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Yes, you need a cover letter
If you are formally applying for a job, we highly recommend that you submit a cover letter along with the resume. Employers often
use cover letters as the first screening step. If you don't have a cover letter at all, the employer may assume that you, as the
candidate, are not serious about the position. However, if an acquaintance is offering to "pass your resume along," there is not the
expectation that a cover letter be included, because it is not a formal application. In those situations, it is up to the student's
judgment regarding whether or not to include a cover letter.

The role of the cover letter

The cover letter is a business letter, usually attached in front of a resume, which addresses the reason for the correspondence. The
cover letter discusses the position being applied for, how you learned about the role, the main highlights of your candidacy, and the
next steps.

The format of the cover letter

Cover letters should be written in the formal business correspondence format. The cover letter should address a specific person.
Most likely, this will be the human resources hiring representative or the hiring manager. Research the contact information if
necessary, since use of a specific name creates an impression that you are indeed interested in the company. Following the name,
the correct punctuation for a business letter is a colon (:). When closing the cover letter, include three blank lines between the
valediction (closing) and your name. If an enclosure (e.g., resume) is included, add one space between your name and include the
word "Enclosure." Match the font style (and paper, if hard copy) of your resume to your cover letter (the Ross iMpact resume
module uses Palatino font).

The structure of the cover letter

Cover letters should be limited to no more than one page (per business convention). The cover letter should address the point at
hand, which is that you are applying for a position. It should also address some key reasons why you would be worth serious
consideration. Finally, it should discuss next steps. The number of paragraphs and the order of points are up to the writer.

Don't get fancy

Cover letters are formal business correspondence; candidates are advised to stay within the bounds of business decorum.
Candidates may feel creative touches (such as perfumed paper) may get one noticed, but one wants to stand out in a good way. It's
generally best to allow a solidly written case of your skills and interest to impress the readers.

How much do I need to customize my cover letter for each employer?

The most effective cover letters are customized to the company and position. Make sure to understand the key skills/experiences
being sought by the recruiter, and address them directly. Also, mention something about the company that displays that you've
done your homework in networking and research and why you want to work for them. If you have talked with individuals or alumni
at the company, don't forget to mention them within the first paragraph.

When emailing your cover letter, the approach can vary:

 The cover letter is the body of your email, with the resume attached. In this case, the email cover letter serves the same
purpose as a conventional cover letter, but is shorter and more concise.
 The cover letter and the resume are both attached, and the body of the email is very brief. It is usually recommended that
you write a paragraph that references any connection to the company, summarizes your interest in the company, identifies
what position you're applying for, gives contact info/next steps, and states that a resume and cover letter are attached. The
email is essentially like the first paragraph of a conventional cover letter, with a little bit of the final paragraph (next
steps/contact info) incorporated.

Be sure to be specific in your subject line so that your email will get the recipient's attention.

Many companies will have you apply on-line, and if they allow for cover letters, be sure to include one. For on-campus recruiting, the
iMpact system will allow an attached cover letter. In these instances, a conventional cover letter is appropriate.

SAMPLE COVER LETTER: Draft to Critique (MBA)

Instead of simply appropriating models of good cover letters, it’s helpful to learn to draft, analyze, and revise your own
letters. As you read the letter below, think about how it could be improved to make it more effective according to the
principles you have just read on the previous page of this handout. On the next page, you will find specific commentary
about each part of this letter, and on the page after that, a revision that incorporates the feedback. We encourage you
to use this drafting, analyzing, and revising framework for your own cover letters.

713 Arch Street, Apt. 3

Ann Arbor, MI 48104
December 19, 2014

Ms. Kelly Jacobs

Sprint Staff Associate Program
6400 Sprint Parkway
Overland Park, KS 66253

Dear Ms. Jacobs:

I am currently a first-year MBA student at the Stephen M. Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan and am
pursuing a career in the high tech industry. I really enjoyed speaking with the Sprint Staff Associates at the Ross School
this past fall. During the presentation and the reception that followed, I received valuable insight into the program, both
from professionals in the field and second year Sprint interns Claudio McGown and Angela Shapiro. I am impressed with
and enthusiastic about the Sprint Staff Associate Program because of its focus on developing and nurturing the future
leaders of Sprint.
Part 1

