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Empirical Investigations

Debriefing Assessment for Simulation in Healthcare

Development and Psychometric Properties

Marisa Brett-Fleegler, MD; Introduction: This study examined the reliability of the scores of an assessment in-
strument, the Debriefing Assessment for Simulation in Healthcare (DASH), in evaluating
Jenny Rudolph, PhD; the quality of health care simulation debriefings. The secondary objective was to eval-
uate whether the instrument’s scores demonstrate evidence of validity.
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Methods: Two aspects of reliability were examined, interrater reliability and internal
Walter Eppich, MD, MEd;
consistency. To assess interrater reliability, intraclass correlations were calculated for
114 simulation instructors enrolled in webinar training courses in the use of the DASH.
Michael Monuteaux, ScD; The instructors reviewed a series of 3 standardized debriefing sessions. To assess inter-
nal consistency, Cronbach > was calculated for this cohort. Finally, 1 measure of valid-
Eric Fleegler, MD, MPH; ity was examined by comparing the scores across 3 debriefings of different quality.
Results: Intraclass correlation coefficients for the individual elements were predomi-
Adam Cheng, MD; nantly greater than 0.6. The overall intraclass correlation coefficient for the combined
elements was 0.74. Cronbach > was 0.89 across the webinar raters. There were sta-
Robert Simon, EdD tistically significant differences among the ratings for the 3 standardized debriefings
(P G 0.001).
Conclusions: The DASH scores showed evidence of good reliability and preliminary
evidence of validity. Additional work will be needed to assess the generalizability of
the DASH based on the psychometrics of DASH data from other settings.
(Sim Healthcare 7:288Y294, 2012)

Key Words: Medical education, Health care education, Assessment, Debriefing, Simula-
tion, Psychometrics, Behaviorally anchored rating scale.

From the Division of Emergency Medicine (M.B.-F., M.M., E.F.), Children’s Hospital
Boston; Harvard Medical School (M.B.-F., J.R., M.M., E.F., R.S.); Department of
Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine (J.R., R.S.), Massachusetts General
Hospital, Boston; Center for Medical Simulation (J.R., R.S.), Cambridge, MA; Division
C hanges in graduate and postgraduate health care educa-
tion over the past 2 decades bear witness to a paradigm shift
of Emergency Medicine (W.E.), Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of toward competency-based medical education and the requi-
Chicago, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL; and
site accompanying expansion of formative and summative
KidSIM-Aspire Simulation Research Program (A.C.), Division of Emergency Medi-
cine, Alberta Children’s Hospital, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada. assessment processes and tools.1,2 Simultaneously, there has
Reprints: Marisa Brett-Fleegler, MD, Division of Emergency Medicine, Children’s been exponential growth of simulation in health care educa-
Hospital Boston, 300 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02115 (e-mail: marisa.brett@ tion and research.3Y7 Simulation offers tremendous advantages
to health care educators, including the opportunity to practice
The Debriefing Assessment for Simulation in Healthcare (DASH) was developed by the managing critical but infrequent events and the chance to
Center for Medical Simulation (CMS) with no outside funding. The Examining Pe-
diatric Resuscitation Education using Simulation and Scripting study was supported practice procedures in a safe environment. Training programs
by a grant from the American Heart Association. To support reliability, DASH rater around the world increasingly rely on simulation to prepare
training is recommended by the developers although not required for DASH use or and assess clinical learners.8Y16 Whether for just-in-time prac-
access to DASH documents. The CMS charges tuition for rater training sessions to
defray the costs of the half-day training; this tuition yields no personal profit to authors tice for difficult cases at the point of care17,18 or for com-
J.R. and R.S. of the CMS. This training is 1 small component of the many educational munication and teamwork-related training,19,20 simulation
activities of the CMS, which is a nonprofit, educational, charitable foundation. has tremendous support as evidenced by its widespread and
The DASH is copyrighted by the CMS, a nonprofit, educational, charitable foundation, expanding use. Beyond its uses in undergraduate and grad-
which does not charge for the use of the DASH. The DASH handbook and DASH score
sheets are available for free download from a publicly available Web site. The CMS asks uate training, simulation can be used to assess educational
DASH users to share DASH data with the CMS to help develop a database of how the needs at the established practitioner level and to provide
DASH performs in a variety of contexts. The authors have no financial conflict of continuing health care education.21 The convergence of this
interest to declare.
educational shift and the expansion of health care simula-
All authors have contributed substantially to the intellectual content of this study.
Specifically, they have participated in the methodology and analysis and interpretation tion provide the opportunity to use simulation in support of
of data. All authors have participated in the crafting and revision of the article and are competency-based education. A crucial ingredient when using
in agreement with its contents. simulation for technical or behavioral and teamwork skills
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations appear in is debriefing.22Y24
the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of this article on the
journal’s Web site ( Debriefing is a facilitated conversation after such things
Copyright * 2012 Society for Simulation in Healthcare as critical events and simulations in which participants an-
DOI: 10.1097/SIH.0b013e3182620228 alyze their actions, thought processes, emotional states, and

