video device: Monitor or Lcd selected for video output.

ƒ Audio device
ƒ Display mode:
o Preview: You will be able to play materials through the preview monitor.
o Fullscreen: You will be able to play materials through the video output
o Fullscreen + Preview: You will be able to play materials through the video
output selected and have a preview monitor at the same time. (This requires
more CPU power)
o Fullscreen (Black Magic): You will be able to play materials through the video
output selected. Enhanced for BlackMagic Video Boards.

ƒ Render mode

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ƒ Preroll [TimeCode]: It is the time that takes the device to start up and stabilize the signal

GPI HDX Device Driver [version]

ƒ 378: Usual address for LPT1.

ƒ 278: Usual address for LPT2.
ƒ 3BC: Usual address for LPT3.

This name and address must be the SAME that those set up in LPT properties. Usually the
name of this direction is described before, but it can be different. To corroborate it you must go
to: Start -> Settings -> Control Panel, in this place you must do double click in the icon
“System” and in the "Hardware" tab do click in the button “Device Manager”. In that moment,
there will be opened a window that shows in the shape of tree all the devices. In the item “Ports
(COM and LPT) " you look for the LPT to use and do double click on it, and in the "Resources"
tab there will appear a table "resource settings", where there is a column "setting" in which you
will find the address of the LPT.

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LIVE HDX Device Driver [version]

General Settings

ƒ Wait for GPI Events: Live material will wait for a GPI signal to end transmission.
ƒ Force Events to End: Live window will close its transmission when the set up time have been

Parallel Port Settings

ƒ Address:
378: Usual address for LPT1.
278: Usual address for LPT2.
3BC: Usual address for LPT3.

ƒ Pin: The pin through which the GPI signal is played out must be indicated.


ƒ Preroll [TimeCode]: It is the time that takes the device to start up and stabilize the signal
ƒ Delay at GPI Event [Time Code]: Delay until a GPI event takes place.

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Windows Media Video HDX Device Driver [version]


ƒ Use Hi Resolution File: It uses the files in high resolution.


ƒ Preroll [TimeCode]: It is the time that takes the device to start up and stabilize the signal

5.2.2. Playout windows Devices

To assign the devices to the Playout windows, the station to be set up is selected and then Edit.

The aspect of the window will change, and you will be able to press the buttons that were grey
before and now are black.

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Add device
Delete device
Edit device

If you press:

afterwards, a new window where you will be able to select- among other devices installed-
Media Server and Matrix Channel comes out.

If you choose:

the selected device will be removed.

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the selected one will be edited to change the choice.

To work with more than one Live device, you must create as many outputs as those
needed not only in the Playout window but also in the Programming one. GPI Events

If you have a GPI controller, you must set up this option and the input and output events.

Input Events

ƒ Action Play: The pin through which you want to play out the playback event is set up.
ƒ Action Stop: The pin through which you want to play out this GPI event is set up.

Output Events

ƒ Playing Status: The pin through which you want to play out the “playing-back” status is set
ƒ Stopped Status: The pin through which you want to play out the “stopping” status is set up.

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Hardata Hdx Video Video Automation User Guide PlayOut Options

Playout options

ƒ Auto load next programming: When this option is enabled, the Playout window loads the
following programming automatically when there are less than five minutes left to finish the
current programming.
ƒ Auto-reload Programming: With this option activated the window of Emission reload the
programming that has actually loaded, when this one is saved from another Terminal,
without need to do this action manually.
ƒ Delay next segment pre-load on stop (5 seconds): If enabled, this option make a 5 seconds
pause before loading the first clip of the following segment. It is only used if Stop at the end
of each segment is enabled.
ƒ Do not play New state materials (only Edites or Ready): If enabled, this option will
automatically skip those clips with status equals to New.

Playback Mode

ƒ Non stop play of the entire programming: It does not stop playback until the end of
ƒ Do not detect Input Events: This is a sub option of the previous one, contributes the
functionality of detecting or not the Incoming Events for GPI configured for the Emission's
window when it is in Auto Mode.

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ƒ Stop at the end of each segment: It stops playback at the end of each segment. This allows
setting up the Playout window button Break so that when the window opens, it is already set
ƒ Stop at the end of each clip (Stop at the end of each clip): It stops playback at the end of
each clip.

5.2.3. Programming windows

In this window only the preview device must be set up, likewise it was done in the Playout

5.2.4. Ingest Window

In this window only one device must be assigned for each device of: previous and playback.

Play Dev: It is the main playback device.

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Preview Device: It is the device with which the material preview can be performed.

Note: In Movie Version, you will be able to open one Ingest window by terminal.

