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 Some feel that it is a waste of time to plan for the future and it is more important to focus on

the present.
 To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Planning for the future has been always one of the life’s more important. It is believed by some that
thinking about the future is not as worthy as it sounds, and it would be better for people to live in
the present. From my personal standpoint, I partially disagree with this aforementioned thought and
I think being goal-oriented could be a motivational trend in individual’s lives.

On the one hand, happiness and peace are considered as crucial parts of everyday people, and these
could be easily accessible through living in current moments. In other words, working too hard and
obsessing minds in order to achieve long-term goals may deprive folk from lots of beautiful
moments and aspects of life which are available now. Moreover, there is a belief that individuals are
not able to change their destinies and every events set in stone, and are not changeable. That is
why, planning for the uncertain future is believed to be a wasteful activity.

On the other side, planning for the future keeps a person motivated and ambitious throughout his
lifetime. In other words, an individual with clear career goals and objectives will work hard towards
achieving them. In addition, having a master plan for years in come encourages a person to save
money in future projects such as their business goals and their children’s education. Therefore,
reaching these goals make individuals successful and happy. Taken Bill Gates as one of by far the
most successful businessman in the world as an example, had he not followed his dreams and goals,
he would have not achieved the high standards of living and well-being in his life.

To sum up, although living in the present and enjoying from simple but engrossing moments serve a
critical role in individual’s happiness, I believe having objective in life is an essential part of human-
being’s for better life.

Parisa Tabatabaii


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