288 Debriefing Assessment for Simulation in Healthcare Simulation in Healthcare

Copyright © 2012 by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
TABLE 1. DASH Elements and Dimensions yielded 5 instruments that measure the quality of debriefings
DASH Element Element Dimensions in specialized contexts, 3 from health care simulation along
1. Establishes an engaging & Clarifies course objectives,
with 2 instruments from other fields. The 2 instruments from
learning environment environment, confidentiality, roles, related domains are the Debriefing Assessment Battery, devel-
and expectations oped by Dismukes et al31 for use in aviation, and a commu-
& Establishes a ‘‘fiction contract’’ with nication skills trainer/facilitator assessment system developed
by Bylund.32 Although these 2 tools contained some debriefing
& Attends to logistic details
& Conveys a commitment to respecting
themes pertinent to health care education, the differences in
learners and understanding their context limit their use and generalizability to debriefing in
perspective health care. In health care, Gururaja et al33 developed a 25-
2. Maintains an engaging & Clarifies debriefing objectives, roles, item observation-based assessment instrument for in situ
learning environment and expectations
simulations for operating room teams; Reed34 developed a
& Helps participants engage in a
limited-realism context rating scale for learners in nursing simulations to assess
& Conveys respect for learners and their subjective experience of the debriefing. Arora et al35 de-
concern for their psychologic safety veloped the Objective Structured Assessment of Debriefing
3. Structures the debriefing in an & Encourages trainees to express their to assess surgery simulation debriefings. These tools, although
organized way reactions and, if needed, orients
them to what happened in the potentially valuable additions to the health care educator’s
simulation, near the beginning debriefing assessment toolbox, are not designed to be appli-
& Guides analysis of the trainees’ cable to debriefings across the health care education spectrum.
performance during the middle of The development of the Debriefing Assessment for Sim-
the session
& Collaborates with participants to
ulation in Healthcare (DASH) tool is intended to address the
summarize learning from the session need for a debriefing assessment tool based on a behaviorally
near the end anchored rating scale (BARS) that has the potential to provide
4. Provokes engaging discussions & Uses concrete examples and outcomes valid and reliable data for use in a wide variety of settings in
as the basis for inquiry and discussion
simulation-related health care education.
& Reveals own reasoning and judgments
& Facilitates discussion through verbal
This article describes the development and then reviews
and nonverbal techniques the psychometric properties of the DASH. The primary ob-
& Uses video, replay, and review devices jective was to address 2 aspects of reliability: interrater reli-
(if available) ability and internal consistency. The secondary objective was
& Recognizes and manages the upset to examine the DASH scores for evidence of validity. Interrater
5. Identifies and explores & Provides feedback on performance
reliability refers to consistency in ratings among different
performance gaps & Explores the source of the performance raters. Another aspect of reliability, internal consistency, is a
gap statistic that indicates the extent to which the items of a test
6. Helps trainees achieve or & Helps close the performance gap measure the same trait, knowledge, or ability. Validity ‘‘refers
sustain good future through discussion and teaching to the degree to which evidence and theory support the inter-
performance & Demonstrates firm grasp of the
pretations of test scores entailed by proposed uses of tests.’’36
& Meets the important objectives of The DASH’s validity will be supported by (1) detailing the de-
the session velopment process and the origins of its content and (2)
Behavioral anchors are provided in the DASH rater’s handbook, Supplemental showing data that demonstrate the DASH’s ability to discrimi-
Digital Content 1, nate between varying levels of debriefing performance in an
expected manner.

