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A Antinutritional factors, 272

AACC International. See Standard methods Antioxidants, 80, 184, 188, 189, 243, 253, 254, 258, 275,
Abbe refractometer, 99 469, 509, 515, 526
Absolute error, 58 AOAC International. See Standard methods
Absorption of radiation, 382, 383, 389, 390, 392, 400, 418, 427 Archimedes principle, 97
Absorption spectrum, 382, 383, 392, 397, 403, 404, 424, 425, 505 Arrhenius
Accelerated solvent extraction (ASE), 323, 330, 475 equation, 290
Accuracy, analyses, 55 plot, 290
Acid value, oils, 248 Ascarite trap, 230
Acid-base equilibria, 223, 224 Ash. See also Minerals
Acid-base titrations, 228 alkalinity, 112
Acidity. See also pH; Titratable acidity comparison of methods, 112, 113
standard acid, 231 contamination during assay, 108, 112
standard alkali, 230, 231 content of foods, 107, 108
titration definitions, 107
endpoint, 229 importance of analysis, 107
equivalence point, 229 insoluble, 109, 112
indicators, 229, 230 methods of determination
Acids, organic dry ashing
in foods, 222, 227–229, 232, 233 crucibles, 108
ion-chromatographic analysis, 509, 510 for elemental analyses, 436
malic, enzymatic assay, 295, 296 furnaces, 107, 108
Acrylamide, 268, 270, 343, 467 losses during, 109
Activation energy (Ea ), 290 modified procedures, 110
Active oxygen method (AOM), 254
preparation of sample, 108
Adsorption chromatography, 264, 265, 481–484, 488, 530
principles, 108
Adulteration, 19, 72, 76, 353, 358, 361, 363, 453, 454
procedures, 109
Affinity chromatography
temperature, 108
applications, 265, 489
microwave ashing
elution methods, 489
dry ashing, 110, 112
ligand, 488
wet ashing
principles, 488, 489, 511
closed-vessel system, 111
spacers, 489
Aflatoxins. See Mycotoxin residues open-vessel system, 111, 112
Agricultural biotechnology, 335, 336 wet ashing
Alcoholometers, 97 acids used, 110
Alkaline phosphatase, assay, 296, 297 for elemental analysis, 107, 109, 113, 436
Allergens, 339–341 precautions, 110
DNA methods, 341 principles, 109, 110
protein methods, 340, 341 procedures, 110
Amici prism, 98 sample preparation, 108
Amino acid soluble, 112
analysis, 271, 272, 274, 510 sulfated, 112
classification, 135, 272 Aspartame, 509
scoring patterns, 273 (Found in table only) Assay methods, general
Ammonium sulfate fractionation of proteins, 263 selection, 7–10
Amylase, used in assay, 160–162, 295, 297 standard methods (see Standard methods)
Amylopectin, 162, 166, 510, 511 steps in analysis, 6, 7
Amylose, 160, 162, 166, 418, 511 validity, 9, 10
Analytical microbiology. See Microbiological assays Assessing the nutritional value of proteins. See Protein,
Anionic dye-binding. See Dye-binding methods nutritional quality
Anisidine value, 250–252, 254 Atomic absorption spectroscopy
Anthocyanins, 227, 509 applications, 436, 437
Antibiotic residue, assay, 332–335 atomization, 424
Antibodies, 265, 269, 303–305, 308–311, 313, 314, 326, calibration
331, 336, 337, 340, 361, 489 sensitivity check, 429
Antigens, 303–306, 308, 311, 313, 361 standards, 429

S.S. Nielsen, Food Analysis, Food Science Texts Series, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-1478-1, 587
c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010
588 Index

comparison to inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission Benzene, 257, 343, 344, 382, 399
spectroscopy, 436 Beta-glucan, 10, 149, 159, 162, 166, 169, 450–452
energy transitions in atoms, 423, 424 Bicinchoninic acid method, proteins, 141–144, 495
flame, 425 Bioassays
graphite furnace, 426 protein quality, 272–274
instrument components vitamins, 184–186
atomizer Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), 24, 369–371
burner, 427 Biosensors, 297, 298, 331, 332, 340
cold vapor technique, 428 Bisphenol A (BPA), 343
electrothermal, 428 Biuret method, proteins, 139, 143
flame, 427 Bradford method, proteins, 141, 143
graphite furnace, 426 Brix, 23, 87, 97–99, 172, 233
hydride generation, 428 Brix/acid ratio, 233
nebulizer, 427 Bronsted-Lowry theory, 223
chopper, 427 Buffering, 221, 228–231, 289, 291
detector, 428
hollow cathode lamp (HCL), 426, 427
monochromator, 428 C
interferences Caffeine, 61–64, 467, 468, 506, 509
nonspectral Calculations
ionization, 430
ash, 109
solute volatilization, 430
chromatographic parameters, 491–494
transport, 430
fat, 122–124, 127
fiber, 170, 172
absorption of source radiation, 429
Mohr titration, 207
background absorption of source radiation, 430
moisture, 91, 96
labware, 437
neutralization reaction, 221–223
operation, 428, 429
protein, 137
principles, 425, 426
titratable acidity, 232
procedure, 428, 429
vitamins, 187–194
reagents, 437
Vohlard titration, 208
standards, 437
Atomic emission spectroscopy Calibration curves. See Data evaluation, standard curves
applications, 436, 437 Calorie content, 40–42
flame Calorimeters, 563
instrument components, 431 Calorimetry, 41, 42, 563. See also Thermal analysis
principles, 431 Capillary electrophoresis, 160, 270, 271, 278, 332
inductively coupled plasma Capillary isoelectric focusing, 271
comparison to atomic absorption spectroscopy, 436 Carbazole assay, 165
instrument components Carbohydrates. See also individual carbohydrates by name
argon plasma torch, 432, 433 beta-glucan, 10, 149, 159, 166, 450–452
detectors calculation by difference, 151
charge coupled device, 431, 434 Carrez treatment, 159
charge injection device, 431, 434 cellulose, 166, 167
photomultiplier tube, 431, 434 content in foods, 151
echelle optical system, 431, 434 definitions, 149, 151
monochromator, 431 extraction, 152
optical system, 434, 435 gums, 162–167
polychromator, 431 hemicellulose, 163, 166–168
interferences, 435, 436 hydrocolloids, 162–167
labware, 437 methods of analysis
principles, 431 chemical, for monosaccharides and oligosaccharides
procedures, 435 dinitrosalicylic acid, 154
reagents, 437 enzymatic, 159
standards, 437 Lane-Eynon, 154
Atomization, 424–426, 428, 430–433, 437 Munson–Walker, 154
Automation, 131, 137, 212, 453, 485 phenol-sulfuric acid, 152, 153
Autosamplers, 7, 503 reducing sugars, 153, 154
Somogyi-Nelson, 153, 154
B gas chromatography
Babcock method, fat analysis, 127, 130 derivatization, 157, 158
Bacteria, in microbiological assays hydrolyzates of polysaccharides, 158
drug residues, 333, 334 neutral sugars, 157
vitamins, 185–187, 194 high-performance liquid chromatography
Baumé hydrometer, 97, 98 detection, 156, 157
Beer’s law, 390–394, 402, 412, 425, 429 stationary phases, 155, 156
Index 589

