The 2011 State of The Union Address

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When Good Samaritans gets tired of seeking justice / JESUS from wicked stewards placing economics

over justice / JESUS for personal gain and those wicked stewards want to pass the battle cry off as a
cause for MENTAL ILLNESS then America what we have is not the American Holocaust, but a mere
epidemic. Remember these same wicked stewards gave orders to not diagnose our veterans who had
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) with anxious mood disorder for deficit (death fix it) purposes
i.e. Major Nidal Malik Hassan. Fight or Flight (Endeavor STS-134 & Atlantis STS-135).




Run Congress Run!

A teachable moment – god translation is governing oppressive device, good OLE deception, group of
demons, government of deceivers. god is anything that you think about all the time, for many god is
deception. Infidels that tell you otherwise have been deceived and is now doing the bidding of satan;
the master deceiver himself. Satan's immaculate deception is in the name of god. I AM YHVH
DEITY YHVH is THE WORD THE WORD is YHVH You Have Victory Halleluejah

You may be dreaming, but wicked stewards are scheming. Reality is there are wicked stewards using
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s memory to further their agenda and
deceive you. “ Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate;
only love can do that.” That eternal love that only one can receive in the Holy Spirit. That love that
the Good Samaritan Jared (The Protector) Loughner has for the world. “Ask not what your country
can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”. The answer to rid it of wicked stewards. “ An
individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic
concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity”. If you would take the time to look into Jared Lee
Loughner eyes you would see what it is to be born again. A martyr only begins to live. There will be
and have been many other Lord vessels who did not see the whole staircase yet took a step out on faith.
On the horizon are those designated to step out on faith against wicked stewards in media (NATAS)
who refuse to tell the truth and protect the world. god teaches you to love your oppressor; there is
nothing wrong with loving them to death. Wicked stewards are about terrorism, placing economics
over justice / JESUS; filibustering, delaying and denying, torturing human beings to death for personal
gain. Protectors keep your eyes on the prize for External Love brings Eternal Life. YHVH solution
Peoples Righteous Kill Defense [PRKD] i.e. treason ( fighting against the laws of the US
Constitution) is punishable by death.

This shall serve as yet another tribute to members of my postal /government congressional, federal,
state and local family and their family members; those who lost love ones or will soon lose love ones
and those who may survive the American Holocaust. I write this in persecution with YHVH; your
remembrance and your strength.
CN, [YHVH] messenger written CooN by YA [YHVH]
Allen Carlton - (class of 81 -
National Whistleblower -
Revelation receiver of the Peoples Righteous Kill Defense [PRKD]
This shall serve as yet another tribute to members of my postal /government congressional, federal,
state and local family and their family members; those who lost love ones or will soon lose love ones
and those who may survive the American Holocaust. I write this in persecution with YHVH; your
remembrance and your strength.

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