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QUIZ ON FOOD & CULTURE Name: Juan David Zamora

A. Write the missing part that goes with the guest’s or the waiter’s words.
1. Can I have a table, please? If you wait, there will be a table for you shortly.
2. We have been long time, please Can you take our I’m very sorry. The restaurant is full and 2 waiters
order? are missing today. What would you like to order?
3. How would you like your steak? Medium rare, please.
4. Is our meal on its way? Yes, thank you.
5. Do you ordered this? Yes, please. This is on me.

B. Complete the story with the verb in parenthesis in an appropriate past form. Include
the 3 forms we have worked in class.
“About 7 years ago, I worked at an elegant Japanese restaurant when three businessmen
came in. They ordered three bottles of sake and got really drunk. I was in the kitchen
when I heard loud crashing noises. I went into the dining area and the three men were
arguing with a police officer who had handcuffed the businessmen and, in that precise
moment, took them out of the restaurant. When I asked another waiter, he explained that
they were starting throwing plates at each other, and that one of the plates almost hit a
little kid. “That was actually the kid of the police officer” he told me. “So they were
arrested”. They had to wait outside the restaurant in handcuffs, and when their wives
showed up, they were criing as their wives were telling them off.

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