Grace Times

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Grace Times

Vol. XXIII/01 Grace Bible Church, C 930, Sector B Mahanagar, Lucknow, India September 2020

Dear all
Pulpit Calendar Someone said, “A successful man is one
September 2020 who makes more money than his wife
can spend. A successful woman is one who can
Morning Services at 10 am on Zoom. find such a man.” The world measures success
by what a person has: the car he drives, the
06 Pastor J T Raja house he lives in, etc. But in the Christian life a
13 Pastor Ashish H Khan person is measured by what he is rather than
20 Pastor J T Raja what he has.
27 Pastor Ashish H Khan
For God, what you are is more important than
what you have. And what you are depends
entirely on the relationship you have with Je-
sus. He said “apart from me you can do noth-
Thursdays at 6.30 p.m. ing” (John 15:5). Without a deep relationship
10 online on Zoom with Him, you and I can never be what God
24 online on Zoom wants us to be. God wants us to be people who
stand out in the crowd, who don’t just go along
with the crowd.

In the Bible we see many people who stood out

Thursdays at 6.30 p.m. from others, and made a huge difference in the
03 online on Zoom lives of other people. As Christians we are to
17 online on Zoom live to make a difference in the lives of our
neighbours and others with whom we interact
daily. This can be done, only when we have an
intimate relationship with Jesus. And as with all
relationships, intimacy with Jesus can grow only
Women’s prayer through spending time with Him in prayer and
online on Zoom meditating on His Word.
Saturday,19th at 5.00 p.m.
Let us return to our First Love and grow in our
desire to walk in His footsteps each day. For our
lives are entwined with Christ’s. We’re not
called to do a Sunday morning show, but to do
a daily walk. “For me to live is Christ, to die is
“God is looking for those with whom gain” (Phil 1:21).
He can do the impossible — what a
pity that we plan only the things that Love
we can do by ourselves.” Raja

AW Tozer
Income Aug 31 2020

Jan - Aug 2019 August 2020 Jan - Aug 2020 Budget 2020 Projection
General Offerings 2,23,605 11,500 1,36,737 3,85,000 1,42,000
Donations 3,300 6,400 38,600 75,000 erratic

Pledged Giving 4,09,000 38,000 3,48,100 7,00,000 5,22,000

2nd Mile Pledges 93,000 18,000 1,11,700 2,00,000 1,67,000

Christmas Donation 10,000 75,000 erratic

Church Scooter sale 10,100
Designated collections
Sunday School 15,929 6,530 erratic

Grace Church in Village 5,500 4,000 25,000 erratic

Medical Aid Fund

GRAND TOTAL 7,70,434 73,900 6,45,667 14,60,000 8,31,720

Grace Bible church celebrated its 23rd anni-


Anita Singh & Pratibha’s brother recovered

from Covid-19.

Prabha Prakash’s niece’s husband Ashok

tested Covid +.

Manohar Lugun is under treatment for his

Birthdays in September
stomach problem. 01 Anshuman Singh
04 Srishti Lugun
Guru Prasath was suffering from severe pan- 06 Sana Singh
08 Kelsy Van Oss
creatic pain. 11 Arpita Prakash
13 Vicky Singh
15 Aarmaan Lall
Pushpa Singh is battling with her knee pain. 18 Evangeline
21 Arpit Prakash
Jeba Raja injured her right thumb. 23 Madhu Verma
25 Shireen Revis
Village GBC member Geeta Satish had hys-
terectomy. For Pastoral Care contact

Poonam Modwell’s sister Vinita Singh went to Rev. J T Raja 995 639 9835
Rev. Ashish H. Khan 964 843 1177
be with the Lord.

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