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Chapter |2|

Conception and implantation

Roger Pepperell

become primary oocytes. The number of primary oocytes

LEARNING OUTCOMES falls progressively and by birth is down to about 1 million
and to about 0.4 million by puberty.
After studying this chapter you should be able to:

Knowledge criteria Meiosis

• Describe the basic principles of the formation of the
The process of meiosis results in 23 chromosomes being
found in each of the gametes, half the number of chromo-
• Describe the physiology of the normal menstrual cycle
• Describe the physiology of coitus, fertilization and
somes found in normal cells. With the fertilization of the
implantation  egg by a sperm, the chromosome count is returned to the
normal count of 46 chromosomes. Fusion of the sperm and
Clinical competency the egg occurs when the first of two meiotic divisions of the
• Counsel a couple about the fertile period oocyte has already been completed; with the second mei-
otic division occurring subsequently and being completed
prior to the 23 chromosomes of the male gamete joining
those of the female gamete within the nucleus of the cell,
Oogenesis the zygote is formed, which will become the embryo.
In meiosis, two cell divisions occur in succession, each
of which consists of prophase, metaphase, anaphase and
Primordial germ cells originally appear in the yolk sac and telophase. The first of the two cell divisions is a reduction
can be identified by the fourth week of fetal development division, and the second is a modified mitosis in which the
(Fig. 2.1). These cells migrate through the dorsal mesen- prophase is usually lacking (Fig. 2.2). At the end of the first
tery of the developing gut and finally reach the genital meiotic prophase, the double chromosomes undergo syn-
ridge between 44 and 48 days post-conception. Migration apsis, producing a group of four homologous chromatids
occurs into a genital tubercle consisting of mesenchymal called a tetrad. The two centrioles move to opposite poles.
cells that appear over the ventral part of the mesonephros. A spindle forms in the middle, and the membrane of the
The germ cells form sex cords and become the cortex of nucleus disappears. During this prophase period of meiosis
the ovary. I, the double chromosomes, which are closely associated
The sex cords subsequently break up into separate in pairs along their entire length, undergo synapsis, cross-
clumps of cells and, by 16 weeks, these clumped cells ing over and undergoing chromatid exchange, with these
become primary follicles, which incorporate central germ processes accounting for the differences seen between two
cells. same-sex siblings despite the fact that the female gametes
These cells undergo rapid mitotic activity, and by 20 came from the same mother.
weeks of intrauterine life, there are about 7 million cells, The primary oocytes remain in suspended prophase
known as oogonia. After this time, no further cell division until sexual maturity is reached, or even much later, with
occurs and no further ova are produced. By birth, the oogo- meiosis I not recommencing until the dominant follicle
nia have already begun the first meiotic division and have is triggered by luteinizing hormone (LH) to commence

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2020. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
  Conception and implantation Chapter |  2 |

Yolk Primordial germ Reach genital Primary follicle with 7 million cells
sac cells identified ridge central germ cell (oogonia)

Sex cords formed = Mitotic

cortex of gonads = activity No further
separate clumps cell division
of cells or ova

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Gestation (weeks)
Fig. 2.1  Embryonic and fetal development of oogonia.

the development of a small second polar body. In the

male the original cell containing 46 chromosomes ulti-
mately results in four separate spermatozoa, each being
of the same size but containing only 23 chromosomes
(see Spermatogenesis, later). 

