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Welcome to Sufficiently

Advanced Technologies!
The Secret Project Everyone in a high tech industry has

heard of Sufficiently Advanced Tech-
nologies. It’s the impressive little startup
According to the classified briefing that
that snatched up some of the world’s lead-
you received, the product is no less than a
ing physicists.
fully functional teleportation system. Such
a system could revolutionize every single
Led by maverick businessman Alan
aspect of society. No more highway system.
Smithee, the company has been spawning
No more shipping overseas. No more
rumors and buzz aplenty, even without ever
travel by space shuttle. No more border
announcing what it’s been working on.
security. How will it change transporta-
tion? Industry? Urban development? Space
Everyone seems to have a theory
exploration? Warfare?
about what the secret project is. You have
Sufficiently heard several before you were invited
to this presentation. Some theories are
mundane, some are outlandish. All of them
The Facility Advanced were wrong.

Though they are making big promises,

the SAT labs are pretty small and humble. Technologies
Just a single smallish lab and a few other
rooms. Are these three scientists the only
science staff that they have? Did they re-
ally make this amazing breakthrough as a Information packet for
modest little garage startup? You had heard
amazing things about Sufficiently Advanced
Lt. Gladys Plinger
Technologies. The reality seems to be...
smaller. Not the giant well funded lab that
Department of Defense
you were expecting from their press re-
Project ISIS presentation

January 22nd, 2021

People You Know
You’ve been trying to spread the
Lieutenant Gladys Plinger General Duggan - you’re his bodyguard.
When the miracle occurred, word on your website. Most visitors seem Which is really the brass giving you kiddie
they called you crazy. Fighting in to think that you’re some sort of paranoid missions while they evaluate if you’re ready
Afghanistan, your platoon was caught crank. Are you really crazy if there really is for action again. No one is expecting any
in a deathtrap. Only you survived. No a worldwide conspiracy of evil? danger for this blowhard while he’s looking
one in the brass could explain what
at the science fair projects.
happened to the out there or how you The military brass has finally de-
had survived. But no one was willing to cided to give you a shot back at active duty. Helen Swanetsky - That’s her. The
believe your story about an attack by It’s just a babysitting mission, and the high- mysterious lady. She appeared from no-
alien monsters and a mysterious lady ers-up expect that it’ll be easy. A good way where, rescued you, fought off the demonic
who moved you hundreds of miles in to get back into the job after your manda- monster (whatever it was), returned you to
an instant. From out of nowhere, she tory psychiatric leave. base and disappeared. Who is she, and why
rescued you. But no one even believed
did she save you? Is she one of the Tempo-
she existed. But when you were briefed on the ral Foundlings? A rogue Foundling? Is she
project, you immediately recognized the here to stop their evil machinations?
You were forced into treatment handiwork of the Temporal Foundlings.
for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, but This teleportation project is a thinly veiled
you found other ways of dealing with attempt at creating a time machine so that Goals
your mystery event. You investigated the cult’s high priests can travel into the
the truth of what happened. Seek- future. Or maybe the past. Anyway, this en- Investigate and stop the wrongdo-
ing the truth hiding behind the news tire operation has the conspiracy’s taint all ings of The Temporal Foundlings.
stories, you have discovered a terrible over it. If you understand Einstein correctly, This project is clearly their work: an at-
world-spanning conspiracy controlling then a device that teleports in space could tempt to travel in time to their “home
the government, the military, corpora- also teleport in time. Based on your other time”. They may have said it was for physi-
tions. Everything. readings, you know that the conspiracy cal teleportation, but you recognize a time
will use the device in a variety of nefarious machine project when the briefing starts
This sinister group is The schemes. You should verify their involve- mentioning “closed timelike loops.”
Temporal Foundlings. It is led by ment, and end the project by whatever
an ancient cult of high priests that claim means you can. A working time machine Prove to everyone that you’re
(falsely?) to be time travelers from would be used in terrible ways by a malevo- sane. Which should be easy, because you
the distant future. They control the lent group like them. are sane, right? I mean, sure, raving about a
government, and they guide mankind global conspiracy bent on mankind’s down-
to build advanced scientific creations. fall may sound paranoid. But is it paranoia if
They cause all wars. They cause the they really are out to get you?
ambush that killed your squadmates.
The Temporal Foundlings control ev- Protect General Duggan. That’s your
erything from behind the scenes. actual military mission. See that no harm
comes to Mr. Four Stars.

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