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ete Wee baa tant} (ads) Edexcel AS and A Level Modular Mathematics Peo eget rg a nevensing ioming. changing Inca Core Mathematics C3 Edexcel AS and A-level Modular Mathematics Org Attwood Alistair Macpherson Contents About this book 1 Algebraic fractions ll 12 13 14 Simplify algebraic fractions by cancelling common factors Multiplying and dividing alyebraic fractions Addiry and subtractiry algebraic factions Dividing alvebraic fractions ard the remainder theorem 2 Functions 21 22 23 24 25 Mapping diagratos and graphs of operations Functions and function notation Range, mapping diagraros, graphs and definitions of functions Laing composite functions Finding and using inverse functions 3 The exponential and log functions 3.1 32 33 Tnttoducing exponential fanvctions of the form =a Graphs of exponential functions and modelling sing y=e* Ling & and the inverse of the exponential function log « 40 Numerical methois 4] 42 Ubing iterative and algebraic methods to find approximate roots of ff@)=0 Finding appaceimate roots of £()=0 graphically Review Exemise 1 S Transforraing gtaphe of functions S1 $2 43 S4 55 Sketching staphes of the modulus function y=lfz1 Sketching graphs of the furctiony=f(kel) Solving equationsinvolving a modulus Applying a combination of transformations to sketch curves Sketching transformations and labelling the cocudinates of given point 6 Thigonometry 6.1 62 63 64 65 The functions secant 4 cosecant 4, and cotangent 4 The graphs of secant 4, coserant 4, and cotangent f Samplifying ec pressions, proving identities and solving equations using S20 f, cosec f, and cot § Using theidentities 1+ tar a= sect dand 1+cot? 4 =cosert 9 Lin inverse trigonorvetrical functions and their staphs 41 32 33 36 45 46 50 58 63 64 oF 6a TF 83 a? 30 a3 58 7 Barther tigonomettic identities and their applications Fl Using addition tigonometrical formulae 72 Ling double angle trigonometnical formulae 73 Solving equationsand proving identities using double angle formtlae f4 Using theform @ccs s+bsin din solving tigonometical problems FS The factor forrulae 8 Differentiation 8.1 Differentiating using the chain rule 62 Differentiating using the product mile 8.3 Differentiating using the quotient rile 84 Differentiating the exponential function 8.5 Finding the differential of the losarithrnic function 8.6 Differentiating sin x 87 Differentiating cos a 68 Differentiating tana 8.9 Differentiating further tigonometical functions 8.10 Differentiating functions formed by combining tigonometical, exponential, logarithmic and polynomial functions Review Exercise 2 Practice paper Examination style paper Fortnidlae you need to remern ber List of syrobols and notation Answers Index We lo? 113 ll? 2 133 138 ia? 138 ig 41 M3 iid 145 14? 162. is? 18a 161 162 165 183 After completing this chapter you should be able to ‘cancel down’ algebraic fractions multiply together two or more algebraic fractions divide algebraic fractions add or subtract algebraic fractions tae et convert an improper fraction into a mixed nurniber fraction. Algebraic fractions Two resistors in parallel with separate resistances A, and &; have total resistance & This an be found by using the formula es al Rom he After completing section you should be able to prove that the formula for @ ray also be expressed as AYR ee itz +h The second formula is much easier to use and can only be found ifyou know how to manipulate algebraic fractions. CHAPTER 1 11 You can treat algebraic fractions in exactly the same way as numerical ones. You an cancel them down by finding factors that are common to both the nhumerater and the denominator. Example [j Find the simplest forms of the fractions z+2 E+? mete | Oe +8 a 8 b Find a factor that & common to both the 16 4x 4%-—_ numertorand the denominator and cancel Aesth _>-————_ down. 20° 5x] ‘wn =4 2 Write both the numerator and the b zt 1% ers) -—_ denominator as products before cancelling B+é 2xXf+a)— by G+ 3). aa 2 2 This is the simplest form as there are no xt common factors. Remember you cannot Sx+8 camel over addition, eg. lét 2 mealictalaems x Wh Wa” @ When your algebraic expression has fractions in the numerater or denominator, it is sensible to multiply both by the same “number to qeate an equivalent fraction. Rtl (+ axe =n — The LCMof2 and 36 & so mutiph zt mx+é numertorand denominator by 6. ect 4 — factorse numemtor and denominator. = Se) Cancel any common factors. : eee a Simplify the expressions: 1 wo] "TE * pda st +1 all ee St4e¢3 f+ HEH | _ ete rye + 5) ee vial x45 1 ies |e Oe ear j+VXx rae —&- ter) —_f _ the-+T) eral 2e-1 br-3 da + By ba t+ 3y Mtb lat xitseta a 4+6e+ 16 e+2 a?+Sa+ 6 aa89-a2- 2 att Algebraic frac tio re Factorse both numertorand denominator. Cance terms that are equal. Multiphy numemtorand cenom inator by x to remowe the fraction. Factornseand cancel common factors of (2+ 1). By dividing throughout by 2. wz t4 ate at3 até xf t+ 3x a2 det xt-4 2x? —Se- 3 a -Fr-4 a3 Se 6 dy —2 1 CHAPTER 12 You multiply fractions together by finding the product of the numeratar and viding by the product of the denominator. 1 gj oe p 2x5 ie) Bod - 1KS =2% -— Multiply numerator. 2x5 Bx ¢e——______ Muttiply denominators. 3 aS =% Sa bet Al M@ When there are factors common to both the numerator and the denominator cancel down — first. es Simplify the following products: 1 3 a ix§ boxe tly : boa 2° x1 28 1x4 eee J Cancel any common factors and multiphy g , 1X5 fumertors and denominators. ae a 5 Wy 1x4 | Cancel any common factor and multiphy B x x4 numerator and denominators. _s 6 x+1 a . ae sam [— Factorise (x? — 19. pene 3 — Cancel any common factor and multiph = — X —__._ +—_____ numerator and denominators. = f+ Tz - 7 veri, 3, 2 erie | M@ To divide by afraction multiply by the reciprocal of that fraction. Algebraic frac tio re aoa pite. sts Boe et4 0 2-16 +2 e+ ae 4) _xt4 Bie +2 aoe 2% box c=x— cc woo 4 4% 2 | 1 I Bh po & at | 1 + gtax ay 28 * BR Yet ye+y x a? i ext 20 side m e+3 x Se x?41lOa+28 " x?+ar ‘ xt + dey ty? 4 2 Ge 1 eee aa ytd yftdy ts ax? 25 | 2e+S 4-10 °° 8 2 = n ayitdy 4 ay tb 10 1s You need to have the same denominator when you add or subtract numer’ algebraic fractions + Fala 4 5 x Ble an Fal I PIA pal Fale The lowest common mutiple of 3 and 4 & 12. Remember the west common multipk of 2 and 4 is the wells muamber into which 3 and 4 both divide. {fa.... The lowest common multiple of 3 and 12 is 1z. Cancel dawn Algebraic frac tio re Simplify the following fractions: a 3 da: =+5 b — -—— = x e+] x-1 a 24,584 5 x a 1 5 wf — Write bas 5. at, be [— The LCM & x =a ee _ tt be es eso oer Bt1 #7 = f+) @+te- f.——__| «Ge 7 factorisex? — 1 to G+ Tite — 1). re ae eed _ de 7 7 -etie—0 > @Fie= a eT ie Cee le = Merde de Sir ify the numerator 3 — 3 —de= e— 3, @ Ate 7 _ -#-8 PT J a 11 ty Cite ae. ck x oy ° ae ke tent J #1 i -4 ya. g4l gta g-2 iret 2a +3) . 1 l 1 lara? &+D Kigsnie-b 2 1 3 2 1 + < tint] etl Mt meta band nat tg hy @téa+S a@t+dat3 gig? ye ptt? #41 ae+1 2 4 woe—l2 w+ Sete Viet 2 @+D? @4D CHAPTER 1 14 You can divide two algebraic fractions. As with ordinany numbers, an improper fraction has a larger numeratar than denominator, €.9. 2 oo a Improper fraction Mixed num ber An improper algebraic fraction is one whose numerator has a degree equal to or larger than the denominator, €.g. xi+Sr+8 cr e-8r+5 x-2 xit+2e+7 are Both impraper fractions because the numerator has a larger degree than the denominator. You can change them inte mixed number fractions either by lang division or by using the remainder theorem. | A PP) Divide a3 +27 — 7 by x — 3 by using long division. t Include all coefficient, including ‘D". + 4+ 2 een See aca Divide x into a7. it divides ina? times. I picid Multiply the divisor by 2 then subtract. 4ar24+ Ore 4x2 — 12 L— Divide x into 4: it divides in 4ve times. ta- 7 | L— Wluttiphy the divisor by 4x then subtract. tr - 36. Boy Ls Dine into 1 Zan it divides in 12 times. a Zz HERS: teat 1 Muttipty the divisor by 12 then subtract. ie =x*+ 42 + 12 remainder 29 How meng whole times ( — 35 divides into Pee =xt+ ant i2+ Te ——_—————| The remainder & because you ae sas dividing by ( — 3). @ Theremainder theorem: Any polynomial Fz) can be put in the form era etl version of the termainder a i i theotem you met in Fook Fie} am Qt) x divisor + remainder chk eet where Q(r) isthe quotient and is how many times the divisor bya quadaric expression divides into the function, Divide 4 +2?- ¥by a — 3 by using the remainder theorem. Set up the identity =AQ(r) X divigor + remainder ard sole to find the constants AB Cand 2. Le x= 3 b= 2 Letx=oO Compare coafficients inx? Compare coefficients inx® Therefia re tet aea = (te +4e + ye A) +28 pushes a eee 2 => ——_— Sx? + 4x +12+ — x-4 tt Divide st +3 + 2-10 byet+ de - 2. Method 1. Using lang division ox +5 J Bee ree 1c [tea trcacta cect een) abate 1 Spates —4 =x? — 2y? + 3x EH Sx? — ar — 10 GREE Teeter Rec! 7 Oj) must bea quadratic and the remainder must be a constant a 7S (Ad + eet OH 3t F ae This & true forall x, 50 2F+G—T= (A+ 38+ 0X O+8 —— To Put # = 2 into both O+O-T=(AXOTBEXO+Qx(0-340 BC +B | | Substitute &= 2 and Algebraic frac tio re $e the divisor & a linear expression and Fix) & a _ cubic pokynomial then you can substitute into the RHS and LHS to work out the values of 4, B,C sides to ghve an equation in D onty #=0 to give an equation in C onty. Because thé & an equivalence rebtion you can compare codticients of ters in # and fon the RHS and LHS of the equation Inst: LHS = a? RHS = Ax Ins: LHS = at RHS =(—3a+ Bt —— Substitute 4 =1. =@-3 All coefficient: need to be included, 28 goes intoa, =? times. Multiply =? by (tet + 22 — Band subtmet. af goes into —a?, 1} al+ae+3 Shove that f(2) => o att S Show that 2 Cc aay =+P+ a_] forconstants Pand C, which should be found. 