Cpts 122: Data Structures C/C++

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CptS 122

Data Structures C/C++

Nadra Guizani
• Computer Enginnering PhD – Purdue University
• Lecturer – Gonzaga University
• Taught – CS1, CS2, Machine Learning, Software Development w/ JAVA, Circuits
• Office Hours: Tuesday 1 pm – 4 pm ; Thursday 9 am – 12 pm @ EME 123
• Everything is posted and updated on Blackboard
• Textbook: C++, From Control Structures through objects (9th edition) by Tony
Course Organization
• 33% Assignments
• 5% Quizzes
• 2% Attendance
• 20% Two mid-semester exams (10% each)
• 20% Lab
• 20% Final exam
• Bonus assignments up to 2% each
• Attendance is mandatory – TAs will be taking attendance

• Lab starts week 2 – EME 128

Grading Scale
Three File Format
• Header file(file.h): function/class header

• Source file (.c/.cpp): function/class defintions

• Main file(.c/.cpp): main function

Make sure that for every program that you write, you have the following comment
header block at the beginning of your source code file:
* Programmer: Your Name *
* Class: CptS 122, Spring, 2020; Lab Section X *
* Programming Assignment: Lab1Task1 *
* Date: January 20, 2020 *
* Description: This program prints out a simple "hello world" message. *

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