5.2.5. IPlay window

In this windows you will assign the playback device for IPlay.

Note: In Movie Version, you will be able to open one IPlay window by terminal.

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6. Use

6.1. Ingest window

In this working area you will be able to copy, mark, search and perform all the necessary edition
processes to get the materials needed for your programming from your video files.


Materials List

Category tree

Material list

Digital Video: High resolution digital


Command Material: GPI command

type file.

Live Material: Live material file.

Markers: In and Out.

Parent Clone: It is the original material

from which clones are generated.

Child Clone: It is the clone itself.

Not available material: Not available


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6.1.1. Buttons

Play Stop Pause

Frame Forward / Menu

Time Go To / Go To

Play In-Out Play out Go mark Out Go mark In

Play: It plays back the selected material.

Stop: It stops playout.
Pause: It pauses during playback.
Frame Backward: It winds back a frame.
Frame Forward: It winds forward a frame.
Menu: It drops down a menu that will be described later.
Play In-out: To play back between marks, the marks added to a file.
Play Out: It plays back from de Mark In to Mark Out.
Go Mark In: It places the cursor in Mark In.
Go Mark Out: It places the cursor in Mark Out. “Menu” Button


This option has the functions of Playback, Stop, Pause and Rec buttons, as well as the quick
execution keys- those aligned at the right.

In the center appear the functions Play Rate, to change the playback speed.

Jog - : It slows down playback complying with the scale present in button Play Rate.
Frame Back: It winds back a frame.
Frame Forward: It winds forward a frame.
Jog + : It speeds up playback- idem to Play- option.
Hardata Hdx Video Video Automation User Guide

In the lower area it can be seen:

Play between Marks: It plays back between Marks.

Play Until Out Mark: It plays back until Out Mark.
Visual Timer Mode: It shows the total video length or just what is between marks.


This option allows inserting marks in material; it also has the quick execution keys aligned at the

View Preview

If the monitor is not open, press the Menu button and a window similar to the following one will
come out where- when View Preview is enabled- the material to be edited can be previewed.

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Get Snapshot

It captures the frame at that instant to place it as the material icon. Search
It searches according to the word entered. The search result will appear in the material list. Categories
It is an explorer that displays the existing categories and also the options to show the search
results (Search Results…), and a folder that works as the Windows recycle bin- where the
material that is no longer needed will be saved for later destruction evaluation. (Outdated

6.1.2. Category creation

Point with the mouse at the category or subcategory in which you want to create it, press the
right button and select New from the drop-down list.

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Assign a name to the category, a three-character prefix and also indicate from what index you
want to start counting the ingested material.

Note: Category creation can also be performed with Hdx Explorer.

The option Delete deletes the selected category provided that it is empty.
Refresh Categories refreshes the screen containing the categories, because any change made
in any other terminal is not updated immediately.
Show Subcategories Content: It shows the subcategories content contained in the selected
Properties: It shows the name, prefix and the number of material contained in the selected

6.1.3. Selecting Material

The explorer window displays the categories in which you will classify your material (be
organized to be able to find the necessary material quickly); by clicking on any category, the
material list contained in it will appear in the right window.

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6.1.4. New material

This option allows registering in the system the existence of material in any of the storage

This process is carried out by pressing the right button of the mouse on the Material list and
selecting New Material from and choosing the device where is it located.
Afterwards, a card in which you must assign a title, the ID number and the In and Out time
codes will come out.

New Material From Live

After having created live material, you must set up the device through which it will be played
back; you can do this from any window by modifying the properties in the material card, in the
following way:
Pointing at the material press the right button of the mouse and select properties.

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For the material to be played back with a device set up in Comments, it should be entered as it
is seen in the image: the text DeviceName=*****, (‘*****’, represents the device name that must
be written in the same way that in the Configuration window: it is case sensitive).

For those users who do not need other live outputs, they should not set it up in comments and
will be free to add any comment.

Note: By default, if no output device is set up, the material will be played back in the first one
that appears in the device list.

New Material From Command

For the execution of GPI commands you have the chance to set some values in the
“Comments” section of the material card; the settings are the following:

ƒ Type GPI: This type of command allows to move or execute a state of specific device PIN, in
the following way:
MSecSinceStart=XXXX It runs the command after the time indicated in milliseconds (if you
want to execute 1 second since the start you must enter 1000).
MSecBeforeEnd=XXXX It runs the command at the time indicated before the end (if you want
to execute 1 second before the end you must enter 1000).
GPI=X It sets up the logical GPI number through which the GPI commands will be executed.
Refer to device manual to know about physical pins. This information is available in Air
configuration window too.
GPIValue=(ON or OFF): The value entered as ON/OFF will be the value that PIN will take when
executing the command.

