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Performance-Enhancing Drugs

This week you are going to be completing your own research about a performance-enhancing
drug of your choice. Please follow the step below to complete this project by Friday.
Step 1: Select a performance-enhancing drug that can be classified in one of the categories
o Anabolic Steroids
o Human Growth Hormone
o Erythropoietin
o Beta-Blockers
o Stimulants
o Diuretics
Step 2: Use the following questions to guide your research
 What are performance-enhancing drugs?
 What performance-enhancing drug are you researching?
 What does the performance-enhancing drug do?
 what are the risks?
 What are the short-term side effects?
 What are the long-term side effects?
 What athletes have used this drug?
 What were the legal consequences of using this drug?
 Informative video of the performance-enhancing drugs.
Step 3: Present the information found in your research using google slides and submit it to
google classroom.
Performance-Enhancing Drugs Rubric
Criteria Excellent Satisfactory Needs Score:
Performance- Performance- Performance- Performance- /3
enhancing drugs enhancing drugs enhancing drugs enhancing drugs
definition were thoroughly were adequately were incompletely
defined. defined. defined.
Performance- Performance- Performance- Performance- /3
enhancing drug enhancement drug enhancement drug enhancement drug
selection selected for selected for selected for
research was research was research was
clearly stated. partially stated. insufficiently
Performance- All guiding Most guiding Few guiding /3
enhancing drug questions were questions were questions were
research answered for the answered for the answered for the
performance- performance- performance-
enhancement drug enhancement drug enhancement drug
selected. selected. selected.
Presentation of Information was Information was Information was /3
Information well organized. relatively improperly
organized. organized.
Stress Management
This week you will be completing a stress management strategies notebook. Please follow the
steps below to complete this project by Friday.
Step 1: Define stress and examine what stressors you may be experiencing in your life.
Step 2: From the list below, determine 4 stress management strategies that would work best for
 Relaxing Activities (Soothing Music, Colouring, Painting, etc.)
 Mindfulness
 Meditation
 Progressive Muscle Relaxation
 Goal Setting (S.M.A.R.T. Goals)
 Low Intensity Exercise
*If you find any other strategies in your research feel free to use them as well.
Step 3: Define and describe the 4 strategies you chose.
Step 4: Determine how you would like to display the information you discovered through
research (ex: notebook, infographic, pamphlet, video) If you have a preferred method to
complete this project that has not been listed, please contact me.
Step 5: Organize your information in one information display and submit it to google classroom.
Stress Management Strategies Rubric
Criteria Excellent Satisfactory Needs Score:
Definition of Stress was fully Stress was Stress was /3
Stress defined. partially defined. undefined.
Stress Stress management Stress management Stress management /3
Management strategies selected strategies selected strategies selected
Strategies were clearly stated. were suitably were insufficiently
stated. stated.
Stress Stress management Stress management Stress management /3
Management strategies selected strategies selected strategies selected
Strategy were thoroughly were adequately were incompletely
descriptions defined. defined. defined.
Presentation of Information was Information was Information was /3
Information well organized. relatively improperly
organized. organized.
Create Your Own Warm Up and Cool Down
This week you will be creating your own warm up and cool down for a self-selected sport. Please
follow the steps below to complete this project by Friday.
Step 1: Select a sport.
Step 2: Determine the sport specific movements that occur when playing the sport.
Step 3: Identify necessary warm up activities specific to the sport you selected.
Step 4: Identify the necessary cool down activities specific to the sport you selected.
Step 5: Create a 4 to 5-minute warm up and a 4 to 5-minute cool down routine
appropriate for the sport selected.
Step 6: Video record both routines and submit them to google classroom.
In both the warm up and the cool down routines you must:

 State which sport the routine is designed for.

 Highlight several sport specific movements that occur when playing the sport.
 Demonstrate 7-10 warm up/cool down activities that align with the movements occurring
in the specific sport.

Warm Up Video Project Rubric

Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Weak (1) Score:

Warm Up Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Demonstrates a       /4

Exercise clear moderate basic limited
Selection understanding understanding understanding understanding
of warm up of warm up of warm up of warm up
exercises used exercises used exercises used exercises used
in the sport they in the sport they in the sport they in the sport they
selected. selected. selected. selected.

