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Assignment For HRM

Human Resource Management Case In


RSIOM Batch (22)
(1) Phyo Phyo Than
(2) Yi Mon Mya Thwin

1) About the Human Resource Management

2) Essential of HRM in Organization

3) Case History

4) Abstract from Case

a) Organization Structure

b) Job Description

c) Sexual Harassment

d) Leadership Ethic

e) Gender Discrimination

5) Conclusion

What is the Human Resource Management?

Human resource management (HRM or HR) is the strategic approach to the effective
management of people in a company or organization such that they help their business
gain a competitive advantage. It is designed to maximize employee performance in service
of an employer's strategic objectives. [need quotation to verify] Human resource
management is primarily concerned with the management of people within organizations,
focusing on policies and systems. HR departments are responsible for overseeing
employee-benefits design, employee recruitment, training and development, performance
appraisal, and reward management, such as managing pay and benefit systems. HR also
concerns itself with organizational change and industrial relations, or the balancing of
organizational practices with requirements arising from collective bargaining and
governmental laws. [need quotation to verify]

The overall purpose of human resources (HR) is to ensure that the organization is able to
achieve success through people. HR professionals manage the human capital of an
organization and focus on implementing policies and processes. They can specialize in
finding, recruiting, training, and developing employees, as well as maintaining employee
relations or benefits. Training and development professionals ensure that employees are
trained and have continuous development. This is done through training programs,
performance evaluations, and reward programs. Employee relations deals with the
concerns of employees when policies are broken, such as cases involving harassment or
discrimination. Managing employee benefits includes developing compensation structures,
parental leave programs, discounts, and other benefits for employees. On the other side of
the field are HR generalists or business partners. These HR professionals could work in all
areas or be labor relations representatives working with unionized employees.

Essential of HRM in Organization

It is a source of strength and helps in achieving the goals of the organisation. Human
resources are the wealth of an organisation which assists the organisation to achieve its
goals. Human resource management (HRM) is concerned with the human beings in an
It reflects a new philosophy, outlook, approach and strategy which views organisation’s
manpower as its resources and assets. Human resources can be defined as the total
knowledge, abilities, skills, talents and aptitudes of an organisation’s workforce.
The values, ethics, attitudes, approaches and beliefs of the individuals operating in an
organisation also form a part of human resource. It is the sum total or aggregate of
inherent abilities, acquired knowledge and skills represented by the talents and aptitudes
of the persons working in an organisation.
In the present complex environment, no organisation or business can exist and grow
without proper human resources. This is, perhaps, the reason why human resources have
become focus of attention of all progressive organisations of today.

Case History.
Myanmar librarian died by suicide on Sunday (June 23) after being subjected to
homophobic bullying at his workplace. Kyaw Zin Win, 26, who had been working at
Yangon’s Myanmar Imperial University for more than one and a half years, shared a final
post on Facebook before he took his own life.The post included a homophobic comment
left by a library user that was purposely shown to Kyaw Zin Win by his colleague. It also
included screenshots from the messaging app Viber of his co-workers mocking him.
Addressing another staff member, one colleague wrote: “We should send him to the army
like you said.”Kyaw Zin Win, who had been sent hateful messages from anonymous
numbers, also revealed that a colleague forced him to admit he was gay once other staff
had left a meeting.“I bear it patiently, wishing it would end soon,” he wrote next to a
screenshot of abuse he had received.He criticised Myanmar for being a “country of people
with two faces” where you could not talk truth to authority.He was “terrified of the
people” and could no longer bear the bullying. Forgive me and remember me, he wrote to
his family.“I love you guys,” he wrote to his friends.Facebook users today have been
changing their profile photos to black circled with rainbow colours in memory of the
librarian. They are demanding his co-workers and Myanmar Imperial University be held
accountable.The university posted on its Facebook page that “we, Ko Phyo Maung and
Ma Poh, founders of MIU, university council and staff are very sorry about the tragic
event.”The founders offered assistance to Kyaw Zin Win’s family and would “analyse the
case” to check staff rules and regulations, stated the post.“Sorry cannot bring a person’s
life back,” replied one Facebook user. “Being one of the leading institutions in Myanmar,
you should set an example/standard to the society in managing this crisis. And obviously,
saying sorry and telling vaguely that you will take action are not enough.”The death of
Kyaw Zin Win has raised concerns about the situations LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender) people in Myanmar can encounter at their workplaces.Discrimination against
the LGBT community remains widespread in the country, where many believe being born
LGBT is punishment for sins committed in a past life.Gay characters in mainstream films
are ridiculed and stereotyped; many of them decide to become straight at the end of the
movie, feeding the notion that being LGBT is a choice.Article 377 of the colonial-era
Penal Code outlaws homosexual sex, forbidding ““carnal intercourse against the order of
nature.” Although rarely enforced, the article is still used to harass and persecute LGBT
Last night, deputy director of LGBT rights group Colors Rainbow, Hla Myat Tun, told an
audience during an LGBT documentary screening at the American Center of a local gay
man who had taken his own life in the face of homophobic abuse. An hour later, he was
“saddened and shocked” to hear of Kyaw Zin Win’s death. “It’s a very common story in
the workplace,” he told Myanmar Mix this morning. “Even though people do not know
what the law says, they think being homosexual is wrong. It’s something they really bully
and discriminate against. “We have to get rid of [Article 377] to promote equality among
the people of Myanmar. The policy makers and members of parliament should have
political will on homophobic issues.”