Follicular development in the ovary
The gross structure and the blood supply and nerve sup-
ply of the ovary have been described in Chapter 1. How-
ever, the microscopic anatomy of the ovary is important in
understanding the mechanism of follicular development
and ovulation.
The surface of the ovary is covered by a single layer
of cuboidal epithelium. The cortex of the ovary contains
Telophase a large number of oogonia surrounded by follicular cells
that become granulosa cells. The remainder of the ovary
consists of a mesenchymal core. Most of the ova in the
Meiosis cortex never reach an advanced stage of maturation and
become atretic early in follicular development. At any
given time, follicles can be seen in various stages of matu-
Fig. 2.2  Primary oocytes remain in suspended prophase. Mei-
ration and degeneration (Fig. 2.3). About 800 primary
otic division resumes under stimulation by luteinizing hormone.
follicles are ‘lost’ during each month of life from soon
after puberty until menopause, with only one or two of
these follicles resulting in release of a mature ovum each
ovulation. In anaphase, the daughter chromatids separate menstrual cycle in the absence of ovarian hyperstimula-
and move towards opposite poles. Meiosis II commences tion therapy. This progressive loss occurs irrespective of
around the time the sperm are attached to the surface of whether the patient is pregnant, on the oral contracep-
the oocyte and is completed prior to the final phase of tive pill, having regular cycles or amenorrhoeic, with
fertilization. menopause occurring at the same time irrespective of the
Thus, the nuclear events in oogenesis are virtu- number of pregnancies or cycle characteristics. The vast
ally the same as in spermatogenesis, but the cytoplas- majority of the follicles lost have undergone minimal or
mic division in oogenesis is unequal, resulting in only no actual maturation.
one secondary oocyte. This small cell consists almost The first stage of follicular development is character-
entirely of a nucleus and is known as the first polar body. ized by enlargement of the ovum with the aggregation
As the ovum enters the Fallopian tube, the second mei- of stromal cells to form the thecal cells. When a domi-
otic division occurs and a secondary oocyte forms, with nant follicle is selected at about day 6 of the cycle, the

Descargado para DIANA ESTEFANY VARAS MAGUIÑA ( en Universidad Cesar Vallejo de por Elsevier en septiembre 04,
2020. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Section |  1 | Essential reproductive science

Blood vessels Follicle: double layered Zona pellucida Granulosa cells –

Egg nest Mature follicle corona radiata

Ovum Mature

Antrum formation –
follicular fluid

Ruptured Corpus luteum Primary

follicle follicle

Corpus Ruptured Egg nest

luteum follicle
Fig. 2.4  Ovulation and corpus luteum formation.
Fig. 2.3  Development and maturation of the Graafian follicle.

Hormonal events associated with

innermost layers of granulosa cells adhere to the ovum ovulation
and form the corona radiata. A fluid-filled space devel-
ops in the granulosa cells, and a clear layer of gelatinous
material collects around the ovum, forming the zona pel- The maturation of oocytes, ovulation and the endometrial
lucida. The ovum becomes eccentrically placed, and the and tubal changes of the menstrual cycle are all regulated
Graafian follicle assumes its classic mature form. The by a series of interactive hormonal changes (Fig. 2.5).
mesenchymal cells around the follicle become differen- The process is initiated by the release of the gonadotro-
tiated into two layers, forming the theca interna and the phin-releasing hormone (GnRH), a major neurosecretion
theca externa. produced in the median eminence of the hypothalamus.
As the follicle enlarges, it bulges towards the surface of This hormone is a decapeptide and is released from axon
the ovary and the area under the germinal epithelium thins terminals into the pituitary portal capillaries. It results in
out. Finally, the ovum, with its surrounding investment the release of both follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and
of granulosa cells, escapes through this area at the time of LH from the pituitary.
ovulation. GnRH is released in episodic fluctuations, with an
The cavity of the follicle often fills with blood but, at increase in the number of surges being associated with
the same time, the granulosa cells and the theca interna the higher levels of plasma LH commencing just before
cells undergo the changes of luteinization to become mid-cycle and continued ongoing GnRH action required
filled with yellow carotenoid material. The corpus luteum to initiate the huge oestrogen-induced LH surge. Kiss-
in its mature form shows intense vascularization and pro- peptin levels in the serum and urine have been studied
nounced vacuolization of the theca and granulosa cells during the menstrual cycle and found to be useful in the
with evidence of hormonal activity. This development prediction of ovulation. During the first 5 days of the
reaches its peak approximately 7 days after ovulation, and cycle, it is low. There is a surge around the eleventh day
thereafter the corpus luteum regresses unless implanta- when the dominant follicle is about 1.2 cm. The second
tion occurs, when human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) surge, which is smaller, is around the fourteenth day.
production by the implanting embryo prolongs corpus Serum kisspeptin levels correlate well with 17-β oestra-
luteum function until the placenta takes over this role at diol (E2) levels. It appears that kisspeptin surge may be a
about 10 weeks of gestation. The corpus luteum degen- good marker of the dominant follicle development prior
eration is characterized by increasing vacuolization of the to ovulation.
granulosa cells and the appearance of increased quantities The three major hormones involved in reproduction
of fibrous tissue in the centre of the corpus luteum. This are produced by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland
finally develops into a white scar known as the corpus albi- or adenohypophysis and include FSH, LH and prolactin.
cans (Fig. 2.4).  Blood levels of FSH are slightly higher during menses and