43 - és? +8e-5 get] values of the comstants.4, #, Cand D. 6 Show that a can be put in theform Ar? + Be + C+ 5 Find the +1° Summary of key points 1) Algebraic fractions can be simplified by cancelling down. Todo this the numerators and denominators must be fully factorised first. 2 [fthe numerator and denominatcr contain factions then you can multiply both by the same number (the lowest common multiple) to create an equivalent fraction. 2 Tomultiply fractions, you simply multiply the numerators and multiply the denominators. If possible cancel down first. 4 Todivide two fractions, multiply the first faction by the reciprocal of the second fraction. § Toadd (or subtract) factions each facton must have the same denominato:. This is done by finding the lowest common multiple of the denominatces. 6 When the numetatcr has the same or higher degree than the denominator, you can divide the terms to produce a ‘mixed’ number fraction. This can be dome either by using long \ division or by using the remainder theorem: Fig) = Of) divisor + remainder whee Qf) is the quotient and is how many times the divisor divides into the function. After completing this chapter you should be able to 1) represent a mapping bya diagram, by an equation and by a graph understand the terrns function, dornain and range 3 combine two or more functions to make a composite 4 function 4 know the difference between a ‘one to ane’ and , “many to one’ function alll 3 know how to find the inverse of a function know the relationship between the graph of a function and its inverse. Functions There are many examples of functions in real life. One interesting case involves electricity charges where you are charged different amounts per unit dependent upon how many units you use. This is a typical case: ‘The charge is 10p per kW hour up to and induding a usage of 250 KW hours and 8p per KY hour after that’, Functions 21 A mapping transforms one setof numbers inte a different set of numbers. The mMapoing can be described in words or through an algebraic equation. It can also be represented by a Cartesian graph. Diaw mapping diagrams and giaphs for the following operations: a ‘add 3 onthe set {—3, 1, 4, 6, a} b ‘square’ on the set [-1, 1, -2, 2, a} a Operation Mapping diagram Add & Seta deck Ve f-— The set is called the range. {____¥ The set is called the domain. Graph (-3, et b Operation Mapping diagram Square i> be — The mange. Graph The domain. -#-2-2-10 122 4% fetal aa Eze) 1) Draw mapping diagrams and graphs for the following operations: a “subtract 5’ on the set{10, $,0, -& x} b ‘double and add 2 on the set {-2 2, 4, 6 x} c ‘square and then subtract 1’ on the set {- 3, -1,0,1, 2, x} di ‘the positive square roct’ on theset {-4, 0,1, 4,9, a}. 2 Find the missing numbers a to fr in the following mapping diagrams: 22 A function is a special mapping such that every element of set A (the domain) is mapped to exactly one element of set B (the range}. HM Aqgood way to remember thisis AO) GEO) (FG One-10-0ne Many-tore fot a function function function YOu can Wiite functions in two diftemnt Wes: This is the function ‘double and add 1'. f@ej= +1 OR fxs 2x4] Given that the function gf) = 2?+2, ind: a the value cf g(2) b the value of @ such that gai = 35 c the tange of the function. Functions Substitutes = 2 in the formub. — Substitute «= aand gfay = 35. Ste Sheth the function gt). The range & the | ralues that 3 takes Range of qt) & atx) = 3 Example Ey Which of the following mappings tepresent functions? Give reasons for your answers. a b Ye SL Tre <<] 4 a oe = a Meat 1 | OnE-bo-o ne, because aery element 6 Onthesketchofy = Jyou can see Ma ty-bo-one function because bain nbs of the Find: a £3) where ff) =5a+1 D g- 2 where g(x) = 307-2 ch) whereh sx # j(-2) where js 2+ (2 Calculate the values) ofa, B, cand @ given that a pla) =1é where pir) = 32-2 D q@) = 17 wher qiri=x2-2 © tfe)= 34 whee ti) = 20)+ 2 52) =0 where sfx) =a22+2- 6 (a) Forthe éollowing functions i sketch the giaph of the function H state the range Hi describe if the function is one-to-one or many to-one. a Mé)= 3x +2 Bn) =22+5 © pie) =sin ee) a q@=2 | Sate whether cr not the following graphs represent functions. Give reasons for your answers and describe the type of function. a ve b NI = | = A= o J. MY c , —N, £ Functions Consider y = vr y Ee the domain is all of the real number: {x € 0B}, then this is not a function because values of less than Odo not get mapped anywhere. Té pou sestict the domain to x= 0, all of set A get mappedto exactly one element ofset EB. We can wetite this function fx) = Vx, with domain [x GIR, «= O}. Example EJ Find the tange of the following functions: a f(@)=3x— 2, domain {x=1, 2, 3, 4} b g(t) = 2%, domain fe ER, -5 ex 5} c n@)=2 domain fe € O 1, fi) isa _/shaped quadratic. You need to calcu bte the value of f{13 on both cures -4-1-2-10 12 44% |__The range 6 the values that jetakes | Note that tte) #Bate=1 |__ard therefore ff@j2S ———S aot fae 3 Functions b For many questions on functions it becomes fea ;-— easierto sketch a graph. There are # values Sok why] such that fiz) =19. 1g) > — * 0 7 T— Igrmom—tarx> 1. q 5 eae | 45 = 19 — 1 poet 5-fr=19 Use both expressions as there are two | détinct point. 1) The functions below are defined for the discrete domains. i Represent each function on a mapping diagram, witng down the elements in the tange. Hi State ifthe function is one-to-one of many-to-one. a ff) = 20+ 1 for the domain fe =1, 2 3, 4, Sf. D gt) = +02 for the domain {x =1, 4,9, 16, 25, 36h c hée}=? for the domain fx = —2, -1, 0, 1, 2. a j@) = 2 for thedomain fx =1, 23,4, 5} 2) The functions below are defined for continuous domains. i Represent each function on a graph Hi State the range of the function. iii State if the function is one-to-one of many-to-one. @ Mie) =3e+ 2 for the domain fe >O}. b nfj=2?+ 5 for thedomain {x = 2} C pix) =2sine for thedomain {0 <2 =180}. d qi) = +4 2 for the domain {x = - 2}. 2 The flowing mappings f and ¢ are defined on all the meal numbers by eoefio5 ESL sof ist Explain why fi) isa function and gf) is not. Sketch the function fii and find a (3) bia ¢ the value(s) of @ such that fiz) =90. 4 The function 5 is defined by a= {nr x<0 ~(ld-# #20 a Sketch sir). b Find the values) of a such that sf) = 43. ¢ Find the values of the domain that g4 mapped to themselves in the mnge. S The function g is defined by g@)=cx+d wherec and date constants to be found. Given #(3) =10 and gf8) = 12 find the values ofc and d. 6 The function f is defined by fix)= ax? +hx—$ whee and bare constants to be found. Given that £1) = —-4 and £(2) =9, find the values of the constants a and B. 7 The function h is defined by his) = 2" — da + 20 fx ah. Giyen that h(x) 8 a one-to-one function find the smallest porsitle value of the constant a. Hint: Complete che square for hie). fg i fgte) means apply q first, followed by f. fg(ri is Glled acomposite function. Given fig) = 2? and g@j= +1, ind: a fg) b fg@) © fei) Functions a fy) =f(44+1) | =4 | b (3) =f 1) o>Fraat a te a? ———— poe eye) = te ty) —$—~A_—_H———__ get =x ee txt N=@+1F The functions f and ¢ are defined by ff) = 2+ 2and gi) =224+ 4. Find: a@ the function feta) b the function gf(x) c the function f¢) Note: £'te) is 0). 1 the values of such that fg) = 62 g1y=141 [— ta? a fat = f(a? +4) g acts on. first, mapping it toa? +4. = 2 facts on the resutt f trebles and then adds #. L_ Simplify answer. b gf) = qi. Sx + 2) +—W—_— facts on fit, mapping it to 32+ 2. a 2 5 = nt 2 Fb acts onthe result. g ‘squares and then = ort + ier + Be adck 4". (— Simplify anger. = B(3u + 2) + ee f maps eto dat 2, fact onthe recut. f‘trebke number then Po adc 9 d fqix)= Sx? + 4 j ft fg@ease O62 + HS GB Set upd sotve on equation in b BS oS Example Ey The functions mir), 1) and pir) are defined by mix) = 1, nGe)= deg plz) = 2-2. Find in terms of m,n and p the functions 2 2 1 ae b 4x? +lé&e +14 c detle 1 a 24ana{t)+4 eae s x x = ame) + << may = Bet 4 = nm(x) bo de® tex 4+ 4 = (Bet aye — ne) = Bet 4 = [nqey* — 2+. aax-2 = pit) 8 | ! axt4 —__ = —_____._ ,__#___ = a+ 2+ +4 ere F p— nix) = 2x4 4 = ——___ +___#_] 2+ + f— me . Mo rte = re nee) = mene} = mex) 1) Gen the functions ff) =42+1, gi) =2?-4 and hie) al find expressions for the functions: f a fet) Db giz) c ghity d ihi) e fix) 2 Forthe following functions f(r) and g(), find the composite functions fg Gc) and gfe). In each case find a suitable domain and the commsponding range when a fi@j=x-1, g@)= 27 b fe) = 2-3, ge) = 44% cfi=2 geisx+2 2 Ke ff)= a —2and g@)= 23 find the numbers) a such that fe(@) = gfia). 1 4 Given that s@)= and the) = 3a +4 find the number m such that ts) = 16. 5 The oaens liz), Me), 1.02) and pix) are defined by lj) = 2¢+1, mix) =a7-1, a= ayant pie) = <3. Find in terms ofl, m, and p the functions: 1 2 adxti b 4a? +4x czST a +1 atta a+ e (-1F £ ax?-1 ge? Functions 6 lfmij=2e+ 3and age)=2 =, prove that man tr) =x. 7 lfs(x)= y and tix) = as prove that sti) =x. ; sae 1 _@tl 5 a Tf ft) eve mat Pie) = 7-7 Hance find an expmession for P(r). 