dietary fiber, 168–171 Chromatography, 475–497, 501–512, 515–535. See also individual
extraction, 152 types
fiber, 168–171 Chromatography, applications
glucose, 159, 160, 295 amino acids, 271, 272, 478, 509
gums, 163–165 antioxidants, 509, 526
hydrocolloids, 163–167 aspartame, 509
microscopy, 171 carbohydrates, 155–160, 479, 483, 485, 497, 505, 508, 509, 516,
near-infrared spectroscopy, 171 526
pectin cholesterol, 257, 258, 515
degree of esterification, 165 drug residues, 319–321, 333, 485, 515
determination, 165 flavors, 515, 519, 526–528
physical lipids, 125–127, 255–257, 481, 483, 509, 515, 516
microscopy, 171 mycotoxin residues, 320, 321, 327–332, 478
refractive index, 172 organic acids, 483, 485, 509
specific gravity pesticide residues, 319–327, 329, 341, 481, 524, 526, 528
pigments, 478, 483, 508, 509, 519
hydrometer, 172
polyphenols, 483, 508, 509
pycnometer, 97
protein separation, 264–267, 484, 487–489, 511
spectrometry, 171
sulfite, 341, 342, 510
resistant starch, 167
vitamins, 182–195, 478, 479, 481, 508, 515
sample preparation, 151, 152, 159, 168
Chromatography, principles
starch adsorption, 481
degree of gelatization, 162 affinity, 488, 489
degree of retrogradation, 162 developing a separation, 490, 491
determination, 160, 161 elution
resistant, 167 gradient, 490, 491
total carbohydrate, 152, 153 isocratic, 490
monosaccharides, 152–159, 163, 172, 173 extraction, 475, 517–519
occurrence, 149, 150 gradient elution, 490, 491
oligosaccharides, 149, 152–160, 162, 167–169, 172 historical perspective, 475, 476
pectin ion exchange
component of dietary fiber, 167 anion exchangers, 484
degree of esterification, 165 cation exchangers, 484
determination, 165 liquid-liquid, 482, 483
nature, 165, 167 liquid-solid, 481
polysaccharides, 160–165 paper, 477, 478
reducing sugars, 153, 154 partition
starch bonded supports, 483
degree of gelatinization, 162 coated supports, 483
degree of retrogradation, 162 normal-phase, 482
determination, 160–162 reversed-phase, 482
gelatinization, 162 qualitative analysis, 495
in foods, 160 quantitative analysis
methods of analysis, 160–163, 295 external standards, 495
problematic in fiber determination, 168 internal standards, 495, 496
resistant, 160–162, 166–169, 171 peak area, 495
retrogradation, 162 peak height, 491, 495, 496
sugar alcohols, 150–152, 155 resolution
sugars, 151–160, 162–165, 167, 171, 172 capacity factor, 494, 495
Carotenoids, assay, 181, 481, 508, 509 efficiency
height equivalent to a theoretical plate, 493
Carrez reagent, 159
theoretical plates, 492, 493, 530
Cellulose, 166, 167, 323, 370, 477, 478, 483, 484, 489, 511
Van Deemter equation, 493, 530
Charge coupled device (CCD), 359, 431, 434
selectivity, 494
Charge injection device (CID), 431, 434
separation, 481–489
CHARM II test, 334 size exclusion, 485–488
Check sample, 9, 10 supercritical fluid, 480, 481
Chemical constituents of concern. See Contaminants terminology, 476
Chemical ionization (CI), 463 thin layer
Chemical oxygen demand (COD), 370, 371 aflatoxins, 331, 479
Chlorophylls, 481, 509 amino acids, 479
Choices of method, general carbohydrates, 479
characteristics, 7 lipids, 258, 479
food matrix, 8, 9 mycotoxin residues, 331, 479
objective, 7, 8 pesticide residues, 326
validity, 9, 10 principles, 478
Cholesterol, 5, 10, 38, 39, 46, 48, 149, 167, 241, 243, 257, 258, 515 vitamins, 479
590 Index

Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 17, 18, 21–25, 27, 37–43, 46, perchlorate, 344
47, 49, 60, 74, 241, 243, 273, 333, 341, 353 pesticide residues, 324–327
Codex Alimentarius Commission, 29, 30 sample preparation
Coefficient of determination, 62 derivatization, 323
Coefficient of variation (CV), 57 extraction, 322
Collision reaction cells (CRC), 438, 439 sulfites, 294, 295, 341, 342
Color Correlation coefficient, 61–63
colorimeters, 246, 575, 580–582
equations, 583
instrument choice, 583 D
interaction of light with sample, 582 Daily Value (DV), 38–42, 49, 50, 181, 182, 273, 274
measurement, 582–585 Data evaluation
physiological basis, 575, 576 errors, 59, 62, 63
sample preparation, 583–585 measures of central tendency, 55
sample presentation, 583–585 reliability of analysis
space, 580–582 absolute error, 58
systems, to describe color accuracy, 55–59
instrumental coefficient of variation, 57
CIE system, 579, 580 confidence interval, 57
standard observer, 578, 579 limit of detection, 59, 60
visual limit of quantitation, 60
Munsell System, 577 precision, 55–59
tolerances, 583 Q-test, 65
tristimulus colorimeters, 580–582 Q-value, 65
Colorimeter, 246, 580–583 range, 56
Colorimetric methods relative error, 58
carbohydrates, 152–154 sensitivity, 59
minerals, 208, 209 sources of error, 59
proteins, 139–142 specificity, 59
Column chromatography, 322, 476, 479, 481, 503, 531 standard deviation, 56
Columns standard error of the mean, 58
analytical HPLC t-score, 77
capillary, 503 t-test, 77
microbore, 503 t-value, 7, 58
microcolumn, 503 Z value, 57
ultra-HPLC, 503 reporting results
capillary rejecting data, 65
megabore, 523 significant figures, 64
microbore, 523 standard curves
normal, 523 applications, 208, 209, 393, 394, 401, 402, 429
efficiency, 492, 493 coefficient of determination, 62
guard, 503 confidence intervals, 63
packed, 522, 523 correlation coefficient, 61, 62
packing material, 503, 520 errors, 62, 63
porous-layer open-tubular (PLOT), 524 linear regression, 60, 61
precolumn, 503 plotting curve, 61–63
Concentration units, 221–223, 397 Databases
Conductivity mass spectroscopy, 462
detector for GC, 138 nutrient content, 43
detector for HPLC, 509 Defect action level (DAL), 353
Confidence interval, 57, 58, 63, 76 Denaturation of proteins, 264, 311, 565
Conjugated acid, 228 Density
Conjugated base, 228 fat determination, 130, 131
Constituents of concern. See Contaminants hydrometers, 97, 172
Contaminants pycnometers, 97, 98
3-monochloropropane 1,2-diol, 344 Derivatization
4-methylbenzophenone, 343 carbohydrate analysis, 155, 160
acrylamide, 268, 270, 343 contaminants, 321, 323
allergens, 339–341 GC analysis, 519
benzene, 343, 344 HPLC analysis, 157
bisphenol A, 343 lipid analysis, 125, 126, 255
choice of methods, 320, 321, 341 pesticide residues, 323
drug residues, 332–335 Detection limit, 60, 340, 423, 433, 435, 436, 439, 460, 467,
furans, 343 505, 519, 527, 528
heavy metals, 319 Detectors
melamine, 342 atomic absorption spectroscopy, 426, 428
mycotoxins, 327–331 atomic emission spectroscopy, 431, 434, 435
Index 591

