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Misanthrope A person who hates mankind

Philanthropist A person who loves mankind and helps others

Philogynist A person who likes and admires women

Samaritan A person who helps even strangers

Anthropology Study of mankind

Psychology Study of human behaviour/mind

Physiology Study of human body

Misogynist A person who hates women

Misogamist A person who hates marriage

Polygamist A person who performs many marriages

Polyandry A women who has many husbands

Recluse To give up all and live by one self

Ascetic A person away from worldly pleasures; Monk, leading a life of self-discipline

Protocol Formal etiquettes of diplomacy

Prototype First model / Sample Model

Lexicographer A person who compiles a dictionary

Inflammable Something that can catch fire easily

Infallible A person who never fails

Insolvent One who is unable to pay his debts

Incorrigible A person who cannot be corrected

Inevitable Something that cannot be avoided

Ingripable Which cannot be caught

Indefatigable Incapable of being tired or one who is tireless

Irrevocable Which cannot be called back

Invincible A person who cannot be defeated

Ineffable Something that cannot be described

Impregnable Which cannot be captured or penetrated

Inaccessible Which cannot be reached or accessed

Inexplicable Something that cannot be explained

Insatiable That which cannot be satisfied

Insuperable Which cannot be surpassed

Illegible Writing that is difficult to understand / Unclear
Shaikk Mummtaz Hussoin
Insomnia A disease because of which one cannot sleep / inadequate sleep
Somnambulist One who walks in sleep

Somniloquist One who talks in sleep

Soliloquist One who speaks to himself

Circumlocutious A roundabout way of speaking

Verbose Using many words in written to explain something

Taciturn Tending to be quite or not speaking frequently

Reticent One who speaks less

Laconic Using few words in speech or writing

Extempore To speak without preparation

Orator A person who speaks well

Epilogue Concluding part of a literary work

Mores Traditional customs and habits

Diatribe Using harsh words and abusing language

Euphemism Substitution of a mild expression for a harsh one

Gregarious Animals that live in herds

Boulevard A wide road with trees on either side

sacrilege To act against something sacred or holy

Blasphemy To speak against something sacred or holy

Iconoclast A person who is against sacred / widely accepted beliefs

Bohemian A person who does not follow general societical rules

Bigot A person who strictly follows a religion

Orthodox Accepting and following irrational beliefs and customs of a religion

Voracious A greedy person

Avaricious A person greedy for money

Glutton A person greedy for food

Synagogue Jewish worship place

Biopsy Dissection of human body to know the cause of death

Concubinage Live-in-together

Red- tapism Too much formality to do a work

Leer To look in a lust full way

Wag A jocular person with a lot of anecdotes

Anecdotes Small stories from personal experiences

Shaikk Mummtaz Hussoin
Fable Stories which include animals, example: Panchatantra
Pensive Deep in thought

Hypochondria Excessive precaution of one’s health

Idolatry Worship of idols

Omnism A belief in all religions

Polytheism A belief in multiple deities / gods

Pantheism God is everywhere and everything is god

Esthete A person who believes in god

Atheist A person who does not believe in god

Agnostic A person who believes in a superpower but not in god

Monotheism A belief in one god

Theocracy A government by heads of a religion

Hedonist A person for whom pleasure is important

Stoic A person who does not react to pain or pleasure

Aesthetic A person who appreciates nature and beauty

Renegade A person who deserts ones party / country / principles

Recant To take back

Pandemonium Wild and noisy disorder

Juxtapose One beside another

Cemetery Large burial ground

Crematorium A place where dead bodies are burnt or buries

Mortuary A place where dead bodies are kept

Bevy A group of people or things (especially girls)

Fatal something that is dangerous and deadly

Reveille Military walking siren in the morning

Alliteration Words which have same letters adjacently

Dyke A wall for prevention of flood

Prejudice To be biased against

Depraved A person with very low moral

Optimist A person who looks at the brighter side

Pessimist A person who looks at the negative side

Egoist A person who is selfish

Egotist one who speaks too much about himself

Shaikk Mummtaz Hussoin
Egocentric A person who thinks of himself and not others
Conceited High opinion of oneself

Narcissist A person who often talks about oneself

Teetotaler A person who never consumes alcohol

Verbatim Remembering and reproducing word for word

Transgressor A person who breaks the law

Manoeuvre A device resorted to justify misconduct

Interment Detaining or confining someone

Confiscate To take into custody

Calligraphy To write beautifully / study of hand writing

Flux Continuous process of changing

Jauntly With a purpose and liveliness

Flounder To struggle helplessly

Elope To run away with one’s partner

Altar Raised places for sacrifices

Rostrum Raised place for offerings
Plagiarism To show someone else’s work as one’s own

Consternation Mental confusion due to anxiety

Assertive To be polite but demanding

Deprecate To disapprove
Assent To agree or to approve something

Sporadic To happen at irregular interval

Commemorate To keep a person or event in memory

Obituary In the memory of dead

Derelicate Not able to perform ones duty

Corroborate Confirm with evidence

Amnesty General pardon to (political) offenders

Simile To compare with something

Maxim A established principle of practical wisdom

Articulate Fluent and clear in speech

Mutiny Fight against lawful authority(conspiracy against government)

Anarchy Fight against the government

Figment Imaginarily exist but not in real

Shaikk Mummtaz Hussoin
Malleable Something that can be moulded into any shape
Rhetoric Meaningless language to impress someone

