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GST duty налоги, пошлины

Duty-free concessions preferential rate, benefits льготы
A refund cash back, compensation возврат денег
International intelligence international exploration международная разведка
To enforce restrictions to enforce the law соблюдать закон
Frontline staff Human Resources, workforce, персонал
A hazardous substance dangerous substances опасные вещества
А vehicle transport, equipment транспортное средство
А containers manifest container контейнеры
To come under prohibitive prohibited for entry, ban on запрет на ввоз
import imports, despite imports
To detain sth arrest, apprehend, order задержать
A joint operation hybrid operation совместная операция,
результат совместной
Profiling guidance, grading, shaping составлениe ориентировок,
Chief customs officer chairman, head Главный таможенный
А drug detector dog specially trained dogs собака, обученная находить

To facilitate sth/to V sth облегчить что-либо 1)to facilitate the verification. 2) to facilitate the date
collection. 3) to facilitate international transport.

To ensure (that) гарантировать 1) to ensure safety. 2) to ensure healthy growth. 3) to

ensure import of goods.
To investigate sth расследовать, изучать 1) to investigate the case. 2) to investigate the contents of
the baggage. 3) to investigate the customs offense.
Тo protect smb/sth against защищать что-либо от 1) to protect the border. 2) to protect the human rights. 3)
sth кого-либо to protect against smuggling.
To work in conjunction работать совместно с 1) to work in conjunction with law enforcement
with smb agencies. 2) to work in conjunction with canine
enforcement team. 3) to work in conjunction with police.
To come out with a result чтобы добиться 1) to come out with a results, you need to work hard. 2)
результата to come out with a results, you need to work in
conjunction with law enforcement agencies. 3) to come
out with a results, you need to set goals.
Тo be unaware about sth не знать о 1) to be unaware about their obligations. 2) to be
unaware about latest customs news. 3) to be unaware
about about laws.
To be compromised поставить под угрозу, 1) to be compromised their lives. 2) to be compromised
оказаться под угрозой safety. 3) to be compromised their workplace.
To intercept sth перехватить 1) to intercept the phone call. 2) plans to intercept. 3) to
intercept illegal shipments.
To prove the worth of доказать ценность чего- 1) to prove the worth of teamwork. 2) to prove the worth
sth/Ving либо of skills. 3) to prove the worth of goods.
To check sth for sth проверять что-либо 1) to check the baggage. 2) to check documents.
3) to check transports.
To pay taxes on sth платить налоги 1) to pay taxes on imported goods. 2) to pay taxes on
alcohol and tabac. 3) to pay taxes on their property.
To update smb on sth модернизировать, 1) to update the database. 2) to update document review
обновлять rules. 3) to update the checkpoint.
To detect sth обнаруживать, 1) to detect smuggling. 2) to detect fake. 3) to detect
выявлять, замечать, offenses.
To spot sth страховать, обнаружить, 1) to spot smuggler. 2) to spot the value of product.
To exceed sth превышать 1) to exceed the permissible weight. 2) to exceed the
powers. 3)to exceed the time spent at customs.

ICA (Singapore) The Immigration and Checkpoints Authority is the border State border Committee of
Immigration & control agency of Singapore. It is a department in the Ministry the Republic of Belarus
Checkpoints of Home Affairs. ICA is responsible for securing Singapore's
Authority, checkpoints against the entry of undesirable goods and
Управление people. The current commissioner of ICA is Mr. Marvin Sim.-
иммиграции и Управление иммиграции и контрольно-пропускных
контроля пунктов является агентством пограничного контроля
Сингапура. Это департамент Министерства внутренних
дел. ICA отвечает за обеспечение безопасности
контрольно-пропускных пунктов в Сингапуре от
проникновения нежелательных товаров и людей.