other information to improve performance in future situa- METHODS

tions.25 Debriefing embodies 3 important aspects of the ex- DASH Structure
periential nature of adult learning: reflection, feedback, and The DASH37 is a 6-element, unweighted, criterion-
future experimentation.26,27 Reflecting on one’s own clinical referenced behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS; Table 1).
or professional practice is a crucial step in the experiential Six elements comprising a debriefing are defined, and raters
learning process23 because it helps learners develop and in- are asked to compare observed performance to the defined
tegrate insights from direct experience into later action.26,28
Effective debriefing requires clear, honest feedback in the
context of a psychologically safe environment.25,29,30 TABLE 2. Rating Scale
Given the expansion of simulation-based assessment Rating Descriptor
and the pivotal role of debriefing, a tool that yields reli-
7 Extremely effective/outstanding
able data that support valid judgments of an instructor’s 6 Consistently effective/very good
debriefing competence has the potential to facilitate instructor 5 Mostly effective/good
training and evaluation. Although there are several tools to 4 Somewhat effective/average
assess debriefings in specialized settings, to date, there is no 3 Mostly ineffective/poor
standardized instrument to assess debriefings in a wide variety 2 Consistently ineffective/very poor
of health care simulation contexts. A recent literature review 1 Extremely ineffective/abysmal

