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1. The most important part in the play was the death of Brother Solomon.

His death
is very meaningful in the story because he has shown his faith and loyalty to God.
He is ready to sacrifice his life in exchange of not taking the constitution civil
oath. He knows in himself that the constitution is against the will of God and that
he will be betraying God if he took the oath.
2. A way that I can imitate Brother Solomon in my own way is fighting for what I
believe. Brother Solomon believed that it is against him to take the oath and he is
willing to sacrifice his life for it. I can also be like that not giving up on the things
that I fight for even if people are pulling me down. I will still stand up tall like
Brother Solomon and will keep fighting for what I believe.
3. My realizations during the play were that during the French Revolution a lot of
priests and bishops suffered because of the constitution. There were a lot of
innocent lives taken away when a sword killed the bishops and priests. Brother
Solomon was also very brave because he was ready to die. He knew for himself
that he would not take an oath in the constitution. Brother Solomon also helped
the poor with risk being caught by the authorities. He has shown helpfulness to
the poor and the children.
4. The musical play started with the death of Brother Solomon from there it was
changed to Brother Solomon teaching to children. The play was placed in the
French Revolution. Brother Solomon and the other brothers still continued to help
the poor people, but they were hiding from the government because of the
constitution. The constitution hindered Brother Solomon and the other brothers in
the brotherhood to live in the word God. Brother Solomon and he other brothers
were then imprisoned in Carmelite Monastery. The priest and bishops were all
killed by a sword.

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