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Server Maintenance Checklist Security checks

1 Domain Availability/SSL Check
2 Public Ip Address

3 Installing Software Updates

4 Control Panel Updates for Domain and Server

5 Server Resource Usage

6 Resources under High Strain

7 Verify Daily and Weekly Backup of Website

8 Review User Accounts / Access

9 Antivirus and Malware Scans

10 Database Access and Resource Usage

11 Disk Space Available

12 Server Uptime / Down time Alerts Check

13 Server log

14 Google / Apple Accounts

Maintenance Checklist
Is Domain Acive or Not
any changes in Public Ip
Server (operating Sytem and web application ) Updates are
Domain Control panel / server access details available

time to time check server resource -CPU,Storage,Ram,Network

identify the root cause of the High Strain

Check daily backups are running and restore to Verify your
backups are working, Monthly Raid Backups
Version control of the Software with update logs

periodically scan to prevent Malwares and network attacks

check User Access for Database and Space allocation details

perform some basic checks to ensure your RAID system, and

will continue to, work properly with available space and
intimate client if Upgrade required
Alerts to client about server downtime / uptime details
For Error Check Server log for Operating system and hardware
Maintain Play store and Apple store Accounts for Hosting
Andoid and IOS App Related

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