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Name: _____________________ Date: _________Grade: 8º Año “A”

Teacher: Ingrid Duhalde. Puntaje: Puntaje Real: ____Nota: ____

 Escucha atentamente las instrucciones del Profesor(a) Evaluador(a).

 Lee con atención cada pregunta de la prueba.
 Piensa y analiza antes de contestar.
 Revisa con tranquilidad tus respuestas al terminar.
 El tiempo máximo para desarrollar la prueba es de: 45 minutos.
 El puntaje máximo de esta prueba es de 29 puntos.

I.- Habilidad: Leer el texto y escribir verdadero (V) o falso (F) a las oraciones. ( 5 ptos)
1.- Read the sentences and write T (true) or F (false).

Balancing Act
Stoyan Palazov is a fifteenyear- old Bulgarian acrobat.
He and his twenty-one-yearold brother, Silvio, are from
the 7th generation of circus performers in their family.
Their parents were performers and have passed on their
knowledge to their sons. Their parents lead the group and they travel
the world together. Stoyan likes his job very much. He started to
perform in the circus when he was eleven years-old. Stoyan is thin and
muscular. He traveled all over Europe with his family three years ago.
When he was thirteen, he went to the US for an eighty city tour. He
has to perform two or three times a day. He is part of a risktaking act
that involves triple somersault and balancing acts. They think he
should go to school, study, and take exams like other children, but
Stoyan does not agree and says that he learns somuch traveling
around the world with the circus and his parents. “Circus life is
exciting,” he says, “but we do have to work hard. It’s not fun and
games all the time.”

Write T (true) or F (false).

a. ______ Stoyan and his brother are the first circus workers in their family.
b. ______ The five-man-high tower is more than twenty meters tall.
c. ______ Stoyan always wears a safety belt.
d. ______ The circus life is exciting, not much work.
e. ______ Photo people are at the circus .

II.- Habilidad: Leer el texto e identificar palabras parecidas al español.

2.- Read the text and write cognados. (8 ptos)

Write eigth cognados:

1.- ……………………………. 5.- ……………………………..

2.- ……………………………. 6.- …………………………….
3.- …………………………… 7.- …………………………….
4.- …………………………… 8.- …………………………….
III.- Habilidad: Identificar información del texto y completa tabla con pronombres.
3.- Identify text information and complete chart Object pronouns. ( 8 ptos)

Molly loves Sam. Sam loves her, but he never says ‘I love you’.
Sam dies, and now he is a ghost. He watches Molly every day,
she can’t see him. Sam finds a psychic,Ota Mae. He uses her to
speak to Molly. In the end Sam says ‘I love you’.

IV.- Habilidad: Completar las oraciones con los pronombres objetos, según información.
4.- Complete the sentences with an object pronoun (me, you, etc.)to information. ( 8 ptos)

a) He’s in love with ____but she doesn’t love .

b) It’s a good film. Do you want to see ?

c) You speak very quickly. I can’t understand .

d) We have a problem. Can you help .

e) I try talk to but she doesn’t listen to .

f) They’re nice people. Do you know .


OA-12 Habilidad: Leer el texto y escribir verdadero (V) o falso (F) a las oraciones.
OA- 9 Habilidad: Leer el texto e identificar palabras parecidas al español.
OA-14 Habilidad:. Identificar información del texto y completa tabla con pronombres.
OA-16 Habilidad: Completar las oraciones con los pronombres objetos, según información
Habilidades según objetivos de aprendizaje

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