gas chromatography, 524–528 Emulsions. See Protein, functional properties

high-performance liquid chromatography, 505, 506 Endpoint
infrared-spectroscopy, 410, 415 colorimetric, 229
UV-visible spectroscopy, 396, 397 equivalence point, 229
Dextinizing activity, 297 phenolpthalein, 229
Dextrins, 295 Energy level transitions. See Spectroscopy
Dialysis, 144, 164, 265–267, 488
Energy states of matter. See Spectroscopy
Dielectric method for moisture analysis, 96
Dietary fiber. See Fiber, dietary Enthalpy, 560, 564
Dietary supplements, 17, 40, 43, 48 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 17, 23–25, 319, 324
Differential scanning calorimetry. See Thermal analysis Enzymatic methods
Digestibility, proteins, 42, 144, 272–275. See also Protein, as analytical aids
nutritional quality fiber analysis, 168–171, 285
Dilatometry, 248 protein hydrolysis, 272, 274, 285
Distillation methods. See Moisture, distillation methods vitamin assays, 184, 193, 285
Dough formation. See Protein, functional properties biosensors, 297, 298
Drug residues electrodes, 298
confirmatory methods, 335 enzyme activity assays
determinative methods, 335 alkaline phosphatase, 296, 297
regulations, 332, 333
alpha-amylase, 297
screening methods, 333–335
Dry ashing, 107–110, 112, 113. See also Ash, methods lipoxygenase, 296
of determination peroxidase, 296
Drying methods. See Moisture rennet, 297
Dye-binding methods, proteins immobilized enzymes, 297, 298
anionic dye-binding, 140, 141 substrate determination
Bradford, 141 carbohydrate analysis, 159–162, 295
Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis, 558. See also Thermal endpoint method, 294
analysis glucose, 295
malic acid, 295
monosaccharides, 149, 159, 295
E oligosaccharides, 159
Echelle optical system, 431, 434
polysaccharides, 159–162, 295
EDTA complexometric titration, mineral determination, 205, 206
Effluent composition, 24, 25 sample preparation, 159, 294
Electrical methods starch, 160–162, 295
extraneous matter, 360 sulfite, 294, 295
moisture determination, 96 total change, 294
Electrode potential, 211, 225 Enzymic methods. See Enzymatic methods
Electrodes Enzyme
combination, 227 activity
enzyme, 297 affected by
glass, 226 activators, 291, 292
indicator, 226, 227 enzyme concentration, 288, 289
ion selective, 209–212 inhibitors
oxygen-sensitive membrane, 369
irreversible, 292
reference, 210, 226
saturated calomel, 226 reversible, 292
silver-silver chloride, 226 pH, 290–291
Electromagnetic radiation, 172, 323, 377, 389, 400, 459, 478 substrate concentration, 289
Electron impact ionization, 327, 460, 462, 464 temperature, 289, 290
Electrophoresis assays (see Enzymatic methods)
applications, 267, 311 coupled reactions, 293
capillary, 160, 270, 271 methods of measurement, 292, 293
isoelectric focusing, 269, 270 order of reactions, 287
mobility calculations, 267 reaction rate, 286–292
molecular weight estimation, 269 electrodes, 298
native, 268 immunoassays, 306–311
polyacrylamide gel, 267–269
kinetics, 285–288
sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), 268
two-dimensional, 270 Enzyme immunoassays. See Immunoassays
Elemental analysis, 107, 113, 203–212, 423–439. See also Minerals, Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), 306–311, 321, 325,
determination 326, 331, 332, 334–341
ELISA. See Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay Equivalent weight, 221, 222, 232, 236
Emission of radiation, 377, 383, 384, 423, 437 Error, data, 59
Emission spectrum, 424, 425 Ethylene oxide, 533, 534
Emulsification. See Protein, functional properties External standards, 495, 521
592 Index

Extraction Fluorescence spectroscopy

accelerated solvent, 323 calibration curve, 401, 402
batch, 475 detector, 400, 401
continuous, 122, 475 emission beam, 400
countercurrent, 475 excitation beam, 400
lipids, 120–125 quantum efficiency, 401
microwave-assisted solvent, 323 vitamin analysis, 191–194
monosaccharides, 152 Foaming. See Protein, functional properties
nonsolvent, 127, 130 Folate, 184–187, 195, 511
oligosaccharides, 152 Folin-Ciocalteau phenol reagent, 139
partition coefficient, 475 Food additives, 12, 17, 19, 23, 29, 30, 319, 339, 515
polysaccharides, 152 Food analysis, general
pressurized liquid, 323 necessity, 5–7
QuEChERS, 323 standard methods (see Standard methods)
solid phase steps in analysis, 6, 7
dynamic extraction, 518, 519 types of samples, 6
microextraction, 252, 322, 323, 517, 518 Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 17, 37, 38, 41, 43–48,
solvent, 120–125, 517 71, 319
stir bar sorptive extraction, 518, 519 Food Chemicals Codex (FCC), 12, 30
Extractor types, 122–124, 517, 518 Food composition. See Specifications
Extraneous matter Food dyes, assay, 509
definition, 353, 354 Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS), 21
diagnostic characteristics, 354 Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 17, 37, 353
filth, 354 Foreign matter. See Extraneous matter
isolation principles, 354–358, 363–364 Foss-Let fat determination method, 130, 131
methods of analysis Fourier transform
comparison of methods, 361, 362 gas chromatography, 528
electrical conductance, 360 infrared, 241, 256, 257, 332, 410–412, 415
flotation, 356–358 ion cyclotrons, 460
immunoassays, 361 mass spectrometry, 460, 528
impact-acoustic emission, 360 Free fatty acids (FFAs), 59, 241, 244, 248, 523
microscopy, 360, 361 Freezing point, 100, 101, 558
near-infrared spectroscopy, 361 Functional properties. See Protein, functional properties
objectivity/subjectivity, 358 Furans, 343
x-ray microtomogtraphy, 359
x-ray radiography, 359
Gas chromatography
defect action levels (DALs), 353
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 353 3-monochloropropane 1,2-diol, 344
good manufacturing practices, 353 aroma analysis, 534, 535
benzene, 343, 344
carbohydrates, 157, 158, 519
F cholesterol, 257, 258, 515
Falling number method, 297 drug residues, 320, 515
Farinograph R
, 278 flavors, 515, 519, 526–528
Fat substitutes, 5, 254, 255, 481 furans, 343
Fats. See Lipids lipids, 125–127, 255–258, 516
Fatty acids, 12, 48, 59, 89, 119, 125, 127, 186, 232, 241, 243, 244, melamine, 342
247, 248, 250, 254–258, 296, 453, 464, 467, 481, 515, 523 mycotoxin residues, 328, 331
Fiber packaging materials, 343, 533
dietary pesticides residues, 325–329, 526
components, 167, 168 spices, 533, 534
definition, 166, 167 stereoisomer separation, 533
importance in diet, 166 columns
insoluble fiber, 166 capillary, 523, 524
methods of analysis, 168–171 megabore, 523
principles, 169–171 microbore, 523
procedures, 170, 171 packed, 522–523
resistant starch, 167 solid support, 522
sample preparation, 168 stationary phases, 522
soluble fiber, 166 detectors
total, 170 applications, 525–528
Filth. See Extraneous matter electrolytic conductivity, 528
Fixed acidity, 233 electron capture, 526
Flavor analysis, 515, 519, 526–528 flame ionization, 525, 526
Fluorescence microscopy, 250 flame photometric, 526, 527
Index 593

