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Partition of Bengal 1905

Ans. Overview:

 The partition was announced by Lord Curzon

 It was in the year of 16th October 1905.

The Origin:

 The undidvided Bengal was massive 489500

 Population was 80 million.
 West Bengal comprises areas of Modern Bihar, Orissa during british Rule.
 East Bengal combines areas of Modern Bangladesh and Assam and most of the North eastern
 Other princely stated like Cooch Bihar and Tripura existed.

Reasons for Partition:

 Officially it was announced that due to the massive size of Bengal it was difficult to be
administered properly.
 So dividing it in two parts will be more easy for administering Bengal
 So division was only for administering purpose only.’
 But the real reason behind the partition was political and not administrative.
 East Bengal was dominated by Muslims and West Bengal by Hindus
 Though Assam was not dominated by Muslim population.

Counter Response:

 16TH October 1905 is known for Day of Mourning

 People started protest walked barefoot to the Ganges, fasted , singing patriotic songs.
 Rabindranath Tagore suggested to observe and celebrate this day as Raksha Bandhan day
between the people of West and East Bengal as a sign of brotherhood.
 People started movements like Swadeshi and Boycott movement

Impact of the Movement:

 Swadeshi Movement brought every section of the people together in the protest.
 Boycott movement creates panic in British Government.
 As everyone started boycotting British goods and Products.
 This was the first mass movement in freedom of struggle.

 Lala Lajpat Rai
 Bal Gangadhar Tilak
 Bipin Chandra Pal
 Aurobindo Ghosh


 Surat split of 1907.

 The movement affected the unity of Indian National Congress.
 The difference came out in the Congress session at Surat Split in 1907.
 Radical leaders quit Congress and thus left Congress split.
 But in 1916 both factions were united again in Lucknow session.


 Rice and strength to the national movement.

 Boosted the growth of native industries.
 Growth and awareness to culture.
 Peoples new mood of protest and sacrifice was seen.
 It causes the religious devide between Hindus and Muslims.
 The parties like All India Muslim League and Hindu Mahasabha were formed

Question 2- Formation OF Muslim League

ANS- The seeds of Muslim communalism were sown by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan. He explained to Muslims
that it is better for Muslims to stand for british and stay away from Hindus.

To know Muslim League, we should know who is Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, his ideology.
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was a great philosopher, writer and Islamic reformer of 19 TH century.
Birth- 1817, Delhi (Capital of Mughal Empire)
His father was a personal adviser to Mughal Empire Akbar Shah II. It was a big post on that time. Even
his ancestors ( grand-parents, great grand-parents) were Ministers and Administrators @ Mughal Court.
So we can understand that he belongs to a respected & powerful family. Sirji was very fast and good at
studies. He acquired religious and modern education. He rejected the job offer of Mughal Badshah, as he
thought Mughals are already on the verge of extinction (Mughals were on a situation like a sinking boat).
Rather he joined British East India Company as a clerk. He started working on British East India
Company in full swing, got promoted day by day, he was called the loyalist to British East India
Company at one time. 1857 revolt was suppressed by British Government at one time. Later by getting
promoted day by day, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan became Chief Assesment Officer of Bijnor Court. He
supported the British Government in 1857 revolt. Infact, he published a booklet named Asbab-e-
Baghawat-e-Hind-the causes of Indian Revolt, where he described a detailed research of why 1857 revolt
happened. In this booklet, he also gave/published some recommendations to britishers so that this type of
situation/revolts can be avoided in future. He believed in Hindu-Muslim unity. But he always thinks for
the well-being of Muslims a lot. He believed that Muslims should progress further only thru western and
modern education.
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan encouraged Muslims to work in British East India Company for their betterment.
In year 1875, he established Muhammadam Anglo-Oriental College. It was the first Muhammadan
University in South Asia. It renamed Aligarh Muslim University in 1875. In the year 1876, he retired
from British Services.
In 1885, Indian National Congress was formed. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan didn’t like it and
termed it as Hindu organization. He made muslims understood that if country got independence, British
Government will leave. But as Hindus are majority here, and muslims are very less in numbers. So, then
if any election held, Hindus will be the winner. Thus Hindus will create bad impact on Muslims. Sirji
made Muslims clear that Muslims are safe as long as British Government are here in India. Sir Syed
Ahmed Khan further said that “ we( Muslims) should be loyal to british as much as possible”
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan breathed his last on March 1898 at the age of 80. Later, Muslim
communalists such as Iqbal, Jinnah followed his path.

