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Peru is unique.

It is south America, you can visit Peru, because it is a country with history of conquest and inca reign. The
most popular places are Cusco, Lima and the central jungle as it has a very different climate to enjoy depending on the area
that is visited. The most famous areas and the first to be known is machupicchu which is the seventh wonderful of the world
has a lot of history with incaica culture.
Another area is the central jungle that has a beautiful landscape and a tour of the oldest towns that still exist. We will be able
to know a lot about the inca culture and the current Peruvian culture, where you can observe the ancient and modern
infrastructure where we will be able to share with people who are very friendly, where you can enjoy unique landscapes and
very rich meal in their preparation.
Depending on the place, the time influences a lot to visit it. For example, to visit Machu Picchu it is advisable to visit it in
spring, since in winter there are too many storms, if you want to visit Iquitos and you like rain it is recommended to travel in
winter, since the landscape that is appreciated after it finishes raining it is wonderful.
Peru is known worldwide; it has always been in fashion with its delicious recipes. Throughout the country you can find a
wide variety of typical dishes. According to the regions we can eat various types of dishes, these are some of these, on the
coast, you can eat Ceviche and Causa Rellena, in the mountains, you can eat Pachamanca and Cuy Chactado, and finally
the jungle, you can eat Juane and Tacacho with Cecina.
You can buy sellers in Cuzco is one of the most busy places. Because this one of the wonders of the world and is in Peru

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