photoionization, 527, 528 Government

pulsed flame photometric, 526, 527 acts
thermal conductivity, 524, 525 Agricultural Marketing Act, 27
thermionic, 528 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, 17
gas supply, 520 Egg Products Inspection Act, 22
Fair Packaging and Labeling Act, 26
headspace methods
Federal Alcohol Administration Act, 22
direct headspace sampling, 516 Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, 18, 23
dynamic headspace sampling, 516 Federal Trade Commission Act, 25
hyphenated techniques Federal Water Pollution and Control Act, 24
atomic emission detector (AED), 528 Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act, 37
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), 528 Food Quality Protection Act, 18, 23
mass spectrometry (MS), 459, 460, 464, 465, 528 Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 17, 37, 353
injection port Nutrition Labeling and Education Act, 17, 37, 38
hardware, 520, 521 Poultry Products Inspection Act, 22
sample injection, 521, 522 Safe Drinking Water Act, 24
U.S. Grain Standards Act, 22
isolation of solutes, methods
agencies, bureaus, departments
direct injection, 519 Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, 22
distillation, 516, 517 Bureau of Consumer Protection, 25
headspace Department of Health and Human Services, 17, 23–25, 319,
adsorbent trap, 516 324
concentration, 516 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 17
cryogenic trap, 516 Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 25
direct sampling, 516 Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 17, 37, 38, 41,
solid-phase extraction, 517–519 43–48, 71, 319
National Bureau of Standards (see National Institute
solvent extraction, 517
of Standards and Technology)
multidimensional GC
National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM),
comprehensive two-dimensional GC, 529, 530 28
conventional two-dimensional GC, 529 National Institute of Standards and Technology
oven, 522 (NIST), 28
principles, 476, 477 National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), 22
sample derivatization, 519, 520 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
sample preparation, 515–519 (NOAA), 22
separation efficiency U.S. Customs Service, 25
carrier gas U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), 21, 22, 26, 27, 37,
40, 42, 43
flow rate, 530, 531
U.S. Department of Commerce, 22
type, 531, 532
U.S. Department of Justice, 22
column parameters, 530, 531 amendments
temperature programming, 521–523 Color Additives Amendment, 17
Gel filtration. See Size-exclusion chromatography Delaney Clause, 17
Gel permeation. See Size-exclusion chromatography Food Additives Amendment, 17
Gelatinization, starch, 162 inspection programs and services
Gelation, protein, 275, 277 Dairy Quality Program, 27
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 29 Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), 21
Genetic engineering. See Agricultural biotechnology Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyard Administration
(GIPSA), 22
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
Interstate Milk Shippers Program (IMS), 27
DNA methods, 337, 338
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), 22
labeling, 336 National Shellfish Sanitation Program (NSSP), 27
method comparison, 338 regulations, 5, 6, 17 (see also Government, acts; Government,
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (DNA method), 337, 338 amendments)
protein methods advertising, 26
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, 336, 337 alcoholic beverages, 22, 23
lateral flow strips, 337 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 17, 37
Western blots, 336 drinking water, 24
uses, 335 effluent composition, 24, 25
extraneous matter, 353
Gerber method, fat analysis, 130
fishery products, 22, 27, 28
Glass electrodes, 226 Good manufacturing practice (GMP) regulations, 6, 18, 43,
Glass transition temperature, 454, 557, 558, 564, 353
569, 570 Harmonized Tariff Schedules of the U.S., 25
Glucose, assay, 159, 160, 295 imported goods, 25
Goldfish method, fat analysis, 122 labeling
Good manufacturing practices (GMP), 6, 18, 43, 353 alcoholic beverages, 22
594 Index

dairy products, 26, 27 amino acids, 272, 507, 510

ingredient, 49 antioxidants, 509
milk, 26, 27 aspartame, 509
nutrition bisphenol A, 343
caloric content, 40–42 caffeine, 468, 506, 509
compliance, 42, 43 carbohydrates, 155–157, 507–511
Daily Value (DV), 39, 40 drug residues, 335, 507
databases, 37 dyes, 511
designation of ingredients, 49 flavor compounds, 509
exemptions, 40 folates, 511
format, 38–40 inorganic ions, 506, 509, 510
health claims, 43, 46, 48, 49 lectins, 511
methods of analysis, 42 lipids, 501, 506, 509
national uniformity and preemptions, 49 melamine, 342, 467–469, 507
nutrient content claims, 43–48 molecular weight estimation, 510
Nutrition Labeling and Education Act (NLEA), 17, mycotoxin residues, 332, 507
37, 49 organic acids, 509, 510
protein quality, 42 perchlorate, 344
rounding rules, 40 pesticide residues, 326, 327, 507
sample collection, 42 phenolic compounds, 506
serving size, 39, 40 pigments, 508, 509
structure/function claims, 48 proteins, 265, 510
total carbohydrate, 151 sugars, 501, 507, 510, 511
meat and poultry, 21, 22, 37 sulfites, 341, 342, 507
milk surfactants, 508
Grade A, 26 vitamins, 183, 188–190, 505, 507, 508
Grade B, 27 column hardware
manufacturing grade, 27 analytical, 503
Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (PMO), 26 guard column, 503
pesticide residues, 23, 24, 28 (see also Pesticide residues) precolumns, 503
shellfish, 27–28 column packing materials
standards carbohydrate analysis, 510
fill, 19 polymeric
grades, 21 macroporous, 504
identity, 18 microporous, 504
quality, 19 silica-based
Gratings, monochromator, 396 bonded phases, 504
Gravimetric analysis pellicular packing, 504
fiber determination, 168 porous silica, 504
Grinding coupled techniques, 195, 465–467, 503, 506
applications, 78 data stations, 507
equipment, 78 derivatization
particle size determination, 78, 79 postcolumn, 157, 271, 326, 327, 332, 506
samples for fat analysis, 121 precolumn, 157, 272, 506
samples for moisture analysis, 87, 88 detectors
Gums, 162–164, 166, 167 amperometric, 155, 505, 506, 510
chemiluminescent nitrogen (CLND), 506
conductivity, 509, 510
H diode array, 505
Handbooks electrochemical, 157, 505, 506
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) fluorescence, 505
handbook, 9, 28 light scattering, 506
Pesticide Analytical Manual (PAM), 324, 325 mass, 505
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP), 6, 18, 19, 22, 29 pulsed amperometric (PAD), 157, 510
Headspace methods radioactive, 506
direct headspace sampling, 516 refractive index (RI), 156, 467, 505, 511
dynamic headspace sampling, 516 ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) absorption
Health claims, 5, 18, 38, 43, 46, 48, 49 diode-array, 505
Heat capacity, 558, 560, 564–568, 570 fixed wavelength, 505
Heavy metals, 319, 423 variable wavelength, 505
Hemicellulose, 163, 166–168 gradient elution, 501, 502
Henderson-Hasselbach equation, 228, 229 hyphenated techniques mass spectrometry, 195, 459, 465–467,
Hexanal, 250, 252, 516, 534 503, 506
High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) injector
applications autosamplers, 503
4-methylbenzophenone, 343 fixed-volume loop, 502
acrylamide, 343, 467 valve injectors, 502
Index 595