Condominium A society/building having some area in common

Facsimile Exact copy of a handwriting/picture produced by a machine

Credulous A person who readily believes others

Credentials Documents to prove a credibility of a person

Credible A person who can be believed

Incredible Which cannot be believed

Dubious A person with bad/evil reputation

Nepotism To do undue favours to relatives and friends

Triennial Meeting that takes place once in 3years

Kleptomania The habit of stealing things

Effeminate To behave like women (habit and manner)

Impersonate To play part or show oneself as some other person

Imitate To act as someone does but in a comical way

Fastidious A person who is not easily impressed or pleased; Meticulous

Bequeath To leave property to a beneficiary by a will

Instate To die without making a will

Masochist One who inflicts pain on himself

Sadist One who inflicts pain on others

Patricide Murder of one’s father

Fratricide Murder of one’s brother

Genocide Mass killing of humans by a racist group

Homicide Encouraging to kill someone

Abet Encouraging someone for a wrong act/deed

Immolation To kill or destroy someone or something by fire

Euthanasia Mercy killing

Assassination Conspiracy of a murder of someone powerful/influential

Choreography Study and composing of dance form

Succulent Having juicy, fleshy and thick tissue

Itinerary A travel plan of the complete journey

Truant Students who bunks/escapes classes

Cannibal A person who eats flesh

Shaikk Mummtaz Hussoin
Venerable A person greatly respected for his wisdom and skill
Contraband Prohibited by law to import or export

Numismatist A person who collects and studies coins

Philatelist A person who collects and studies stamps

Fingerpost A signboard that shows direction to a place

Gratuity Money paid to employees on retirement

Erudite Scholarly and learned

Pedantic Show off ones intelligence

Pompous Showy

Extravagant One who spend money lavishly or wastes money on luxury

Omnipotent One who has infinite power

Omniscient One who knows everything

omnipresent One who is present everywhere

Connoisseur A person expert at some art

Gourmet A person expert at tasting food

Isthmus A narrow strip of land joining two pieces of land

Strait A narrow stream of water joining two water bodies

Vulnerable Open to damage / injury

Bibliophile One who loves and reads books

Panacea Cure for all diseases

Glower To look at someone angrily

Ambidextrous Capable of writing with both hands

Aviary Enclosure for birds

Specimen A sample
Epitaph Inscription on tomb

Conscience A sense of difference between right and wrong

Amnesia Loss of memory

Insolvent A person who has no money to pay off debts

Circumstantial Clues available at a crime scene

Stowaway Try to travel for free

Espionage On a secret mission

Fauna Animals of a particular region

Flora Plants of a particular region

Shaikk Mummtaz Hussoin
Acronym An abbreviation formed by initial letters of a word
Resilient Able to become strong after something bad

Referendum Public votes on a political issue

Vandalism To destroy or damage something

Novice A person who is armature to a task

Detour To travel from place to place

Jaunt To take small pleasure trips

Vagabond A person who travels from place to place without much money or home
Recusant A person who refuses to submit to an authority or follow regulations

Destitute People who are poor and lost everything

Ambiguous Not clear and having a confusion

Conspicuous Clearly visible

Pseudonym An imaginary name assumed by an author

Alimony Allowance due to a wife from her husband

Entomology Study of insects

Etmology Study of words

Ethnology Study of races

Cascade A group of small waterfalls flowing down a rocky hill

Pyromania A person who likes to play with fire

Pyro phobia A person who is scared of fire

Pyrotechnics The art of making fireworks

Pyrometer A instrument used to measure heat

Obsolete A thing no longer in use

Felony A serious crime

Celibate One who is unmarried

Exonerate To free someone from all blames

Contemporary Belonging to same period of time

Cynic One who questions everything, and does not belive

Ambiguous Something that is unclear and confusing

Polyglot One who knows many languages

Gullible A person who can be fooled or deceived easily

Martinet A strict follower of discipline

Telepathy Art of communicating directly from ones brain to that of others

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Prodigy Young people who are very much talented

Protégé Young persons who are guided and taught by experts

Zenith A highest place; Pinnacle

Nadir A lowest point of something

Parvenu A person of obscure position who gained wealth

Taxonomy Study of classification

Statute Written law of a legislative body

Congregation People at a religious gathering

Hamlet A small village or a group of houses

Mediocre One who is neither intelligent nor dull

Edible That which can be eaten

Potable That which can be drunk

Pioneer One who does something for the first time

Novice A person new or inexperienced to a work

Amateur One who plays for fun or pleasure but not as a profession

Maiden speech The first speech of a person

Pathology Study of diseases

Pacifist A person who hates war , abolishing of war

Quadruped A four footed animal

Immigrant A person coming to a foreign land or other country to settle there

Emigrant A person who goes to foreign land or other country to settle there

Etymology The study of origin and history of words

Entomology The study of insects and worms

Ornithology The study of birds

Psephology The study of election trends and forecasting elections

Acrobat One who walks on ropes

Plaque Flat metal plate as on ornament on wall

Paediatrician A doctor of children

Rhinologist A doctor of nose related diseases

Oculist/Ophthalmologist A doctor of eye diseases

Optician A person who checks eyes and gives lenses/spects

Cartography Study of maps

Ovine Pertaining to sheep

Shaikk Mummtaz Hussoin
Bovine Pertaining to cow

Canine Pertaining to dog

Feline Pertaining to cat

Claustrophobia Fear of enclosed and small spaces

Usurer A person who lends money at high interest rate.

Gingivitis Disease pertaining to gums

Alimony A monthly allowance given by husband to wife

Sangfroid To stay calm in dangerous situations

Reminiscence A act of remembering or telling about past experiences

Acumen Capable of taking quick and good decisions

Libel Something in written to defame a person

Indictment An act of charging someone officially for a crime

Interment An act of burying someone

Shaikk Mummtaz Hussoin

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