MAF- Ministry of The ministry was responsible for biosecurity, managing New Ministry of Natural
Agriculture and Zealand's state forests, supporting rural communities, Resources and
Forestry, ensuring the humane and responsible use of animals, and Environmental Protection of
Министерство helping win access to overseas markets for New Zealand the Republic of Belarus(
сельского и products. It also worked to promote sustainability in the New Министерство природных
лесного Zealand rural sector, and managed land, water and irrigation ресурсов и охраны
хозяйства. in rural New Zealand.- Министерство отвечало за окружающей среды)
обеспечение биобезопасности, управление
государственными лесами Новой Зеландии, поддержку
сельских общин, обеспечение гуманного и
ответственного использования животных и помощь в
получении доступа на зарубежные рынки для
новозеландских продуктов. Он также работал над
продвижением устойчивости в сельском секторе Новой
Зеландии и управлял землей, водой и ирригацией в
сельской местности Новой Зеландии.
MFAT- Ministry of Department is the public service department of New Zealand Ministry of antimono
Foreign Affairs and charged with advising the government on foreign and trade poly regulation and trade of
Trade, policy, and promoting New Zealand's interests in trade and the Republic of Belarus.
Министерство international relations. Департамент государственной
иностранных дел службы Новой Зеландии отвечает за консультирование
и торговли. правительства по вопросам внешней и торговой политики
и продвижение интересов Новой Зеландии в сфере
торговли и международных отношений.
International Mail Departemt is a state-owned enterprise responsible for Customs clearance point
Center, providing postal service in New Zealand.- является “Belpochta”
Международный государственным предприятием, ответственным за
почтовый центр предоставление почтовых услуг в Новой Зеландии.

I spy.
Which vehicles have been mentioned in the videos? X-ray machine
Which substances and/or items have been shown or named as contraband? (Drugs, knifes)
Which customs service locations have been shown in the NZ video? Airport, examination room
Numbers. What do these numbers stand for in the videos? Try to get as
much information as you can.
5 – each customs officer goes through a 5-week internship to learn
what it customs is and why it is so important
1300 custom officer work throughout New Zealand
2000 containers pass through the port of Auckland each day
4 mln is the cost big x-ray truck which they use for x-ray in C
Answer the questions according to the information in the videos.
1. What are the duties of customs officers in Singapore? Collect duty and GST. GST is a Goods and
Services Tax.
2. How are customs officers involved in creating positive passenger experience? Sometimes, passengers
are unaware about having to pay taxes on some of the goods they bring in. It is duty to educate passengers to
ensure that their experience is not compromised
3. In what ways do customs officers in Singapore interact with each other, both at and out of work? They
work together as a team when it comes to handing over their shift and updating one another on ongoing cases.
During the work they sing songs, eat together and joke for a good mood, and after the work they play football
4. Why does the college student want to become a customs officer? He like to be the one is that people
trust, come to and they need to help. He thinks being a custom officer real be a pretty cool job.
5. Which agencies do customs collaborate with? What are their mutual goals? customs work in
conjunction with Math the police, foreign affairs, Trade. it enforces import and export restrictions, protects
against illegal trade, analyzes intelligence information and puts out alerts to its Frontline stuff.
6. How does technology help at the Auckland port? the pride of New Zealand Customs Service this is big
x-ray truck which they use for x-ray in C containers. it's a piece of equipment it costs four million
7. Which areas and work stations are the NZ customs officers rotated around? Intercepting contraband,
collecting GST, processing international intelligence, processing cruise line passengers
8. Which agencies take part in operation the Auckland Mail Centre? Work in conjunction with math the
police and Foreign Affairs and Trade. It enforces import and export restrictions, protects against illegal trade
9. How is the profiling of parcels at the International Mail Centre performed? Profiling is the selective
screening of incoming mail. They pass the X-ray. Customs dogs check for drugs. All parcels of concern get the
yellow sticker. In the examination room officers check packages.
10. What are the qualifications and benefits to become an NZ customs officer?
Multiple meaning words.
Find out the 2 meanings of the underlined word in sample sentences. Recollect, in which meaning it
was used in the video (and, if possible, in what context).
 It’s our duty to help the community. Where can I find out about the duty-free concessions?
Обязанность, долг/ пошлина ( в видео)
 All luggage pieces of concern go through a thorough inspection. Customs is concerned with national
safety. беспокойство, опасение ( в видео)/ забота
 Once you go to the departure gate, your hand luggage is screened. The contents of the suitcase is shown
on the screen. проверена/ экран (в видео)
 Make sure your belongings meet the standards of safety. The border is the place where an incoming
passenger meets the customs service officials. сооответствовать/ встречать
 Please put your case on the counter. All legal and administrative cases are attentively examined. кейс/
дело, случай
 Clearance is a process of goods going through the customs. A great amount of goods is processed daily
at the border. процесс/обработка
 When inspecting luggage, a customs officer should exercise good judgment. It takes lots of exercise to
keep fit. проявлять (в видео)/ упражнение
 A luggage scanner is an expensive piece of equipment. The vase fell and broke into pieces.
оборудование, часть оборудования (в видео)/ вдребезги, на кусочки
 It’s such a relief that your suitcases have been found! Have you checked the latest European Union
arrangement for relief from duty? облегчение/ освобождение (в видео)

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