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2020. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
  Conception and implantation Chapter |  2 |

Pituitary gland
GnRH – median eminence
of hypothalamus

Posterior lobe Anterior lobe

Gonadotrophin (mU/mL serum)

LH FSH Prolactin
70 LH
Oestradiol (nmol/L plasma)

1.5 Progesterone (nmol/L plasma)

30 50


0 7 14 21 28 0 7 14 21 28 0 7 14 21 28
A Days B Days C Days

Fig. 2.5  The hormonal regulation of ovulation. Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) stimulates the release of gonadotrophins
from the anterior lobe of the pituitary. Blood levels of (A) luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH); (B) oestra-
diol; and (C) progesterone during a 28-day menstrual cycle. LSH, Lutein-stimulating hormone.

subsequently decline due to the negative feedback effect

of the oestrogen production by the dominant follicle. LH Certain feedback mechanisms regulate the release
levels appear to remain at a relatively constant level in the of FSH and LH by the pituitary. This is principally
first half of the cycle; however, there is a marked surge of achieved by the oestrogens and progesterone produced
by the ovaries. In the presence of ovarian failure, as seen
LH 35–42 hours before ovulation and a smaller coinciden-
in menopause, the gonadotrophin levels become mark-
tal FSH peak (see Fig. 2.5). The LH surge is, in fact, made
edly elevated because of the lack of ovarian oestrogen
up of two proximate surges, and a peak in plasma oestra-
and progesterone production. Inhibin B levels were
diol precedes the LH surge. Plasma LH and FSH levels are thought to predict the ovarian reserve in infertile women
slightly lower in the second half of the cycle than in the pre- but have been shown not to be that useful.
ovulatory phase, but continued LH release by the pituitary
is necessary for normal corpus luteum function. Pituitary
gonadotrophins influence the activity of the hypothalamus
by a short-loop feedback system between the gonadotro- Prolactin is secreted by lactotrophs in the anterior lobe
phins themselves and the effect of the ovarian hormones of the pituitary gland. Prolactin levels rise slightly at mid-
produced due to FSH and LH action on the ovaries. cycle but are still within the normal range and remain at
Oestrogen production increases in the first half of the similar levels during the luteal phase and tend to follow
cycle, then falls to about 60% of its follicular phase peak the changes in plasma oestradiol-17 β levels. Prolactin
following ovulation, and a second peak occurs in the luteal tends to control its own secretion predominantly through
phase. Progesterone levels are low prior to ovulation but a short-loop feedback system on the hypothalamus, which
then become elevated throughout most of the luteal phase. produces the prolactin-inhibiting factor, dopamine. Oes-
These features are shown in Fig. 2.5. trogen appears to stimulate prolactin release in addition to

Descargado para DIANA ESTEFANY VARAS MAGUIÑA ( en Universidad Cesar Vallejo de por Elsevier en septiembre 04,
2020. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Section |  1 | Essential reproductive science

the release of various neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, with only the dominant follicle then getting enough FSH
noradrenaline (norepinephrine), morphine and enkepha- to continue further development. At the same time, FSH
lins, by a central action on the brain. Antagonists to dopa- stimulates receptors for LH.
mine such as phenothiazine, reserpine and methyltyrosine LH stimulates the process of ovulation, the reactiva-
also stimulate the release of prolactin, whereas dopamine tion of meiosis I and sustains the development of the cor-
agonists such as bromocriptine and cabergoline have the pus luteum; receptors for LH are found in the theca and
opposite effect. granulosa cells and in the corpus luteum. There is a close
interaction between FSH and LH in follicular growth and
maturation. The corpus luteum produces oestrogen and
Hyperprolactinaemia prevents ovulation by an
inhibitory effect on hypothalamic GnRH production progesterone until it begins to deteriorate in the late luteal
and release and is an important cause of secondary phase (see Fig. 2.4). 
amenorrhoea and infertility.