25 The inverse function performs the apposite operation to the function, It takes elements of the range and maps them back into elements of the domain. Far this reason inverse functions only exist for one-to-one functions. The inverse of fais written ftir) te) eo ffl(a) = fe) =x Function Inverse fij=at4 ‘ald ‘Subuact 4! flijen-4 eGd)= 5 ‘times 5! ‘divide by 5" glee = (= 4e+2 ‘times 4, add? ‘Subuact 2, divide by 4! nig) = "52 Foe many straightforward functions the inverse can be found using a flow chart Find the inverse of the function hiwj= 207-7. Drew a flow chart Therefore, for the function. ary Zz be) = Find the inverse of the function ff) = formula. z 3 T fe ER, « #1}, by changing the subject of the (eres multiply) ——_ Rearrange to make x the subject ofthe x formub. a (remove bracket) a fadd ¥) BeE=S+y (divide by Beata ¥ 3+ 5 F Therefore =f) = = Define ffx) in terms of x. F(A) en Oke a heck to see that at ast one dement 4-1 5 works. Thy 4. BS+i1 4 Note that fia) =4 f-Y} == —=4 * 4) 1 1 ifr) 4 1 £6) The function f@r) is defined by fe) =a — 2 {x 4 Note that the graph of f+) is a reflection of a £G¢) in the line y = =. This is becatse the 2 sedlection transforms y to wand 10. 1 O. oO1lfta456 If g@¢) is defined as gij= 2x -—4 fk SR x =O} a Calculate gr), b Sketch the graphs of both functions on the same set ofaxcs. c What is the connection between the graphs? 4 Be x4 ly # ae aed = sea flow ding Ee ate # Paces RY +2 +t x+4 The domain of the inverse function is the gi= fy = same as the range of the function. (See 2 graph below) b The mange of the function & ofx) = —4, so te) the fs the domain ofthe invere function. g(#) isa linear function with gradient 2 passing through they acisat —4. Is domain Bx=0. g7(x) 6 abo a linear function with gradient 0.5 passing through the y axé at 2. Its dompin f= —4. é The graphs of q7Yx) and q(x) are mirror images of each other in the line pHa ot) The function fr) is defined by ff) =a7- 3 {x ER, x >0}. a Find £1 @)in similar teems. b Sketch £32). c Find values of x such that f(x) =f) a Let y= ffx) yex?—3 ytS=x7 xa Ge fi =v¥e+a f@ekxs-J Change subject of formula, fi) 6 a)_fshaped quadmtic with minimum point (0, —3). The range of the function is fix)= —3. The domain of the invere function has the same val ues First shetch 42). Then reflect {2} in the line ji = x 6 Functions When foc) = fa) fix) = 4 Thi § easier than sotving Yat 3=af -3. a -b+vF Sao a Bex — hoes ee @-x-5=0 i fi) and fe) meet wheres and yam both 1405 positive. x= 2 SSS Leas 7 For the following functions fi), sketch the graphs of f(@7) and £7 (2) on the same set of axes. Detemmine also the equation of f(x). a f(x) =2n+3 {2 ER} bfig=5 een c fe)=1 mem, x0} ad f@)=4-x fer ® fie)=a2+ 2{x ER, x =O} £ fe=<7 [x eR} | Determine which of the functions in Question | are self inverses. (That is to say the function and its inverse are identical.) ] Explain why the function giv) =4 — 2 [*« SR, « >O} is not identical to its inverse | For the following functions g(x), sketch the graphs of g(x) and g@ jon the same set of axes. Determine the equation of gf), taking care with its domain. a 6) -2 WER, 23] b g6)=te-1 ER, x 20} c se) =— eR n> d g@j=V¥e-3{eER, c= 7} & gh) =27+2 (cE x4} fF g@)=3-8{2ER, 2 22} The finiction mer) is defined by m@= x? +4e+9 {x €lR, >a} for some constant a. If mi) exists, state Hint: Completing the squase the least value of @and hence determine the equation of en pet mG). State its domain. Detemmine tix) ifthe function ti) is defined by ti) =a?—- 62+ 5{2 ER, « = 4]. 2e+1 a-2 a What happens to the function as # approaches 2? b Find 7g). c Find ht), stating clearly its domain d Find the elements of the domain that get mapped to themselves by the function. The function hi) is defined by h(a) = fechas Q. CHAPTER 2 & The function fi) is defined by f(a) = 227-3 fe BR, 2 < Of. Determine a ft(c) clearly stating its domain b the values of a for which fi@) = fa). Mixed exercise El (1) Categonse the following as i nota funeton ii a mne-to-one function Hi a many-to.cne function a oe b ¥ Cc Ya fal \ WY uF AS 2) The fcllowing functions £(), gi) and hi) are defined by f@js4—-—2) fe €R, #0} gej=e+1 fe ER} hej=# fe =} a Find £77), g(@) and ht- 2). b Find the san ge of s(x) and the range of gre). c Find g22) i Find the compesite function fg). @ Solve ghig)= 244. 2 The function nf) is defined by s-x x= nik) = , 2 ee a Find n(- 3) and a3. b Find the values) of a such that nf) = $0. 4 The function g@) is defined as gie)= ae +7 fe ER, x =O}. a@ Sketch g(x) and find the range. b Determine g(r), stating its domain c Sketch g(x) on the same axes as gin), stating the slationship between the two graphs. | The functions f and g are defined by f:ixo44-1 ER} 45 4 ghar eR « #at Find in its simplest foom: a theinvere function f+ b the compcrite function gf, stating its domain ¢ the values of x for which 2f(¢) = gi), giving pour answers to 2 decimal places. | The function f(x) i defined by x wel ‘eo=[* aol a Sketch the graph offic) for -2ereé D Find the values of « for which fir)=—-4 | The function f is defined by feo 43 emx sl} x1 a Find ig). b Find i therangectitix ii the domain of FY). | The functions f and g are defined by « cia a eRc# to RERea gase fe ER, c+} a Find an expression for £1). b Write down the range of £70). © Caletlate sf(1.5) 4 Use algebra to find the values of » for which gi) =f@)+4. | The functions f and g ate given by x 1 Piss Tuga {x ER, «> 1} gust {FER x>O} 1 Show that f= —————.. a Show that f(x) @-De +i) b Find the range of fc) © Solve gfx) = 70. Functions Summary of key points 1 4A function isa special mapping such that every element cf the domain is mapped to exactly one clement in the ran go. sect fot a function Tanyto-one one-to-one function fancnion 2 function is a special function whee every element of the ange has bean Mapped from exactly one element of the domain. 2 Many mappings can be made into functions by changing the domain. For example, the Tlappin ¢ “positive square root’ can be changed into the function f(x) = J by having a domain of # = 0. 40 Tf we combine two of more functions we can create a composite function. The function below is written fgir)as ¢ acts on + first, then facts on the result. For example g@)= 2243, f@j=x2 fg(f) =£(2 x4 +3)=101)= 1125 121 Similarly fgG) = Ga + 2° § The inverse of a function f(x) is written f 42) and perfooms the opposite operation &) to the function. To caletlate the inverse function you change the subject of the fommula. For example, the inverse function of gicj=4de— 2is m+3 Agj=2*F a) 6 The range of the function is the domain of the inverse function and vice vera. 7 The graph of f() isa reflection of #(¥) in the line y= x. After completing this chapter you should be able to 1 sketch simple transformations of the graph of ¥ = 2 sketch simple transformations of the graphy = Ina 3 solve equations involving & and Ina 4 know what is meant bythe terms exponential growth | - and decay 5 solve real life examples of exponential growth and decay. = os = i = Cc az The exponentia log functions &) Exponential functions occur naturally in real life. S dentists can model the number of , é e _—— ge elephants in a herd by using an exponential =| re a} function. 31 Exponential functions are ones of the forma =a? Graphs of these functions all Pass through (0, 1) because a? = 1 for any number Sketch the graph of fia) = 2 for the domain « €R. State the range of the function. 3. Drew up a tableof values. ocelot ie ees [ek Ra SES: w# [0.25/05] 1] 2] 4] $ [16 | 32] Plot point ona gph. The range of the function & fx) =O The giadient functions of these graphs are similar to the functions themselves. rT a a *Eoys0) gsorxe ——_}—— v= eer] eed = OO —>Ee a ead 2 a = YP ead= 11x 3 YP ead = 14x 4 ye ly = 4 — =] a = The exponential and bog dnc tio ns Dut these results in a table. Function | Gradient gels | gad=oxl ySRr gad =0.7 x = weak omd =1.1" 3 ped | oad alae de You should be able to spot from this table that as @ increases for the function + =a*,50 does the gtadient function. You should be able to deduce that there is going to bea number between 2 and 3 such that the gtadient function would be the same as the function. This number is approximately equal +0 2.718 and is represented by the letter ‘e’. It is similar to » in the respect that it is an ittaticnal fumber representing a number that exists in the real world. @ The exponential function y= e (where e= 2,718) is therefore a the function in which the gradient is identical to the function. ae alc For this reason itis often referred to as the exponential function. 