Warm Up Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Demonstrates a     /4

Exercise clear moderate basic limited
Execution understanding understanding understanding understanding
of proper of proper of proper of proper
execution of the execution of the execution of the execution of the
exercises exercises exercises exercises
selected for the selected for the selected for the selected for the
warm up warm up warm up warm up
routine. routine. routine. routine.
Cool Down Video Project Rubric

Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Weak (1) Score:

Cool Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Demonstrates a       /4

Down clear moderate basic limited
Exercise understanding understanding understanding understanding
Selection of cool down of cool down of cool down of cool down
exercises used exercises used exercises used exercises used
in the sport they in the sport they in the sport they in the sport they
selected. selected. selected. selected.

Cool Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Demonstrates a     /4

Down clear moderate basic limited
Exercise understanding understanding understanding understanding
Execution of proper of proper of proper of proper
execution of the execution of the execution of the execution of the
exercises exercises exercises exercises
selected for the selected for the selected for the selected for the
cool down cool down cool down cool down
routine. routine. routine. routine.
Nutrition Plan
This week you will be creating a one-day meal plan for an Olympic athlete the day before their
competition. Please follow the steps below to complete this project by Friday.
Step 1: Select a sport from the list of Olympic sports found in the link below.
Step 2: Select an Olympic athlete from the sport you selected.
Step 3: Make a 1-day meal plan for the day before their competition that is specific to the sport
and the athlete you selected.
The meal plan must include:
 The sport and the athlete you chose
 The number of calories the athlete is supposed to consume.
 A minimum of 3 meals
o A break down of the grams of carbohydrates, proteins and fats for
each meal.
o A break down of the calories consumed each meal.
 The type and volume of liquids the athlete is supposed to consume.
 A total of the calories consumed in the day.
Step 4: Present your 1-day meal plan using google docs and submit it to google classroom.
Pre-Competition 1-Day Olympic Athlete Meal Plan

Criteria Excellent  Satisfactory Needs Score


Nutritional Nutritional intake Nutrition intake Nutrition intake /3

Intake from the meal plan from the meal plan from the meal plan
created aligns fully created aligns created does not
with the demands of moderately with the align with the
the sport selected. demands of the sport demands of the sport
selected. selected.

Nutrient All meals are All meals are All meals are /3
Breakdown in completely broken somewhat broken insufficiently
grams down into the down into the broken down into
(Carbohydrates appropriate nutrient appropriate nutrient the appropriate
, Proteins, Fats) values. values. nutrient values.
Liquid Intake The type and The type and The type and /3
volume of liquid volume of liquid volume of liquid
consumed consumed consumed
throughout the day throughout the day throughout the day
is clearly stated. is partially stated. is not stated.

Calory Goal Total calories for Total calories for the Total calories for the /3
the day are no more day are no more day are more than
than 100 calories than 200 calories 200 calories above
above or below the above or below the or below the calory
calory goal of the calory goal of the goal of the day.
day. day.
This week you will be creating a physical education game. Please follow the steps below to
complete this assignment by Friday.

Step 1: Create a Game. The game must be:

 Inclusive (people of different abilities should be able to participate)
 Original (you can use elements of other games but must put your own twist on it)
 Safe (be sure to include safety guidelines)
Step 2: Draw the set up for your game.
Step 3: Create a list of supplies.
Step 4: Outline and explain the game as if you were teaching it to your classmates. Don’t forget
to include a list of rules!
Step 5: Present your game using google slides or google docs and submit it to google classroom
by Friday.

Create A Game Rubric

Criteria Excellent  Satisfactory Needs Improvement Score

Originality/Creativit Completely Somewhat original Very familiar /3

y original concept concept or creative concept or
or a new take on take on an existing unoriginal take on
an existing game. game or activity. an existing game.

Inclusiveness Game can be Game can be played Game can be /3

played by people by people of most played by people of
of all ability ability levels. few ability levels.

Game Outline/Rules Game and rules Game and rules Game and rules are /3
are well would benefit from poorly explained.
explained. additional

Cultural Sport/Game
This week you will be researching a sport or game from a culture of your choice. Please follow
the steps below to complete this assignment by Friday.
Step 1: Select a culture and a sport/activity that aligns with the culture you selected.
Step 2: Research the following components of the sport/game you selected.
 The background/history
 The basic objectives
 The rules
 The strategies
 A video or image of the cultural sport/game being played
Step 3: Present the information found in your research using google slides and submit it to
google classroom by Friday.

Cultural Game Rubric

Criteria Excellent  Satisfactory Needs Improvement Score

Sport/Game Sport/Game selected Sport/Game selected Sport/Game selected /3

Selection aligns fully with the aligns somewhat with the does not align with the
culture of choice. culture of choice. culture of choice.