Note: MSecSinceStart and MsecBeforeEnd cannot be set up together because the command
will be executed only once; if it is mistakenly done this way, the first set up line will be taken into

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Important: Please respect the format as it is shown in the example: upper and lower cases as
well as blank spaces, any mistake could prevent the commands from executing properly.


To specify the command type, you must indicate it with the parameter:
CommandType=XXXX (Ej: CommandType= GENERAL)

ƒ Type GENERAL: This type of command allows you to realize actions on the application, like
change the reproduction mode (Manual or Automatic Mode), satellite control (Local or
Remote Mode), or any other type of actions or functionality changes, where the parameters
must have the following way:

CommandType=GENERAL: It specifies the command type.

MSecSinceStart=XXXX: Ditto to command type GPI.
MSecBeforeEnd=XXXX: Ditto to command type GPI.
ActionName=ActionValue: It indicates the action to realize and the value that assigns him, a
good example would be: PlaybackMode=Auto or PlaybackMode=Manual.

Change to Automatic Mode Change to Manual Mode

In the General tab the following items can be set up:

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Title: Material title.

Code: Code number.
Comments: You can add comments about the material.
Kill Date: It is the date in which the system will send the material to To Kill folder.
TapeID: ID number of tape containing the type tape material.
Material ID: Is it the code by which material is recognized in hdxServer.
Clon Parent: In the case of being a “son” cloned material, the “father” material from which it was
cloned is detailed in that field.
External Material ID: This is the material code in case it exists in a Media Server.
Play Length: It is the length of the material to be played out, considering the In and Out Marks.
Total Length: It is the material actual length.

In the Others tab the Status can be set up:

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New: New material.

Edited: If the material has been processed.
Ready: If it is ready for playout.

Class can also be set up:

Commercial: It is a material that belongs to the Commercial type.

Promotion: This is a promo material (for example some of the shows to be promoted).
Clip: Videoclips, musical material.
Program: It is specifically a show.

Category: It is the category to which the material belongs.

Storage: It is the folder in which the material is stored.
Type: It is the material type, related to the playback medium.
Links: It is the button that connects to the folder in which the material is stored.
Created by: User who created the material.
Created Date: Creation date and time.
Modified by: User who modified the material.
Modified Date: Date and time in which the material was modified.
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Time Codes

In the TimeCodes tab the Start and End time, and the In and Out (introduction or final
comments) if there is any- are set up:

Start: It depends on the material source, if it is a tape, the Time code where the material starts
can be entered.
End: Same as mentioned before, but with End time code.
Total Length: It is the material total length.
In: It is a start mark made inserted in the material.
Out: It is an end mark made inserted in the material.
Play Length: It is the length between marks.


In the Optional tab, you will be able to enter additional data such as Album, Year, and other
customized data.

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6.1.5. Importing material

Click the right button of the Mouse on the material list and select Import Files To, showing in
which available store media you want to save the material.

After searching and finding the file place, press Open.

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Once the file has been selected the import process starts. When it has finished, a card to
complete the file identification data comes out.

6.1.6. Exporting Material

Hi Res File materials can be exported to the desired destination from some of the storage units.

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This window shows the export progress.

6.1.7. Backing up Material

If you Select Backup Materials you can back up your materials or store them temporarily in
some storage medium to delete from your devices material you are not using momentarily.

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6.1.8. Restoring Material

If you backed up some materials you were not using any longer and you want to restore them,
press the right button of the mouse and select Restore material From Backup.

Then it asks you the file access path from where you want to restore the material: look for a .hdt
extension file, once you found it, press Open and the restoring process begins.

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If the material exists, a warning message shows up. You can accept it, cancel it or ignore it.

Accept (OK): When you restore many materials and some or many of them already exist, this
message appears. By pressing OK this material is not restored and it remains with the rest of
the material until another material within this category is found.
Cancel: It cancels the whole operation.
Ignore: When there are materials to be restored, press Ignore and it will restore all the materials
that it is possible to restore; this message will not show up again.

This method restores the four files stored by the backup process.

6.1.9. Playing back Material

Once the material is selected press Play. If the monitor is enabled, it will display the content.

Otherwise, the video progress is shown in the status bar. Playback speed can be changed by
selecting another one from the PLAY RATE drop-down menu (regular speed is 1 x).

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It can also be played back from the Menu button selecting Play or by pressing quick execution
key F1.