32 Allexponential graphs will follaw a similar pattern. The standard graph of 7 = * can be used ta represent ‘exponential’ growth, which is how population growth can be modelled in real life. Example Draw the giaphs of: ayo byset = A table of values will show you howe rapid be TH Curve Orcas. x|—2]/-1) 0 1 (|e [atthe | we iO.l4sos7) 1 | 27 | 74 | 20 | 55 [146 With these curves it & worth keeping in mind: om te, ke (it grows very rapid = whens =O, P= 1 [(0, 1) lies on thecurve| "2 #3 —e, 30 (it appmaches but never mache the xan). This curve & similar to the one in part a except that its value at«=2 ise“ and it value atx = —Zise Hence it is a reflection of the cune of part a in the yam. The giaph in Example 2b is often referred to as exponential decay. [tis wedasa model in many examples from teal life including the fall in value of a car as well as the decay in radicactive iscopes, Draw gia phs of the exponential functions: L ay=o® by= let c ypedt4er x| —2 0 3 vfoo2 | 1 403 fF you cakubte some values it can give you an idea of the shapeof the gmph. The y values of 3 = are the'squard of thes: values of j= % ra a 3 yl or [| io [os ‘Cakubting some y values helps you sketch 0.10) the cune, = The calves of y= 108“ ae 10 time ser 7 y= lle-* bigger than the + walues of 4 =e™, Ai! a 3 x| 39 Zi al yds ¥ 1 ime a> 0 1 os O3 A 8. Range of function & y= 3. The exponential and bog dnc tio ns The price of a used car can be repacsented by the fommula P=1600e% where Pis the price in 4's and fis the age in years from new, Calculate a the new price b the value at $ pears old c what the model sug gests about the eventual value of the car. Use this to sketch the graph of Pagainst ¢ ; " oF The new price is when t=O. a Substitute $= 0 inte P= Bone Remember? = 1, = 6000 x1 The new price is 160000. i -4 : ; b Substitute £= Sinte P= BOMe ® is prceat 5 years OM & when t= 5. =6oawe? = aro to The price after 5 years is 29704 40, PS ——-_ ¢ Astame Fao For the eventual value, et t=. Therefor 74 OOO xO = 0, s The sentual value is zero. f 16000 Use the values from parts a, bande to sketch the gmph. a b 1) Sketch the graphs of aye=o+l] bysdo% : C y= 2-3 ady=4-¢ @y=6+1ie" f y=10e%*+10 2 The value ofa cat raties according to the formula v= noe whee V isthe value in fs and ¢isitsage in years fom new. = a State its value when now = b Find its value (to the nearat £) after 4 years. ¢ Sketch the graph of ¥ against t 3 The population of a country is increasing according to the formula P= 41008 where Fis the population in thousands and 45 the time in years after the year 2000. @ State the population in the year 2000. D Use the model to predict the population in the year 2020. Sketch the giaph of Pagainst ¢ for the years 2000 to 2100. 40 The number of people infected with a disease varies accomling to the foomula N= 300- 100 a“ where Nis the number of people infected with the disease and fis the time in years after detecticn. a How many people were first diagnosed with the disease? Db Whatis the long term prediction of how this disease will spread? c Graph N against it. § The value of an investment varies acconling to the formula Wea ett ‘whore Tis the value of the investment in £4 i8 a constant to be found and fis the time in years after the investment was made. a Tfthe investment was worth £8000 after 2 years find A to the nearst £. D Find the value of the investment after 10 yan. c By what factor will be the otiginal investment have incieased by after 20 years? To study the exponential function further, it becomes necessary to introduce its inverse function. From Chapter 2 you should know that inverse functions perform the ‘opposite’ operation to a function, in exactly the same way as “+4 and '—4 and ‘e? and “a" are inverse operations. M@ theinverse to e* is logue (often written Ina. Tua 5 | Sdive the equations aga3 binw=4 The key to solving any equation & knowing the inverse o peration. ‘When a? = 10, x= ¥70. The inverse of e* & In ¢ and vice wera. The exponential and bog dnc tio ns Using your knowledge of inverse functions, the gtaph of In will bea reflection of o in the line Pra. The function fi) =1n « therefore has a domain of {x ER, « >O} anda sange of {ite} EER}. fy) = Ine The important points about the staph. yelneae: 4 ae oOyo-e ao Ine ches not enist for negative numbers « whenws=1ly=0 ® abe, 4 (lowly). Sketch the graphs of a yv=ln(?-2) by= 34+ ]nf2r) a p= Ina —x) yeing-9? When 3,43 —e, odes not exist for wat lbes of # bigger than 3. Whens = 2,4 = In(3- #= In] =O. AS mp on, yt + (Shoah). b p=3+In(2x) ¥ ySdel hey When 0, 4, When = 5, =3+ In] =3. AS £00, 1 @ Slowly). a3) —f 1 These questions are solved by changing the Sclve the ti : subject of the foomula and wing the fact that e amma Inzande*are invere functions. agttsod bilnz+1l=5 Aca et, The inverse to e* & Ins. ex+3= Int 2x=Int+—8 yo 4-5 Sometimes questions ask you to put an 2 answer in a particular form. Note that 1 ieee — 4 ung = nat =in2 eee . =In2-3 Bo 2lnx+1=5 -——— golate Ine. elhx=4 [— The inverse of Ina & eX. nx = 2 -—___________#_l x= oF Bample Eq The number of elephants in a hei can be reprsented by the equation N=1s0- ae wher Nis the number of alephants in the heed and i is the time in pears after the year 2003. Calculate: @ the numberof elephants in the herd in 2003 b the number of elephants in the herd in 2007 c the year when the population will grow to above 100 @ the long term population of the herd as predicted by the model. Use all of the above information to sketch a graph of N against ¢for the model, Ey N= 180-00 7 a. @ State the value cf a. b Find the yalue of s for which f() = 20. c Find the function fix) stating its domain. d@ Sketch the gmphs fiz) and f(z) on the same axes Stating the relationship between them. f&) = In (2+ 2) a The graph opposite is of the function, ¥f géjatekaa g@c) = 2e" +4 fx ER. a Find the tange of the function. Db Find the value of to 2 significant figures. 10) c Find g7@) stating its domain. d Sketch g@) and ¢7@) on the same set of axes —T Stating the relationship between them. The number of bacteria ina culture grows according to the following equation: N= 1004 068 where Nis the number of bacteria present and tis the time in days ftom the statt of the experiment. @ State the number of bactetia poset at the start of the experiment. D State the number after 10 days. © State the day on which the number first reaches 1 000000 d Sketch the giaph showing how N varies with ¢. The gtaph opposite shows the function ya hi = 40 -1l0e fe >0,2 SR}. @ State the range of the function. b Find the exact coomdinates of A in terms of ln 2. c Find hfe) stating its domain. _| A a a hé&) = 40 - 10e* The exponential and bog dnc tio ns 1) Sketch the following functions stating any asymptote and intersections with axe: ayae+s by=inz) c yen +2) dys3e*4+4 a ypoot? £ y=4-lne 2 Solve the following equations, giving exact solutions: a Infix-S=8 bess c i-e*=10 a lngtilaf@e-3j=0 Be¢+et=2 Fln2tlax=4 2 The function c= 2+in 4-2) isshown bdow., Y cé=3+Ing—a @ State the exact coordinates of point A b Calculate the exact coomdinates of point B. ¢ Find the inverse function c-4() stating its domain. 4 Sketch cf) and ci) on the same set of axes stating the relationship between them. 4 The price of a computer system can be madelled by the foomula P=100+850e% whee P is the price of the system in 45 and fis the age of the computer in years. after being purchased. a Calculate the new price of the system. D Calculate its price after 2 years. c When will it be worth less than £2007 df Find its price as to. ® Sketch the graph showing P against ¢ Comment on the appropriateness of this mode. The function f is defined by fig lntSa— 212 ER, 223}. a Find an expression for fir). b Write down the domain of fir). © Solve, giving your answer to 3 decimal place, Ine - = 2 The functions f and gare given by f:43 34-1 {zc ER} gt at {a =} a Find the value of fg 4), giving your answer to 2 decimal places. D Express the inverse function f(r) in the foom ft:a 4... . c Using the same axes, sketch the graphs of the functions f and gf. Write on your sketch the value of each function atx =0. dd Find the values of # for which ff) = 2 a The points Pand Q lie on the curve with equation y =e. The #-coondinate of P and Qare In4 and In 16 respectively. a Find an equation for the liner. b Show that this line passes thiough the aigin 0. c Calculate the length, to 2 significant figures, of the line segment PO. The functions f and gate defined over the set of mal numbers by fix 3x—-§ g:toe* @ State the tan ge of gir). b Sketch the giaphs of the inverse functions f) and ¢7 and wite on your sketcha the coordinates of any points at which a graph meets the coordinate axes. © State, giving a reason, the number of roots of the equation f= 24) d Evaluate fe(—h, giving your answer to 2 decimal places. The function f is defined by f:z of +k, 2 SR and kis a positive constant. @ State the range of f(r). b Find filn kj, simplifying pour ansvet. c Find £4, the inverse function of f, in the form fl: ..., stating its domain d@ On the same axes, sketch the curves with equations y=fi) and y=f7(2), giving the coordinates cf all points where the graphs cut the axes. 6 CHAPTER 3 pt i The exponential and bog dnc tio ns The fiction f i given by f:xola(f4- 2) fe Reg a Find an expression for £7 fr). b Sketch the curve with equation y =f), showing the coomdinates of the pants whate the cure meats the axes. © State the range of f+). The function ¢ is given by gee [xER} @ Find the value of gff05). @ The function ffx) is defined by f(@) = 3a — 4? - S42 a Shove that & +1) is a factor of ffx) b Factorise ff) completly. c Solve, giving pour answers to 2 decimal places, the equation 3fln @x)F - 4fin@x)]?-Sla(aei+ 2=0 220 oO Summary of key points 1) Exponential functions are ones of the form += a*. ¥ Thay all pass through the point 0, 1). yor The domain is all the teal numbers. The range is fe) > 0. Bn 2 The exponential function y =o (where = 2.718) isa Special function whose gradient is identical to the function. 2 The inverse function to is In «. 4 The natural Ice function 8 a reflection of yp=ein the iney=x. It passes through the paint (1, 0). Tha domain is the positive numbers. The tange is all the teal numbers. § Tosolvean equation using Ins ore you must change the subject of the formula and use the fact that they are inveres of each other. 