Research All components of Most components of Few components of /3

research were research were addressed research were
addressed for the for the sport/activity addressed for the
sport/activity selected. sport/activity selected.

Presentation Information was Information was Information was /3

of well organized. relatively organized. improperly organized.
Create a Lesson
This week you will be creating a 30-minute physical education lesson for 10 grade 5 students.
Please follow the steps below to complete this assignment by Friday.
Step 1: Select a sport/game you will be playing.
Step 2: Create a warm up, main activity and a cool down.
Step 3: Create a lesson plan using the template on google docs and submit it to google classroom
by Friday.
Create a Lesson Rubric

Criteria Excellent  Satisfactory Needs Improvement Score

Sport/Activity Sport/Activity Sport/Activity selected Sport/Activity selected /3

Selection selected aligns fully aligns somewhat with does not align with the
with the physical the physical ability physical ability level of
ability level of grade level of grade 5 grade 5 students.
5 students. students.

Warm up/Cool Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Demonstrates a basic /3

Down clear understanding moderate understanding of the
of the warm up and understanding of the warm up and cool down
cool down warm up and cool exercises used in the
exercises used in down exercises used sport/game selected.
the sport/game in the sport/game
selected. selected.

Presentation of All components of Most components of Few components of the /3

Lesson Plan the lesson plan are the lesson plan are lesson plan are
completed. completed. completed.

S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting

This week you will be creating S.M.A.R.T. goals using the results from your at home fitness
testing. Please follow the steps below to complete this project by Friday.
Step 1: Complete your at home fitness testing
Step 2: Record your results in the template on google sheets and submit it to google classroom
Step 3: For every exercise completed in the at home fitness test create a S.M.A.R.T. goal. The
S.M.A.R.T goals strategy is as listed below:
 S: Specific: Goals should be clearly defined or identified.
 M: Measurable: Establish criteria for measuring progress towards the goal.
 A: Achievable: Goal must represent an objective you are willing and able to work
 R: Relevant: Goals must represent an objective that you value.
 T: Timely: Goal should be made within a reasonable time frame.
Ex: “I want to lose 10 lbs by October 24th, 2020. I will perform a half hour of cardio and
half hour of strength training per day, 5 times a week and I will reduce my intake of
simple sugars.”
Step 4: Complete your 5 S.M.A.R.T. goals on google docs and submit it on google classroom by
S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting

Criteria Excellent  Satisfactory Needs Improvement Score

Specific Goal is clearly Goal is somewhat specific. Goal is not specific. /3


Measurabl Goal is clearly Goal is somewhat Goal is not measurable. /3

e measurable. measurable.

Achievable Goal is clearly Goal is somewhat Goal is not achievable. /3

achievable. achievable.

Relevant Goal is clearly Goal is somewhat Goal is not relevant. /3

relevant. relevant.

Timely Goal is clearly Goal is somewhat timely. Goal is not timely. /3


Consequences of Inactivity and Benefits of Activity

This week you will be researching the consequences of physical inactivity and the benefits of
physical activity. Please follow the steps below to complete this project by Friday.
Step 1: Research the negative health effects of physical inactivity
Step 2: Select 3 of the negative health effects to further research.
Step 3: Use the following guiding questions to complete your research for each negative health
effect you selected.
 How does physical inactivity lead to the negative health effect?
 What are the symptoms of the negative health effect?
 What are the risks of the negative health effect?
Step 4: Research the positive benefits of physical activity.
Step 5: Select 3 of the positive benefits of physical activity.
Step 6: Use the following guiding questions to complete your research for each positive health
benefit you selected.
 How does physical activity lead to the positive health benefit?
 What are the physical or mental indicators of the positive health benefit?
Step 7: Complete the research on google docs and submit it to google classroom by Friday.
Consequences of Physical Inactivity and Benefits of Physical Activity Rubric
Criteria Excellent  Satisfactory Needs Improvement Score

Negative All of the 3 negative Most of the 3 negative Few of the 3 negative /3
Effects and effects and 3 positive effects and 3 positive effects and 3 positive
Positive benefits are benefits are appropriately benefits are
Benefits appropriately selected. appropriately selected.

Research All components of Most components of Few components of /3

research were research were correctly research were
correctly answered answered for the effects correctly answered for
for the effects and and benefits selected. the effects and
benefits selected. benefits selected.

Presentation Information was Information was Information was /3

of well organized. relatively organized. improperly organized.

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