Play between Marks

From Menu button Æ Actions Æ Play between Marks. If you want to play back from Mark In to
Mark Out, press Menu Æ Actions Æ Play until Out Mark

6.1.10. Markers Frame Backward Frame Forward


Play Play Go Mark Go Mark

In-Out Out In Out

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Creating markers

When you want to make a marker on material it must be located on the exact place (using either
Pause, Frame Backward or Frame Forward) and pressing the Menu button, select Set Mark In
to Mark In and Set mark out if you want to Mark Out.

Deleting Markers

To delete markers from a material, select from the Menu: Delete Mark In or Delete Mark Out.

Go to markers

To place the cursor on a marker, select from the Menu: Go Mark In (for Mark In) or Go Mark Out
(for Mark Out).

You can also use the button Go Mark In or Go Mark Out.

6.1.11. Search/Find

HdxVideo searches by title, either complete or part of it. To do so write the title or one word of it
in the field Search and the search result shows up in the materials frame.

In Categories window there are two options called: Search result and To Kill, the first option is
used if you change the window and want to come back again, so if you press this option, you go
back to the window showing the search results. The second option consists of a folder where
material is store for assessing its destruction later.

Under Outdated Materials, there is another option called Not Played Since, which is a quick
access to those files that were not playback in a specific period of time.

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6.1.13. Refresh
When you are working at creation of materials from different terminals could be happen that you
do not see in all the same information. Pressing the right button of the mouse and then
Programming → Refresh the category that is visualized on the screen will be updated adding or
removing the materials corresponding to the modifications realized by other terminals.

6.1.14. Reload Devices

It reloads the drives set up in the window.

6.2. Character Generator Window

This window will let you create, open, save and delete your projects. You will se every item
reflected in real time in the preview window.

Inside each project you will be able to include many kind of items. Items can be text, images or
even flash animations. In addition, every item contains different properties which can be set as
you want.

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New Load Save Delete Test

Project Project Project Project Project

6.2.1. Creating Projects

To create a new project, click the button.

Once created you can set its properties and add items.

6.2.2. Projects Properties

In the Properties tab, you will be able to set the following properties:

ƒ Fade In: It is the time the projects lasts to appear into the screen. Recommended values are
between 0.5 to 2 secs.
ƒ Fade Out: It is the time the projects lasts to disappear into the screen. Recommended values
are between 0.5 to 2 secs.
ƒ Versión: Shows the version of the current project. It is Recommended not to modify this

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Add Items
From the Items tab, you can add items to the Project. If an item is not checked, though added,
won’t appear in the screen.

Text Items
To add a Text item, press the +Text button and select the text source of your preference. The
sources are:

ƒ Text: Assign a text by writing it.

ƒ Text from DB: You can load text from the Server Database. For example, you can load the
Optional fields of a material like the Album, Artist, Year, and Title. You can also load every
field of the Material Property window.
ƒ Text from file: It reads a text file and shows its content on screen.
ƒ Hour: It returns the system hour.

If the option Show Text Box is enabled, you will see a green rectangle associated to each text.
This will show you which the area of the text Item is.

Once added the Text Item, you can manipulate it changing its properties.

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ƒ Name: Identification name of the item.

ƒ Text/Field: It contains the text showed on screen.
ƒ Text file: When the source is a text file, this is the path of the file.
ƒ Font: You can configure the font family, type and size you want.
ƒ Text Color
ƒ Outline Width
ƒ Outline Color
ƒ Left: Indicates the initial position of text in screen in horizontal direction.
ƒ Top: Indicates the initial position of text in screen in vertical direction.
ƒ Width: Indicates the path width of the text, when you use horizontal movement, you can
specify till where the text will scroll.
ƒ Height: Indicates the path width of the text, when you use vertical movement, you can
specify till where the text will scroll.
ƒ Alpha: You can adjust the transparence of the item.
ƒ H. Movement: Sets the speed and the direction of the text movement. If the value is
negative, the movement is opposite direction.
ƒ V. Movement: Sets the speed and the direction of the text movement. If the value is
negative, the movement is opposite direction.
ƒ Loop: When checked, the movement is repeated.

Image Items
To add an Image Item, just press the button +Image and select the source of your preference:
ƒ Image: Loads the image from a file.
ƒ Image from snapshot: Loads the image from the snapshot picture of the material that is
being played during the project.

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Once loaded, the image is shown in a preview field. You can set its properties by modifying the
following values:


ƒ Name: Identification name of the item.

ƒ Image File:This is the path of the file.
ƒ Left: Indicates the initial position of text in screen in horizontal direction.
ƒ Top: Indicates the initial position of text in screen in vertical direction.
ƒ Alpha: You can adjust the transparence of the item.

Flash Animation Items

To add a Flash Animation Item, just press the button +Flash and select the source of your


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ƒ Name: Identification name of the item.