I believe there are many parallels between the skills and experiences that Sprint requires from its summer interns and
my own skills and experiences. I spent four years at Deloitte leading teams and creating measurable business results for
my clients. As a lead consultant for E*TRADE, I formalized the project planning process and developed a financial model
to actively manage five Andersen managers and 70 analysts of a $100 million project. During the planning process, my
team redeployed resources that enabled the engagement to achieve its key milestone dates. From my interactions with
Sprint Staff Associate Program representatives, they indicated leadership and a results orientation are two key attributes
that would allow me to excel at Sprint this summer.
Part 2

I would like to speak to representatives of Sprint further about my experiences, and the internship opportunities.
Therefore, I would like the opportunity to be on your closed interview schedule when you come to interview in January.
I will call you next week to verify that your received the proper information and to follow up and answer any additional
questions you may have. Thank you for your time and considerations.
Part 3


[Sign name here]

Seth Mulder


Cover Letter Critique MBA


SAMPLE COVER LETTER: Reviewing the Draft

The 3-Section cover letter format
Cover letters have no pre-set structure, except that they should be in formal business letter format. The sample cover letter on
the previous page has three parts which are explained in more detail below. Students can feel free to use this structure (but
not to copy verbatim) for their own cover letters or to use another format.


Part 1. Introduction How does the sample do in Part 1?
A cover letter should begin with a connection to the audience.  Saying “I enjoyed,” “I am impressed with and
Addressing why the writer is interested in the position and enthusiastic about” doesn’t give the reader anything
organization is essential. The most effective cover letters specific about the writer’s interest. Anyone could say
exhibit a high degree of background research. For many this. Instead, the writer should give a concrete
students, another key point to include in the introduction is example of what interested him.
that the writer is currently a student with a focus on X. Finally,  Exactly what the writer wants is not clear.
the introduction should state the point of the letter, which in  Sentences contain too many “I” statements. Focus
most cases is a request for an interview. For on-campus should be on the fit between the writer and the
recruiting, the student should request to be included on the company, not on what the writer thinks, feels,
closed list for interviewing. believes, etc.
Key points to address in this section
- Who you are and what you are about.
- Why you are interested in this job/ organization.
- Any persons you have met at the company and with whom
you have discussed opportunities.
- What you want (opportunity to interview).
Part 2. Highlights (with Evidence) How does the sample do in Part 2?
This section highlights one to three major points showing why  The writer needs to get to the point. The first two
you are a strong candidate for the position. The section sets sentences do not focus specifically on qualities he
the main themes for the resume (the resume should reinforce would bring to Sprint.
the one to three points mentioned in this section). Picking the  When the writer does get to a relevant experience,
one to three points involves determining how the key he puts what he did (spent four years at Andersen
requirements of the job map onto the main skills/and Consulting) first, rather than focusing on what
experiences of the candidate. Within the cover letter, the qualities this experience highlights.
writer should provide some evidence or support for each of  The last sentence could work well as a topic
the points cited (although not in too much detail, which is the sentence, to highlight the required skills that the
role of the resume). Think of the resume as the informative paragraph will demonstrate.
part and the cover letter as the part that sells the selected  The example given can be developed into an effective
qualities. one, but perhaps another 1-2 examples could be
Key points to address in this section added.
- The one to three reasons you would make a strong
candidate for this position.
- Evidence and support for each reason you cite.
Part 3. Conclusion and Follow-up How does the sample do in Part 3?
In the final section, you should reiterate your interest for the  The writer clearly states his objective and takes
position, followed by a request for follow-up action if needed. responsibility for follow-up.
For on-campus positions, the typical follow-up action is to be  Some phrases are unclear. For instance, what does
placed on the interview list. For off-campus positions, the “the proper information” mean in this context?
follow-up action may be that you would call them to verify the  Even if the writer says he will follow up, giving the
receipt of the application. Make all requests as courteously as best way to contact him is still polite.
possible. Be sure you provide a specific, easy action and offer
to take responsibility for following up. Lastly, include your
contact information, typically your phone number, and
conclude the letter.


