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French 9 Lesson Plan

Teagan Gibson

Original Lesson Plan:

Curricular Competency: Content:
- Engage in conversation about - Various types of questions
familiar topics - Descriptions of items (food)

Speaking Activity In groups of three, students look at pictures of 5 snacks on the screen
Using French expressions that they have learned, they discuss their opinions on the
snack and must agree together on which three they will pick (record on iPad, email
audio recording to me)

Name the document “Names – Orale 1”

Qu’est-ce que tu aimes/préfères/veux choisir?
Quelle collation veux-tu choisir?


MARK – record)

Each group shares the three snacks they chose with the class
- Nous avons choisi… parce que…

Questions and Response Prompts on screen:

There are already a number of elements of differentiation in this project:
- Choice of group members
- Combination of visual and auditory learning
- Use of technology (iPads)
- Visual supports on the screen

Changes I Would Make or Add

Teacher modeling:
- I would first model the activity with one or two volunteers who are comfortable speaking in front
of the class.
- I would point to different question starters on the screen while saying them, to include a visual
and auditory connection.
o Alternatively, I could write out the sentence/question starters that we are using on the
screen, so students can read the developing conversation while they also hear it.

Pre-activity idea prep:

- I would ask students to write or draw out their top three snacks before joining a group to discuss
- Under each snack, they would write one sentence of what they like about the snack, using a
preference sentence sheet that we worked on earlier in the unit

Practice runs
- I would ask students to record themselves doing a practice run of their conversation
- After recording, they would listen to their conversation and write down 2 positive areas of their
conversation, and one thing that could be improved
o They would share this feedback with their group and then either do another practice or
record their final conversation

Paper handouts
- To support students who may have challenges with visual processing, I would have some paper
copies of the support sentences so they could fill in the blanks to create their own sentences
- I would ensure to use a simple font like Arial with even spacing and a slightly bigger font

Tier the activity

- An alternate way to do this activity would be for me to pre-set the groups based on skill level and
have tiered instructions based on the level of each group
o Ex. Group 1 might only need to choose 2 snacks
o Group 2 might choose 3 snacks and also describe the food. (Ex. Il est jaune.)

Product choice
- Instead of creating an audio recording, students could choose the option of presenting a live skit to
the class, which I would record for later assessment

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