Vol. 7, Number 5, October 2012 * 2012 Society for Simulation in Healthcare 289

Copyright © 2012 by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
elements. This approach is the basis of criterion-referenced is designed to assess debriefing quality in a variety of simu-
testing where scores are given in relation to a well-defined lation environments, across health care disciplines and edu-
behavioral domain, versus norm-referenced testing, where cational objectives.
scores are meant to compare 1 examinee to another. Element Certain points of the rater training are worth mention-
ratings are based on a 7-point effectiveness scale (Table 2). The ing. The 6 elements were constructed to make them as distinct
rater handbook and score sheet are available here (see Doc- from one another as possible. Given the nature of describing
ument, Supplemental Digital Content 1, DASH handbook behavior, it is understandable that raters perceive that the ele-
2010,, and Document, ments have some overlap. They are instructed to ignore this
Supplemental Digital Content 2, DASH short score sheet, perceived overlap and to rate each element independently of Each element in the DASH the others. Raters are taught to give element scores, but the
is a concept that describes a whole area of debriefing behavior, scores are not an average of the dimensions. No explicit weight-
for example, ‘‘provokes engaging discussions.’’ Each element is ing is given to the dimensions; raters are taught to make those
elaborated via dimensions that reflect a part of the concept, judgments themselves. The dimensions and behavioral exam-
for example, ‘‘facilitates discussion through verbal and ples are intended to provide guidelines and examples but are
nonverbal techniques.’’ Observable examples of positive not intended as checklist items; they are integrated into a
and negative behaviors are provided for each dimension, for global rating at the element level by the rater. This approach
example, ‘‘paraphrasing or verbally mirroring what trainees is consistent with research supporting the use of global ra-
say.’’ These observable behaviors are the behavioral anchors ther than checklist ratings for the evaluation of complex
of the DASH. Because of the complexity of debriefing and the behaviors.51Y53
rigor expected of DASH raters, training is needed before ap-
plication of the DASH. Piloting and User Review
After a working version of the DASH was constructed
DASH Content using psychometric and instructional design methods,54,55
The DASH aims to assess those instructor behaviors that it was reviewed for content and usability. Eight simulation
evidence and theory indicate facilitate learning and change in experts from 5 different pediatric tertiary care academic med-
experimental contexts. Typically, BARS content is elicited from ical centers in the United States and Canada participated in
domain experts.38Y40 In the absence of a theoretical or empirical a 2-day in-person intensive review session in October 2008.
consensus regarding the optimal behaviors for health care sim- All 8 experts were from centers participating in the Exam-
ulation debriefings, the DASH was constructed on the premise ining Pediatric Resuscitation Education using Simulation
that research findings and theory from related domains logically and Scripting (EXPRESS) project,5 a multicenter study ex-
transfer to debriefing and could be used to augment BARS amining the impact of scripted debriefing and level of simu-
content from the traditional approach. Specifically, the DASH lation realism on Pediatric Advanced Life Support educational
synthesizes findings from aviation debriefing; clinical learning outcomes after simulation sessions. All are practicing physi-
and teaching; formative assessment; adult, experiential, and cians in pediatric emergency medicine, critical care, or anes-
organizational learning; deliberate practice; and the cognitive, thesia with a minimum of 5 years of experience in simulation
emotional, and behavioral bases for mobilizing change in and debriefing. For the first round of feedback and revision,
adults.26,31,41Y47 For the conventional BARS development each investigator studied the draft rater’s handbook and then
approach of eliciting task-related behaviors and categories discussed each element, posing clarifying questions and sug-
from domain experts, the developers drew on their domain gesting edits to make the language clearer. In the next round,
expertise. Collectively, they have conducted more than 5000 2 demonstration videos and 2 EXPRESS debriefing videos
debriefings, and through their simulation instructor train- were reviewed and scored by all 8 experts. Modifications were
ing activities, they have observed and provided feedback on again made to the DASH based on feedback obtained during
more than 2500 debriefings by instructors with a broad range this process. The feedback led to a refinement of element titles,
of debriefing styles and skill levels from Asia, Oceania, North reassignment of some dimensions to other elements and the
America, Europe, and Central and South America. addition of a new dimension regarding the demonstrated
Using the content outlined previously, the DASH ele- content expertise of the debriefer. In addition, this round
ments were identified and refined in an iterative process resulted in more concrete and precise descriptions of behav-
known as theory elaboration48Y50 in which the test developers ioral anchors, refinement of the layout of the DASH rater’s
worked back and forth between high-level constructs sug- handbook for ease of use, and refinement of the layout of the
gested by the literature, their own experience, and semi- score sheet, condensing it to 2 pages. For the last round, a
structured interviews with established debriefing instructor teleconference format was used, which led to minor final
trainers from other simulation centers in North America, revisions of the language of the elements, dimensions, and
Europe, and Australia. The DASH developers thereby iden- behaviors to better reflect terminology familiar to clinician
tified a set of activities generally accepted as best practices educators.
for effective and ineffective debriefing from a broad range of
fields and debriefing styles, pertinent to the guiding DASH Psychometric Assessment
design principle that it should be applicable to the assess- One hundred fifty-one international health care edu-
ment of a wide variety of universal debriefing behaviors and cators participated in 4.5-hour Web-based interactive DASH
not linked to any particular debriefing style. Thus, the DASH rater training sessions. Anonymous IP addresses were used