713 Arch Street, Apt. 3

Ann Arbor, MI 48104
December 19, 2014

Ms. Kelly Jacobs

Sprint Staff Associate Program
6400 Sprint Parkway
Overland Park, KS 66253

Dear Ms. Jacobs:

As a first-year MBA student at the Stephen M. Ross School of Business, I am pursuing a career in the high tech
industry. Sprint’s on-campus presentation this fall and the reception that followed gave me valuable insight
into the Sprint Staff Associates Program. The Sprint professionals and second-year interns Claudio McGown and
Angela Shapiro were enthusiastic and knowledgeable. Based on what I learned from them, my skills and
experiences would allow me to make an immediate contribution to the Staff Associates Program. Please
consider me for your closed interview schedule in January.

From my interactions with Sprint Staff Associate Program representatives, leadership and a results orientation
are two key attributes that would allow me to excel at Sprint this summer. Leading teams and creating
measurable business results for my clients during my four years at Deloitte provided a strong foundation. For
example, [add specific example here]. As a lead consultant for E*TRADE, I formalized the project planning
process and developed a financial model to actively manage five Andersen managers and 70 analysts of a $100
million project. During the planning process, my team redeployed resources that enabled the engagement to
achieve its key milestone dates.

Please consider me for your closed interview schedule in January, so we can discuss the fit between my
experiences and your needs more fully. Please contact me at 734-669-1568 if you have any additional
questions. Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Sign name here]

Seth Mulder


Cover Letter Critique MBA



999 Hill Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(734) 555-4567
December 12, 2014

Susan N. Fresh
Number One General Mills Blvd.
Minneapolis, MN 55426

Dear Ms. Fresh:

Interacting first hand with General Mills at Ross’s corporate presentation, “First Wednesday” at Ross, a mock
interview with Jill Jones at Marketing Symposium and finally last week’s visit to headquarters with the Ross
Marketing Club, has made me excited to find a company that shares my passion for brand building,
collaboration and creativity. Having spent several years in online advertising, I admire General Mill’s
commitment to building relationships with its consumers and its innovative approach to marketing. Multiple
conversations at these events have convinced me that General Mills would be the ideal place for me to
leverage my expertise in digital advertising and account management, with my strengths in:

Analytics & Brand Strategy: At Michigan Media, I analyzed quantitative and qualitative data on consumer
behavior to formulate strategic plans that built our client’s brands. Taking these data, I complied insights to
create consumer segment profiles and applied them to campaigns using new technologies. Furthermore, I
created customized digital media plans and tracked their efficiency relative to these brand strategies in order to
either recommend further implementation or change course.

Managing Agency Relationships & Persuasive Communication: I communicated performance metrics and
recommendation plans for campaigns as the key post-sales contact for Michigan Media. As our clients
embraced new measurement standards such as engagement and viewability, I introduced new technology
systems to our agency partners to track these metrics and ensure adoption.

Team Leadership: During a time of restructuring at Michigan Media, I created the company’s first National
Account Manager training program, leading to increased collaboration across regional offices and a unified
campaign planning process. As Team Lead for the East Coast Account Management Team, I was responsible for
leading cross-functional teams including operations, sales and publishing to design and manage campaigns
from planning through execution.

I’m excited about the opportunity to launch my career in consumer packaged goods industry at a top company
like General Mills. I would be honored to interview with you in January. If you have any questions in the
interim, please contact me at Thank you in advance for your consideration.


[Sign name here]

Jane Smith



999 Hill Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(734) 554-4567
December 7, 2014

Ms. Kate Smith

Campus Recruiter
Bain & Company
190 S. LaSalle St., Suite 3400
Chicago, IL 60603

Dear Ms. Smith:

As a health policy student at New York University, I worked closely with former management consultants and was
intrigued by their ability to systematically synthesize and organize information as well as their grasp of corporate
strategy. This experience solidified my interest in a career where I can develop these skills and acquire a
heightened understanding of what drives successful organizations.

Over the past few months, I have met many people from Bain including John Doe and Mark Jacobs , and I am
continually impressed by their dynamic personalities and grounded disposition. The culture at Bain stands out as
one that is creative, supportive and passionate. I know I would thrive in this environment because it is aligned
with my personality and values.

My experiences in accounting and management will make me an asset at Bain because I have developed the skills
necessary to be an effective leader and team member.

 Strong Analytical Skills: While working at PWC, I was responsible for financial statement and internal controls
testing as well as data synthesis. During this period, I was a top performer and excelled in accounting
research and applying firm methodologies.
 Leadership: At PWC in Prague, I was able to connect with team members and clients despite language and
cultural barriers because of my ability and willingness to adapt. As a result, I was promoted to Lead Senior on
our largest engagements despite my lack of Czech fluency.

