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Analysis of Nursing Clinical Practice on Minor Head Injury with Innovation

Intervention of Finger Hold Technique in Pain Scale Lowering in

Emergency Room of RSUD Abdul Wahab Sjahranie
Samarinda in 2019

Hutami Hartati Ningsih1, Thomas Ari Wibowo2


Minor Head Injury was injury because of pressure or the fall of blunt objects that
caused temporary loss of neurology function or the temporary loss of consciousness,
headache without other damages (Triyanto, 2013). Pain which was appeared by head
injury could be overcome by two methods which were pharmacological method and
non-pharmacological method. Pharmacological therapy usually used medicine
whereas non-pharmacological could be Finger Hold technique. This Nurse End
Scientific Work (KIAN) aimed to lower pain scale on patient with head injury which
was done with intervention in Emergency Room of RSUD Abdul Wahab Sjahranie
Samarinda. Analysis result showed there were pain scale lowering on patient of minor
head injury, which meant there were significant lowering with pain scale average of
1,6. Socialization regarding Finger Hold technique was needed nurses to make pain
on patients with minor head injury could be overcome.

Keywords: Minor Head Injury, Finger Hold Technique

Student of Ners Profession of Muhammadiyah University of East Kalimantan

Lecturer of Muhammadiyah University of East Kalimantan

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