The endometrial cycle

The action of gonadotrophins
FSH stimulates follicular growth and development and The normal endometrium responds in a cyclical manner
binds exclusively to granulosa cells in the growing follicle. to the fluctuations in ovarian steroids. The endometrium
Of the 30 or so follicles that begin to mature in each men- consists of three zones, and it is the two outer zones that are
strual cycle, one becomes pre-eminent and is called the shed during menstruation (Fig. 2.6).
dominant follicle. The granulosa cells produce oestrogen, The basal zone (zona basalis) is the thin layer of the com-
which feeds back on the pituitary to suppress FSH release, pact stroma that interdigitates with the myometrium and

$ %


Fig. 2.6  Cyclical changes in the normal menstrual cycle. (A) Proliferative phase. (B) Mid-luteal phase. (C) Menstrual phase.

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2020. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
  Conception and implantation Chapter |  2 |

shows little response to hormonal change. It is not shed again. During this phase, the endometrial glands be-
at the time of menstruation. The next adjacent zone (zona come convoluted and ‘saw-toothed’ in appearance. The
spongiosa) contains the endometrial glands, which are lined epithelial cells exhibit basal vacuolation, and by the
by columnar epithelial cells surrounded by loose stroma. mid-luteal phase (about day 20 of a 28-day cycle), there
The surface of the endometrium is covered by a compact is visible secretion in these cells. The secretion subse-
layer of epithelial cells (zona compacta) that surrounds the quently becomes inspissated and, as menstruation ap-
ostia of the endometrial glands. The endometrial cycle is proaches, there is oedema of the stroma and a pseudo-
divided into four phases: decidual reaction. Within 2 days of menstruation, there
1. Menstrual phase. This occupies the first 4 days of the cy- is infiltration of the stroma by leukocytes.
cle and results in shedding of the outer two layers of the It is now clear that luteinization of the follicle can
endometrium. The onset of menstruation is preceded occur in the absence of the release of the oocyte, which
by segmental vasoconstriction of the spiral arterioles. may remain entrapped in the follicle. This condition is
This leads to necrosis and shedding of the functional described as entrapped ovulation or luteinized unruptured
layers of the endometrium. The vascular changes are follicle (LUF) syndrome and is associated with normal pro-
associated with a fall in both oestrogen and progester- gesterone production and an apparently normal ovulatory
one levels, but the mechanism by which these vascular cycle. Histological examination of the endometrium gen-
changes are mediated is still not understood. What is erally enables precise dating of the menstrual cycle and is
clear clinically is that the menstruation due to the shed- particularly important in providing presumptive evidence
ding of the outer layers of the endometrium occurs of ovulation. 
whether oestrogen or progesterone, or both, fall, with
the loss generally being less if both the oestrogen and
progesterone levels fall (as at the end of an ovulatory Production of sperm
cycle), and heavier when only the oestrogen level falls
(as in an anovulatory cycle).
2. Phase of repair. This phase extends from day 4 to day 7
and is associated with the formation of a new capillary The testis combines the dual function of spermatogenesis
bed arising from the arterial coils and with the regenera- and androgen secretion. FSH is predominantly responsible
tion of the epithelial surface. for stimulation of spermatogenesis and LH for the stimula-
3. Follicular or proliferative phase. This is the period of tion of Leydig cells and the production of testosterone.
maximal growth of the endometrium and is associated The full maturation of spermatozoa takes about 64–70
with elongation and expansion of the glands and with days (Fig. 2.7). All phases of maturation can be seen in the
stromal development. This phase extends from day 7 testis. Mitotic proliferation produces large numbers of cells
until the day of ovulation (generally day 14 of the cy- (called spermatogonia) after puberty until late in life. These
cle). spermatogonia are converted to spermatocytes within the
4. Luteal or secretory phase. This follows ovulation and testis, and then the first meiotic division commences. As in
continues until 14 days later when menstruation starts the female, during this phase, chromatid exchange occurs,

≡ 64 days
Spermatogonia 2N diploid 2N haploid 1N haploid
Diploid Diploid Primary Secondary Spermatids Spermatozoon
FSH spermatocyte spermatocyte

Mitotic First meiotic Second meiotic

division division division Spermiogenesis

42 days 22 days

Fig. 2.7  The maturation cycle of spermatozoa.