So, Muslims Leaders said that Sir Syed is not with us anymore. Muslim thanked British Government for
the partition of Bengal 1905( executed by Lord Curzon) as now they are majority of a new state. Bur the
Hindus opposed the decision, they protested and expressed their unhappiness. As a result, Muslims
understood that Sir Syed was right as Hindus cant tolerate their happiness. So Muslim Leaders said that
Sir Syed is not with us anymore, but his each and every perception is proving correct now. So Muslim
Leaders scrutinized his each and every ideas and thoughts. And they found out that Sirji termed Indian
National Congress a Hindu Organization, so Muslim Leaders decided that its high time Muslims should
form therir own Organization.

On 27 december 1906, they raised the issue on Muhammadan

Educational Conference ( it was established by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan) at Dhaka. 3000 delegated reached
at that conference. Though political discussion were not allowed, but as Sirji was not there, and the
situation of Muslims was deteriorating, so they requested to stop the ban on discussing politics.

So when they started discussing about the hot issue [ hindus aggression towards Muslims] a majority of
delegates said that Congress is there to speak for Hindus. So, we too will form our own organization to
speak for Muslims. Then a motion was passed that a Muslim organization will be formed. But what will
be the name of that organization was still undecided. So this time, Nawab of Dhaka Khwaja Salimullah
Bahadur stated/voiced a title/name which was “ ALL INDIA MUSLIM LEAGUE “. WOW, finally everybody
liked this name.

1. Khwaja Salimullah ( Dhaka Nawab)

2. Vikramul Mulk
3. Syed Amir Ali
4. Khan Bahadur Ghulam


Sir Sultan Muhammad Shah ( AGA KHAN III)


Objective is to safeguard Muslim Rights by supporting British Government.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah joined Muslim League in 1913

Question 3- Salient features of ACT of 1947

১৯৪৭ সালের ভারত স্বাধীনতা আইন

Ans- Indian Independence Act 1947:

 The 1947 Indian Independence Act is an act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that
partitioned British India into the two new independent dominions of India and Pakistan.
 The Act received the royal assent on 18 July 1947, and thus India and Pakistan, comprising West
(Modern day Pakistan) and East ( Modern day Bangladesh) regions, came into being on 15
 The Legislative representatives of Indian National Congress, the Muslim League, and the Sikh
community came to an agreement with Lord Mountbatten on what has came to be known as
the 3 June Plan or Mountbatten Plan. This plan was the last plan for Independence.
Attlee’s announcement
The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
20 February 1947 that:

1. the British Government would grant full self-government to British India by 3 june 1948 at the

2. The future of the Princely States would be decided after the date of final transfer is decided.

3 June Plan

3 June Plan was also known as the Mountbatten Plan. The British Government proposed a plan
announced on 3 June 1947 that included:

a. Principle of the partition of British India was accepted by the British Government.
b. Successor governments would be given dominion status.
c. Autonomy and sovereignty to both countries.
d. Can make their own constitution.

Provisions of Indian Independence Act 1947:

The Acts most important provisions were:

 Division of British India into the two new and fully sovereign dominions of India and Pakistan,
with effect from 15 August 1947;
 Partition of the new provinces of Bengal and Punjab between the two new countries.
 Establishment of the office of Governor-General in each of the new countries, as representatives
of the crown.
 Conferral of complete legislative authority upon the respective Constituent Assemblies of the two
new countries.
 Termination of British suzerainty over the princely states, with effect from 15 August 1947, and
recognized the right of states to remain independent or accede to either dominion.
 Abolition of the use of the title Emperor of India by the British monarch ( this was subsequently
executed by King George VI by royal proclamation on 22 June 1948).
 The Act also made provision for the division of joint property etc between the two new countries,
including in particular the division of the Armed Forces.