postcolumn derivatization, 157, 271, 326, 327, 332, 506 near-infrared, 99, 100, 342, 413–416
precolumn derivatization, 157, 272, 506 protein, 138, 412, 414, 417, 418
pump, 501, 502 Raman, 412, 413
separation modes sugar, 171, 418
affinity, 511 trans fatty acids, 256, 257, 413
ion exchange wheat hardness, 417
ion chromatography, 509, 510 near-infrared
normal phase, 507, 508 calibration, 417
reversed phase, 508, 509 Infrared spectroscopy mid-infrared
size exclusion, 510, 511 applications
software packages, 507 absorption bands, 411
with mass spectrometry, 195, 321, 465–467, 503, 506 presentation of spectra, 411
Hollow cathode lamp, 426, 427 qualitative, 412
Hydrocolloids, 162–167 quantitative, 412
Hydrogenation, oils, 247 instrumentation
Hydrolysis dispersive, 410
methods of starch determination, 160–162, 295 fourier transforms, 410, 411
of lipids, 121, 122, 125
sample handling, 411
of pectins, 165
Infrared spectroscopy near-infrared
of proteins to amino acids, 135, 141, 271, 272
absorption bands, 414, 415
Hydrolytic rancidity, 248, 250
applications, 417, 418
Hydrometry, 96–98, 172. See also Moisture, physical methods
calibration, 417
Hyphenated techniques, 195, 321, 464–467, 503, 506, 528
diffuse reflectance measurements, 413, 414
instrumentation, 415, 416
I principles, 413–415
Immunoassays qualitative analysis, 417
applications quantitative methods, 416, 417
allergens, 313, 339–341 Infrared spectroscopy principles
bacterial toxins, 313 frequency of vibration, 409, 410
drug residues, 313, 334, 335 infrared radiation, 409
extraneous matter, 361 molecular vibrations, 409
fish species, 313 Infrared spectroscopy Raman, 412, 413
genetically modified organisms, 313, 314, 336–338 Infrared spectroscopy sample handling, 411
meat species identification, 313 Insoluble fiber. See Fiber, insoluble
mycotoxin residues, 331, 332 Internal standards, 495, 496
pathogens, 313 International Organization for Standardization, 30
pesticide residues, 313, 325, 326 International standards and policies
definitions, 303, 304 Codex Alimentarius Commission, 29
enzyme International Organization for Standardization, 30
competitive others, 30
bound antibody format, 309 Iodine value, oils, 246, 247
bound hapten format, 309 Ion chromatography, 344, 506, 509, 510
standard curve, 309, 310 Ion selective electrodes
direct, 307–310 activity, 210
indirect, 307, 310, 311 applications, 211, 212
noncompetitive, 307, 308 calibration curves, 211
sandwich, 308, 336, 337 electrodes, 209–211
immunoaffinity purification, 313 end point of titration, 211
lateral flow strip test, 312, 313, 337 principle, 209, 210
radioimmunoassay (RIA), 305, 306, 331 standard addition, 211
theory, 305, 306 Ion-exchange chromatography
Western blot, 311, 336 anion exchangers, 264, 484
Immunoaffinity purification, 313 applications, 265, 509, 510
Impact-acoustic emission, extraneous matter, 360 cation exchangers, 264, 484
Inductively coupled plasma (ICP) HPLC, 265, 483–485, 509, 510
atomic emission spectroscopy (AES) (see Atomic emission principles, 264, 483, 484
spectroscopy, inductively coupled plasma)
Iron analysis, 208, 209
mass spectroscopy, 423, 437–439
Isoelectric focusing, 269–271
Infrared spectroscopy
Isoelectric point, 141, 263, 270
Isoelectric precipitation, 263, 264
carbohydrates, 414
extraneous matter, 361
fat, 130, 412
mid-infrared, 100, 130, 138, 342, 411, 414 J
moisture, 99, 100, 409, 414, 417, 418 Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA),
mycotoxins, 332 30, 330
596 Index

K gas chromatography analysis, 125–128, 255–257

Karl Fischer titration, 94–96, 101, 102. See also Moisture high-performance liquid chromatography analysis, 233
Kjeldahl method, proteins, 136–139, 141, 143, 170, 275 importance of analysis, 120, 243
in dairy products, 124, 125, 127, 130
in flour, 121, 124
L in pet food, 124
Labeling. See Government, regulations monounsaturated fatty acids, 125, 241, 256
Laboratory information management system (LIMS), 7 nuclear magnetic resonance analysis, 131, 453
Lactometers, 97 oxidation
Lane-Eynon method, 154 evaluating present status
Lateral flow strips, 312, 313, 337 anisidine value, 251, 252
Ligand, affinity chromatography, 488, 489 fluorescence microscopy, 250
Light. See Spectroscopy hexanal, 252
Lignin, 149, 166–168, 371 peroxide value, 251
Limit dextrin, 297 sample preparation, 251
Limit of detection, 59, 60, 335, 341, 436, 519 thiobarbituric acid test, 252
Limit of quantitation, 60 totox value, 251, 252
Linear regression, 60–62, 412, 417 evaluating stability
Lineweaver-Burk active oxygen method
formula, 297 oil stability index, 254
plot, 287, 288 oxygen bomb, 254
Lipids Schaal oven test, 253
analyses of lipid fractions sample protection, 251
cholesterol content, 257, 258 polar components, 249, 250
gas chromatography, 125–127, 255–258 polyunsaturated fatty acids, 241, 254, 256, 259
thin-layer chromatography, 258 rancidity
antioxidants, 243, 252–254, 258 hydrolytic, 248, 250
characterization, methods oxidative, 250–254
acid value, 248 saturated fat, 241
cloud point, 246 solid fat content, 248, 249
cold test, 246 solid fat index, 248, 249
color, Lovibond, 246 solvent extraction, 120–127, 244, 255
consistency, 249 total content, methods
fat substitutes, 5, 254, 255, 481 instrumental methods
fatty acid composition, 125–127, 254–257 Foss-Let, 130
fire point, 245 infrared, 130
flash point, 245 NMR, 131
free fatty acids, 248 specific gravity, 130
hexanal, 252 nonsolvent wet extraction
iodine value, 243, 246, 247 Babcock, 127, 130
melting point, 243, 245 Gerber, 130
polar components, 249, 250 solvent extraction
refractive index, 243–245 accelerated, 253
sample preparation, 244, 251 chloroform-methanol, 124, 125
saponification number, 243, 247, 248 gas chromatography, 125–128, 255–257
smoke point, 245 Goldfish, 122
solid fat content, 248, 249 Mojonnier, 123, 124
solid fat index, 248, 249 sample preparation, 121, 125
trans isomer fatty acids, 256, 257 solid-phase, 244
choice of methods, 212 solvent selection, 122
cholesterol, 257, 258 Soxhlet, 123
classification trans isomer fatty acids, 256, 257
compound, 241 Lipoxygenase, assay, 296
derived, 241 Liquid-liquid chromatography, 482, 483. See also Column
monounsaturated, 241 chromatography
polyunsaturated, 241, 256 Lovibond method, 246
saturated, 241 Lowry method, proteins, 139–144, 389
simple, 241 Lysine, availability, 140, 141, 275
color, Lovibond, 246
comparison of methods, 131
consistency, 249 M
content in foods, 120, 243 Magnetic resonance. See Nuclear magnetic resonance
definitions, 119, 120, 241–243 Malic acid, assay, 295, 296
dilatometry, 248 Mass analyzers, 329, 459–463
extraction, 120–130, 244, 255 Mass spectrometry (MS)
fat substitutes, 5, 254, 255, 481 applications, 159, 160, 195, 327, 332, 335, 342–344
fractionation, 125–127, 255–257 gas chromatography-MS, 459, 460, 464, 465, 530
Index 597