290 Debriefing Assessment for Simulation in Healthcare Simulation in Healthcare

Copyright © 2012 by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
TABLE 3. Intraclass Correlation Coefficients For each of the 3 rounds of ratings, scores were compiled
Element Webinar Raters (n = 114) and posted online in real time. The instructors then led a
1 0.60 group discussion on participant ratings to provide rein-
2 0.65 forcement, corrections, and adjustments. Trainers elicited
3 0.62 the participants’ rationales for their ratings and helped cal-
4 0.68 ibrate trainees’ assessments to the elements of the DASH.
5 0.57 The guiding principle was to rate ‘‘through the eyes of
6 0.63 the DASH’’ so as to help participants compare and adjust
Overall 0.74 their ratings to the criteria set forth in the DASH, as the
optimal means to obtain rater convergence and interrater
to identify each participant. However, because of shared com-
puter networks at some institutions, not all participants were Assessment of Reliability and Validity: Statistical Analysis
uniquely identifiable, and therefore, some data were excluded The following statistical analyses, which use parametric
from analysis. Therefore, ratings from a total of 114 rater inference, relied on the assumption that the variables of
trainees were analyzed from 2 separate training sessions. The interest were normally distributed. Assumption of normality
ratings from these sessions were analyzed to assess for reli- was considered to be reasonable given the robustness of the
ability and validity. This research was reviewed by the Partners employed tests to deviations from normality, visual in-
Healthcare Human Research Ethics Committee and deter- spection of the data, and scrutiny of descriptive statistics (ie,
mined to be exempt. skewness, kertosis).
The participants included nurses, physicians, other health Interrater reliability was assessed for the 114 webinar
professionals, and Masters and PhD educators; their work en- raters’ scores at the element level and for the overall mean of
vironments ranged from community-based hospitals to aca- the 6 elements. Variance component analysis was used to
demic medical centers. A training session consisted of 4 steps. calculate intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs), which
First, the rater trainees were asked to thoroughly familiarize represent the ratio of rater variance to the sum of rater var-
themselves with the DASH rater’s handbook before the Web- iance and the total variance.
based session; specifically, they were asked to study the 6 ele- To assess the internal consistency of the tool, Cronbach
ments and develop a working knowledge of the dimensions > was calculated using the same webinar data set for the
in each element. At the beginning of the session, the trainers ‘‘average’’ video. This video was selected because it was
provided a brief didactic summary of each DASH element with considered the most difficult to rate because it did not re-
highlights of each dimension. Next, the trainers described and present an extreme of performance but blended effective and
illustrated best practices and common pitfalls for rating in ge- ineffective behaviors. In addition, this debriefing was rated
neral and for the DASH in particular. Finally, in 3 consecutive when the raters had received the most training, at the end
rounds, the rater trainees watched, rated, and then discussed of the webinar.
3 separate course introductions and subsequent debriefings. To assess 1 aspect of the validity of the DASH, the mean
The introductions and debriefings comprised 3 scripted scores for each of the videos across the 114 webinar rater
videos that were produced for rater training to exemplify trainees were calculated and compared by means of a 1-way
superior, average, and poor debriefings. The debriefings were repeated-measures analysis of variance.
conducted with 3 different groups of learners who had All statistical analyses were performed using STATA
managed a clinical simulation involving pulseless electrical version 12.0.
activity due to pneumothorax. The clinical and behavioral
objectives of the case included (1) identification and man-
agement of pneumothorax, (2) establishing roles clearly, and
(3) team leadership with a focus on stating an action plan.
The 3 debriefings used archetypes for superior, average,
and poor debriefings suggested by practical experience and
the literature related to debriefing, particularly research on
the role of psychologic safety, feedback, and reflection in
learning. To develop the 3 debriefings, criteria for the quality
of feedback conversations described in the organizational
behavior, productive conversations, and feedback literature
were used: whether the debriefer provides clear and ac-
tionable information about the performance of the learners,
to what degree the debriefer created a psychologically safe
learning environment that allows for specific feedback for
key behaviors, and the degree to which the debriefer followed
understandable phases of a debriefing.41,46,56Y58 The rater
trainees had no prior knowledge of any aspect of the FIGURE 1. DASH scores by group. Difference between groups
debriefings they viewed, including these archetypes. is statistically significant (P G 0.001).