6 Growth and decay models are hased arcund the exponential equations a a N= de® 4 Ne Ae’ = * A * | £ a £ where 4 and k ate positive numbers. After completing this chapter you should be able to 1) ousea graphical method to find the nurmber of roots of the equation fix) = 0 prove that a root lies within a given interval [a,b] 3 ouseiteration to find an approximation to the root of the equation fia) = 0 4 express your answer to an appropriate degree of accuracy. Numerical methods The branch of Mathernatic called Nurnerical Analysis predates the invention of modern computers by many centuries. Many equations don’t have exact solutions and iterative methods form successive approximations that converge to the exact solution. CHAPTER 4 Show that the equation 2? — 34?+32—-4=0 hasa toot between: =2andx= 3. Draw 3 = 27 — Ia7+ de 4. Find the point on the cure ge — dei the—4atewhichy=o. Remember the lines = 0 is the «axe. So find where y= 2? — de +32 — 4 cmese: the EB, The gmph crosses the a-axis between «= 2 and =3,s0 ther & a mot of the equation between x = Zand #= 2. as 2 = a andx=3 Eample Show that the values of y for points on the graph of y= 4+ 2: — 2 change sign as the graph crosses the x-axis. Draw y =4-4 de: — 22 The gmph meet the saxbats =2. To the left of # = 2 the values of 3 are positive because the cu ne lies a bowe the save at these points. To the night of # = 2 the values of 4 are negat ie becaure the curve lie below the save at these points. Numerical methods Show that + 2-2 =O hasaroot between =0.Sande=0.6. = oe Show that the graph of 4 = i) cmeses the sais between a = 0.5 and #=0.6, Substitute # = 0.3 and # =(.6 into the furction. 40.5) <0and #0.6)> 0, sothee sa change of sign. The gm@ph of = fs) cmsses the sane between # =0.5 and x= 0.6, so ther ba root between # =O.5and«=O.6. soln general, if you find an interval in which fir) changes sign, then the interval must contain a root of the equation fei = 0. The only exception 10 this is when fGc) has a discontinuity in the interval, e.g. fie) = - has a discontinuity at «=O. The graph shows that to the left of x= 0, ff) <0, and to the right Of x =0, £6) +O. So the function changes sign in any interval that contains «= 0 but #= 0 is not a foot of the equation ffi= 0. There isa discon tin wity at 2 = 0 a Using the same axes, sketch the giaphs of y= In xand y =~ Hence show that the equation in = 1 has only ome Poot. b Show that this oct lies in the interval 1. Fe <1 8. 1 Daw y= es on the same aes. 1 The curves meet where Ine=e. The cure meet at only one point, so there £ only one walueof x that satefies the F 1 equation Ins« =—. x 1 The equation Ina = me has only ons ——— root. CHAPTER 4 b Inz = _ 1 Let fae) = Ina = 1 ee flay = nF 5 = 05006... 05882... = 0.0576... 1 A128) = n1B—-— = 05877 ...— 05555... = OO There & a change of sign between f(U7) and f(1.3), 0 the root of the 4 equation Inx Si lies in the internal VWeanca. Rearange the equation into the form ix) =O. Subtract 1 trom each side x Show that ff) = 0 has a mot bebween #=17 ande=18. Substitute x = 1.7 and #=1.8 into the junction. {1.772 0 and (1.0) > 0,50 thee ba change of sign. The gmph of = fixicmese the wax between x= 17 and a= 18,50 themia mot between x= 1.?and2= 1.8. 1) Show that each of these equations ff) = Ohas a root in the given interval): aw-x+S=0 -2<2<-1. b3te2—P=0 leacd. extive-1l0s0 gexec ax-1-2-0 -O.$ O,s0 there is a change of sign There i a root in the interval ——— Saino. bol me Stem Cmte a {OP = 2) +9 | a = 25 Se PRG _ fi—24+5 | J Xe 3 _ [2e45. P= a4.) +5 - a = 2BG5 OR ot? Similarky, a] wy = 2756 115 G03 1g = PEON? B43 ete | Xy = 1205 O42 502 Xe = 1202094 215 Soa root is 12 to 1 decimal place. ieee f= et ri — (ere2@t+s coed = 4509-248 755 ny 2tyt S a ty —____-_[ 7 3) Hi x,=4 Show that a? — 2a? —22+ 5=0 hes a mot between x=3and «=4. Substitute «= 3 ands =4 into the function. The gmph crosses the sais between «= 3 and = 4. as Use aes 1 = | oeeersponmee Heren =(. Substitute a, = 3. e— BeytS Useay,1= [ee Heren=1. Substitute 2) = 2.993920 289. The sequence ay, oh, ty, ty ay... COTES slowly to a root. Thi root & not inthe interval 3 , whore pisa constant to be found. 1 b Starting with op = 2, use the iteration formula a4) =~ — 7 with your value ofp, 10 find #z t0 2 decimal places. * 9 a Show that the equation gh Exe+3e-B 2-2 2G — 4) asa single fraction in its simplest form. (CD @ Show that ff) =>—5 ©} a Given that {x ER, x > gh léa? — 36a? - le +5 b Fired £1 i. =m @z+ li6e tax +H, find thevalue cf aand thevalue cf, (G)) The graph of the increasing furction f b Herre, or otherwise, simplify Passes through the points 0, —2), BG, 0) Li? — 3éa¢ — low +8 and C(S, 2),a3 shown eae ta fe fe) = leds tee ne -2 oe ae a @ Show that fi) = era ae —2 b Show that a? +a + 12> for all values ote. & Show that ff) > 9 forall values of x, nt -2. GB) Me functions f and gare defined by a@ Sketch the graph of £7, showing the Qa Expres: 4? - 4x - inthe fom gesct 1B and = (ax - BP -c, where ad, band care The function ¢ isdefined by a Ss tive constants to be found prov +2 ceR ee eae eee The function fis defined b bb Find 4 fgv23, if gf). fx dat - de - 3, een md The furctions f and gate defined by b Sketch the graph off fesae+4, eR 20 © Sketch the graph off. grocts ER o>? 4 Find £1 (9), stating its domain. a Find theinretse furmction iim), stating (GE) Me functions fand g are defined by i Comat fae hte ZEB, x #0. 7 ga sine -5, xER, x > 25, @ Sketch the graph off b Show that ft) = +2 b Find the exact value of gff2} & State the range of ¢. 4 Bird sir), stating its domain ete GOD Me functions is defined by [Gx] means HG] fragt H1- 25 een © Find theevact value of af (zi. * ie dd Find ¢ 1), stating its domain @ Show that fi) = 2 rt “>. b ind f(x). G3 save the following equations, giving your answers to 3 significant figures. The function ¢ isdefired by a eh) od g:eoe+s, 2 ER b# a5 & Solve fytx) = 2. 9g & 2In@e- = 1+in7 (5 Find theexact schutions to the equations feote-4f-16 #£E€R x29, aloe +1n3-lné geo. xeR x= 1. De+aer=4 oO a Fitd the range of f és | | b Explain why, withthe given domain for fe fanchen te defied by £ £1) does not exist. fea3-lne+3), «eR 2-23 1 _ bade ‘The graph of y = ff) crosses the x-axis at _ Hat fg) = 7 — a the point Aand crosses the axis at the 4 Fird ¢ tie), stating its domain. pont B. a@ Find the exact coordinates of Aand B. (]) Me furction fe) is defined by D Sketch the graph af y = £6) x > -2 -2h+ I) —-2424-1 f(x) = i Ce) eas ones | (2) The graph of the function fic) = 144 - She, x ER a Sketch the graph of f(¢). as an asviiptote + = &, and crosses the D Waite down therange of f wand yaxesat Aand B respectively, as ¢ Bind the values of x for which fe) <2. shown ocverleaf. a Waite down the value of & and the coordinate of B. BD Express the «-coordinate cf Jin temas of ine, (EE) Part d requires the differentiation of e, see Chi] The functions f and g are defined by f:g+2¢41n2, +EeR geo, ceER a Prove that the com posite function sf is Bix ode*, reER D Sketch the curve with equation y = sf(), and show the coomdinates of the point where the cure crosses the aris. & Write down therange of gf 4 Find the value of 2 for which qplgtiel = 3, giving your answer to Ssignificant figures. o (2D) a Show that & - e-* = 4 can be rewtitten inthe form <* -de*-l=0 Bb Hence find the exact value of the real solution ofe* - e* = 4 ¢ RBorthis valueof 2, find the evact value ofef +er# (EY At time t= 0, a lake is stocked with & fish, The number, x, of fishin the lake at time t days can be represented by the equation n= 2000 + 14stenot, a State the yalue of k. BD Calculate the increase in the population of fish 3 weeks after stocking the lake. & Bind how many days pass, from the day the lake was stocked, before the number Of fish increases 10 over 7000, (2) Aneated metal ball $ is dropped into a liquid. As5 cools its tempemture, TOC, tminutesafterit enters the liquid is given ty TH4Me ot +25, t=O. a@ Fird the temperature of 5 as it enters the liquid. Db Find how lor: 5 is in the liquid before its temperature drops to 300 °C. Give yout answer to 3 significart fuses. c Find the tate, in °C per minute to 3 significant figures, at which the tenn peta tite of § is decteasing at the irstant i= 50. 