ƒ SWF File: This is the path of the file.
ƒ Left: Indicates the initial position of text in screen in horizontal direction.
ƒ Top: Indicates the initial position of text in screen in vertical direction.
ƒ Alpha: You can adjust the transparence of the item.
ƒ Loop: When checked, the animation is repeated.
ƒ Smooth
ƒ Output frame

Delete Items
To delete an item of the project. Just select the item you want to delete, and press Delete

6.2.3. Loading Projects

To load an existing project, just click the button. A list will be shown in which you can
select the project you want to open.

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6.2.4. Deleting Projects

To delete an existing project, just click the button. A list will be shown in which you
can select the project you want to delete.

6.3. Programming window

The programming of the day or that of the following ones is created here. We can see a Preview
window and another one for programmed segments that work like that of the playout window.

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6.3.1. Programming Tasks Creating Programming

It is necessary to have Ingest window open to create programming. If you start with a new
programming, a time segment can be created pressing the right button of the mouse while
pointing the cursor at Playlist and selecting Segments → New…

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Assign a name to the segment, if you wish, in Description in the New Segment window and
assign a schedule.

If Playlist is empty and no segment has been created so far, when attempting to program
material, HdxVideo will automatically create a segment and will ask for the previous data.

Once the segment is created, you can program material with this method that, from now on, you
will use in this window as well as in Playout window.

Drag & Drop, from Playback window, click on the material and without releasing the mouse
button drag it to the Playlist and drop it in the segment in which you want to program it. Note
that the mouse pointer turns into a circle crossed with a line and then into a rectangle. The latter
shape shows that you can drop it in that area and then it will be programmed.

Programmed material is appears in Playlist as well as the segment length, that is the addition
result of the materials length; this is shown in Programming Segment window.

To create another segment repeat the previous steps; segment creation order determines the
playout order, there is no chronological order so that the programming is played out without a
schedule control though there is an estimate playout time length.

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Save the programming once you have finished it or if you decide to finish it some other time.
Pressing the right button of the mouse a window where you can select Programming →
Save…comes out.

Select Programming date on Save Programming window.

Programming date is assigned in the Playlist titles bar.

Once programming is saved, if its date matches the date it is being modified, the following
warning appears at the right bottom corner of the screen of all the terminals using Programming

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hdxVideo is suggesting you to refresh the screen to update the programming that has been
modified from another terminal.

Edit segment

Press the right button of the mouse and then Segments → Edit, and a window to modify
schedule or description comes out.

Insert segment

This option enables you to insert a segment within a programming because, as we said before,
the segment creation order matches the playout order so by this option a segment can be
added after an existing one.
To do so press the secondary button of the mouse while pointing at the segment located before
the position where you want to insert the segment and select Segments Æ Insert… from the
emerging menu. Opening Programming

To open Programming select Programming → Open and programming date. It can be selected
either from the calendar or from the Programming tab of the created programming list.

Programming update

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When working on programming from different terminals it is possible that not all of them display
the same information. Pressing the right button of the mouse and then Programming →
Refresh, the programming will be refreshed in base to the last time that it was saved. If besides
from the own terminal some change had been made, when the Refresh is executed, this one
will ask if you want to save the changes. If we save them then no modification will take place in
the programming and the updates in other terminals will be done on the basis of this one
recently saved. Deleting Programming

Press the right button of the mouse and then Programming → Delete and select the
programming date to be deleted. Import Programming

If you wish to build in your PC the commercial grill and you don’t have HDX Video installed and
you have or remember the code of the advertising to be added, you can write it in a word
processor (like Word or WordPad), then take it in a diskette to the station and to import it from
the Programming window.

Below there is an example of how you should write the commercial blocks of the day:

/10:30:00 Block 1 (Hour of starting of the block with the bar ahead)
AVI00001 (Code of the materials that belongs to the block)
AVI00001 76 (It is possible to add the Traffic Index –optional-)
+COM00006 (Code of the command associated with before material)
/12:42:10 Block 2 (The block description after the hour)

If you want to specifty the description of the block you must put it after the hour of starting of the
block, like the example shows. There are some separators (between the hour and the
description) supported, you can use the space character “ ” (like the example), the character “,”
or “;” (for example: /12:54:20;Bloque 3).

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Once time created and saved the file with the extension .txt, to import from a Programming
window in hdxVideo, you must press the right button of the mouse and select from the popup
menu Programming → Import From→ Txt …

Once time opened the file to import, the process of import of programming begins. Import a
programming from a text file is equal to create a new programming, then insert every block and
then Drag and Drop of every material that is inside of the text file generated with the material
In the case that the text file contains codes that they are not in the database, a message will
warn you about this, and there will be given the possibility of saving them in another file for his
later evaluation. Export Programming

You can export an existent programming to a file with the extension .txt.

