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Names ______________________________________ Date _______________

Vegetative Reproduction

• Work in pairs to discuss and answer the questions below in complete sentences.

1. Give two examples of vegetative structures (2 points).

2. What is a bulb? (2 points)

3. List two plants that reproduce asexually using bulbs (2 points).

4. What is a tuber? (2 points)

5. Give an example of a tuber (1 point).

6. A stem that grows sideways above the ground is known as what? (1 point)

7. What is grafting? (2 points)

8. The portion of a grafting set-up that provides the roots to the combination is known as
what? (1 point)

9. The portion of a grafting set-up that is the added piece is known as what? (1 point)

10. Give an advantage of artificial vegetative propagation? (1 point)

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