1 With reference to the equation given above, explain why the temperature of Sean never diop to 2) B Abresding programme for a particular animal is being monitored. Initially there were k bieeding pairs in the survey, Asiggested model for the number of Toeedity: paits, n, after t years is n= s ; 1+39e° a Find the value otk. Bb Show that the abowe equationcan be : = or written in the form ¢ = 9 In lama) c Hence, or otherwise, calculate the tiitober cf years, according tothe Tmodel, after which the nur ber of needing pairs will first exceed 100. The model predicts that the number of brealing pairs cannot eiceed the value 4. di Fired the value of 4. @iiw-e-1-2 «so a@ Shom that the equation fi) = 0 has a foot between | and 2 An appronitqation for this rock is found using the iteration forroula - Li! wwithan = en = a 1S : ( am B By calculating the values of a, ay, a and 4 find an appuceimation to this TOot, giving: your answer to 3 decinal places. c By considering the change of sign of fiz) itva suitable interval, verify that Our ariswer to part b is correct t0 Edecimal places. Ga By sketching the graphs of ¥ = —a and yelna, 220, onthe same axes, show that the solution tothe equation e+ina =9 lies between Gand 1. BD Show that 2 +1na = 0 may be wiitten -@e-Ing inthe form # = ——,;— ¢ Usethe iterative formula sy OAD ga, to find the solution of # +In «=O correct to $ decimal places. EB show that the equation & - a =O tasa foot R between 2 = Landa = 2 ‘The iterative forrula = ln dr, a= 12, is used to find to find an apprord mation for k. @ Calculate the values of), 4, and «, diving your answers to 3 decimal places. b Showthat, 10.3 decimal places, k= L077. c¢ Deduce the value, to2 decimal places, of one of the roots of ef = da The curve C has equation y = «7 — 1. The faryrent to C at the point F (—1, -2) meets the cuinve again at the point Q, whose e-coondinate is k a@ Show that & is a root of the equation -Se-4=0. Bb Show that af - Se -4 =Ocan be rearranged in the fom = +E The iterative forratla ton =f te, t= 15, is ised 10 find to find an apprcednation fork. © Write down the values of 2,2, 2, and ity, giving your arewers to5 significant d Show that k= 16506 correct to § significant figures. EB te = 28-2 -4, @ Show that the equation fic) =0 can be Whitten ag =j24d) v= fP+3): The equation 2% - x - 4 =0 haga soot between 1.25 and 14. D Ube the iteration form ila “EF with a = 1.35, +0 find, to 2 decimal Places, the value of #1, 2, and a. ‘The only real sont of fc) = 0 is a c By choosityr a suitable interval, prove that ¢= 1392, to 3decimal places. ED Me function fis defined by fix-a—-S$+4e", xER x>0. a@ Show that the inverse function of fis defined by Phaagin(EtS), and write down the domain of £1. D Waite downthe rare of f+. ‘The graphs of y = grand y = £42, iawn on the sare axes, rieet at the point with the x-ccordinate k. The iterative formula mma =in(B*5) = 03, is used to find to find an appromimation for &. © Calculate the values of 4 and a, giving pour answers to 4 decimal places. @ Continue the iterative process until thereate two values which ate the same to4 decimal places. e Prove that this value does sive k, correct to4 decimal places. The graph of the furction f, defined by ga fisypp *SR reo is shown. a Copy thesketch and add to it the graph ofy = £4 @r), showing the coondinates Of the point where it mects the waxs, The two curres meet inthe point A, with «coordinate Fk. b Explain why Risa sdlunon of the equation © = The iterative fornia 1 = =OF ee Tae ty is used to find anapproxitnation for k. © Calculate the values of ay, a, a, and ay, giving your arswers to4 decimal places. df Show that k= 0.682, correct to 3 decimal places After completing this chapter you should be able to 1 sketch the graph of the modulus function ¥ = If(e3l 2 sketch the graph of the function y = f (lal) 3 solve equations involving the modulus function 4 apply a combination of two for more} transformations to the same curve 5 sketch transformations of the graph y = fix). Transforming graphs of functions An example of the modulus graph can be found in electricity generation. Electricty is generated ] 5 ‘ 4 as alternating current. Its shapeis that of a sine curve. In some appliances, such as mobile phone chargers, it goes through a series of changes. One of these changes uses a rectifier to transform the ¥ = sina graph into y = | sinal. A capadtor then ‘smoothes’ out the wave to convert it into the direct current that is used in some appliances. CHAPTER 5, M@ The modulus of a number a, written as lal, is its postthe numerical value, $q, for example, IS] = and also I-SI1=5. It is sometimes known as the absolute value, and is shown on the display of some calculators: a5, for example, “Abs —S* or “Abs(—-Sy) Tf your caletilator has a modules of abscliute value button, make sue you understand how to use it. @ Amodulus function is, in general a function of the type ¥ = Hil. When fi) =O, Ifaeil= fix. When fa <0, Ifaril= —fia, BEample i Sketch the graph of y = lal. Step 1 Sketch the graph of 3 =a (ignore the modulus.) Step 7 forthe part of the line below the sax (the negat ie values of y), reflect in the x-acis. Forexample this will change the y-value —3 into the y-value 3. Important ff you do steps 1 and 2aboweon the same diagram, make sure that you clearly show that you have deleted the part of the graph below the axe. Sketch the graph of y = [3x — 2 Sketch the graph of y = be? - 3¢— 101. Trani rming graphs of functions Step 1 Sketch the graph of = 24 —2. (ignore the modulus 3 Step # For the partofthe line below the a-aec& (the negative values of 9, reflect in the tame. For vamp, the will changethe value —2 into the }'-value 2. Step 1 Sketch the graph of # =. — 34-10. (ignore the module) Step 2 For the partofthe cune below the sax (the negative values of +9), reflect in the fvaxis. For example, thé will change the evalua —3 into the }aalue 3. CHAPTER 5, The diagram on the tight shows the giaph of += fi). ¥ Sketch the graph of y = life. ¥ és in the previous examples, the part of the + curve bebw theataxé must be reflected in ao = thet-axé. The gmph of 4 = Hta)I looks ike this. Shetch the graph of 7 =Isinal, 0 2 = 2a, *———_ First draw the gmphof =sinx. 4s before, reflect the part of the cume below thetaxe inthe tani. Trani rming graphs of functions at 1) Sketch the graph of each of the following. In each case, write down the coordinates of any points at which the graph meets the coonlinate axes. ay=b-1 b y= Ret 3l c y= hr-Sl ady=P-x#1 @ y=b?- 7 -8l £ y= b?-91 gy=betl hy= 1 i y=-tl jy=-Be-1 2 Sketch the graph of each of the following. In each case, write down the coordinates of any points at which the graph meets the coordinate axes. ay=kad, Deneia bo y=Mnal,e>0 c y= 12-2 a y= (100- 104 &® y=han del O<2 < 20 52 You need to be able to sketch the graph of the function ¥ =filel). Fer the function y= ffl), the value of y at, for example, x= —5 is the same as the value of y at x=. This is because f1-S) = £6). Sketch the graph of) =bel— 2 Method 1 Step1 Sketch the graph of 7 =2— 2 (ignore the modulus) fora = 0. Step 2 Reflect in they ame. CHAPTER 5, Method 2 Sketch the graph of 7 =4b1— bP Step] Sketch the graph of 4 = bh Step 2 Vertical translation of —2 units. (See transformations of curves in Book, Chapter 4.3 Step 1 Sketch the graph ofy =4a — 27 fignom the modulus) fora, = 0. Step 2 Reflect in the axe. Trani rming graphs of functions Sketch the graph ofeach of the following. In each case, write down the coordinates of any points at which the graph meets the coomlinate axes. 1) 9= 241 2) pst? ahd -4 2 y=sinlel, -teaaeeia 4oy=2" 53 You need to be able to solve equations invalving a modulus. Solutions can come from either the ‘original’ of the ‘teflected’ part of the graph. Solve the equation I2x - 41=3 Sketch the gmph of #'= 2% —2. (ignore the module) For the partofthe line below the 2-amé, reflect in thea axé. Drew the line =2 on the same shetch. The solutions are the walues ofa where the Gmphs cmes (Aand &). Ab onthe original gmph of y= 20-2, Bison the reflected part. The solutions to the aquation are x = } | and =} ‘Original: Use 2¢ —2, When fg) £0, Hegl= -i2),:0,a8 ite flected, use —( 20 — 3) @ On the same diagmm, sketch the staphs of y= |Sa— 21 and y = Ida. b Sdive the equation ba — 2l=2e1. bAtA, Sx -2 = 2 -e—W—_ Sx=2 BL x=é | ALB, -@x-2)=2:" om | —Sx+2 =a Sketch the graph of 7 = 1a - 2). (As uve, forthe part of 3 = 40 — 2 that & below the Saxe, reflect in the t-ace.) On thesame dagam, sketch the graph of y= laa. The solution: for part bare the values of where the 2 graphs intemect Intersection point Ais on the original gph of = Sa+ 2, and on theonginal graph of Saat Intersection point Bs on the reflected part of 3) = Sa — 2, and on theanginal graph of ySm. Original: Use St — Zand ar. Reflected: Use —( 58 — 2) Original: Ube 22. Trani rming graphs of functions a On the same diagram, sketch the graphs of y= le?- al and =} - de. b Solve the equation Ix? - 2x1 =4- 2. x= S24 (2dp) (not valid or r=O0D8 @4p) B) The complete set- of solutions is x=—fanms =2- N15 (=0.08) Sketch the graph of j= be? — 21. (As usual, forthe part of! =a? — 26 that & below the axis, reflect in the t-axb Onthe same diagram, sketch the graph of ypoj-m. The solutions for part b are the walues of 2 where the 2 gmphs intersect. Intersection point A & on the orginal part of both gmaphs. Intersection point B & on the onginal graph of #=3— 2 and on the reflected part of psa -ax. Original: Uses? — 24 and } - 2x. THE 6 not valid, since at = 0. Reflected: Use —(x? — 2) Original: Use 3 — 2 You need to reject any invalid ‘solutions’. 1) Onthe same diagram, sketch the graphs of 7 = — 2 and 3 = Ihe — 21. Solve the equation tr =the - 2b 2) Onthe same diagram, sketch the graphs of y= Ixl and = |—4% — SI. Sdive the equation kel = |-4a- SI. 2 Onthe same diagram, shetch the graphs of y = 3a and y= be?— 4. Solve the equation a =b2- 4]. 4 Onthe same diagram, sketch the graphs of y= Il -— 1 andy = —|321. Sdlve the equation. kl-1=—-I321 § Onthe same diagram, sketch the graphs of y= 24 + 2x - x2 and y= Gx— 41. Solvethe equation 24+ 2c —a?= |Se —4). Canswers to 2d-p. whese appropriate. 