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Education is the birth right of every Muslim and Muslimah.

Islam puts considerable emphasis on

its followers to acquire knowledge. Investment in education is the best investment one can make,
because it eventually leads to intellectual property. Intellectual property is the intangible
property; which no one can steal or destroy. This is the property on which no Government can
levy a tax. It was as a result of application of knowledge that Muslims were the superpower of
the world for twelve centuries. 
aims and objectives of Islamic education:
Islam placed a high value on education, and, as the faith spread
among diverse peoples, education became an important channel
through which to create a universal and cohesive social order. By the
middle of the 9th century, knowledge was divided into three
categories: The Islamic sciences, the philosophical and natural
sciences (Greek knowledge), and the literary arts. The Islamic
sciences, which emphasized the study of the Quran (the Islamic
scripture) and the Hadith (the sayings and traditions of the
Prophet Muhammad) and their interpretation by leading scholars and
theologians, were valued the most highly, but Greek scholarship was
considered equally important, albeit less virtuous.
The aims and objectives of Islamic education have been defined in the Recommendation
of the Committee of the First World Conference on Muslim Education as:

“Education should aim at the balanced growth of the total personality of man through
training of the human spirit, intellect, rational self, feelings and senses. The training
imparted to a Muslim must be such that faith is infused into the whole of his/her
personality and creates in him/her an emotional attachment to Islam and enables him to
follow the Qur’an and Sunnah and be governed by Islamic system of values willingly and
joyfully so that he/she may proceed to the realization of his/her status as Khalifatullah to
whom God has promised the authority of the universe”.
The aims and objectives of Islamic education were different and were
closely connected with religion. It was considered a religious duty to
receive and impart instruction. However the objectives of Islamic
education can be described as follows:
Acquisition of Knowledge:
The chief aim of Islamic education was to spread the light of
knowledge. According to the Prophet “seek knowledge from the cradle
to the grave” and “acquire knowledge even if it be in China”.
“Knowledge is fluid and salvation is impossible without it.” He
attached supreme importance to the acquisition of knowledge.
Prophet Mohammed (S.W.W) preached to the people that distinction
between essential duty and wrong action, religion and irreligion could
be accomplished only though knowledge and as such remarked,
“acquisition of knowledge is obligatory upon all the faithful men as
well as women”.
Hence Muslims have always held learning and knowledge, high honor,
admiration, and shown respect to their scholars and learned men.
However, the objectives of education by the Muslims were almost
entirely intellectual. It was gaining of knowledge and training of mind.

Transmission of Islam:
The aim of education was to spread Islam religion by following the
dictates of the great religious personalities. The spread of Islam was
considered as religious duty. There was a notion that only a religious
spreader could be Ghazi or martyr. Therefore, through education
Islam was spread in India. Educational institutions were attached to
mosques and from the very beginning of academic career students
were familiar with the fundamental principles of Islam and study of
Quran. The canons of Islamic religion were taught in the form of
philosophy, literature and history in Madrasahs.
Being promoted by religious sentiments the Muslim rulers in India
supported education. Because according to Muhammed (S.W.W) “No
present or gift of a parent, out of all the gifts and present to a child, is
superior to a good liberal education”. Muslims regarded general
education as an integrate part of Islamic education. Being inspired by
fanaticism they destroyed Hindu institutions and established
mosques, Madrasahs on their ruins. The followers of the prophet held
the ink of scholar holier than the blood of a martyr. Students were
made to study the verses of the Islamic religious scriptures.
Islamic Social Morals Material Progress:
A special system of morals based on Islamic education was evolved.
Teacher laid emphasis on the inculcation of moral and spiritual values
among students. This was reflected in their thinking and living. In the
observance of the rules of conduct difficult practice was provided.
Muslims also wanted to achieve materialistic prosperity through
education. In order to get high posts, honorable rank, medals, grants
of ‘Jagirs’ people were motivated for Islamic education. The educated
were held in high esteem and kings and emperors encouraged the
scholars by appointing them as commander of the army, Kazi (Judge)
Vazir (Minister) and various other profitable posts. With a view to
reap these benefits many Hindus allowed to receive Islamic education.
So gaining of material prosperity was integral in the system of
Organization of Political and Social System:
The objectives of education were somewhat marked-up with political
motives and interests. The Muslim rulers had a great hand in the
management and administration of education. So through education
they wanted to strengthen and develop their political system. As the
Mohammedans entered to a different civilization, and a different
culture, it became indispensable for them to create some such political
circumstances for strengthening their role in the country.
Preservation and Spread of Muslim Culture:
Muslim educational system worked for the preservation and
transmission of culture. Study of the authentic work was compulsory.
Rules and regulations pertaining to their culture were strictly
followed. The centers of learning situated in different parts of the
country bear powerful authentication to this fact. Besides,
development of right thinking, development of humility, intellectual
importance and development of the self as a useful man of the world
were the purpose of learning.

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