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Correct the following sentences.

1.Each one of the two sisters were happy.

Each of the two sisters was happy.

2. Many a men have died in the storm.


3. A white and red car are for sale.

A white and red car is for sale.

4. Thirty rupees are too much for the book.

Thirty rupees is too much for the book.

5. One hundred pounds were paid yesterday.



Correct the following sentences

1. None of us go there.

None of us goes there.

2. Each officer and every sailor were present.

Each officer and every sailor was present.

3. Each day and each hour have their own importance.

Each day and each hour has its own importance.

4. Neither Aslam nor his brother were happy.

Neither Aslam nor his brother was happy.

5. Either you or I are at fault.

Either you or I am at fault.

naveed -> Either I or you are at fault.


Correct the sentences

..he has bought some stationeries.

He has bought some stationary.

...we have many works to do.

We have much work to do.

...these news are correct.

This news is correct.

...his politics are in progress.

His politics is in progress.

His politics are in progress.

...he suffered from mump.

He suffered from mumps.

..he bought two pairs of shoes.

He bought two pair of shoes.


Correct the sentences if there.

...he did many mischiefs.

He did much mischief.

...the wages of sin are death.

The wages of sin is death.

...the wages of workers are paid daily.

The wages of workers is paid daily.

...he received the tiding of his uncle's death.


...he weighs ten stones and a half.

He wights ten stones and half.

He weighs ten and a half stones stone.


Correct the following:

1. I found that he is guilty.

I found out that he was guilty.

Learner -> I found him guilty.

Naveed -> I found the he was guilty.

2. I shall call at you in the evening.

I shall call you in the evening.

3. I have left somking.

Learner -> I left smoking.

Naveed -> I have given up smoking.

4. You had better worked hard.

You better had worked hard.

You had better work hard.

Learner -> You had worked very hard.

5. My brother as well as Aslam were injured in the accident.

My brother as well as Aslam was injured in the accident.

6. He does not know to sing.

He does not know how to sing.

7. It is half past five in my watch.

Its half past five on my watch.

naveed -> Its half past five by my watch.

8. The poors depend on us.

The poor depend on us.

Learner -> The poor people depend on us.

9. Hw was too happy to see me.

He was much happy to see me.

naveed -> He was very happy to see me.

10. He had come here yesterday.

He came here yesterday.


Correct the following:

1. Shall I wash my hands by water?

Shall I wash my hands with water?

2. Are you angry upon me?

Are you angry with me?

3. They called on my house yesterday.

They called on my home yesterday. ???

4. He has been ill for Friday.

He has been ill since Friday.

5. The night is too cold.

The night is very cold.

6. Sarfraz is senior than Akram.

Sarfraz is senior to Akram.

7. Imran is the best of the two players.

Imran is better than the two players.

Imran is better than the other player.

8. I shall leave by 5.30 O'clock bus.

I shall leave by five thirty.

9. Where we have met before?

Where have we met before?

10. Children are making noise.


Make a precise.

Bad habits such as over eating, drinking or smoking, are very easy to acquire. One
should fight against the force of habit. Even good things can be very harmful when
done to excess. The wise man is conscious of his bad habits and checks them

The use of tobacco has spread almost all over the world. Those who have acquired
this bad habit would hardly be able to get rid of it. Alcohol, which is commoner in
cold countries than in hot ones, does nobody good in any way and should be
avoided altogether particularly in India. Alcohol, even taken in small quantities,
tends to affect the health.

1. Bad habits are easy to acquire but difficult to leave. Tobacco is spread all over
the world while alcohol is common in cold countries. A wise man consciously
avoid them. Even their small quantity could damage health so avoid.

2. Excess of anything is harmful even good things.these thing done by people are
pressurised by their habits a wise man always avoid from bad habits.

Use of alcohol is widely spreading across the world. Use of alcohol is a bad habit
and it is harmful. Even a small quantity of alcohol badly affects the health.


Bad habits

Harmful things for health

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