My unique experiences combined with my intellectual curiosity make me a good fit for a position at Bain. I would
sincerely appreciate the opportunity to interview with Bain for the Summer Associate position and look forward
to hearing from you in the coming weeks.


[Sign name here]

James Brown


Cover Letter Critique MBA



999 Hill Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(734) 555-4567
December 7, 2014

Ms. Barbara Taylor

Campus Recruiter
Deloitte Consulting
200 Renaissance Center
Detroit, MI 48243

Dear Ms. Taylor,

As a first year MBA student at the Ross School of Business, I am writing to express my interest in the Human
Capital Summer Associate position at Deloitte Consulting. I was first introduced to the Deloitte culture from Kate
Johnson and Michelle White and thoroughly enjoyed learning about the talented and engaging teams they
worked with. I am eager to share the same opportunity and hope to be considered for your close listed interview
schedule in the winter.

Throughout my career I have thrived in dynamic results-oriented environments and I continually push myself to
take on challenging assignments that drive personal development. I believe that these traits, combined with a
solid foundation of highly transferable skills, will enable me to contribute greatly to the strategic initiatives within
the Human Capital community.

Leadership: As the District Community Captain for a large retailer, my goal was to increase community
involvement across nine stores. The most impactful change I drove was to partner with local organizations
specific to the communities that our teams live and work in, which resulted in a 450 hour increase of volunteer
time, exceeding my original goal by 3% in 2011 and 6% in 2012.

Analytic Ability: As an HR Manager, I identified retention risks across a district of nine stores, presented the most
significant challenges and proposed mitigation strategies to senior leaders in the region. I then had the
opportunity to implement this strategy by refreshing training and onboarding best practices and training HR
teams across the district to execute them.

Initiative: As a Campus Liaison, I had the unique opportunity to define a new role at UCLA. I explored strategic
partnerships with student organizations that Target had not worked with before and was not afraid to develop
creative approaches to talent acquisition.

I believe that my leadership, analytic ability, and initiative will contribute great value to Deloitte. As a Summer
Associate, I hope to expand my scope of impact and work with highly motivated, intelligent colleagues. Thank you
for considering me for your interview schedule and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


[Sign name here]

Jane Smith


999 Hill Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(734) 743-4567
December 7, 2014

Ms. Kate Smith

Campus Recruiter
555 California Street
San Francisco, CA 94104

Dear Ms. Smith,

As a first year MBA at the Stephen M. Ross School of Business, my interest in consulting has been developed through
my previous work experience and stems from my love of problem solving. I was introduced to Parthenon’s unique
culture and approach in April when I heard Bill Johnson speak at the admitted students’ weekend. My conversation
with Paula Smith at the Leaders of Tomorrow breakfast in Chicago gave me a better understanding of how I could
contribute as a summer principal. I am interested in exploring opportunities in the Consumer Growth Practice at
either the San Francisco or Boston office and I would be honored to be included on your closed interview list.

Prior to business school I founded and ran a language center in Beijing, China. Problems did not name and frame
themselves for me. I developed my problem solving skills as I investigated the linkages that connected teacher
performance, parents’ evaluations, customer acquisition rates and the bottom line. My insights led me to develop a
more effective curriculum, increase student retention rates and improve customer satisfaction. This success enabled
me to open a second location in 2009.

While running my business I hired and trained a multinational team that represented six countries and three
languages. I relied heavily on my interpersonal and communication skills in working with my staff and my Chinese
and Korean customers. Even while using my second language I was able to gain the trust of demanding parents
regarding the sensitive issues of their child’s education. I look forward to working with and gaining the trust of
demanding business clients as well.

I am interested in working in consulting because I love solving problems. Parthenon is the right fit for me because of
its data driven approach to problem solving and because of its entrepreneurial culture. In addition I am attracted to
the diversity of projects, the dual engagement model, and the exceptional talent of the firm. To further demonstrate
my fit with Parthenon I have enclosed a resume. If you have further questions I can be reached at (734) 555-4567.
Thank you again for your consideration and taking the time to conduct your off campus recruiting events.


[Sign name here]

James Brown


Cover Letter Critique MBA

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