B2 First Full Placement Test: Answer All The Questions 1 Choose The Answer That Best Completes Each Sentence

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B2 First

Full Placement Test


1 Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.

Example: He’s English. He  C  London.

comes lives comes from

1 ‘What _______?’ ‘I’m a web designer.’

are you doing do you do

1 When we were children, we _______ often stay at my grandparents’ house.

used would

2 I’m really interested _______ this new course.

in about

3 They _______ have any time to relax these days. They’re so busy.

hardly almost

4 I _______ working late hours in the restaurant.

used to am used to

5 I couldn’t stop _______ those chocolates. They were delicious.

to eat eating

6 ‘Where’s Julie?’ ‘She _______ breakfast.’

has having is having

7 We _______ afford to go on holiday this year.

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B2 First
Full Placement Test

can’t don’t won’t

8 After _______ to him, we decided to stay.

speak we speak speaking

9 Are you worried _______ your exam?

with for about

10 They have quite a good standard of _______ in that country.

life income living

11 He looks just _______ his father, doesn’t he?

as same like

12 I _______ that book yet. Is it good?

haven’t read am not reading don’t read

13 We worked _______ hard to finish the assignment on time.

absolutely completely extremely

14 The fire alarm _______ off while we were having a meeting.

went put rang
___ / 15

2 Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.

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Full Placement Test

15 When I arrived, there wasn’t anyone / someone in the room

16 They drove / were driving along a quiet road when the accident happened.

17 They spent / used ages researching the subject on the internet.

18 He is working / has been working here since January 2008. He likes the job very much.

19 There isn’t no / any information about him in the database.

20 Did you have / get my text? I sent it to you this morning.

21 You should / need eat breakfast before you go to school. It’s good for you.

22 That mustn’t / can’t be Samantha. She left the country yesterday.

23 Have you visited the beach which / where you can swim with dolphins?

24 It’s your choice. You mustn’t / don’t have to work late if you don’t want you to.

25 He spoke / told / said them to wait for a few minutes.

26 The coat was much / too / enough small for her.

27 We suggest you buy / to buy / are buying the tickets today.

28 Although / Despite / However his work’s usually very good, this time he’s made several mistakes.

29 If you’d warned me, I won’t have said / wouldn’t say / say wouldn’t have said anything.

30 I’m very busy at the moment. Don’t lose / waste / miss my time.

31 The race was postponed because / as a result / due to the heavy rain,

32 The man committed / did / made a crime and was caught by the police.

33 The books delivered / were delivered / were delivering to the school this morning.

34 They’d prefer / rather / like eat in an Italian restaurant.

___ / 20

3 Complete the sentences with words formed from the words given.

35 My sister keeps changing her mind. She is not very _______. decide

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36 Everyone was happy because we completed the project _______. success

37 He may be at the meeting. But he wasn’t invited, so it’s _______. like

38 We have no idea where he went. It’s all very _______. mystery

39 He always considers other people’s feelings. He’s very _______. thought

40 The economy is bad at the moment so there is a lot of _______. employ

41 I’m nearly ready. We won’t be late. Don’t be so _______. patience

42 He’s always happy and funny. I really like his _______. personal

43 These two words have very similar meaning. What’s the _______? differ

44 You’ll never be able to achieve your plans. They are _______. real

45 I hate doing the same work every day. I like a job with lots of _______. vary

46 To be honest, I found the film really _______. bore

47 There’s nothing more we can do. The situation’s _______. hope

48 I went on a course last week. I learnt a lot. It was very _______. use

49 We’re looking for people who are fit, healthy and _______. adventure

___ / 15

4 Complete the text. Use only one word for each gap.

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Full Placement Test

Last Friday evening, Helen she set off 0 __from _ London to spend the weekend at the coast.

As she 51 _______ driving through the countryside, the weather changed completely.

A dreadful thunderstorm 52 _______ her pull over and stop the car. Suddenly, lightning struck

some trees just in front of the car and they burst into flames. Panicking, she tried to start the car

in order to move away from the flames 53 _______ were reaching out towards her. But the engine

would not start. Then she tried to open the doors, but they seemed to 54 _______ locked

themselves. Helen took a deep breath and tried to calm down. She knew 55 _______ would be a

simple solution. She tried pushing all the doors hard and suddenly 56 _______ of them opened.

She climbed out of the car and walked away from it. She looked at the burning trees and decided

the flames were not going to reach her car. But she was aware 57 _______ how lucky she had

been. As soon as she was 58 _______ longer shaking, she decided to continue on her journey.
_______ she finally arrived at her friend’s house, she told everyone what had happened.

They all agreed that she had 60 _______ extremely lucky.

___ / 10

TOTAL: ___ / 60
x 1.65 = ___ / 100

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