inductively coupled plasma, 423, 436–439, 460 content of foods, 87

instrumentation, 459–462, 467 distillation methods
interfaces, 459, 460, 463–468, 470 elimination of errors, 94
interpretation of mass spectra, 462, 463 receiver tubes, 93, 94
ionization, 327, 342, 425, 430, 431, 459, 460, 462–467, 469, 470 solvents, 93, 95
liquid chromatography-MS, 195, 459, 465–467, 503, 506 types, 93
mass analyzers, 460–462 drying methods
sample introduction, 459 calculations, 91
Matrix, food, 8, 9, 12, 160, 204, 320, 324, 337, 342, 453, 515, 550 decomposition, 89
Measures of central tendency. See Data evaluation ovens
Melamine, 143, 342, 467–469, 507 forced draft, 91
Melting point of lipids, 245, 559 infrared, 93
Mesh size, 78, 79, 354, 356, 522 microwave, 92, 93, 102
rapid moisture analyzer, 93
Methods of analysis. See Assay methods, general; Standard
methods vacuum, 91
4-Methylbenzopheone, 343
handling, 90
Michaelis constant, 286–288
types, 90
Michaelis-Menten equation, 286, 287, 289
removal of moisture, 88, 89
Micro Kjeldahl, proteins, 137, 138
surface crust formation, 90, 91
Microbiological assays
temperature control, 89, 90
drug residues, 333, 334 forms in foods
vitamins, 185–187, 194 adsorbed, 87
Microfiltration, 266, 267 free, 87
Microscopy water of hydration, 87
carbohydrate analysis, 171 importance of assay, 87
extraneous matter, 355–361 Karl Fischer titration method
lipid oxidation analysis, 250, 251 applications, 96
Microwave-assisted methods endpoints, 95, 96
ashing, 110–112 reactions, 94, 95
moisture analysis, 92, 93, 102 reagents, 95, 96
Mid-infrared spectroscopy (Mid-IR), 100, 130, 138, 342, 409–413, sources of error, 96
416, 418. See also Infrared spectroscopy physical methods
Minerals. See also Ash electrical, 96
content in foods, 39, 48, 107, 109, 203–206, 208, 209 freezing point, 100, 101
determination hydrometry
atomic absorption spectroscopy, 28, 110, 203, 204, 423, hydrometer
425–430, 436, 437 alcoholometer, 97
atomic emission spectroscopy, 203, 204, 423, 430–437 Baumé, 97
atomic emission spectroscopy-inductively couple plasma, Brix, 97
203, 204, 423, 431–437 lactometer, 97
colorimetric methods, 208, 209 Twaddell, 97
comparison of methods, 212, 436 pycnometer, 97, 98
dry ashing, 113, 436 infrared, 99, 100
EDTA complexometric titration, 205, 206 refractometry
inductively coupled plasma-MS, 423, 437–439 refractive index, 98
interferences, 203, 205, 429, 430, 435 refractometer, 98
ion selective electrodes, 209–212 sample collection, 87, 88
mass spectrometry-inductively coupled plasma, 423, total solids, 23, 73, 87, 91, 92, 100
437–439 Mojonnier method, fat analysis, 123, 124
microwave ashing, 110–112 Molarity, 221, 222
precipitation titration Mohr titration, 206, 207 Molecular energy levels, 380, 381, 383, 384
Molecular exclusion. See Size-exclusion chromatography
precipitation titration Volhard titration, 206–208
3-Monochloropropane 1,2-diol, 344
sample preparation, 204, 205
Monochromator, 394–396, 398–400, 410, 412, 415, 416, 425–429,
water hardness, 205, 206
431, 438, 505
wet ashing, 107, 109, 436
Monosaccharides, 140, 149, 150, 155–157, 159, 163, 164,
importance in diet, 203 173, 285, 559. See also Carbohydrates, methods of
Mixograph, 277, 278 analysis
Modulated temperature DSC , 557, 565–567, 569, 570 Multidimensional GC. See Gas chromatography
Moisture Munson-Walker method, 154
basis for reporting results, 87 Mycotoxin residues
comparison of methods methods of analysis
intended purpose, 102 capillary electrophoresis, 320, 332
nature of sample, 101, 102 gas chromatography, 320, 332
principles, 101 high performance liquid chromatography, 320, 332
598 Index

immunoassays, 320, 331, 332 Perchlorate, 110, 319, 344

thin-layer chromatography, 320, 331 Peroxidase, assay, 296
occurrence, 329 Peroxide value, 28, 242, 250–252, 254, 258, 259, 418
sampling, 330 Pesticide residues
methods of analysis
N chromatographic separation and analysis
Nanofiltration, 266, 267 gas chromatography, 326, 327
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 28 high-performance liquid chromatography, 326, 327
Near-infrared spectroscopy. See also Infrared spectroscopy thin-layer chromatography, 326
carbohydrate, 171, 414 extraction, 324, 325
extraneous matter, 361 immunoassays, 320, 325, 326
fat, 130, 418 mass spectrometry detection, 327
moisture, 99, 100, 409, 414, 417, 418 multiple-residue methods, 324
mycotoxins, 332 screening methods, 326
protein, 138, 414, 415, 417, 418 single-residue methods, 324, 326
Nernst equation, 210, 211, 225, 226, 234 regulations
Nessler colorimetric method, proteins, 136, 137, 140 other raw agricultural commodities, 20, 324
Neutralization reactions, 221–223 shellfish, 27, 28
Newtonian fluids, 545–547 tolerance levels, 23, 24, 324
Niacin, 37, 181, 184–186, 194 safety, 324, 329
Ninhydrin method, proteins, 272, 362 types, 324, 325
Non-Newtonian fluids, 545–547 pH
Nonprotein-N compounds acid-base equilibria, 223–224
amino acids, 135, 141, 144 activity coefficient, 224
separation from protein, 144 meter
Normal-phase chromatography, 155, 342, 482, 507, 508 calibration, 227
Normality, 221, 222, 228, 230, 232 electrodes, 226–227
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) operation, 227
applications principles, 224–226
fats, 131, 249, 453, 454 Phenol-sulfuric acid method, 153, 389
ingredients, 454 Photomultiplier tube (PMT), 396, 397, 426, 428, 431, 506
liquids, 450–452 Phototube, 396, 397
magnetic resonance imaging, 452, 453 Phthalaldehyde method, proteins, 272, 506
relaxometry, 453 Physical methods
solids, 452 color, 575–586
water, 454 rheology, 543–554
instrument, 449, 450 thermal analysis, 557–570
principles, 445–449 Pigments
Nutrient content claims, 37, 38, 40, 43–48, 50, 131 carotenoids, 181, 509
Nutrient content databases, 37, 38 chlorophylls, 481, 509
Nutrition labeling. See Government, regulations, labeling synthetic food dyes, 509
Nutritional value of proteins. See Protein, nutritional quality Planck’s constant, 379, 409, 410, 424
Polarimetry, 293
Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, 267–269, 271, 311
O Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 336–339, 341
Oil stability index, 254 Polysaccharides, 149, 150, 152–155, 157–168, 170–173, 451, 484,
Oils. See Lipids 486–489, 497, 504, 511, 512. See also Carbohydrates,
Oligosaccharides. See Carbohydrates methods of analysis
On-line analyses, 99, 130, 418 Polyunsaturated fatty acids, 241, 254, 256, 259
Organic acids, 222, 227–229, 232, 233 Potentiometer, 95, 224, 227
Ovens. See Moisture, drying methods Potentiometry, 224, 225, 229–231, 234. See also Ion selective
Oxidation, lipid, 80, 91, 121, 125, 241, 243, 244, 247, 250–254 electrodes; pH
Oxygen bomb, 254 Precipitation titration, mineral determination
Oxygen demand Mohr, 206–208
biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), 24, 369–371 Volhard, 206–208
chemical oxygen demand (COD), 369–371 Precision, analyses, 8, 55–59, 76
comparison of methods, 370, 371 Preparation of samples. See Sample, preparation
sampling and handling, 371 Protein. See Proteins
Protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score (PDCAAS), 42,
P 273, 274
Packaging material volatiles Protein efficiency ratio (PER), 42, 144, 273–275
residues, 343, 533 Protein needs, 50, 135, 272, 273
volatiles, 533 Protein, functional properties
Paper chromatography, 149, 477, 478 dough formation
Partition chromatography. See Chromatography, principles Farinograph R
, 277, 278
Pathogens, 313 mixograph, 277, 278
Pectin. See Carbohydrates RapidViscoAnalyser (RVA), 277, 278
Index 599