Descargado para DIANA ESTEFANY VARAS MAGUIÑA ( en Universidad Cesar Vallejo de por Elsevier en septiembre 04,
2020. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Section |  1 | Essential reproductive science

resulting in all gametes being different despite coming from the vas deferens and the bulbourethral glands. There is a
the same original cell. Spermatocytes and spermatids are high concentration of fructose, which is the major source of
produced from the spermatogonia. Spermatozoa are finally energy for the spermatozoa. The plasma also contains high
produced and released into the lumen of the seminiferous concentrations of amino acids, particularly glutamic acid,
tubules and then into the vas deferens. At the time of this and several unique amines such as spermine and spermidine.
final release, meiosis II has been completed. Full capacitation Seminal plasma also contains high concentrations of
of the sperm, to enable fertilization to occur, is not achieved prostaglandins, which have a potent stimulatory effect on
until the sperm have passed through the epididymis and uterine musculature. Normal semen clots shortly after ejac-
seminal vesicles, augmented by a suitable endocrine envi- ulation but liquefies within 30 minutes through the action
ronment in the uterus or Fallopian tube and finally when the of fibrinolytic enzymes. 
spermatozoon becomes adherent to the oocyte. 

Structure of the spermatozoon Fertilization

The spermatozoon consists of a head, midpiece and tail
(Fig. 2.8). The head is flattened and ovoid in shape and is The process of fertilization involves the fusion of the male
covered by the acrosomal cap, which contains several lysins. and female gametes to produce the diploid genetic comple-
The nucleus is densely packed with the genetic mate- ment from the genes of both partners.
rial of the sperm. The midpiece contains two centrioles,
proximal and distal, which form the beginning of the tail.
The distal centriole is vestigial in mature spermatozoa but
Sperm transport
is functional in the spermatid. The body contains a coiled Following the deposition of semen near the cervical os,
helix of mitochondria that provides the ‘powerhouse’ for migration occurs rapidly into the cervical mucus. The speed
sperm motility. of this migration depends on the presence of receptive mucus
The tail consists of a central core of two longitudinal in mid-cycle. During the luteal phase, the mucus is not recep-
fibres surrounded by nine pairs of fibres that terminate at tive to sperm invasion and, therefore, very few spermatozoa
various points until a single ovoid filament remains. These reach the uterine cavity. Under favourable circumstances,
contractile fibres propel the spermatozoa.  sperm migrate at a rate of 6 mm/min. This is much faster
than could be explained by the motility of the sperm and
must therefore also be dependent on active support within
Seminal plasma the uterine cavity. Only motile spermatozoa reach the fim-
Spermatozoa carry little nutritional reserve and therefore briated end of the tube, where fertilization occurs. 
depend on seminal plasma for nutritional support. Seminal
plasma originates from the prostate, the seminal vesicles,
During their passage through the Fallopian tubes, the
sperm undergo the final stage in maturation (capacitation),
which enables penetration of the zona pellucida. It seems
likely that these changes are enzyme induced, and enzymes
Head Acrosomal cap
such as β-amylase or β-glucuronidase may act on the mem-
branes of the spermatozoa to expose receptor sites involved
in sperm penetration. In addition, various other factors
that may be important in capacitation have been identi-
Neck Basal body
fied, such as the removal of cholesterol from the plasma
membrane and the presence of α- and β-adrenergic recep-
tors on the spermatozoa. Until recently, it was thought that
Mitochondrial capacitation occurred only in vivo in the Fallopian tubes.
Midpiece sheath
However, it can also be induced in vitro by apparently non-
specific effects of relatively simple culture solutions.
Annulus Inhibitory substances in the plasma of the cauda epidid-
ymis and in seminal plasma can prevent capacitation, and
Tail Fibrous sheath
these substances also exist in the lower reaches of the female
genital tract. It seems likely that these substances protect the
Fig. 2.8  Structure of the mature spermatozoon. sperm until shortly before fusion with the oocyte. 

Descargado para DIANA ESTEFANY VARAS MAGUIÑA ( en Universidad Cesar Vallejo de por Elsevier en septiembre 04,
2020. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
  Conception and implantation Chapter |  2 |

as syngamy (see Fig. 2.9B, C) and is followed almost imme-

diately by the first cleavage division.
Spermatozoon During the 36 hours after fertilization, the conceptus
is transported through the tube by muscular peristaltic
Zona pellucida action. The zygote undergoes cleavage and, at the 16-cell
stage, becomes a solid ball of cells known as a morula. A
A Nucleolus fluid-filled cavity develops within the morula to form the
blastocyst (Fig. 2.10). Six days after ovulation, the embryonic
pole of the blastocyst attaches itself to the endometrium,
usually near to the mid-portion of the uterine cavity. By the
seventh post-ovulatory day, the blastocyst has penetrated
deeply into the endometrium.
Spermatozoon Endometrial cells are destroyed by the cytotrophoblast,
and the cells are incorporated by fusion and phagocytosis
into the trophoblast. The endometrial stromal cells become
B large and pale; this is known as the decidual reaction.
The processes of fertilization and implantation are now