You must press the right button of the mouse and select from the popup menu Programming →
Export To → Txt … Random Programming

This function creates a random programming automatically, you only need to set up some
formats and then follow just a few steps to create the desired length programming.

You can create a new segment or create programming into an existing segment; pressing the
right button of the mouse a menu drops down where you can select Random Programming
option and the following window appears:
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Here a given random programming time can be scheduled, setting up the format (creating
formats is explained in the next chapter) and length. Then press OK and a sequence of
materials appear in your Playlist completing the indicated time. If the format has few short
materials they will be repeated within the list until they reach the set up length.

Creating formats

In Random Programming window there is an Edit Formats button. If you press it the following
window shows up:

As it can be seen, there are some formats already, but if you need to add one just press Add

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Then select the categories for which you are creating the format- it can be one or several.
Assign a name to the format and if you wish, add a format description in the Extended tab.

Once the formats are created, press Ok to save them.

The next screen shows the Playlist appearance with the insertion of a Random Programming.

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Note: This feature is also available in Playout window.

6.3.2. Preview Actions

They are the actions that can be performed to preview the programming materials and they
match the Preview window buttons.

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6.3.3. Searching Material

With this option you can search materials Find…, search the next one Find next, it searches the
next material having this name or word.

Removing Programming material

It can be executed by using the Unprogram option and then accepting the confirmation window.

Replacing material

Having both Programming and Ingest windows open, select a material from Ingest window and
then press Replace …in Programming window while pointing at the material to be replaced,
then accept confirmation.

The button Yes to All accepts to replace several materials if they have been selected to be


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It shows the material properties allowing its edition to be able to modify them. Pressing Edit,
title, code, etc. can be changed.

6.4. Playout window

This window shows a monitor where you can see what is being aired. Play, Stop, Next and
Break and 3 timers buttons are also available in it.

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Regresive segment
TimeCode Total length
Regresive material

Stop Next

Auto Play

Segment backward Time Code: It countdowns time length of the segment.

Segment Total Time Code: It is the total time length of the segment.
Material Remaining Time Code: It is the backward Time Code of the material being played

While a programming is being aired, some of the materials can be watched with this window
before they are played out. Play, Stop and Pause buttons are available here as well as the timer
showing the remaining time code of the material and a playback progress bar.

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The programmed segments list to be aired is shown here, which can be displayed just as a
segment list or as a segments and materials list as well. If you wish, one or all the expanded
segments can be seen. To do so press the right button of the mouse and select Segments →
Expand or Expand all (the latter will expand all segments).

The materials that are being played back appear in red, the material appearing as next in violet
and the already played back materials appear in pink (while this date programming is active, if
the window is closed and opened again, these played back materials will appear in white).

Programming Segments

This window shows the programmed segments and it can be closed by pressing . If you
double click on the segments, materials list segments can be expanded or contracted.

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6.4.1. Opening Programming

When the playout window is opened, it always opens with the programming of the day. To open
another one, press the right button of the mouse pointing at the Playlist area and select
Programming → Open...

You can choose a particular date from the Programming Date calendar or press on the
Programming tab and select from the dates list of created programmings.

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If there is no programming created, it can be created then executing the same process as in 5.2
Programming window (Page 60).

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6.4.4. Playing out Programming

Playout can start from the first programmed segment or from where you mark the material;
when pressing Play the day programming will start being played back and 5 minutes before the
end, the next day programming is loaded though the day has not yet ended. As soon as the day
first segment of that programming is played out, the day corresponding to that date will be
loaded in the Playlist. The following days programming will be loaded successively because this
activity is designed for a never ending programming, even though a programming does not
belong to the playout date.

Highlighted material will turn maroon and while it is played back it will turn red. Once the
material is played back it remains pink and it keeps this color while this playout window is open
or while Playlist date does not change, because the previous date programming is deleted from
this Playlist.
If you need to play back by segments, press and will become active, then press
Play; it will play back till the end of the segment and will not continue until Play is pressed again.

You can also use Emission Actions → Play list where Stop, Next, Break and quick execution
keys can be found.

During playout programming can be watched in the monitor, provided it is active.

If you press (Next) the actual reproduction will be stopped and the following material will
begin to be reproduced. If previously you do click and select any material of the list the actual
reproduction will be stopped and will begin to reproduce the above mentioned material. You will
be able to stop the reproduction pressing the button Stop .
During programming playout the material that is being played back is red as well as the
segment being aired in the Programming Segments window.