3. The election of 1954 in East Bengal:

 Elections 1954 held in East Pakistan in March 1954 under the India Act of 1935, and on
the basis of universal adult franchise. The contesting parties in the elections were the
ruling MUSLIM LEAGUE and a five-party alliance called UNITED FRONT. The major partners of
the Front were the Awami Muslim League led by Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani,
the KRISHAK SRAMIK PARTY led by AK Fazlul Huq, Nezam-e-Islam led by Maulana Atahar Ali,
Ganatantri Dal led by Haji Mohammad Danesh and Khilafat-e-Rabbani Party.
 Elections 1954 held in East Pakistan in March 1954 under the Indian Act of 1935, and on
the basis of univrersal adult franchise. Apart from the United Front, the other major
political party was the ruling Muslim League.
 In the elections held from 8 to 12 March, 1285 candidates contested for 304 seats, 5
seats having been uncontested.
 Of them, 986 were Muslim candidates for 228 seats, 101 Hindu candidates for 30 seats,
and 151 scheduled caste candidates for 36 seats. The seats for the non-Muslims were
contested by candidate mainly from the Pakistan National Congress, United Progressive
party and the Scheduled Caste Federation.
 The total electors numbered 1 97 48 568 of whom 73 44 216 (37.19%) caste their votes.
The lower turnout was ascribed to poor communications in rural areas and the
reluctance of conservative Muslim women come out of their houses.
 The elections resulted in a landslide victory for the United Front which won 228 seats in
a house of 309 ( including nine reserved seats for women )
 On the other hand, the Muslim League, the party in power directly or indirectly ever
since 1937, managed to get only 7 seats.
 Of the total of 228 elected Front members, 143 belonged to Awami Muslim League, 48
to Krishak Sramik Party, 22 to Nezam-e-Islam, 13 to Ganatrantic Dal and 2 to Khilafat-e-
Rabbani Party.
 Of the non-Muslim seats, Congress got 25, Scheduled Caste Federation 27, and the
United Front of the Minorities 13.
 The United Front’s victory proved illusory long before the euphoria were out. On March
25, East Pakistan Governor Choudhury Khaliquzzaman asked Krishak Sramik Party leader
AK Fazlul Haque to form the ministry.
 But in the ministry formed on 3 april the Awami Muslim League was left out. This
created a crisis in the Front, and Fazlul Haque was obliged to expand his cabinet on May
15 to include Abdul Mansur Ahmed, Ataur Rahman Khan, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman,
Abdus Salam Khan and Hashimuddin.
 The same day a serious riot between the Bangalee and non-Bengali workers of the
Adamjee Jute Mills at Narayanganj caused the death of nearly 1500 workers. The
communist activists were held responsible for the tragedy, and the Fazlul Haq
Government was blamed for its failure in ontrolling the situation.
 On May 30, the Ministry was dismissed, and direct governor’s rule was imposed. Around
1600 Front leaders and workers, including 30 members of the legislature, were put
behind the bars. The Awami League, however, returned to power on its own on 30
August 1956 with Ataur Rahman Khan as Chief Minister , but only to resign a few
months later.

Question 4- Language movement of 48 and 52


[Timeline of major events during Bhasha Andolon of 1947-52]

