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Maxine Joy C.

Juare BS Accountancy G1
Reading in Philippine History

“Lesson 1 and 2 Assessment”

1.) What are the advantages of using Primary Sources and disadvantages in using Secondary


 Primary sources are produced at the same time as the event, period, or subject being
studied. And there are many advantages of using primary sources such as
authenticity, reliability, accuracy and objectivity of the document or the evidence
being used. Because unlike secondary sources that often involve generalization,
synthesis, interpretation, and commentary, primary source produced data from an actual
happening such as photographs of the event, eyewitness accounts of convention,
archival documents, artifacts, letters, census, government records and many more.

 A secondary source on the other hand is produced by an author who used primary
sources to produce the material. And disadvantages of using this source are data might
be subjective, it might be outdated, and its data might not be that accurate because
it often attempt to describe or explain primary sources, offer an analysis, interpretation or
a restatement of primary sources, thus it might be considered as persuasive.

2.) Do you think our history is worth revisiting? Reasons.


 Yes, because Philippines history was incredible and undoubtedly awesome. As I read
how Magellan and other voyagers found Philippines and how they baptized Filipinos and
make them Christians, I was intrigue, I was wondering what would it feels like
participating the first mass in the Philippine history and witnessing how Magellan planted
the cross and perform the first miracle in the Philippines as he baptized the man, just
imagining it, gives me goose bumps. Also observing how these brave Filipinos fight for
our independence against those unjust Spaniards colonizers, feels so fantastic! It was
like I was reading an A+ graded fiction novel! Analysing how we able to adapt the new
political culture of our new colonizers which is the Americans was pretty awesome
cause, imagine from Catholic-centered, Spanish-Filipino society to an imperial
American-assimilated one?! Like how flexible and adaptable this old Filipino was, very
amusing! And remembering how Filipinos fight for the freedom against the authoritarian
dictator Ferdenand Marcos was one of the remarkable things that happened throughout
the history because it is where almost every Filipinos fight for justice and freedom as
one, and reading it make me proud for being born a Filipino. As I read all those stories of
how our ancestors suffer and fight for what we have now, I came to the conclusion that
we Filipino’s are indeed an awesome human being, a remarkable fighter and a brave
warrior. Philippines history, for me is one of the best non-fiction stories I have ever read
in my life. And revisiting it is totally worth it!
3.) Give the context (what is it about) and a short analysis/reaction (3-5 paragraphs) of the
Speech of President Corazon Aquino as a primary source.


Cory Aquino’s speech was indeed an important event in the political diplomatic history of
the country because this speech legitimized the EDSA government in the international arena.
The speech that given by Cory Aquino was about her family background, especially with her late
husband, Ninoy Aquino; where she stated the struggles and sufferings of her late husband at
the hands of the dictatorship and how he resisted. Also she talks about her new government
where she give full respect of the Bill of Rights however despite of talking about her new
government she still went back to Ninoy’s legacies and lesson. Moreover, her participation of
the revolution to Ninoy’s death demonstrate not only her personal perception on revolution but
also represents what the dominant discourse was that point in history.

The idea of the new democratic government can also be seen in the same speech. In
her speech, she stated that “we restore democracy by the ways of democracy, so are we
completing the constitutional structure of our new democracy under a constitution that already
gives full respect to the Bill of Rights. A jealously independent Constitutional Commission is
completing its draft which will be submitted later this year to a popular referendum. When it is
approved, there will be congressional elections. So within about a year from a peaceful but
national upheaval that overturned a dictatorship, we shall have returned to full constitutional
government. Given the polarization and breakdown we inherited, this is no small achievement.”
and then she proceeded with her peace agenda with the existing communist insurgency, she
asserted; “My predecessor set aside democracy to save it from a communist insurgency that
number less than five hundred. Unhampered by respect for human rights, he went at it hammer
and tongs. By the time he fled, that insurgency had grown to more than 16,000. I think there is a
lesson here to be learned about trying to stifle a thing with the means by which it grows”. In that
speech she was able to draw a sharp line comparing her government to Marcos regime by
expressing her commitment to a democratic constitution drafted by the independent
commission. She claimed that the constitution confirm and believe the rights and freedom of the
Filipino people. Also she raised herself as a reconciliatory agent for more than two decades of
an authoritarian politics, which her main approach to its different problem was through peace
and not through the sword of war.

Despite Cory’s effort to raise herself as the exact opposite of Marcos, her arguments still
have a certain parallelism between her and Marcos government. Where in her acceptance of
the invitation that address the U.S. congress, in which she decided to build and continue the
alliance between the Philippines and United States and effectively implement an essential
similar foreign policy same as to the dictatorship. Like for example, the debts that Marcos
incurred even though Filipino people never benefited it. But in spite of it, Cory expresses her
intention of paying off these debts. Unknown to many Filipinos that this debts was the dictator
debts and not for the country. Cory’s decision on paying it, is the indicator that her government
will carry the debt-driven economy.

Reading Cory Aquino’s speech gives me cues about her guiding principles on how she
reign this country like becoming a leader that exceeds the peoples expectation, treat each
citizen of this country fairly, participate and contribute actively for the greater good of the
nations. Also the framework of her governments represented. In which we can clearly see that
political systems and to political regulations, laws and the norms present in political systems on
the Philippines will be in the greater hands.

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