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The Setting
The community was not the typical uban city you see. The houses are attached to
each other and are small. Their windows are covered with metal bars. The roofs of
their houses are made of iron sheets ( yero). They would hang their clothes
outside their homes. As you walk in their community you would see a lot of sari-
sari stores and people who are selling ulam. These were the livelihood of the
people there. There were also many roosters there because the past time of the
men there is cockfight. There is also a day care center for the children. There is
also a school there and its really eco-friendly because they would use 7-up bottles
as their design for the correighdors. The community was very lively and cheerful.
The problem in the community is that there are too many sari-sari stores. There
are too many competitions within the community and that the flow of the money
is also within the community. There are also some homes that don’t have water.
There is also a part of the community that when it rains the creek overflows and
the houses drown from that. The day care center is also not enough for all the
children in the community.

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