The physiology of coitus

Normal sexual arousal has been described in four levels

in both the male and the female. These levels consist of
excitement, plateau, orgasmic and resolution phases. In
the male, the excitement phase results in compression of the
venous channels of the penis, resulting in erection. This
is mediated through the parasympathetic plexus through
S2 and S3. During the plateau phase, the penis remains
engorged and the testes increase in size, with elevation of
the testes and scrotum. Secretion from the bulbourethral
Fig. 2.9  (A) Adherence of the sperm to the oocyte initiates the glands results in the appearance of a clear fluid at the ure-
acrosome reaction. (B, C) Syngamy involves the passage of the thral meatus. These changes are accompanied by general
nucleus of the sperm head into the cytoplasm of the oocyte systemic features, including increased skeletal muscle ten-
with the formation of the zygote. sion, hyperventilation and tachycardia.

Erectile dysfunction may result from neurological

Fertilization and implantation
damage to the spinal cord or the brain and is seen
Only a small number of spermatozoa reach the oocyte in as a result of spina bifida, multiple sclerosis and diabetic
the ampulla of the tube and surround the zona pellucida. neuropathy. However, over 200 prescription drugs are
The adherence of the sperm to the oocyte initiates the acro- known to cause impotence, and these account for some
some reaction, which involves the loss of plasma membrane 25% of all cases. Recreational drugs such as alcohol,
over the acrosomal cap (Fig. 2.9A). nicotine, cocaine, marijuana and LSD may also cause
The process allows the release of lytic enzymes, which impotence; however, this can usually be improved by the
facilitate penetration of the oocyte membrane. Generally, male taking the pharmacological preparation sildenafil
only one sperm head fuses with the oocyte plasma mem- citrate (Viagra). Sexual stimulation causes local release
brane, and by phagocytosis the sperm head and midpiece of nitric oxide. Inhibition of phosphor diesterase type
5 (PDE5) results in increased levels of cyclic guanosine
are engulfed into the oocyte.
monophosphate (cGMP) in the corpus cavernosum.
The sperm head decondenses to form the male pro-
This leads to smooth muscle relaxation and inflow of
nucleus and eventually becomes apposed to the female
blood to the corpus cavernosum, causing the erection.
pronucleus in the female egg to form the zygote. The mem- Hence the drug has no effect in the absence of sexual
branes of the pronuclei break down to facilitate the fusion stimulation.
of male and female chromosomes. This process is known
Descargado para DIANA ESTEFANY VARAS MAGUIÑA ( en Universidad Cesar Vallejo de por Elsevier en septiembre 04,
2020. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Section |  1 | Essential reproductive science


6th day

Blastocyst Ovum

Fig. 2.10  Stages of development from fertilization to implantation.