 (June 1936 - 14-Point Manifesto by Central Parliamentary Board of Pakistan for
"protection and promotion of Urdu")
 (3 October 1937 - "Urdu should be language of Bengali Muslims" advocated at Lucknow
Session of Muslim League)
 17 May 1947 - Muslim League leaders announce in Hyderabad, India, that Urdu will
become state language for the still to be formed Pakistan
 14 July 1947 - Dr. Ziauddin Ahmed says Pakistan should adopt Urdu
 29 July 1947 - Bengali Dr. Muhammad Shahidullah defends Bangla
 July 1947 - Gono Azadi League (GAL) formed by Kamruddin Ahmed
 1 September 1947 - Tamaddun Majlish formed under Professor Abdul Kashem's
 6-7 September 1947 - Gonotantric Jubo League (Democratic Youth League or DYL) held
conference to resist Urdu
 15 September 1947 - Tamaddun publish pamphlet "Pakistaner Rashtro Bhasha Bangla
na Urdu?"
 27 November 1947 - Fazlur Rahman Khan, Bengali Minister of Education, held Education
Conference in Karachi, Pakistan, where Bangla is dropped
 6 December 1947 - Dhaka University's teachers & students demand Bangla as an official
 December 1947 - First "Rastrobhasha Sangram Parishad" (State Language Movement
Committee) formed by Tamaddun's Professor Nurul Huq Bhuiyan
 25 February 1948 - Dhirendranath Datta request Bangla as an official language in
Constituent Assembly of Pakistan held in Karachi. Liaquat Ali Khan, Khwaja Nazimuddin &
others object
 26 February 1948 - Student in Dhaka protest
 11 March 1948 - Shamsul Huq forms committee to led student hartal (demonstration) in
order to conduct the Language Movement in a systematic way an all party organization
named “Rastro Bhasha Sangram Parishad” was formed
 March 1948 - Chief Minister Khwaja Nazimuddin signs 7-Point agreement with 'Parishad'
 21 Mar 1948 - Md. Ali Jinnah, father of the nation and Governor General of Pakistan,
declares "Urdu and only Urdu" as national language of Pakistan in Ramna Racecourse
(Suhrawardy Udyan), Dhaka, East Pakistan
 24 March 1948 - Jinnah reiterates point in Curzon Hall campus of DU. Bangla students
protest by crying out collectively "no, no" in loud voice
 11 September 1948 - Jinnah dies. Nazimuddin becomes new Governor-General of
 8 November 1948 - Nazimuddin delivers watered down version of Bangla policy in the
East Bengal Legislative Assembly
 27 November 1948 - Golam Azam presents 'Historic Memorandum' to PM Liaquat Ali
Khan demanding Bangla as state language
 7 February 1949 - Central Pakistan education advisory board recommends Arabization
of Bangla after receiving recommendation from Fazlur Rahman
 23 June 1949 - Awami Muslim League formed by Maulana Bhashani
 6 December 1950 - East Bengal Language Committee, presided by Maulana Akram Khan,
recommends Arabization of Bangla
 1950 - PM Liaquat Ali Khan declares "Only Urdu will be the national language of
 16 October 1951 - Liaquat Ali Khan assassinated in Rawalpindi. Nazimuddin becomes
new Prime Minister and Ghulam Muhammad, a public servant, becomes Governor-General
 27 January 1952 - Nazimuddin declares "only Urdu" as state language in Paltan Maidan,
Dhaka. This enrages people in East Pakistan
 31 January 1952 - Kazi Golam Mahboob convenes "Shorbodolio Kendrio Rashtrobhasha
Kormi Porishod" (All-Party Central Language Action Committee) with 40 various members.
Maulana Bhashani selected as chairman
 4 February 1952 - Abdul Matin forms "Dhaka University's State Language Committee" in
language protest. Shorbodolio Kendrio Rashtrobhasha Kormi Porishod decide to declare
February 21 as the day for strikes throughout the province terming the day as "Bhasha
Dibosh" (Language Day). Gaziul Haq and Abdul Matin led student procession
 19 February 1952 - Zillur Rahman leads student protest in Amtala of DU
 20 February 1952 - Section 144, banning all processions and meetings for 30 days,
imposed by District Magistrate of Dhaka on behalf of Pakistan Government
 Ekushey (21) February 1952 - Peaceful student, and later public, protest leads to killing
by armed police. Amongst the dead is a 9 year old boy. They become the first shaheeds
(martyrs) of Bangladesh. Chief Minister Nurul Amin ignores plea by Maulana Tarkabagish
and others. Curfew announced by government
 22 February 1952 - Gayebana Janaza held for Ekushey shaheeds, but more people killed
by police again. First Shaheed Minar created in Dhaka
 23 February 1952 - Tamaddun criticises government. Government orders crackdown of
student leaders and prominent figures
 (17 April 1953 - Ghulam Muhammad dismisses PM Nazimuddin and appoints Bengali
Muhammad Ali Bogra, Ambassador to USA, as new PM)
 (21 October 1955 - Awami Muslim League renamed to 'Awami League')

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