emulsification Nessler colorimetric, 136

applications, 277 ninhydrin, 272
emulsion, 275 nitrogen combustion, 138, 143
emulsion stability, 276 nonprotein nitrogen, 135, 141, 144
foaming o-phthaldehyde, 272
applications, 277 phenol reagent, 137
foam stability, 276, 277 selection of, 135
foam volume, 276, 277 ultraviolet 280 nm absorption, 142, 143
gelation, 277–278 quality (see Protein, nutritional quality)
solubility separation (see Protein, separation)
applications, 277 Proximate analysis, 8, 151
Protein, nutritional quality Pycnometers, 97, 98
amino acid composition, 271–274
amino acid score, 274
Q-value, 65
corrected amino acid score, 273
Quality assurance, 6, 7, 72, 149, 212, 250, 258, 451, 455, 557
pH-shift, 274
true, 273
essential amino acid index (EAAI), 274 R
estimates of protein needs, 273, 274 Radioimmunoassay (RIA), 305, 306, 331
lysine, availability, 275 Raman spectroscopy, 412, 413
protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score, Rancidity
273, 274 hydrolytic, 248, 250
protein efficiency ratio, 42, 144, 273–275 oxidative, 250, 254
regulations, 42 Rapid visco analyser (RVA), 277, 278
Protein, separation Redox reactions, 203
adsorption, chromatography Reducing sugars, 140, 142, 149, 152–155, 172, 275, 295
affinity, 265 Reference samples, 10, 389, 398
ion-exchange, 264, 265 Refractive index
differential solubility characteristics carbohydrate analysis, 156, 157
denaturation, 264 fat characterization, 244
isoelectric precipitation, 263, 264 total solids analysis, 98, 99
salting out, 263 Refractometers
solvent fractionation, 264 Abbe, 99
electrophoresis refractive index, 98, 99, 156, 157, 244
capillary electrophoresis, 270, 271 Relative error, 58, 59, 394
isoelectric focusing, 269–270 Relaxometry. See Nuclear magnetic resonance
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, 267–269 Reliability of analysis. See Data evaluation
high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), 265 Rennet, assay, 297
reversed-phase HPLC, 271, 272 Replication of analyses, 55, 65
size Reporting results. See Data evaluation
applications, 267 Representative samples, 75, 76, 80, 204
dialysis, 265, 266 Residues. See Contaminants
membrane processes Resistant starch (RS), 160–162, 166–169, 171
microfilitration, 266 Reverse osmosis (RO), 266, 267
nanofiltration, 266 Reversed-phase chromatography, 156, 482, 483, 504, 508
reverse osmosis, 266 Rheology
ultrafiltration, 266 Brookfield viscometer, 549
size-exclusion chromatography, 266, 267 empirical methods, 543
Proteins fluid models
amino acid analysis, 271, 272 Bingham plastic, 547
amino acids in, 278, 279 Herschel-Bulkley, 547
classification, 135 Newtonian, 547
content in foods, 135 Power law, 547
importance of analysis, 135 fundamental methods, 543
methods of analysis glossary, 552–553
bicinchoninic acid, 141–143 Newtonian fluids, 545–547
biuret, 139, 143 Newtonian viscosity, 545–547
Bradford, 141, 143 nomenclature, 553
comparison of, 143 non-Newtonian fluids, 545–547
Dumas, 138, 143 principles
dye binding elastic modulus, 545
anionic dye, 140, 141 fluid rheograms, 546
Bradford method, 141, 143 fluid viscosity, 545
infrared, 135, 138, 143, 144 shear modulus, 545, 553
Kjeldahl, 136, 139, 141, 143 strain, 544–545
Lowry, 139–144 stress, 545–551
600 Index

rheometers Size-exclusion chromatography

rotational viscometers, 548–550 applications, 267, 485
concentric cylinder, 548, 549 fractionation range, 487
Brookfield, 549 hydrophilic gels, 488
cone and plate, 549, 550 hydrophobia media, 488
procedure, 550 molecular weight estimation, 487
solids Slip melting point, 245
large strain, 550–552 Solid fat content, 248, 249, 454
small strain, 552 Solid fat index, 248, 249, 559
shear, 544, 545 Solid-phase extraction (SPE), 244, 323, 330, 333, 344, 475, 515–519
strain, 544, 545 Solids, 23, 73, 87, 91, 92, 100, 172
stress, 543, 544 Solubility criteria for lipids, 119
texture profile analysis, 552 Soluble fiber. See Fiber, soluble
universal testing machine, 552 Solvent extraction
viscoelasticity, 550–552 GC analysis, 121–125, 322, 517
viscometry, 548, 550, 551 lipids, 120–127
rotational, 548 pesticides, 323
concentric cylinders, 548, 549 Solvent fractionation, proteins, 264
cone and plate, 549, 550 Somogyi-Nelson method, 153–154
procedures, 550 Soxhlet method, fat analysis, 123, 125, 126
viscosity, 545, 546 Specific gravity, 97, 101, 130, 131, 172, 356
yield stress, 546, 553 Specifications
Rheometers. See Rheology commercial item descriptions (CIDs), 28
Riboflavin, 37, 184, 193, 194 commodity specifications, 28
Roese-Gottlieb method, fat determination, 123, 124, 131 Department of Defense, 28
Rotary evaporator, 125, 153, 243, 257 federal specifications, 28
Ro-Tap , 79 purchase product description (PPD), 28
Rounding rules, nutrition labeling, 40, 41 USDA specifications, 28
Specificity, analyses, 59
absorption, basis of quantitation, 389–391
S absorbance, 382, 389, 390, 392
Salt analysis, 206–208 Beer’s law, 390–393, 402, 412, 425
Salting out proteins, 263 molar absorptivity, 390, 392, 399, 400, 425
Sampler types, 74, 75 reference cell, 390, 392, 398, 399
Samples. See also individual food constituents transmittance, 171, 389–394, 396, 397, 411
preparation calibration curves, 393–394
contamination, 80, 108, 204, 516, 519 characteristics of UV-Vis absorbing species, 399, 400
derivatization, 125, 126, 155, 157, 160, 255, 323, 519 energy level transitions
enzymatic inactivation, 79 absorption, 382, 383
extraction, 120–125, 322, 323, 337 emission, 383, 384
grinding, 78, 79 resonance line, 424
homogenization, 322 resonance transition, 424
lipid oxidation protection, 80, 125 energy states of matter
microbial growth, 80 levels
particle size, 78, 79, 121 electronic, 380, 381
size reduction, 77, 78, 80, 121 nuclear, 382
types, 7 rotational, 380, 381
Sampling transitions
mycotoxins, 330 absorption of radiation, 382, 383
nutrition labeling, 42 emission of radiation, 383, 384
plans, 71–76, 80, 330 vibrational, 380, 381
problems, 77, 330 quantum nature, 379, 380
procedures, 74–77 errors, 394
selection of procedure, 71–74 instrument design
factors affecting choice, 72 double-beam, 398
risks, 74 single-beam, 398
size, 76, 77 instrumentation, UV-visible
statistical considerations, 75–77 cells, 392
Saponification number, oils, 242, 247–250, 255 detectors, 396, 397
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), 171, 359, 360 light sources, 394, 395
Schaal oven test, oils, 253 monochromators, 395, 396
Screening tests in food analysis, 320, 333–335 light
Selection, assay methods, 7, 8 interferences, 378, 379
Sensitivity, analyses, 60 properties, 377, 378
Shear. See Rheology terminology, 378
Significant figures, 64, 65 sample handling and preparation, 391, 392, 411
Index 601