54 You need to be able to apply a combination of two (or more) transformations to the same curve. In Book Cl, Chapter 4, you saw how to apply vatious transformations 10 curves. Th summarise these: EOD ia+a is a horizontal translation of —a @ fte)t+a isa vertical translation of +a Otc is a horizontal stretch of scale factor + @ oti is a vertical stretch of scalefactor a I ecro \ Sketch the graph of y = Ge — 27+ 3. Start with fae) = 2? Step] using (Dk ee -2)=@-2F Honzontal tansation of +2, Calling this atx). ad) = (x — 2 g@)+5=G-2F+5 Step 2 using (2 Yertial tarnbtonof +3. Sketch the graph of fi) =a7. Trani rming graphs of functions Step 1 Horizontal tarstation of +2. Step 2 Vertical trans tation of +3 Sketch the graph ofy = Start with fi] = = Step 1 wing}: 2 _ Horizontal traction of -5 aia Calling this gGé. git) = — Step 2 using €4): Vertiqal stretch, sak factor 2 Sketch the graph of i) = e: CHAPTER 5, Step 1 Horizontal tansbtion of —5. Step 2 ‘Vertical stretch, scale factor 2. Notice what hap pers toa point suchas (-4, 1)... goes to (4, 2. Tas, Sketch the graph of y=ccs 2-1. Start with fir] = cos x Step] using 2): F(2x) = cos 2 —————___ arizontal stretch, scale factor. Calling this g(x). q(z) = cos 2 ing thie ge). 3) meee Vertical tarebtion of -1. ag) —1= 00s 2c - 1 Trani rming graphs of functions Sketch the gaph of (2) =cosa. Step 1 Horizontal stretch, scale factor §. Step 2 Vertical transtion of —1. Sketch the graph of y = 3b - 11-2. Start with fiz) = fl Seen pee Step 1 using (1 ~ Horzontal translation of 1. ing this q(x). ate) = be = 1 Salling this ate) ale)= ke Step 2 using GQ): = = Vertical stretch, scale factor 3. ing this hed), bee) = Ste — AL Calling this hee). hia) = She step 3 sing @ -#= = 4 = 2 —_ hertical tarebtion of -2. CHAPTER 5, Sketch the graph of #22) = EC Step Horizontal transition of 1. Step 2 Vertical stretch, scale factor 3 Step 3 Vertical tarebtion of —2. Trani rming graphs of functions 1) Using combinations of transiiemations, sketch the graph of each of the following: ay=R?-4 bes 3e@tl? 3 3 Orga aE a @ = Ssing +30"), dae 2360" fy=+4 gy=Hezl+1 hey=#e-3 i y= Sing -Oeed j v= er—3l 54 Wien yu are given a sketch of y = fix), you need to be able to sketch transformations of the graph, showing coordinates af the points to which given Paints are mapped. The diagram shows a sketch of the graph of y = ffx). The curve passe through the origin O, the point A, —1) and the point BCE, 4) Sketch the graph of: a y= 2@)-1 bo ovsfet+ 342 c y= iia) da y=-fe—-1) Ineach case, find the coordinates of the images of the points 0, Aand B. —_—\!"_ Vertical stretch, sak factor 2. Vertical stretch, scale factor 2, thena wertical trrebtion of -1. =2fx) — 1 shown in red in the diagram. The images of OA and B are (0.—f), 2, — 3) and (6, 7) respectively. CHAPTER 5, bo y=fe+a+2 we fie +2) 4+ 2 is shown in red in the diagram. The images of @=. A and Bare (-2. 2. (2, TL and (4,0) respectively. 6 y=afiz4 y= F242) is shown in red in the diagram. The images of CLA and Bare (0,0), (1-025) and (3, 1) respectively. Horizontal translation of —2. Horizontal translation of —2, then a vertical translation of 2. *——__ dorizontal stretch, seale factor b. Horizontal stretch, sale factor’, thena vertical stretch, scale factor 3. Trani rming graphs of functions a Horizontal transition of 1. oT Horizontal tare ftion of 1, then a vertical i aa stretch, scale factor —1. A Swertical stretch with scale factor -1' & equivalent toa reflection in thet anc. 1| The diagram shows a sketch of the graph of y =£c). The curve passes through the otigin 0, the point Af-2, —2)and the pont Bi, 4). BG, 4) ALE -D Sketch the staph of: a y= H@eit2 by=ie-2-8 ce y=¥@ +1) a y= —f(24) Ineach case, find the cocmdinates of the images of the points 0, Aand B. CHAPTER 5, 2 The diagsam shows a sketch of the graph of y =f(r). The curve has a maximum at the point AC-1, 4) and caceses the anes at the points BO, #) and C(-2, 0). Al- 1,4) BQ, 2) Sketch the giaph of ay= 3-2 b= ae) cy=-fit+d ay=-#e+1) Foreach graph, find, where possible, the coomlinates of the maximum or minimum and the coordinates of the intersection points with the axes. 3 The diagram shows a sketch of the graph of y =f(x). The lines «= 2 and y=0 (the x-axis) a1B aS FMIptotes to the curva, ¥. Sketch the giaph of ay=3i@j-1 by=fe+2+4 cy =-f2x) Foreach patt, state the equations of the asymptote. 1 a Using the same scales and the same axes, skeich the graphs of y=|I2eland y= lx — al, where a =O. D White down the coordinates of the points where the graph of = b — al meets the axes. ¢ Show that the point with ccordinates (-a, a2) lies on both giaphs. dl Find the ccordinats, in tems ofa, of a second point which lies on both graphs. eo 2 a Sketch, ona single diagram, the graphs of y =a?— x7 and y=le+al, wheed isa constant and @ > 1 D White down the coordinates of the points where the graph of = @?— a? cuts the coordinate ace. ¢ Given that the two graphs intemect at x=4, calculate the value ofa. o Trani rming graphs of functions a On the same axes, sketch the gmphsof y=2-2andy= drt ll. b Henoe, or otherwise, find the values of « foe which 2-2 = 2h +11. 8 Functions f and g are defined by fitv4-a ff ER} gta? fx SR} a Find the range cf ¢. b Solve gtir) = 48. © Sketch the graph of y= ffl and hencefind the values of x for which fé1=2. | The function f is defined byf:a—sléx—al fe El}, wheted is a positive constant. @ Sketch the graph of y= fi), showing the coordinates of the points where the graph cuts the axes. b On a sepatate diagram, sketch the giaph of y= f(2x), showing the coordinates of the points where the graph cuts the axes. ¢ Given thata sdiution of the equation ff) = deisa =4, find the two possible values of a. @ Sketch the graph of = & — 2al, where a isa positive constant. Show the ccordinate of the points where the giaph meets the axes. b Using algebra solve, for x in terms of a, la - 2al = be. c¢ On a separate diagtam, sketch the giaph of y= a— bk — dal, wherea is a poritive constant. Shovw the cocadinates of the points where the giaph cuts the axes. a Sketch the graph of y= l2x+al, @>0, showing the coordinates of the points where the staph meets the coordinate axes. Db On the same axes, sketch the giaph ofya= ¢ Explain how your gmphs show that there is only one solution of the equaticn ela t+al-1=0 d Find, wing algebra, the value of x for which xl2x + @l-1 =0. Q The diagram shows patt of the curre with, ¥ equation += f(x), where ffeisx?—- Ae t+Slne+8 x0 The points A and B are the stationary points of the curve. a Using calculus and showing your working, e S find the coordinates of the points A and B. D Sketch the curve with equation y = — afi — 2). c Find the coordinates of the stationary points ofthe curve with equation 3= —Hix — 2). State, without pioot, which pont isa maximum and which point isa minimum. Q Summary of key points 1 The modulus ofa number @, written a5 lal, is its positive numerical value. * Fo lal =0, al=a. * For lal <0, al= —2. Tosketch the graph of y = ffl: * Sketch the giaph cf y= fi). * Reflect in the x-axis any parts where fix)<0 (parts below the a-axis). © Delete the parts below the x-axis. To sketch the graph of y =f(lzl): ® Sketch the giaph of += fie) fore =O. ® Reflect this in the y-axis. Tosolve an equation of the tepe Ife = gic) or lf = leGel: ® Use a sketch to locate the roots. ® Solve alebraically, using —ff¢) for teflected parts of y = f(x) and —g() for reflected parts of y= gtr). Basie types of transformation ar fie+a@) a horizontal translation of -a fiit+a@ a vertical translation of tz fix) a horizontal stretch of scale factor ate) a vettical stretch of scale factor a These may be combined to give, for example ffs +a), which is a horizontal translation of -a followed by a vertical stretch of scale factor b. Forcombinations of transformations, the graph can be built up ‘one step at a time, starting froma basic of given curve. After completing this chapter you should know 1) the functions secant 4 cosecant dand cotangent @ 2 the graphs of sec @ cosec d and cot d c 3 how to solve equations and prove identities involing sec 4, cosec dand cot d 4 how to prove and use the identities 1 + tanégd = sect and 1+ cot?@= coseca 5 how to sketch and use the inverse trigonometric functions arcing, arccoss and arctan. Trigonometry Leorhard Eur (1707-4743, tha hemous CHAPTER 6. M@ Thefundions secant & cosecant # and eam ofenwsinen and pr ES cotangent # are defined as: a5 secé, cose #and cot . sec g= —_ cose Remember that cov’ 4 mics ff don Bt. {undefined for values of @at which cos #= 0} oe inet Sa For example, cos-? @ does not mean ——. 1 cord . cosec d= Do not comiize cos) 4 with sac 4. {undefined for values of Gat which sin $= 0} asang= 228 Cot # can also be writen ® cot d= —— Ga tan@ con@ as cot # =——. {undefined for values of Gat which tan #= Of. ing dea mple i Lae your calculator to write down the value of: @ sec 280° beeotlls*. il a 200 2BOP = — = 8.76 (5 sf] Find cos 2807 and then use thet key. bo ocottit = = —0466 (3 243) —— Find tan 115° and then use the 2-7 key. 1 tant Work out the exact values of: Bact here means give in @ sec 210° suid foam. 3a b cosec Trigonometry 210° 6 in 3rd quadmnt, so cos 210°= cos 20% Remember that cos 30°= ES ordawan equilateral tiangle of side 2 and use Pythago ms’ theorem. Rationale the denominator. Eas & in the #nd quadmnt, so ae = in =45in=. sin as = Remember that sing = yy ordawa right-angled Bosca: trangeand we Pythagoms’ theorem. CHAPTER 6. 