The orgasmic phase is induced by stimulation of the glans vaginal blood flow. During orgasm, the clitoris retracts
penis and by movement of penile skin on the penile shaft. below the pubic symphysis and a succession of contrac-
There are reflex contractions of the bulbocavernosus and tions occurs in the vaginal walls and pelvic floor approx-
ischiocavernosus muscles and ejaculation of semen in a imately every second for several seconds. At the same
series of spurts. Specific musculoskeletal activity occurs that time, there is an increase in pulse rate, hyperventilation
is characterized by penile thrusting. The systemic changes and specific skeletal muscular contractions. Blood pres-
of hyperventilation and rapid respiration persist. sure rises, and there is some diminution in the level of
Seminal emission depends on the sympathetic nervous awareness. Both intravaginal and intrauterine pressures
system. Expulsion of semen is brought about by contrac- rise during orgasm.
tion of smooth muscle within the seminal vesicles, ejacula- The plateau phase may be sustained in the female and
tory ducts and prostate. result in multiple orgasms. Following orgasm, resolution of
During the resolution phase, penile erection rapidly sub- the congestion of the pelvic organs occurs rapidly, although
sides, as do the hyperventilation and tachycardia. There is a the tachycardia and hypertension, accompanied by a sweat-
marked sweating reaction in some 30–40% of individuals. ing reaction, may persist.
During this phase, the male becomes refractory to further Factors that determine human sexuality are far more
stimulation. The plateau phase may be prolonged if ejacu- complex than the simple process of arousal by clitoral or
lation does not occur. penile stimulation. Although the frequency of intercourse
In the female, the excitement phase involves nipple and orgasm declines with age, this is in part mediated by
and clitoral erection, vaginal lubrication (resulting partly loss of interest by the partners. The female remains capable
from vaginal transudation and partly from secretions of orgasm until late in life, but her behaviour is substan-
from Bartholin’s glands), thickening and congestion of tially determined by the interest of the male partner. Sexual
the labia majora and the labia minora and engorgement interest and performance also decline with age in the male,
of the uterus. Stimulation of the clitoris and the labia and the older male requires more time to achieve excite-
results in progression to the orgasmic platform, with nar- ment and erection. Ejaculation may become less frequent
rowing of the outer third of the vagina and ballooning and forceful.
of the vaginal vault. The vaginal walls become congested Common sexual problems are discussed in Chapter 19.
and purplish in colour, and there is a marked increase in

Descargado para DIANA ESTEFANY VARAS MAGUIÑA ( en Universidad Cesar Vallejo de por Elsevier en septiembre 04,
2020. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
  Conception and implantation Chapter |  2 |

Essential information

Oogenesis Seminal plasma

• Primordial germ cells appear in the yolk sac • Originates from the prostate, seminal vesicles and
• By 20 weeks, there are 7 million oogonia bulbourethral glands
• Number of oocytes falls to 1 million by birth • High concentration of fructose provides energy for sperm
• Number falls to about 0.4 million by puberty motility
• Chromosome number in gametes is half that of normal • High concentration of prostaglandins 
• Primary oocyte remains in suspended prophase for Sperm transport
10–50 years • Rapid migration into receptive cervical mucus
• The second meiotic division commences as the ovum • Sperm migrate at 6 mm/min
enters the tube  • Only motile sperm reach the fimbriated ends of the
Follicular development in the ovary
• Most ova never reach advanced maturity, and about 800 Capacitation
are lost each month • Final sperm maturation occurs during passage through
• Aggregation of stromal cells around follicles become the oviduct
thecal cells • Inhibitory substances produced in caudoepididymis and
• Innermost layers of granulosa cells form the corona in seminal plasma 
• After ovulation, the corpus luteum is formed  Fertilization
• Small number of sperm reaches oocyte
Hormonal events and ovulation • Adherence of sperm initiates the acrosome reaction
• FSH stimulates follicular growth • Sperm head fuses with oocyte plasma membrane
• FSH stimulates LH receptor development • Sperm head and midpiece engulfed into oocyte
• LH stimulates ovulation and stimulates and sustains • Fusion of male and female chromosomes is known as
development of the corpus luteum syngamy
• Follicles produce oestrogen • Thirty-six hours after fertilization, the morula is formed
• Corpus luteum produces oestrogen and progesterone  • Six days after fertilization, implantation occurs 

The endometrial cycle Physiology of coitus

• Menstrual phase – shedding of functional layer of • Penile erection results from compression of venous
endometrium channels
• Phase of repair – day 4–7 of cycle • Ejaculation mediated by contractions of bulbocavernosus
• Follicular phase – maximum period of growth of and ischiocavernosus
endometrial glands due to oestrogen • Female excitation results in nipple and clitoral erection
• Luteal phase – ‘saw-toothed’ glands, pseudodecidual • Lubrication comes from vaginal transudation, Bartholin’s
reaction in stroma  glands secretions
• Orgasm results in clitoral retraction and contractions of
Spermatogenesis pelvic floor muscles
• Full maturation takes 64–70 days
• Mature sperm arise from haploid spermatids 

Structure of spermatozoon
• Head is covered by acrosomal cap
• Body contains helix of mitochondria
• Tail consists of two longitudinal fibres and nine pairs of

Descargado para DIANA ESTEFANY VARAS MAGUIÑA ( en Universidad Cesar Vallejo de por Elsevier en septiembre 04,
2020. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

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