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6.4.5. Preview
All the materials can be previewed through the Preview monitor even if programming is being
played out at the moment. Play, Pause and Stop keys can be used in this operation. For
example, highlight the material you need to check and press Play from the Preview window.
The highlighted material turns red.

If you want to air what you are watching in Preview, just press Next and it will be played out at
once, skipping the rest of the programming.

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6.4.6. Playout Menu

This menu allows you to enable (if you tick the options) or disable (if you unmark them), the
Preview and Programming boards and the Air or Preview monitor.

6.5. IPlay (Instant Play) window

IPlay and Air windows work similarly though IPlay window task is to play out from a “list” having
up to 2 materials, which can be applied for News launch, Flash or some TV studio background,
etc.. It can be used to launch incidental advertising about the materials being played out in your
stations as well.
It also gives you the chance to loop the current playback material.

6.5.1 Pages and Cells

After Iplay window has been set up and opened, it is ready to use. When the window is opened
the first remarkable feature you come across is the window visual split in Pages and Cells. Each
of the ten Pages contains a twenty cells matrix where you can store playback material.

6.5.2 Pages and Cells Use

To fill the cells with the material to be set up, just open a Ingest window and drag materials from
that window to the desired IPlay window cell. Once the material is within the cell, it is ready for

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To clean a cell, open the contextual menu on the position to be emptied and then select “Clear”.

To rename some material placed in one cell, select “Rename” option…

This material arrangement within the pages, is stored by user, so each user has its own 10
pages material arrangement.

6.5.3 Material Playout

To play back a material just select it with a click, then play it back clicking again or pressing
Play. The cell changes color 3 times:

ƒ Yellow: ‘Seeking’ status, the external device is searching material.

ƒ Green: ‘Ready’ status, the external device already has the material ready for playback. If
there is a material being played back (red) the following highlighted material will be green.
ƒ Red: ‘Playing’ status, the material is being played back.

You can also adjust the current material playback speed before or during its playback. Such
speed ranges from 0,3x (very slow) up to 8x (very fast). If you do and you have selected a
material as next, the state of this one will be a light green, which indicates that you have this
material selected to reproduce, but as change the speed it will not reproduce it in loop
automatically. It means that it will reproduce only the actual one in reproduction.

It also has a Jog bar similar to that of Ingest window to be able to move over the material that is
being played out at the different speeds.

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To play back IPlay window may keep a list of up to two items, so that you can select a material
to play back and while it being played out, you can selected another one from other cell to be
played back once the first material has finished.

Press button Next to skip to the next selected material.

To remove the following material to be played back from the list and prevent it from being
played back next, execute the contextual menu over the next item and then select “Unselect
Next” option.

To cut playout or to download a selected material, press Stop button.

To play back material in cycles, press button Loop while such material is being played back.
The button turns on if the device set up for this window allows its use.
To end this playback mode, press this button again and the list will go to the following selected
material once the current one being played back has finished, or playback ends if there is no
other selected material.

To pause a material, press Pause button during its playback. Material will twinkle until pause is
released and playback is resumed.

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7. Shortcuts index

Ingest window shortcuts

Menu button ► Actions ► It winds back a frame. Alt+Left

Frame Back

Menu button ► Actions ► It winds forward a frame. Alt+Right

Frame Forward

Menu button ► Actions ► Playback Pause F3


Menu button ► Actions ► It plays back material F1


Menu button ► Actions ► It Plays back speeding up Alt+Up


Menu button ► Actions ► It Plays back slowing down speed Alt+Down


Menu button ► Actions ► It Plays back between Marks F7

Play between Mark

Menu button ► Actions ► It plays back until Out Mark. F8

Play Until Out Marks

Menu button ► Actions ► It stops playback. F2


Menu button ► Get It gets snapshot Ctrl+G


Menu button ► Markers ► It goes to Mark In F11

Go Mark In

Menu button ► Markers ► It goes to Mark Out F12

Go Mark Out

Menu button ► Markers ► It sets Mark In F9

Set Mark In

Menu button ► Markers ► It sets Mark Out F10

Set Mark Out

Clone Material It creates a new material access to modify, or Shift+Ctrl+L

attach it to another category.

Delete It deletes the sslected material or category. Ctrl+Del

Go to Material Category It goes to the selected material category. Shift+Ctrl+A

New It allows creating a new subcategory. Ctrl+N

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Properties It shows material properties card. Ctrl+Enter

Refresh It refreshes/updates the screen information. Ctrl+R

Refresh Categories It refereshes/updates the information in Ctrl+R

categories window screen.

