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1. On an HR practitioner point of view, what should Ravi do to resolve the issue?

2. Satish is very unhappy with Ravi and holds it against him even though all has been done and
followed up. What should Ravi as HR do to resolve this and should Kamal, as Ravi’s manager do
3. What role does Satish’s manager play in this issue and should he be implicated?


Ravi was new to the job; hence he himself was in the process getting oriented to the job. However, he
did falter by not taking the buddy request by Satish seriously. This was probably the only mistake that
he committed for which he later apologized.

As an HR practitioner, Ravi should let Satish know the whole situation and apologize, which he does.
Fair enough, he complained about Ravi, in my opinion Kamal should just warn Ravi, as he is new. Also,
Kamal should make sure Ravi goes through the necessary procedure and knows them well, lest he just
repeat such a mistake.

As far as Satish’s manager is concerned, it is up to Satish whether he wants to implicate him or not.
Implicating him will only complicate the situation which is not required. As for Satish, he should get a
life and move on in the organization rather than harping on a single fault by Ravi. It is understandable
that he felt disappointed by the firm, but he should consider the fact that in an organization sometimes
lapses happen. That is not to say it doesn’t matter but after Ravi apologized, he should forgive.


1. What are the issues of integrity, ethics and law posted in the case study? What options does the
woman have, and what should she do and why?

The case study presents a dilemma to a woman who is sexually harassed by her senior executive and the
company tries to compensate monetarily rather than taking legal actions.

 The victim (woman)
 The accused ( senior executive)
 The company
 Criminal Justice System
 Corporate Governance and Corporate Culture


 Issue of Integrity
Integrity of Internal administration of company
Integrity of victim whether to prosecute the culprit or accept money
Integrity of Employee Relations
 Issue of Ethics
Virtue of victim to uphold justice and fight for truth
Employees duty as per company’s code of conduct
Consequential morality about what if accused gets free

 Issue of Law
Duty as law abiding citizen
Uphold the law of the land and getting every accused punished
Exploitation of women at workplace against our constitutional values

The woman has the following two options:

 Accept the money and shut the case

This will lead least problems to everyone and the victim will get good monetary compensation and the
reputation of the company will also be saved. However, this will set a wrong precedent and embolden
the accused further to attempt more such heinous crimes and eventually get free by giving monetary
compensation. The safety of women employees will always be on stake and sooner or later, the company
would be in a huge mess.
In my opinion, the woman must not opt for this.

 Refuse the money and take legal actions against the accused
This might lead her to lose her job and result a bad reputation to the company. Although it would do
justice to the victim and many more future prospective victims, but it is a lose-lose situation.
The women must avoid it as her first option but can proceed ahead if any better option doesn’t work out.

 Most suitable solution

The woman shouldn’t accept the money but call for a senior level meeting along with her lawyer. She
must ask the executive to submit legal affidavit stating an apology and a confirmation regarding not
repeating the mistake again in future or else he would be sent behind the bars without giving a second
thought to it. The woman must also demand that an internal enquiry must be established to find out
about how many such horrified cases have been reported till date but not been justified.
The woman must also ensure that all these things must be kept confidential. Once the guilt is
established, the company will let him go or he might himself resign.

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