Abstract from Case,

There have 4 type of issue,

1)Organization Structure
As my concern the organization was not strong structure, In HR Rule and regulation.
Because of if they have strong structure for copying process are should do by Office
assistant, as librarian is needed to do only for his professional work. Every organization
should management not only the financial issue but also the organization structure.
2) Job Description
As we know the job description or JD is a written narrative that describes the general
tasks, or other related duties, and responsibilities of a position. ... The analysis considers
the areas of knowledge, skills and abilities needed to perform the job. In the above case for
librarian is need to handle for only library case and some visitor issue. And Its should
describe with full description. Not for general. But as per case he need to help for copy in
some paper copying process. As my understanding this case is depend on incomplete Job

3) Leadership Ethic
Honest, caring, and fair leadership—ethical leadership—and human resource
management (HRM) are powerful supports for employees’ sense of well-being. They can
also serve as substitutes for each other. For example, when ethical leadership is low, HRM
can step in and increase employee perceptions of support through communicating HR
practices and helping employees feel supported. Similarly, when well-communicated
HRM is lacking, ethical leadership helps employees feel supported by giving them a sense
of emotional and psychological safety. Employees who feel supported have adequate
psychological resources to reinvest their resources into the organization in the form
of organizational citizenship behaviors, which refers to going beyond formal job
In this case, Firstly HR manager was identified to the Liberian is the LGBT issue instead
of helping employee mind although he wants to hide the real life. And then abusing his
life in the viber group as politic. This is not suitable for HR manager ethic.

In this case , We have found the LGBT descrimination and sexual harassment in work
place that are intended to encourage to suicide for Kyaw Zin Win. And also Myanmar
culture is to impact this case that Transgender persons in Myanmar / Burma face
difficulties in all areas of society. Bullying in school, discrimination in the work place and
harassment are common. In popular culture, jokes are prevalent. As well as in Myanmar,
LGBT people are not accepted neither religiously or culturally. It is illegal to change the
gender you are assigned at birth. And Employment discrimination happens when an
employee  is treated unfavorably because of his or her race, skin color, national origin,
gender, disability, religion, or age. It is illegal to discriminate based on race, religion,
gender, or national original when hiring or in the workplace. Important- It is illegal to
discriminate in any facet of employment, so workplace discrimination extends beyond
hiring and firing to discrimination that can happen to someone who is currently employed.
The report discovered that the most common types of workplace bullying included being a
target of gossip, shouted at or cursed at by a supervisor, and being left out from work-
related activities.
The most common behaviour of workplace sexual harassment included being body
shamed, hearing jokes of sexual nature, and inappropriate hugging. Some employees have
voiced their concerns of such behaviours at workplace on social media.
The reported found that majority of the workers, who experienced bullying or sexual
harassment, stayed at their jobs but were disengaged and their work productivity
decreased below expected levels.
In this case, Kyaw Zin Win committed suicide by taking an overdose of sleeping pills as
he was harassed and bullied by his work colleagues for his sexual orientation. 
His suicide led to a public outcry and rights activists have called on the authority to
improve anti-discrimination regulation in workplaces.
In conclusion ,MIU university should perform to punish the bullying behaviors in work
place, while providing opportunities to educate their staffs about work place on
discrimination, based on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression and to be
aware that the knowledge of human right.

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