1) Without using your calculatcs, write down the sign of the following trigonomertic ratics: a sec 300° b coer 190" cont 110° dicot 200° 8 ser 95" 2 Use your calewlator to find, to 2 significant figures, the values of a sec 100" b coer 260" c coner 230° dootsa* a ca 2 £ sec 24 lla z g coe hoc & 3 Find theexact value in surd form where appropeiate) of the following: a@ coRec SO" b cot 135° c sec 1a* di sec 240° ® cope 300" £ cot(-454) g sec 60" heeoer (-210% i sec 225" : dn lla aa j cot kee 1 coser(-22) 40a Copy and complete the table, showing values (10 2 decimal places) of sec 4 for selected valucs of 4. of | 20%] 45") 60° | Ao] goe |] ose | Os% | 100") 110%) 120%) 135%) 150") 180° | 210% sec#] 1 1.41 376 114% 2d -14l 1.15) b Copy and complete the table, showing values (to 2 decimal places) of comer @ for selected values of 4. a o* |} 2°} 2] 45°] soe | 80° | 90% | 100°) 120°] 135°] 150°] 140°] 170° cosec # 141 1 1.15 | 141 a Too" |} a0°] 210°) 225°) B40" | 270") 200°) 315°] 320° | 240%) 350° | 2o0* cose # -115 -? ¢ Copy and complete the table, showing values (to 2 decimal places) of cot # for selected values of 4. a ~a0*] -60*] -45*]- MP] - Or] lor | zor | ase | oe | oor | rage] nse] 150¢ | Tate | 21oe | 225) ator | 270F cote | oO |-0.58] 172] 1 [058 -1 O58 Trigonometry Sketch, in the interval -180° 242180", the graph of + =ser 4. ye ect First draw the graph + =cos @. For each walue of @, the value of sec @ & the reciprocal of the comes ponding valueof cos f In particule: a cosO°= 1, sosecO*=1; as cos 180° =—-1,s0 5c 190"=—-1. As @appmaches 90° from the lat, cos dis +e but approache: 26m, andsosec és tye but becoming inc mess ingly lange. As @appraches O0* from the right, cos gis —ve but appmache: 22m, and so sec ds we but becoming inc ress ingly large negative. At @=O0% ther i: no walueof sec #fyou may see -be written forthe value), so at §=90°% there & a breakin the cure there & a vertical asymptote at the point. Compare the completed table for Question da in Exercise 6.4 with the related part of the sraph in Example 3. @ The graph of y =sec4 SER, has symmetry in the y-axis and repeats itself every 360°, It has vertical asymptotes at all the values of for which cos#=0, ie at #= 90° + 180", nee, Sketch the graph of 7 =coser 8. As sin f = cos (a — Soy" See Chapter 8 in Book C2. it follows that cases & = seola — Sey’. yn 8 + First daw the gmaph of y= sec & CHAPTER 6. 4 Soom # Then translate the gph of += sec @ by 90° to the right. Note: You could first draw the graph of go=sin & and proceed as in Example 3. Compare the completed table for Question 4b in Exercise 6.4 with the graph of = cosec #in Example 4. M@ Thegraph of y= cosec4 # Elk, has vertical asymptotes at all the values of @for which sin $= 0,10, at $= 1800, 92, and the curva repeats itself avery 260", Sketch the graph of y =cot 4. youne First draw the graphs = tan é. pace At the value: of @ wher asymptotes occ ur on = tan & the gph of = cot d pases through the #axé. At the values of # where 3 =tan #@crmomes the #axis, 3 =cot @ has asymptotes. When tang smalland positive, cot #is brge and positive when tan i largeand positive cot @ & smalland positive. Similary for negative values. Compate the gtaph in Example $ with your answers to Exercise 64, Question 4c. M@ Thegraph of y= cot & #=R, has vertical asymptotes at all the values of #for which Sin #= 0,18, at $= 1800f, 22, and the curve repeats itself every 180°, Trigonometry a eT) Sketch, in the interval 0 =: 9 =: 360°, the graph of y= 1 tsar 24. yom # Step 1 Drew thegmaphofs=sec 8. Step 2 Stretch in the @-direction with factor }. yoltsec oe Step 3 Trae bte by +1 in the s-dinection. 1 a Sketch, in the interval —S40° =: 42 540%, the graphs of: ised ii cosec 4 ii cot ¢ b Write down the range of ised ii cosec 4 ii cot 8 2 a Sketch, on the same sot of axes, in the interval 0 42280", the graphs of y = sec 4 and y= —ce5 8. b Explain how your giapihs sow that sec 4= —cos @has no solutions. 2 a Sketch, on the same set of axes, in the interval 0< 4<380", the graphs of = oot dand ys sn Ze D Deducethe number of solutions of the equation cot a= sin 29 in the interval O24 = 360". CHAPTER 6. a Sketch on sepaste axes, in the interval 0 42 360°, the graphs ofy = tan and 3 =cota+S0"). b Hence, state a relationship between tan dand oot(a+90%. a Desctibe the relationships between the graphs of i tan att and tan 4 ii cot(—a)and cota itt coec(9+2) and coma iv sa 5-2 and ss z b By considering the graphs of sans +3} cot fl, cose +4) and se(s 7 3 state which pain of functions are equal. Sketch on sepatate axes, in the interval 0 = 4 360%, the graphs of: ay =5ec 29 by=-come a cyvy=ltseca di y=coseciy— 20% Tn each case show the coordinates of any maximum and minimum points, and cf any ports at which the curve meets the axes. 7 Write down the petiods of the following functions. Give your answer in terms of a. a sec 38 Db cosecha c 2ccta dsc & a Sketch the gmaph of y=1 + 2secain the interval — = a= 2a. D Write down the ycoondinate of points at which the gradient is sero. 1 ‘ ae Trim and give the smallest positive c Deduce the maximum and minimum values of Ta values of dat which they cecur. Simplify a sil dcot assoc a D sin acces afser o teceer 4) a sin @oot @sec @ Write the expression in tenms ofsin and cos, 1 nn eames Bon 1 ising cot #= — ae ete % sin’ aint Gere? 1 = sin 1 al Write the expression in terms of sinand cos, cos sing b sec@ 4+ cosec gs 1 1 using seco and cosec o= Tne sin G+ cos Ge = Put over common denominator. sin cas @ Go sin@oos Ogee d+ cosex Gh Multiply both side bysin #cos & = sing + cos @ The given expression reduces to sin d+ cos 8. Trigonometry cot gccaar 8 Eat sect a tecsectg coe 8 Consider LHS: The numerator cot Goosen @ = 008 5 1 cos # "ging sing sin? @ Wirte the expression in tents ofsin and cos, The denominator sect 4+ cosec* ¢ ees = putes ts a e_,1 Write the expression, in term: ofsin and cos, cost g sin? B feingee sa eo ees cos cost @ _ sin? §+ cos? g 1 ~Gos8 dai @ I Se eee 7 4 Remember that sin? #+ cos? gm 1. ~ 6082 Gain 8 cob Pooses F sect § + coset F 0s By 1 wen (Ge me ood m cos? asin? F Remember to invert the fraction when ine @ an changing fmm + signto x. Soe e Example E] Solve the equations: ascg=-2s beot2=0.6 in the interval 0 #42360" a Asseog=—25 1 Use cos #=—— to rewrite as cos d=... 40 008 # = —O4 seca fe coe fit —ve, A in 2ndand 3rd quadrants. Remember that if you are using the quadrant diagram, the acuteanglete the forizortal is coe—W-+0.4. $= 15S MSF = td 246" (3 sf —_ Read off from thediagmm. CHAPTER 6. 1 1, Tea bo As cot2g= O08 60 tanZ@ = use tanzg=—_ cot ae a|— Let ¥= 24 so that you are sebing tank = inthe intenal O = X= 720" Draw the quadmant diagram, with the acute angk X= tan 2 drawn to the horizontal in the 1st and 3nd quadrants. Remember that ¥ = 24 X= SO.0 23807, 49.0", 928 Go §= 29S", 20 2107 SO (© sf) Give solutions to these equations, correct to 1 decimal place. Rewtite the following a5 powers of ser 4, Coser sor cot 8: a pn 4 oe. 1-sinta sin! 8 tan® 8 2oce?a sintg Seca 2 conec? stan? 4 nals E-Veuror? aconacer es eee coer” btan’} a cota Corer? acct asec d @ Yano TRA Write down the value(s) of cots in each of the following equations: a Ssina=4cc82 b tanz=-2 nF = oe che Sine Ubi g the definitions of sec, cosec, cot and tam simplify the following expressions: @ simgcots b tan soot ¢ © tan 2accser 24 Mccs gsi afcota+ tan a) @ SifP weceed x +08? asec x £ sad —ser Asin? SOC COS x + OO eccRer eit Show that @ CORD SiN tan pf mser go © COREC @— Sil dmccs soot 8 becot é+tan dmcceec psec a a (Cl —copa)(] +5eca) sing ane cos Sill i T+eota 1 +tana Trigonometry § Solve, for values of gin the interval O24 360", the following equations. Give your answers tO 3 significant figures where necessary. a scasV2 Db comer #=—-3 c Soota=-2 d coer a= 2 @ dsecta-4=0 £ Secs a= Fcota § cotta-Stang=0 Wh 2sind=cosec 4 6 Solve, for values of in the interval -160°4= 180% the following equations: a conec d=] bse g=-3 ec cobg= 345 a 2ccsoc? a— geceeca=0 @ eca=2c8 £ dcota= 25a ® cosec 2a= 4 hh 2cot® a—cota- 5=0 3 Solve the following equations for values of gin the interval 0 #42 20. Give your answers in terms of x. a secd= 1B DB cot ¢=-¥3 c conor b= 2 d sec = VEtan[ a5, 84) & Inthe diagram AP = 6cm is the diameter of the cistle and FT is the tangent to the cirde at 3. The chord AC is extended to meet this tangent at Dand ¢DAP= 4. @ Show that CD = éfsec d—coe a. b Given that CD = 160m, calculate the length of the chon AC. 6.4 You need to know and be able to use the identities * 1+tan?@ =sec?d # 1+ cot? =cosectd Show that 1 +tan? dmsertg As sin? gt cos? 9 =1 si @ cost g_ 1 SEE eG Cae Divide both sides of the identity by cost & wo ((2eF aft Uke tan #= 205 and ser $= 008 # 008 F 1+ tar’ § =sec* 9 CHAPTER 6. Show that 1 +cct? 4 cceer2a 4s si? @+ cost g =1 sing ocostg 1 50 Tree’ sie sip”) Divide both sides of the identity by-sin? g. cong of | 2. eee 60 14 (28) =) sing sin @ 1+ cot? @ Scosec? f Given that tan A = —§, and that angle A is obtuse, find the exact value ct a sed bind a Method { Using 1+ tar? A =sect 4 sata =1+8=8 train sac A = +2 > $__{£{_"_—_!_"——_ This does not take account of the fct that angle 46 obtuse. p— fe ange Ais obtuse, i.e. inthe znd a aA quadrant, sec Az —1e. Tr c sec A, =-% Method 2 Draw a right-angled triangle with tang = 4. B 5 [— Sime cose = 14 # = Angle 4, inthe 1st quadrant, is equally inclined to the horizontal a ange A, in the Using Pythagoras’ theorem, the 2nd quadrant, and so all tigonomet rical Teneo use 10) siesta numercalhy equal to those Go sega 9 ez : a fs A pinthe 2nd quadmnt, cos A & —veand se A= —p* therefore sec 4s —ve.

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