Search for Clones It searches for material Clones. Shift+Ctrl+S

Select All It selects all materials. Ctrl+A

Small Icons See Small Icons. Ctrl+I

Show Marker Icons It shows marks. Ctrl+K

Reload Devices Ctrl+Alt+R

Show Subcategories It shows all Subcategories Content. Ctrl+H


Programming window shortcuts

Segments ► Collapse It closes the selected segment. Ctrl+PgDn

Segments ► Collapse All It closes all Programming segments. Ctrl+End

Segments ► Edit It edits a segment to modify it. Shift+Ctrl+E

Segments ► Expand It expands a segment to see the materials it Ctrl+PgUp


Segments ► Expand All It expands All the segments. Ctrl+Home

Segments ► New It creates a new segment. Shift+Ctrl+N

Segments ► Insert It inserts a new segment following another one. Shift+Ctrl+I

Copy It copies the selected material. Ctrl+C

Cut It cuts the selected material. Ctrl+X

Materials ► Find It searches/ Finds materials. Ctrl+F

Materials ► Find Next It searches/Finds the following material. F

Materials ► Replace It replaces material. Ctrl+P

Materials ► Unprogram It unprograms material. Ctrl+U

Paste It pastes. Ctrl+V

Preview ► Pause It previews ► It pauses Ctrl+F3

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Preview ► Play It previews ► It plays back Ctrl+F1

Preview ►Stop It previews ► It stops Ctrl+F2

Programming ► Delete It deletes a selected date programming. Ctrl+D

Programming ► New It opens a new programming. Ctrl+N

Programming ► Open It opens an already existing programming. Ctrl+O

Programming ► Refresh It refreshes/Updates the programming you are Ctrl+R

Working on.

Programming ► Save It saves the current programming. Ctrl+S

Properties It shows material properties card. Ctrl+Enter

Small Icons See Small Icons. Ctrl+I

Show Marker Icons It shows marks. Ctrl+K

Playout window shortcuts

Segments ► Collapse It closes the selected segment. Ctrl+PgDn

Segments ► Collapse All It closes all Programming segments. Ctrl+End

Segments ► Edit It edits a segment to modify it. Shift+Ctrl+E

Segments ► Expand It expands a segment to see the materials it Ctrl+PgUp


Segments ► Expand All It expands All the segments. Ctrl+Home

Segments ► New It creates a new segment. Shift+Ctrl+N

Break It plays back until the end of the segment. Ctrl+B

Copy It copies the selected material. Ctrl+C

Cut It cuts the selected material. Ctrl+X

Emission Actions ► Play It Plays back. F1

Emission Actions ► Stop It stops playback. F2

Emission Actions ► Pause It Pause playback. F3

Emission Actions ► Next It plays back the following one. F5

Emission Actions ► Break It plays back until the end of the segment. Ctrl + B

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Insert Tape Enter Videotape ID Number. Ctrl+T

Materials ► Find It searches/ Finds materials. Ctrl+F

Materials ► Find Next It searches/Finds the following material. F

Materials ► Replace It replaces material. Ctrl+P

Materials ► Unprogram It unprograms material. Ctrl+U

Paste It pastes. Ctrl+V

Preview ► Pause It previews ► It pauses Ctrl+F3

Preview ► Play It previews ► It plays back Ctrl+F1

Preview ► Stop It previews ► It stops Ctrl+F2

Properties It shows material properties card. Alt+Enter

Small Icons See Small Icons. Ctrl+I

Show Marker Icons It shows marks. Ctrl+K

Frame Back It winds back a frame. Alt+Left

Frame Forward It winds forward a frame. Alt+Right

New New. Ctrl+N

Next Following one. F5

Pause Pause. F3

Programming ► Delete It deletes a selected date programming. Ctrl+D

Programming ► New It opens a new programming. Ctrl+N

Programming ► Open It opens an already existing programming. Ctrl+O

Programming ► Refresh It refreshes/Updates the programming you are Ctrl+R

Working on.

Programming ► Save It saves the current programming. Ctrl+S

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Hardata Hdx Video Video Automation User Guide

8. Glossary

Clon: It refers back to an existing material. Materials are physically stored in a device. When
markers or other modifications are required, materials can be clonned refering back to the
physical material position and by modifying the Clon, the original will not be modified.

Hardata hdxVideo © 2009 Hardata Pág. 81

Hardata Hdx Video Video Automation User Guide

9. Technical Support

Hardata provides you with e-mail or telephone technical support. If you have any problem do
not doubt to contact us at +54 11 4650 3110 or send an email to

Do not forget to visit our website frequently. There you will find all our new
products line.

Hardata hdxVideo © 2009 Hardata Pág. 82

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