Vol. 7, Number 5, October 2012 * 2012 Society for Simulation in Healthcare 291

Copyright © 2012 by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
RESULTS rely on extensive and well-defined domains of behavior from
The ICCs for the each element and for the instrument activities closely related to debriefing, the debriefing litera-
overall are reported in Table 3. Notably, the ICCs are nearly ture, and expert experience. Beyond the psychometric
all more than 0.6 for the individual elements. The ICC arguments in support of DASH reliability and validity
for element 5 is just less than this at 0.57. The ICC for the presented here, the 3 levels of granularity of the DASHV
DASH overall was 0.74. Cronbach > for the average video elements, dimensions, and behavioral anchorsVhave the
was 0.89 across the entire webinar rater data set. potential both to guide detailed formative assessment and
The ratings for the superior, average, and poor videos to support rigorous summative assessment. The DASH
are shown in Figure 1. The differences among the ratings of handbook is a detailed description of the qualities and be-
the 3 standardized debriefings were statistically significant haviors that comprise a debriefing. This may help educators
(F = 486.2, df = 2,226; P G 0.001). use the DASH to provide feedback linked to specific areas
of strength and areas for improvement.
Limitations to the present work include those common
DISCUSSION to all rating instruments and those specific to the DASH. As
Debriefing has a long and important history of use with all assessment tools, the data presented here speak only
in the military and aviation industries and has a rapidly to the psychometrics of the DASH data in this particular
expanding role within health care education.23,25,29Y31,60,61 setting. It is hoped that further studies will examine the
Regardless of the specific setting, the goal of debriefing properties of the DASH when used by raters from different
remains the same: to promote reflection and learning and, backgrounds and different simulation settings. Similar to
ultimately, to thereby improve performance. In clinical other behavior rating instruments, the DASH is limited in
practice and structured educational encounters, health care its use to trained users, and thus, rater training is a neces-
providers across the spectrum of training and professional sary step to its implementation. Another potential limitation
life have many learning opportunities. There is evidence of the DASH concerns its generalizability. Although the
to suggest that simulation accompanied by high-quality foundation of the DASH, through synthesis of relevant
debriefings facilitates the transfer of new knowledge, skills, theory, empirical data from related fields, and the involve-
and attitudes to the clinical domain, primarily through the ment of multiple experts in its conception, is intended to
enactment of the reflection stage of experiential learning and bridge differences in debriefing styles, how well the DASH
by providing the opportunity for the experimentation aspect is able to assess different debriefing strategies will require
of adult learning.7,62Y65 An assessment tool that helps de- further investigation. Because there is no single criterion
termine debriefing quality and provides debriefers with standard for debriefing quality, the DASH of necessity
valuable feedback can provide crucial support for the edu- has judgments embedded within it regarding optimal de-
cational processes within debriefing. briefing behaviors. The DASH development process was
Data regarding the psychometric properties of the aimed at identifying behaviors common to all effective
DASH in the context of training raters reveal promising debriefing styles, but the ultimate success of this endeavor
interrater reliability and internal consistency. Although fur- will require further empirical evidence.
ther evidence is required, support for DASH validity is
grounded in both its content and the scores arising from CONCLUSIONS
its use. For the content, the extensive theoretical background In conclusion, this study is a first step to our collective
and practice-based experience integrated into the DASH understanding of how the DASH performs. The evidence
provide support for the content relevance of the DASH. The presented here suggests that, in the present setting, the DASH
performance of the DASH scores, specifically the statistically yields reliable data for the assessment of health care simula-
significant difference between the scores for debriefings of tion debriefings. It is hoped that other studies of the instru-
varying quality, provides some nascent evidence for the va- ment will help it become a useful tool to guide educators in
lidity of DASH scores. That is, the DASH was designed to their use of debriefing as a critical educational modality.
measure the quality of debriefing performance, and DASH
scores in this study did vary with the described varying de-
briefing archetypes. However, this evidence is limited by the
The authors thank the EXPRESS investigators; Elizabeth
actor-as-debriefer nature of the videos. More definitive evi-
dence for validity will ideally be sought from the analysis Hunt, MD, MPH, PhD; Monica Kleinman, MD; Vinay Nadkarni,
of more complex and larger samples of debriefings. One MD, MS; Kristen Nelson McMillan, MD; and Akira Nishisaki,
such study is specifically planned for the data from the MD, without whom this work could not have been completed,
EXPRESS study.65,66 Ultimately, the optimal test for a rating and the authors thank John Boulet, PhD, and Heather L. Corliss,
tool such as the DASH is whether it predicts learning, not just PhD, MPH, for their invaluable statistical guidance. The authors
debriefing quality. also thank the Simulation in Healthcare reviewers for their
The DASH is distinct from existing health care de- feedback that substantially improved this article.
briefing tools in 2 ways. Although such other tools exist, they
are specifically intended for particular contexts. In addition, REFERENCES
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