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Answers to Practice Questions

Question 1 – TEKS 9A
This is the correct answer. Both proteins and complex carbohydrates (like
starches) are polymers of smaller monomer subunits. Proteins are
composed of amino acids, and polysaccharides (starches) are composed of
monosaccharides (simple sugars).
Proteins are not composed of sequences of sugars, only complex
Lipids themselves are large biomolecules composed of three fatty acids and
a glycerol molecule.
Nucleotides of DNA make up the larger DNA molecule (which is a nucleic

Question 2 – TEKS 9A
A This molecule represents a lipid
B This molecule represents a nucleic acid.
This is the correct answer. This drawing represents a complex
D This molecule is representative of a protein.

Question 3 – TEKS 9A
A Nucleic acids are composed of nucleotides. Amino acids make up proteins.
Polypeptides are proteins, composed of amino acids. Lipids are composed
of a glycerol and three fatty acids.
C Lipids are not composed of nucleotides.
This is the correct answer. Complex carbohydrates, like starches, are
composed of monosaccharides (simple sugars).

Question 4 – TEKS 9A
A Lipids help serve as the primary structural unit of biological membranes.
B Lipids and carbohydrates can serve as energy storage.
Nucleic acids store and transmit genetic information. This is the correct
D Proteins serve as biological catalysts; they also serve structural roles.

Question 5 – TEKS 9A
A This is the correct answer. Lipids help form plasma membranes.
B Chlorophyll helps make energy from the sun.
C Enzymes help control chemical reactions.
D Lipids store long-term energy. Sugars are your fast energy sources.
Question 6 – TEKS 9A
This is the correct answer. This molecule is ATP, which provides immediate
energy for reactions in the cell.
While ATP is used as the nucleotide source for the A part of the RNA
B sequence, the ribose sugar means it can only be used to make RNA, not
C Fat storage occurs with lipid molecules, not ATP.
Blood glucose levels is controlled by the hormone insulin, which is a

Question 7 – TEKS 9C
Hormones, while proteins, serve as signal molecules which trigger protein
catalysts to act.
B Lipids are fat molecules and serve structural and energy-storage roles.
This is the correct answer. Enzymes are the protein catalysts that help
cause chemical reactions to occur.
D Carbohydrates help provide energy to cells.

Question 8 – TEKS 9C
A This is incorrect. Line B is lower in the activation energy part of the graph.
This is incorrect. Both lines begin and end in the same place, so the energy
change is the same for both.
C This is incorrect for the same reason as choice B.
This is the correct answer. Line B is lower than Line A in the activation
energy portion of the graph.

Question 9 – TEKS 9C
This is the correct answer. All the graph shows is that enzyme activity can
change depending on the temperature.
The peak of the graph is not at 57°C. Also, the graph does not specify
B what type of enzyme activity it describes and therefore cannot be assumed
to describe human respiration.
While enzymes may play a role in growth, the graph does specify what type
of enzyme activity it describes. Also, the manipulated variable in the graph
is temperature and the proper conclusion must relate activity to
While the peak of the graph is near 45°C, the graph does not specify that
D the enzyme activity is related to human digestion. Therefore, it cannot be
concluded that temperature has an effect on digestion.
Question 10 – TEKS 9A
A There is no relationship between blood pH and rates of cancer incidence.
This is the correct answer. Enzyme activity is optimal within a very narrow
range of pH values.
This is not necessarily true. Regardless, blood pH and enzymes inside skin
cells are two different environments and shouldn’t be compared in this way.
While some bacteria thrive in very acidic conditions, our blood has an
optimal pH of 7.2, which is pretty close to neutral.

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