types Thermal analysis

atomic absorption, 28, 110, 203, 204, 423, 425–430 amorphous structure, 557, 558, 570
atomic emission, 203, 204, 423, 430–437 applications, 567–569
fluorescence, 400–402 calorimetry
infrared calorimeter, 557
mid-, 100, 130, 138, 342, 411, 414 reactions
near-, 99, 100, 138, 361, 409, 413–418 endothermic, 565
mass, 151, 159–161, 171, 195, 255, 256, 292, 321, 327, 328, exothermic, 565
342, 344, 421–441, 457–470, 481, 495, 503, 505, 506, 511, crystalline structure, 558–560, 564, 569
528, 530, 557
differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
nuclear magnetic resonance, 131, 249, 445, 454
applications, 567–569
Raman, 412, 413
ultraviolet, 389, 400 experimental conditions, 564
visible, 389, 400 measurements, 564, 565
UV-visible, 389, 400 dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), 557
wavelength selection, 392 enthalpy, 564
Spices, moisture analysis, 93 glass transition temperature, 454, 557, 558, 564, 569, 570
Stability test of lipids, 253, 254 heat capacity, 560
Standard acid, 231 modulated temperature DSC
Standard addition, 211, 294, 343 applications, 569
Standard curves. See also Data evaluation experimental conditions, 566
atomic absorption spectroscopy, 429 measurements, 566
colorimetric method, iron, 208, 209 thermodynamic properties, 560
fluorescence spectroscopy, 401, 402 thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), 557, 561–563
ion selective electrodes, 210 thermomechanical analysis (TMA), 558
UV-Vis spectroscopy, 393 Thermogravimetric analysis. See Thermal analysis
Standard deviation, 56, 57, 60, 63–65, 76, 77, 90, 394, 492 Thiamin, 20, 37, 39, 183, 184, 191–193, 389
Standard error of the mean, 58 Thin-layer chromatography (TLC)
Standard methods applications
AACC International, 9, 11, 12, 166, 169, 171, 195, 275, 330,
lipids, 258, 478, 479
354, 355, 417
mycotoxin residues, 331, 479
American Oil Chemists’ Society (AOCS), 10–12, 28, 125,
pesticide residues, 326
242–247, 251–253, 255–257, 275, 330
American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM), 24 high performance (HPTLC), 478
AOAC International, 8–11, 19, 20, 26, 42, 74, 77, 87, 88, 92, 93, principles, 478
109, 121, 125, 149, 152, 163, 169, 170, 172, 182, 186, 187, procedure, 478
195, 203, 241, 242, 330–332, 353–355, 363, 441 Thiobarbituric acid (TBA) test, 242, 252, 389
extraneous matter, 354, 355 Titratable acidity
food additives, 12 analysis
Food Chemicals Codex (FCC), 12, 30 high-performance liquid chromatography
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), (HPLC), 233
72, 242, 330 titration
pesticides, 324–327 endpoint, 230
Standard Methods for the Examination of Dairy Products indicators, 229–230
(SMEDP), 12, 26 reagents, 230–231
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and sample preparation and analysis, 231, 232
Wastewater, 24, 206, 369 Brix/acid ratio, 233
Standards. See Government, standards calculations, 232
Starch. See Carbohydrates content in food, 232, 233
interference, 230
data analysis, 55, 63, 65
predominant acid, 232
sampling, 72, 74–77, 80
principle, 227, 228
Sterioisomer separation, 533
Strain. See Rheology Total carbohydrate. See Carbohydrate, methods of analysis
Stress. See Rheology Total dietary fiber. See Fiber, dietary
Structure/function claims, 48 Total fiber. See Fiber, total
Sulfite, 294, 295, 341, 342, 510 Total solids (TS), 23, 73, 87–91, 172
Supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC), 476, 480–481, 515 Totox value, 251
Synthetic food dyes, 508, 509 Trace metals determination. See Minerals, determination
Trans isomer fatty acids, 242, 243, 256, 257
T consumer, 5
t-test, 77 food industry, 5–6
t-value, 57, 58 government regulation, 6
Texture. See Rheology international standards, 6
Texture profile analysis (TPA), 552 Turbidimetry, vitamins, 185
602 Index

U definition, 181
U.S.Department of Agriculture (USDA), 10, 18, 21–23, 25–30, 37, extraction methods, 184
40, 42, 43, 49, 71, 73, 155, 319, 325, 330, 423, 577 high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
Ultrafiltration, 144, 266, 267, 278 analysis, 183, 188, 189, 194, 195
Ultraviolet 280 nm absorption, proteins, 142, 143 importance
Ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy, 389–400. See also in diet, 181, 182
Spectroscopy, types of analysis, 181
Unsaturated fatty acids, 89, 243, 247, 453 microbiological assays
Uronic acid, 157, 158, 165, 167 folate, 185, 187
niacin, 185, 186
principles, 185, 187
V units, 181
Validity of method, 7–10 Volatile acidity, 23, 233
Van Deemter equation, 493, 530, 531
Viscometers. See Rheology, rheometers
Viscometry. See Rheology
Viscosity. See Rheology
Water activity (aw ), 87, 101
Visible absorption spectroscopy, 389–400.
Water hardness, 205, 206, 212
See also Spectroscopy, types
Water, drinking, regulations, 24
Western blots, 311, 336
bioassay methods, 184, 185
Wet ashing, 109–111, 113, 436. See also Ash,
vitamin D line test, 184–186
methods of determination
chemical methods
riboflavin, 193, 194
thiamin, 191–193
vitamin A, 188, 189 X
vitamin C X-ray microtomography (XMT), extraneous matter, 359, 360
2,6-dichloroindophenol, 190, 191 X-ray radiography, extraneous matter, 359
fluorometric, 191, 192
vitamin D, 184–186
vitamin E, 189, 190 Z
comparison of methods, 194, 195 Z value, 57

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